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[4/9] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-672. Add python module pygresql back into hawq workspace
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c6669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Written by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
+# Improved by Christoph Zwerschke
+# $Id:,v 1.77 2008/12/30 16:40:00 darcy Exp $
+"""PyGreSQL classic interface.
+This pg module implements some basic database management stuff.
+It includes the _pg module and builds on it, providing the higher
+level wrapper class named DB with addtional functionality.
+This is known as the "classic" ("old style") PyGreSQL interface.
+For a DB-API 2 compliant interface use the newer pgdb module.
+from _pg import *
+    frozenset
+except NameError: # Python < 2.4
+    from sets import ImmutableSet as frozenset
+    from decimal import Decimal
+    set_decimal(Decimal)
+except ImportError:
+    pass # Python < 2.4
+# Auxiliary functions which are independent from a DB connection:
+def _is_quoted(s):
+    """Check whether this string is a quoted identifier."""
+    s = s.replace('_', 'a')
+    return not s.isalnum() or s[:1].isdigit() or s != s.lower()
+def _is_unquoted(s):
+    """Check whether this string is an unquoted identifier."""
+    s = s.replace('_', 'a')
+    return s.isalnum() and not s[:1].isdigit()
+def _split_first_part(s):
+    """Split the first part of a dot separated string."""
+    s = s.lstrip()
+    if s[:1] == '"':
+        p = []
+        s = s.split('"', 3)[1:]
+        p.append(s[0])
+        while len(s) == 3 and s[1] == '':
+            p.append('"')
+            s = s[2].split('"', 2)
+            p.append(s[0])
+        p = [''.join(p)]
+        s = '"'.join(s[1:]).lstrip()
+        if s:
+            if s[:0] == '.':
+                p.append(s[1:])
+            else:
+                s = _split_first_part(s)
+                p[0] += s[0]
+                if len(s) > 1:
+                    p.append(s[1])
+    else:
+        p = s.split('.', 1)
+        s = p[0].rstrip()
+        if _is_unquoted(s):
+            s = s.lower()
+        p[0] = s
+    return p
+def _split_parts(s):
+    """Split all parts of a dot separated string."""
+    q = []
+    while s:
+        s = _split_first_part(s)
+        q.append(s[0])
+        if len(s) < 2:
+            break
+        s = s[1]
+    return q
+def _join_parts(s):
+    """Join all parts of a dot separated string."""
+    return '.'.join([_is_quoted(p) and '"%s"' % p or p for p in s])
+def _oid_key(qcl):
+    """Build oid key from qualified class name."""
+    return 'oid(%s)' % qcl
+# The PostGreSQL database connection interface:
+class DB(object):
+    """Wrapper class for the _pg connection type."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        """Create a new connection.
+        You can pass either the connection parameters or an existing
+        _pg or pgdb connection. This allows you to use the methods
+        of the classic pg interface with a DB-API 2 pgdb connection.
+        """
+        if not args and len(kw) == 1:
+            db = kw.get('db')
+        elif not kw and len(args) == 1:
+            db = args[0]
+        else:
+            db = None
+        if db:
+            if isinstance(db, DB):
+                db = db.db
+            else:
+                try:
+                    db = db._cnx
+                except AttributeError:
+                    pass
+        if not db or not hasattr(db, 'db') or not hasattr(db, 'query'):
+            db = connect(*args, **kw)
+            self._closeable = 1
+        else:
+            self._closeable = 0
+        self.db = db
+        self.dbname = db.db
+        self._attnames = {}
+        self._pkeys = {}
+        self._privileges = {}
+        self._args = args, kw
+        self.debug = None # For debugging scripts, this can be set
+            # * to a string format specification (e.g. in CGI set to "%s<BR>"),
+            # * to a file object to write debug statements or
+            # * to a callable object which takes a string argument.
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        # All undefined members are the same as in the underlying pg connection:
+        if self.db:
+            return getattr(self.db, name)
+        else:
+            raise InternalError('Connection is not valid')
+    # Auxiliary methods
+    def _do_debug(self, s):
+        """Print a debug message."""
+        if self.debug:
+            if isinstance(self.debug, basestring):
+                print self.debug % s
+            elif isinstance(self.debug, file):
+                print >> self.debug, s
+            elif callable(self.debug):
+                self.debug(s)
+    def _quote_text(self, d):
+        """Quote text value."""
+        if not isinstance(d, basestring):
+            d = str(d)
+        return "'%s'" % self.escape_string(d)
+    _bool_true = frozenset('t true 1 y yes on'.split())
+    def _quote_bool(self, d):
+        """Quote boolean value."""
+        if isinstance(d, basestring):
+            if not d:
+                return 'NULL'
+            d = d.lower() in self._bool_true
+        else:
+            d = bool(d)
+        return ("'f'", "'t'")[d]
+    _date_literals = frozenset('current_date current_time'
+        ' current_timestamp localtime localtimestamp'.split())
+    def _quote_date(self, d):
+        """Quote date value."""
+        if not d:
+            return 'NULL'
+        if isinstance(d, basestring) and d.lower() in self._date_literals:
+            return d
+        return self._quote_text(d)
+    def _quote_num(self, d):
+        """Quote numeric value."""
+        if not d and d != 0:
+            return 'NULL'
+        return str(d)
+    def _quote_money(self, d):
+        """Quote money value."""
+        if not d:
+            return 'NULL'
+        return "'%.2f'" % float(d)
+    _quote_funcs = dict( # quote methods for each type
+        text=_quote_text, bool=_quote_bool, date=_quote_date,
+        int=_quote_num, num=_quote_num, float=_quote_num,
+        money=_quote_money)
+    def _quote(self, d, t):
+        """Return quotes if needed."""
+        if d is None:
+            return 'NULL'
+        try:
+            quote_func = self._quote_funcs[t]
+        except KeyError:
+            quote_func = self._quote_funcs['text']
+        return quote_func(self, d)
+    def _split_schema(self, cl):
+        """Return schema and name of object separately.
+        This auxiliary function splits off the namespace (schema)
+        belonging to the class with the name cl. If the class name
+        is not qualified, the function is able to determine the schema
+        of the class, taking into account the current search path.
+        """
+        s = _split_parts(cl)
+        if len(s) > 1: # name already qualfied?
+            # should be database.schema.table or schema.table
+            if len(s) > 3:
+                raise ProgrammingError('Too many dots in class name %s' % cl)
+            schema, cl = s[-2:]
+        else:
+            cl = s[0]
+            # determine search path
+            q = 'SELECT current_schemas(TRUE)'
+            schemas = self.db.query(q).getresult()[0][0][1:-1].split(',')
+            if schemas: # non-empty path
+                # search schema for this object in the current search path
+                q = ' UNION '.join(
+                    ["SELECT %d::integer AS n, '%s'::name AS nspname"
+                        % s for s in enumerate(schemas)])
+                q = ("SELECT nspname FROM pg_class"
+                    " JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid"
+                    " JOIN (%s) AS p USING (nspname)"
+                    " WHERE pg_class.relname = '%s'"
+                    " ORDER BY n LIMIT 1" % (q, cl))
+                schema = self.db.query(q).getresult()
+                if schema: # schema found
+                    schema = schema[0][0]
+                else: # object not found in current search path
+                    schema = 'public'
+            else: # empty path
+                schema = 'public'
+        return schema, cl
+    def _add_schema(self, cl):
+        """Ensure that the class name is prefixed with a schema name."""
+        return _join_parts(self._split_schema(cl))
+    # Public methods
+    # escape_string and escape_bytea exist as methods,
+    # so we define unescape_bytea as a method as well
+    unescape_bytea = staticmethod(unescape_bytea)
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the database connection."""
+        # Wraps shared library function so we can track state.
+        if self._closeable:
+            if self.db:
+                self.db.close()
+                self.db = None
+            else:
+                raise InternalError('Connection already closed')
+    def reset(self):
+        """Reset connection with current parameters.
+        All derived queries and large objects derived from this connection
+        will not be usable after this call.
+        """
+        self.db.reset()
+    def reopen(self):
+        """Reopen connection to the database.
+        Used in case we need another connection to the same database.
+        Note that we can still reopen a database that we have closed.
+        """
+        # There is no such shared library function.
+        if self._closeable:
+            db = connect(*self._args[0], **self._args[1])
+            if self.db:
+                self.db.close()
+            self.db = db
+    def query(self, qstr):
+        """Executes a SQL command string.
+        This method simply sends a SQL query to the database. If the query is
+        an insert statement that inserted exactly one row into a table that
+        has OIDs, the return value is the OID of the newly inserted row.
+        If the query is an update or delete statement, or an insert statement
+        that did not insert exactly one row in a table with OIDs, then the
+        numer of rows affected is returned as a string. If it is a statement
+        that returns rows as a result (usually a select statement, but maybe
+        also an "insert/update ... returning" statement), this method returns
+        a pgqueryobject that can be accessed via getresult() or dictresult()
+        or simply printed. Otherwise, it returns `None`.
+        """
+        # Wraps shared library function for debugging.
+        if not self.db:
+            raise InternalError('Connection is not valid')
+        self._do_debug(qstr)
+        return self.db.query(qstr)
+    def pkey(self, cl, newpkey=None):
+        """This method gets or sets the primary key of a class.
+        Composite primary keys are represented as frozensets. Note that
+        this raises an exception if the table does not have a primary key.
+        If newpkey is set and is not a dictionary then set that
+        value as the primary key of the class.  If it is a dictionary
+        then replace the _pkeys dictionary with a copy of it.
+        """
+        # First see if the caller is supplying a dictionary
+        if isinstance(newpkey, dict):
+            # make sure that all classes have a namespace
+            self._pkeys = dict([
+                ('.' in cl and cl or 'public.' + cl, pkey)
+                for cl, pkey in newpkey.iteritems()])
+            return self._pkeys
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl) # build fully qualified class name
+        # Check if the caller is supplying a new primary key for the class
+        if newpkey:
+            self._pkeys[qcl] = newpkey
+            return newpkey
+        # Get all the primary keys at once
+        if qcl not in self._pkeys:
+            # if not found, check again in case it was added after we started
+            self._pkeys = {}
+            if self.server_version >= 80200:
+                # the ANY syntax works correctly only with PostgreSQL >= 8.2
+                any_indkey = "= ANY (pg_index.indkey)"
+            else:
+                any_indkey = "IN (%s)" % ', '.join(
+                    ['pg_index.indkey[%d]' % i for i in range(16)])
+            for r in self.db.query(
+                "SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname,"
+                    " pg_attribute.attname FROM pg_class"
+                " JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace"
+                    " AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'"
+                " JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid"
+                    " AND pg_attribute.attisdropped = 'f'"
+                " JOIN pg_index ON pg_index.indrelid = pg_class.oid"
+                    " AND pg_index.indisprimary = 't'"
+                    " AND pg_attribute.attnum " + any_indkey).getresult():
+                cl, pkey = _join_parts(r[:2]), r[2]
+                self._pkeys.setdefault(cl, []).append(pkey)
+            # (only) for composite primary keys, the values will be frozensets
+            for cl, pkey in self._pkeys.iteritems():
+                self._pkeys[cl] = len(pkey) > 1 and frozenset(pkey) or pkey[0]
+            self._do_debug(self._pkeys)
+        # will raise an exception if primary key doesn't exist
+        return self._pkeys[qcl]
+    def get_databases(self):
+        """Get list of databases in the system."""
+        return [s[0] for s in
+            self.db.query('SELECT datname FROM pg_database').getresult()]
+    def get_relations(self, kinds=None):
+        """Get list of relations in connected database of specified kinds.
+            If kinds is None or empty, all kinds of relations are returned.
+            Otherwise kinds can be a string or sequence of type letters
+            specifying which kind of relations you want to list.
+        """
+        where = kinds and "pg_class.relkind IN (%s) AND" % ','.join(
+            ["'%s'" % x for x in kinds]) or ''
+        return map(_join_parts, self.db.query(
+            "SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_class.relname "
+            "FROM pg_class "
+            "JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace "
+            "WHERE %s pg_class.relname !~ '^Inv' AND "
+                "pg_class.relname !~ '^pg_' "
+            "ORDER BY 1, 2" % where).getresult())
+    def get_tables(self):
+        """Return list of tables in connected database."""
+        return self.get_relations('r')
+    def get_attnames(self, cl, newattnames=None):
+        """Given the name of a table, digs out the set of attribute names.
+        Returns a dictionary of attribute names (the names are the keys,
+        the values are the names of the attributes' types).
+        If the optional newattnames exists, it must be a dictionary and
+        will become the new attribute names dictionary.
+        """
+        if isinstance(newattnames, dict):
+            self._attnames = newattnames
+            return
+        elif newattnames:
+            raise ProgrammingError(
+                'If supplied, newattnames must be a dictionary')
+        cl = self._split_schema(cl) # split into schema and class
+        qcl = _join_parts(cl) # build fully qualified name
+        # May as well cache them:
+        if qcl in self._attnames:
+            return self._attnames[qcl]
+        if qcl not in self.get_relations('rv'):
+            raise ProgrammingError('Class %s does not exist' % qcl)
+        t = {}
+        for att, typ in self.db.query("SELECT pg_attribute.attname,"
+            " pg_type.typname FROM pg_class"
+            " JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid"
+            " JOIN pg_attribute ON pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid"
+            " JOIN pg_type ON pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid"
+            " WHERE pg_namespace.nspname = '%s' AND pg_class.relname = '%s'"
+            " AND (pg_attribute.attnum > 0 or pg_attribute.attname = 'oid')"
+            " AND pg_attribute.attisdropped = 'f'"
+                % cl).getresult():
+            if typ.startswith('bool'):
+                t[att] = 'bool'
+            elif typ.startswith('abstime'):
+                t[att] = 'date'
+            elif typ.startswith('date'):
+                t[att] = 'date'
+            elif typ.startswith('interval'):
+                t[att] = 'date'
+            elif typ.startswith('timestamp'):
+                t[att] = 'date'
+            elif typ.startswith('oid'):
+                t[att] = 'int'
+            elif typ.startswith('int'):
+                t[att] = 'int'
+            elif typ.startswith('float'):
+                t[att] = 'float'
+            elif typ.startswith('numeric'):
+                t[att] = 'num'
+            elif typ.startswith('money'):
+                t[att] = 'money'
+            else:
+                t[att] = 'text'
+        self._attnames[qcl] = t # cache it
+        return self._attnames[qcl]
+    def has_table_privilege(self, cl, privilege='select'):
+        """Check whether current user has specified table privilege."""
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        privilege = privilege.lower()
+        try:
+            return self._privileges[(qcl, privilege)]
+        except KeyError:
+            q = "SELECT has_table_privilege('%s', '%s')" % (qcl, privilege)
+            ret = self.db.query(q).getresult()[0][0] == 't'
+            self._privileges[(qcl, privilege)] = ret
+            return ret
+    def get(self, cl, arg, keyname=None):
+        """Get a tuple from a database table or view.
+        This method is the basic mechanism to get a single row.  The keyname
+        that the key specifies a unique row.  If keyname is not specified
+        then the primary key for the table is used.  If arg is a dictionary
+        then the value for the key is taken from it and it is modified to
+        include the new values, replacing existing values where necessary.
+        For a composite key, keyname can also be a sequence of key names.
+        The OID is also put into the dictionary if the table has one, but
+        in order to allow the caller to work with multiple tables, it is
+        munged as oid(schema.table).
+        """
+        if cl.endswith('*'): # scan descendant tables?
+            cl = cl[:-1].rstrip() # need parent table name
+        # build qualified class name
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        # To allow users to work with multiple tables,
+        # we munge the name of the "oid" the key
+        qoid = _oid_key(qcl)
+        if not keyname:
+            # use the primary key by default
+            try:
+               keyname = self.pkey(qcl)
+            except KeyError:
+               raise ProgrammingError('Class %s has no primary key' % qcl)
+        # We want the oid for later updates if that isn't the key
+        if keyname == 'oid':
+            if isinstance(arg, dict):
+                if qoid not in arg:
+                    raise ProgrammingError('%s not in arg' % qoid)
+            else:
+                arg = {qoid: arg}
+            where = 'oid = %s' % arg[qoid]
+            attnames = '*'
+        else:
+            attnames = self.get_attnames(qcl)
+            if isinstance(keyname, basestring):
+                keyname = (keyname,)
+            if not isinstance(arg, dict):
+                if len(keyname) > 1:
+                    raise ProgrammingError('Composite key needs dict as arg')
+                arg = dict([(k, arg) for k in keyname])
+            where = ' AND '.join(['%s = %s'
+                % (k, self._quote(arg[k], attnames[k])) for k in keyname])
+            attnames = ', '.join(attnames)
+        q = 'SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIMIT 1' % (attnames, qcl, where)
+        self._do_debug(q)
+        res = self.db.query(q).dictresult()
+        if not res:
+            raise DatabaseError('No such record in %s where %s' % (qcl, where))
+        for att, value in res[0].iteritems():
+            arg[att == 'oid' and qoid or att] = value
+        return arg
+    def insert(self, cl, d=None, **kw):
+        """Insert a tuple into a database table.
+        This method inserts a row into a table.  If a dictionary is
+        supplied it starts with that.  Otherwise it uses a blank dictionary.
+        Either way the dictionary is updated from the keywords.
+        The dictionary is then, if possible, reloaded with the values actually
+        inserted in order to pick up values modified by rules, triggers, etc.
+        Note: The method currently doesn't support insert into views
+        although PostgreSQL does.
+        """
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        qoid = _oid_key(qcl)
+        if d is None:
+            d = {}
+        d.update(kw)
+        attnames = self.get_attnames(qcl)
+        names, values = [], []
+        for n in attnames:
+            if n != 'oid' and n in d:
+                names.append('"%s"' % n)
+                values.append(self._quote(d[n], attnames[n]))
+        names, values = ', '.join(names), ', '.join(values)
+        selectable = self.has_table_privilege(qcl)
+        if selectable and self.server_version >= 80200:
+            ret = ' RETURNING %s*' % ('oid' in attnames and 'oid, ' or '')
+        else:
+            ret = ''
+        q = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)%s' % (qcl, names, values, ret)
+        self._do_debug(q)
+        res = self.db.query(q)
+        if ret:
+            res = res.dictresult()
+            for att, value in res[0].iteritems():
+                d[att == 'oid' and qoid or att] = value
+        elif isinstance(res, int):
+            d[qoid] = res
+            if selectable:
+                self.get(qcl, d, 'oid')
+        elif selectable:
+            if qoid in d:
+                self.get(qcl, d, 'oid')
+            else:
+                try:
+                    self.get(qcl, d)
+                except ProgrammingError:
+                    pass # table has no primary key
+        return d
+    def update(self, cl, d=None, **kw):
+        """Update an existing row in a database table.
+        Similar to insert but updates an existing row.  The update is based
+        on the OID value as munged by get or passed as keyword, or on the
+        primary key of the table.  The dictionary is modified, if possible,
+        to reflect any changes caused by the update due to triggers, rules,
+        default values, etc.
+        """
+        # Update always works on the oid which get returns if available,
+        # otherwise use the primary key.  Fail if neither.
+        # Note that we only accept oid key from named args for safety
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        qoid = _oid_key(qcl)
+        if 'oid' in kw:
+            kw[qoid] = kw['oid']
+            del kw['oid']
+        if d is None:
+            d = {}
+        d.update(kw)
+        attnames = self.get_attnames(qcl)
+        if qoid in d:
+            where = 'oid = %s' % d[qoid]
+            keyname = ()
+        else:
+            try:
+                keyname = self.pkey(qcl)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ProgrammingError('Class %s has no primary key' % qcl)
+            if isinstance(keyname, basestring):
+                keyname = (keyname,)
+            try:
+                where = ' AND '.join(['%s = %s'
+                    % (k, self._quote(d[k], attnames[k])) for k in keyname])
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ProgrammingError('Update needs primary key or oid.')
+        values = []
+        for n in attnames:
+            if n in d and n not in keyname:
+                values.append('%s = %s' % (n, self._quote(d[n], attnames[n])))
+        if not values:
+            return d
+        values = ', '.join(values)
+        selectable = self.has_table_privilege(qcl)
+        if selectable and self.server_version >= 880200:
+            ret = ' RETURNING %s*' % ('oid' in attnames and 'oid, ' or '')
+        else:
+            ret = ''
+        q = 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s%s' % (qcl, values, where, ret)
+        self._do_debug(q)
+        res = self.db.query(q)
+        if ret:
+            res = self.db.query(q).dictresult()
+            for att, value in res[0].iteritems():
+                d[att == 'oid' and qoid or att] = value
+        else:
+            self.db.query(q)
+            if selectable:
+                if qoid in d:
+                    self.get(qcl, d, 'oid')
+                else:
+                    self.get(qcl, d)
+        return d
+    def clear(self, cl, a=None):
+        """
+        This method clears all the attributes to values determined by the types.
+        Numeric types are set to 0, Booleans are set to 'f', and everything
+        else is set to the empty string.  If the array argument is present,
+        it is used as the array and any entries matching attribute names are
+        cleared with everything else left unchanged.
+        """
+        # At some point we will need a way to get defaults from a table.
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        if a is None:
+            a = {} # empty if argument is not present
+        attnames = self.get_attnames(qcl)
+        for n, t in attnames.iteritems():
+            if n == 'oid':
+                continue
+            if t in ('int', 'float', 'num', 'money'):
+                a[n] = 0
+            elif t == 'bool':
+                a[n] = 'f'
+            else:
+                a[n] = ''
+        return a
+    def delete(self, cl, d=None, **kw):
+        """Delete an existing row in a database table.
+        This method deletes the row from a table.  It deletes based on the
+        OID value as munged by get or passed as keyword, or on the primary
+        key of the table.  The return value is the number of deleted rows
+        (i.e. 0 if the row did not exist and 1 if the row was deleted).
+        """
+        # Like update, delete works on the oid.
+        # One day we will be testing that the record to be deleted
+        # isn't referenced somewhere (or else PostgreSQL will).
+        # Note that we only accept oid key from named args for safety
+        qcl = self._add_schema(cl)
+        qoid = _oid_key(qcl)
+        if 'oid' in kw:
+            kw[qoid] = kw['oid']
+            del kw['oid']
+        if d is None:
+            d = {}
+        d.update(kw)
+        if qoid in d:
+            where = 'oid = %s' % d[qoid]
+        else:
+            try:
+                keyname = self.pkey(qcl)
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ProgrammingError('Class %s has no primary key' % qcl)
+            if isinstance(keyname, basestring):
+                keyname = (keyname,)
+            attnames = self.get_attnames(qcl)
+            try:
+                where = ' AND '.join(['%s = %s'
+                    % (k, self._quote(d[k], attnames[k])) for k in keyname])
+            except KeyError:
+                raise ProgrammingError('Delete needs primary key or oid.')
+        q = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s' % (qcl, where)
+        self._do_debug(q)
+        return int(self.db.query(q))
+# if run as script, print some information
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print 'PyGreSQL version', version
+    print
+    print __doc__
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4344c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/PyGreSQL-4.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Written by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
+# $Id:,v 1.54 2008/11/23 14:32:18 cito Exp $
+"""pgdb - DB-API 2.0 compliant module for PygreSQL.
+(c) 1999, Pascal Andre <>.
+See package documentation for further information on copyright.
+Inline documentation is sparse.
+See DB-API 2.0 specification for usage information:
+Basic usage:
+    pgdb.connect(connect_string) # open a connection
+    # connect_string = 'host:database:user:password:opt:tty'
+    # All parts are optional. You may also pass host through
+    # password as keyword arguments. To pass a port,
+    # pass it in the host keyword parameter:
+    pgdb.connect(host='localhost:5432')
+    connection.cursor() # open a cursor
+    cursor.execute(query[, params])
+    # Execute a query, binding params (a dictionary) if they are
+    # passed. The binding syntax is the same as the % operator
+    # for dictionaries, and no quoting is done.
+    cursor.executemany(query, list of params)
+    # Execute a query many times, binding each param dictionary
+    # from the list.
+    cursor.fetchone() # fetch one row, [value, value, ...]
+    cursor.fetchall() # fetch all rows, [[value, value, ...], ...]
+    cursor.fetchmany([size])
+    # returns size or cursor.arraysize number of rows,
+    # [[value, value, ...], ...] from result set.
+    # Default cursor.arraysize is 1.
+    cursor.description # returns information about the columns
+    #	[(column_name, type_name, display_size,
+    #		internal_size, precision, scale, null_ok), ...]
+    # Note that precision, scale and null_ok are not implemented.
+    cursor.rowcount # number of rows available in the result set
+    # Available after a call to execute.
+    connection.commit() # commit transaction
+    connection.rollback() # or rollback transaction
+    cursor.close() # close the cursor
+    connection.close() # close the connection
+from _pg import *
+import time
+    frozenset
+except NameError: # Python < 2.4
+    from sets import ImmutableSet as frozenset
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+try: # use Decimal if available
+    from decimal import Decimal
+    set_decimal(Decimal)
+except ImportError: # otherwise (Python < 2.4)
+    Decimal = float # use float instead of Decimal
+### Module Constants
+# compliant with DB SIG 2.0
+apilevel = '2.0'
+# module may be shared, but not connections
+threadsafety = 1
+# this module use extended python format codes
+paramstyle = 'pyformat'
+### Internal Types Handling
+def decimal_type(decimal_type=None):
+    """Get or set global type to be used for decimal values."""
+    global Decimal
+    if decimal_type is not None:
+        Decimal = decimal_type
+        set_decimal(decimal_type)
+    return Decimal
+def _cast_bool(value):
+    return value[:1] in ['t', 'T']
+def _cast_money(value):
+    return Decimal(''.join(filter(
+        lambda v: v in '0123456789.-', value)))
+_cast = {'bool': _cast_bool,
+    'int2': int, 'int4': int, 'serial': int,
+    'int8': long, 'oid': long, 'oid8': long,
+    'float4': float, 'float8': float,
+    'numeric': Decimal, 'money': _cast_money}
+class pgdbTypeCache(dict):
+    """Cache for database types."""
+    def __init__(self, cnx):
+        """Initialize type cache for connection."""
+        super(pgdbTypeCache, self).__init__()
+        self._src = cnx.source()
+    def typecast(typ, value):
+        """Cast value to database type."""
+        if value is None:
+            # for NULL values, no typecast is necessary
+            return None
+        cast = _cast.get(typ)
+        if cast is None:
+            # no typecast available or necessary
+            return value
+        else:
+            return cast(value)
+    typecast = staticmethod(typecast)
+    def getdescr(self, oid):
+        """Get name of database type with given oid."""
+        try:
+            return self[oid]
+        except KeyError:
+            self._src.execute(
+                "SELECT typname, typlen "
+                "FROM pg_type WHERE oid=%s" % oid)
+            res = self._src.fetch(1)[0]
+            # The column name is omitted from the return value.
+            # It will have to be prepended by the caller.
+            res = (res[0], None, int(res[1]),
+                None, None, None)
+            self[oid] = res
+            return res
+class _quotedict(dict):
+    """Dictionary with auto quoting of its items.
+    The quote attribute must be set to the desired quote function.
+    """
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        return self.quote(super(_quotedict, self).__getitem__(key))
+### Cursor Object
+class pgdbCursor(object):
+    """Cursor Object."""
+    def __init__(self, dbcnx):
+        """Create a cursor object for the database connection."""
+        self.connection = self._dbcnx = dbcnx
+        self._cnx = dbcnx._cnx
+        self._type_cache = dbcnx._type_cache
+        self._src = self._cnx.source()
+        self.description = None
+        self.rowcount = -1
+        self.arraysize = 1
+        self.lastrowid = None
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Return self to make cursors compatible to the iteration protocol."""
+        return self
+    def _quote(self, val):
+        """Quote value depending on its type."""
+        if isinstance(val, datetime):
+            val = str(val)
+        elif isinstance(val, unicode):
+            val = val.encode( 'utf8' )
+        if isinstance(val, str):
+            val = "'%s'" % self._cnx.escape_string(val)
+        elif isinstance(val, (int, long, float)):
+            pass
+        elif val is None:
+            val = 'NULL'
+        elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
+            val = '(%s)' % ','.join(map(lambda v: str(self._quote(v)), val))
+        elif Decimal is not float and isinstance(val, Decimal):
+            pass
+        elif hasattr(val, '__pg_repr__'):
+            val = val.__pg_repr__()
+        else:
+            raise InterfaceError(
+                'do not know how to handle type %s' % type(val))
+        return val
+    def _quoteparams(self, string, params):
+        """Quote parameters.
+        This function works for both mappings and sequences.
+        """
+        if isinstance(params, dict):
+            params = _quotedict(params)
+            params.quote = self._quote
+        else:
+            params = tuple(map(self._quote, params))
+        return string % params
+    def row_factory(row):
+        """Process rows before they are returned.
+        You can overwrite this with a custom row factory,
+        e.g. a dict factory:
+        class myCursor(pgdb.pgdbCursor):
+            def cursor.row_factory(self, row):
+                d = {}
+                for idx, col in enumerate(self.description):
+                    d[col[0]] = row[idx]
+                return d
+        cursor = myCursor(cnx)
+        """
+        return row
+    row_factory = staticmethod(row_factory)
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the cursor object."""
+        self._src.close()
+        self.description = None
+        self.rowcount = -1
+        self.lastrowid = None
+    def execute(self, operation, params=None):
+        """Prepare and execute a database operation (query or command)."""
+        # The parameters may also be specified as list of
+        # tuples to e.g. insert multiple rows in a single
+        # operation, but this kind of usage is deprecated:
+        if (params and isinstance(params, list)
+                and isinstance(params[0], tuple)):
+            self.executemany(operation, params)
+        else:
+            # not a list of tuples
+            self.executemany(operation, (params,))
+    def executemany(self, operation, param_seq):
+        """Prepare operation and execute it against a parameter sequence."""
+        if not param_seq:
+            # don't do anything without parameters
+            return
+        self.description = None
+        self.rowcount = -1
+        # first try to execute all queries
+        totrows = 0
+        sql = "BEGIN"
+        try:
+            if not self._dbcnx._tnx:
+                try:
+                    self._cnx.source().execute(sql)
+                except Exception:
+                    raise OperationalError("can't start transaction")
+                self._dbcnx._tnx = True
+            for params in param_seq:
+                if params:
+                    sql = self._quoteparams(operation, params)
+                else:
+                    sql = operation
+                rows = self._src.execute(sql)
+                if rows: # true if not DML
+                    totrows += rows
+                else:
+                    self.rowcount = -1
+        except Error, msg:
+            raise DatabaseError("error '%s' in '%s'" % (msg, sql))
+        except Exception, err:
+            raise OperationalError("internal error in '%s': %s" % (sql, err))
+        # then initialize result raw count and description
+        if self._src.resulttype == RESULT_DQL:
+            self.rowcount = self._src.ntuples
+            getdescr = self._type_cache.getdescr
+            coltypes = self._src.listinfo()
+            self.description = [typ[1:2] + getdescr(typ[2]) for typ in coltypes]
+            self.lastrowid = self._src.oidstatus()
+        else:
+            self.rowcount = totrows
+            self.description = None
+            self.lastrowid = self._src.oidstatus()
+    def fetchone(self):
+        """Fetch the next row of a query result set."""
+        res = self.fetchmany(1, False)
+        try:
+            return res[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            return None
+    def fetchall(self):
+        """Fetch all (remaining) rows of a query result."""
+        return self.fetchmany(-1, False)
+    def fetchmany(self, size=None, keep=False):
+        """Fetch the next set of rows of a query result.
+        The number of rows to fetch per call is specified by the
+        size parameter. If it is not given, the cursor's arraysize
+        determines the number of rows to be fetched. If you set
+        the keep parameter to true, this is kept as new arraysize.
+        """
+        if size is None:
+            size = self.arraysize
+        if keep:
+            self.arraysize = size
+        try:
+            result = self._src.fetch(size)
+        except Error, err:
+            raise DatabaseError(str(err))
+        row_factory = self.row_factory
+        typecast = self._type_cache.typecast
+        coltypes = [desc[1] for desc in self.description]
+        return [row_factory([typecast(*args)
+            for args in zip(coltypes, row)]) for row in result]
+    def next(self):
+        """Return the next row (support for the iteration protocol)."""
+        res = self.fetchone()
+        if res is None:
+            raise StopIteration
+        return res
+    def nextset():
+        """Not supported."""
+        raise NotSupportedError("nextset() is not supported")
+    nextset = staticmethod(nextset)
+    def setinputsizes(sizes):
+        """Not supported."""
+        pass
+    setinputsizes = staticmethod(setinputsizes)
+    def setoutputsize(size, column=0):
+        """Not supported."""
+        pass
+    setoutputsize = staticmethod(setoutputsize)
+### Connection Objects
+class pgdbCnx(object):
+    """Connection Object."""
+    # expose the exceptions as attributes on the connection object
+    Error = Error
+    Warning = Warning
+    InterfaceError = InterfaceError
+    DatabaseError = DatabaseError
+    InternalError = InternalError
+    OperationalError = OperationalError
+    ProgrammingError = ProgrammingError
+    IntegrityError = IntegrityError
+    DataError = DataError
+    NotSupportedError = NotSupportedError
+    def __init__(self, cnx):
+        """Create a database connection object."""
+        self._cnx = cnx # connection
+        self._tnx = False # transaction state
+        self._type_cache = pgdbTypeCache(cnx)
+        try:
+            self._cnx.source()
+        except Exception:
+            raise OperationalError("invalid connection")
+    def close(self):
+        """Close the connection object."""
+        if self._cnx:
+            self._cnx.close()
+            self._cnx = None
+        else:
+            raise OperationalError("connection has been closed")
+    def commit(self):
+        """Commit any pending transaction to the database."""
+        if self._cnx:
+            if self._tnx:
+                self._tnx = False
+                try:
+                    self._cnx.source().execute("COMMIT")
+                except Exception:
+                    raise OperationalError("can't commit")
+        else:
+            raise OperationalError("connection has been closed")
+    def rollback(self):
+        """Roll back to the start of any pending transaction."""
+        if self._cnx:
+            if self._tnx:
+                self._tnx = False
+                try:
+                    self._cnx.source().execute("ROLLBACK")
+                except Exception:
+                    raise OperationalError("can't rollback")
+        else:
+            raise OperationalError("connection has been closed")
+    def cursor(self):
+        """Return a new Cursor Object using the connection."""
+        if self._cnx:
+            try:
+                return pgdbCursor(self)
+            except Exception:
+                raise OperationalError("invalid connection")
+        else:
+            raise OperationalError("connection has been closed")
+### Module Interface
+_connect_ = connect
+def connect(dsn=None,
+        user=None, password=None,
+        host=None, database=None):
+    """Connects to a database."""
+    # first get params from DSN
+    dbport = -1
+    dbhost = ""
+    dbbase = ""
+    dbuser = ""
+    dbpasswd = ""
+    dbopt = ""
+    dbtty = ""
+    try:
+        params = dsn.split(":")
+        dbhost = params[0]
+        dbport = int(params[1])
+        dbbase = params[2]
+        dbuser = params[3]
+        dbpasswd = params[4]
+        dbopt = params[5]
+        dbtty = params[6]
+    except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError):
+        pass
+    # override if necessary
+    if user is not None:
+        dbuser = user
+    if password is not None:
+        dbpasswd = password
+    if database is not None:
+        dbbase = database
+    if host is not None:
+        try:
+            params = host.split(":")
+            dbhost = params[0]
+            dbport = int(params[1])
+        except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
+            pass
+    # empty host is localhost
+    if dbhost == "":
+        dbhost = None
+    if dbuser == "":
+        dbuser = None
+    # open the connection
+    cnx = _connect_(dbbase, dbhost, dbport, dbopt,
+        dbtty, dbuser, dbpasswd)
+    return pgdbCnx(cnx)
+### Types Handling
+class pgdbType(frozenset):
+    """Type class for a couple of PostgreSQL data types.
+    PostgreSQL is object-oriented: types are dynamic.
+    We must thus use type names as internal type codes.
+    """
+    if frozenset.__module__ == '__builtin__':
+        def __new__(cls, values):
+            if isinstance(values, basestring):
+                values = values.split()
+            return super(pgdbType, cls).__new__(cls, values)
+    else: # Python < 2.4
+        def __init__(self, values):
+            if isinstance(values, basestring):
+                values = values.split()
+            super(pgdbType, self).__init__(values)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, basestring):
+            return other in self
+        else:
+            return super(pgdbType, self).__eq__(other)
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        if isinstance(other, basestring):
+            return other not in self
+        else:
+            return super(pgdbType, self).__ne__(other)
+# Mandatory type objects defined by DB-API 2 specs:
+STRING = pgdbType('char bpchar name text varchar')
+BINARY = pgdbType('bytea')
+NUMBER = pgdbType('int2 int4 serial int8 float4 float8 numeric money')
+DATETIME = pgdbType('date time timetz timestamp timestamptz datetime abstime'
+    ' interval tinterval timespan reltime')
+ROWID = pgdbType('oid oid8')
+# Additional type objects (more specific):
+BOOL = pgdbType('bool')
+SMALLINT = pgdbType('int2')
+INTEGER = pgdbType('int2 int4 int8 serial')
+LONG = pgdbType('int8')
+FLOAT = pgdbType('float4 float8')
+NUMERIC = pgdbType('numeric')
+MONEY = pgdbType('money')
+DATE = pgdbType('date')
+TIME = pgdbType('time timetz')
+TIMESTAMP = pgdbType('timestamp timestamptz datetime abstime')
+INTERVAL = pgdbType('interval tinterval timespan reltime')
+# Mandatory type helpers defined by DB-API 2 specs:
+def Date(year, month, day):
+    """Construct an object holding a date value."""
+    return datetime(year, month, day)
+def Time(hour, minute, second):
+    """Construct an object holding a time value."""
+    return timedelta(hour, minute, second)
+def Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
+    """construct an object holding a time stamp value."""
+    return datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+def DateFromTicks(ticks):
+    """Construct an object holding a date value from the given ticks value."""
+    return Date(*time.localtime(ticks)[:3])
+def TimeFromTicks(ticks):
+    """construct an object holding a time value from the given ticks value."""
+    return Time(*time.localtime(ticks)[3:6])
+def TimestampFromTicks(ticks):
+    """construct an object holding a time stamp from the given ticks value."""
+    return Timestamp(*time.localtime(ticks)[:6])
+def Binary(value):
+    """construct an object capable of holding a binary (long) string value."""
+    return value
+# If run as script, print some information:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print 'PyGreSQL version', version
+    print
+    print __doc__