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Posted to by Justin Bakke <> on 2001/06/21 20:24:08 UTC

New to tomcat, dealing with config issues

I am using Tomcat 3.2.2 on RedHat 7.0.

I am using Tomcat as a standalone application.  I am confused by all of
the JSERV directives in the conf/xml/properties files as well as all of
the default examples/ROOT/admin servlets and jsp pages.

I would like to install (or be able to remove parts) Tomcat without any
of the default examples, mapping (such as the /servlet/*), etc.

Let's say my web application is called Foo (and I have a directory by
that name in TOMCAT_HOME).  I have the necessary WEB-INF directory under

Foo along with web.xml and all of my other files.  So, what I want is to

be able to start Tomcat and have it serve this one and only application,

with ZERO defaults (especially any jserv crap).

Is there a way to do this?

Thank you in advance.