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Posted to by Kushan Maskey <> on 2014/08/07 22:41:00 UTC

KafkaSpout repeatedly sending the same message over and over again

I have a topology based on Storm 0.9.2 which makes use of in built
KafkaSpout. I build the topology as

BrokerHosts zkHosts = new ZkHosts("mykafkahost");

 SpoutConfig config = new SpoutConfig(zkHosts, topic, /kafkastorm, id);

 config.scheme = new RawMultiScheme();

KafkaSpout spout = new KafkaSpout(config);

builder.setSpout("mySpout", spout);

builder.setBolt("myBolt", new MyBolt()).shuffleGrouping("mySpout");

builder.setBolt("myBolt1", new MyBolt1()).shuffleGrouping("myBolt");

When I execute this topology, I receive the message but the spout keeps
reading the same message again and again. I am adding the data into the
database and its causing me to have duplicate as I create a GUID for each
time it executes MyBolt and MyBolt1. Any idea whats the issue here? Am I
missing any configuration on the spoutConfig?

Kushan Maskey