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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2007/06/25 10:57:13 UTC

[Jakarta-httpclient Wiki] Update of "HttpComponentsCoreReleaseProcess" by OlegKalnichevski

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The following page has been changed by OlegKalnichevski:

New page:
#pragma section-numbers off

= HttpComponents Core Release Process =

== Release preparation ==

 * Make sure there are no open Jira issues targeted for this release

 * Review RELEASE_NOTES.txt and make sure all important issues closed since the previous release are included in the release notes

 * Generate pre-release JARs by running 

mvn package

 * Download the latest JARDIFF (version 0.2 as of writing; requires Commons CLI 1.x and ASM 2.2.x)

 * Create shell script or its Windows equivalent


java -cp commons-cli.jar:asm.jar:jardiff.jar org.osjava.jardiff.Main $*

 * Run the following command for all components that have been previously released

jardiff -f <previous-release>.jar -t <prerelease>-SNAPSHOT.jar -o text

 * Collect output (by redirecting it to a file) and add it to the 'API changes' of the release notes

HttpCore API changes (generated by JarDiff 0.2)

HttpCore NIO API changes (generated by JarDiff 0.2)

HttpCore NIOSSL API changes (generated by JarDiff 0.2)

 * Remove 'API changes' section of the previous release to keep release notes file short

 * Write an opening statement for the release highlighting the most changes, bug fixed and improvements

 * Review the following pages


 and make adjustments that are necessary

 * Generate clover reports

mvn clean clover:instrument clover:clover

 * Deploy the site to a staging directory and review the resultant site before committing the changes  

mvn site:site site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/home/oleg/stage

 You may need to re-build the site several times until fully satisfied with its content and appearance

 Remark: stagingDirectory MUST be an absolute path

 * Package the content of the staging directory

 * Generate release packages

mvn assembly:assembly

 * Rename pre-release packages packages 

httpcomponents-core-<version> ->  httpcomponents-core-<version>
httpcomponents-core-<version> ->  httpcomponents-core-<version>
httpcomponents-core-<version>-SNAPSHOT-bin-unix.tar.gz ->  httpcomponents-core-<version>-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
httpcomponents-core-<version>-SNAPSHOT-src-unix.tar.gz ->  httpcomponents-core-<version>-SNAPSHOT-src.tar.gz

 * Use this script to sign release packages

 The script assumes presence of a functional gpg setup on the local system 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# signs and checksums all files given as command line args

foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
    print $file."\n";

    my $md5 = `md5sum $file`;
    `echo "$md5" > $file.md5`;    
    $md5 =~ /(\w+)\s+/;
    $md5 = $1;
    # verify md5
    my $testMd5 = `openssl md5 < $file`;
    if ($testMd5 ne $md5) { die 'md5 does not equal'; }

    `gpg --armor --output $file.asc --detach-sig $file`;
    # verify signature
    `gpg --verify $file.asc $file`

 * Upload the content of the staging directory, RELEASE_NOTES.txt, release packages and corresponding MD5 and signature files to a publicly accessible web space such as

 * Deploy pre-release snapshots to the Apache Maven snapshot repository

mvn deploy -P release 

 The 'release' profile parameter will cause release artifacts to be signed prior to deployment to the remote repository

 The command assumes presence of a functional gpg setup on the local system

 * Invite people on the list to review the site, release notes, release packages and report problems 

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