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Posted to by on 2002/04/04 17:18:15 UTC

cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd

hammant     02/04/04 07:18:15

  Added:       bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               cli/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               component/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               fortress/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               lang/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               logger/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               pool/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               template-product/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd
                        document-v10.dtd faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd
               testcase/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               thread/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
               util/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd document-v10.dtd
                        faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd todo-v10.dtd
  more dtds for xdocs
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/bzip2/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/cli/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/cli/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/cli/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/cli/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/cli/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/component/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/component/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/component/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/component/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/component/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/fortress/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/fortress/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/fortress/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/fortress/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/fortress/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/lang/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/lang/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/lang/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/lang/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/lang/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/logger/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/logger/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/logger/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/logger/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/logger/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/pool/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/pool/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/pool/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/pool/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/pool/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/template-product/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/template-product/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/template-product/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/template-product/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/template-product/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/testcase/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/testcase/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/testcase/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/testcase/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/testcase/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/thread/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/thread/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/thread/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/thread/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/thread/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd/changes-v10.dtd
  Index: changes-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Changes DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software development changes for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Changes Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes both to give users indications of bugs that might
    have been resolved, as well, and not less important, to provide credits
    for the support given to the project. It is considered vital to provide
    adequate payback using recognition and credits to let users and developers
    feel part of the community, thus increasing development power.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    20000316 Added bugfixing attribute. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % types "add|remove|update|fix">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT changes (devs, release*)>
  <!ATTLIST changes %common.att;
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT release (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST release %common.att;
                        version  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                        date     CDATA  #REQUIRED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           dev  IDREF  #REQUIRED
                           type (%types;)  #IMPLIED
                           due-to CDATA #IMPLIED
                           due-to-email CDATA #IMPLIED
                           fixes-bug CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd/document-v10.dtd
  Index: document-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Documentation DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document
    type for software documentation for use with the Apache projects.
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Many of the design patterns used in this DTD were take from the
    W3C XML Specification DTD edited by Eve Maler <>.
    Where possible, great care has been used to reutilize HTML tag
    names to reduce learning efforts and to allow HTML editors to be
    used for complex authorings like tables and lists.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    Berin Loritsch <>
    - how can we include char entities without hardwiring them?
    - should "form" tags be included?
    - should all style-free HTML 4.0 markup tags be included?
    - how do we handle the idea of "soft" xlinks?
    - should we add "soft" links to images?
    19991121 Initial version. (SM)
    19991123 Replaced "res" with more standard "strong" for emphasis. (SM)
    19991124 Added "fork" element for window forking behavior. (SM)
    19991124 Added "img-inline" element to separate from "img". (SM)
    19991129 Removed "affiliation" from "author". (SM)
    19991129 Made "author" empty and moved "name|email" as attributes (SM)
    19991215 Simplified table section (SM)
    19991215 Changed "img-block" in more friendly "figure" (SM)
    20000125 Added the "icon" image (SM)
    20000126 Allowed "anchor" in all levels (SM)
    20000404 Removed the "role" attribute from common-xxx.att (SM)
    20000606 Allowed nested markup tags (SM)
    20000911 Allowed link tags inside markup (BL)
    Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common character entities (included from external file) -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers of ISO latin char sets -->
  <!ENTITY % charEntity SYSTEM "characters.ent">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Userful entitieis for increased DTD readability -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general XML compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common attributes
          Every element has an ID attribute (sometimes required,
          but usually optional) for links. %common.att;
          is for common attributes where the ID is optional, and
          %common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
          ID is required.
  <!ENTITY % common.att
          'id                     ID              #IMPLIED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
          'id                     ID              #REQUIRED
           xml:lang               NMTOKEN         #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- xml:space attribute ===============================================
          Indicates that the element contains white space
          that the formatter or other application should retain,
          as appropriate to its function.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
          'xml:space (default|preserve) #FIXED "preserve"'>
  <!-- def attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
          found, using the IDREF mechanism.  %def.att; is for optional
          def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % def.att
          'def                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % def-req.att
          'def                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- ref attribute =====================================================
          Points to the element where more information can be found,
          using the IDREF mechanism.  %ref.att; is for optional
          ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
  ================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % ref.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #IMPLIED'>
  <!ENTITY % ref-req.att
          'ref                    IDREF           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for XLink compliance -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-simple.att
          'type      (simple|extended|locator|arc) #FIXED "simple"
           href      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           role      CDATA                         #IMPLIED
           title     CDATA                         #IMPLIED '>
  <!--    'xmlns     CDATA                         #FIXED "" -->
  <!-- FIXME: brain-dead IE5 has broken support for
       namespace validation and since I use it for editing
       I remove this for now -->
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-replace.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "replace"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-user-new.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "new"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "user" '>
  <!ENTITY % xlink-auto-parsed.att
          'show      (new|parsed|replace)   #FIXED "parsed"
           actuate   (user|auto)            #FIXED "auto" '>
  <!-- FIXME (SM): XLink doesn't yet cover the idea of soft links so
       introducing it here using the same namespace is _somewhat_
       illegal. Should we create it own namespace?
  <!ENTITY % xlink-soft.att
          'mode      (hard|soft)            #FIXED "soft" '>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Entities for general usage -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Key attribute =====================================================
          Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
          the element content is inappropriate for this purpose.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % key.att
          'key                    CDATA           #IMPLIED'>
  <!-- Title attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a title.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % title.att
          'title                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Name attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have a name.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % name.att
          'name                   CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- Email attributes ==================================================
          Indicates that the element requires to have an email.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % email.att
          'email                  CDATA           #REQUIRED'>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- General definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- A person is a general human entity -->
  <!ELEMENT person EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST person %common.att;
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Content definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.content.mix "">
  <!ENTITY % markup "strong|em|code|sub|sup">
  <!ENTITY % links "link|connect|jump|fork|anchor">
  <!ENTITY % special "br|img|icon">
  <!ENTITY % link-content.mix "%text;|%markup;|%special;%local.content.mix;">
  <!ENTITY % content.mix "%link-content.mix;|%links;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Phrase Markup -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Strong (typically bold) -->
      <!ELEMENT strong (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST strong %common.att;>
      <!-- Emphasis (typically italic) -->
      <!ELEMENT em (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST em %common.att;>
      <!-- Code (typically monospaced) -->
      <!ELEMENT code (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
      <!-- Superscript (typically smaller and higher) -->
      <!ELEMENT sup (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
      <!-- Subscript (typically smaller and lower) -->
      <!ELEMENT sub (%text;|%markup;|%links;)*>
      <!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we add these HTML 4.0 markups
           which are style-free?
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Hypertextual Links -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- hard replacing link (equivalent of <a ...>) -->
      <!ELEMENT link (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST link %common.att;
      <!-- Hard window replacing link (equivalent of <a ... target="_top">) -->
      <!ELEMENT jump (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST jump anchor CDATA #IMPLIED
      <!-- Hard window forking link (equivalent of <a ... target="_new">) -->
      <!ELEMENT fork (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST fork %common.att;
      <!-- Anchor point (equivalent of <a name="...">) -->
      <!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST anchor %common-idreq.att;>
      <!-- Soft link between processed pages (no equivalent in HTML) -->
      <!ELEMENT connect (%link-content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST connect %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Specials -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Breakline Object (typically forces line break) -->
      <!ELEMENT br EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST br %common.att;>
      <!-- Image Object (typically an inlined image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST img src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                    height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                    ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
      <!-- Image Icon (typically an inlined image placed as graphical item) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT icon EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST icon src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                     height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                     width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Blocks definitions -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % local.blocks "">
  <!ENTITY % paragraphs "p|source|note|fixme|figure">
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "%paragraphs;">
  <!ENTITY % tables "table">
  <!ENTITY % lists "ol|ul|sl|dl|%local.lists;">
  <!ENTITY % blocks "anchor|%paragraphs;|%tables;|%lists; %local.blocks;">
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Paragraphs -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Text Paragraph (normally vertically space delimited) -->
      <!ELEMENT p (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
      <!-- Source Paragraph (normally space is preserved) -->
      <!ELEMENT source (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST source %common.att;
      <!-- Note Paragraph (normally shown encapsulated) -->
      <!ELEMENT note (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
      <!-- Fixme Paragraph (normally not shown) -->
      <!ELEMENT fixme (%content.mix;)*>
      <!-- the "author" attribute should match the "key" attribute of the
           <author> element -->
      <!ATTLIST fixme author CDATA #REQUIRED
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Tables -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Attributes that indicate the spanning of the table cell -->
      <!ENTITY % cell.span 
          'colspan CDATA "1"
           rowspan CDATA "1"'>
      <!-- Table element -->
      <!ELEMENT table (caption?, tr+)>
      <!ATTLIST table %common.att;>
          <!-- The table title -->
          <!ELEMENT caption (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
          <!-- The table row element -->
          <!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
          <!ATTLIST tr %common.att;>
              <!-- The table row header element -->
              <!ELEMENT th (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST th %common.att;
              <!-- The table row description element -->
              <!ELEMENT td (%content.mix;)*>
              <!ATTLIST td %common.att;
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Lists -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Unordered list (typically bulleted) -->
      <!ELEMENT ul (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ul
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Ordered list (typically numbered) -->
      <!ELEMENT ol (li|%lists;)+>
      <!--    spacing attribute:
              Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
              use "compact" to get less spacing.  The default is dependent
              on the stylesheet. -->
      <!ATTLIST ol
              spacing         (normal|compact)        #IMPLIED>
      <!-- Simple list (typically with no mark) -->
      <!ELEMENT sl (li|%lists;)+>
      <!ATTLIST sl %common.att;>
          <!-- List item -->
          <!ELEMENT li (%content.mix;|%lists;)*>
          <!ATTLIST li %common.att;>
      <!-- Definition list (typically two-column) -->
      <!ELEMENT dl (dt,dd)+>
      <!ATTLIST dl %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition term -->
          <!ELEMENT dt (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dt %common.att;>
          <!-- Definition description -->
          <!ELEMENT dd (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST dd %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Special Blocks -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Image Block (typically a separated and centered image) -->
      <!-- FIXME (SM): should we have the notion of soft links even here
           for inlined objects? -->
      <!ELEMENT figure EMPTY>
      <!ATTLIST figure src    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       alt    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                       height CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       width  CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       usemap CDATA  #IMPLIED
                       ismap  (ismap) #IMPLIED
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT document (header?, body, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST document %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Header -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.headers "">
      <!ELEMENT header (title, subtitle?, version?, type?, authors,
                        notice*, abstract? %local.headers;)>
      <!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT title (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT subtitle (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT version (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT type (%text;)>
      <!ATTLIST type %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT authors (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST authors %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT notice (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT abstract (%content.mix;)*>
      <!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Body -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.sections "">
      <!ENTITY % sections "s1|anchor %local.sections;">
      <!ELEMENT body (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT s1 (s2|%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST s1 %title.att; %common.att;>
              <!ELEMENT s2 (s3|%blocks;)*>
              <!ATTLIST s2 %title.att; %common.att;>
                  <!ELEMENT s3 (s4|%blocks;)*>
                  <!ATTLIST s3 %title.att; %common.att;>
                      <!ELEMENT s4 (%blocks;)*>
                      <!ATTLIST s4 %title.att; %common.att;>
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!-- Footer -->
      <!-- ==================================================== -->
      <!ENTITY % local.footers "">
      <!ELEMENT footer (legal %local.footers;)>
          <!ELEMENT legal (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST legal %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd/faq-v10.dtd
  Index: faq-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache FAQ DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software FAQ's for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    FAQs represent a powerful knowledge base and a very good way of solving
    common user problems reducing messages on mail lists and reducing the effort
    required for software installation and usage. Thid DTD want to be a common
    format for FAQ interchange to allow FAQ-O-Matic-type workgroup services to 
    be published in other formats as well as enhancing data interchange.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT faqs (authors?, faq)+>
  <!ATTLIST faqs %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT faq (question, answer)>
      <!ATTLIST faq %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT question (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST question %common.att;>
          <!ELEMENT answer (%blocks;)*>
          <!ATTLIST answer author IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd/specification-v10.dtd
  Index: specification-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Specification DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software specifications for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Specification Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- extend the entities -->
  <!ENTITY % local.lists "|bl">
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT specification (header?, body, appendices?, footer?)>
  <!ATTLIST specification %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT appendices (%sections;)+>
      <!ATTLIST appendices %common.att;>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Bibliography List -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- Bibliography list -->
      <!ELEMENT bl (bi)+>
      <!ATTLIST bl %common.att;>
          <!-- Book item -->
          <!ELEMENT bi EMPTY>
          <!ATTLIST bi %common.att;
                       authors CDATA #REQUIRED
                       date    CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-excalibur/util/src/xdocs/dtd/todo-v10.dtd
  Index: todo-v10.dtd
  <!-- ===================================================================
       Apache Todos DTD (Version 1.0)
    This DTD was developed to create a simple yet powerful document 
    type for software development todo lists for use with the Apache projects.  
    It is an XML-compliant DTD and it's maintained by the Apache XML 
    <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC
         "-//APACHE//DTD Todo Vx.yz//EN"
      x := major version
      y := minor version
      z := status identifier (optional)
    It is important, expecially in open developped software projects, to keep
    track of software changes that need to be done, planned features, development
    assignment, etc. in order to allow better work parallelization and create
    an entry point for people that want to help. This DTD wants to provide
    a solid foundation to provide such information and to allow it to be
    published as well as distributed in a common format.
    Stefano Mazzocchi <>
    - do we need anymore working contexts? (SM)
    19991129 Initial version. (SM)
    19991225 Added actions element for better structure (SM)
    Copyright (c) @year@ The Apache Software Foundation.
    Permission to copy in any form is granted provided this notice is 
    included in all copies. Permission to redistribute is granted 
    provided this file is distributed untouched in all its parts and 
    included files.
  ==================================================================== -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Extend the Documentation DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- FIXME (SM): this is hardcoding. Find a better way of doing this
       possibly using public identifiers -->
  <!ENTITY % document-dtd SYSTEM "document-v10.dtd">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Common entities -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ENTITY % priorities "showstopper|high|medium|low|wish|dream">
  <!ENTITY % contexts "build|docs|code|admin|design">
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- Document Type Definition -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!ELEMENT todo (devs, actions*)>
  <!ATTLIST todo %common.att; 
      <!ELEMENT devs (person+)>
      <!ATTLIST devs %common.att;>
      <!ELEMENT actions (action+)>
      <!ATTLIST actions %common.att;
                       priority     (%priorities;)  #IMPLIED>
          <!ELEMENT action (%content.mix;)*>
          <!ATTLIST action %common.att;
                           assigned-to  IDREF           #IMPLIED
                           context      (%contexts;)    #REQUIRED>
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- End of DTD -->
  <!-- =============================================================== -->

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