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Posted to by Himansu Desai <> on 2005/08/29 07:12:35 UTC

NoSuchMethodError when trying the WSDL2Java sample from the userguide

Hi All,

I'm brand new to Axis, trying to work through the first few pages of the 
userguide.  I did the following:

1.  Downloaded binary version of axis2-0.91 and installed axis2.war in 
2.  Worked through installation guide and first few pages of the userguide, 
verified Axis2 Happiness page, uploaded sample webservice 'MyServie' - 
everything works as expected.
3.  In the section on generating the skeleton from a given WSDL, there are 
instructions to do the following:

WSDL2Java -uri ..\samples\wsdl\Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl -ss -sd -o 
..\samples\src -p org.apache.axis2.userguide

4.  AXIS_HOME is correctly set to:  D:\axis2-0.91-bin

     In the course of running WSDL2Java, the classpath is set to:


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
        at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(
        at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java.main(

I'm simply working through the userguide to take the first few baby steps 
and I have no clue on what might be causing the NoSuchMethod error.

I have no older versions of Axis or Axis2 or any other stray copies of any 
of the jars.  Everything that is referenced, is from the binary distribution 
and lives under d:\axis2-0.91-bin.

Any help is greatly appreciated - Thanks.

_ Himansu