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[11/25] incubator-s2graph git commit: add FastTextFetcher.

add FastTextFetcher.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 54c56c36a04864c101b196180359eb357f5ca030
Parents: 08a80cd
Author: DO YUNG YOON <>
Authored: Fri May 4 16:51:11 2018 +0900
Committer: DO YUNG YOON <>
Committed: Fri May 4 16:51:11 2018 +0900

 project/Common.scala                            |   2 +
 s2core/build.sbt                                |   2 +-
 .../s2graph/core/model/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala  | 128 ------------
 .../core/model/annoy/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala    | 115 +++++++++++
 .../s2graph/core/model/fasttext/CopyModel.scala | 122 ++++++++++++
 .../s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastText.scala  | 194 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../core/model/fasttext/FastTextArgs.scala      | 119 ++++++++++++
 .../core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcher.scala   |  48 +++++
 .../apache/s2graph/core/model/FetcherTest.scala |   3 +-
 .../model/fasttext/FastTextFetcherTest.scala    |  60 ++++++
 .../custom/process/ALSModelProcessTest.scala    |   6 +-
 11 files changed, 666 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/project/Common.scala b/project/Common.scala
index 04279f4..08552a8 100644
--- a/project/Common.scala
+++ b/project/Common.scala
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ object Common {
   val KafkaVersion = ""
+  val rocksVersion = "5.11.3"
   val annoy4sVersion = "0.6.0"
   val tensorflowVersion = "1.7.0"
diff --git a/s2core/build.sbt b/s2core/build.sbt
index bd84c37..cfc32d6 100644
--- a/s2core/build.sbt
+++ b/s2core/build.sbt
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
   "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-hdfs" % hadoopVersion ,
   "org.apache.lucene" % "lucene-core" % "6.6.0",
   "org.apache.lucene" % "lucene-queryparser" % "6.6.0",
-  "org.rocksdb" % "rocksdbjni" % "5.8.0",
+  "org.rocksdb" % "rocksdbjni" % rocksVersion,
   "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-java8-compat" % "0.8.0",
   "com.sksamuel.elastic4s" %% "elastic4s-core" % elastic4sVersion excludeLogging(),
   "com.sksamuel.elastic4s" %% "elastic4s-http" % elastic4sVersion excludeLogging(),
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2a40c..0000000
--- a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.s2graph.core.model
-import annoy4s.Converters.KeyConverter
-import annoy4s._
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import org.apache.s2graph.core._
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.AnnoyModelFetcher.IndexFilePathKey
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.VertexId
-import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
-object AnnoyModelFetcher {
-  val IndexFilePathKey = "annoyIndexFilePath"
-  val DictFilePathKey = "annoyDictFilePath"
-  val DimensionKey = "annoyIndexDimension"
-  val IndexTypeKey = "annoyIndexType"
-  //  def loadDictFromLocal(file: File): Map[Int, String] = {
-  //    val files = if (file.isDirectory) {
-  //      file.listFiles()
-  //    } else {
-  //      Array(file)
-  //    }
-  //
-  //    files.flatMap { file =>
-  //      Source.fromFile(file).getLines().zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (line, _idx) =>
-  //        val tokens = line.stripMargin.split(",")
-  //        try {
-  //          val tpl = if (tokens.length < 2) {
-  //            (tokens.head.toInt, tokens.head)
-  //          } else {
-  //            (tokens.head.toInt, tokens.tail.head)
-  //          }
-  //          Seq(tpl)
-  //        } catch {
-  //          case e: Exception => Nil
-  //        }
-  //      }
-  //    }.toMap
-  //  }
-  def buildAnnoy4s[T](indexPath: String)(implicit converter: KeyConverter[T]): Annoy[T] = {
-    Annoy.load[T](indexPath)
-  }
-  //  def buildIndex(indexPath: String,
-  //                 dictPath: String,
-  //                 dimension: Int,
-  //                 indexType: IndexType): ANNIndexWithDict = {
-  //    val dict = loadDictFromLocal(new File(dictPath))
-  //    val index = new ANNIndex(dimension, indexPath, indexType)
-  //
-  //    ANNIndexWithDict(index, dict)
-  //  }
-  //
-  //  def buildIndex(config: Config): ANNIndexWithDict = {
-  //    val indexPath = config.getString(IndexFilePathKey)
-  //    val dictPath = config.getString(DictFilePathKey)
-  //
-  //    val dimension = config.getInt(DimensionKey)
-  //    val indexType = Try { config.getString(IndexTypeKey) }
-  //
-  //    buildIndex(indexPath, dictPath, dimension, indexType)
-  //  }
-//case class ANNIndexWithDict(index: ANNIndex, dict: Map[Int, String]) {
-//  val dictRev = => kv._2 -> kv._1)
-class AnnoyModelFetcher(val graph: S2GraphLike) extends Fetcher {
-  val builder = graph.elementBuilder
-  //  var model: ANNIndexWithDict = _
-  var model: Annoy[String] = _
-  override def init(config: Config)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Fetcher] = {
-    Future {
-      model = AnnoyModelFetcher.buildAnnoy4s(config.getString(IndexFilePathKey))
-      //        AnnoyModelFetcher.buildIndex(config)
-      this
-    }
-  }
-  /** Fetch **/
-  override def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
-                       prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[StepResult]] = {
-    val stepResultLs = { queryRequest =>
-      val vertex = queryRequest.vertex
-      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
-      val edgeWithScores = model.query(vertex.innerId.toIdString(), queryParam.limit).getOrElse(Nil).map { case (tgtId, score) =>
-        val tgtVertexId = builder.newVertexId(queryParam.label.service,
-          queryParam.label.tgtColumnWithDir(queryParam.labelWithDir.dir), tgtId)
-        val edge = graph.toEdge(vertex.innerId.value, tgtVertexId.innerId.value, queryParam.labelName, queryParam.direction)
-        EdgeWithScore(edge, score, queryParam.label)
-      }
-      StepResult(edgeWithScores, Nil, Nil)
-      //
-      //      val srcIndexOpt = model.dictRev.get(vertex.innerId.toIdString())
-      //
-      // { srcIdx =>
-      //        val srcVector = model.index.getItemVector(srcIdx)
-      //        val nns = model.index.getNearest(srcVector, queryParam.limit).asScala
-      //
-      //        val edges = { tgtIdx =>
-      //          val tgtVertexId = builder.newVertexId(queryParam.label.service,
-      //            queryParam.label.tgtColumnWithDir(queryParam.labelWithDir.dir), model.dict(tgtIdx))
-      //
-      //          graph.toEdge(vertex.innerId.value, tgtVertexId.innerId.value, queryParam.labelName, queryParam.direction)
-      //        }
-      //        val edgeWithScores = => EdgeWithScore(e, 1.0, queryParam.label))
-      //        StepResult(edgeWithScores, Nil, Nil)
-      //      }.getOrElse(StepResult.Empty)
-    }
-    Future.successful(stepResultLs)
-  }
-  override def close(): Unit = {
-    // do clean up
-  }
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/annoy/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/annoy/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4e2aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/annoy/AnnoyModelFetcher.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.annoy
+import annoy4s.Converters.KeyConverter
+import annoy4s._
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
+import org.apache.s2graph.core._
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.VertexId
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+object AnnoyModelFetcher {
+  val IndexFilePathKey = "annoyIndexFilePath"
+  val DictFilePathKey = "annoyDictFilePath"
+  val DimensionKey = "annoyIndexDimension"
+  val IndexTypeKey = "annoyIndexType"
+  //  def loadDictFromLocal(file: File): Map[Int, String] = {
+  //    val files = if (file.isDirectory) {
+  //      file.listFiles()
+  //    } else {
+  //      Array(file)
+  //    }
+  //
+  //    files.flatMap { file =>
+  //      Source.fromFile(file).getLines().zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (line, _idx) =>
+  //        val tokens = line.stripMargin.split(",")
+  //        try {
+  //          val tpl = if (tokens.length < 2) {
+  //            (tokens.head.toInt, tokens.head)
+  //          } else {
+  //            (tokens.head.toInt, tokens.tail.head)
+  //          }
+  //          Seq(tpl)
+  //        } catch {
+  //          case e: Exception => Nil
+  //        }
+  //      }
+  //    }.toMap
+  //  }
+  def buildAnnoy4s[T](indexPath: String)(implicit converter: KeyConverter[T]): Annoy[T] = {
+    Annoy.load[T](indexPath)
+  }
+  //  def buildIndex(indexPath: String,
+  //                 dictPath: String,
+  //                 dimension: Int,
+  //                 indexType: IndexType): ANNIndexWithDict = {
+  //    val dict = loadDictFromLocal(new File(dictPath))
+  //    val index = new ANNIndex(dimension, indexPath, indexType)
+  //
+  //    ANNIndexWithDict(index, dict)
+  //  }
+  //
+  //  def buildIndex(config: Config): ANNIndexWithDict = {
+  //    val indexPath = config.getString(IndexFilePathKey)
+  //    val dictPath = config.getString(DictFilePathKey)
+  //
+  //    val dimension = config.getInt(DimensionKey)
+  //    val indexType = Try { config.getString(IndexTypeKey) }
+  //
+  //    buildIndex(indexPath, dictPath, dimension, indexType)
+  //  }
+//case class ANNIndexWithDict(index: ANNIndex, dict: Map[Int, String]) {
+//  val dictRev = => kv._2 -> kv._1)
+class AnnoyModelFetcher(val graph: S2GraphLike) extends Fetcher {
+  import AnnoyModelFetcher._
+  val builder = graph.elementBuilder
+  //  var model: ANNIndexWithDict = _
+  var model: Annoy[String] = _
+  override def init(config: Config)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Fetcher] = {
+    Future {
+      model = AnnoyModelFetcher.buildAnnoy4s(config.getString(IndexFilePathKey))
+      //        AnnoyModelFetcher.buildIndex(config)
+      this
+    }
+  }
+  /** Fetch **/
+  override def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
+                       prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[StepResult]] = {
+    val stepResultLs = { queryRequest =>
+      val vertex = queryRequest.vertex
+      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
+      val edgeWithScores = model.query(vertex.innerId.toIdString(), queryParam.limit).getOrElse(Nil).map { case (tgtId, score) =>
+        val tgtVertexId = builder.newVertexId(queryParam.label.service,
+          queryParam.label.tgtColumnWithDir(queryParam.labelWithDir.dir), tgtId)
+        val props: Map[String, Any] = if (queryParam.label.metaPropsInvMap.contains("score")) Map("score" -> score) else Map.empty
+        val edge = graph.toEdge(vertex.innerId.value, tgtVertexId.innerId.value, queryParam.labelName, queryParam.direction, props = props)
+        EdgeWithScore(edge, score, queryParam.label)
+      }
+      StepResult(edgeWithScores, Nil, Nil)
+    }
+    Future.successful(stepResultLs)
+  }
+  override def close(): Unit = {
+    // do clean up
+    model.close
+  }
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/CopyModel.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/CopyModel.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e36c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/CopyModel.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext
+import{BufferedInputStream, FileInputStream, InputStream}
+import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
+import java.util
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext.fasttext.FastTextArgs
+import org.rocksdb._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+object CopyModel {
+  def writeArgs(db: RocksDB, handle: ColumnFamilyHandle, args: FastTextArgs): Unit = {
+    val wo = new WriteOptions().setDisableWAL(true).setSync(false)
+    db.put(handle, wo, "args".getBytes("UTF-8"), args.serialize)
+    wo.close()
+    println("done                                                      ")
+  }
+  def writeVocab(is: InputStream, db: RocksDB,
+                 vocabHandle: ColumnFamilyHandle, labelHandle: ColumnFamilyHandle, args: FastTextArgs): Unit = {
+    val wo = new WriteOptions().setDisableWAL(true).setSync(false)
+    val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(13).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+    val wb = new ArrayBuffer[Byte]
+    for (wid <- 0 until args.size) {
+      bb.clear()
+      wb.clear()
+      var b =
+      while (b != 0) {
+        wb += b.toByte
+        b =
+      }
+      bb.putInt(wid)
+, 4, 9)
+      db.put(vocabHandle, wo, wb.toArray, bb.array())
+      if (bb.get(12) == 1) {
+        val label = wid - args.nwords
+        db.put(labelHandle, ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(label).array(), wb.toArray)
+      }
+      if ((wid + 1) % 1000 == 0)
+        print(f"\rprocessing ${100 * (wid + 1) / args.size.toFloat}%.2f%%")
+    }
+    println("\rdone                                                      ")
+    wo.close()
+  }
+  def writeVectors(is: InputStream, db: RocksDB, handle: ColumnFamilyHandle, args: FastTextArgs): Unit = {
+    require( == 0, "not implemented")
+    val wo = new WriteOptions().setDisableWAL(true).setSync(false)
+    val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(16).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+    val key = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
+    val value = new Array[Byte](args.dim * 4)
+    val m = bb.getLong
+    val n = bb.getLong
+    require(n * 4 == value.length)
+    var i = 0L
+    while (i < m) {
+      key.clear()
+      key.putLong(i)
+      db.put(handle, wo, key.array(), value)
+      if ((i + 1) % 1000 == 0)
+        print(f"\rprocessing ${100 * (i + 1) / m.toFloat}%.2f%%")
+      i += 1
+    }
+    println("\rdone                                                      ")
+    wo.close()
+  }
+  def printHelp(): Unit = {
+    println("usage: CopyModel <in> <out>")
+  }
+  def copy(in: String, out: String): Unit = {
+    RocksDB.destroyDB(out, new Options)
+    val dbOptions = new DBOptions()
+      .setCreateIfMissing(true)
+      .setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(true)
+      .setAllowMmapReads(false)
+      .setMaxOpenFiles(500000)
+      .setDbWriteBufferSize(134217728)
+      .setMaxBackgroundCompactions(20)
+    val descriptors = new java.util.LinkedList[ColumnFamilyDescriptor]()
+    descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(RocksDB.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY))
+    descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("vocab".getBytes()))
+    descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("i".getBytes()))
+    descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("o".getBytes()))
+    val handles = new util.LinkedList[ColumnFamilyHandle]()
+    val db =, out, descriptors, handles)
+    val is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(in))
+    val fastTextArgs = FastTextArgs.fromInputStream(is)
+    require(fastTextArgs.magic == FastText.FASTTEXT_FILEFORMAT_MAGIC_INT32)
+    require(fastTextArgs.version == FastText.FASTTEXT_VERSION)
+    println("step 1: writing args")
+    writeArgs(db, handles.get(0), fastTextArgs)
+    println("step 2: writing vocab")
+    writeVocab(is, db, handles.get(1), handles.get(0), fastTextArgs)
+    println("step 3: writing input vectors")
+    writeVectors(is, db, handles.get(2), fastTextArgs)
+    println("step 4: writing output vectors")
+    writeVectors(is, db, handles.get(3), fastTextArgs)
+    println("step 5: compactRange")
+    db.compactRange()
+    println("done")
+    handles.asScala.foreach(_.close())
+    db.close()
+    is.close()
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastText.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastText.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d10a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastText.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext
+import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
+import java.util
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext.fasttext.FastTextArgs
+import org.rocksdb.{ColumnFamilyDescriptor, ColumnFamilyHandle, DBOptions, RocksDB}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+case class Line(labels: Array[Int], words: Array[Long])
+case class Entry(wid: Int, count: Long, tpe: Byte, subwords: Array[Long])
+object FastText {
+  val EOS = "</s>"
+  val BOW = "<"
+  val EOW = ">"
+  val FASTTEXT_VERSION = 12 // Version 1b
+  val MODEL_CBOW = 1
+  val MODEL_SG = 2
+  val MODEL_SUP = 3
+  val LOSS_HS = 1
+  val LOSS_NS = 2
+  val LOSS_SOFTMAX = 3
+  val DBPathKey = "dbPath"
+  def tokenize(in: String): Array[String] = in.split("\\s+") ++ Array("</s>")
+  def getSubwords(word: String, minn: Int, maxn: Int): Array[String] = {
+    val l = math.max(minn, 1)
+    val u = math.min(maxn, word.length)
+    val r = l to u flatMap word.sliding
+    r.filterNot(s => s == BOW || s == EOW).toArray
+  }
+  def hash(str: String): Long = {
+    var h = 2166136261L.toInt
+    for (b <- str.getBytes) {
+      h = (h ^ b) * 16777619
+    }
+    h & 0xffffffffL
+  }
+class FastText(name: String) extends AutoCloseable {
+  import FastText._
+  private val dbOptions = new DBOptions()
+  private val descriptors = new java.util.LinkedList[ColumnFamilyDescriptor]()
+  descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor(RocksDB.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY))
+  descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("vocab".getBytes()))
+  descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("i".getBytes()))
+  descriptors.add(new ColumnFamilyDescriptor("o".getBytes()))
+  private val handles = new util.LinkedList[ColumnFamilyHandle]()
+  private val db = RocksDB.openReadOnly(dbOptions, name, descriptors, handles)
+  private val defaultHandle = handles.get(0)
+  private val vocabHandle = handles.get(1)
+  private val inputVectorHandle = handles.get(2)
+  private val outputVectorHandle = handles.get(3)
+  private val args = FastTextArgs.fromByteArray(db.get(defaultHandle, "args".getBytes("UTF-8")))
+  private val wo = loadOutputVectors()
+  private val labels = loadLabels()
+  println(args)
+  require(args.magic == FASTTEXT_FILEFORMAT_MAGIC_INT32)
+  require(args.version == FASTTEXT_VERSION)
+  // only sup/softmax supported
+  // others are the future work.
+  require(args.model == MODEL_SUP)
+  require(args.loss == LOSS_SOFTMAX)
+  private def getVector(handle: ColumnFamilyHandle, key: Long): Array[Float] = {
+    val keyBytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(key).array()
+    val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(db.get(handle, keyBytes)).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+    Array.fill(args.dim)(bb.getFloat)
+  }
+  private def loadOutputVectors(): Array[Array[Float]] =
+    Array.tabulate(args.nlabels)(key => getVector(outputVectorHandle, key.toLong))
+  private def loadLabels(): Array[String] = {
+    val result = new Array[String](args.nlabels)
+    val it = db.newIterator(defaultHandle)
+    var i = 0
+    it.seekToFirst()
+    while (it.isValid) {
+      val key = ByteBuffer.wrap(it.key()).getInt()
+      if (key < args.nlabels) {
+        require(i == key)
+        result(i) = new String(it.value(), "UTF-8")
+        i += 1
+      }
+    }
+    result
+  }
+  def getInputVector(key: Long): Array[Float] = getVector(inputVectorHandle, key)
+  def getOutputVector(key: Long): Array[Float] = getVector(outputVectorHandle, key)
+  def getEntry(word: String): Entry = {
+    val raw = db.get(vocabHandle, word.getBytes("UTF-8"))
+    if (raw == null) {
+      Entry(-1, 0L, 1, Array.emptyLongArray)
+    } else {
+      val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(raw).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+      val wid = bb.getInt
+      val count = bb.getLong
+      val tpe = bb.get
+      val subwords = if (word != EOS && tpe == 0) Array(wid.toLong) ++ computeSubwords(BOW + word + EOW) else Array(wid.toLong)
+      Entry(wid, count, tpe, subwords)
+    }
+  }
+  def computeSubwords(word: String): Array[Long] =
+    getSubwords(word, args.minn, args.maxn).map { w => args.nwords + (hash(w) % args.bucket.toLong) }
+  def getLine(in: String): Line = {
+    val tokens = tokenize(in)
+    val words = new ArrayBuffer[Long]()
+    val labels = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
+    tokens foreach { token =>
+      val Entry(wid, count, tpe, subwords) = getEntry(token)
+      if (tpe == 0) {
+        // addSubwords
+        if (wid < 0) { // OOV
+          if (token != EOS) {
+            words ++= computeSubwords(BOW + token + EOW)
+          }
+        } else {
+          words ++= subwords
+        }
+      } else if (tpe == 1 && wid > 0) {
+        labels += wid - args.nwords
+      }
+    }
+    Line(labels.toArray, words.toArray)
+  }
+  def computeHidden(input: Array[Long]): Array[Float] = {
+    val hidden = new Array[Float](args.dim)
+    for (row <- {
+      var i = 0
+      while (i < hidden.length) {
+        hidden(i) += row(i) / input.length
+        i += 1
+      }
+    }
+    hidden
+  }
+  def predict(line: Line, k: Int = 1): Array[(String, Float)] = {
+    val hidden = computeHidden(line.words)
+    val output = { o =>
+ => a._1 * a._2).sum
+    }
+    val max = output.max
+    var i = 0
+    var z = 0.0f
+    while (i < output.length) {
+      output(i) = math.exp((output(i) - max).toDouble).toFloat
+      z += output(i)
+      i += 1
+    }
+    i = 0
+    while (i < output.length) {
+      output(i) /= z
+      i += 1
+    }
+    output.zipWithIndex.sortBy(-_._1).take(k).map { case (prob, i) =>
+      labels(i) -> prob
+    }
+  }
+  def close(): Unit = {
+    handles.asScala.foreach(_.close())
+    db.close()
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextArgs.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextArgs.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c25f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextArgs.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext
+package fasttext
+import{ByteArrayInputStream, FileInputStream, InputStream}
+import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
+case class FastTextArgs(
+                         magic: Int,
+                         version: Int,
+                         dim: Int,
+                         ws: Int,
+                         epoch: Int,
+                         minCount: Int,
+                         neg: Int,
+                         wordNgrams: Int,
+                         loss: Int,
+                         model: Int,
+                         bucket: Int,
+                         minn: Int,
+                         maxn: Int,
+                         lrUpdateRate: Int,
+                         t: Double,
+                         size: Int,
+                         nwords: Int,
+                         nlabels: Int,
+                         ntokens: Long,
+                         pruneidxSize: Long) {
+  def serialize: Array[Byte] = {
+    val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(92).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+    bb.putInt(magic)
+    bb.putInt(version)
+    bb.putInt(dim)
+    bb.putInt(ws)
+    bb.putInt(epoch)
+    bb.putInt(minCount)
+    bb.putInt(neg)
+    bb.putInt(wordNgrams)
+    bb.putInt(loss)
+    bb.putInt(model)
+    bb.putInt(bucket)
+    bb.putInt(minn)
+    bb.putInt(maxn)
+    bb.putInt(lrUpdateRate)
+    bb.putDouble(t)
+    bb.putInt(size)
+    bb.putInt(nwords)
+    bb.putInt(nlabels)
+    bb.putLong(ntokens)
+    bb.putLong(pruneidxSize)
+    bb.array()
+  }
+  override def toString: String = {
+    s"""magic:        $magic
+       |version:      $version
+       |dim:          $dim
+       |ws :          $ws
+       |epoch:        $epoch
+       |minCount:     $minCount
+       |neg:          $neg
+       |wordNgrams:   $wordNgrams
+       |loss:         $loss
+       |model:        $model
+       |bucket:       $bucket
+       |minn:         $minn
+       |maxn:         $maxn
+       |lrUpdateRate: $lrUpdateRate
+       |t:            $t
+       |size:         $size
+       |nwords:       $nwords
+       |nlabels:      $nlabels
+       |ntokens:      $ntokens
+       |pruneIdxSize: $pruneidxSize
+       |""".stripMargin
+  }
+object FastTextArgs {
+  private def getInt(implicit inputStream: InputStream, buffer: Array[Byte]): Int = {
+, 0, 4)
+    ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt
+  }
+  private def getLong(implicit inputStream: InputStream, buffer: Array[Byte]): Long = {
+, 0, 8)
+    ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getLong
+  }
+  private def getDouble(implicit inputStream: InputStream, buffer: Array[Byte]): Double = {
+, 0, 8)
+    ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getDouble
+  }
+  def fromByteArray(ar: Array[Byte]): FastTextArgs =
+    fromInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ar))
+  def fromInputStream(inputStream: InputStream): FastTextArgs = {
+    implicit val is: InputStream = inputStream
+    implicit val bytes: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](8)
+    FastTextArgs(
+      getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt,
+      getInt, getInt, getInt, getInt, getDouble, getInt, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong)
+  }
+  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+    val args0 = FastTextArgs.fromInputStream(new FileInputStream("/Users/"))
+    val serialized = args0.serialize
+    val args1 = FastTextArgs.fromByteArray(serialized)
+    println(args0)
+    println(args1)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcher.scala b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcher.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..774d784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/main/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcher.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
+import org.apache.s2graph.core._
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.VertexId
+import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
+class FastTextFetcher(val graph: S2GraphLike) extends Fetcher {
+  val builder = graph.elementBuilder
+  var fastText: FastText = _
+  override def init(config: Config)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Fetcher] = {
+    Future {
+      val dbPath = config.getString(FastText.DBPathKey)
+      fastText = new FastText(dbPath)
+      this
+    }
+  }
+  override def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
+                       prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Seq[StepResult]] = {
+    val stepResultLs = { queryRequest =>
+      val vertex = queryRequest.vertex
+      val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
+      val line = fastText.getLine(vertex.innerId.toIdString())
+      val edgeWithScores = fastText.predict(line, queryParam.limit).map { case (_label, score) =>
+        val tgtVertexId = builder.newVertexId(queryParam.label.service,
+          queryParam.label.tgtColumnWithDir(queryParam.labelWithDir.dir), _label)
+        val props: Map[String, Any] = if (queryParam.label.metaPropsInvMap.contains("score")) Map("score" -> score) else Map.empty
+        val edge = graph.toEdge(vertex.innerId.value, tgtVertexId.innerId.value, queryParam.labelName, queryParam.direction, props = props)
+        EdgeWithScore(edge, score, queryParam.label)
+      }
+      StepResult(edgeWithScores, Nil, Nil)
+    }
+    Future.successful(stepResultLs)
+  }
+  override def close(): Unit = if (fastText != null) fastText.close()
diff --git a/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/FetcherTest.scala b/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/FetcherTest.scala
index 54e6763..ca1f3a7 100644
--- a/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/FetcherTest.scala
+++ b/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/FetcherTest.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.Integrate.IntegrateCommon
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.Management.JsonModel.{Index, Prop}
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.annoy.AnnoyModelFetcher
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.Label
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.{Query, QueryParam}
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ class FetcherTest extends IntegrateCommon{
                      |   }]
                      | },
                      | "fetcher": {
-                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.AnnoyModelFetcher",
+                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.annoy.AnnoyModelFetcher",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.IndexFilePathKey}": "${localIndexFilePath}",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DictFilePathKey}": "${localDictFilePath}",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DimensionKey}": 10
diff --git a/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcherTest.scala b/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcherTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f91e0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/s2core/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/core/model/fasttext/FastTextFetcherTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package org.apache.s2graph.core.model.fasttext
+import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.Integrate.IntegrateCommon
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.Management.JsonModel.{Index, Prop}
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.{Query, QueryParam, QueryRequest}
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.Label
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext}
+import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
+class FastTextFetcherTest extends IntegrateCommon {
+  import TestUtil._
+  test("FastTextFetcher init test.") {
+    val modelPath = "/Users/shon/Downloads/emoji-context-by-story-comments-20170901-20180410"
+    val config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map(FastText.DBPathKey -> modelPath).asJava)
+    val fetcher = new FastTextFetcher(graph)
+    Await.ready(fetcher.init(config)(, Duration("3 minutes"))
+    val service = management.createService("s2graph", "localhost", "s2graph_htable", -1, None).get
+    val serviceColumn =
+      management.createServiceColumn("s2graph", "keyword", "string", Seq(Prop("age", "0", "int", true)))
+    val labelName = "fasttext_test_label"
+    Label.findByName(labelName, useCache = false).foreach { label => Label.delete( }
+    val label = management.createLabel(
+      labelName,
+      serviceColumn,
+      serviceColumn,
+      true,
+      service.serviceName,
+      Seq.empty[Index].asJava,
+      Seq.empty[Prop].asJava,
+      "strong",
+      null,
+      -1,
+      "v3",
+      "gz",
+      ""
+    )
+    val vertex = graph.elementBuilder.toVertex(service.serviceName, serviceColumn.columnName, "안녕하세요")
+    val queryParam = QueryParam(labelName = labelName, limit = 5)
+    val query = Query.toQuery(srcVertices = Seq(vertex), queryParams = Seq(queryParam))
+    val queryRequests = Seq(
+      QueryRequest(query, 0, vertex, queryParam)
+    )
+    val future = fetcher.fetches(queryRequests, Map.empty)
+    val results = Await.result(future, Duration("10 seconds"))
+    results.foreach { stepResult =>
+      stepResult.edgeWithScores.foreach { es =>
+        println(es.edge.tgtVertex.innerIdVal)
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/s2jobs/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/s2jobs/task/custom/process/ALSModelProcessTest.scala b/s2jobs/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/s2jobs/task/custom/process/ALSModelProcessTest.scala
index a8479fe..4d2623e 100644
--- a/s2jobs/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/s2jobs/task/custom/process/ALSModelProcessTest.scala
+++ b/s2jobs/src/test/scala/org/apache/s2graph/s2jobs/task/custom/process/ALSModelProcessTest.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.Integrate.IntegrateCommon
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.Management.JsonModel.{Index, Prop}
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.{Query, QueryParam}
-import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.{ANNIndexWithDict, AnnoyModelFetcher, HDFSImporter, ModelManager}
+import org.apache.s2graph.core.model.{ANNIndexWithDict, HDFSImporter, ModelManager}
 import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.Label
 import org.apache.s2graph.s2jobs.task.TaskConf
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class ALSModelProcessTest extends IntegrateCommon with DataFrameSuiteBase {
 //                     |   "${ModelManager.ImporterClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.IdentityImporter"
 //                     | },
 //                     | "fetcher": {
-//                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.AnnoyModelFetcher",
+//                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.annoy.AnnoyModelFetcher",
 //                     |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.IndexFilePathKey}": "${remoteIndexFilePath}",
 //                     |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DictFilePathKey}": "${remoteDictFilePath}",
 //                     |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DimensionKey}": 10
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class ALSModelProcessTest extends IntegrateCommon with DataFrameSuiteBase {
                      |   "${ModelManager.ImporterClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.IdentityImporter"
                      | },
                      | "fetcher": {
-                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.AnnoyModelFetcher",
+                     |   "${ModelManager.FetcherClassNameKey}": "org.apache.s2graph.core.model.annoy.AnnoyModelFetcher",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.IndexFilePathKey}": "${indexPath}",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DictFilePathKey}": "${dictPath}",
                      |   "${AnnoyModelFetcher.DimensionKey}": 10