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Posted to by on 2014/04/17 04:42:55 UTC

[15/52] [partial] forking carbon ui bundle in to stratos code base and removing license incompatible JS and packing the new module to carbon runtime, through dropins
diff --git a/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/autocompletion.js b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/autocompletion.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d646a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/autocompletion.js
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+ * Autocompletion class
+ * 
+ * An auto completion box appear while you're writing. It's possible to force it to appear with Ctrl+Space short cut
+ * 
+ * Loaded as a plugin inside editArea (everything made here could have been made in the plugin directory)
+ * But is definitly linked to syntax selection (no need to do 2 different files for color and auto complete for each syntax language)
+ * and add a too important feature that many people would miss if included as a plugin
+ * 
+ * - init param: autocompletion_start
+ * - Button name: "autocompletion"
+ */  
+var EditArea_autocompletion= {
+	/**
+	 * Get called once this file is loaded (editArea still not initialized)
+	 *
+	 * @return nothing	 
+	 */	 	 	
+	init: function(){	
+		//	alert("test init: "+ this._someInternalFunction(2, 3));
+		if(editArea.settings["autocompletion"])
+			this.enabled= true;
+		else
+			this.enabled= false;
+		this.current_word		= false;
+		this.shown				= false;
+		this.selectIndex		= -1;
+		this.forceDisplay		= false;
+		this.isInMiddleWord		= false;
+		this.autoSelectIfOneResult	= false;
+		this.delayBeforeDisplay	= 100;
+		this.checkDelayTimer	= false;
+		this.curr_syntax_str	= '';
+		this.file_syntax_datas	= {};
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the HTML code for a specific control string or false if this plugin doesn't have that control.
+	 * A control can be a button, select list or any other HTML item to present in the EditArea user interface.
+	 * Language variables such as {$lang_somekey} will also be replaced with contents from
+	 * the language packs.
+	 * 
+	 * @param {string} ctrl_name: the name of the control to add	  
+	 * @return HTML code for a specific control or false.
+	 * @type string	or boolean
+	 */	
+	/*,get_control_html: function(ctrl_name){
+		switch( ctrl_name ){
+			case 'autocompletion':
+				// Control id, button img, command
+				return parent.editAreaLoader.get_button_html('autocompletion_but', 'autocompletion.gif', 'toggle_autocompletion', false, this.baseURL);
+				break;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}*/
+	/**
+	 * Get called once EditArea is fully loaded and initialised
+	 *	 
+	 * @return nothing
+	 */	 	 	
+	,onload: function(){ 
+		if(this.enabled)
+		{
+			var icon= document.getElementById("autocompletion");
+			if(icon)
+				editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true);
+		}
+		this.container	= document.createElement('div');
+	= "auto_completion_area";
+		editArea.container.insertBefore( this.container, editArea.container.firstChild );
+		// add event detection for hiding suggestion box
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event( document, "click", function(){ editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._hide();} );
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event( editArea.textarea, "blur", function(){ editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._hide();} );
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Is called each time the user touch a keyboard key.
+	 *	 
+	 * @param (event) e: the keydown event
+	 * @return true - pass to next handler in chain, false - stop chain execution
+	 * @type boolean	 
+	 */
+	,onkeydown: function(e){
+		if(!this.enabled)
+			return true;
+		if (EA_keys[e.keyCode])
+			letter=EA_keys[e.keyCode];
+		else
+			letter=String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);	
+		// shown
+		if( this._isShown() )
+		{	
+			// if escape, hide the box
+			if(letter=="Esc")
+			{
+				this._hide();
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Enter
+			else if( letter=="Entrer")
+			{
+				var as	= this.container.getElementsByTagName('A');
+				// select a suggested entry
+				if( this.selectIndex >= 0 && this.selectIndex < as.length )
+				{
+					as[ this.selectIndex ].onmousedown();
+					return false
+				}
+				// simply add an enter in the code
+				else
+				{
+					this._hide();
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+			else if( letter=="Tab" || letter=="Down")
+			{
+				this._selectNext();
+				return false;
+			}
+			else if( letter=="Up")
+			{
+				this._selectBefore();
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+		// hidden
+		else
+		{
+		}
+		// show current suggestion list and do autoSelect if possible (no matter it's shown or hidden)
+		if( letter=="Space" && CtrlPressed(e) )
+		{
+			//parent.console.log('SHOW SUGGEST');
+			this.forceDisplay 			= true;
+			this.autoSelectIfOneResult	= true;
+			this._checkLetter();
+			return false;
+		}
+		// wait a short period for check that the cursor isn't moving
+		setTimeout("editArea.plugins['autocompletion']._checkDelayAndCursorBeforeDisplay();", editArea.check_line_selection_timer +5 );
+		this.checkDelayTimer = false;
+		return true;
+	}	
+	/**
+	 * Executes a specific command, this function handles plugin commands.
+	 *
+	 * @param {string} cmd: the name of the command being executed
+	 * @param {unknown} param: the parameter of the command	 
+	 * @return true - pass to next handler in chain, false - stop chain execution
+	 * @type boolean	
+	 */
+	,execCommand: function(cmd, param){
+		switch( cmd ){
+			case 'toggle_autocompletion':
+				var icon= document.getElementById("autocompletion");
+				if(!this.enabled)
+				{
+					if(icon != null){
+						editArea.restoreClass(icon);
+						editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true);
+					}
+					this.enabled= true;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					this.enabled= false;
+					if(icon != null)
+						editArea.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
+				}
+				return true;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	,_checkDelayAndCursorBeforeDisplay: function()
+	{
+		this.checkDelayTimer = setTimeout("if(editArea.textarea.selectionStart == "+ editArea.textarea.selectionStart +") EditArea_autocompletion._checkLetter();",  this.delayBeforeDisplay - editArea.check_line_selection_timer - 5 );
+	}
+	// hide the suggested box
+	,_hide: function(){
+		this.selectIndex	= -1;
+		this.shown	= false;
+		this.forceDisplay	= false;
+		this.autoSelectIfOneResult = false;
+	}
+	// display the suggested box
+	,_show: function(){
+		if( !this._isShown() )
+		{
+			this.selectIndex	= -1;
+			this.shown	= true;
+		}
+	}
+	// is the suggested box displayed?
+	,_isShown: function(){
+		return this.shown;
+	}
+	// setter and getter
+	,_isInMiddleWord: function( new_value ){
+		if( typeof( new_value ) == "undefined" )
+			return this.isInMiddleWord;
+		else
+			this.isInMiddleWord	= new_value;
+	}
+	// select the next element in the suggested box
+	,_selectNext: function()
+	{
+		var as	= this.container.getElementsByTagName('A');
+		// clean existing elements
+		for( var i=0; i<as.length; i++ )
+		{
+			if( as[i].className )
+				as[i].className	= as[i].className.replace(/ focus/g, '');
+		}
+		this.selectIndex++;	
+		this.selectIndex	= ( this.selectIndex >= as.length || this.selectIndex < 0 ) ? 0 : this.selectIndex;
+		as[ this.selectIndex ].className	+= " focus";
+	}
+	// select the previous element in the suggested box
+	,_selectBefore: function()
+	{
+		var as	= this.container.getElementsByTagName('A');
+		// clean existing elements
+		for( var i=0; i<as.length; i++ )
+		{
+			if( as[i].className )
+				as[i].className	= as[ i ].className.replace(/ focus/g, '');
+		}
+		this.selectIndex--;
+		this.selectIndex	= ( this.selectIndex >= as.length || this.selectIndex < 0 ) ? as.length-1 : this.selectIndex;
+		as[ this.selectIndex ].className	+= " focus";
+	}
+	,_select: function( content )
+	{
+		cursor_forced_position	= content.indexOf( '{@}' );
+		content	= content.replace(/{@}/g, '' );
+		editArea.getIESelection();
+		// retrive the number of matching characters
+		var start_index	= Math.max( 0, editArea.textarea.selectionEnd - content.length );
+		line_string	= 	editArea.textarea.value.substring( start_index, editArea.textarea.selectionEnd + 1);
+		limit	= line_string.length -1;
+		nbMatch	= 0;
+		for( i =0; i<limit ; i++ )
+		{
+			if( line_string.substring( limit - i - 1, limit ) == content.substring( 0, i + 1 ) )
+				nbMatch = i + 1;
+		}
+		// if characters match, we should include them in the selection that will be replaced
+		if( nbMatch > 0 )
+			parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectionRange(, editArea.textarea.selectionStart - nbMatch , editArea.textarea.selectionEnd);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectedText(, content );
+		range= parent.editAreaLoader.getSelectionRange(;
+		if( cursor_forced_position != -1 )
+			new_pos	= range["end"] - ( content.length-cursor_forced_position );
+		else
+			new_pos	= range["end"];	
+		parent.editAreaLoader.setSelectionRange(, new_pos, new_pos);
+		this._hide();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Parse the AUTO_COMPLETION part of syntax definition files
+	 */
+	,_parseSyntaxAutoCompletionDatas: function(){
+		//foreach syntax loaded
+		for(var lang in parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax)
+		{
+			if(!parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[lang]['autocompletion'])	// init the regexp if not already initialized
+			{
+				parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[lang]['autocompletion']= {};
+				// the file has auto completion datas
+				if(parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION'])
+				{
+					// parse them
+					for(var i in parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION'])
+					{
+						datas	= parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[lang]['AUTO_COMPLETION'][i];
+						tmp	= {};
+						if(datas["CASE_SENSITIVE"]!="undefined" && datas["CASE_SENSITIVE"]==false)
+							tmp["modifiers"]="i";
+						else
+							tmp["modifiers"]="";
+						tmp["prefix_separator"]= datas["REGEXP"]["prefix_separator"];
+						tmp["match_prefix_separator"]= new RegExp( datas["REGEXP"]["prefix_separator"] +"$", tmp["modifiers"]);
+						tmp["match_word"]= new RegExp("(?:"+ datas["REGEXP"]["before_word"] +")("+ datas["REGEXP"]["possible_words_letters"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"]);
+						tmp["match_next_letter"]= new RegExp("^("+ datas["REGEXP"]["letter_after_word_must_match"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"]);
+						tmp["keywords"]= {};
+						//console.log( datas["KEYWORDS"] );
+						for( var prefix in datas["KEYWORDS"] )
+						{
+							tmp["keywords"][prefix]= {
+								prefix: prefix,
+								prefix_name: prefix,
+								prefix_reg: new RegExp("(?:"+ parent.editAreaLoader.get_escaped_regexp( prefix ) +")(?:"+ tmp["prefix_separator"] +")$", tmp["modifiers"] ),
+								datas: []
+							};
+							for( var j=0; j<datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix].length; j++ )
+							{
+								tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]= {
+									is_typing: datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][0],
+									// if replace with is empty, replace with the is_typing value
+									replace_with: datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][1] ? datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][1].replace('�', datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][0] ) : '',
+									comment: datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][2] ? datas["KEYWORDS"][prefix][j][2] : '' 
+								};
+								// the replace with shouldn't be empty
+								if( tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['replace_with'].length == 0 )
+									tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['replace_with'] = tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['is_typing'];
+								// if the comment is empty, display the replace_with value
+								if( tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['comment'].length == 0 )
+									 tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['comment'] = tmp["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['replace_with'].replace(/{@}/g, '' );
+							}
+						}
+						tmp["max_text_length"]= datas["MAX_TEXT_LENGTH"];
+						parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[lang]['autocompletion'][i]	= tmp;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	,_checkLetter: function(){
+		// check that syntax hasn't changed
+		if( this.curr_syntax_str != editArea.settings['syntax'] )
+		{
+			if( !parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[editArea.settings['syntax']]['autocompletion'] )
+				this._parseSyntaxAutoCompletionDatas();
+			this.curr_syntax= parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[editArea.settings['syntax']]['autocompletion'];
+			this.curr_syntax_str = editArea.settings['syntax'];
+			//console.log( this.curr_syntax );
+		}
+		if( editArea.is_editable )
+		{
+			time=new Date;
+			t1= time.getTime();
+			editArea.getIESelection();
+			this.selectIndex	= -1;
+			start=editArea.textarea.selectionStart;
+			var str	= editArea.textarea.value;
+			var results= [];
+			for(var i in this.curr_syntax)
+			{
+				var last_chars	= str.substring(Math.max(0, start-this.curr_syntax[i]["max_text_length"]), start);
+				var matchNextletter	= str.substring(start, start+1).match( this.curr_syntax[i]["match_next_letter"]);
+				// if not writting in the middle of a word or if forcing display
+				if( matchNextletter || this.forceDisplay )
+				{
+					// check if the last chars match a separator
+					var match_prefix_separator = last_chars.match(this.curr_syntax[i]["match_prefix_separator"]);
+					// check if it match a possible word
+					var match_word= last_chars.match(this.curr_syntax[i]["match_word"]);
+					//console.log( match_word );
+					if( match_word )
+					{
+						var begin_word= match_word[1];
+						var match_curr_word= new RegExp("^"+ parent.editAreaLoader.get_escaped_regexp( begin_word ), this.curr_syntax[i]["modifiers"]);
+						//console.log( match_curr_word );
+						for(var prefix in this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"])
+						{
+						//	parent.console.log( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix] );
+							for(var j=0; j<this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'].length; j++)
+							{
+						//		parent.console.log( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['is_typing'] );
+								// the key word match or force display 
+								if( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j]['is_typing'].match(match_curr_word) )
+								{
+							//		parent.console.log('match');
+									hasMatch = false;
+									var before = last_chars.substr( 0, last_chars.length - begin_word.length );
+									// no prefix to match => it's valid
+									if( !match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length == 0 )
+									{
+										if( ! before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) )
+											hasMatch = true;
+									}
+									// we still need to check the prefix if there is one
+									else if( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length > 0 )
+									{
+										if( before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) )
+											hasMatch = true;
+									}
+									if( hasMatch )
+										results[results.length]= [ this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix], this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j] ];
+								}	
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// it doesn't match any possible word but we want to display something
+					// we'll display to list of all available words
+					else if( this.forceDisplay || match_prefix_separator )
+					{
+						for(var prefix in this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"])
+						{
+							for(var j=0; j<this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'].length; j++)
+							{
+								hasMatch = false;
+								// no prefix to match => it's valid
+								if( !match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length == 0 )
+								{
+									hasMatch	= true;
+								}
+								// we still need to check the prefix if there is one
+								else if( match_prefix_separator && this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix'].length > 0 )
+								{
+									var before = last_chars; //.substr( 0, last_chars.length );
+									if( before.match( this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['prefix_reg'] ) )
+										hasMatch = true;
+								}	
+								if( hasMatch )
+									results[results.length]= [ this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix], this.curr_syntax[i]["keywords"][prefix]['datas'][j] ];	
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// there is only one result, and we can select it automatically
+			if( results.length == 1 && this.autoSelectIfOneResult )
+			{
+			//	console.log( results );
+				this._select( results[0][1]['replace_with'] );
+			}
+			else if( results.length == 0 )
+			{
+				this._hide();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// build the suggestion box content
+				var lines=[];
+				for(var i=0; i<results.length; i++)
+				{
+					var line= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"entry\" onmousedown=\"EditArea_autocompletion._select('"+ results[i][1]['replace_with'].replace(new RegExp('"', "g"), "&quot;") +"');return false;\">"+ results[i][1]['comment'];
+					if(results[i][0]['prefix_name'].length>0)
+						line+='<span class="prefix">'+ results[i][0]['prefix_name'] +'</span>';
+					line+='</a></li>';
+					lines[lines.length]=line;
+				}
+				// sort results
+				this.container.innerHTML		= '<ul>'+ lines.sort().join('') +'</ul>';
+				var cursor	= _$("cursor_pos");
+		= ( cursor.cursor_top + editArea.lineHeight ) +"px";
+		= ( cursor.cursor_left + 8 ) +"px";
+				this._show();
+			}
+			this.autoSelectIfOneResult = false;
+			time=new Date;
+			t2= time.getTime();
+			//parent.console.log( begin_word +"\n"+ (t2-t1) +"\n"+ html );
+		}
+	}
+// Load as a plugin
+editArea.settings['plugins'][ editArea.settings['plugins'].length ] = 'autocompletion';
+editArea.add_plugin('autocompletion', EditArea_autocompletion);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.css b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..172b366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.css
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+body, html{
+	margin: 0; 
+	padding: 0;
+	height: 100%;
+	border: none;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	background-color: #FFF;
+body, html, table, form, textarea{
+	font: 12px monospace, sans-serif;
+	border: solid #888 1px;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	z-index: 4; 
+	overflow-x: auto;
+	overflow-y: scroll;
+	border-top: solid #888 1px;
+	border-bottom: solid #888 1px;
+	position: relative;
+	clear: both;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border: solid blue 0;
+	position: relative; 
+	z-index: 10;
+	padding: 0 5px 0 45px;
+	/*padding-right: 5px;*/ 
+	position: relative; 
+	top: 0; 
+	left: 0;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	width: 100%;
+	height: 100%; 
+	overflow: hidden;  
+	z-index: 7; 
+	border-width: 0;
+	background-color: transparent;
+	resize: none;
+#textarea, #textarea:hover{
+	outline: none;	/* safari outline fix */
+	white-space: pre;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	position : absolute; 
+	z-index: 4; 
+	overflow: visible;
+#selection_field, #selection_field_text{
+	margin: 0; 
+	background-color: #E1F2F9; 
+/*	height: 1px; */  
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 5;
+	top: -100px;
+	padding: 0;
+	white-space: pre;
+	overflow: hidden;
+#selection_field.show_colors {
+	z-index: 3;
+	background-color:#EDF9FC;
+#selection_field strong{
+	font-weight:normal;
+#selection_field.show_colors *, #selection_field_text * {
+	visibility: hidden;
+	background-color:transparent;
+#selection_field_text strong{
+	font-weight:normal;
+	background-color:#3399FE;
+	color: #FFF;
+	visibility:visible;
+#container.word_wrap #content_highlight,
+#container.word_wrap #selection_field,
+#container.word_wrap #selection_field_text,
+#container.word_wrap #test_font_size{
+	white-space: pre-wrap;       /* css-3 */
+	white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important;  /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
+	white-space: -pre-wrap;      /* Opera 4-6 */
+	white-space: -o-pre-wrap;    /* Opera 7 */
+	word-wrap: break-word;       /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
+	width: 99%;
+	position: absolute;
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border-right: solid black 1px;
+	z-index:8;
+	width: 38px;
+	padding: 0 5px 0 0;
+	margin: 0 0 0 -45px;
+	text-align: right;
+	color: #AAAAAA;
+	padding: 0; 
+	margin: 0; 
+	visibility: hidden;
+	position: absolute;
+	white-space: pre;
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	opacity: 0.2; 
+	filter:alpha(opacity=20);
+#result .edit_area_cursor{
+	position: absolute; 
+	z-index:6; 
+	background-color: #FF6633;
+	top: -100px;
+	margin: 0;
+#result .edit_area_selection_field .overline{
+	background-color: #996600;
+/* area popup */
+	border: solid 1px #888888;
+	background-color: #ECE9D8; 
+	width: 250px; 
+	padding: 4px; 
+	position: absolute;
+	visibility: hidden; 
+	z-index: 15;
+	top: -500px;
+.editarea_popup, .editarea_popup table{
+	font-family: sans-serif;
+	font-size: 10pt;
+.editarea_popup img{
+	border: 0;
+.editarea_popup .close_popup{
+	float: right; 
+	line-height: 16px; 
+	border: 0; 
+	padding: 0;
+.editarea_popup h1,.editarea_popup h2,.editarea_popup h3,.editarea_popup h4,.editarea_popup h5,.editarea_popup h6{
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+.editarea_popup .copyright{
+	text-align: right;
+/* Area_search */
+	/*width: 250px;*/
+div#area_search_replace img{
+	border: 0;
+div#area_search_replace div.button{
+	text-align: center;
+	line-height: 1.7em;
+div#area_search_replace .button a{
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: solid 1px #888888;
+	background-color: #DEDEDE;
+	text-decoration: none;
+	padding: 0 2px;
+	color: #000000;	
+	white-space: nowrap;
+div#area_search_replace a:hover{	
+	/*border: solid 1px #888888;*/
+	background-color: #EDEDED;
+div#area_search_replace  #move_area_search_replace{
+	cursor: move; 
+	border: solid 1px #888;
+div#area_search_replace  #close_area_search_replace{
+	text-align: right; 
+	vertical-align: top; 
+	white-space: nowrap;
+div#area_search_replace  #area_search_msg{
+	height: 18px; 
+	overflow: hidden; 
+	border-top: solid 1px #888; 
+	margin-top: 3px;
+/* area help */
+	width: 350px;
+#edit_area_help div.close_popup{
+	float: right;
+/* area_toolbar */
+	/*font: 11px sans-serif;*/
+	width: 100%; 
+	/*height: 21px; */
+	margin: 0; 
+	padding: 0;
+	background-color: #ECE9D8;
+	text-align: center;
+.area_toolbar, .area_toolbar table{
+	font: 11px sans-serif;
+.area_toolbar img{
+	border: 0;
+	vertical-align: middle;
+.area_toolbar input{
+	margin: 0;
+	padding: 0;
+.area_toolbar select{
+    font-family: 'MS Sans Serif',sans-serif,Verdana,Arial;
+    font-size: 7pt;
+    font-weight: normal;
+    margin: 2px 0 0 0 ;
+    padding: 0;
+    vertical-align: top;
+    background-color: #F0F0EE;
+	width: 100%;
+.area_toolbar td.infos{
+	text-align: center;
+	width: 130px;
+	border-right: solid 1px #888;
+	border-width: 0 1px 0 0;
+	padding: 0;
+	text-align: right;
+	width: 50px;
+	padding: 0;
+.area_toolbar td.resize{
+	text-align: right;
+.area_toolbar span{
+	line-height: 1px;
+	padding: 0;
+	margin: 0;
+.area_toolbar span#resize_area{
+	cursor: nw-resize;
+	visibility: hidden;
+/* toolbar buttons */
+.editAreaButtonNormal, .editAreaButtonOver, .editAreaButtonDown, .editAreaSeparator, .editAreaSeparatorLine, .editAreaButtonDisabled, .editAreaButtonSelected {
+	border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: transparent;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	margin-left: 1px;
+	padding: 0;
+.editAreaButtonNormal {
+	border: 1px solid #ECE9D8 !important;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.editAreaButtonOver {
+	border: 1px solid #0A246A !important;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #B6BDD2;
+.editAreaButtonDown {
+	cursor: pointer;
+	border: 1px solid #0A246A !important;
+	background-color: #8592B5;
+.editAreaButtonSelected {
+	border: 1px solid #C0C0BB !important;
+	cursor: pointer;
+	background-color: #F4F2E8;
+.editAreaButtonDisabled {
+	filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=30);
+	-moz-opacity:0.3;
+	opacity: 0.3;
+	border: 1px solid #F0F0EE !important;
+	cursor: pointer;
+.editAreaSeparatorLine {
+	margin: 1px 2px;
+	background-color: #C0C0BB;
+	width: 2px;
+	height: 18px;
+/* waiting screen */
+	display: none; 
+	background-color:#ECE9D8; 
+	border: solid #888 1px;
+	position: absolute; 
+	top: 0; 
+	left: 0;
+	width: 100%; 
+	height: 100%; 
+	z-index: 100; 
+	text-align: center;
+	position:absolute;
+	left: 50%;
+	top: 50%;
+	width: 200px;
+	height: 20px; 
+	margin-left: -100px;
+	margin-top: -10px;
+	text-align: center;
+/* end */
+/**** tab browsing area ****/
+	display: none;
+	background-color: #CCC9A8;
+	border-top: 1px solid #888;
+	text-align: left;
+	margin: 0;
+#tab_browsing_list {
+	padding: 0; 
+	margin: 0; 
+	list-style-type: none;
+	white-space: nowrap;
+#tab_browsing_list li {
+	float: left;
+	margin: -1px;
+#tab_browsing_list a {
+	position: relative;
+	display: block; 
+	text-decoration: none; 
+	float: left; 
+	cursor: pointer;
+	line-height:14px;
+#tab_browsing_list a span {
+	display: block; 
+	color: #000; 
+	background: #ECE9D8; 
+	border:	1px solid #888; 
+	border-width: 1px 1px 0; 
+	text-align: center; 
+	padding: 2px 2px 1px 4px; 
+	position: relative;	/*IE 6 hack */
+#tab_browsing_list a b {
+	display: block; 
+	border-bottom: 2px solid #617994;
+#tab_browsing_list a .edited {
+	display: none;
+#tab_browsing_list a.edited .edited {
+	display: inline;
+#tab_browsing_list a img{
+	margin-left: 7px;
+#tab_browsing_list a.edited img{
+	margin-left: 3px;
+#tab_browsing_list a:hover span {
+	background: #F4F2E8;
+	border-color: #0A246A;
+#tab_browsing_list .selected a span{
+	background: #046380;
+	color: #FFF;
+	height: 100%;
+	width: 150%; /* Opera need more than 100% */
+	background: #CCC;
+	display: none;
+	z-index: 20;
+	position: absolute;
+/*** Non-editable mode ***/
+.non_editable #editor
+	border-width: 0 1px;
+.non_editable .area_toolbar
+	display: none;
+/*** Auto completion ***/
+	background:	#FFF;
+	border:		solid 1px #888;
+	position:	absolute;
+	z-index:	15;
+	width:	280px;
+	height:	180px;
+	overflow: auto;
+	display:none;
+#auto_completion_area a, #auto_completion_area a:visited
+	display:	block;
+	padding:	0 2px 1px;
+	color:		#000;
+	text-decoration:none;
+#auto_completion_area a:hover, #auto_completion_area a:focus, #auto_completion_area a.focus
+	background:	#D6E1FE;
+	text-decoration:none;
+#auto_completion_area ul
+	margin:	0;
+	padding: 0;
+	list-style: none inside;
+#auto_completion_area li
+	padding:	0;
+#auto_completion_area .prefix
+	font-style: italic;
+	padding: 0 3px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.js b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ea553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area.js
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ *
+ *	EditArea 
+ * 	Developped by Christophe Dolivet
+ *	Released under LGPL, Apache and BSD licenses (use the one you want)
+ *
+	function EditArea(){
+		var t=this;
+		t.error= false;	// to know if load is interrrupt
+		t.inlinePopup= [{popup_id: "area_search_replace", icon_id: "search"},
+									{popup_id: "edit_area_help", icon_id: "help"}];
+		t.plugins= {};
+		t.line_number=0;
+		parent.editAreaLoader.set_browser_infos(t); 	// navigator identification
+		// fix IE8 detection as we run in IE7 emulate mode through X-UA <meta> tag
+		if( t.isIE == 8 )
+			t.isIE	= 7;
+		if( t.isIE == 9 )
+			t.isIE = false;
+		t.last_selection={};		
+		t.last_text_to_highlight="";
+		t.last_hightlighted_text= "";
+		t.syntax_list= [];
+		t.allready_used_syntax= {};
+		t.check_line_selection_timer= 50;	// the timer delay for modification and/or selection change detection
+		t.textareaFocused= false;
+		t.highlight_selection_line= null;
+		t.previous= [];
+ [];
+		t.last_undo="";
+		t.files= {};
+		t.filesIdAssoc= {};
+		t.curr_file= '';
+		//t.loaded= false;
+		t.assocBracket={};
+		t.revertAssocBracket= {};		
+		// bracket selection init 
+		t.assocBracket["("]=")";
+		t.assocBracket["{"]="}";
+		t.assocBracket["["]="]";		
+		for(var index in t.assocBracket){
+			t.revertAssocBracket[t.assocBracket[index]]=index;
+		}
+		t.is_editable= true;
+		/*t.textarea="";	
+		t.state="declare";
+		t.code = []; // store highlight syntax for languagues*/
+		// font datas
+		t.lineHeight= 16;
+		/*t.default_font_family= "monospace";
+		t.default_font_size= 10;*/
+		t.tab_nb_char= 8;	//nb of white spaces corresponding to a tabulation
+		if(t.isOpera)
+			t.tab_nb_char= 6;
+		t.is_tabbing= false;
+		t.fullscreen= {'isFull': false};
+		t.isResizing=false;	// resize var
+		// init with settings and ID (area_id is a global var defined by editAreaLoader on iframe creation
+ area_id;
+		t.settings= editAreas[]["settings"];
+		if((""+t.settings['replace_tab_by_spaces']).match(/^[0-9]+$/))
+		{
+			t.tab_nb_char= t.settings['replace_tab_by_spaces'];
+			t.tabulation="";
+			for(var i=0; i<t.tab_nb_char; i++)
+				t.tabulation+=" ";
+		}else{
+			t.tabulation="\t";
+		}
+		// retrieve the init parameter for syntax
+		if(t.settings["syntax_selection_allow"] && t.settings["syntax_selection_allow"].length>0)
+			t.syntax_list= t.settings["syntax_selection_allow"].replace(/ /g,"").split(",");
+		if(t.settings['syntax'])
+			t.allready_used_syntax[t.settings['syntax']]=true;
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.init= function(){
+		var t=this, a, s=t.settings;
+		t.textarea			= _$("textarea");
+		t.container			= _$("container");
+		t.result			= _$("result");
+		t.content_highlight	= _$("content_highlight");
+		t.selection_field	= _$("selection_field");
+		t.selection_field_text= _$("selection_field_text");
+		t.processing_screen	= _$("processing");
+		t.editor_area		= _$("editor");
+		t.tab_browsing_area	= _$("tab_browsing_area");
+		t.test_font_size	= _$("test_font_size");
+		a = t.textarea;
+		if(!s['is_editable'])
+			t.set_editable(false);
+		t.set_show_line_colors( s['show_line_colors'] );
+		if(syntax_selec= _$("syntax_selection"))
+		{
+			// set up syntax selection lsit in the toolbar
+			for(var i=0; i<t.syntax_list.length; i++) {
+				var syntax= t.syntax_list[i];
+				var option= document.createElement("option");
+				option.value= syntax;
+				if(syntax==s['syntax'])
+					option.selected= "selected";
+				dispSyntax	= parent.editAreaLoader.syntax_display_name[ syntax ];
+				option.innerHTML= typeof( dispSyntax ) == 'undefined' ? syntax.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + syntax.substring( 1 ) : dispSyntax;//t.get_translation("syntax_" + syntax, "word");
+				syntax_selec.appendChild(option);
+			}
+		}
+		// add plugins buttons in the toolbar
+		spans= parent.getChildren(_$("toolbar_1"), "span", "", "", "all", -1);
+		for(var i=0; i<spans.length; i++){
+			id=spans[i].id.replace(/tmp_tool_(.*)/, "$1");
+			if(id!= spans[i].id){
+				for(var j in t.plugins){
+					if(typeof(t.plugins[j].get_control_html)=="function" ){
+						html=t.plugins[j].get_control_html(id);
+						if(html!=false){
+							html= t.get_translation(html, "template");
+							var new_span= document.createElement("span");
+							new_span.innerHTML= html;				
+							var father= spans[i].parentNode;
+							spans[i].parentNode.replaceChild(new_span, spans[i]);	
+							break; // exit the for loop					
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// init datas
+		//a.value	= 'a';//editAreas[]["textarea"].value;
+		if(s["debug"])
+		{
+			t.debug=parent.document.getElementById("edit_area_debug_";
+		}
+		// init size		
+		//this.update_size();
+		if(_$("redo") != null)
+			t.switchClassSticky(_$("redo"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true);
+		// insert css rules for highlight mode		
+		if(typeof(parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[s["syntax"]])!="undefined"){
+			for(var i in parent.editAreaLoader.syntax){
+				if (typeof(parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[i]["styles"]) != "undefined"){
+					t.add_style(parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[i]["styles"]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// init key events
+		if(t.isOpera)
+			_$("editor").onkeypress	= keyDown;
+		else
+			_$("editor").onkeydown	= keyDown;
+		for(var i=0; i<t.inlinePopup.length; i++){
+			if(t.isOpera)
+				_$(t.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]).onkeypress	= keyDown;
+			else
+				_$(t.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]).onkeydown	= keyDown;
+		}
+		if(s["allow_resize"]=="both" || s["allow_resize"]=="x" || s["allow_resize"]=="y")
+			t.allow_resize(true);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.toggle(, "on");
+		//a.focus();
+		// line selection init
+		t.change_smooth_selection_mode(editArea.smooth_selection);
+		// highlight
+		t.execCommand("change_highlight", s["start_highlight"]);
+		// get font size datas		
+		t.set_font(editArea.settings["font_family"], editArea.settings["font_size"]);
+		// set unselectable text
+		children= parent.getChildren(document.body, "", "selec", "none", "all", -1);
+		for(var i=0; i<children.length; i++){
+			if(t.isIE)
+				children[i].unselectable = true; // IE
+			else
+				children[i].onmousedown= function(){return false};
+		/*	children[i].style.MozUserSelect = "none"; // Moz
+			children[i].style.KhtmlUserSelect = "none";  // Konqueror/Safari*/
+		}
+		a.spellcheck= s["gecko_spellcheck"];
+		/** Browser specific style fixes **/
+		// fix rendering bug for highlighted lines beginning with no tabs
+		if( t.isFirefox >= '3' ) {
+ "1px";
+ "1px";
+ "1px";
+		}
+		if(t.isIE && t.isIE < 8 ){
+ "-1px";
+		}
+		/*
+		if(t.isOpera){
+ "absolute";
+		}*/
+		if( t.isSafari && t.isSafari < 4.1 ){
+	= "absolute";
+		="-3px";
+			if( t.isSafari < 3.2 ) // Safari 3.0 (3.1?)
+	="1px";
+		}
+		// si le textarea n'est pas grand, un click sous le textarea doit provoquer un focus sur le textarea
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(t.result, "click", function(e){ if(( || e.srcElement)==editArea.result) { editArea.area_select(editArea.textarea.value.length, 0);}  });
+		if(s['is_multi_files']!=false)
+			t.open_file({'id': t.curr_file, 'text': ''});
+		t.set_word_wrap( s['word_wrap'] );
+		setTimeout("editArea.focus();editArea.manage_size();editArea.execCommand('EA_load');", 10);		
+		//start checkup routine
+		t.check_undo();
+		t.check_line_selection(true);
+		t.scroll_to_view();
+		for(var i in t.plugins){
+			if(typeof(t.plugins[i].onload)=="function")
+				t.plugins[i].onload();
+		}
+		if(s['fullscreen']==true)
+			t.toggle_full_screen(true);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(parent.window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(top.window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
+		parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(window, "unload", function(){
+			// in case where editAreaLoader have been already cleaned
+			if( parent.editAreaLoader )
+			{
+				parent.editAreaLoader.remove_event(parent.window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
+		  		parent.editAreaLoader.remove_event(top.window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
+			}
+			if(editAreas[] && editAreas[]["displayed"]){
+				editArea.execCommand("EA_unload");
+			}
+		});
+		/*date= new Date();
+		alert(date.getTime()- parent.editAreaLoader.start_time);*/
+	};
+	//called by the toggle_on
+	EditArea.prototype.update_size= function(){
+		var d=document,pd=parent.document,height,width,popup,maxLeft,maxTop;
+		if( typeof editAreas != 'undefined' && editAreas[] && editAreas[]["displayed"]==true){
+			if(editArea.fullscreen['isFull']){	
+				pd.getElementById("frame_"		= pd.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].clientWidth + "px";
+				pd.getElementById("frame_"	= pd.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].clientHeight + "px";
+			}
+			if('block' && ( !editArea.isIE || editArea.isIE >= 8 ) )
+			{
+	= "0px";
+	= (editArea.result.offsetTop - editArea.tab_browsing_area.offsetTop -1)+"px";
+			}
+			height	= d.body.offsetHeight - editArea.get_all_toolbar_height() - 4;
+	= height +"px";
+			width	= d.body.offsetWidth -2;
+		= width+"px";
+			//alert("result h: "+ height+" w: "+width+"\ntoolbar h: "+this.get_all_toolbar_height()+"\nbody_h: "+document.body.offsetHeight);
+			// check that the popups don't get out of the screen
+			for( i=0; i < editArea.inlinePopup.length; i++ )
+			{
+				popup	= _$(editArea.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]);
+				maxLeft	= d.body.offsetWidth - popup.offsetWidth;
+				maxTop	= d.body.offsetHeight - popup.offsetHeight;
+				if( popup.offsetTop > maxTop )
+		= maxTop+"px";
+				if( popup.offsetLeft > maxLeft )
+	= maxLeft+"px";
+			}
+			editArea.manage_size( true );
+			editArea.fixLinesHeight( editArea.textarea.value, 0,-1);
+		}		
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.manage_size= function(onlyOneTime){
+		if(!editAreas[])
+			return false;
+		if(editAreas[]["displayed"]==true && this.textareaFocused)
+		{
+			var area_height,resized= false;
+			//1) Manage display width
+			//1.1) Calc the new width to use for display
+			if( !this.settings['word_wrap'] )
+			{
+				var area_width= this.textarea.scrollWidth;
+				area_height= this.textarea.scrollHeight;
+				// bug on old opera versions
+				if(this.isOpera && this.isOpera < 9.6 ){
+					area_width=10000; 								
+				}
+				//1.2) the width is not the same, we must resize elements
+				if(this.textarea.previous_scrollWidth!=area_width)
+				{	
+ area_width+"px";
+ area_width+"px";
+ area_width+"px";	
+					this.textarea.previous_scrollWidth=area_width;
+					resized=true;
+				}
+			}
+			// manage wrap width
+			if( this.settings['word_wrap'] )
+			{
+				newW=this.textarea.offsetWidth;
+				if( this.isFirefox || this.isIE )
+					newW-=2;
+				if( this.isSafari )
+					newW-=6;
+			}
+			//2) Manage display height
+			//2.1) Calc the new height to use for display
+			if( this.isOpera || this.isFirefox || this.isSafari ) { 
+				area_height= this.getLinePosTop( this.last_selection["nb_line"] + 1 );
+			} else {
+				area_height = this.textarea.scrollHeight;
+			}	
+			//2.2) the width is not the same, we must resize elements 
+			if(this.textarea.previous_scrollHeight!=area_height)	
+			{	
+ (area_height+2)+"px";
+ area_height+"px";
+ area_height+"px";	
+				this.textarea.previous_scrollHeight= area_height;
+				resized=true;
+			}
+			//3) if there is new lines, we add new line numbers in the line numeration area
+			if(this.last_selection["nb_line"] >= this.line_number)
+			{
+				var newLines= '', destDiv=_$("line_number"), start=this.line_number, end=this.last_selection["nb_line"]+100;
+				for( i = start+1; i < end; i++ )
+				{
+					newLines+='<div id="line_'+ i +'">'+i+"</div>";
+					this.line_number++;
+				}
+				destDiv.innerHTML= destDiv.innerHTML + newLines;
+				if(this.settings['word_wrap']){
+					this.fixLinesHeight( this.textarea.value, start, -1 );
+				}
+			}
+			//4) be sure the text is well displayed
+			this.textarea.scrollTop="0px";
+			this.textarea.scrollLeft="0px";
+			if(resized==true){
+				this.scroll_to_view();
+			}
+		}
+		if(!onlyOneTime)
+			setTimeout("editArea.manage_size();", 100);
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.execCommand= function(cmd, param){
+		for(var i in this.plugins){
+			if(typeof(this.plugins[i].execCommand)=="function"){
+				if(!this.plugins[i].execCommand(cmd, param))
+					return;
+			}
+		}
+		switch(cmd){
+			case "save":
+				if(this.settings["save_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["save_callback"]+"('"+ +"', editArea.textarea.value);");
+				break;
+			case "load":
+				if(this.settings["load_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["load_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;
+			case "onchange":
+				if(this.settings["change_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["change_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;		
+			case "EA_load":
+				if(this.settings["EA_load_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_load_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;
+			case "EA_unload":
+				if(this.settings["EA_unload_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_unload_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;
+			case "toggle_on":
+				if(this.settings["EA_toggle_on_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_toggle_on_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;
+			case "toggle_off":
+				if(this.settings["EA_toggle_off_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_toggle_off_callback"]+"('"+ +"');");
+				break;
+			case "re_sync":
+				if(!this.do_highlight)
+					break;
+			case "file_switch_on":
+				if(this.settings["EA_file_switch_on_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_file_switch_on_callback"]+"(param);");
+				break;
+			case "file_switch_off":
+				if(this.settings["EA_file_switch_off_callback"].length>0)
+					eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_file_switch_off_callback"]+"(param);");
+				break;
+			case "file_close":
+				if(this.settings["EA_file_close_callback"].length>0)
+					return eval("parent."+this.settings["EA_file_close_callback"]+"(param);");
+				break;
+			default:
+				if(typeof(eval("editArea."+cmd))=="function")
+				{
+					if(this.settings["debug"])
+						eval("editArea."+ cmd +"(param);");
+					else
+						try{eval("editArea."+ cmd +"(param);");}catch(e){};
+				}
+		}
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.get_translation= function(word, mode){
+		if(mode=="template")
+			return parent.editAreaLoader.translate(word, this.settings["language"], mode);
+		else
+			return parent.editAreaLoader.get_word_translation(word, this.settings["language"]);
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.add_plugin= function(plug_name, plug_obj){
+		for(var i=0; i<this.settings["plugins"].length; i++){
+			if(this.settings["plugins"][i]==plug_name){
+				this.plugins[plug_name]=plug_obj;
+				plug_obj.baseURL=parent.editAreaLoader.baseURL + "plugins/" + plug_name + "/";
+				if( typeof(plug_obj.init)=="function" )
+					plug_obj.init();
+			}
+		}
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.load_css= function(url){
+		try{
+			link = document.createElement("link");
+			link.type = "text/css";
+			link.rel= "stylesheet";
+			link.href = url;
+			head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
+			head[0].appendChild(link);
+		}catch(e){
+			document.write("<link href='"+ url +"' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />");
+		}
+	};
+	EditArea.prototype.load_script= function(url){
+		try{
+			script = document.createElement("script");
+			script.type = "text/javascript";
+			script.src  = url;
+			script.charset= "UTF-8";
+			head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
+			head[0].appendChild(script);
+		}catch(e){
+			document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + url + "' charset=\"UTF-8\"><"+"/script>");
+		}
+	};
+	// add plugin translation to language translation array
+	EditArea.prototype.add_lang= function(language, values){
+		if(!parent.editAreaLoader.lang[language])
+			parent.editAreaLoader.lang[language]={};
+		for(var i in values)
+			parent.editAreaLoader.lang[language][i]= values[i];
+	};
+	// short cut for document.getElementById()
+	function _$(id){return document.getElementById( id );};
+	var editArea = new EditArea();	
+	parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(window, "load", init);
+	function init(){		
+		setTimeout("editArea.init();  ", 10);
+	};
diff --git a/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_compressor.php b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_compressor.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518e1b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_compressor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+	/******
+	 *
+	 *	EditArea PHP compressor
+	 * 	Developped by Christophe Dolivet
+	 *	Released under LGPL, Apache and BSD licenses
+	 *	v1.1.3 (2007/01/18)	 
+	 *
+	******/
+	$param['cache_duration']= 3600 * 24 * 10;		// 10 days util client cache expires
+	$param['compress'] = true;						// enable the code compression, should be activated but it can be usefull to desactivate it for easier error retrieving (true or false)
+	$param['debug'] = false;						// Enable this option if you need debuging info
+	$param['use_disk_cache']= true;					// If you enable this option gzip files will be cached on disk.
+	$param['use_gzip']= true;						// Enable gzip compression
+	$compressor= new Compressor($param);
+	class Compressor{
+		function compressor($param)
+		{
+			$this->__construct($param);
+		}
+		function __construct($param)
+		{
+			$this->start_time= $this->get_microtime();
+			$this->file_loaded_size=0;
+			$this->param= $param;
+			$this->script_list="";
+			$this->path= dirname(__FILE__)."/";
+			if(isset($_GET['plugins'])){
+				$this->load_all_plugins= true;
+				$this->full_cache_file= $this->path."edit_area_full_with_plugins.js";
+				$this->gzip_cache_file= $this->path."edit_area_full_with_plugins.gz";
+			}else{
+				$this->load_all_plugins= false;
+				$this->full_cache_file= $this->path."edit_area_full.js";
+				$this->gzip_cache_file= $this->path."edit_area_full.gz";
+			}
+			$this->check_gzip_use();
+			$this->send_headers();
+			$this->check_cache();
+			$this->load_files();
+			$this->send_datas();
+		}
+		function send_headers()
+		{
+			header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset: UTF-8");
+			header("Vary: Accept-Encoding"); // Handle proxies
+			header(sprintf("Expires: %s GMT", gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $this->param['cache_duration'])) );
+			if($this->use_gzip)
+				header("Content-Encoding: ".$this->gzip_enc_header);
+		}
+		function check_gzip_use()
+		{
+			$encodings = array();
+			$desactivate_gzip=false;
+			if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']))
+				$encodings = explode(',', strtolower(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])));
+			// desactivate gzip for IE version < 7
+			if(preg_match("/(?:msie )([0-9.]+)/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ie))
+			{
+				if($ie[1]<7)
+					$desactivate_gzip=true;	
+			}
+			// Check for gzip header or northon internet securities
+			if (!$desactivate_gzip && $this->param['use_gzip'] && (in_array('gzip', $encodings) || in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) || isset($_SERVER['---------------'])) && function_exists('ob_gzhandler') && !ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
+				$this->gzip_enc_header= in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) ? "x-gzip" : "gzip";
+				$this->use_gzip=true;
+				$this->cache_file=$this->gzip_cache_file;
+			}else{
+				$this->use_gzip=false;
+				$this->cache_file=$this->full_cache_file;
+			}
+		}
+		function check_cache()
+		{
+			// Only gzip the contents if clients and server support it
+			if (file_exists($this->cache_file)) {
+				// check if cache file must be updated
+				$cache_date=0;				
+				if ($dir = opendir($this->path)) {
+					while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
+						if(is_file($this->path.$file) && $file!="." && $file!="..")
+							$cache_date= max($cache_date, filemtime($this->path.$file));
+					}
+					closedir($dir);
+				}
+				if($this->load_all_plugins){
+					$plug_path= $this->path."plugins/";
+					if (($dir = @opendir($plug_path)) !== false)
+					{
+						while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
+						{
+							if ($file !== "." && $file !== "..")
+							{
+								if(is_dir($plug_path.$file) && file_exists($plug_path.$file."/".$file.".js"))
+									$cache_date= max($cache_date, filemtime("plugins/".$file."/".$file.".js"));
+							}
+						}
+						closedir($dir);
+					}
+				}
+				if(filemtime($this->cache_file) >= $cache_date){
+					// if cache file is up to date
+					$last_modified = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",filemtime($this->cache_file))." GMT";
+					if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]) && strcasecmp($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"], $last_modified) === 0)
+					{
+						header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
+						header("Last-modified: ".$last_modified);
+						header("Cache-Control: Public"); // Tells HTTP 1.1 clients to cache
+						header("Pragma:"); // Tells HTTP 1.0 clients to cache
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						header("Last-modified: ".$last_modified);
+						header("Cache-Control: Public"); // Tells HTTP 1.1 clients to cache
+						header("Pragma:"); // Tells HTTP 1.0 clients to cache
+						header('Content-Length: '.filesize($this->cache_file));
+						echo file_get_contents($this->cache_file);
+					}				
+					die;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		function load_files()
+		{
+			$loader= $this->get_content("edit_area_loader.js")."\n";
+			// get the list of other files to load
+	    	$loader= preg_replace("/(t\.scripts_to_load=\s*)\[([^\]]*)\];/e"
+						, "\$this->replace_scripts('script_list', '\\1', '\\2')"
+						, $loader);
+			$loader= preg_replace("/(t\.sub_scripts_to_load=\s*)\[([^\]]*)\];/e"
+						, "\$this->replace_scripts('sub_script_list', '\\1', '\\2')"
+						, $loader);
+			// replace languages names
+			$reg_path= $this->path."reg_syntax/";
+			$a_displayName	= array();
+			if (($dir = @opendir($reg_path)) !== false)
+			{
+				while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
+				{
+					if( $file !== "." && $file !== ".." && ( $pos = strpos( $file, '.js' ) ) !== false )
+					{
+						$jsContent	= $this->file_get_contents( $reg_path.$file );
+						if( preg_match( '@(\'|")DISPLAY_NAME\1\s*:\s*(\'|")(.*)\2@', $jsContent, $match ) )
+						{
+							$a_displayName[] = "'". substr( $file, 0, $pos ) ."':'". htmlspecialchars( $match[3], ENT_QUOTES ) ."'";
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				closedir($dir);
+			}
+			$loader	= str_replace( '/*syntax_display_name_AUTO-FILL-BY-COMPRESSOR*/', implode( ",", $a_displayName ), $loader );
+			$this->datas= $loader;
+			$this->compress_javascript($this->datas);
+			// load other scripts needed for the loader
+			preg_match_all('/"([^"]*)"/', $this->script_list, $match);
+			foreach($match[1] as $key => $value)
+			{
+				$content= $this->get_content(preg_replace("/\\|\//i", "", $value).".js");
+				$this->compress_javascript($content);
+				$this->datas.= $content."\n";
+			}
+			//$this->datas);
+			//$this->datas= preg_replace('/(( |\t|\r)*\n( |\t)*)+/s', "", $this->datas);
+			// improved compression step 1/2	
+			$this->datas= preg_replace(array("/(\b)EditAreaLoader(\b)/", "/(\b)editAreaLoader(\b)/", "/(\b)editAreas(\b)/"), array("EAL", "eAL", "eAs"), $this->datas);
+			//$this->datas= str_replace(array("EditAreaLoader", "editAreaLoader", "editAreas"), array("EAL", "eAL", "eAs"), $this->datas);
+			$this->datas.= "var editAreaLoader= eAL;var editAreas=eAs;EditAreaLoader=EAL;";
+			// load sub scripts
+			$sub_scripts="";
+			$sub_scripts_list= array();
+			preg_match_all('/"([^"]*)"/', $this->sub_script_list, $match);
+			foreach($match[1] as $value){
+				$sub_scripts_list[]= preg_replace("/\\|\//i", "", $value).".js";
+			}
+			if($this->load_all_plugins){
+				// load plugins scripts
+				$plug_path= $this->path."plugins/";
+				if (($dir = @opendir($plug_path)) !== false)
+				{
+					while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
+					{
+						if ($file !== "." && $file !== "..")
+						{
+							if(is_dir($plug_path.$file) && file_exists($plug_path.$file."/".$file.".js"))
+								$sub_scripts_list[]= "plugins/".$file."/".$file.".js";
+						}
+					}
+					closedir($dir);
+				}
+			}
+			foreach($sub_scripts_list as $value){
+				$sub_scripts.= $this->get_javascript_content($value);
+			}
+			// improved compression step 2/2	
+			$sub_scripts= preg_replace(array("/(\b)editAreaLoader(\b)/", "/(\b)editAreas(\b)/", "/(\b)editArea(\b)/", "/(\b)EditArea(\b)/"), array("eAL", "eAs", "eA", "EA"), $sub_scripts);
+		//	$sub_scripts= str_replace(array("editAreaLoader", "editAreas", "editArea", "EditArea"), array("eAL", "eAs", "eA", "EA"), $sub_scripts);
+			$sub_scripts.= "var editArea= eA;EditArea=EA;";
+			// add the scripts
+		//	$this->datas.= sprintf("editAreaLoader.iframe_script= \"<script type='text/javascript'>%s</script>\";\n", $sub_scripts);
+			// add the script and use a last compression 
+			if( $this->param['compress'] )
+			{
+				$last_comp	= array( 'Á' => 'this',
+								 'Â' => 'textarea',
+								 'Ã' => 'function',
+								 'Ä' => 'prototype',
+								 'Å' => 'settings',
+								 'Æ' => 'length',
+								 'Ç' => 'style',
+								 'È' => 'parent',
+								 'É' => 'last_selection',
+								 'Ê' => 'value',
+								 'Ë' => 'true',
+								 'Ì' => 'false'
+								 /*,
+									'Î' => '"',
+								 'Ï' => "\n",
+								 'À' => "\r"*/);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$last_comp	= array();
+			}
+			$js_replace= '';
+			foreach( $last_comp as $key => $val )
+				$js_replace .= ".replace(/". $key ."/g,'". str_replace( array("\n", "\r"), array('\n','\r'), $val ) ."')";
+			$this->datas.= sprintf("editAreaLoader.iframe_script= \"<script type='text/javascript'>%s</script>\"%s;\n",
+								str_replace( array_values($last_comp), array_keys($last_comp), $sub_scripts ), 
+								$js_replace);
+			if($this->load_all_plugins)
+				$this->datas.="editAreaLoader.all_plugins_loaded=true;\n";
+			// load the template
+			$this->datas.= sprintf("editAreaLoader.template= \"%s\";\n", $this->get_html_content("template.html"));
+			// load the css
+			$this->datas.= sprintf("editAreaLoader.iframe_css= \"<style>%s</style>\";\n", $this->get_css_content("edit_area.css"));
+		//	$this->datas= "function editArea(){};editArea.prototype.loader= function(){alert('bouhbouh');} var a= new editArea();a.loader();";
+		}
+		function send_datas()
+		{
+			if($this->param['debug']){
+				$header=sprintf("/* USE PHP COMPRESSION\n");
+				$header.=sprintf("javascript size: based files: %s => PHP COMPRESSION => %s ", $this->file_loaded_size, strlen($this->datas));
+				if($this->use_gzip){
+					$gzip_datas=  gzencode($this->datas, 9, FORCE_GZIP);				
+					$header.=sprintf("=> GZIP COMPRESSION => %s", strlen($gzip_datas));
+					$ratio = round(100 - strlen($gzip_datas) / $this->file_loaded_size * 100.0);			
+				}else{
+					$ratio = round(100 - strlen($this->datas) / $this->file_loaded_size * 100.0);
+				}
+				$header.=sprintf(", reduced by %s%%\n", $ratio);
+				$header.=sprintf("compression time: %s\n", $this->get_microtime()-$this->start_time); 
+				$header.=sprintf("%s\n", implode("\n", $this->infos));
+				$header.=sprintf("*/\n");
+				$this->datas= $header.$this->datas;	
+			}
+			$mtime= time(); // ensure that the 2 disk files will have the same update time
+			// generate gzip file and cahce it if using disk cache
+			if($this->use_gzip){
+				$this->gzip_datas= gzencode($this->datas, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
+				if($this->param['use_disk_cache'])
+					$this->file_put_contents($this->gzip_cache_file, $this->gzip_datas, $mtime);
+			}
+			// generate full js file and cache it if using disk cache			
+			if($this->param['use_disk_cache'])
+				$this->file_put_contents($this->full_cache_file, $this->datas, $mtime);
+			// generate output
+			if($this->use_gzip)
+				echo $this->gzip_datas;
+			else
+				echo $this->datas;
+//			die;
+		}
+		function get_content($end_uri)
+		{
+			$end_uri=preg_replace("/\.\./", "", $end_uri); // Remove any .. (security)
+			$file= $this->path.$end_uri;
+			if(file_exists($file)){
+				$this->infos[]=sprintf("'%s' loaded", $end_uri);
+				/*$fd = fopen($file, 'rb');
+				$content = fread($fd, filesize($file));
+				fclose($fd);
+				return $content;*/
+				return $this->file_get_contents($file);
+			}else{
+				$this->infos[]=sprintf("'%s' not loaded", $end_uri);
+				return "";
+			}
+		}
+		function get_javascript_content($end_uri)
+		{
+			$val=$this->get_content($end_uri);
+			$this->compress_javascript($val);
+			$this->prepare_string_for_quotes($val);
+			return $val;
+		}
+		function compress_javascript(&$code)
+		{
+			if($this->param['compress'])
+			{
+				// remove all comments
+				//	(\"(?:[^\"\\]*(?:\\\\)*(?:\\\"?)?)*(?:\"|$))|(\'(?:[^\'\\]*(?:\\\\)*(?:\\'?)?)*(?:\'|$))|(?:\/\/(?:.|\r|\t)*?(\n|$))|(?:\/\*(?:.|\n|\r|\t)*?(?:\*\/|$))
+				$code= preg_replace("/(\"(?:[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\\\\\)*(?:\\\\\"?)?)*(?:\"|$))|(\'(?:[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\\\\\)*(?:\\\\\'?)?)*(?:\'|$))|(?:\/\/(?:.|\r|\t)*?(\n|$))|(?:\/\*(?:.|\n|\r|\t)*?(?:\*\/|$))/s", "$1$2$3", $code);
+				// remove line return, empty line and tabulation
+				$code= preg_replace('/(( |\t|\r)*\n( |\t)*)+/s', " ", $code);
+				// add line break before "else" otherwise navigators can't manage to parse the file
+				$code= preg_replace('/(\b(else)\b)/', "\n$1", $code);
+				// remove unnecessary spaces
+				$code= preg_replace('/( |\t|\r)*(;|\{|\}|=|==|\-|\+|,|\(|\)|\|\||&\&|\:)( |\t|\r)*/', "$2", $code);
+			}
+		}
+		function get_css_content($end_uri){
+			$code=$this->get_content($end_uri);
+			// remove comments
+			$code= preg_replace("/(?:\/\*(?:.|\n|\r|\t)*?(?:\*\/|$))/s", "", $code);
+			// remove spaces
+			$code= preg_replace('/(( |\t|\r)*\n( |\t)*)+/s', "", $code);
+			// remove spaces
+			$code= preg_replace('/( |\t|\r)?(\:|,|\{|\})( |\t|\r)+/', "$2", $code);
+			$this->prepare_string_for_quotes($code);
+			return $code;
+		}
+		function get_html_content($end_uri){
+			$code=$this->get_content($end_uri);
+			//$code= preg_replace('/(\"(?:\\\"|[^\"])*(?:\"|$))|' . "(\'(?:\\\'|[^\'])*(?:\'|$))|(?:\/\/(?:.|\r|\t)*?(\n|$))|(?:\/\*(?:.|\n|\r|\t)*?(?:\*\/|$))/s", "$1$2$3", $code);
+			$code= preg_replace('/(( |\t|\r)*\n( |\t)*)+/s', " ", $code);
+			$this->prepare_string_for_quotes($code);
+			return $code;
+		}
+		function prepare_string_for_quotes(&$str){
+			// prepare the code to be putted into quotes 
+			/*$pattern= array("/(\\\\)?\"/", '/\\\n/'	, '/\\\r/'	, "/(\r?\n)/");
+			$replace= array('$1$1\\"', '\\\\\\n', '\\\\\\r'	, '\\\n"$1+"');*/
+			$pattern= array("/(\\\\)?\"/", '/\\\n/'	, '/\\\r/'	, "/(\r?\n)/");
+			if($this->param['compress'])
+				$replace= array('$1$1\\"', '\\\\\\n', '\\\\\\r'	, '\n');
+			else
+				$replace= array('$1$1\\"', '\\\\\\n', '\\\\\\r'	, "\\n\"\n+\"");
+			$str= preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $str);
+		}
+		function replace_scripts($var, $param1, $param2)
+		{
+			$this->$var=stripslashes($param2);
+	        return $param1."[];";
+		}
+		/* for php version that have not thoses functions */
+		function file_get_contents($file)
+		{
+			$fd = fopen($file, 'rb');
+			$content = fread($fd, filesize($file));
+			fclose($fd);
+			$this->file_loaded_size+= strlen($content);
+			return $content;				
+		}
+		function file_put_contents($file, &$content, $mtime=-1)
+		{
+			if($mtime==-1)
+				$mtime=time();
+			$fp = @fopen($file, "wb");
+			if ($fp) {
+				fwrite($fp, $content);
+				fclose($fp);
+				touch($file, $mtime);
+				return true;
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		function get_microtime()
+		{
+		   list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
+		   return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
+		}
+	}	
diff --git a/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_full.gz b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_full.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114a670
Binary files /dev/null and b/dependencies/org.wso2.carbon.ui/src/main/resources/web/editarea/edit_area_full.gz differ