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Posted to by on 2002/11/09 18:53:11 UTC

cvs commit: jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/resources/images icon.png jakarta-alexandria-forrest.gif jakarta-logo-forrest.gif

nicolaken    2002/11/09 09:53:11

  Added:       .        forrest-targets.ent status.xml
               src/documentation README.txt skinconf.xml
               src/documentation/content/xdocs book.xml index.xml tabs.xml
               src/documentation/resources/images icon.png
  New initial version of the alexandria website, made in Forrest,
  with initial status.xml file.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/forrest-targets.ent
  Index: forrest-targets.ent
  This build.xml snippet contains Forrest targets for Ant 1.5+.  It checks that
  the user has set ${forrest.home}, either in one of:
  or with the FORREST_HOME environment variable, and prints an informative error
  message if not found.
  1) Copy this file to somewhere in your project.
  2) Add the following to the top of your project's Ant build.xml script
  (adjusting the path):
    <!DOCTYPE project [
      <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  3) Before the closing '</project>' in your build.xml, add this:
  This is like expanding a macro: it pulls in the contents of this file.
  A minimal build.xml would thus be:
  <!DOCTYPE project [
  <!ENTITY forrest-targets SYSTEM "file:./forrest-targets.ent">
  <project default="site">
    <target name="site" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates static HTML documentation">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="site"/>
    <target name="webapp" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates an unpackaged webapp of the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="webapp"/>
    <target name="war" depends="forrest.init" description="Generates a .war file containing the website">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="war"/>
    <target name="validate" depends="forrest.init" description="Validates XML documentation files">
      <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="validate"/>
    <target name="forrest.init" depends="forrest.sethome, forrest.home.defined"/>
    <target name="forrest.sethome" depends="forrest.loadenv,
    forrest.checkenv, forrest.checkhome,,,,"/>
    <target name="forrest.loadenv" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property environment="env"/>
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Got ${env.FORREST_HOME}</echo>
    <target name="forrest.checkenv" if="env.FORREST_HOME">
      <echo level="verbose">Found $FORREST_HOME..</echo>
      <property name="forrest.home" location="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
      <echo level="verbose">forrest.home set to ${forrest.home}</echo>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.checkhome">
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
      <available file="" type="file" property=""/>
    <!-- No we can't extract the commonalities below into an antcall'ed target,
    because it wouldn't be able to set forrest.home -->
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="" unless="forrest.home.present"
      <echo level="verbose">Forrest: Checking</echo>
      <loadproperties srcfile="">
            <contains value="forrest.home"/>
      <available file="${forrest.home}" type="dir" property="forrest.home.present"/>
    <target name="forrest.home.defined" depends="forrest.sethome" unless="forrest.home.present">
      <property name="path" value="${user.home}/xml-forrest/build/dist/shbat"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="windows" property="winpath">
          <pathelement location="${path}"/>
      <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="unixpath">
        To run this target, you need Forrest installed.
        Please do the following:
        cvs checkout xml-forrest
        cd xml-forrest
        build      (Windows)
        ./ (Unix)
        Then either:
        - Set FORREST_HOME as the Forrest build instructions describe
        - Create a, with the forrest.home property pointing to
          the forrest shbat directory, eg:
          forrest.home=${winpath}  (Windows)
          forrest.home=${unixpath}  (Unix)
          (adjusting the path according to where your xml-forrest is)
      <fail message="Need to define $${forrest.home}"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/
  # Properties used by for building the website
  # Prints out a summary of Forrest settings for this project
  # Project name (used to name .war file)
  # Specifies name of Forrest skin to use
  # layout properties
  # Properties that must be set to override the default locations
  # validation properties
  # These props determine if validation is performed at all
  # Values are inherited unless overridden.
  # Eg, if forrest.validate=false, then all others are false unless set to true.
  # Key:
  # *.failonerror=(true|false)    stop when an XML file is invalid
  # *.includes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to validate
  # *.excludes=(pattern)         Comma-separated list of path patterns to not validate
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/status.xml
  Index: status.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <person name="Nicola Ken Barozzi" email=""  id="nicolaken" />
      <!-- Add more people here -->
      <actions priority="high">
        <action context="code" dev="nicolaken">
          Contact the authors of xsldoc and javasrc to have them sign and send a paper that
          grants rights to the ASF.
      <!-- Add new releases here -->
      <release version="0.1" date="2002">
        <!-- Some action types have associated images. By default, images are
        defined for 'add', 'fix', 'remove' and 'update'. If you add
        src/documentation/resources/images/<foo>.jpg images, these will
          automatically be used for entries of type <foo>. -->
            <action dev="nicolaken" type="add" context="admin">
              Initial Import
            <!-- Sample action:
            <action dev="JB" type="fix" due-to="Joe Contributor"
              Fixed a bug in the Foo class.
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/README.txt
  Index: README.txt
  This is the base documentation directory. It usually contains two files:
  skinconf.xml     # This file customizes Forrest for your project. In it, you
                   # tell forrest the project name, logo, copyright info, etc
  sitemap.xmap     # Optional. This sitemap overrides the default one bundled
                   # with Forrest. Typically, one would copy a sitemap from
                   # xml-forrest/src/resources/conf/sitemap.xmap, and customize
                   # it.
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/skinconf.xml
  Index: skinconf.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  Skin configuration file. This file contains details of your project, which will
  be used to configure the chosen Forrest skin.
  <!DOCTYPE skinconfig [
    <!ENTITY % links.att 'name CDATA #REQUIRED'>
    <!ENTITY % link.att 'name CDATA #REQUIRED href CDATA #REQUIRED'>
    <!ELEMENT skinconfig (disable-search?, searchsite-domain?, searchsite-name?, project-name, project-url, project-logo, group-name?, group-url?, group-logo?, host-url?, host-logo?, year?, vendor?, trail?, credits?)*>
    <!ELEMENT credits (credit*)>
    <!ELEMENT credit (name, url, image, width?, height?)>
    <!ELEMENT disable-search (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT searchsite-domain (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT searchsite-name (#PCDATA)>  
    <!ELEMENT project-name (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT project-url (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT project-logo (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT group-name (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT group-url (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT group-logo (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT host-url (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT host-logo (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT vendor (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT trail (link1, link2, link3)>
    <!ELEMENT link1 EMPTY>
    <!-- Seems we can't use param entity refs until this is DTDified -->
    <!ELEMENT link2 EMPTY>
    <!ELEMENT link3 EMPTY>
    <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT image (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
    <!-- Do we want to disable the Google search box? -->
    <searchsite-name>Apache Jakarta</searchsite-name>  
    <!-- mandatory project logo
         skin: forrest-site renders it at the top -->
    <project-name>Jakarta Alexandria</project-name>
    <!-- optional group logo
         skin: forrest-site renders it at the top-left corner -->
    <group-name>Apache Jakarta</group-name>
    <!-- optional host logo (e.g. sourceforge logo)
         skin: forrest-site renders it at the bottom-left corner -->
    <!-- The following are used to construct a copyright statement -->
    <vendor>The Apache Software Foundation.</vendor>
    <!-- Some skins use this to form a 'breadcrumb trail' of links. If you don't
    want these, set the attributes to blank. The DTD purposefully requires them.
      <link1 name="apache" href=""/>
      <link2 name="jakarta" href=""/>
      <link3 name="" href=""/>
    <!-- Credits are typically rendered as a set of small clickable images in the
    page footer -->
        <name>Built with Cocoon</name>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/content/xdocs/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN" "book-cocoon-v10.dtd">
  <book software="Alexandria"
    copyright="2002 The Apache Software Foundation"
    <menu label="About">
      <menu-item label="Index" href="index.html"/>
      <!-- Add new entries here, or in a new menu. Consult the DTD for valid elements-->
      <menu-item label="Changes" href="changes.html"/>
      <menu-item label="Todo" href="todo.html"/> 
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
              <p>Alexandria is a CVS/Javadoc/Source code/Documentation management 
                 system meant for use within Open Source projects. 
                 It's goal is to create a global documentation and source organization 
                 system to help people understand source code and to share code across projects.<br/>
                 Alexandria is a Java centric project, and the backend is implemented in all XML.
                  Currently this project has been lying uncatered for a long time, and the 
                    original codebase is obsolete. There have been code donations recently and interest
                    has resurged, but there is still a lot to do.<br/>
                    If you are interested, join the mailing list by 
                    sending an empty message to 
                    <link href=""></link>,
                    and we will be happy to get some help.
                  A proposal for a new Alexandria called <link href="">Gump</link>
                  is present in the alexandria repository under <code>jakarta-alexandria/proposals/gump/**</code>.
                  It has overgrown its parent and has now its own 
                  <link href="">website</link>.<br/>
                <title>Why the name Alexandria?</title>
                  <p>The library of Alexandria was an enormous Library in ancient Egypt that was destroyed 
                   by fire. Many historians regards its destruction a major loss of knowledge 
                   (although it is commonly regarded as Legend). We just thought it was appropriate 
                   considering we have all this structured information on the Internet but it isn't being used.
               <li>Browse multiple and remote source repositories</li>
               <li>Generate Javadoc across multiple java projects</li>
               <li>Browse source code in an organized manner</li>
               <li>The "use" tag can be use across all projects within Alexandria</li>
               <li>Support multiple revisions of the same content</li>
               <li>Be easily pluggable in other systems like Ant, Forrest, and Maven.</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/content/xdocs/tabs.xml
  Index: tabs.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!DOCTYPE tabs PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Tab V1.0//EN" "tab-cocoon-v10.dtd">
        <tabs software="Alexandria"
          copyright="2002 Apache Software Foundation"
          <tab label="Home" dir=""/>
          <tab label="Old Alexandria" href="index_old.html"/>
          <!-- Add new tabs here, eg:
          <tab label="How-Tos" dir="community/howto/"/>
          <tab label="XML Site" dir="xml-site/"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/resources/images/icon.png
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/resources/images/jakarta-alexandria-forrest.gif
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-alexandria/src/documentation/resources/images/jakarta-logo-forrest.gif
  	<<Binary file>>

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