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[18/31] incubator-trafodion git commit: Copyright changes part 3 and cleanup work in dcs
diff --git a/core/conn/unixodbc/odbc/Krypton/odbcas.idl b/core/conn/unixodbc/odbc/Krypton/odbcas.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e5b725..0000000
--- a/core/conn/unixodbc/odbc/Krypton/odbcas.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-// PURPOSE: Describes the Tandem ODBC/MX ASSOCIATION services (AS).
-// Modification History
-// Rewrote all the method definitions since old definitions were not applicable
-//			with the new approach 
-#ifndef ASSOCSVC_H_
-#define ASSOCSVC_H_
-#include "odbcCommon.idl"
-#include "odbcsrvrcommon.idl"
-typedef struct DATASOURCE_STATUS_t
-	DS_AUTOMATION_def	DSAutomation;
-	short				defaultFlag;
-	long				DSState;
-	long				MaxSrvrCnt;
-	long				InitSrvrCnt;
-	long				AvailSrvrCnt;
-	long				StartAheadCnt;
-	long				CurrentSrvrRegistered;
-	long				CurrentSrvrConnected;
-	TIME_def			StateChangeTime;
-typedef struct SRVR_STATUS_t
-	long				srvrType;
-	IDL_OBJECT_def		srvrObjRef;
-	short				nodeId;
-	unsigned long		srvrProcessId;
-	char				processName[MAX_PROCESS_NAME_LEN];
-	long				srvrState;
-	char				computerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1];
-	unsigned long		clientProcessId;
-	string				userName;
-	string				windowText;
-	DIALOGUE_ID_def 	dialogueId;
-	TIME_def			lastUpdatedTime;
-	VERSION_def			srvrVersion;	
-typedef struct AS_CFG_STATUS_t
-	short ASNodeId;
-	long ASProcessId;
-	long ASSrvrState;
-	char ASProcessName[MAX_PROCESS_NAME_LEN];
-	IDL_OBJECT_def ASSrvrObjRef;
-	TIME_def ASLastUpdatedTime;
-	VERSION_def		ASVersion;
-	short CfgNodeId;
-	long CfgProcessId;
-	long CfgSrvrState;
-	char CfgProcessName[MAX_PROCESS_NAME_LEN];
-	IDL_OBJECT_def CfgSrvrObjRef;
-  	TIME_def CfgLastUpdatedTime;
-	VERSION_def		CfgVersion;	
-typedef sequence<SRVR_STATUS_def> SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def;
-module odbcas {
-#define AS_uuid ((UUID_def) "9101c0ac-e07a-11d0-a543-0060b01ad6ae")
-// note clusterNm is unused but defined in the hopes that Tandem will
-// start providing the cluster its own identify 
-interface ASSvc 
-	{                  
-	exception ASParamError {string ErrorText;};
-	exception ASTimeout {string ErrorText;};
-	exception ASNoSrvrHdl {};
-	exception ASRejectRegistry{string ErrorText;};
-    exception ASRegistryFailed{};
-	exception ASTryAgain{};
-    exception ASStateChangeError{string ErrorText;};
-	exception SQLError {ERROR_DESC_LIST_def errorList;};
-	exception PortNotAvailable {};
-	exception DSNotFound {};
-	exception DSAlreadyStopped {};
-	exception DSAlreadyStarted {} ;
-	exception DSStateChangeError {};
-	exception ProcessStopError {};
-	exception ASNotAvailable {string ErrorText;};
-	exception DSNotAvailable {string ErrorText;};
-	exception SrvrNotFound {};
-	exception SrvrInUseByAnotherClient{};
-	exception InvalidUser{};
-	exception SrvrCreateError{};
-	exception CfgSrvrFailed{};
-	exception LogonUserFailure{long errorCode;};
-	exception TraceAlreadyEnabled {};
-	exception TraceAlreadyDisabled {} ;
-	exception TraceEnableError {};
-	exception TraceDisableError {};
-    void RegProcess (
-		 in  VERSION_def			intfVersion,
-		 in  long					srvrType,
-		 in	 IDL_OBJECT_def			srvrObjRef,
-		 in  PROCESS_ID_def			nskProcessInfo,
-		 out SRVR_CONTEXT_def		srvrContext)
-     raises (ASParamError,
-			ASTimeout,
-			ASRegistryFailed,
-			ASRejectRegistry);
-	// RetryCount will determine if the connection request is coming from the
-	// same client or it is a new client, to decide if the association server need
-	// to start a new server when needed.
-	// datasource is the datasource to which the client is connected.
-	void GetObjRefHdl(
-	    in  CONNECTION_CONTEXT_def  inContext,
-		in  USER_DESC_def			userDesc,
-		in	long					srvrType,
-		in	short					retryCount,
-		out IDL_OBJECT_def			srvrObjRef,
-		out DIALOGUE_ID_def			dialogueId,
-		out SQL_IDENTIFIER_def		dataSource,
-		out	USER_SID_def			userSid,
-		out	VERSION_LIST_def		versionList)
-	raises (ASParamError, 
-			ASTimeout,
-			ASNoSrvrHdl,
-			ASTryAgain,
-			ASNotAvailable,
-			DSNotAvailable,
-			PortNotAvailable,
-			InvalidUser,
-			LogonUserFailure);
-	void UpdateSrvrState (
-		in	long	srvrType,
-		in	IDL_OBJECT_def	srvrObjRef,
-		in  long	srvrState,
-		out long	TraceType,
-		out long	StatisticsType,
-		out long	ContextType,
-		out SRVR_CONTEXT_def srvrContext)
-	raises (ASParamError,
-			ASTimeout,
-			ASStateChangeError);
-	void SrvrMonitorCall(in long srvrType,
-						in IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef,
-						in long DSId);
-	void StartAS (out ERROR_DESC_LIST_def sqlWarning) 
-		raises (ASParamError, DSAlreadyStarted, DSStateChangeError, PortNotAvailable, 
-				SQLError, ASTryAgain, SrvrCreateError, CfgSrvrFailed);
-	void StopAS (in long StopType,
-				in string ReasonText)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSStateChangeError, ProcessStopError);
-	void StartDS(in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName,
-				 out ERROR_DESC_LIST_def sqlWarning)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound, DSAlreadyStarted, DSStateChangeError, PortNotAvailable, 
-				SQLError, SrvrCreateError);
-	void StopDS(in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName,
-				in long StopType,
-				in string ReasonText)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound, DSAlreadyStopped, DSStateChangeError, ProcessStopError);
-	void StatusAS(out AS_CFG_STATUS_def AsCfgStatus);
-	void StatusDS (in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName,
-					out DATASOURCE_STATUS_def DSStatus)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound);
-	void StatusDSDetail (in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName,
-						out SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def srvrListStatus)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound, ASNotAvailable, DSNotAvailable);
-	void StatusSrvrAll (out SRVR_STATUS_LIST_def srvrListStatus)
-		raises (ASParamError, ASNotAvailable);
-	void StopSrvr(in DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId,
-				  in long	srvrType,
-				  in IDL_OBJECT_def	srvrObjRef,
-				  in long StopType)
-		raises (ASParamError, ASNotAvailable, SrvrNotFound, SrvrInUseByAnotherClient, ProcessStopError);
-	void StatusDSAll (out DATASOURCE_STATUS_LIST_def DSListStatus)
-		raises (ASParamError);
-	// Initially thought this method should be 'DoIDie' 
-	// wanted an optimistic method name. 'ShouldILive' Still didn't sound right
-	// and hence 'WouldLikeToLive'
-	void WouldLikeToLive (in long	srvrType,
-						in IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef,
-						out long lifePermit)
-		raises (ASParamError);
-// for testing AS
-	void SetTestPoint(
-			in DIALOGUE_ID_def		dialogueId,
-			in short				TestPoint,
-			in unsigned long	    Operation)
-			raises (ASParamError);
-	void ClearTestPoint(
-			in DIALOGUE_ID_def		dialogueId,
-			in short				TestPoint,
-			in unsigned short		Operation)
-			raises (ASParamError);
-	void DataSourceConfigChanged ( in IDL_OBJECT_def dataSourceName,
-						in long dataSourceOperation, in long dataSourceOperationValue)
-		raises (ASParamError);
-// General Parameter Interface
-	void GeneralParam(
-			in GEN_ParamList_def	paramList)
-			raises (ASParamError);
-	void EnableTrace(in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName, in DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId, in IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef, in long traceType)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound, DSAlreadyStopped, TraceAlreadyEnabled, TraceEnableError);
-	void DisableTrace(in SQL_IDENTIFIER_def DSName, in DIALOGUE_ID_def dialogueId, in IDL_OBJECT_def srvrObjRef, in long traceType)
-		raises (ASParamError, DSNotFound, DSAlreadyStopped, TraceAlreadyDisabled, TraceDisableError);
-	void GetVersionAS(out VPROC_def ASVersion);
-    };  // end of interface ASSvc
\ No newline at end of file