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Posted to by Tom Bradford <> on 2001/12/31 01:25:41 UTC

Labrador Update

I've updated Labrador and xml-xindice-test images on my web site.

For Labrador, I've modified it to marshall XML documents and elements 
properly, as well as fixed a few bugs.

For the experimental image of Xindice, I've created a CollectionProxy 
class that is used to expose some of the functionality of Collections to 
the Broker.  This is almost identical to the system that Kimbro 
developed, except that it uses Labrador to expose the functionality 
rather than the Juggernaut filtering system.

Tom Bradford -
Chief Architect - The dbXML Group, L.L.C.
Developer - Apache Xindice (formerly dbXML)
Maintainer - jEdit-Syntax Java Editing Bean
Co-Author - O'Reilly's "Learning Xindice"