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[3/12] update mochiweb to 2.3.2
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/ b/src/mochiweb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a4a314..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-{application, mochiweb,
- [{description, "MochiMedia Web Server"},
-  {vsn, "1.4.1"},
-  {modules, [
-        mochihex,
-        mochijson,
-        mochijson2,
-        mochinum,
-        mochiweb,
-        mochiweb_app,
-        mochiweb_charref,
-        mochiweb_cookies,
-        mochiweb_echo,
-        mochiweb_headers,
-        mochiweb_html,
-        mochiweb_http,
-        mochiweb_multipart,
-        mochiweb_request,
-        mochiweb_response,
-        mochiweb_skel,
-        mochiweb_socket_server,
-        mochiweb_sup,
-        mochiweb_util,
-        reloader,
-        mochifmt,
-        mochifmt_std,
-        mochifmt_records
-	    ]},
-  {registered, []},
-  {mod, {mochiweb_app, []}},
-  {env, []},
-  {applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]}.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/ b/src/mochiweb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a21fb..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-%% This is generated from src/
-{application, mochiweb,
- [{description, "MochiMedia Web Server"},
-  {vsn, "1.4.1"},
-  {modules, []},
-  {registered, []},
-  {mod, {mochiweb_app, []}},
-  {env, []},
-  {applications, [kernel, stdlib, crypto, inets]}]}.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3118028..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Start and stop the MochiWeb server.
--export([start/0, stop/0]).
--export([new_request/1, new_response/1]).
--export([all_loaded/0, all_loaded/1, reload/0]).
-%% @spec start() -> ok
-%% @doc Start the MochiWeb server.
-start() ->
-    ensure_started(crypto),
-    application:start(mochiweb).
-%% @spec stop() -> ok
-%% @doc Stop the MochiWeb server.
-stop() ->
-    Res = application:stop(mochiweb),
-    application:stop(crypto),
-    Res.
-reload() ->
-    [c:l(Module) || Module <- all_loaded()].
-all_loaded() ->
-    all_loaded(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE))).
-all_loaded(Base) when is_atom(Base) ->
-    [];
-all_loaded(Base) ->
-    FullBase = Base ++ "/",
-    F = fun ({_Module, Loaded}, Acc) when is_atom(Loaded) ->
-                Acc;
-            ({Module, Loaded}, Acc) ->
-                case lists:prefix(FullBase, Loaded) of
-                    true ->
-                        [Module | Acc];
-                    false ->
-                        Acc
-                end
-        end,
-    lists:foldl(F, [], code:all_loaded()).
-%% @spec new_request({Socket, Request, Headers}) -> MochiWebRequest
-%% @doc Return a mochiweb_request data structure.
-new_request({Socket, {Method, {abs_path, Uri}, Version}, Headers}) ->
-    mochiweb_request:new(Socket,
-                         Method,
-                         Uri,
-                         Version,
-                         mochiweb_headers:make(Headers));
-% this case probably doesn't "exist".
-new_request({Socket, {Method, {absoluteURI, _Protocol, _Host, _Port, Uri},
-                      Version}, Headers}) ->
-    mochiweb_request:new(Socket,
-                         Method,
-                         Uri,
-                         Version,
-                         mochiweb_headers:make(Headers));
-%% Request-URI is "*"
-%% From
-new_request({Socket, {Method, '*'=Uri, Version}, Headers}) ->
-    mochiweb_request:new(Socket,
-                         Method,
-                         Uri,
-                         Version,
-                         mochiweb_headers:make(Headers)).
-%% @spec new_response({Request, integer(), Headers}) -> MochiWebResponse
-%% @doc Return a mochiweb_response data structure.
-new_response({Request, Code, Headers}) ->
-    mochiweb_response:new(Request,
-                          Code,
-                          mochiweb_headers:make(Headers)).
-%% Internal API
-ensure_started(App) ->
-    case application:start(App) of
-        ok ->
-            ok;
-        {error, {already_started, App}} ->
-            ok
-    end.
-%% Tests
--record(treq, {path, body= <<>>, xreply= <<>>}).
-ssl_cert_opts() ->
-    EbinDir = filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE)),
-    CertDir = filename:join([EbinDir, "..", "support", "test-materials"]),
-    CertFile = filename:join(CertDir, "test_ssl_cert.pem"),
-    KeyFile = filename:join(CertDir, "test_ssl_key.pem"),
-    [{certfile, CertFile}, {keyfile, KeyFile}].
-with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun) ->
-    ServerOpts0 = [{ip, ""}, {port, 0}, {loop, ServerFun}],
-    ServerOpts = case Transport of
-        plain ->
-            ServerOpts0;
-        ssl ->
-            ServerOpts0 ++ [{ssl, true}, {ssl_opts, ssl_cert_opts()}]
-    end,
-    {ok, Server} = mochiweb_http:start(ServerOpts),
-    Port = mochiweb_socket_server:get(Server, port),
-    Res = (catch ClientFun(Transport, Port)),
-    mochiweb_http:stop(Server),
-    Res.
-request_test() ->
-    R = mochiweb_request:new(z, z, "/foo/bar/baz%20wibble+quux?qs=2", z, []),
-    "/foo/bar/baz wibble quux" = R:get(path),
-    ok.
-single_http_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(plain, 1).
-single_https_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(ssl, 1).
-multiple_http_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(plain, 3).
-multiple_https_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(ssl, 3).
-hundred_http_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(plain, 100).
-hundred_https_GET_test() ->
-    do_GET(ssl, 100).
-single_128_http_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(plain, 128, 1).
-single_128_https_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(ssl, 128, 1).
-single_2k_http_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(plain, 2048, 1).
-single_2k_https_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(ssl, 2048, 1).
-single_100k_http_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(plain, 102400, 1).
-single_100k_https_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(ssl, 102400, 1).
-multiple_100k_http_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(plain, 102400, 3).
-multiple_100K_https_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(ssl, 102400, 3).
-hundred_128_http_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(plain, 128, 100).
-hundred_128_https_POST_test() ->
-    do_POST(ssl, 128, 100).
-do_GET(Transport, Times) ->
-    PathPrefix = "/whatever/",
-    ReplyPrefix = "You requested: ",
-    ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
-                        Reply = ReplyPrefix ++ Req:get(path),
-                        Req:ok({"text/plain", Reply})
-                end,
-    TestReqs = [begin
-                    Path = PathPrefix ++ integer_to_list(N),
-                    ExpectedReply = list_to_binary(ReplyPrefix ++ Path),
-                    #treq{path=Path, xreply=ExpectedReply}
-                end || N <- lists:seq(1, Times)],
-    ClientFun = new_client_fun('GET', TestReqs),
-    ok = with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
-    ok.
-do_POST(Transport, Size, Times) ->
-    ServerFun = fun (Req) ->
-                        Body = Req:recv_body(),
-                        Headers = [{"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}],
-                        Req:respond({201, Headers, Body})
-                end,
-    TestReqs = [begin
-                    Path = "/stuff/" ++ integer_to_list(N),
-                    Body = crypto:rand_bytes(Size),
-                    #treq{path=Path, body=Body, xreply=Body}
-                end || N <- lists:seq(1, Times)],
-    ClientFun = new_client_fun('POST', TestReqs),
-    ok = with_server(Transport, ServerFun, ClientFun),
-    ok.
-new_client_fun(Method, TestReqs) ->
-    fun (Transport, Port) ->
-            client_request(Transport, Port, Method, TestReqs)
-    end.
-client_request(Transport, Port, Method, TestReqs) ->
-    Opts = [binary, {active, false}, {packet, http}],
-    SockFun = case Transport of
-        plain ->
-            {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("", Port, Opts),
-            fun (recv) ->
-                    gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0);
-                ({recv, Length}) ->
-                    gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Length);
-                ({send, Data}) ->
-                    gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data);
-                ({setopts, L}) ->
-                    inet:setopts(Socket, L)
-            end;
-        ssl ->
-            {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("", Port, [{ssl_imp, new} | Opts]),
-            fun (recv) ->
-                    ssl:recv(Socket, 0);
-                ({recv, Length}) ->
-                    ssl:recv(Socket, Length);
-                ({send, Data}) ->
-                    ssl:send(Socket, Data);
-                ({setopts, L}) ->
-                    ssl:setopts(Socket, L)
-            end
-    end,
-    client_request(SockFun, Method, TestReqs).
-client_request(SockFun, _Method, []) ->
-    {the_end, {error, closed}} = {the_end, SockFun(recv)},
-    ok;
-client_request(SockFun, Method,
-               [#treq{path=Path, body=Body, xreply=ExReply} | Rest]) ->
-    Request = [atom_to_list(Method), " ", Path, " HTTP/1.1\r\n",
-               client_headers(Body, Rest =:= []),
-               "\r\n",
-               Body],
-    ok = SockFun({send, Request}),
-    case Method of
-        'GET' ->
-            {ok, {http_response, {1,1}, 200, "OK"}} = SockFun(recv);
-        'POST' ->
-            {ok, {http_response, {1,1}, 201, "Created"}} = SockFun(recv)
-    end,
-    ok = SockFun({setopts, [{packet, httph}]}),
-    {ok, {http_header, _, 'Server', _, "MochiWeb" ++ _}} = SockFun(recv),
-    {ok, {http_header, _, 'Date', _, _}} = SockFun(recv),
-    {ok, {http_header, _, 'Content-Type', _, _}} = SockFun(recv),
-    {ok, {http_header, _, 'Content-Length', _, ConLenStr}} = SockFun(recv),
-    ContentLength = list_to_integer(ConLenStr),
-    {ok, http_eoh} = SockFun(recv),
-    ok = SockFun({setopts, [{packet, raw}]}),
-    {payload, ExReply} = {payload, drain_reply(SockFun, ContentLength, <<>>)},
-    ok = SockFun({setopts, [{packet, http}]}),
-    client_request(SockFun, Method, Rest).
-client_headers(Body, IsLastRequest) ->
-    ["Host: localhost\r\n",
-     case Body of
-        <<>> ->
-            "";
-        _ ->
-            ["Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n",
-             "Content-Length: ", integer_to_list(byte_size(Body)), "\r\n"]
-     end,
-     case IsLastRequest of
-         true ->
-             "Connection: close\r\n";
-         false ->
-             ""
-     end].
-drain_reply(_SockFun, 0, Acc) ->
-    Acc;
-drain_reply(SockFun, Length, Acc) ->
-    Sz = erlang:min(Length, 1024),
-    {ok, B} = SockFun({recv, Sz}),
-    drain_reply(SockFun, Length - Sz, <<Acc/bytes, B/bytes>>).
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_acceptor.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_acceptor.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 893f99b..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_acceptor.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2010 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc MochiWeb acceptor.
--export([start_link/3, init/3]).
-start_link(Server, Listen, Loop) ->
-    proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Server, Listen, Loop]).
-init(Server, Listen, Loop) ->
-    T1 = now(),
-    case catch mochiweb_socket:accept(Listen) of
-        {ok, Socket} ->
-            gen_server:cast(Server, {accepted, self(), timer:now_diff(now(), T1)}),
-            case mochiweb_socket:after_accept(Socket) of
-                ok -> call_loop(Loop, Socket);
-                {error, _} -> exit(normal)
-            end;
-        {error, closed} ->
-            exit(normal);
-        {error, timeout} ->
-            init(Server, Listen, Loop);
-        Other ->
-            error_logger:error_report(
-              [{application, mochiweb},
-               "Accept failed error",
-               lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Other]))]),
-            exit({error, accept_failed})
-    end.
-call_loop({M, F}, Socket) ->
-    M:F(Socket);
-call_loop({M, F, A}, Socket) ->
-    erlang:apply(M, F, [Socket | A]);
-call_loop(Loop, Socket) ->
-    Loop(Socket).
-%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_app.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_app.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d67787..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_app.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Callbacks for the mochiweb application.
-%% @spec start(_Type, _StartArgs) -> ServerRet
-%% @doc application start callback for mochiweb.
-start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
-    mochiweb_sup:start_link().
-%% @spec stop(_State) -> ServerRet
-%% @doc application stop callback for mochiweb.
-stop(_State) ->
-    ok.
-%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_charref.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_charref.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 99cd550..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_charref.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Converts HTML 4 charrefs and entities to codepoints.
-%% External API.
-%% @spec charref(S) -> integer() | undefined
-%% @doc Convert a decimal charref, hex charref, or html entity to a unicode
-%%      codepoint, or return undefined on failure.
-%%      The input should not include an ampersand or semicolon.
-%%      charref("#38") = 38, charref("#x26") = 38, charref("amp") = 38.
-charref(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    charref(binary_to_list(B));
-charref([$#, C | L]) when C =:= $x orelse C =:= $X ->
-    try erlang:list_to_integer(L, 16)
-    catch
-        error:badarg -> undefined
-    end;
-charref([$# | L]) ->
-    try list_to_integer(L)
-    catch
-        error:badarg -> undefined
-    end;
-charref(L) ->
-    entity(L).
-%% Internal API.
-entity("nbsp") -> 160;
-entity("iexcl") -> 161;
-entity("cent") -> 162;
-entity("pound") -> 163;
-entity("curren") -> 164;
-entity("yen") -> 165;
-entity("brvbar") -> 166;
-entity("sect") -> 167;
-entity("uml") -> 168;
-entity("copy") -> 169;
-entity("ordf") -> 170;
-entity("laquo") -> 171;
-entity("not") -> 172;
-entity("shy") -> 173;
-entity("reg") -> 174;
-entity("macr") -> 175;
-entity("deg") -> 176;
-entity("plusmn") -> 177;
-entity("sup2") -> 178;
-entity("sup3") -> 179;
-entity("acute") -> 180;
-entity("micro") -> 181;
-entity("para") -> 182;
-entity("middot") -> 183;
-entity("cedil") -> 184;
-entity("sup1") -> 185;
-entity("ordm") -> 186;
-entity("raquo") -> 187;
-entity("frac14") -> 188;
-entity("frac12") -> 189;
-entity("frac34") -> 190;
-entity("iquest") -> 191;
-entity("Agrave") -> 192;
-entity("Aacute") -> 193;
-entity("Acirc") -> 194;
-entity("Atilde") -> 195;
-entity("Auml") -> 196;
-entity("Aring") -> 197;
-entity("AElig") -> 198;
-entity("Ccedil") -> 199;
-entity("Egrave") -> 200;
-entity("Eacute") -> 201;
-entity("Ecirc") -> 202;
-entity("Euml") -> 203;
-entity("Igrave") -> 204;
-entity("Iacute") -> 205;
-entity("Icirc") -> 206;
-entity("Iuml") -> 207;
-entity("ETH") -> 208;
-entity("Ntilde") -> 209;
-entity("Ograve") -> 210;
-entity("Oacute") -> 211;
-entity("Ocirc") -> 212;
-entity("Otilde") -> 213;
-entity("Ouml") -> 214;
-entity("times") -> 215;
-entity("Oslash") -> 216;
-entity("Ugrave") -> 217;
-entity("Uacute") -> 218;
-entity("Ucirc") -> 219;
-entity("Uuml") -> 220;
-entity("Yacute") -> 221;
-entity("THORN") -> 222;
-entity("szlig") -> 223;
-entity("agrave") -> 224;
-entity("aacute") -> 225;
-entity("acirc") -> 226;
-entity("atilde") -> 227;
-entity("auml") -> 228;
-entity("aring") -> 229;
-entity("aelig") -> 230;
-entity("ccedil") -> 231;
-entity("egrave") -> 232;
-entity("eacute") -> 233;
-entity("ecirc") -> 234;
-entity("euml") -> 235;
-entity("igrave") -> 236;
-entity("iacute") -> 237;
-entity("icirc") -> 238;
-entity("iuml") -> 239;
-entity("eth") -> 240;
-entity("ntilde") -> 241;
-entity("ograve") -> 242;
-entity("oacute") -> 243;
-entity("ocirc") -> 244;
-entity("otilde") -> 245;
-entity("ouml") -> 246;
-entity("divide") -> 247;
-entity("oslash") -> 248;
-entity("ugrave") -> 249;
-entity("uacute") -> 250;
-entity("ucirc") -> 251;
-entity("uuml") -> 252;
-entity("yacute") -> 253;
-entity("thorn") -> 254;
-entity("yuml") -> 255;
-entity("fnof") -> 402;
-entity("Alpha") -> 913;
-entity("Beta") -> 914;
-entity("Gamma") -> 915;
-entity("Delta") -> 916;
-entity("Epsilon") -> 917;
-entity("Zeta") -> 918;
-entity("Eta") -> 919;
-entity("Theta") -> 920;
-entity("Iota") -> 921;
-entity("Kappa") -> 922;
-entity("Lambda") -> 923;
-entity("Mu") -> 924;
-entity("Nu") -> 925;
-entity("Xi") -> 926;
-entity("Omicron") -> 927;
-entity("Pi") -> 928;
-entity("Rho") -> 929;
-entity("Sigma") -> 931;
-entity("Tau") -> 932;
-entity("Upsilon") -> 933;
-entity("Phi") -> 934;
-entity("Chi") -> 935;
-entity("Psi") -> 936;
-entity("Omega") -> 937;
-entity("alpha") -> 945;
-entity("beta") -> 946;
-entity("gamma") -> 947;
-entity("delta") -> 948;
-entity("epsilon") -> 949;
-entity("zeta") -> 950;
-entity("eta") -> 951;
-entity("theta") -> 952;
-entity("iota") -> 953;
-entity("kappa") -> 954;
-entity("lambda") -> 955;
-entity("mu") -> 956;
-entity("nu") -> 957;
-entity("xi") -> 958;
-entity("omicron") -> 959;
-entity("pi") -> 960;
-entity("rho") -> 961;
-entity("sigmaf") -> 962;
-entity("sigma") -> 963;
-entity("tau") -> 964;
-entity("upsilon") -> 965;
-entity("phi") -> 966;
-entity("chi") -> 967;
-entity("psi") -> 968;
-entity("omega") -> 969;
-entity("thetasym") -> 977;
-entity("upsih") -> 978;
-entity("piv") -> 982;
-entity("bull") -> 8226;
-entity("hellip") -> 8230;
-entity("prime") -> 8242;
-entity("Prime") -> 8243;
-entity("oline") -> 8254;
-entity("frasl") -> 8260;
-entity("weierp") -> 8472;
-entity("image") -> 8465;
-entity("real") -> 8476;
-entity("trade") -> 8482;
-entity("alefsym") -> 8501;
-entity("larr") -> 8592;
-entity("uarr") -> 8593;
-entity("rarr") -> 8594;
-entity("darr") -> 8595;
-entity("harr") -> 8596;
-entity("crarr") -> 8629;
-entity("lArr") -> 8656;
-entity("uArr") -> 8657;
-entity("rArr") -> 8658;
-entity("dArr") -> 8659;
-entity("hArr") -> 8660;
-entity("forall") -> 8704;
-entity("part") -> 8706;
-entity("exist") -> 8707;
-entity("empty") -> 8709;
-entity("nabla") -> 8711;
-entity("isin") -> 8712;
-entity("notin") -> 8713;
-entity("ni") -> 8715;
-entity("prod") -> 8719;
-entity("sum") -> 8721;
-entity("minus") -> 8722;
-entity("lowast") -> 8727;
-entity("radic") -> 8730;
-entity("prop") -> 8733;
-entity("infin") -> 8734;
-entity("ang") -> 8736;
-entity("and") -> 8743;
-entity("or") -> 8744;
-entity("cap") -> 8745;
-entity("cup") -> 8746;
-entity("int") -> 8747;
-entity("there4") -> 8756;
-entity("sim") -> 8764;
-entity("cong") -> 8773;
-entity("asymp") -> 8776;
-entity("ne") -> 8800;
-entity("equiv") -> 8801;
-entity("le") -> 8804;
-entity("ge") -> 8805;
-entity("sub") -> 8834;
-entity("sup") -> 8835;
-entity("nsub") -> 8836;
-entity("sube") -> 8838;
-entity("supe") -> 8839;
-entity("oplus") -> 8853;
-entity("otimes") -> 8855;
-entity("perp") -> 8869;
-entity("sdot") -> 8901;
-entity("lceil") -> 8968;
-entity("rceil") -> 8969;
-entity("lfloor") -> 8970;
-entity("rfloor") -> 8971;
-entity("lang") -> 9001;
-entity("rang") -> 9002;
-entity("loz") -> 9674;
-entity("spades") -> 9824;
-entity("clubs") -> 9827;
-entity("hearts") -> 9829;
-entity("diams") -> 9830;
-entity("quot") -> 34;
-entity("amp") -> 38;
-entity("lt") -> 60;
-entity("gt") -> 62;
-entity("OElig") -> 338;
-entity("oelig") -> 339;
-entity("Scaron") -> 352;
-entity("scaron") -> 353;
-entity("Yuml") -> 376;
-entity("circ") -> 710;
-entity("tilde") -> 732;
-entity("ensp") -> 8194;
-entity("emsp") -> 8195;
-entity("thinsp") -> 8201;
-entity("zwnj") -> 8204;
-entity("zwj") -> 8205;
-entity("lrm") -> 8206;
-entity("rlm") -> 8207;
-entity("ndash") -> 8211;
-entity("mdash") -> 8212;
-entity("lsquo") -> 8216;
-entity("rsquo") -> 8217;
-entity("sbquo") -> 8218;
-entity("ldquo") -> 8220;
-entity("rdquo") -> 8221;
-entity("bdquo") -> 8222;
-entity("dagger") -> 8224;
-entity("Dagger") -> 8225;
-entity("permil") -> 8240;
-entity("lsaquo") -> 8249;
-entity("rsaquo") -> 8250;
-entity("euro") -> 8364;
-entity(_) -> undefined.
-%% Tests
-exhaustive_entity_test() ->
-    T = mochiweb_cover:clause_lookup_table(?MODULE, entity),
-    [?assertEqual(V, entity(K)) || {K, V} <- T].
-charref_test() ->
-    1234 = charref("#1234"),
-    255 = charref("#xfF"),
-    255 = charref(<<"#XFf">>),
-    38 = charref("amp"),
-    38 = charref(<<"amp">>),
-    undefined = charref("not_an_entity"),
-    undefined = charref("#not_an_entity"),
-    undefined = charref("#xnot_an_entity"),
-    ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cookies.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cookies.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ee91d0c..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cookies.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Emad El-Haraty <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc HTTP Cookie parsing and generating (RFC 2109, RFC 2965).
--export([parse_cookie/1, cookie/3, cookie/2]).
--define(QUOTE, $\").
-        (C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse C =:= $\r orelse C =:= $\n)).
-%% RFC 2616 separators (called tspecials in RFC 2068)
-        (C < 32 orelse
-         C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse
-         C =:= $( orelse C =:= $) orelse C =:= $< orelse C =:= $> orelse
-         C =:= $@ orelse C =:= $, orelse C =:= $; orelse C =:= $: orelse
-         C =:= $\\ orelse C =:= $\" orelse C =:= $/ orelse
-         C =:= $[ orelse C =:= $] orelse C =:= $? orelse C =:= $= orelse
-         C =:= ${ orelse C =:= $})).
-%% @type proplist() = [{Key::string(), Value::string()}].
-%% @type header() = {Name::string(), Value::string()}.
-%% @spec cookie(Key::string(), Value::string()) -> header()
-%% @doc Short-hand for <code>cookie(Key, Value, [])</code>.
-cookie(Key, Value) ->
-    cookie(Key, Value, []).
-%% @spec cookie(Key::string(), Value::string(), Options::[Option]) -> header()
-%% where Option = {max_age, integer()} | {local_time, {date(), time()}}
-%%                | {domain, string()} | {path, string()}
-%%                | {secure, true | false} | {http_only, true | false}
-%% @doc Generate a Set-Cookie header field tuple.
-cookie(Key, Value, Options) ->
-    Cookie = [any_to_list(Key), "=", quote(Value), "; Version=1"],
-    %% Set-Cookie:
-    %%    Comment, Domain, Max-Age, Path, Secure, Version
-    %% Set-Cookie2:
-    %%    Comment, CommentURL, Discard, Domain, Max-Age, Path, Port, Secure,
-    %%    Version
-    ExpiresPart =
-        case proplists:get_value(max_age, Options) of
-            undefined ->
-                "";
-            RawAge ->
-                When = case proplists:get_value(local_time, Options) of
-                           undefined ->
-                               calendar:universal_time();
-                           LocalTime ->
-                               erlang:localtime_to_universaltime(LocalTime)
-                       end,
-                Age = case RawAge < 0 of
-                          true ->
-                              0;
-                          false ->
-                              RawAge
-                      end,
-                ["; Expires=", age_to_cookie_date(Age, When),
-                 "; Max-Age=", quote(Age)]
-        end,
-    SecurePart =
-        case proplists:get_value(secure, Options) of
-            true ->
-                "; Secure";
-            _ ->
-                ""
-        end,
-    DomainPart =
-        case proplists:get_value(domain, Options) of
-            undefined ->
-                "";
-            Domain ->
-                ["; Domain=", quote(Domain)]
-        end,
-    PathPart =
-        case proplists:get_value(path, Options) of
-            undefined ->
-                "";
-            Path ->
-                ["; Path=", quote(Path)]
-        end,
-    HttpOnlyPart =
-        case proplists:get_value(http_only, Options) of
-            true ->
-                "; HttpOnly";
-            _ ->
-                ""
-        end,
-    CookieParts = [Cookie, ExpiresPart, SecurePart, DomainPart, PathPart, HttpOnlyPart],
-    {"Set-Cookie", lists:flatten(CookieParts)}.
-%% Every major browser incorrectly handles quoted strings in a
-%% different and (worse) incompatible manner.  Instead of wasting time
-%% writing redundant code for each browser, we restrict cookies to
-%% only contain characters that browsers handle compatibly.
-%% By replacing the definition of quote with this, we generate
-%% RFC-compliant cookies:
-%%     quote(V) ->
-%%         Fun = fun(?QUOTE, Acc) -> [$\\, ?QUOTE | Acc];
-%%                  (Ch, Acc) -> [Ch | Acc]
-%%               end,
-%%         [?QUOTE | lists:foldr(Fun, [?QUOTE], V)].
-%% Convert to a string and raise an error if quoting is required.
-quote(V0) ->
-    V = any_to_list(V0),
-    lists:all(fun(Ch) -> Ch =:= $/ orelse not ?IS_SEPARATOR(Ch) end, V)
-        orelse erlang:error({cookie_quoting_required, V}),
-    V.
-add_seconds(Secs, UniversalTime) ->
-    Greg = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UniversalTime),
-    calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Greg + Secs).
-age_to_cookie_date(Age, UniversalTime) ->
-    couch_util:rfc1123_date(add_seconds(Age, UniversalTime)).
-%% @spec parse_cookie(string()) -> [{K::string(), V::string()}]
-%% @doc Parse the contents of a Cookie header field, ignoring cookie
-%% attributes, and return a simple property list.
-parse_cookie("") ->
-    [];
-parse_cookie(Cookie) ->
-    parse_cookie(Cookie, []).
-%% Internal API
-parse_cookie([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-parse_cookie(String, Acc) ->
-    {{Token, Value}, Rest} = read_pair(String),
-    Acc1 = case Token of
-               "" ->
-                   Acc;
-               "$" ++ _ ->
-                   Acc;
-               _ ->
-                   [{Token, Value} | Acc]
-           end,
-    parse_cookie(Rest, Acc1).
-read_pair(String) ->
-    {Token, Rest} = read_token(skip_whitespace(String)),
-    {Value, Rest1} = read_value(skip_whitespace(Rest)),
-    {{Token, Value}, skip_past_separator(Rest1)}.
-read_value([$= | Value]) ->
-    Value1 = skip_whitespace(Value),
-    case Value1 of
-        [?QUOTE | _] ->
-            read_quoted(Value1);
-        _ ->
-            read_token(Value1)
-    end;
-read_value(String) ->
-    {"", String}.
-read_quoted([?QUOTE | String]) ->
-    read_quoted(String, []).
-read_quoted([], Acc) ->
-    {lists:reverse(Acc), []};
-read_quoted([?QUOTE | Rest], Acc) ->
-    {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
-read_quoted([$\\, Any | Rest], Acc) ->
-    read_quoted(Rest, [Any | Acc]);
-read_quoted([C | Rest], Acc) ->
-    read_quoted(Rest, [C | Acc]).
-skip_whitespace(String) ->
-    F = fun (C) -> ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) end,
-    lists:dropwhile(F, String).
-read_token(String) ->
-    F = fun (C) -> not ?IS_SEPARATOR(C) end,
-    lists:splitwith(F, String).
-skip_past_separator([]) ->
-    [];
-skip_past_separator([$; | Rest]) ->
-    Rest;
-skip_past_separator([$, | Rest]) ->
-    Rest;
-skip_past_separator([_ | Rest]) ->
-    skip_past_separator(Rest).
-any_to_list(V) when is_list(V) ->
-    V;
-any_to_list(V) when is_atom(V) ->
-    atom_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_binary(V) ->
-    binary_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_integer(V) ->
-    integer_to_list(V).
-%% Tests
-quote_test() ->
-    %% ?assertError eunit macro is not compatible with coverage module
-    try quote(":wq")
-    catch error:{cookie_quoting_required, ":wq"} -> ok
-    end,
-    ?assertEqual(
-       "foo",
-       quote(foo)),
-    ok.
-parse_cookie_test() ->
-    %% RFC example
-    C1 = "$Version=\"1\"; Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; $Path=\"/acme\";
-    Part_Number=\"Rocket_Launcher_0001\"; $Path=\"/acme\";
-    Shipping=\"FedEx\"; $Path=\"/acme\"",
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"Customer","WILE_E_COYOTE"},
-        {"Part_Number","Rocket_Launcher_0001"},
-        {"Shipping","FedEx"}],
-       parse_cookie(C1)),
-    %% Potential edge cases
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", "x"}],
-       parse_cookie("foo=\"\\x\"")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [],
-       parse_cookie("=")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", ""}, {"bar", ""}],
-       parse_cookie("  foo ; bar  ")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", ""}, {"bar", ""}],
-       parse_cookie("foo=;bar=")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", "\";"}, {"bar", ""}],
-       parse_cookie("foo = \"\\\";\";bar ")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", "\";bar"}],
-       parse_cookie("foo=\"\\\";bar")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [],
-       parse_cookie([])),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"foo", "bar"}, {"baz", "wibble"}],
-       parse_cookie("foo=bar , baz=wibble ")),
-    ok.
-domain_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {"Set-Cookie",
-        "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; "
-        "Version=1; "
-        "; "
-        "HttpOnly"},
-       cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE",
-              [{http_only, true}, {domain, ""}])),
-    ok.
-local_time_test() ->
-    {"Set-Cookie", S} = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE",
-                               [{max_age, 111}, {secure, true}]),
-    ?assertMatch(
-       ["Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE",
-        " Version=1",
-        " Expires=" ++ _,
-        " Max-Age=111",
-        " Secure"],
-       string:tokens(S, ";")),
-    ok.
-cookie_test() ->
-    C1 = {"Set-Cookie",
-          "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; "
-          "Version=1; "
-          "Path=/acme"},
-    C1 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{path, "/acme"}]),
-    C1 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE",
-                [{path, "/acme"}, {badoption, "negatory"}]),
-    C1 = cookie('Customer', 'WILE_E_COYOTE', [{path, '/acme'}]),
-    C1 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{path, <<"/acme">>}]),
-    {"Set-Cookie","=NoKey; Version=1"} = cookie("", "NoKey", []),
-    {"Set-Cookie","=NoKey; Version=1"} = cookie("", "NoKey"),
-    LocalTime = calendar:universal_time_to_local_time({{2007, 5, 15}, {13, 45, 33}}),
-    C2 = {"Set-Cookie",
-          "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; "
-          "Version=1; "
-          "Expires=Tue, 15 May 2007 13:45:33 GMT; "
-          "Max-Age=0"},
-    C2 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE",
-                [{max_age, -111}, {local_time, LocalTime}]),
-    C3 = {"Set-Cookie",
-          "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; "
-          "Version=1; "
-          "Expires=Wed, 16 May 2007 13:45:50 GMT; "
-          "Max-Age=86417"},
-    C3 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE",
-                [{max_age, 86417}, {local_time, LocalTime}]),
-    ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cover.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cover.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a14ef5..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_cover.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2010 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Workarounds for various cover deficiencies.
--export([get_beam/1, get_abstract_code/1,
-         get_clauses/2, clause_lookup_table/1]).
-%% Internal
-get_beam(Module) ->
-    {Module, Beam, _Path} = code:get_object_code(Module),
-    Beam.
-get_abstract_code(Beam) ->
-    {ok, {_Module,
-          [{abstract_code,
-            {raw_abstract_v1, L}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
-    L.
-get_clauses(Function, Code) ->
-    [L] = [Clauses || {function, _, FName, _, Clauses}
-                          <- Code, FName =:= Function],
-    L.
-clause_lookup_table(Module, Function) ->
-    clause_lookup_table(
-      get_clauses(Function,
-                  get_abstract_code(get_beam(Module)))).
-clause_lookup_table(Clauses) ->
-    lists:foldr(fun clause_fold/2, [], Clauses).
-clause_fold({clause, _,
-             [InTerm],
-             _Guards=[],
-             [OutTerm]},
-            Acc) ->
-    try [{erl_parse:normalise(InTerm), erl_parse:normalise(OutTerm)} | Acc]
-    catch error:_ -> Acc
-    end;
-clause_fold(_, Acc) ->
-    Acc.
-%% Tests
-foo_table(a) -> b;
-foo_table("a") -> <<"b">>;
-foo_table(123) -> {4, 3, 2};
-foo_table([list]) -> [];
-foo_table([list1, list2]) -> [list1, list2, list3];
-foo_table(ignored) -> some, code, ignored;
-foo_table(Var) -> Var.
-foo_table_test() ->
-    T = clause_lookup_table(?MODULE, foo_table),
-    [?assertEqual(V, foo_table(K)) || {K, V} <- T].
-clause_lookup_table_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(b, foo_table(a)),
-    ?assertEqual(ignored, foo_table(ignored)),
-    ?assertEqual('Var', foo_table('Var')),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{a, b},
-        {"a", <<"b">>},
-        {123, {4, 3, 2}},
-        {[list], []},
-        {[list1, list2], [list1, list2, list3]}],
-       clause_lookup_table(?MODULE, foo_table)).
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_echo.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_echo.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7872b..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_echo.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Simple and stupid echo server to demo mochiweb_socket_server.
--export([start/0, stop/0, loop/1]).
-stop() ->
-    mochiweb_socket_server:stop(?MODULE).
-start() ->
-    mochiweb_socket_server:start([{name, ?MODULE},
-                                  {port, 6789},
-                                  {ip, ""},
-                                  {max, 1},
-                                  {loop, {?MODULE, loop}}]).
-loop(Socket) ->
-    case mochiweb_socket:recv(Socket, 0, 30000) of
-        {ok, Data} ->
-            case mochiweb_socket:send(Socket, Data) of
-                ok ->
-                    loop(Socket);
-                _ ->
-                    exit(normal)
-            end;
-        _Other ->
-            exit(normal)
-    end.
-%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fce983..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Case preserving (but case insensitive) HTTP Header dictionary.
--export([empty/0, from_list/1, insert/3, enter/3, get_value/2, lookup/2]).
--export([delete_any/2, get_primary_value/2]).
--export([default/3, enter_from_list/2, default_from_list/2]).
--export([to_list/1, make/1]).
-%% @type headers().
-%% @type key() = atom() | binary() | string().
-%% @type value() = atom() | binary() | string() | integer().
-%% @spec empty() -> headers()
-%% @doc Create an empty headers structure.
-empty() ->
-    gb_trees:empty().
-%% @spec make(headers() | [{key(), value()}]) -> headers()
-%% @doc Construct a headers() from the given list.
-make(L) when is_list(L) ->
-    from_list(L);
-%% assume a tuple is already mochiweb_headers.
-make(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
-    T.
-%% @spec from_binary(iolist()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Transforms a raw HTTP header into a mochiweb headers structure.
-%%      The given raw HTTP header can be one of the following:
-%%      1) A string or a binary representing a full HTTP header ending with
-%%         double CRLF.
-%%         Examples:
-%%         ```
-%%         "Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
-%%         <<"Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n">>'''
-%%      2) A list of binaries or strings where each element represents a raw
-%%         HTTP header line ending with a single CRLF.
-%%         Examples:
-%%         ```
-%%         [<<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">>]
-%%         ["Content-Length: 47\r\n", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"]
-%%         ["Content-Length: 47\r\n", <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">>]'''
-from_binary(RawHttpHeader) when is_binary(RawHttpHeader) ->
-    from_binary(RawHttpHeader, []);
-from_binary(RawHttpHeaderList) ->
-    from_binary(list_to_binary([RawHttpHeaderList, "\r\n"])).
-from_binary(RawHttpHeader, Acc) ->
-    case erlang:decode_packet(httph, RawHttpHeader, []) of
-        {ok, {http_header, _, H, _, V}, Rest} ->
-            from_binary(Rest, [{H, V} | Acc]);
-        _ ->
-            make(Acc)
-    end.
-%% @spec from_list([{key(), value()}]) -> headers()
-%% @doc Construct a headers() from the given list.
-from_list(List) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T) -> insert(K, V, T) end, empty(), List).
-%% @spec enter_from_list([{key(), value()}], headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert pairs into the headers, replace any values for existing keys.
-enter_from_list(List, T) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T1) -> enter(K, V, T1) end, T, List).
-%% @spec default_from_list([{key(), value()}], headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert pairs into the headers for keys that do not already exist.
-default_from_list(List, T) ->
-    lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T1) -> default(K, V, T1) end, T, List).
-%% @spec to_list(headers()) -> [{key(), string()}]
-%% @doc Return the contents of the headers. The keys will be the exact key
-%%      that was first inserted (e.g. may be an atom or binary, case is
-%%      preserved).
-to_list(T) ->
-    F = fun ({K, {array, L}}, Acc) ->
-                L1 = lists:reverse(L),
-                lists:foldl(fun (V, Acc1) -> [{K, V} | Acc1] end, Acc, L1);
-            (Pair, Acc) ->
-                [Pair | Acc]
-        end,
-    lists:reverse(lists:foldl(F, [], gb_trees:values(T))).
-%% @spec get_value(key(), headers()) -> string() | undefined
-%% @doc Return the value of the given header using a case insensitive search.
-%%      undefined will be returned for keys that are not present.
-get_value(K, T) ->
-    case lookup(K, T) of
-        {value, {_, V}} ->
-            expand(V);
-        none ->
-            undefined
-    end.
-%% @spec get_primary_value(key(), headers()) -> string() | undefined
-%% @doc Return the value of the given header up to the first semicolon using
-%%      a case insensitive search. undefined will be returned for keys
-%%      that are not present.
-get_primary_value(K, T) ->
-    case get_value(K, T) of
-        undefined ->
-            undefined;
-        V ->
-            lists:takewhile(fun (C) -> C =/= $; end, V)
-    end.
-%% @spec lookup(key(), headers()) -> {value, {key(), string()}} | none
-%% @doc Return the case preserved key and value for the given header using
-%%      a case insensitive search. none will be returned for keys that are
-%%      not present.
-lookup(K, T) ->
-    case gb_trees:lookup(normalize(K), T) of
-        {value, {K0, V}} ->
-            {value, {K0, expand(V)}};
-        none ->
-            none
-    end.
-%% @spec default(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers if it does not already exist.
-default(K, V, T) ->
-    K1 = normalize(K),
-    V1 = any_to_list(V),
-    try gb_trees:insert(K1, {K, V1}, T)
-    catch
-        error:{key_exists, _} ->
-            T
-    end.
-%% @spec enter(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers, replacing any pre-existing key.
-enter(K, V, T) ->
-    K1 = normalize(K),
-    V1 = any_to_list(V),
-    gb_trees:enter(K1, {K, V1}, T).
-%% @spec insert(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers, merging with any pre-existing key.
-%%      A merge is done with Value = V0 ++ ", " ++ V1.
-insert(K, V, T) ->
-    K1 = normalize(K),
-    V1 = any_to_list(V),
-    try gb_trees:insert(K1, {K, V1}, T)
-    catch
-        error:{key_exists, _} ->
-            {K0, V0} = gb_trees:get(K1, T),
-            V2 = merge(K1, V1, V0),
-            gb_trees:update(K1, {K0, V2}, T)
-    end.
-%% @spec delete_any(key(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Delete the header corresponding to key if it is present.
-delete_any(K, T) ->
-    K1 = normalize(K),
-    gb_trees:delete_any(K1, T).
-%% Internal API
-expand({array, L}) ->
-    mochiweb_util:join(lists:reverse(L), ", ");
-expand(V) ->
-    V.
-merge("set-cookie", V1, {array, L}) ->
-    {array, [V1 | L]};
-merge("set-cookie", V1, V0) ->
-    {array, [V1, V0]};
-merge(_, V1, V0) ->
-    V0 ++ ", " ++ V1.
-normalize(K) when is_list(K) ->
-    string:to_lower(K);
-normalize(K) when is_atom(K) ->
-    normalize(atom_to_list(K));
-normalize(K) when is_binary(K) ->
-    normalize(binary_to_list(K)).
-any_to_list(V) when is_list(V) ->
-    V;
-any_to_list(V) when is_atom(V) ->
-    atom_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_binary(V) ->
-    binary_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_integer(V) ->
-    integer_to_list(V).
-%% Tests.
-make_test() ->
-    Identity = make([{hdr, foo}]),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       Identity,
-       make(Identity)).
-enter_from_list_test() ->
-    H = make([{hdr, foo}]),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{baz, "wibble"}, {hdr, "foo"}],
-       to_list(enter_from_list([{baz, wibble}], H))),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{hdr, "bar"}],
-       to_list(enter_from_list([{hdr, bar}], H))),
-    ok.
-default_from_list_test() ->
-    H = make([{hdr, foo}]),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{baz, "wibble"}, {hdr, "foo"}],
-       to_list(default_from_list([{baz, wibble}], H))),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{hdr, "foo"}],
-       to_list(default_from_list([{hdr, bar}], H))),
-    ok.
-get_primary_value_test() ->
-    H = make([{hdr, foo}, {baz, <<"wibble;taco">>}]),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       "foo",
-       get_primary_value(hdr, H)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       undefined,
-       get_primary_value(bar, H)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       "wibble",
-       get_primary_value(<<"baz">>, H)),
-    ok.
-set_cookie_test() ->
-    H = make([{"set-cookie", foo}, {"set-cookie", bar}, {"set-cookie", baz}]),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{"set-cookie", "foo"}, {"set-cookie", "bar"}, {"set-cookie", "baz"}],
-       to_list(H)),
-    ok.
-headers_test() ->
-    H = ?MODULE:make([{hdr, foo}, {"Hdr", "bar"}, {'Hdr', 2}]),
-    [{hdr, "foo, bar, 2"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H),
-    H1 = ?MODULE:insert(taco, grande, H),
-    [{hdr, "foo, bar, 2"}, {taco, "grande"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H1),
-    H2 = ?MODULE:make([{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}]),
-    [{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H2),
-    H3 = ?MODULE:insert("Set-Cookie", "bar", H2),
-    [{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}, {"Set-Cookie", "bar"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H3),
-    "foo, bar" = ?MODULE:get_value("set-cookie", H3),
-    {value, {"Set-Cookie", "foo, bar"}} = ?MODULE:lookup("set-cookie", H3),
-    undefined = ?MODULE:get_value("shibby", H3),
-    none = ?MODULE:lookup("shibby", H3),
-    H4 = ?MODULE:insert("content-type",
-                        "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf8",
-                        H3),
-    "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" = ?MODULE:get_primary_value(
-                                             "content-type", H4),
-    H4 = ?MODULE:delete_any("nonexistent-header", H4),
-    H3 = ?MODULE:delete_any("content-type", H4),
-    HB = <<"Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n">>,
-    H_HB = ?MODULE:from_binary(HB),
-    H_HB = ?MODULE:from_binary(binary_to_list(HB)),
-    "47" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Length", H_HB),
-    "text/plain" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Type", H_HB),
-    L_H_HB = ?MODULE:to_list(H_HB),
-    2 = length(L_H_HB),
-    true = lists:member({'Content-Length', "47"}, L_H_HB),
-    true = lists:member({'Content-Type', "text/plain"}, L_H_HB),
-    HL = [ <<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ],
-    HL2 = [ "Content-Length: 47\r\n", <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ],
-    HL3 = [ <<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ],
-    H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL),
-    H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL2),
-    H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL3),
-    "47" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Length", H_HL),
-    "text/plain" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Type", H_HL),
-    L_H_HL = ?MODULE:to_list(H_HL),
-    2 = length(L_H_HL),
-    true = lists:member({'Content-Length', "47"}, L_H_HL),
-    true = lists:member({'Content-Type', "text/plain"}, L_H_HL),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<>>)),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"">>)),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"\r\n">>)),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"\r\n\r\n">>)),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary("")),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<>>])),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"">>])),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"\r\n">>])),
-    [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"\r\n\r\n">>])),
-    ok.