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[51/55] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-senssoft git commit: Revert "Modifying file structure again to test if site builds"

Revert "Modifying file structure again to test if site builds"

This reverts commit 6b90be6141ea2a0cb0185e370058a11e485fd406.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6a2b3459cd94b79119fd69db73b7610736c70205
Parents: 6b90be6
Author: Arthi Vezhavendan <>
Authored: Wed Jan 25 19:17:13 2017 -0500
Committer: Arthi Vezhavendan <>
Committed: Wed Jan 25 19:17:13 2017 -0500

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-# Hello! This is where you manage which Jekyll version is used to run.
-# When you want to use a different version, change it below, save the
-# file and run `bundle install`. Run Jekyll with `bundle exec`, like so:
-#     bundle exec jekyll serve
-# This will help ensure the proper Jekyll version is running.
-# Happy Jekylling!
-gem "jekyll", "3.3.1"
-# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
-# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run `bundle update github-pages`.
-# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
-# If you have any plugins, put them here!
-group :jekyll_plugins do
-   gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
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-# Welcome to Jekyll!
-# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
-# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
-# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
-# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
-# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
-# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
-# Site settings
-# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
-# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
-# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
-# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
-title: Apache SensSoft
-description: The homepage for Apache SensSoft
-baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
-url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
-twitter_username: apachesenssoft
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-title: Contributing
-component: senssoft
-First, thank you for contributing to Apache SensSoft!
-There are certain procedures that must be followed for all contributions. These procedures are necessary to allow us to allocate resources for reviewing and testing your contribution, as well as to communicate effectively with you during the review process.
-See individual product guides for product-specific information on getting started as a contributor, setup and testing, code style, etc.
-To report a bug or other issue, simply create an issue in JIRA, as described in Step 1 below.
-#### 1. Create an issue in JIRA
-   All changes to Apache Distill must have a corresponding issue in [JIRA]( so the change can be properly tracked.  If you do not already have an account on Apache JIRA, you will need to create one before creating your new issue.
-#### 2. Make and test your changes locally
-   The Apache SensSoft source code is maintained in [several git repositories]( hosted by Apache.  These repositories are mirrored and more easily available [on GitHub](  To make your changes, fork the appropriate GitHub repository and make commits to a topic branch in your fork.  Commits should be made in logical units and must reference the JIRA issue number:
-   ```shell
-   git commit -m "#SENSSOFT-123: #High-level message describing the changes."
-   ```
-   Avoid commits which cover multiple, distinct goals that could (and should) be handled separately.  If you do not already have an account on JIRA, you will need to create one to claim an issue, discuss development, or report results.
-#### 3. Submit your changes via a pull request on GitHub
-   Once your changes are ready, submit them by creating a pull request for the corresponding topic branch you created when you began working on your changes.  The core team will then review your changes and, if they pass review, your changes will be merged into the primary Apache-hosted repos.
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-title: Apache Distill Analytics
-component: distill
-### Graph Analytics
-class distill.algorithms.graphs.graph.GraphAnalytics
-> **Bases:** object
-> Distill’s graph analytics package. Apply graph algorithms to User Ale log data segmented with Stout.
-static foo()
-### Statistics Package
-class distill.algorithms.stats.hist.Hist
-> **Bases:** object
-> Distill’s statistics package. Apply statistical algorithms to User Ale log data segmented with Stout. Need to query/filter by session or user id.
-static histogram(app, app_type=None, q='')
-Only works on numerical data.
-static terms(app, app_type=None, q='')
-Group by field (find all elements )
-static unique_terms(app, app_type=None, q='')
-Aggregate the number of unique terms in a field. Missing values are counted and marked as “N/A”.
-> **Todo:** Need to incorporate QueryBuilder library instead of manually generating queries.
-> **Parameters:**
-- app – [string] application name
-- app_type – [string] application type
-- field – [string] field to search against for unique values
-- size – [int] the top size terms returned in the result. Default value is 10.
-- min_hits – [int] return tags which have been found in min_hits or more. Default value is 1.
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict] dictionary of results
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-title: API Documentation
-component: distill
-priority: 9
-### [Apache Distill HTTP Client]({{ '/docs/distill/http/' | prepend: site.baseurl }})
-- RESTful Endpoints
-### [Apache Distill Analytics]({{ '/docs/distill/analytics/' | prepend: site.baseurl }})
-- Graph Analytics
-- Statistics Package
-### [Apache Distill Models]({{ '/docs/distill/models/' | prepend: site.baseurl }})
-- Brew Interface
-- Stout Interface
-- UserAle Interface
-### [Apache Distill Utilities]({{ '/docs/distill/utilities/' | prepend: site.baseurl }})
-- Query Builder
-- Exception Handling
-- Validation Library
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-title: Changelog
-component: distill
-priority: 99
-### 0.1.3 (2016-09-19)
-- Moved to Apache.
-- Updated all documentation.
-- Added License headers
-- Docker compose file added to assist deployment of ELK stack with Distill
-### 0.1.2 (2016-07-22)
-- Moved CRUD operations from UserAle model to Brew model.
-- Added API specs to segment UserAle data from Elasticsearch
-- Added deployment instructions
-### 0.1.1 (2016-06-14)
-- Completed index route for status endpoint which lists all applications registered and their document count segmented by type.
-- Updated to reference deploy scripts
-- Example configuration to deploy Distll with Gunicorn and Nginx for Linux/Mac users
-- Added UserAle and Stout classes.
-- Updated requirements.txt for deployment.
-### 0.1.0 (2016-04-01)
-- Initial release.
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-title: Apache Distill HTTP Client
-component: distill
-### RESTful Endpoints
-> Registers an application in Distill.
-$ curl -XPOST https://localhost:8090/xdata_v3
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-> **Returns:**
-- Newly created application’s status as JSON blob
-> Deletes an application permentantly from Distill
-$ curl -XDELETE https://localhost:8090/xdata_v3
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-> **Returns:**
-- Boolean response message as JSON blob
-> Bootstrap script to cleanup the raw logs. A document type called “parsed” will be stored with new log created unless specified in the request. Have option to save parsed results back to data store. These parsed logs can be intergrated with STOUT results by running the stout bootstrap script.
-$ curl -XGET https://localhost:8090/denoise/xdata_v3?save=true&type=parsed
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict]
-> Show Distill version information, connection status, and all registered applications.
-$ curl -XGET https://localhost:8090
-        "author" : "Michelle Beard",
-        "email" : "",
-        "name": "Distill",
-        "status" : true,
-        "version" : "1.0",
-        "applications" : {
-                "xdata_v3" : {
-                        testing: 205,
-                        parsed: 500,
-                },
-                "test_app" : {
-                        logs: 500,
-                        parsed: 100,
-                }
-        }
-> **Returns:**
-- Distill’s status information as JSON blob
-> Bootstrap script to aggregate user ale logs to stout master answer table This will save the merged results back to ES instance at new index stout OR denoise data first, then merge with the stout index... If STOUT is enabled, the select method expects a stout index to exist or otherwise it will return an error message.
-$ curl -XGET https://locahost:8090/stout/xdata_v3
-> **Returns:**
-- Status message
-> Generic Error Message
-```python, app_type)
-> Search against an application on various fields.
-$ curl -XGET https://[hostname]:[port]/search/
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-- app_type – Optional document type to filter against
-- q – Main search query. To return all documents, pass in q=*:*
-- size – Maximum number of documents to return in request
-- scroll – Scroll id if the number of documents exceeds 10,000
-- fl – List of fields to restrict the result set
-> **Returns:**
-- JSON blob of result set
-```python, app_type)
-> Generic histogram counts for a single registered application filtered optionally by document type. View the Statistics document page for method definitions and arguments
-$ curl -XGET https://localhost:8090/stat/xdata_v3/
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-- app_type – Application type
-> **Returns:**
-- JSON blob of result set
-```python, app_type)
-> Presents meta information about an registered application, including field names and document types.
-$ curl -XGET https://localhost:8090/status/xdata_v3
-  "application": "xdata_v3",
-  "health": "green",
-  "num_docs": "433",
-  "status": "open"
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-> **Returns:**
-- Registered applications meta data as JSON blob
-> Renames a specific application
-$ curl -XPOST https://localhost:8090/update/xdata_v3?name="xdata_v4"
-> **Parameters:**
-- app_id – Application name
-> **Returns:**
-- Boolean response message as JSON blob
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-title: Installation
-component: distill
-permalink: /docs/distill/
-priority: 0
-### Installing Apache Distill
-The first step is to install Apache Distill. First, checkout the latest version of Apache Distill.
-  ```shell
-  $ git clone
-  ```
-Apache Distill is a python project, so it can be installed like any other python library. Several operating systems (Mac OS X, Major Versions of Linux/BSD) have Python pre-installed, so you should just have to run
-  ```shell
-  $ easy_install distill
-  ```
-      or
-  ```shell
-  $ pip install distill
-  ```
-Users are strongly recommended to install Apache Distill in a virtualenv. Instructions to setup an virtual environment will be explained below.
-> **Note**&
-When the package is installed via easy_install or pip this function will be bound to the distill executable in the Python installation’s bin directory (on Windows - the Scripts directory).
-### Installing Apache Distill in an Virtual Environment
-virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. virtualenv creates a folder which contains all the necessary executables to use the packages that the Apache Distill project would need.
-Install virtualenv via pip:
-  ```shell
-  $ sudo env/bin/pip install virtualenv
-  ```
-Start by changing directory into the root of Apache Distill’s project directory, and then use the virtualenv command-line tool to create a new environment:
-  ```shell
-  $ mkdir env
-  $ virtualenv env
-  ```
-Activate environment:
-  ```shell
-  $ source env/bin/activate
-  ```
-Install Apache Distill requirements:
-  ```shell
-  $ env/bin/pip -r requirements.txt
-  ```
-To build the source code and run all unit tests.
-  ```shell
-  $ env/bin/python develop test
-  ```
-Launch local Apache Distill server, running on localhost:8090:
-  ```shell
-  $ env/bin/dev
-  ```
-Deactivate environment
-  ```shell
-  $ deactivate
-  ```
-### Running Apache Distill on Docker Compose
-From the project directory, start up Apache Distill in the background.
-  ```shell
-  $ docker-compose up -d
-  $ docker-compose ps
-  ```
-To stop services once you’ve finished with them:
-  ```shell
-  $ docker-compose stop
-  ```
-### Deployment with Nginx and Gunicorn
-I will describe a setup with nginx as a web server on Ubuntu. A web server cannot communicate directly with a Flask application such as Apache Distill. Thus gunicorn will be used to act as a medium between the web server and Apache Distill. Gunicorn is like an application web server that will be running behind nginx, and it is WSGI compatible. It can communicate with applications that support WSGI – Flask, Django, etc.
-Install requirements.
-  ```shell
-  $ sudo apt-get update
-  $ sudo apt-get install -y python python-pip nginx gunicorn
-  ```
-Create a directory to store the project.
-  ```shell
-  $ sudo mkdir /home/pubic_html && cd /home/public_html
-  ```
-Download the project from the GitHub repository and copy the application to the /home/public_html directory.
-  ```shell
-  $ git clone
-  /incubator-senssoft-distill.git /home/public_html
-  ```
-Install Apache Distill’s requirements either globally or in a virutal environment:
-  ```shell
-  $ env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
-  ```
-Apache Distill has provided an nginx configuration file located in distill/deploy/nginx.conf.
-Gunicorn will use port 8000 and handle the incoming HTTP requests.
-Restart nginx to load the configuration changes.
-  ```shell
-  $ sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
-  ```
-Run gunicorn on port 8000.
-  ```shell
-  $ gunicorn --workers 4 --bind unix:distill.sock -m 007 deploy/run_server:app
-  ```
-Start a new browser instance and navigate to http://localhost.
-### Installing Documentation
-To save yourself the trouble, all up to date documentation is available at
-However, if you want to manully build the documentation, the instructions are below.
-First, install the documentation dependencies:
-  ```shell
-  $ env/bin/pip install -r doc_requirements.txt
-  ```
-To build Apache Distill’s documentation, create a directory at the root level of /distill called distill-docs.
-  ```shell
-  $ mkdir distill-docs & cd distill-docs
-  ```
-Execute build command:
-  ```shell
-  # Inside top-level docs/ directory.
-  $ make html
-  ```
-This should build the documentation in your shell, and output HTML. At then end, it should say something about documents being ready in distill-docs/html. You can now open them in your browser by typing
-  ```shell
-  $ open distill-docs/html/index.html
-  ```
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-title: Apache Distill Models
-component: distill
-### Brew Interface
-class distill.models.brew.Brew
-> **Bases:** object
-> Distill supports basic CRUD operations and publishes the status of an persistenct database. Eventually it will support ingesting logs sent from an registered application.
-static create(app)
->Register a new application in Distill
-        "application" : "xdata_v3",
-        "health" : "green",
-        "num_docs" : 0,
-        "status" : "open"
-> **Parameters:**
-- app – [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict] dictionary of application and its meta information
-static delete(app)
->Technically closes the index so its content is not searchable.
-> **Parameters:**
-- app – [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict] status message of the event
-static get_applications()
->Fetch all the registered applications in Distill.
-> *Note:* Private indexes starting with a period are not included in the result set
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict] dictionary of all registered applications and meta information
-static get_status()
-> Fetch the status of the underlying database instance.
-> **Returns:**
-- [bool] if connection to database instance has been established
-static read(app, app_type=None)
-> Fetch meta data associated with an application
-> Example:
-        "application" : "xdata_v3",
-        "health" : "green",
-        "num_docs" : "100",
-        "status" : "open"
-        "types" : {
-                "raw_logs" : {
-                        "@timestamp" : "date",
-                        "action" : "string",
-                        "elementId" : "string"
-                },
-                "parsed" : {
-                        "@timestamp" : "date",
-                        "elementId_interval" : "string"
-                },
-                "graph" : {
-                        "uniqueID" : "string",
-                        "transition_count" : "long",
-                        "p_value" : "float"
-                }
-        }
-> **Parameters:**
-- app – [string] application name (e.g. xdata_v3)
-> **Returns:**
-- [dict] dictionary of application and its meta information
-static update(app)
-> **Todo:** Currently not implemented
-### Stout Interface
-class distill.models.stout.Stout
-> **Bases:** object
- > Main Stout class to support ingest and search operations.
-static ingest()
-> Ingest data coming from Stout to Distill
-class distill.models.stout.StoutDoc(meta=None, **kwargs)
-> **Bases:** elasticsearch_dsl.document.DocType
-> Representation of a Stout document.
-save(*args, **kwargs)
-> Save data from parsing as a Stout document in Distill
-### UserAle Interface
-class distill.models.userale.UserAle
-> **Bases:** object
-> Main method of entry to perform segmentation and integration of STOUT’s master answer table (if STOUT is enabled). Advanced and basic analytics is performed in the distill.algorithms.stats and distill.algorithms.graphs module.
-static denoise(app, app_type='parsed', save=False)
-static search(app, app_type=None, filters=[],
-size=100, include='*', scroll=None, sort_field=None)
-> Perform a search query.
-> **Parameters:**
-- app – [string] application id (e.g. “xdata_v3”)
-- app_type – [string] name of the application type. If None all application types are searched.
-- filters – [list of strings] list of filters for a query.
-- size – [int] maximum number of hits that should be returned
-- sort_field – [string] sorting field. Currently supported fields: “timestamp”, “date”
-> **Returns**
-- [dict] dictionary with processed results. If STOUT is enabled, STOUT data will be merged with final result.
-static segment(app, app_type=None, params='')
->Just support match all for now.
-distill.models.userale.parse_query_parameters(indx, app_type=None, request_args={})
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-title: Getting Started
-component: distill
-priority: 1
-### Usage
-Using curl:
-  ```shell
-  $ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8090/app/register' -d '{
-          "application_name" : "my_app",
-          "version" : "0.1",
-          "application_description" : "my test app"
-  }'
-  ```
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-title: Apache Distill Utilities
-component: distill
-### Query Builder
-class distill.utils.query_builder.QueryBuilder(query=None)
-> **Bases:** object
-#### add_filters(filters)
-#### add_sorting(sort_field='', sort_order='')
-### Exception Handling
-exception distill.utils.exceptions.Error
-> **Bases:** exceptions.Exception
-> Base class for exceptions.
-exception distill.utils.exceptions.ValidationError(url, msg)
-> **Bases:** distill.utils.exceptions.Error
-> Exceptions raised for errors in validated a url.
-### Validation Library
-> Convert string expression to boolean
-> **Parameters:**
-- v – Input value
-> **Returns:**
-- Converted message as boolean type
-- Return type:	bool
-> Parse out request message and validate inputs
-> **Parameters:**
-- q – Url query string
-> **Raises:**
-- ValidationError – if the query is missing required parameters
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-title: About the Docs
-component: senssoft
-permalink: /docs/
-priority: 0
-The Apache SensSoft docs are organized by product.  Each product's documentation includes information like quick start guides, tutorials, full API descriptions, and contributing guides.
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-title: About Stout
-component: stout
-permalink: /docs/stout/
-priority: 0
-The Subject Tracker for Online User Testing (STOUT) is a content management system for formal human performance experimentation. STOUT presents tools and operational tasks to each participant. In doing so, it collects:
-- an intake questionnaire to assess the user’s background and experience as an analyst
-- operational task performance and confidence in responses i.e. did they get the right answer? How sure are they?
-- subjective feedback (did they like how the tool worked?)
-- screen captures
-- physiological response, which help infer operator workload (how hard did they work?).
-The STOUT system provides human-subjects testing experiment administrators with a flexible tool for managing and tracking user progress through a series of online tasks. The STOUT system was designed to help collect information about the utility of online applications.
-### Who is STOUT for?
-This package is for developers. A framework has been built but many features and additions can still be added.
-This package is also for experiment administrators. This system can be used immediately to conduct new evaluations of online applications.
-### For more information
-STOUT was built using Django 1.6. For more advanced developer information or instructions on how to setup your own system, consult the documentation for Django [here](
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-title: Getting Started
-component: stout
-priority: 1
-### Getting Going...
-If you already have your own system and just want to work with the source code, then skip to the next section.  Otherwise read on...
-The simplest way to get started, rather than build your own system from the ground up, is to download both [VirtualBox]( and [Vagrant](  Once you have both of those working, you can clone this repository to begin.
-#### Getting this working on Vagrant (VirtualBox)
-Get a base centos box (this may take awhile)
-  ```bash
-  vagrant box add centos_6.5
-  releases/download/v6.5.3/
-  ```
-Start it
-  ```bash
-  vagrant up virtualbox
-  ```
-#### Getting this working on Vagrant (OpenStack)
-Get a base centos box (this may take awhile)
-You need 2 files:
-1. The first is the `.pem` (or `.cer`) file which is the KeyPair file you can download from the OpenStack dashboard.
-2. The second is a shell script which contains all the environment variables referenced in the Vagrantfile.  This is located under API Access under the Security Settings.  Once you download this file run `source $`, and this will ask you for you OpenStack password and load all the required varaibles under your current environment.  
-Adjust the Vagrantfile to use the appropriate `.pem` file and the appropriate KeyPair name associated with that pem file.  Once that is complete you can run:
-  ```bash
-  vagrant up openstack --provider=openstack
-  ```
-### If you already have your own system...
-Once this package is cloned, create the database
-  ```bash
-  python syncdb
-  ```
-This will also create a superuser.
-#### During development, if you want to drop to the database and start over run the following:
-  ```bash
-  python sqlclear op_tasks | python dbshell
-  python syncdb
-  python populate_db
-  ```
-This will keep your super user and drop just the app database which is a lot nicer than deleting the whole database and starting over
-This process is also under the `reset_optask` command
-  ```bash
-  python reset_optask
-  ```
-### Now that STOUT is running...
-The following instructions assume you're using Vagrant.  If you're using another system, you might need to alter them slightly (e.g. different IP addresses, etc.) to get the same results.
-#### Test operation
-Open a browser and point it to [localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080).  You should see the welcome page for the XDATA Online Experiment. The system comes with a one prepopulated example task.  Register a new user and test it out.
-#### Access admin page
-The Admin page allows direct access to the STOUT database.  From this page you can manage users, tasks, and products directly. Before you can access the admin page, you need to create a superuser.  If you're using Vagrant you can ssh into that system using
-  ```bash
-  vagrant ssh virtualbox
-  ```
-Navigate to the source directory and add a superuser
-  ```bash
-  cd /var/www/op_tasks/db/
-  sudo python createsuperuser
-  ```
-Now point your browser to the admin page at [localhost:8080/admin](http://localhost:8080/admin) to begin browsing the STOUT database.
-#### Add subjects
-From the admin page, you can pre-register users through the Participants link.
-#### Add tasks
-You can also add new tasks for users to complete through the Op tasks link.  First however you must add a dataset for the task to reference.  That can be done through the Datasets link.
-#### Add products
-New products can be added through the product link.  Products are tools available online.  Copy and past the address for the tool into the URL field and then fill in the remaining information.
-#### Assign task sequences
-Normally, a user is assigned a random order of tasks from all those that are available.  If you'd prefer to assign a sequence of tasks though that can be managed through the TaskListItem link.  
-**Note:** If you assign multiple tasks to a single user, only mark the first task as ***Ot active*** and leave all checkboxes for the remaining tasks empty
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-title: Getting Started
-component: system
-permalink: /docs/system/
-priority: 0
-The Apache SensSoft system provides a simple, ready-to-go deployment.  The deployment is containerized with Docker.  It includes the UserALE backend, Distill, and Tap.  It requires [Docker Compose]( to be installed and working.
-### Configure Tap
-Tap, as a Django project, requires a file to run.  Before you begin, create and add the file to /docker/tap/
-  ```python
-  """
-  Secret Django settings for tap project.
-  """
-  # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
-  MY_SECRET_KEY = '<yoursecretkey>'
-  MY_DB_NAME = 'tapdb'
-  MY_DB_USER = 'tapuser'
-  MY_DB_PASSWORD = '<dbpassword>'
-  MY_DB_HOST = 'db'
-  ```
-### Install and Run with Docker Compose
-To build and start the system:
-  ```shell
-  docker-compose build
-  docker-compose up
-  ```
-Tap will be running at localhost:8000.
-To shut down the system:
-  ```shell
-  docker-compose down
-  ```
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-title: Getting Started
-component: tap
-permalink: /docs/tap/
-priority: 0
-Tap is the front end of the SensSoft system.  It consists of a React-Django web app that allows you to access your applications' usage data via data visualizations built in D3.
-Work on Tap's documentation is ongoing.  To get involved, see our [Contributing]({{ '/docs/contributing' | prepend: site.baseurl }}) guide.  To get started with Tap, [try out the full SensSoft system]({{ '/docs/system' | prepend: site.baseurl }}).
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-title: About UserALE
-component: userale
-permalink: /docs/userale/
-priority: 0
-*Note*: Work on UserALE's documentation is ongoing.  To get involved, see our [Contributing]({{ '/docs/contributing' | prepend: site.baseurl }}) guide.  To get started with UserALE, [try out the full SensSoft system]({{ '/docs/system' | prepend: site.baseurl }}).  
-### About UserALE
-The User Analytic Logging Engine (User ALE) is part of Apache SensSoft. User ALE is for Software Developers, HCI/UX researchers, and project managers who develop user facing software tools—applications that are used for manipulating, analyzing, or visualizing data or other systems.
-User ALE provides an API for instrumenting software tools, turning them into a human usability sensors. With every user interaction User ALE will transmit specially structured messages (JSON) from software tools to an activity logging server (Elastic). These messages not only report user activities and their timing, but provide sufficient context to understand how those activities are related to the functional organization of the software tool. This allows for greater utility in understanding how users are interacting with software tool features, and seeds more rigorous modeling and analytic approaches to understand not just what users do in software tools, but how they perform tasks with them.
-User ALE provides data provides insight into software tool usage frequency, users' cognitive/behavioral strategy in using tools to complete tasks, their workflows, as well as their integrative use of software tool features.
-### Who is UserALE for?
-The User Analytic Logging Engine (User ALE) is for Software Developers, HCI/UX researchers, and project managers who develop user facing software tools.
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-title: Contributing
-component: useralejs
-priority: 11
-### Building UserALE.js
-To modify and build your own version of UserAle.js, first clone the repo, install dependencies, and make any desired changes. Then build and minify into the build/ folder:
-  ```shell
-  git clone
-  npm install
-  npm run build
-  ```
-### Testing and Linting
-We maintain code quality through linting and our test suite.  To run, or run and watch for changes:
-  ```shell
-  npm test
-  npm run test:watch
-  ```
-See package.json for full script options.
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-title: Getting Started
-component: useralejs
-permalink: /docs/useralejs/
-priority: 0
-Apache UserALE.js is the UserALE client for DOM and JavaScript-based applications.  It automatically attaches event handlers, is configurable through HTML5 data parameters or a JS API, and logs every user interaction on a web page, including rich JS single-page apps.  
-*Note:* Work on UserALE.js' documentation is ongoing.  The most notable undocumented feature is the JS API.  To get involved, see our [Contributing]({{ '/docs/contributing' | prepend: site.baseurl }}) guide.  
-### Include UserALE.js in your project
-To include UserAle.js in your project with default configuration, simply include the script tag below:
-  ```html
-  <script src="<yourUseraleSource>"></script>
-  ```
-### Configure UserALE.js
-HTML5 Data Parameters are used to configure UserALE.js.  For example, to set the logging URL:
-  ```html
-  <script src="userale.js" data-url="http://yourLoggingUrl"></script>
-  ```
-The complete list of configurable options is:
-  | Param | Description | Default |
-  |:---|:---|:---|
-  | data-url | Logging URL | http://localhost:8000 |
-  | data-autostart | Should Userale.js start on page load | true |
-  | data-interval | Delay between transmit checks | 5000 (ms) |
-  | data-threshold | Minimum number of logs to send | 5 |
-  | data-user | User identifier | null |
-  | data-version | Application version identifier | null |
-  | data-log-details | Toggle detailed logs (keys pressed and input/change values) | false |
-  | data-resolution | Delay between instances of high frequency logs (mouseover, scroll, etc.) | 500 (ms) |
-  | data-user-from-params | Query param in the page URL to fetch userId from | null |
-  | data-tool | Name of tool being logged | null |
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-title: Troubleshooting
-component: useralejs
-### Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
-The logs generated by UserAle is sent to a logging url which is configured in the script tag. Your client may send out failure logs because of a CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) issue. You will need to configure your backend server to enable CORS.
-For more information and examples on how to enable CORS on your server, please visit [](