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Posted to by Lionel van den Berg <> on 2007/09/04 01:15:15 UTC

Ant uptodate?

I sent another email but I don't think it went through.

I've tried using the ant uptodate and dependset tasks but haven't solved my
problem. I've googled, tried heaps of solutions but still can't do it, so
here is the problem:

Assume for each of the following we are in a base directory. I have:

grammar/*.grammar files.

>From a *.grammar file Sablecc will generate .java files (and some .dat
files) in:


When my Ant script is run, src/ may or may not exist.

What I want to do is just set a property if either src/ does not exist or
any of the files in any of files in grammar/ have been modified after any of
the files in the subdirectories of src/.

Can someone please help me? It seems that this should be fairly simple.

