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Posted to by aledsage <> on 2017/12/21 11:21:53 UTC

[GitHub] brooklyn-server pull request #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

GitHub user aledsage opened a pull request:

    Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

    `JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest` demonstrates the need for this synchronization: tearDown can fail because the `obtain` is called in a different thread from the `releaseMachine`. The id added to `vmInstanceIds` in obtain was not yet visible to the thread executing `releaseMachine`, so it failed.
    To reproduce, try setting `@Test(invocationCount=...)` to something big. For me, it failed after 200ish runs.
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,348 INFO  TESTNG INVOKING CONFIGURATION: "Surefire test" - @BeforeMethod org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.setUp()
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,349 INFO  Added external config supplier named 'brooklyn-demo-sample': org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.external.InPlaceExternalConfigSupplier@67a84d80
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,349 INFO  TESTNG PASSED CONFIGURATION: "Surefire test" - @BeforeMethod org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.setUp() finished in 1 ms
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,349 INFO  TESTNG INVOKING: "Surefire test" - org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.testConcurrentCreateCalls()
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,359 INFO  Creating VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,360 WARN  Cannot check imageChooser status for aws-ec2:us-east-1 due to manually supplied black-box TemplateBuilder; it is recommended to use a PortableTemplateBuilder if you supply a TemplateBuilder
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,362 INFO  Creating VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,363 INFO  Creating VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,363 WARN  Cannot check imageChooser status for aws-ec2:us-east-1 due to manually supplied black-box TemplateBuilder; it is recommended to use a PortableTemplateBuilder if you supply a TemplateBuilder
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,363 INFO  Waiting in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n] for machine-creation permit (0 other queuing requests already)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,366 INFO  Default SSH keys not found or not usable; will create new keys for each machine. Create ~/.ssh/id_rsa or set privateKeyFile / privateKeyPassphrase / password as appropriate for this location if you wish to be able to log in without Brooklyn.
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,366 INFO  Default SSH keys not found or not usable; will create new keys for each machine. Create ~/.ssh/id_rsa or set privateKeyFile / privateKeyPassphrase / password as appropriate for this location if you wish to be able to log in without Brooklyn.
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,523 INFO  Acquired in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n] machine-creation permit, after waiting 160ms
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,524 WARN  No context entity found in config or current task
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,524 WARN  Cannot check imageChooser status for aws-ec2:us-east-1 due to manually supplied black-box TemplateBuilder; it is recommended to use a PortableTemplateBuilder if you supply a TemplateBuilder
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,524 WARN  No context entity found in config or current task
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,527 INFO  Default SSH keys not found or not usable; will create new keys for each machine. Create ~/.ssh/id_rsa or set privateKeyFile / privateKeyPassphrase / password as appropriate for this location if you wish to be able to log in without Brooklyn.
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,545 INFO  Using host-and-port= and user=jenkins when connecting to {id=myid, status=RUNNING, loginPort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[], loginUser=myuser}
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,545 INFO  Using host-and-port= and user=jenkins when connecting to {id=myid, status=RUNNING, loginPort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[], loginUser=myuser}
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,552 INFO  Creating PortForwardManager(scope=global)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,555 WARN  Using DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES (will not be supported in future versions) for SshMachineLocation[] at JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,556 WARN  Using DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES (will not be supported in future versions) for SshMachineLocation[] at JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,558 INFO  Finished VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 creation: jenkins@ ready after 196ms (semaphore obtained in 0ms;{image={id=us-east-1/bogus-image, providerId=ebs-image-provider, name=image, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, os={family=ubuntu, arch=paravirtual, version=1.0, description=ubuntu, is64Bit=true}, description=description, version=1.0, status=AVAILABLE, loginUser=root, userMetadata={rootDeviceType=ebs}}, hardware={id=supporting-bogus, providerId=t2.micro, processors=[{cores=1.0, speed=0.1}], ram=1024, supportsImage=Predicates.and(requiresRootDeviceType(ebs),requiresVirtualizationType(paravirtual),idIn([us-east-1/bogus-image]),Predicates.alwaysTrue())}, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, options={scriptPresent=true, userMetadata={Name=brooklyn-p19pkv-jenkins-ttta, brooklyn-user=jenkins}}} template built in 38ms; {id=myid, status=RUNNING, loginP
 ort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[]} provisioned in 123ms; SshMachineLocation[] connection usable in 25ms; and os customized in 10ms - point /dev/random to urandom, open iptables)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,561 INFO  Finished VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 creation: jenkins@ ready after 201ms (semaphore obtained in 0ms;{image={id=us-east-1/bogus-image, providerId=ebs-image-provider, name=image, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, os={family=ubuntu, arch=paravirtual, version=1.0, description=ubuntu, is64Bit=true}, description=description, version=1.0, status=AVAILABLE, loginUser=root, userMetadata={rootDeviceType=ebs}}, hardware={id=supporting-bogus, providerId=t2.micro, processors=[{cores=1.0, speed=0.1}], ram=1024, supportsImage=Predicates.and(requiresRootDeviceType(ebs),requiresVirtualizationType(paravirtual),idIn([us-east-1/bogus-image]),Predicates.alwaysTrue())}, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, options={scriptPresent=true, userMetadata={Name=brooklyn-p19pkv-jenkins-ttta, brooklyn-user=jenkins}}} template built in 55ms; {id=myid, status=RUNNING, loginP
 ort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[]} provisioned in 109ms; SshMachineLocation[] connection usable in 25ms; and os customized in 12ms - point /dev/random to urandom, open iptables)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,564 WARN  No context entity found in config or current task
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,580 INFO  Using host-and-port= and user=jenkins when connecting to {id=myid, status=RUNNING, loginPort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[], loginUser=myuser}
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,588 WARN  Using DEPRECATED flag OPEN_IPTABLES (will not be supported in future versions) for SshMachineLocation[] at JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,590 INFO  Finished VM aws-ec2:us-east-1 creation: jenkins@ ready after 228ms (semaphore obtained in 161ms;{image={id=us-east-1/bogus-image, providerId=ebs-image-provider, name=image, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, os={family=ubuntu, arch=paravirtual, version=1.0, description=ubuntu, is64Bit=true}, description=description, version=1.0, status=AVAILABLE, loginUser=root, userMetadata={rootDeviceType=ebs}}, hardware={id=supporting-bogus, providerId=t2.micro, processors=[{cores=1.0, speed=0.1}], ram=1024, supportsImage=Predicates.and(requiresRootDeviceType(ebs),requiresVirtualizationType(paravirtual),idIn([us-east-1/bogus-image]),Predicates.alwaysTrue())}, location={scope=REGION, id=us-east-1, description=us-east-1, parent=aws-ec2}, options={scriptPresent=true, userMetadata={Name=brooklyn-p19pkv-jenkins-sx1z, brooklyn-user=jenkins}}} template built in 39ms; {id=myid, status=RUNNING, logi
 nPort=22, privateAddresses=[], publicAddresses=[]} provisioned in 1ms; SshMachineLocation[] connection usable in 19ms; and os customized in 7ms - point /dev/random to urandom, open iptables)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,591 INFO  TESTNG PASSED: "Surefire test" - org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.testConcurrentCreateCalls() finished in 242 ms
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,591 INFO  TESTNG INVOKING CONFIGURATION: "Surefire test" - @AfterMethod org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.tearDown()
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,591 INFO  Releasing machine SshMachineLocation[] in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n], instance id myid
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,594 INFO  Attempted release of unknown machine SshMachineLocation[] in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,595 INFO  Released machine SshMachineLocation[]: total time 3ms (semaphore obtained in 1ms; node destroyed in 0ms)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,595 INFO  Attempted release of unknown machine SshMachineLocation[] in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,596 WARN  Error releasing machine SshMachineLocation[]; continuing...
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown machine SshMachineLocation[]
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocation.release( ~[classes/:na]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,597 INFO  Releasing machine SshMachineLocation[] in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n], instance id myid
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,599 INFO  Attempted release of unknown machine SshMachineLocation[] in JcloudsLocation[aws-ec2:us-east-1:stub-identity@r94r9yeb3n]
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,600 INFO  Released machine SshMachineLocation[]: total time 2ms (semaphore obtained in 0ms; node destroyed in 0ms)
    2017-12-20 16:24:31,614 INFO  TESTNG FAILED CONFIGURATION: "Surefire test" - @AfterMethod org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.tearDown() finished in 0 ms
    org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.CompoundRuntimeException: Error in tearDown of class org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.AbstractJcloudsLiveTest.tearDown(
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.AbstractJcloudsStubbedUnitTest.tearDown(
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest.tearDown(
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown machine SshMachineLocation[]
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocation.release(
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.AbstractJcloudsLiveTest.releaseMachine(
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.AbstractJcloudsLiveTest.releaseMachineSafely(
    	at org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.AbstractJcloudsLiveTest.tearDown(
    	... 33 more

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull fix-JcloudsMaxConcurrencyStubbedTest

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

To close this pull request, make a commit to your master/trunk branch
with (at least) the following in the commit message:

    This closes #922
commit 8670b23b075f944b27d91e0075bd0f4af1ba9175
Author: Aled Sage <al...@...>
Date:   2017-12-21T10:02:42Z

    Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds



[GitHub] brooklyn-server issue #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by aledsage <>.
Github user aledsage commented on the issue:
    Thanks @tbouron - jenkins is happy so merging.


[GitHub] brooklyn-server issue #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by tbouron <>.
Github user tbouron commented on the issue:
    retest this please


[GitHub] brooklyn-server pull request #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by asfgit <>.
Github user asfgit closed the pull request at:


[GitHub] brooklyn-server issue #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by tbouron <>.
Github user tbouron commented on the issue:
    The build was aborted for some reason, but all tests passed:
    [INFO] Installing org/apache/brooklyn/brooklyn-commands/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/brooklyn-commands-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
    [INFO] Writing OBR metadata
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    Build timed out (after 60 minutes). Marking the build as aborted.
    Build was aborted
    [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
    [WARNING] Failed to notify spy hudson.maven.Maven3Builder$JenkinsEventSpy: java.lang.InterruptedException
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Reactor Summary:
    [INFO] Brooklyn Server Root ............................... SUCCESS [  5.027 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Parent Project ............................ SUCCESS [  4.852 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Test Support Utilities .................... SUCCESS [  9.481 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Logback Includable Configuration .......... SUCCESS [  3.821 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Common Utilities .......................... SUCCESS [01:21 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn API ....................................... SUCCESS [  5.608 s]
    [INFO] CAMP Server Parent Project ......................... SUCCESS [  2.409 s]
    [INFO] CAMP Base .......................................... SUCCESS [  7.161 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Test Support .............................. SUCCESS [  4.601 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn REST Swagger Apidoc Utilities ............. SUCCESS [  4.584 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Logback Configuration ..................... SUCCESS [  3.591 s]
    [INFO] CAMP Server ........................................ SUCCESS [  9.477 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Felix Runtime ............................. SUCCESS [  7.076 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Groovy Utilities .......................... SUCCESS [ 17.419 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Core ...................................... SUCCESS [04:14 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Policies .................................. SUCCESS [ 43.287 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn WinRM Software Entities ................... SUCCESS [ 17.993 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Secure JMXMP Agent ........................ SUCCESS [ 14.597 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn JMX RMI Agent ............................. SUCCESS [  4.669 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Jclouds Location Targets .................. SUCCESS [ 45.356 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Software Base ............................. SUCCESS [01:46 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn CAMP ...................................... SUCCESS [04:02 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Launcher Common ........................... SUCCESS [ 41.868 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn REST API .................................. SUCCESS [01:17 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn REST Resources ............................ SUCCESS [02:01 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn REST Server ............................... SUCCESS [01:56 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Launcher .................................. SUCCESS [04:01 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Container Location Targets ................ SUCCESS [01:58 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Command Line Interface .................... SUCCESS [01:15 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Test Framework ............................ SUCCESS [02:11 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn OSGi init ................................. SUCCESS [01:34 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn OSGi start ................................ SUCCESS [ 59.515 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Karaf ..................................... SUCCESS [ 25.970 s]
    [INFO] Jetty config fragment .............................. SUCCESS [03:20 min]
    [INFO] Apache Http Component extension .................... SUCCESS [02:21 min]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Karaf Features ............................ SUCCESS [ 52.768 s]
    [INFO] Brooklyn Karaf Shell Commands ...................... SUCCESS [02:49 min]
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 59:14 min
    [INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-21T12:22:15+00:00
    [INFO] Final Memory: 99M/801M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    channel stopped
    Adding one-line test results to commit status...
    Setting status of 8670b23b075f944b27d91e0075bd0f4af1ba9175 to FAILURE with url and message: 'FAILURE
     4961 tests run, 0 skipped, 0 failed.'
    Using context: Jenkins: brooklyn-server-pull-request
    Finished: ABORTED


[GitHub] brooklyn-server issue #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by tbouron <>.
Github user tbouron commented on the issue:
    retest this please


[GitHub] brooklyn-server issue #922: Sync on jcloudsLocation.vmInstanceIds

Posted by tbouron <>.
Github user tbouron commented on the issue:
    LGTM, will merge once Jenkins is happy
