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Posted to by Andy Glick <> on 2005/08/01 01:37:02 UTC

Re: Setting maven.repo.list dynamically - possible bug?

> On 7/29/05, Lach, Thierry <> wrote:
>>I'm trying to set maven.repo.list in a plugin but it does not seem to
>>work.  We are using ear:deploy to copy ear files not only to the maven
>>repository, but to pseudo-repositories on our test and production
>>application servers to help ensure that all versions on all servers are
>>identical.  We use a convention that a production deploy version number
>>ends in a -prod.  I'm trying to write my plugin so that maven.repo.list
>>is set to the maven repository and the two test servers if not a
>>production, and to the maven repository, two test servers, and the three
>>production servers if it IS a production version.

Brett Porter wrote:
> THis is a limitation of maven:get/set - the plugin must be initialised
> first. Try adding xmlns:artifact="artifact" to your
> maven.xml/plugin.jelly.
> Alternatively, use j:set scope="parent" var="maven.repo.list" ...

Lach, Thierry replied:

I was not able to get it to work at all using maven:set/get - even after
including the artifact xmlns in both plugin.jelly and the calling
maven.xml - and even after executing <artifact:check-legacy> as part of
a pregoal for "build:start".

I WAS able to get it running using <j:set scope="parent">, but not
precisely the way I wanted.  I tried to execute the <j:set
scope="parent"> in a tag defined in the plugin that was called by the
preGoal in the plugin, but it didn't work.  It only worked when the
preGoal in my plugin.jelly directly executed the <j:set scope="parent">.

I ask:

What is "it" that declaring the artifact namespace is supposed to do, and how should that be different, if it should, from what one might expect that setting <j:set scope="parent"> would do?

Brett, do you have any sense why Thierry couldn't inject a property into the plugin when he included the artifact namespace in both his plugin and his maven.xml file, but that it worked when he set the scope to parent?

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