You are viewing a plain text version of this content. The canonical link for it is here.
Posted to by on 2016/02/01 18:45:54 UTC

[46/51] [abbrv] [partial] brooklyn-docs git commit: move subdir from incubator up a level as it is promoted to its own repo (first non-incubator commit!)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sidemenu.html b/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sidemenu.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3cf1c..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sidemenu.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-<div class="list-group side-menu" id="side-menu">
-{% comment %}
-  Case 1) If we're the landing page show nothing.
-  Case 2) If we're contained in the top (landing page) menu, show our menu if we have one.
-  Case 3a) Otherwise if we're contained in a menu, show that menu.
-  Case 3b) And if we have a menu, show our menu nested.
-  Note the breadcrumbs are offset:1. This is because usually breadcrumbs include the root;
-  but also if we're overriding breadcrumbs it gives us a way to set a topmenu item (making it breadcrumb[0])
-  while customizing the side menu (make self breadcrumb[1]).
-{% endcomment %}
-{% unless page.landing %}
-  {% if page.menu_parent %}
-    {% if page.menu_parent.landing %} {% comment %} case 2 {% endcomment %}
-              {% for item in page.breadcrumb_pages offset:1 %}
-                  <h4 class="{% if forloop.index0 > 0 %} with_preceding{% endif %}{% if forloop.rindex0 > 0 %} with_following{% endif %}">
-                    <a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if item.path == page.menu_path %} active{% endif %} breadcrumb breadcrumb{{ forloop.index0 }}">
-                      {{ item.title_in_menu }}</a></h4>
-              {% endfor %}
-              {% for item in %}
-                <a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if page.breadcrumbs contains item %} active{% endif %}">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
-                  {% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
-              {% endfor %}
-    {% else %} {% comment %} case 3a {% endcomment %}
-              {% for item in page.menu_parent.breadcrumb_pages offset:1 %}
-                  <h4 class="{% if forloop.index0 > 0 %} with_preceding{% endif %}{% if forloop.rindex0 > 0 %} with_following{% endif %}">
-                    <a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if item.path == page.menu_path %}{% unless item.menu_customization.force_inactive %} active{% endunless %}{% endif %} breadcrumb breadcrumb{{ forloop.index0 }}">
-                      {{ item.title_in_menu }}
-                      {% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a></h4>
-              {% endfor %}
-              {% for item in %}
-                {% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.menu_path %}{% assign in_menu = true %}{% else %}{% assign in_menu = false %}{% endif %} 
-                {% if in_menu and %}
-                  {% comment %} case 3b {% endcomment %}
-                  <a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item active with-sub-item">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
-                    {% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
-                  <div class="sub-item">
-                    {% for item2 in %}
-                      {% capture item_section_classes %}{% if item2.section %} section{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
-                      <a href="{{item2.url}}" class="list-group-item sub-item {{ item_section_classes }}" {% if item2.section %}section-target="#{{ item2.section }}"{% endif %}>
-                        {{ item2.title_in_menu }}
-                        {% if item2.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
-                    {% endfor %}
-                  </div>
-                {% else %}
-                  {% comment %} case 3a side menu item {% endcomment %}
-                  <a href="{{item.url}}" class="list-group-item{% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.menu_path %}{% unless item.menu_customization.force_inactive %} active{% endunless %}{% endif %}">{{ item.title_in_menu }}
-                    {% if item.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
-                {% endif %}
-              {% endfor %}
-    {% endif %}    
-  {% elsif %}
-    <!-- no pages have a menu without being in the top menu, won't come here -->
-  {% endif %}
-{% endunless %}
-<div id="width_reference"></div>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="application/javascript">
-{% comment %} 
-the menu is css position:fixed so won't scroll; 
-but also it will not obey its parents width.
-set the width on load and on resize.
-{% endcomment %} 
-sidemenu_x_sizer=function(){ $('#side-menu').width($('#side-menu').parent().find('#width_reference').outerWidth()); };
-{% comment %} 
-also ensure the screen is big enough, else revert to non-floating menu:
-check y-height, and check widths (in case it was moved to after the other column)
-{% endcomment %} 
-  if ($('#side-menu').outerHeight(true) + $('#header').outerHeight(true) + $('#footer').outerHeight(true) > window.innerHeight ||
-      $('#side-menu').width() >= $('#content_container').width()/2) {
-    $('#side-menu').css('position', 'inherit');
-  } else {
-    // restore if screen has grown
-    $('#side-menu').css('position', 'fixed');
-  }
-{% comment %} 
-auto-advance "sections" in menu on scroll
-{% endcomment %} 
-var sideMenu = $("#side-menu"),
-    sideItems = sideMenu.find("a"),
-    // Anchors corresponding to menu items
-    scrollItems ={
-      var item = $(this).attr("section-target");
-      if (item && item.length) { return item; }
-    });
-var highlight_section_last_top = -1;
-var highlight_section_completed = false;
-var highlight_section = function() {
-   // Get container scroll position
-   var highlight_section_new_top = $(this).scrollTop();
-   if (highlight_section_new_top == highlight_section_last_top) return;
-   var highlight_section_new_bottom = highlight_section_new_top + $(window).height();
-   var scroll_advancing = (highlight_section_new_top > highlight_section_last_top);
-   var last_item = null, active_item = $("#side-menu a.section#active");
-   var found_top = false;
-   var displayable_items ={
-     item = $(scrollItems[itemI]);
-     if (item && item.length) {
-       if (highlight_section_last_top == -1 || !highlight_section_completed) {
-         // just opening page - take item matching hash, or otherwise the first item visible
-         if (item.selector === window.location.hash || (item.offset().top > highlight_section_new_top - 20 && !found_top)) {
-           found_top = true;
-           if (item.selector === window.location.hash && item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + 60) {
-             // because of our top header, we need to scroll 64px down from any link
-             $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: item.offset().top - 64}, 0);
-           }
-           return item;
-         }
-       } else if (scroll_advancing) {
-         // if scrolling advance, pick up a section when title starts before 1/3 height 
-         if (item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + $(window).height()/3)
-           return item;
-         // or if containing div is finished (usu the whole main content)
-         div_containing_item = item.closest("div");
-         if (div_containing_item.offset().top + div_containing_item.height() < highlight_section_new_bottom + 15)
-           return item;
-         // or when next title is visible
-         if (last_item && item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_bottom + 15)
-           return last_item;
-       } else {
-         // if scrolling back, pick up a section as soon as the title is visible,
-         if (item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top)
-           return item;
-         // or if title is before the 2/3 point
-         // (not sure about this, probably want also to have 
-         // "AND the is <=" so we don't jump FORWARD a section
-         // when scrolling BACK, with lots of tiny sections) 
-         if ((item.offset().top < highlight_section_new_top + 2*$(window).height()/3)
-             && (!active_item || !active_item.offset() || active_item.offset().top >= item.offset().top))
-           return item;
-       }
-       last_item = item;
-     }
-   });
-   if (!highlight_section_completed && document.readyState === "complete") {
-     highlight_section_completed = true;
-   }
-   if (!displayable_items.length) {
-     $("#side-menu a.section").removeClass("active");
-   } else {
-     displayable_items = displayable_items[displayable_items.length-1];
-     var id = displayable_items && displayable_items.length ? displayable_items[0].id : "";
-   // Set/remove active class
-     new_active = $("#side-menu a.section").filter("[section-target='#"+id+"']");
-     if (new_active.hasClass("active")) {
-       // nothing needed
-     } else {
-       $("#side-menu a.section").removeClass("active");
-       $("#side-menu a.section").filter("[section-target='#"+id+"']").addClass("active");
-     }
-   }
-   highlight_section_last_top = highlight_section_new_top;
-var highlight_new_section = function() {
-  highlight_section_completed = false;
-  highlight_section_last_top = -1;
-  highlight_section();
-// detect link change - courtesy
-    (
-        function( $ ){
-            // Default to the current location.
-            var strLocation = window.location.href;
-            var strHash = window.location.hash;
-            var strPrevLocation = "";
-            var strPrevHash = "";
-            // This is how often we will be checkint for
-            // changes on the location.
-            var intIntervalTime = 100;
-            // This method removes the pound from the hash.
-            var fnCleanHash = function( strHash ){
-                return(
-                    strHash.substring( 1, strHash.length )
-                    );
-            }
-            // This will be the method that we use to check
-            // changes in the window location.
-            var fnCheckLocation = function(){
-                // Check to see if the location has changed.
-                if (strLocation != window.location.href){
-                    // Store the new and previous locations.
-                    strPrevLocation = strLocation;
-                    strPrevHash = strHash;
-                    strLocation = window.location.href;
-                    strHash = window.location.hash;
-                    // The location has changed. Trigger a
-                    // change event on the location object,
-                    // passing in the current and previous
-                    // location values.
-                    $( window.location ).trigger(
-                        "change",
-                        {
-                            currentHref: strLocation,
-                            currentHash: fnCleanHash( strHash ),
-                            previousHref: strPrevLocation,
-                            previousHash: fnCleanHash( strPrevHash )
-                        }
-                        );
-                }
-            }
-            // Set an interval to check the location changes.
-            setInterval( fnCheckLocation, intIntervalTime );
-        }
-    )( jQuery );
-// and trigger highlight section on link change
-$(window.location).bind("change", highlight_new_section);
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sitemap-item.html b/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sitemap-item.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e2034f5..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/sitemap-item.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{% pop site_items item %}
-{% set_hash_entry item path item_path %}
-{% set_hash_entry item url item_url %}
-{% unless item_path %}
- {% unless item_url %}
-  {% puts error, null item_url %}
-  {% putp item %}
-  {% putv item_url %}
-  {% fail item missing path and url (jekyll block evaluation order can cause this) %}
- {% endunless %}
-{% endunless %}
-<a id="{{ item_path }}" name="{{ item_path }}" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
- {% if visited contains item_path %}
-  {{ item['title'] }} &nbsp; <a href="#{{ item_path }}"><span class="octicon octicon-link-external flip"></span></a>
- {% elsif item['external'] %}
-  {{ item['title'] }} &nbsp; <a href="{{ item['url'] }}"><span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span></a>
- {% else %}
-  <a href="{{ item['url'] }}">{{ item['title'] }}</a>
-  {% if item['menu'] %}
-   {% push visited item_path %}
-   <ul>
-    {% push site_items item %}
-    {% assign last_item = site_items[-1] %}
-    {% for item in last_item['menu'] %}
-     {% push site_items item %}
-     {% include sitemap-item.html %}
-    {% endfor %}
-    {% pop site_items item %}
-   </ul>
-  {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/topmenu.html b/brooklyn-docs/_includes/topmenu.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0275794..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_includes/topmenu.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-<nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" id="header" role="navigation">
-    <div class="container-and-sidebars">
-        <div class="container-sidebar-left feather{% if page.landing %} landing{% endif %}">
-          <a href="">
-            <img src="{{ }}/img/feather.png" alt="[Apache]" width="80" class="flip navbar-feather">
-          </a>
-        </div>
-        <div class="container container-between-sidebars top-menu">
-          <div class="container-fluid">
-            <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
-            <div class="navbar-header">
-                <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
-                    <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
-                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
-                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
-                    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
-                </button>
-                {% unless page.landing %}<a class="navbar-brand" href="{{}}/"><img src="{{}}/img/apache-brooklyn-logo-244px-wide.png" alt="brooklyn"></a>{% endunless %}
-            </div>
-            <!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
-            <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
-                <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
-                  {% for item in %}
-                   {% if %}
-                    <li class="dropdown{% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.path %} active{% endif %}">
-                        <a href="{{item.url}}">{{ item.title_in_menu | downcase }}</a>
-                        <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
-                            <li>
-                                <a href="{{item.url}}">{{item.title_in_menu}}</a>
-                            </li>
-                            <li class="divider"></li>
-                            {% for item2 in %}
-                              <li>
-                                {% if item2.menu_customization.dropdown_new_section %}
-                                  <div class="dropdown_new_section"><hr></div>
-                                {% endif %}
-                                <a href="{{item2.url}}">{{item2.title_in_menu}}
-                                  {% if item2.external %}&nbsp;<span class="octicon octicon-link-external"></span>{% endif %}</a>
-                                {% if item2.menu_customization.dropdown_section_header %}
-                                  <div class="dropdown_section_header"><hr></div>
-                                {% endif %}
-                              </li>
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </ul>
-                    </li>
-                   {% else %}
-                    <li class="{% if page.breadcrumb_paths contains item.path %}active{% endif %}">
-                      <a href="{{item.url}}">{{ item.title_in_menu | downcase }}</a>
-                    </li>
-                   {% endif %}
-                  {% endfor %}
-                </ul>
-            </div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
-          </div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
-        </div><!-- /.container -->
-        <div class="container-sidebar-right">
-          <div class="navbar-sidebar-right-icons">
-            <a href="" class="navbar-icon navbar-icon-shift icon-github"
-              data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="GitHub: apache/incubator-brooklyn"/>
-            <a href="!/search?q=brooklyncentral" class="navbar-icon navbar-icon-shift icon-twitter"
-              data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Twitter: @brooklyncentral"/>
-            <a href="" class="navbar-icon icon-irc"
-              data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="IRC: freenode #brooklyncentral"/>
-            <!-- extra a element seems needed as landing page seems to copy the last element here (!?) 
-            -->
-            <a href="/" style="width: 0px; height: 0px;"></a>
-         </div>
-      </div>
-  </div>
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/base.html b/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/base.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b735f..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/base.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-specific language governing permissions and limitations
-under the License.
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
-{{ content }}
-<script src="//"></script>
-<script language="JavaScript" type="application/javascript">
-    fix_padding_function = function () { 
-        $('body').css('padding-top', parseInt($('#header').css("height"))+10);
-        $('body').css('padding-bottom', parseInt($('#footer').css("height"))+10);
-    };
-    $(window).resize(fix_padding_function);
-    $(window).load(fix_padding_function);
-    $(function () {
-        $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ delay: { show: 600, hide: 100 }})
-    });
-/* generate anchors for headers, a la github and */
-var anchorForId = function (id, text) {
-  var anchor = document.createElement("a");
-  anchor.className = "header-link";
-  anchor.href      = "#" + id;
-  anchor.innerHTML = "<i class=\"fa fa-link\"></i>";
-  return anchor;
-var linkifyAnchors = function (level, containingElement) {
-  var headers = contentBlock.find("h" + level);
-  for (var h = 0; h < headers.length; h++) {
-    var header = headers[h];
-    if (typeof !== "undefined" && !== "") {
-      header.appendChild(anchorForId(, $(header).text()));
-    }
-  }
-$(function () {
-    contentBlock = $("#content_container");
-    if (!contentBlock) return;
-    for (var level = 1; level <= 6; level++) {
-      linkifyAnchors(level, contentBlock);
-    }
-<!-- Clipboard support -->
-  ZeroClipboard.config({ moviePath: '//' });
-$(function() {
-  $('div.highlight').prepend(
-  $('<div class="clipboard_container" title="Copy to Clipboard">'+
-    '<div class="fa clipboard_button">'+
-    '<div class="on-active"><div>Copied to Clipboard</div></div>'+
-  '</div></div>'));
-  $('div.clipboard_container').each(function(index) {
-    var clipboard = new ZeroClipboard();
-    clipboard.clip( $(this).find(":first")[0], $(this)[0] );
-    var target = $(this).next();
-    var txt = target.text().trim();
-    if (target.find('code.bash')) {
-      // Strip out bash prompts from the start of each line (i.e. '$' or '%' characters
-      // at the very start, or immediately following any newline). Correctly handles continuation
-      // lines, where a leading '$' or '%' is *not* a prompt character.
-      txt = txt.replace(/(^|[^\\]\n)[$%] /g, "$1");
-    }
-    clipboard.on( 'dataRequested', function (client, args) {
-      client.setText( txt );
-    });
-  });
-<!-- search -->
-    $(function() {
-        $('#simple_google')
-            .submit(function() {
-                $('input[name="q"]').val("site:" + document.location.hostname + " " + $('input[name="brooklyn-search"]').val());
-            return true;
-            });
-        $('input[name="brooklyn-search"]').focus(function() {
-                if ($(this).val() === $(this).attr('placeholder')) {
-                    $(this).val('');
-                }
-            })
-            .blur(function() {
-                if ($(this).val() === '') {
-                    $(this).val($(this).attr('placeholder'));
-                }
-            })
-            .blur();
-    });
- <!-- analytics -->
-    var _gaq = _gaq || [];
-    _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-30530918-1']);
-    _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
-    (function() {
-      var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
-      ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
-      var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
-    })();
-<!-- page warning (for archive pages) -->
-{% comment %}
-TODO insert the warning html at generation-time (jekyll) rather than runtime (JS)
-{% endcomment %}
-{% if page.path contains 'guide/' %} 
-    $(function() {
-        if (document.location.pathname.replace(/^\/([^\/]*).*$/, '$1') === "v"){
-            var thisversion = document.location.pathname.split("/")[2],
-                msg = "";
-            if (thisversion != 'latest' && (!$.cookie('brooklyn_versions') || 
-                    (($.inArray('ALL', $.cookie('brooklyn_versions').split(",")) === -1) &&
-                    ($.inArray(thisversion, $.cookie('brooklyn_versions').split(",")) === -1))) ){
-                msg += "<div class='warning_banner_image'><img src='{{ }}/img/warning.png'/></div>";
-                msg += "<p>You are browsing the archive site for version <strong>"+thisversion+"</strong>.</p>";
-                if (thisversion.indexOf("SNAPSHOT") >= 0) {
-                  msg += "<p>Note that SNAPSHOT versions have not been voted on and are not endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation.</p>";
-                  msg += "<p>Do you understand and accept the risks?</p>";
-                } else {
-                  msg += "<p>Is this deliberate?</p>";
-                }
-                msg += "<center><p class='warning_banner_buttons'>";
-                msg += "<a href = 'javascript:void(0);' onclick=\"set_user_version('"+thisversion+"');\">Yes, hide this warning</a>";
-                msg += "<a href = '{{ site.path.v }}/latest/'>No, take me to the latest version guide</a>";
-                msg += "<a href = '{{ }}/meta/versions.html'>Show all versions</a>";
-                msg += "</p></center>"
-                $('#page_notes').html(msg);
-                $('#page_notes').fadeIn('slow');
-            }
-        }
-    });
-{% endif %}
-    function get_user_versions() {
-        return $.cookie("brooklyn_versions") ? $.cookie("brooklyn_versions").split(",") : [];
-    };
-    function set_user_version(version) {
-        var version_cookie = get_user_versions();
-        version_cookie.push(version);
-        $.cookie('brooklyn_versions', version_cookie, { expires: 365, path: '/' });
-        $('#page_notes').fadeOut();
-        event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
-    };
-    function set_user_versions_all() {
-        var version_cookie = get_user_versions();
-        version_cookie.push("ALL");
-        $.cookie('brooklyn_versions', version_cookie, { expires: 365, path: '/' });
-        $('#page_notes').fadeOut();
-        event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
-    };
-    function clear_user_versions() {
-        $.removeCookie('brooklyn_versions', { path: '/' });
-        $('#page_notes').fadeIn('slow');
-        event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
-    };
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-base.html b/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-base.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f8c24a..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-base.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-layout: base
-    {% include base-head.html %}
-{% include topmenu.html %}
-{{ content }}
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-landing.html b/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-landing.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d2a6e4..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-landing.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# layout for front page, contianing only the footer, with a bit more text
-layout: website-base
-<div class="container slightlyNarrowContainer">
-    {{ content }}
-<div id="footer">
-    <div class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-            <div class="col-md-9 text-muted">
-                Apache Brooklyn is distributed under the <a href="">Apache License v2.0</a>.
-            </div>
-            <div class="col-md-3">
-                <p>
-                <a class="btn btn-sm btn-default" href="{{ page.path }}">Edit This Page</a>
-                <a href="{{ site.url_root }}{{ }}/community/how-to-contribute-docs.html"
-                    data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="How to Edit Documentation" data-delay="400"/>
-                  <span class="octicon octicon-question octicon-footer"></span>
-                </a>
-                </p>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-normal.html b/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-normal.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a89bb91..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_layouts/website-normal.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# layout for most website pages, inheriting base for the menu bar, and providing a main column of content and a menu column
-# (not used for the landing page, and not used for the guide)
-# menu_customizations can be used, including force_inactive to prevent highlighting
-layout: website-base
-<div class="container" id="main_container">
-    <div class="row">
-        <div class="col-md-9" id="content_container">
-            <div id="page_notes"></div>
-            <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
-            {{ content }}
-        </div>
-        <div class="col-md-3">
-            {% include sidemenu.html %}
-        </div>
-    </div>
-{% include footer.html %}
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_licensing/README b/brooklyn-docs/_licensing/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc5f2e..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_licensing/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-We don't distribute docs as part of the source build so we're not obliged to report the JS we include
-or generate a special LICENSE file as brooklyn-dist/dist/licensing does for the distributed projects.
-(This project just gets the usual brooklyn license.)
-However we might consider recording the licenses used in the docs.  So we note
-that third-party software bundled by the docs include:
-* bloodhound (aka typeahead)
-* glossarizer
-And other things used by brooklyn, in style/{deps,js}.
-This project includes the software: glossarizer
-   Available at:
-   Developed by: Vinay M, PebbleRoad Pte Ltd (
-   Version used: 1.5
-   Used under the following license: The MIT License (
-   Copyright (c) Vinay M, PebbleRoad Pte Ltd (2004-2016)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_jekyll_util.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_jekyll_util.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fd3688d..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_jekyll_util.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# useful tags:
-# printing
-#     puts message
-#     putv variable_to_print_raw
-#     putp variable_to_pretty_print
-# eval and control flow
-#     set_hash_entry hash key variable_to_set  # because sometimes jekyll eval order is different
-#     fail message                             # to fail with a message
-# stack manipulation:
-#     push stack x  # pushs x to stack and clears x
-#     pop stack x   # pops from stack into x
-# useful e.g. in recursive include calls where x might overwritten
-require 'pp'
-module BrooklynJekyllUtil
-  class PutsTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      puts "#{@text}"
-    end
-  end
-  class PutvTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      puts "#{@text}: #{context[@text]}"
-    end
-  end
-  class PutpTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      puts "#{@text}:"
-      PP.pp(context[@text])
-      nil
-    end
-  end
-  class SetHashEntryTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      args = @text.split(/\W+/)
-      raise "Need 3 args, the hash, the key, and the var to set" unless args.length == 3
-#      puts "getting #{args[0]}['#{args[1]}']"
-#      PP.pp(context[args[0]])
-#      PP.pp(context[args[0]][args[1]])
-      context[args[2]] = context[args[0]][args[1]]
-      nil
-    end
-  end
-  class FailTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      raise "Fail#{@text.length>0 ? ": #{@text}" : ""}"
-    end
-  end
-  class PushTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      args = @text.split(/\W+/)
-      raise "Need 2 args, the stack and the var" unless args.length == 2
-      context[args[0]] = [] unless context[args[0]]
-      context[args[0]].push(context[args[1]])
-      context[args[1]] = nil
-    end
-  end
-  class PopTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      args = @text.split(/\W+/)
-      raise "Need 2 args, the stack and the var" unless args.length == 2
-      context[args[1]] = context[args[0]].pop();
-      nil
-    end
-  end
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('puts', BrooklynJekyllUtil::PutsTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('putv', BrooklynJekyllUtil::PutvTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('putp', BrooklynJekyllUtil::PutpTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('set_hash_entry', BrooklynJekyllUtil::SetHashEntryTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('fail', BrooklynJekyllUtil::FailTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('push', BrooklynJekyllUtil::PushTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('pop', BrooklynJekyllUtil::PopTag)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_metadata.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_metadata.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0ba7b..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/brooklyn_metadata.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Inserts several useful fields that can be referenced using {{ name }} syntax
-# TODO: move things from to here
-# site.brooklyn.version: brooklyn version, such as 0.7.0-M1 (taken from brooklyn-version in _config.yml)
-# site.brooklyn.is_snapshot: true if this is a snapshot version, otherwise false
-module BrooklynMetadata
-  class Generator < Jekyll::Generator
-    def generate(site)
-      raise "Brooklyn version mismatch" if BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION != site.config['brooklyn-version']
-      is_snapshot = BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION.end_with?('-SNAPSHOT')
-      if is_snapshot
-        git_branch = 'master' unless['git_branch']
-        url_set = {
-            "search" => {
-                "all" => ";gav~io.brooklyn~~#{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }~~",
-                "dist" => ";gav~io.brooklyn~brooklyn-dist~#{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }~~",
-            },
-            "dist" => {
-                "base" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }/",
-                "zip" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }&a=brooklyn-dist&c=dist&e=zip",
-                "tgz" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }&a=brooklyn-dist&c=dist&e=tar.gz"
-            }
-        }
-      else
-        git_branch = BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION unless['git_branch']
-        url_set = {
-            "search" => {
-                "all" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }%22",
-                "dist" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }%22",
-            },
-            "dist" => {
-                "base" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }/",
-                "zip" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }/brooklyn-dist-#{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }",
-                "tgz" => "{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }/brooklyn-dist-#{ BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION }-dist.tar.gz"
-            }
-        }
-      end
-      url_set["git"] = "{ git_branch }"
-      site.config['brooklyn'] = {
-          "version" => BrooklynMetadata::BROOKLYN_VERSION,
-          "is_snapshot" => is_snapshot,
-          "is_release" => !is_snapshot,
-          "url" => url_set,
-          "git_branch" => git_branch
-      }
-      # config is preferred of data, because you can write just {{ }},
-      # also note {{ site.brooklyn-version }} v {{ site.brooklyn-stable-version }} from _config.yml
-      # but some places referenced (i think these have been remove)
-['brooklyn'] = site.config['brooklyn']
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/dependency_url.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/dependency_url.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a72e17..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/dependency_url.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# tag to write the correct URL depending whether we are running with dependencies local (for offline) or remote (eg using a CDN)
-# specify a map of <basename>: <remote_url> in the key `dependency_urls` in your `_config.yml`,
-# then, if `dependency_mode: local` is defined, the path `{{}}/deps/<basename>` will be used,
-# otherwise the <remote_url> will be used
-module JekyllDependencyUrl
-  class DependencyUrlTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-	jekyllSite = context.registers[:site]
-        mode = context['site']['dependency_mode']
-        if mode != 'local'
-          result = context['site']['dependency_urls'][@text.strip]
-          if result.to_s == ''
-            raise 'No value in dependency_urls specified for ' + @text.strip
-          end
-        end
-        if result.to_s == ''
-          result = context['site']['path']['style'] + "/deps/" + @text.strip
-        end
-        return result
-    end
-  end
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('dependency_url', JekyllDependencyUrl::DependencyUrlTag)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/json.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/json.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b36a6b2..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/json.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-require 'json'
-module JsonFilter
-  def json(input)
-    input.to_json
-  end
-  Liquid::Template.register_filter self
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/jsonball.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/jsonball.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c12a441..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/jsonball.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-require 'json'
-# JSON parser tag, creating map for use in jekyll markdown
-# usage:  {% jsonball varname from TYPE PARAM %}
-# where TYPE is one of {data,var,file,page}, described below
-# drop this into your _plugins/ folder, then you can write, e.g.
-#   {% jsonball foo from data { "a": "b" } %}
-# and then later refer to {{ foo.a }} to get b inserted
-# more usefully, you can load it from a variable x, e.g.
-#   {% capture x %}{% include toc.json %}{% endcapture %}
-#   {% jsonball foo from var x %}
-# even better, to read from a file, say toc.json
-# (absolute, or relative to the page being jekylled):
-#   {% jsonball foo from file toc.json %}
-# then e.g. {% for record in jsonball %} {{ }} {% endfor %}
-# to print out all the name entries (or build a fancy TOC sidebar)
-# and finally, if that json file might itself contain liquid tags,
-# or need jekylling, treat it as a page and it will get jekylled
-# (we use this for toc.json reading from subdirs' toc.json files):
-#   {% jsonball foo from page toc.json %}
-module JekyllJsonball
-  class JsonballTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-	if /(.+) from var (.+)/.match(@text)
-		context[$1] = JSON context[$2]
-		return ''
-	end
-	if /(.+) from data (.+)/.match(@text)
-		context[$1] = JSON $2
-		return ''
-	end
-	if /(.+) from file (.+)/.match(@text)
-		context[$1] = JSON page_relative_file_contents(context, $2.strip)
-		return ''
-	end
-	if /(.+) from page (.+)/.match(@text)
-		context[$1] = JSON jekylled_page_relative_file_contents(context, $2.strip)
-		return ''
-	end
-	# syntax error
-	return 'ERROR:bad_jsonball_syntax'
-    end
-    def page_relative_file_contents(context, filename)
-	jekyllSite = context.registers[:site]
-	dir = jekyllSite.source+'/'+File.dirname(context['page']['url'])
-        filename = context[filename] || filename
-	if !filename.match(/\/.*/)
-		filename = dir + '/' + filename
-	end
-	file =, "rb")
-	return
-    end
-    def jekylled_page_relative_file_contents(context, filename)
-	jekyllSite = context.registers[:site]
-        filename = context[filename] || filename
-	targetPage =, jekyllSite.source, File.dirname(context['page']['url']), filename)
-	targetPage.render(jekyllSite.layouts, jekyllSite.site_payload)
-	targetPage.output
-    end
-  end
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('jsonball', JekyllJsonball::JsonballTag)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/read.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/read.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 23cf0f2..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/read.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# tag to read and insert a file relative to the current working directory
-# (like include, but in the dir where it is invoked)
-# there is also readj which reads a file and applies jekyll processing to it
-# handy if we want to include a toc.json file which itself calls {% readj child/toc.json %}
-# (note however variables do not seem to be exported when use readj (TODO),
-# although they are exported if you have _includes/ and use the standard include file)
-# the argument can be a variable or a filename literal (not quoted)
-# TODO: figure out how to accept a quoted string as an argument
-require 'pathname'
-module JekyllRead
-  class ReadTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      filename = @text.strip
-      filename = context[filename] || filename
-      # Pathname API ignores first arg below if second is absolute
-      file =['page']['path'])) + filename
-      file = file.cleanpath
-      # is there a better way to trim a leading / ?
-      file = file.relative_path_from("/")) unless file.relative?
-      raise "No such file #{file} in read call (from #{context['page']['path']})" unless file.exist?
-      file =, "rb")
-      return
-    end
-  end
-  class ReadjTag < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      filename = @text.strip
-      filename = context[filename] || filename
-      # Pathname API ignores first arg below if second is absolute
-      page = context['page'] || context.registers[:page]
-      file =['path'])) + filename
-      file = file.cleanpath
-      # is there a better way to trim a leading / ?
-      file = file.relative_path_from("/")) unless file.relative?
-      raise "No such file #{file} in readj call (from #{context['page']['path']})" unless file.exist?
-      # with readj we support vars and paths relative to a file being readj'd
-      jekyllSite = context.registers[:site]
-      targetPage =, jekyllSite.source, File.dirname(file), File.basename(file))
-      targetPage.render(jekyllSite.layouts, jekyllSite.site_payload)
-      return targetPage.output
-    end
-  end
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('read', JekyllRead::ReadTag)
-Liquid::Template.register_tag('readj', JekyllRead::ReadjTag)
diff --git a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/site_structure.rb b/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/site_structure.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0c488..0000000
--- a/brooklyn-docs/_plugins/site_structure.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-# Builds a hierarchical structure for the site, based on the YAML front matter of each page
-# Starts from a page called "/" (or the value of `root_menu_page` in _config.yml),
-# and follows `children` links in the YAML front matter, building up a variable called `data` 
-# on `site` and on each referred `page`.
-# In Ruby data is in['menu'], but in templates `` is promoted, 
-# so you should just refer to things in markdown as `{{ }}`.
-# Each `` entry will contain:
-# * `url` - URL (relative or absolute) to link to
-# * `title_in_menu` - title to show
-# * `menu_path` - the path of this page for the purposes of looking in breadcrumbs (usually page.path, unless overriden) 
-# * `breadcrumbs_pages` - page items for ancestor items (and self)
-# * `breadcrumbs_paths` - paths of breadcrumb pages (useful for `if .. contains` jekyll tests)
-# * `menu_parent` - the parent menu which contains this page
-# * `menu_customization` - a hash of customization set in front matter or in children (can be any data you like)
-# * (in addition the entry may *be* the actual page object when the item is a page whose menu is not overridden)
-# To build, set `children` as a list of either strings (the relative or absolute path to the child .md file),
-# or as maps indicating the target, one of:
-# * `path` to a markdownfile
-# * `link` as an URL 
-# * `section` anchored in this file (annotated with `<a name="#section"></a>`)
-# And optionally:
-# * a `title` (required for `link`), to override the title from the file
-# * an optional `menu` block  (for `path` only) to override the menu inherited from the `children` record noted at `path`
-# * `menu_customization` to set arbitrary data available (e.g. for templates to use when styling)
-# * `href_path` (for `path` only) to specify that a click should send to a different page than the path used to produce the menu
-# For instance:
-#- { path: }  
-#  # identical to above
-#- { path:, title: "Sub Child" }   
-#  # different child, with custom title
-#- { path:, href_path: }  
-#  # takes title and menu from subchild page, but links to subchild_alt
-#- { path:, menu: [ { path:, title: "Sub-Child with New Name" } ] } 
-#  # child, but with custom sub-menu and custom title in there 
-#- { path:, menu: null }  # suppress sub-menu (note `null` not `nil` because this is yaml)
-#  # child again, but suppressing sub-menu (note `null` not `nil` because this is yaml)
-#- { section: Foo }
-#- { section: Bar }
-#  # various sections in *this* doc (to make highlighting work for sections requires
-#  # extra JS responding to scrolls; otherwise the parent page remains highlighted)
-# The menu is automatically generated for all files referenced from the root menu.
-# You can also set `breadcrumbs` as a list of paths in a page to force breadcrumbs, and
-# `menu_proxy_for` to have `menu_path` set differently to the usual `path` (highlight another page in a menu via breadcrumbs)
-# or `menu_parent` to a path to the menu which should be the parent of the current node.
-# The hash `menu_customization` allows you to pass arbitrary data around, e.g. for use in styling.
-# Additionally URL rewriting is done if a path map is set in _config.yaml,
-# with `path: { xxx: /new_xxx }` causing `/xxx/foo.html` to be rewritten as `/new_xxx/foo.html`.
-module SiteStructure
-  DEBUG = false
-  require 'yaml'  
-#  require 'pp'
-  class RewritePaths < Liquid::Tag
-    def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
-      super
-      @text = text
-    end
-    def render(context)
-      page = context['page']
-      site = context['site']
-      RewritePaths.rewrite_paths(site, page)
-    end
-    def self.rewrite_paths(site, page)
-      path = page['path']
-      page_hash = (page.is_a? Hash) ? page :
-      # set url_basedir and apply path mapping
-      page_hash['url_basedir'] = File.dirname(path)+"/"
-      page_hash['url_basedir'].prepend("/") unless page_hash['url_basedir'].start_with? "/"
-      config_hash = (site.is_a? Hash) ? site : site.config
-      if ((config_hash['path']) && (config_hash['path'].is_a? Hash))
-        config_hash['path'].each {|key, value| 
-          if (path.start_with?(key))
-            if ((!page.is_a? Hash) && page.url)
-              page.url.slice!("/"+key)
-              page.url.prepend(value)
-            end
-            page_hash['url_basedir'].slice!("/"+key)
-            page_hash['url_basedir'].prepend(value)
-          end
-        }
-      end
-      nil
-    end
-  end
-  Liquid::Template.register_tag('rewrite_paths', SiteStructure::RewritePaths)
-  class Generator < Jekyll::Generator
-    @@verbose = false;
-    def self.find_page_with_path_absolute_or_relative_to(site, path, referrent, structure_processed_pages)
-      uncleaned_path = path
-      # Pathname API ignores first arg below if second is absolute
-#      puts "converting #{path} wrt #{referrent ? referrent.path : ""}"
-      file = ? referrent.path : "")) + path
-      if file.to_s.end_with? "/"
-        if File.exist? File.join(file, '')
-          file += ''
-        elsif File.exist? File.join(file, 'index.html')
-          file += 'index.html'
-        else
-          file += ''
-        end
-      end
-      file = file.cleanpath
-      # is there a better way to trim a leading / ?
-      file = file.relative_path_from("/")) unless file.relative?
-      path = "#{file}"
-      # look in our cache        
-      page = structure_processed_pages[path]
-      return page if page != nil
-      # look in site cache
-      page = site.pages.detect { |page| page.path == path }
-      if !page
-        page = site.pages.detect { |page| '/'+page.path == uncleaned_path }
-        puts "WARNING: link to #{path} in #{referrent ? referrent.path : "root"} uses legacy absolute syntax without leading slash" if page
-      end
-      unless page
-        # could not load it from pages, look on disk
-        if file.exist?                 
-          puts "INFO: reading excluded file #{file} for site structure generation" if SiteStructure::DEBUG
-          page =, site.source, File.dirname(file), File.basename(file))
-          # make sure right url is set
-          RewritePaths.rewrite_paths(site, page)
-        end
-        unless page
-          raise "No such file #{path} in site_structure call (from #{referrent ? referrent.path : ""})" unless SiteStructure::DEBUG
-          puts "Could not find a page called: #{path} (referenced from #{referrent ? referrent.path : "root"}); skipping"
-          return nil
-        end
-      end
-      # and put in cache
-      structure_processed_pages[path] = page
-      page     
-    end
-    def generate(site)
-      # rewrite paths
-      site.pages.each { |p| RewritePaths.rewrite_paths(site, p) }
-      structure_processed_pages = {}
-      # process root page
-      root_menu_page = site.config['root_menu_page']
-      puts "site_structure processing root menu page #{root_menu_page}" if @@verbose
-!( Generator.gen_structure(site, { 'path' => root_menu_page }, nil, [], [], structure_processed_pages).data ) if root_menu_page
-      # process all pages
-      puts "site_structure now processing all pages" if @@verbose
-      site.pages.each { |p| 
-        Generator.gen_structure(site, { 'path' => p.path }, nil, [], [], structure_processed_pages) if (p.path.end_with?(".md") || p.path.end_with?(".html")) && (!p['menu_processed'])
-      }
-['structure_processed_pages'] = structure_processed_pages
-#      puts "ROOT menu is #{['menu']}"
-#      puts "PAGE menu is #{structure_processed_pages['website/documentation/index.'].data['menu']}"
-# (but note, in the context hash map 'data' on pages is promoted, so you access it like {{ }})
-    end
-    # processes liquid tags, e.g. in a link or path object
-    def self.render_liquid(site, page, content)
-      return content unless page
-      info = { :filters => [Jekyll::Filters], :registers => { :site => site, :page => page } }
-      page.render_liquid(content, site.site_payload, info)
-    end
-    def self.gen_structure(site, item, parent, breadcrumb_pages_in, breadcrumb_paths_in, structure_processed_pages)
-      puts "gen_structure #{item} from #{parent ? parent.path : 'root'} (#{breadcrumb_paths_in})" if @@verbose
-      breadcrumb_pages = breadcrumb_pages_in.dup
-      breadcrumb_paths = breadcrumb_paths_in.dup
-      if (item.is_a? String)
-        item = { 'path' => item }
-      end
-      if (item['path'])      
-        page = find_page_with_path_absolute_or_relative_to(site, render_liquid(site, parent, item['path']), parent, structure_processed_pages)
-        # if nil and find_page doesn't raise, we are in debug mode, silently ignore
-        return nil unless page
-        # build up the menu info
-        if (item.length==1 && !page['menu_processed'])
-          puts "setting up #{item} from #{page.path} as original" if @@verbose
-          data =
-          result = page
-        else
-          puts "setting up #{item} from #{page.path} as copy" if @@verbose
-          # if other fields are set on 'item' then we are overriding, so we have to take a duplicate
-          unless page['menu_processed']
-            # force processing if not yet processed, breadcrumbs etc set from that page
-            puts "making copy of #{page.path}" if @@verbose
-            page = gen_structure(site, "/"+page.path, parent, breadcrumb_pages_in, breadcrumb_paths_in, structure_processed_pages)
-            puts "copy is #{page.path}" if @@verbose
-          end
-          data =
-          data['data'] = data
-          result = data
-        end 
-        data['path'] = page.path
-        if item['href_path']
-          href_page = find_page_with_path_absolute_or_relative_to(site, render_liquid(site, page, item['href_path']), parent, structure_processed_pages)
-        else
-          href_page = page
-        end
-        data['url'] = href_page.url
-        puts "data is #{data}" if @@verbose
-        data['page'] = page
-        breadcrumb_pages << page
-        breadcrumb_paths << page.path
-      elsif (item['section'])
-        puts "setting up #{item} as section" if @@verbose
-        section = item['section']
-        section_cleaned = section.gsub(%r{[^A-Za-z0-9]+}, "-").downcase;
-        section_cleaned.slice!(1) if section_cleaned.start_with?("-")
-        section_cleaned.chomp!("-") # 0..-1) if section_cleaned.end_with?("-")
-        link = (parent ? parent.url : "") + '#' + section_cleaned
-        data = { 'link' => link, 'url' => link, 'section' => section_cleaned, 'section_title' => section }
-        data['title'] = item['title'] if item['title']
-        data['title'] = section unless data['title']
-        # nothing for breadcrumbs
-        data['data'] = data
-        result = data
-      elsif (item['link'])
-        puts "setting up #{item} as link" if @@verbose
-        link = render_liquid(site, parent, item['link'])
-        data = { 'link' => link, 'url' => link, 'external' => true }
-        data['title'] = item['title'] if item['title']
-        breadcrumb_pages << data
-        breadcrumb_paths << data['link']
-        data['data'] = data
-        result = data
-      else
-        raise "Link to #{item} in #{parent ? parent.path : nil} must have path or section or link"
-      end
-      data['menu_customization'] = {}.merge(data['menu_customization'] || {}).merge(item['menu_customization'] || {})
-      data['breadcrumb_pages'] ||= breadcrumb_pages
-      data['breadcrumb_paths'] ||= breadcrumb_paths
-      data['menu_parent'] ||= parent
-      data['title_in_menu'] = render_liquid(site, parent, item['title_in_menu'] || item['title'] || data['title_in_menu'] || data['title'])
-      data['title'] ||= data['title_in_menu']
-#      puts "built #{data}, now looking at children"
-      # if already processed then return now that we have set custom item overrides (don't recurse through children)
-      return result if data['menu']
-      data['menu_path'] = page.path if page
-      if data['menu_proxy_for']
-        menu_proxy_for = gen_structure(site, { 'path' => data['menu_proxy_for'], 'no_copy' => "because breadcrumbs won't be right" }, page, [], [], structure_processed_pages)
-        raise "missing menu_proxy_for #{data['menu_proxy_for']} in #{page.path}" unless menu_proxy_for
-        data['menu_path'] = menu_proxy_for['path']
-        # copy other data across
-        data.merge!( {|key, value| ['breadcrumb_paths', 'breadcrumb_pages', 'menu', 'title_in_menu', 'menu_parent', 'menu_customization'].include?(key) })
-      end
-      if data['breadcrumbs']
-        # if custom breadcrumbs set on page, use them instead
-        breadcrumb_pages = data['breadcrumb_pages'] = data['breadcrumbs'].collect { |path|
-          result = find_page_with_path_absolute_or_relative_to(site, render_liquid(site, parent, path), page, structure_processed_pages)
-          raise "missing breadcrumb #{path} in #{page.path}" unless result
-          result
-        }
-        breadcrumb_paths = data['breadcrumb_paths'] = data['breadcrumb_pages'].collect { |p| p.path }
-      end
-      if data['menu_parent'] 
-        if data['menu_parent'].is_a? String
-          # if custom menu_parent was set as a string then load it
-          parent_result = find_page_with_path_absolute_or_relative_to(site, render_liquid(site, parent, data['menu_parent']), page, structure_processed_pages)        
-          raise "missing parent #{data['menu_parent']} in #{page['path']}" unless parent_result
-          data['menu_parent'] = parent_result
-          if !data['breadcrumbs']
-            # TODO should we inherit actual menu parent breadcrumbs if not set on page?
-          end
-        end
-      else
-        # set menu_parent from breadcrumbs if not set (e.g. we are loading an isolated page)
-        data['menu_parent'] = page['breadcrumb_pages'][-1]
-      end
-      if (data['children'])
-        data['menu'] = []
-        puts "children of #{data['path']} - #{data['children']}" if @@verbose
-        data['children'].each do |child|
-          sub = gen_structure(site, child, page, breadcrumb_pages, breadcrumb_paths, structure_processed_pages)
-          if sub
-            if (!(child.is_a? String) && child.has_key?('menu'))
-              # process custom menu override
-              sub['menu'] = child['menu']
-              if (sub['menu'] != nil)
-                if sub['menu'].is_a? String
-                  sub['menu'] = YAML.load(render_liquid(site, page, sub['menu'])) if sub['menu'].is_a? String
-                end
-                sub['menu'] = sub['menu'].collect { |mi| 
-                  gen_structure(site, mi, page, breadcrumb_pages, breadcrumb_paths, structure_processed_pages)
-                }
-                sub['menu'].compact!
-              end
-            end
-            data['menu'] << sub
-            puts "sub is #{sub['url']}" if @@verbose
-          else
-            raise "could not find #{child} in #{page.path}"
-          end
-        end
-        puts "end children of #{data['path']}" if @@verbose
-      end
-      data['menu_processed']=true
-      puts "done #{item}" if @@verbose
-      result
-    end
-  end
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-module TrimFilter
-  def trim(input)
-    input.strip
-  end
-  Liquid::Template.register_filter self
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-title: Application, Parent and Membership
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-All entities have a ***parent*** entity, which creates and manages it, with one important exception: *applications*.
-Application entities are the top-level entities created and managed externally, manually or programmatically.
-Applications are typically defined in Brooklyn as an ***application descriptor***. 
-This is a Java class specifying the entities which make up the application,
-by extending the class ``AbstractApplication``, and specifying how these entities should be configured and managed.
-All entities, including applications, can be the parent of other entities. 
-This means that the "child" is typically started, configured, and managed by the parent.
-For example, an application may be the parent of a web cluster; that cluster in turn is the parent of web server processes.
-In the management console, this is represented hierarchically in a tree view.
-A parallel concept is that of ***membership***: in addition to one fixed parent,
-and entity may be a ***member*** of any number of special entities called ***groups***.
-Membership of a group can be used for whatever purpose is required; 
-for example, it can be used to manage a collection of entities together for one purpose 
-(e.g. wide-area load-balancing between locations) even though they may have been
-created by different parents (e.g. a multi-tier stack within a location).
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-title: Configuration, Sensors and Effectors
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-### Configuration
-All entities contain a map of config information. This can contain arbitrary values, typically keyed under static ``ConfigKey`` fields on the ``Entity`` sub-class. These values are inherited, so setting a configuration value at the
-application level will make it available in all entities underneath unless it is overridden.
-Configuration is propagated when an application "goes live" (i.e. it becomes "managed", either explicitly or when its ``start()`` method is invoked), so config values must be set before this occurs. 
-Configuration values can be specified in a configuration file (``~/.brooklyn/``)
-to apply universally, and/or programmatically to a specific entity and its descendants 
-by calling `.configure(KEY, VALUE)` in the entity spec when creating it.
-There is also an ``entity.config().set(KEY, VALUE)`` method.
-Additionally, many common configuration parameters are available as "flags" which can be supplied as Strings when constructing
-then entity, in the form
-``EntitySpec.create˙(MyEntity.class).configure("config1", "value1").configure("config2", "value2")``. 
-Documentation of the flags available for individual entities can normally be found in the javadocs. 
-The ``@SetFromFlag`` annotations on ``ConfigKey`` static field definitions
-in the entity's interface is the recommended mechanism for exposing configuration options.
-### Sensors and Effectors
-***Sensors*** (activity information and notifications) and ***effectors*** (operations that can be invoked on the entity) are defined by entities as static fields on the ``Entity`` subclass.
-Sensors can be updated by the entity or associated tasks, and sensors from an entity can be subscribed to by its parent or other entities to track changes in an entity's activity.
-Effectors can be invoked by an entity's parent remotely, and the invoker is able to track the execution of that effector. Effectors can be invoked by other entities, but use this functionality with care to prevent too many managers!
-An entity consists of a Java interface (used when interacting with the entity) and a Java class. For resilience. it is recommended to store 
-the entity's state in attributes (see ``getAttribute(AttributeKey)``). If internal fields can be used then the data will be lost on brooklyn
-restart, and may cause problems if the entity is to be moved to a different brooklyn management node.
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-title: Dependent Configuration
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-Under the covers Brooklyn has a sophisticated sensor event and subscription model, but conveniences around this model make it very simple to express cross-entity dependencies. Consider the example where Tomcat instances need to know the URL of a database (or a set of URLs to connect to a Monterey processing fabric, or other entities)
-{% highlight java %}
-setConfiguration(UsesJava.JAVA_OPTIONS, ImmutableMap.of("mysql.url", 
-	    attributeWhenReady(mysql, MySqlNode.MY_SQL_URL) ))
-{% endhighlight %}
-The ``attributeWhenReady(Entity, Sensor)`` call (a static method on the class ``DependentConfiguration``)
-causes the configuration value to be set when that given entity's attribue is ready. 
-In the example, ``attributeWhenReady()`` causes the JVM system property ``mysql.url`` to be set to the value of the ``MySqlNode.MY_SQL_URL`` sensor from ``mysql`` when that value is ready. As soon as the database URL is announced by the MySql entity, the configuration value will be available to the Tomcat cluster. 
-By default "ready" means being *set* (non-null) and, if appropriate, *non-empty* (for collections and strings) or *non-zero* (for numbers). Formally the interpretation of ready is that of "Groovy truth" defined by an ``asBoolean()`` method on the class and in the Groovy language extensions. 
-You can customize "readiness" by supplying a ``Predicate`` (Google common) or ``Closure`` (Groovy) in a third parameter. 
-This evaluates candidate values reported by the sensor until one is found to be ``true``. 
-For example, passing ``{ it.size()>=3 }`` as the readiness argument would require at least three management plane URLs.
-More information on this can be found in the javadoc for ``DependentConfiguration``,
-along with a few other methods such as ``valueWhenAttributeReady`` which allow post-processing of an attribute value.
-Note that if the value of ``CONFIG_KEY`` passed to ``Entity.getConfig`` is a Closure or Task (such as returned by ``attributeWhenReady``),
-the first access of ``Entity.getConfig(CONFIG_KEY)`` will block until the task completes.
-Typically this does the right thing, blocking when necessary to generate the right start-up sequence
-without the developer having to think through the order, but it can take some getting used to.
-Be careful not to request config information until really necessary (or to use non-blocking "raw" mechanisms),
-and in complicated situations be ready to attend to circular dependencies.
-The management console gives useful information for understanding what is happening and resolving the cycle.
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-title: Entities
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-The central concept in a Brooklyn deployment is that of an ***entity***. 
-An entity represents a resource under management, either *base* entities (individual machines or software processes) 
-or logical collections of these entities.
-Fundamental to the processing model is the capability of entities to be the *parent* of other entities (the mechanism by which collections are formed), 
-with every entity having a single parent entity, up to the privileged top-level ***application*** entity.
-Entities are code, so they can be extended, overridden, and modified. Entities can have events, operations, and processing logic associated with them, and it is through this mechanism that the active management is delivered.
-The main responsibilities of an entity are:
-- Provisioning the entity in the given location or locations
-- Holding configuration and state (attributes) for the entity
-- Reporting monitoring data (sensors) about the status of the entity
-- Exposing operations (effectors) that can be performed on the entity
-- Hosting management policies and tasks related to the entity
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-title: Execution
-layout: website-normal
-All processing, whether an effector invocation or a policy cycle, are tracked as ***tasks***. This allows several important capabilities:
-*	active and historic processing can be observed by operators
-*	the invocation context is available in the thread, to check entitlement (permissions) and maintain a
-hierarchical causal chain even when operations are run in parallel
-*	processing can be managed across multiple management nodes
-Some executions create new entities, which can then have tasks associated with them, and the system will record, for example, that a start effector on the new entity is a task associated with that entity, with that task
-created by a task associated with a different entity.
-The execution of a typical overall start-up sequence is shown below:
-[![Brooklyn Flow Diagram]( "Brooklyn Flow Diagram" )](
-## Integration
-One vital aspect of Brooklyn is its ability to communicate with the systems it starts. This is abstracted using a ***driver*** facility in Brooklyn, where a
-driver describes how a process or service can be installed and managed using a particular technology.
-For example, a ``TomcatServer`` may implement start and other effectors using a ``TomcatSshDriver`` which inherits from ``JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver`` (for JVM and JMX start confguration), inheriting from ``AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver``
-(for SSH scripting support).
-Particularly for sensors, some technologies are used so frequently that they are
-packaged as ***feeds*** which can discover their configuration (including from drivers). These include JMX and HTTP (see ``JmxFeed`` and ``HttpFeed``).
-Brooklyn comes with entity implementations for a growing number of commonly used systems, including various web application servers, databases and NoSQL data stores, and messaging systems.
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-title: Brooklyn Concepts
-title_in_menu: Brooklyn Concepts
-layout: website-normal
-This introduces brooklyn and describes how it simplifies the deployment and management of big applications. It is
-intended for people who are using brooklyn-supported application components (such as web/app servers, data stores)
-to be able to use brooklyn to easily start their application in multiple locations with off-the-shelf management
-{% include list-children.html %}
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-title: Lifecycle and ManagementContext
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-Under-the-covers, at heart of the brooklyn management plane is the ``ManagementContext``. 
-This is started automatically when using launching an application using the brooklyn CLI. For programmatic use, see 
-A Brooklyn deployment consists of many entities in a hierarchical tree, with the privileged *application* entity at the top level.
-An application entity (``Application`` class) is responsible for starting the deployment of all its child entities (i.e. the entire entity tree under its ownership).
-An ``Application``'s ``start()`` method begins provisioning the child entities of the application (and their entities, recursively). 
-Provisioning of entities typically happens in parallel automatically,
-although this can be customized. This is implemented as ***tasks*** which are tracked by the management plane and is accessible in the web-based management console and REST API.
-Customized provisioning can be useful where two starting entities depend on each other. For example, it is often necessary to delay start of one entity until another entity reaches a certain state, and to supply run-time information about the latter to the former.
-<!-- TODO ambiguous language; need a better description of the "manage" lifecycle -->
-When new entities are created, the entity is wired up to an application by giving it a parent. The entity is then explicitly "managed", which allows other entities to discover it.
-Typically a Brooklyn deployment has a single management context which records:
-*   all entities under management that are reachable by the application(s) via the parent-child relationships,
-*	the state associated with each entity,
-*	subscribers (listeners) to sensor events arising from the entities,
-*	active tasks (jobs) associated with any the entity,
-*	which Brooklyn management node is mastering (managing) each entity.
-<!-- TODO Distributed brooklyn not yet supported; needs clarification in docs -->
-In a multi-location deployment, management operates in all regions, with brooklyn entity instances being mastered in the relevant region.
-When management is distributed a Brooklyn deployment may consist of multiple Brooklyn management nodes each with a ``ManagementContext`` instance.
-<!-- TODO - Clarify the following statements.
-The management context entity forms part of the management plane. 
-The management plane is responsible for the distribution of the ``Entity`` instances across multiple machines and multiple locations, 
-tracking the transfer of events (subscriptions) between ``Entity`` instances, and the execution of tasks (often initiated by management policies).
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-title: Location
-layout: website-normal
-toc: ../guide_toc.json
-categories: [use, guide, defining-applications]
-<!-- TODO, Clarify is how geographical location works.
-Entities can be provisioned/started in the location of your choice. Brooklyn transparently uses [jclouds]( to support different cloud providers and to support BYON (Bring Your Own Nodes). 
-The implementation of an entity (e.g. Tomcat) is agnostic about where it will be installed/started. When writing the application definition specify the location or list of possible locations (``Location`` instances) for hosting the entity.
-``Location`` instances represent where they run and indicate how that location (resource or service) can be accessed.
-For example, a ``JBoss7Server`` will usually be running in an ``SshMachineLocation``, which contains the credentials and address for sshing to the machine. A cluster of such servers may be running in a ``MachineProvisioningLocation``, capable of creating new ``SshMachineLocation`` instances as required.
-<!-- TODO, incorporate the following.
-The idea is that you could specify the location as AWS and also supply an image id. You could configure the Tomcat entity accordingly: specify the path if the image already has Tomcat installed, or specify that Tomcat must be downloaded/installed. Entities typically use _drivers_ (such as SSH-based) to install, start, and interact with their corresponding real-world instance. 