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[couchdb] 17/24: Move utilities and records from couch_mrview and couch_index to couch_views

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vatamane pushed a commit to branch main
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commit 5ec21191ad2956d393132e6fc3f11711e62d8d2c
Author: Nick Vatamaniuc <>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 14 02:12:40 2021 -0400

    Move utilities and records from couch_mrview and couch_index to couch_views
     * `couch_mrview_util` functions ended up mostly in `couch_views_util`.
     * `couch_mrview` validatation functions ended up in `couch_views_validate`
     * `couch_mrview_http` functions moved to `couch_views_http_util`. The reason
       they didn't end up in `couch_views_http` is because a lot of the functions
       there have the exact same names as the ones in `couch_views_http_util`.
       There is quite a bit of duplication involved but that is left for another
       refactoring in the future. The general flow of control goes from chttpd ->
       couch_views_http -> couch_views_http_util.
    Most of the changes are just copy and paste with the exception of the
    `ddoc_to_mrst/2` function. Previously, there were two almost identical copies
    -- one in `couch_mrview_util` and another in `couch_views_util`. Both were used
    by different parts of the code. The difference was the couch_views one
    optionally disabled reduce functions, and replaced their body with the
    `disabled` atom, while the one in `couch_mrview` didn't. Trying to unify them
    such that only the `couch_views` one is used, resulted in the inability to
    write design documents on server which have custom reduce disabled. That may be
    a better behavior, however that should be updated in a separate PR and possibly
    a mailing list discussion. So in order to preserve the exisiting behavior,
    couch_eval was update to not fail in `try_compile` when design documents are
    Patches to the rest of the code to update the include path and use the new
    utility functions will be updated in a separate commit.
 src/couch_eval/src/couch_eval.erl             |   6 +-
 src/couch_views/include/couch_views.hrl       |  94 ++++++
 src/couch_views/src/couch_views_http_util.erl | 358 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_views/src/couch_views_util.erl      | 105 +++++-
 src/couch_views/src/couch_views_validate.erl  | 460 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 1018 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/couch_eval/src/couch_eval.erl b/src/couch_eval/src/couch_eval.erl
index a6e5965..f87ba97 100644
--- a/src/couch_eval/src/couch_eval.erl
+++ b/src/couch_eval/src/couch_eval.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 -type result() :: {doc_id(), [[{any(), any()}]]}.
 -type api_mod() :: atom().
 -type context() :: {api_mod(), any()}.
--type function_type() :: binary().
+-type function_type() :: binary() | atom().
 -type function_name() :: binary().
 -type function_src() :: binary().
 -type error(_Error) :: no_return().
@@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ with_context(#{language := Language}, Fun) ->
 -spec try_compile(context(), function_type(), function_name(), function_src()) -> ok.
+try_compile({_ApiMod, _Ctx}, reduce, <<_/binary>>, disabled) ->
+    % Reduce functions may be disabled. Accept that as a valid configuration.
+    ok;
 try_compile({ApiMod, Ctx}, FuncType, FuncName, FuncSrc) -> 
     ApiMod:try_compile(Ctx, FuncType, FuncName, FuncSrc).
diff --git a/src/couch_views/include/couch_views.hrl b/src/couch_views/include/couch_views.hrl
index e28fa74..86f73a3 100644
--- a/src/couch_views/include/couch_views.hrl
+++ b/src/couch_views/include/couch_views.hrl
@@ -45,3 +45,97 @@
 % be used. Use `null` so it can can be round-tripped through json serialization
 % with couch_jobs.
 -define(VIEW_CURRENT_VSN, null).
+-record(mrst, {
+    sig=nil,
+    fd=nil,
+    fd_monitor,
+    db_name,
+    idx_name,
+    language,
+    design_opts=[],
+    partitioned=false,
+    lib,
+    views,
+    id_btree=nil,
+    update_seq=0,
+    purge_seq=0,
+    first_build,
+    partial_resp_pid,
+    doc_acc,
+    doc_queue,
+    write_queue,
+    qserver=nil
+-record(mrview, {
+    id_num,
+    update_seq=0,
+    purge_seq=0,
+    map_names=[],
+    reduce_funs=[],
+    def,
+    btree=nil,
+    options=[]
+-define(MAX_VIEW_LIMIT, 16#10000000).
+-record(mrargs, {
+    view_type,
+    reduce,
+    preflight_fun,
+    start_key,
+    start_key_docid,
+    end_key,
+    end_key_docid,
+    keys,
+    direction = fwd,
+    limit = ?MAX_VIEW_LIMIT,
+    skip = 0,
+    group_level = 0,
+    group = undefined,
+    stable = false,
+    update = true,
+    multi_get = false,
+    inclusive_end = true,
+    include_docs = false,
+    doc_options = [],
+    update_seq=false,
+    conflicts,
+    callback,
+    sorted = true,
+    extra = [],
+    page_size = undefined,
+    bookmark=nil
+-record(vacc, {
+    db,
+    req,
+    resp,
+    prepend,
+    etag,
+    should_close = false,
+    buffer = [],
+    bufsize = 0,
+    threshold = 1490,
+    row_sent = false,
+    meta_sent = false,
+    paginated = false,
+    meta = #{}
+-record(view_row, {
+    key,
+    id,
+    value,
+    doc
diff --git a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_http_util.erl b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_http_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af0726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_http_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+% The reason this module and couch_views_http exist is because they have
+% functions which are named the same but do slightly different things. The
+% general pattern is chttpd code would call into couch_view_http and those
+% function will in turn call into this module.
+    prepend_val/1,
+    parse_body_and_query/2,
+    parse_body_and_query/3,
+    parse_params/2,
+    parse_params/3,
+    parse_params/4,
+    view_cb/2,
+    row_to_obj/1,
+    row_to_obj/2,
+    row_to_json/1,
+    row_to_json/2
+%% these clauses start (and possibly end) the response
+view_cb({error, Reason}, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:send_error(Acc#vacc.req, Reason),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp}};
+view_cb(complete, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    % Nothing in view
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:send_json(Acc#vacc.req, 200, {[{rows, []}]}),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp}};
+view_cb(Msg, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    %% Start response
+    Headers = [],
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_delayed_json_response(Acc#vacc.req, 200, Headers),
+    view_cb(Msg, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp, should_close=true});
+%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%% From here on down, the response has been started.
+view_cb({error, Reason}, #vacc{resp=Resp}=Acc) ->
+    {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_error(Resp, Reason),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp1}};
+view_cb(complete, #vacc{resp=Resp, buffer=Buf, threshold=Max}=Acc) ->
+    % Finish view output and possibly end the response
+    {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:close_delayed_json_object(Resp, Buf, "\r\n]}", Max),
+    case Acc#vacc.should_close of
+        true ->
+            {ok, Resp2} = chttpd:end_delayed_json_response(Resp1),
+            {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp2}};
+        _ ->
+            {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp1, meta_sent=false, row_sent=false,
+                prepend=",\r\n", buffer=[], bufsize=0}}
+    end;
+view_cb({meta, Meta}, #vacc{meta_sent=false, row_sent=false}=Acc) ->
+    % Sending metadata as we've not sent it or any row yet
+    Parts = case couch_util:get_value(total, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Total -> [io_lib:format("\"total_rows\":~p", [Total])]
+    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(offset, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Offset -> [io_lib:format("\"offset\":~p", [Offset])]
+    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(update_seq, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        null ->
+            ["\"update_seq\":null"];
+        UpdateSeq when is_integer(UpdateSeq) ->
+            [io_lib:format("\"update_seq\":~B", [UpdateSeq])];
+        UpdateSeq when is_binary(UpdateSeq) ->
+            [io_lib:format("\"update_seq\":\"~s\"", [UpdateSeq])]
+    end ++ ["\"rows\":["],
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), "{", string:join(Parts, ","), "\r\n"],
+    {ok, AccOut} = maybe_flush_response(Acc, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk)),
+    {ok, AccOut#vacc{prepend="", meta_sent=true}};
+view_cb({meta, _Meta}, #vacc{}=Acc) ->
+    %% ignore metadata
+    {ok, Acc};
+view_cb({row, Row}, #vacc{meta_sent=false}=Acc) ->
+    %% sorted=false and row arrived before meta
+    % Adding another row
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), "{\"rows\":[\r\n", row_to_json(Row)],
+    maybe_flush_response(Acc#vacc{meta_sent=true, row_sent=true}, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk));
+view_cb({row, Row}, #vacc{meta_sent=true}=Acc) ->
+    % Adding another row
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), row_to_json(Row)],
+    maybe_flush_response(Acc#vacc{row_sent=true}, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk)).
+maybe_flush_response(#vacc{bufsize=Size, threshold=Max} = Acc, Data, Len)
+        when Size > 0 andalso (Size + Len) > Max ->
+    #vacc{buffer = Buffer, resp = Resp} = Acc,
+    {ok, R1} = chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(Resp, Buffer),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{prepend = ",\r\n", buffer = Data, bufsize = Len, resp = R1}};
+maybe_flush_response(Acc0, Data, Len) ->
+    #vacc{buffer = Buf, bufsize = Size} = Acc0,
+    Acc = Acc0#vacc{
+        prepend = ",\r\n",
+        buffer = [Buf | Data],
+        bufsize = Size + Len
+    },
+    {ok, Acc}.
+prepend_val(#vacc{prepend=Prepend}) ->
+    case Prepend of
+        undefined ->
+            "";
+        _ ->
+            Prepend
+    end.
+row_to_json(Row) ->
+    ?JSON_ENCODE(row_to_obj(Row)).
+row_to_json(Kind, Row) ->
+    ?JSON_ENCODE(row_to_obj(Kind, Row)).
+row_to_obj(Row) ->
+    Id = couch_util:get_value(id, Row),
+    row_to_obj(Id, Row).
+row_to_obj(error, Row) ->
+    % Special case for _all_docs request with KEYS to
+    % match prior behavior.
+    Key = couch_util:get_value(key, Row),
+    Val = couch_util:get_value(value, Row),
+    Reason = couch_util:get_value(reason, Row),
+    ReasonProp = if Reason == undefined -> []; true ->
+        [{reason, Reason}]
+    end,
+    {[{key, Key}, {error, Val}] ++ ReasonProp};
+row_to_obj(Id0, Row) ->
+    Id = case Id0 of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Id0 -> [{id, Id0}]
+    end,
+    Key = couch_util:get_value(key, Row, null),
+    Val = couch_util:get_value(value, Row),
+    Doc = case couch_util:get_value(doc, Row) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Doc0 -> [{doc, Doc0}]
+    end,
+    {Id ++ [{key, Key}, {value, Val}] ++ Doc}.
+parse_params(#httpd{}=Req, Keys) ->
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys);
+parse_params(Props, Keys) ->
+    Args = #mrargs{},
+    parse_params(Props, Keys, Args).
+parse_params(Props, Keys, Args) ->
+    parse_params(Props, Keys, Args, []).
+parse_params(Props, Keys, #mrargs{}=Args0, Options) ->
+    IsDecoded = lists:member(decoded, Options),
+    Args1 = case lists:member(keep_group_level, Options) of
+        true ->
+            Args0;
+        _ ->
+            % group_level set to undefined to detect if explicitly set by user
+            Args0#mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined, group_level=undefined}
+    end,
+    lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Acc) ->
+        parse_param(K, V, Acc, IsDecoded)
+    end, Args1, Props).
+parse_body_and_query(#httpd{method='POST'} = Req, Keys) ->
+    Props = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+    parse_body_and_query(Req, Props, Keys);
+parse_body_and_query(Req, Keys) ->
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys, #mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined,
+        group_level=undefined}, [keep_group_level]).
+parse_body_and_query(Req, {Props}, Keys) ->
+    Args = #mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined, group_level=undefined},
+    BodyArgs = parse_params(Props, Keys, Args, [decoded]),
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys, BodyArgs, [keep_group_level]).
+parse_param(Key, Val, Args, IsDecoded) when is_binary(Key) ->
+    parse_param(binary_to_list(Key), Val, Args, IsDecoded);
+parse_param(Key, Val, Args, IsDecoded) ->
+    case Key of
+        "" ->
+            Args;
+        "reduce" ->
+            Args#mrargs{reduce=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val, end_key=Val};
+        "key" ->
+            JsonKey = ?JSON_DECODE(Val),
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=JsonKey, end_key=JsonKey};
+        "keys" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{keys=Val};
+        "keys" ->
+            Args#mrargs{keys=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "startkey" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val};
+        "start_key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val};
+        "startkey" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "start_key" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "startkey_docid" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "start_key_doc_id" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "endkey" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=Val};
+        "end_key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=Val};
+        "endkey" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "end_key" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "endkey_docid" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "end_key_doc_id" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "limit" ->
+            Args#mrargs{limit=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "page_size" ->
+            Args#mrargs{page_size=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "stale" when Val == "ok" orelse Val == <<"ok">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true, update=false};
+        "stale" when Val == "update_after" orelse Val == <<"update_after">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true, update=lazy};
+        "stale" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `stale`.">>});
+        "stable" when Val == "true" orelse Val == <<"true">> orelse Val == true ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true};
+        "stable" when Val == "false" orelse Val == <<"false">> orelse Val == false ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=false};
+        "stable" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `stable`.">>});
+        "update" when Val == "true" orelse Val == <<"true">> orelse Val == true ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=true};
+        "update" when Val == "false" orelse Val == <<"false">> orelse Val == false ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=false};
+        "update" when Val == "lazy" orelse Val == <<"lazy">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=lazy};
+        "update" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `update`.">>});
+        "descending" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+                true -> Args#mrargs{direction=rev};
+                _ -> Args#mrargs{direction=fwd}
+            end;
+        "skip" ->
+            Args#mrargs{skip=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "group" ->
+            Args#mrargs{group=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "group_level" ->
+            Args#mrargs{group_level=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "inclusive_end" ->
+            Args#mrargs{inclusive_end=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "include_docs" ->
+            Args#mrargs{include_docs=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "attachments" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+            true ->
+                Opts = Args#mrargs.doc_options,
+                Args#mrargs{doc_options=[attachments|Opts]};
+            false ->
+                Args
+            end;
+        "att_encoding_info" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+            true ->
+                Opts = Args#mrargs.doc_options,
+                Args#mrargs{doc_options=[att_encoding_info|Opts]};
+            false ->
+                Args
+            end;
+        "update_seq" ->
+            Args#mrargs{update_seq=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "conflicts" ->
+            Args#mrargs{conflicts=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "callback" ->
+            Args#mrargs{callback=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "sorted" ->
+            Args#mrargs{sorted=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "partition" ->
+            Partition = couch_util:to_binary(Val),
+            couch_partition:validate_partition(Partition),
+            couch_views_util:set_extra(Args, partition, Partition);
+        _ ->
+            BKey = couch_util:to_binary(Key),
+            BVal = couch_util:to_binary(Val),
+            Args#mrargs{extra=[{BKey, BVal} | Args#mrargs.extra]}
+    end.
+parse_boolean(true) ->
+    true;
+parse_boolean(false) ->
+    false;
+parse_boolean(Val) when is_binary(Val) ->
+    parse_boolean(?b2l(Val));
+parse_boolean(Val) ->
+    case string:to_lower(Val) of
+    "true" -> true;
+    "false" -> false;
+    _ ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid boolean parameter: ~p", [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
+parse_int(Val) when is_integer(Val) ->
+    Val;
+parse_int(Val) ->
+    case (catch list_to_integer(Val)) of
+    IntVal when is_integer(IntVal) ->
+        IntVal;
+    _ ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid value for integer: ~p", [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
+parse_pos_int(Val) ->
+    case parse_int(Val) of
+    IntVal when IntVal >= 0 ->
+        IntVal;
+    _ ->
+        Fmt = "Invalid value for positive integer: ~p",
+        Msg = io_lib:format(Fmt, [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_util.erl b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_util.erl
index 7040020..287d4ba 100644
--- a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_util.erl
@@ -19,12 +19,16 @@
-    active_tasks_info/5
+    active_tasks_info/5,
+    set_view_type/3,
+    set_extra/3,
+    get_view_queries/1,
+    get_view_keys/1,
+    extract_view/4
@@ -80,10 +84,53 @@ ddoc_to_mrst(DbName, #doc{id=Id, body={Fields}}) ->
-    SigInfo = {Views1, Language, DesignOpts, couch_index_util:sort_lib(Lib)},
+    SigInfo = {Views1, Language, DesignOpts, sort_lib(Lib)},
     {ok, IdxState#mrst{sig=couch_hash:md5_hash(term_to_binary(SigInfo))}}.
+set_view_type(_Args, _ViewName, []) ->
+    throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
+set_view_type(Args, ViewName, [View | Rest]) ->
+    RedNames = [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
+    case lists:member(ViewName, RedNames) of
+        true ->
+            case Args#mrargs.reduce of
+                false -> Args#mrargs{view_type=map};
+                _ -> Args#mrargs{view_type=red}
+            end;
+        false ->
+            case lists:member(ViewName, View#mrview.map_names) of
+                true -> Args#mrargs{view_type=map};
+                false -> set_view_type(Args, ViewName, Rest)
+            end
+    end.
+set_extra(#mrargs{} = Args, Key, Value) ->
+    Extra0 = Args#mrargs.extra,
+    Extra1 = lists:ukeysort(1, [{Key, Value} | Extra0]),
+    Args#mrargs{extra = Extra1}.
+extract_view(_Lang, _Args, _ViewName, []) ->
+    throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
+extract_view(Lang, #mrargs{view_type=map}=Args, Name, [View | Rest]) ->
+    Names = View#mrview.map_names ++ [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
+    case lists:member(Name, Names) of
+        true -> {map, View, Args};
+        _ -> extract_view(Lang, Args, Name, Rest)
+    end;
+extract_view(Lang, #mrargs{view_type=red}=Args, Name, [View | Rest]) ->
+    RedNames = [N || {N, _} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
+    case lists:member(Name, RedNames) of
+        true -> {red, {index_of(Name, RedNames), Lang, View}, Args};
+        false -> extract_view(Lang, Args, Name, Rest)
+    end.
 collate_fun(View) ->
         options = Options
@@ -122,7 +169,7 @@ validate_args(Args) ->
     validate_args(Args, []).
-% This is mostly a copy of couch_mrview_util:validate_args/1 but it doesn't
+% This is mostly a copy of couch_validate:validate_args/1 but it doesn't
 % update start / end keys and also throws a not_implemented error for reduce
 validate_args(#mrargs{} = Args, Opts) ->
@@ -366,3 +413,53 @@ convert_seq_to_stamp(Seq) ->
     VS = integer_to_list(Stamp) ++ "-" ++ integer_to_list(Batch) ++ "-"
             ++ integer_to_list(DocNumber),
+get_view_queries({Props}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"queries">>, Props) of
+        undefined ->
+            undefined;
+        Queries when is_list(Queries) ->
+            Queries;
+        _ ->
+            throw({bad_request, "`queries` member must be an array."})
+    end.
+get_view_keys({Props}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Props) of
+        undefined ->
+            undefined;
+        Keys when is_list(Keys) ->
+            Keys;
+        _ ->
+            throw({bad_request, "`keys` member must be an array."})
+    end.
+sort_lib({Lib}) ->
+    sort_lib(Lib, []).
+sort_lib([], LAcc) ->
+    lists:keysort(1, LAcc);
+sort_lib([{LName, {LObj}}|Rest], LAcc) ->
+    LSorted = sort_lib(LObj, []), % descend into nested object
+    sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LSorted}|LAcc]);
+sort_lib([{LName, LCode}|Rest], LAcc) ->
+    sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LCode}|LAcc]).
+index_of(Key, List) ->
+    index_of(Key, List, 1).
+index_of(_, [], _) ->
+    throw({error, missing_named_view});
+index_of(Key, [Key | _], Idx) ->
+    Idx;
+index_of(Key, [_ | Rest], Idx) ->
+    index_of(Key, Rest, Idx+1).
diff --git a/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_validate.erl b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_validate.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558f65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_views/src/couch_views_validate.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    validate_args/1,
+    validate_args/3,
+    validate_ddoc/2
+-define(LOWEST_KEY, null).
+-define(HIGHEST_KEY, {<<255, 255, 255, 255>>}).
+% There is another almost identical validate_args in couch_views_util. They
+% should probably be merged at some point in the future.
+validate_args(Args) ->
+    GroupLevel = determine_group_level(Args),
+    Reduce = Args#mrargs.reduce,
+    case Reduce == undefined orelse is_boolean(Reduce) of
+        true -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid `reduce` value.">>)
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Reduce} of
+        {map, true} -> mrverror(<<"Reduce is invalid for map-only views.">>);
+        _ -> ok
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, GroupLevel, Args#mrargs.keys} of
+        {red, exact, _} -> ok;
+        {red, _, KeyList} when is_list(KeyList) ->
+            Msg = <<"Multi-key fetches for reduce views must use `group=true`">>,
+            mrverror(Msg);
+        _ -> ok
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.keys of
+        Keys when is_list(Keys) -> ok;
+        undefined -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"`keys` must be an array of strings.">>)
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.keys, Args#mrargs.start_key,
+          Args#mrargs.end_key} of
+        {undefined, _, _} -> ok;
+        {[], _, _} -> ok;
+        {[_|_], undefined, undefined} -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"`keys` is incompatible with `key`"
+                        ", `start_key` and `end_key`">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.start_key_docid of
+        undefined -> ok;
+        SKDocId0 when is_binary(SKDocId0) -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"`start_key_docid` must be a string.">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.end_key_docid of
+        undefined -> ok;
+        EKDocId0 when is_binary(EKDocId0) -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"`end_key_docid` must be a string.">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.direction of
+        fwd -> ok;
+        rev -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid direction.">>)
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.limit >= 0, Args#mrargs.limit == undefined} of
+        {true, _} -> ok;
+        {_, true} -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"`limit` must be a positive integer.">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.skip < 0 of
+        true -> mrverror(<<"`skip` must be >= 0">>);
+        _ -> ok
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, GroupLevel} of
+        {red, exact} -> ok;
+        {_, 0} -> ok;
+        {red, Int} when is_integer(Int), Int >= 0 -> ok;
+        {red, _} -> mrverror(<<"`group_level` must be >= 0">>);
+        {map, _} -> mrverror(<<"Invalid use of grouping on a map view.">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.stable of
+        true -> ok;
+        false -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `stable`.">>)
+    end,
+    case Args#mrargs.update of
+        true -> ok;
+        false -> ok;
+        lazy -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `update`.">>)
+    end,
+    case is_boolean(Args#mrargs.inclusive_end) of
+        true -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `inclusive_end`.">>)
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.include_docs} of
+        {red, true} -> mrverror(<<"`include_docs` is invalid for reduce">>);
+        {_, ID} when is_boolean(ID) -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `include_docs`">>)
+    end,
+    case {Args#mrargs.view_type, Args#mrargs.conflicts} of
+        {_, undefined} -> ok;
+        {map, V} when is_boolean(V) -> ok;
+        {red, undefined} -> ok;
+        {map, _} -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `conflicts`.">>);
+        {red, _} -> mrverror(<<"`conflicts` is invalid for reduce views.">>)
+    end,
+    SKDocId = case {Args#mrargs.direction, Args#mrargs.start_key_docid} of
+        {fwd, undefined} -> <<>>;
+        {rev, undefined} -> <<255>>;
+        {_, SKDocId1} -> SKDocId1
+    end,
+    EKDocId = case {Args#mrargs.direction, Args#mrargs.end_key_docid} of
+        {fwd, undefined} -> <<255>>;
+        {rev, undefined} -> <<>>;
+        {_, EKDocId1} -> EKDocId1
+    end,
+    case is_boolean(Args#mrargs.sorted) of
+        true -> ok;
+        _ -> mrverror(<<"Invalid value for `sorted`.">>)
+    end,
+    Args#mrargs{
+        start_key_docid=SKDocId,
+        end_key_docid=EKDocId,
+        group_level=GroupLevel
+    }.
+validate_args(Db, DDoc, Args0) ->
+    {ok, State} = couch_views_util:ddoc_to_mrst(fabric2_db:name(Db), DDoc),
+    Args1 = apply_limit(State#mrst.partitioned, Args0),
+    validate_args(State, Args1).
+validate_ddoc(#{} = Db, DDoc) ->
+    DbName = fabric2_db:name(Db),
+    IsPartitioned = fabric2_db:is_partitioned(Db),
+    validate_ddoc(DbName, IsPartitioned, DDoc).
+% Private functions
+validate_ddoc(DbName, _IsDbPartitioned,  DDoc) ->
+    ok = validate_ddoc_fields(DDoc#doc.body),
+    GetName = fun
+        (#mrview{map_names = [Name | _]}) -> Name;
+        (#mrview{reduce_funs = [{Name, _} | _]}) -> Name;
+        (_) -> null
+    end,
+    ValidateView = fun(Ctx, #mrview{def=MapSrc, reduce_funs=Reds}=View) ->
+        couch_eval:try_compile(Ctx, map, GetName(View), MapSrc),
+        lists:foreach(fun
+            ({_RedName, <<"_sum", _/binary>>}) ->
+                ok;
+            ({_RedName, <<"_count", _/binary>>}) ->
+                ok;
+            ({_RedName, <<"_stats", _/binary>>}) ->
+                ok;
+            ({_RedName, <<"_approx_count_distinct", _/binary>>}) ->
+                ok;
+            ({_RedName, <<"_", _/binary>> = Bad}) ->
+                Msg = ["`", Bad, "` is not a supported reduce function."],
+                throw({invalid_design_doc, Msg});
+            ({RedName, RedSrc}) ->
+                couch_eval:try_compile(Ctx, reduce, RedName, RedSrc)
+        end, Reds)
+    end,
+    {ok, #mrst{
+        language = Lang,
+        views = Views
+    }} = couch_views_util:ddoc_to_mrst(DbName, DDoc),
+    Views =/= [] andalso couch_eval:with_context(#{language => Lang}, fun (Ctx) ->
+        lists:foreach(fun(V) -> ValidateView(Ctx, V) end, Views)
+    end),
+    ok.
+validate_args(#mrst{} = State, Args0) ->
+    Args = validate_args(Args0),
+    ViewPartitioned = State#mrst.partitioned,
+    Partition = get_extra(Args, partition),
+    case {ViewPartitioned, Partition} of
+        {true, undefined} ->
+            Msg1 = <<"`partition` parameter is mandatory "
+                    "for queries to this view.">>,
+            mrverror(Msg1);
+        {true, _} ->
+            apply_partition(Args, Partition);
+        {false, undefined} ->
+            Args;
+        {false, Value} when is_binary(Value) ->
+            Msg2 = <<"`partition` parameter is not "
+                    "supported in this design doc">>,
+            mrverror(Msg2)
+    end.
+validate_ddoc_fields(DDoc) ->
+    MapFuncType = map_function_type(DDoc),
+    lists:foreach(fun(Path) ->
+        validate_ddoc_fields(DDoc, Path)
+    end, [
+        [{<<"filters">>, object}, {any, [object, string]}],
+        [{<<"language">>, string}],
+        [{<<"lists">>, object}, {any, [object, string]}],
+        [{<<"options">>, object}],
+        [{<<"options">>, object}, {<<"include_design">>, boolean}],
+        [{<<"options">>, object}, {<<"local_seq">>, boolean}],
+        [{<<"options">>, object}, {<<"partitioned">>, boolean}],
+        [{<<"rewrites">>, [string, array]}],
+        [{<<"shows">>, object}, {any, [object, string]}],
+        [{<<"updates">>, object}, {any, [object, string]}],
+        [{<<"validate_doc_update">>, string}],
+        [{<<"views">>, object}, {<<"lib">>, object}],
+        [{<<"views">>, object}, {any, object}, {<<"map">>, MapFuncType}],
+        [{<<"views">>, object}, {any, object}, {<<"reduce">>, string}]
+    ]),
+    require_map_function_for_views(DDoc),
+    ok.
+require_map_function_for_views({Props}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"views">>, Props) of
+        undefined -> ok;
+        {Views} ->
+            lists:foreach(fun
+                ({<<"lib">>, _}) -> ok;
+                ({Key, {Value}}) ->
+                    case couch_util:get_value(<<"map">>, Value) of
+                        undefined -> throw({invalid_design_doc,
+                            <<"View `", Key/binary, "` must contain map function">>});
+                        _ -> ok
+                    end
+            end, Views),
+            ok
+    end.
+validate_ddoc_fields(DDoc, Path) ->
+    case validate_ddoc_fields(DDoc, Path, []) of
+        ok -> ok;
+        {error, {FailedPath0, Type0}} ->
+            FailedPath = iolist_to_binary(join(FailedPath0, <<".">>)),
+            Type = format_type(Type0),
+            throw({invalid_design_doc,
+                  <<"`", FailedPath/binary, "` field must have ",
+                     Type/binary, " type">>})
+    end.
+validate_ddoc_fields(undefined, _, _) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_fields(_, [], _) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_fields({KVS}=Props, [{any, Type} | Rest], Acc) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun
+        ({Key, _}, ok) ->
+            validate_ddoc_fields(Props, [{Key, Type} | Rest], Acc);
+        ({_, _}, {error, _}=Error) ->
+            Error
+    end, ok, KVS);
+validate_ddoc_fields({KVS}=Props, [{Key, Type} | Rest], Acc) ->
+    case validate_ddoc_field(Props, {Key, Type}) of
+        ok ->
+            validate_ddoc_fields(couch_util:get_value(Key, KVS),
+                                 Rest,
+                                 [Key | Acc]);
+        error ->
+            {error, {[Key | Acc], Type}};
+        {error, Key1} ->
+            {error, {[Key1 | Acc], Type}}
+    end.
+validate_ddoc_field(undefined, Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field(_, any) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field(Value, Types) when is_list(Types) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun
+        (_, ok) -> ok;
+        (Type, _) -> validate_ddoc_field(Value, Type)
+    end, error, Types);
+validate_ddoc_field(Value, string) when is_binary(Value) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field(Value, array) when is_list(Value) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field({Value}, object) when is_list(Value) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field(Value, boolean) when is_boolean(Value) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field({Props}, {any, Type}) ->
+    validate_ddoc_field1(Props, Type);
+validate_ddoc_field({Props}, {Key, Type}) ->
+    validate_ddoc_field(couch_util:get_value(Key, Props), Type);
+validate_ddoc_field(_, _) ->
+    error.
+validate_ddoc_field1([], _) ->
+    ok;
+validate_ddoc_field1([{Key, Value} | Rest], Type) ->
+    case validate_ddoc_field(Value, Type) of
+        ok ->
+            validate_ddoc_field1(Rest, Type);
+        error ->
+            {error, Key}
+    end.
+map_function_type({Props}) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props) of
+        <<"query">> -> object;
+        _ -> string
+    end.
+format_type(Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
+    ?l2b(atom_to_list(Type));
+format_type(Types) when is_list(Types) ->
+    iolist_to_binary(join(lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Types), <<" or ">>)).
+join(L, Sep) ->
+    join(L, Sep, []).
+join([H|[]], _, Acc) ->
+    [H | Acc];
+join([H|T], Sep, Acc) ->
+    join(T, Sep, [Sep, H | Acc]).
+determine_group_level(#mrargs{group=undefined, group_level=undefined}) ->
+    0;
+determine_group_level(#mrargs{group=false, group_level=undefined}) ->
+    0;
+determine_group_level(#mrargs{group=false, group_level=Level}) when Level > 0 ->
+    mrverror(<<"Can't specify group=false and group_level>0 at the same time">>);
+determine_group_level(#mrargs{group=true, group_level=undefined}) ->
+    exact;
+determine_group_level(#mrargs{group_level=GroupLevel}) ->
+    GroupLevel.
+mrverror(Mesg) ->
+    throw({query_parse_error, Mesg}).
+apply_partition(#mrargs{keys=[{p, _, _} | _]} = Args, _Partition) ->
+    Args; % already applied
+apply_partition(#mrargs{keys=Keys} = Args, Partition) when Keys /= undefined ->
+    Args#mrargs{keys=[{p, Partition, K} || K <- Keys]};
+apply_partition(#mrargs{start_key={p, _, _}, end_key={p, _, _}} = Args, _Partition) ->
+    Args; % already applied.
+apply_partition(Args, Partition) ->
+    #mrargs{
+        direction = Dir,
+        start_key = StartKey,
+        end_key = EndKey
+    } = Args,
+    {DefSK, DefEK} = case Dir of
+        fwd -> {?LOWEST_KEY, ?HIGHEST_KEY};
+        rev -> {?HIGHEST_KEY, ?LOWEST_KEY}
+    end,
+    SK0 = if StartKey /= undefined -> StartKey; true -> DefSK end,
+    EK0 = if EndKey /= undefined -> EndKey; true -> DefEK end,
+    Args#mrargs{
+        start_key = {p, Partition, SK0},
+        end_key = {p, Partition, EK0}
+    }.
+get_extra(#mrargs{} = Args, Key) ->
+    couch_util:get_value(Key, Args#mrargs.extra).
+apply_limit(ViewPartitioned, Args) ->
+    Options = Args#mrargs.extra,
+    IgnorePQLimit = lists:keyfind(ignore_partition_query_limit, 1, Options),
+    LimitType = case {ViewPartitioned, IgnorePQLimit} of
+        {true, false} -> "partition_query_limit";
+        {true, _} -> "query_limit";
+        {false, _} -> "query_limit"
+    end,
+    MaxLimit = config:get_integer("query_server_config",
+        LimitType, ?MAX_VIEW_LIMIT),
+    % Set the highest limit possible if a user has not
+    % specified a limit
+    Args1 = case Args#mrargs.limit == ?MAX_VIEW_LIMIT of
+        true -> Args#mrargs{limit = MaxLimit};
+        false -> Args
+    end,
+    if Args1#mrargs.limit =< MaxLimit -> Args1; true ->
+        Fmt = "Limit is too large, must not exceed ~p",
+        mrverror(io_lib:format(Fmt, [MaxLimit]))
+    end.