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svn commit: r941802 - in /websites/production/camel/content: cache/main.pageCache camel-2150-release.html

Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Mar  1 08:18:13 2015
New Revision: 941802

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/cache/main.pageCache
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Modified: websites/production/camel/content/camel-2150-release.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/camel-2150-release.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/camel-2150-release.html Sun Mar  1 08:18:13 2015
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         <td valign="top" width="100%">
-<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h1 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Camel2.15.0release(currentlyinprogress)">Camel&#160;2.15.0 release (currently in progress)</h1><div style="padding-right:20px;float:left;margin-left:-20px;"><p><img class="confluence-embedded-image confluence-external-resource" src="" data-image-src=""></p></div><div style="min-height:200px">&#160;</div><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewandNoteworthy">New and Noteworthy</h2><p>Welcome to the 2.15.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)</p><ul><li><span>Component, data format, language and eip documentation now included in the built component JARs. And Java API and JMX API to access that documentation. And APIs to explain an endpoint uri, eip configuration and what all those configured options mean. In other words the same level of complete d
 ocumentation of your Camel apps at both design and runtime, accessible from Java / JMX and tooling.</span></li><li><span>Component, data format, language and eip can now have&#160;associated&#160;label(s) which are used for grouping components into: core, database, messaging, http, rest, etc.</span></li><li><span>The XML DSL schema now include documentation</span></li><li><span>Provide Configurer for user to configure the CXF conduit and CXF destination from Java code</span></li><li><span><span>Added a <code>DelegateEndpoint</code>&#160;interface into Camel API</span></span></li><li>Support to setup the SslContextParameters in the <a shape="rect" href="restlet.html">camel-restlet</a> component</li><li>Java DSL - Should support nested choice in doTry .. doCatch</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mongodb.html">MongoDb</a> component now <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">stores OIDs</a>&#160;of the inserted records in the message he
 ader</li><li><a shape="rect" href="recipient-list.html">Recipient List</a> now supports specifying custom&#160;<a shape="rect" href="exchange-pattern.html">Exchange Pattern</a> in the endpoint ur's</li><li><a shape="rect" href="type-converter.html">Type Converter</a> to enum's is now case insensitive, so you can convert safely level=info to an enum with name Level.INFO etc.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="xslt.html">XSLT</a> and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="">Validation</a> components now provides all their endpoint configurations in the endpoint, and not only in the component, making these components like any other components.</li><li>Made the <a shape="rect" href="karaf.html">Camel Karaf Commands</a> reusable by moving common code into a&#160;<code>camel-commands-core</code> module that SPI can extend and plugin Camel commands for other environments.</li><li>Further hardening of the&#160;<a shape="rect" href="sjms.html">SJMS</a>
 &#160;component.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rest-dsl.html">Rest DSL</a> with embedded routes now supports <a shape="rect" href="exception-clause.html">onException</a>, <a shape="rect" href="intercept.html">intercept</a> etc in use for those embedded routes, just like any regular routes.&#160;</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rest-dsl.html">Rest DSL</a> now by default uses custom error message as-is without attempting to binding output (requires a HTTP error code of 300+ is set as a header)</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-propertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports specifying a default value together with the key to lookup.</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-propertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports not having to define a PropertiesComponent if all the placeholder keys has default values which are to be used (less configuration needed in those situations).</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-pro
 pertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports 3rd party functions to lookup the property values, this allow end users to implement their own logic - we provide 3 out of the box functions to lookup values from OS environment variable, JVM system properties, or the service name idiom.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rabbitmq.html">RabbitMQ</a> now pools Channels for the producer to avoid sharing same Channel among concurrent producers which are not recommended by RabbitMQ client.</li><li>Camel commands is now reusable outside Apache Karaf as a base by the&#160;<code>commands-core</code> module.</li><li>Camel commands using <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Jolokia</a> for remote communication by the&#160;<code>commands-jolokia</code> module.</li><li>More minor processors such as setHeader, removeHeader, removeHeaders and ditto for properties is now also enlisted in JMX under processors.</li><li>Optimized usage of type
  conversion during routing reducing the number of attempts needed.</li><li>Optimized CaseInsentiveMap used as message headers to use a single map instead of two and yield less memory overhead and performance</li><li>Asynchronous routing engine that are forced to block threads now exposes this using a <a shape="rect" href="asyncprocessorawaitmanager.html">manager</a> that offers runtime insight using JMX. And as well attempts to free blocked threads during graceful shutdown, to avoid any threads hanging in the JVM.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="swagger.html">Swagger</a> now supports any kind of runtime environment, as only JMX being enabled is required.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="xml-security-component.html">XML Security component</a> supports now&#160;&#160;XAdES-BES/EPES&#160;in the signer endpoint.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="hl7.html">HL7</a> MLLP codec now supports&#160;<a shape="rect" href="netty4.html">Netty4</a> based transport.</li><li>Inflight repository now allows to 
 browse the current inflight exchanges to obtain information where these exchanges are inflight and for how long. Expose this information in JMX and Camel commands as well.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="graceful-shutdown.html">Graceful Shutdown</a> now logs information about the inflight exchanges that are still present during shutdown and a timeout was hit.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="message-history.html">Message History</a> which dumps&#160;Exchange information not supports the&#160;<span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);"><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-set-the-max-chars-when-debug-logging-messages-in-camel.html">Exchange.LOG_DEBUG_BODY_MAX_CHARS</a> option to limit the max chars outputted in the logs.</span></li><li><code>DefaultClassLoader</code> now fallback and use the application context classloader that may have been set on&#160;<code>CamelContext</code> to better be able to load classes/resources from classpath in different runtime environments.<span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);"><b
 r clear="none"></span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="camel-jmx.html">Camel JMX</a> now includes current inflight exchanges at processor level, which means we can have a complete breakdown where exchanges are, and as well from the improved&#160;<code>InflightRegistry</code> which has APi and JMX api to browse the current inflight with details of the exchange and processing times etc.</li><li>Support for Jetty 9 using the new&#160;<code>camel-component-jetty9</code> module.</li><li>The&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> now stores endpoints in two caches; a static unbounded cache to keep endpoints for their lifetime, and a dynamic limited cache to keep only the recently used endpoints.&#160;</li><li><a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s used by routes are kept in the static cache of the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> as long as the lifetime of the routes.</li><li>Removing a route now also remove its static&#160;<a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s from
  the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> (if those endpoints are not shared and used by other routes). Mind that any dynamic endpoint created during routing from dynamic&#160;<a shape="rect" href="eip.html">EIP</a>s such as recipient list, routing slip, dynamic router etc, are not removed from the <code>EndpointRegistry</code>&#160;when the route is removed.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="dead-letter-channel.html">Dead Letter Channel</a> now logs a WARN if a new exception occurred while it was attempting to process the dead letter message. The new exception will by default be handled so the&#160;<a shape="rect" href="dead-letter-channel.html">Dead Letter Channel</a> always complete succesfull. The new option&#160;<span>deadLetterHandleNewException</span><span>&#160;can be set to&#160;<code>false</code> to turn this off.</span></li><li><span><a shape="rect" href="groovy.html">GroovyShell</a> creation process can now be <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="https://issues.apache.o
 rg/jira/browse/CAMEL-8259">customized</a> using <code>GroovyShellFactory</code> SPI interface.</span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html">Configuring endpoint uris in XML DSL</a> now allow to specify the uri attribute using multiple lines; this can make it more readable when having very long uris. Notice only the uri attributes support this.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html">Configuring endpoint uris in XML DSL</a>&#160;now allow to specify endpoint options using &lt;property&gt; &#160;bean style in the &lt;endpoint&gt; configuration;&#160;&#160;this can make it more readable when having very long uris.&#160;</li><li>Using custom Jackson modules is easier with the Jackson&#160;<a shape="rect" href="json.html">JSON</a>&#160;data format.</li><li>Enabling and disabling features using <a shape="rect" href="json.html">Jackson</a> data format is easier from both Java and XML DSL.</li><li>Some HTTP producer now allows GET operatio
 ns with message body (though a bit unusual to do)</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Fixedissues">Fixed issues</h3><ul><li>Fixed processors was not enlisted in JMX when routes was transacted.</li><li>Fixed the NullPointerException when using CXF endpoint with enrich</li><li>Fixed the&#160;endpointProperty of&#160;restConfiguration doesn't work issue</li><li>Fixed the issue that&#160;CircuitBreakerLoadBalancer fails on async processors</li><li>Fixed&#160;MyBatis consumer <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">ignoring maxMessagesPerPoll</a> option</li><li>Fixed potential issue with&#160;pollEnrich not triggering error handler if an exception was thrown in the polling.</li><li>Fixed a memory leak if using&#160;<a shape="rect" href="dynamic-router.html">Dynamic Router</a> that loops many times, and uses&#160;any of&#160;<code>convertBodyTo</code> or&#160;<code>setBody</code> or&#160;<code>transform</code> in the loop, causing memo
 ry to stack up until the Exchange is done.</li><li>Fixed and improved how&#160;<a shape="rect" href="bean.html">Bean</a>&#160;component and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="simple.html">Simple</a>&#160;language invoking beans detect methods that are overridden, and able to filter and apply this as a single method, to be invoked. Avoids AmbiguousMethodCallException&#160;being thrown.</li><li>Fixed a thread leak if restarting routes using stop/start and the routes is a scheduled poll consumer, such as file/ftp&#160;components.</li><li>Using ?exchangePattern=InOnly or InOut in endpoint uris now take precedence as the pattern in use when sending to the endpoint, using to/recipient list.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mail.html">Mail</a>&#160;component no longer includes headers starting with&#160;<code>Camel</code> in their keys, as those are consider internal headers and should not be included in the sent emails.</li><li>Fixed readLock=fileLock on the file component</li><li>Fixed&#160;<a shap
 e="rect" href="stomp.html">Stomp</a>&#160;not detecting failure when sending, but was assuming a send always succeeded</li><li>Fixed&#160;<a shape="rect" href="mqtt.html">MQTT</a>&#160;sending to broker being more resilient and automatic ensure re-connection when connection failures</li><li>Fixed sending to FTP may cause the producer to hang in an endless reconnection attempt if the socket connection is dead. (Use soTimeout=10000 or some positive value to potential mitigate this in older releases).</li><li><a shape="rect" href="wire-tap.html">Wire Tap</a> and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="multicast.html">Multicast</a> (in parallel mode) EIPs now copies the message body if its <a shape="rect" href="stream-caching.html">Stream caching</a>&#160;based - this allows concurrent threads to work individually using their own copy of the stream, to have reliable access to the body.<br clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New">New <a shape="rect" href="enterprise-int
 egration-patterns.html">Enterprise Integration Patterns</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.1">New <a shape="rect" href="components.html">Components</a></h3><ul><li><a shape="rect" href="beanstalk.html">camel-beanstalk</a> - for working with Amazon Beanstalk jobs.</li><li>came-cassandraql -&#160;Cassandra CQL3 support</li><li><code>camel-chunk</code> - for templating with Chunk engine.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="docker.html">camel-docker</a> - to communicate with Docker.</li><li>camel-dozer - Now also as a component to convert messages using the Dozer type conversion framework</li><li>camel-github - for integrating with github</li><li>camel-google-calendar -&#160;provides access to&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Calendar</a>&#160;via the&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Calendar Web APIs</a>.</li><li>camel-g
 oogle-mail -&#160;provides access to&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Gmail</a>&#160;via the&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Mail Web APIs</a>.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="hipchat.html">camel-hipchat</a> - to integrate with the Hipchat service</li><li>camel-pgevent -&#160;Component for sending/receiving notifications in PostgreSQL via the pgjdbc-ng driver</li><li>camel-jira - for integrating with JIRA issue tracker</li><li><a shape="rect" href="kura.html">camel-kura</a> - for deploying Camel OSGi routes into <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Eclipse Kura</a> M2M container.</li><li>camel-scr - for using Camel with <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">SCR</a>&#160;(OSGi declarative s
 ervices) on OSGi containers such as Apache Karaf</li><li><a shape="rect" href="spring-boot.html">camel-spring-boot</a> - for using Camel with Spring Boot</li><li>camel-test-spring40 - for testing with Spring 4.0.x. camel-test-spring is for Spring 4.1.x onwards.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="scheduler.html">scheduler</a> - for timer based scheduler using a scheduled thread pool and with more functionality.</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewDSL">New DSL</h3><ul><li>Added <strong>removeProperties</strong> to remove the properties from exchange.</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewAnnotations">New Annotations</h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewDataFormats">New <a shape="rect" href="data-format.html">Data Formats</a></h3><ul><li>camel-univocity-parsers</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.2">New <a shape="rect" href="languages.html">Languages</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.3">New <a shape="rect" href="examples.html">Examples</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.4">New
  <a shape="rect" href="tutorials.html">Tutorials</a></h3><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-KnownIssues">Known Issues</h2><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-DependencyUpgrades"><span>Dependency Upgrades</span></h2><ul><li>AWS-Java-SDK 1.8.3 to</li><li>Codahale Metrics 3.0 to 3.1</li><li>CXF 3.0.2 to 3.0.3</li><li>Hazelcast 3.3.2 to 3.4</li><li>JAXB 2.2.7 to 2.2.11</li><li>JRuby 1.7.16 to 1.7.18</li><li>Guava 17.0 to 18.0</li><li>Jsch 0.1.50 to 0.1.51</li><li>JsonPath 1.1.0 to 1.2.0</li><li>Spring 4.0.7.RELEASE to 4.1.4.RELEASE</li><li>Spring Security 3.1.7.RELEASE to 3.2.5.RELEASE</li><li>RX Java 0.20 to 1.0.5</li><li>... and many other upgrades</li></ul><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Importantchangestoconsiderwhenupgrading">Important changes to consider when upgrading</h2><ul><li>Spring 4.1.x is now the default out of the box Spring version.</li><li><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Unit testing with Spring 4.0.x requires using camel-test-spring40, as camel-test-spring is for Spring 4.1 or bett
 er.</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Remember to add&#160;<code class="java color1">@BootstrapWith</code><code class="java plain">(CamelTestContextBootstrapper.</code><code class="java keyword">class</code><code class="java plain">)</code>&#160;if upgrading from Spring 3.x or 4.0.x to Spring 4.1 onwards, and using the camel-test-spring module.</span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="xslt.html">XSLT</a>&#160;component now require configuring&#160;<code>transformerFactory</code> using&#160;<a shape="rect" href="uris.html">URIs</a> with the #syntax to refer to a bean. Just like any other component would do.</li><li>Slight refactor in&#160;<code>camel-metrics</code> component which may affect users who are using the java endpoint types instead of configuring using uris</li><li><code>camel-csv</code> upgraded to Commons CSV 1.x which has a different API than the old 0.x version. End users may need to adjust their code.</li><li><code>camel-sjms</code> has been refactored a bit
  to further harden this component.&#160;End users may need to adjust their code.</li><li>The <a shape="rect" href="simple.html">simple</a> function properties:locations:key has been renamed to properties-location:locations:key, as it would clash with the new functionality to specify a default value after the key name, eg properties:key:default</li><li>Removed the backlog tracer commands from the Karaf Camel commands as they are not suitable for a CLI environment</li><li>The need for runtime specific servlets in <a shape="rect" href="swagger.html">Swagger</a>&#160;has been removed, and instead just use the default servlet which is provided out of the box.&#160;</li><li><code>org.apache.camel.spi.InflightRepository</code> now includes additional methods for browsing in-flight exchanges.</li><li>Using ?exchangePattern=InOnly or InOut in endpoint uris now take precedence as the pattern in use when sending to the endpoint, using to/recipient list.</li><li><code>DefaultClassLoader</code> 
 now fallback and use the application context classloader that may have been set on&#160;<code>CamelContext</code> to better be able to load classes/resources from classpath in different runtime environments.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mail.html">Mail</a>&#160;component no longer includes headers starting with&#160;<code>Camel</code> in their keys, as those are consider internal headers and should not be included in the sent emails.</li><li>Removing a route now also remove its static&#160;<a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s from the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> (if those endpoints are not shared and used by other routes). Mind that any dynamic endpoint created during routing from dynamic&#160;<a shape="rect" href="eip.html">EIP</a>s such as recipient list, routing slip, dynamic router etc, are not removed from the <code>EndpointRegistry</code>&#160;when the route is removed.</li><li>All boolean isFoo methods on the model classes has been removed to ensure the
  model has consistent java bean getter/setter style with exactly one getter and one setter of the same type.</li><li>The exchange property language has been renamed from property to exchangeProperty&#160;<span>to avoid ambiguity, confusion and clash with properties as a general term. So use exchangeProperty instead of property.</span></li><li>The delay option in <a shape="rect" href="snmp.html">SNMP</a> has changed from using seconds to millis as time unit.</li><li>Routing starting from a&#160;<a shape="rect" href="bean.html">Bean</a>&#160;endpoint is not supported (which wasnt really intended anyway), instead start with a scheduler and use to bean instead.</li><li>Added&#160;<code>copy</code> method to&#160;<code>StreamCache</code> api for&#160;<a shape="rect" href="stream-caching.html">Stream caching</a></li><li>The&#160;<code>camel-jetty</code> component is now split into&#160;<code>camel-jetty8</code> and&#160;<code>camel-jetty9</code> to support both Jetty versions. But only on
 e is supported on the the classpath so pick only one of them.<br clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-GettingtheDistributions">Getting the Distributions</h2><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-BinaryDistributions">Binary Distributions</h3><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Download Link</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>PGP Signature file of download</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Windows Distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href=""></a></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
 mel/apache-camel/2.15.0/"></a></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">apache-camel-2.15.0.tar.gz</a></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">apache-camel-2.15.0.tar.gz.asc</a></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>    <div class="aui-message hint shadowed information-macro">
+<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h1 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Camel2.15.0release(currentlyinprogress)">Camel&#160;2.15.0 release (currently in progress)</h1><div style="padding-right:20px;float:left;margin-left:-20px;"><p><img class="confluence-embedded-image confluence-external-resource" src="" data-image-src=""></p></div><div style="min-height:200px">&#160;</div><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewandNoteworthy">New and Noteworthy</h2><p>Welcome to the 2.15.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)</p><ul><li><span>Component, data format, language and eip documentation now included in the built component JARs. And Java API and JMX API to access that documentation. And APIs to explain an endpoint uri, eip configuration and what all those configured options mean. In other words the same level of complete d
 ocumentation of your Camel apps at both design and runtime, accessible from Java / JMX and tooling.</span></li><li><span>Component, data format, language and eip can now have&#160;associated&#160;label(s) which are used for grouping components into: core, database, messaging, http, rest, etc.</span></li><li><span>The XML DSL schema now include documentation</span></li><li><span>Provide Configurer for user to configure the CXF conduit and CXF destination from Java code</span></li><li><span><span>Added a <code>DelegateEndpoint</code>&#160;interface into Camel API</span></span></li><li>Support to setup the SslContextParameters in the <a shape="rect" href="restlet.html">camel-restlet</a> component</li><li>Java DSL - Should support nested choice in doTry .. doCatch</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mongodb.html">MongoDb</a> component now <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">stores OIDs</a>&#160;of the inserted records in the message he
 ader</li><li><a shape="rect" href="recipient-list.html">Recipient List</a> now supports specifying custom&#160;<a shape="rect" href="exchange-pattern.html">Exchange Pattern</a> in the endpoint ur's</li><li><a shape="rect" href="type-converter.html">Type Converter</a> to enum's is now case insensitive, so you can convert safely level=info to an enum with name Level.INFO etc.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="xslt.html">XSLT</a> and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="">Validation</a> components now provides all their endpoint configurations in the endpoint, and not only in the component, making these components like any other components.</li><li>Made the <a shape="rect" href="karaf.html">Camel Karaf Commands</a> reusable by moving common code into a&#160;<code>camel-commands-core</code> module that SPI can extend and plugin Camel commands for other environments.</li><li>Further hardening of the&#160;<a shape="rect" href="sjms.html">SJMS</a>
 &#160;component.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rest-dsl.html">Rest DSL</a> with embedded routes now supports <a shape="rect" href="exception-clause.html">onException</a>, <a shape="rect" href="intercept.html">intercept</a> etc in use for those embedded routes, just like any regular routes.&#160;</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rest-dsl.html">Rest DSL</a> now by default uses custom error message as-is without attempting to binding output (requires a HTTP error code of 300+ is set as a header)</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-propertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports specifying a default value together with the key to lookup.</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-propertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports not having to define a PropertiesComponent if all the placeholder keys has default values which are to be used (less configuration needed in those situations).</li><li>Camel&#160;<a shape="rect" href="using-pro
 pertyplaceholder.html">Using PropertyPlaceholder</a> now supports 3rd party functions to lookup the property values, this allow end users to implement their own logic - we provide 3 out of the box functions to lookup values from OS environment variable, JVM system properties, or the service name idiom.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="rabbitmq.html">RabbitMQ</a> now pools Channels for the producer to avoid sharing same Channel among concurrent producers which are not recommended by RabbitMQ client.</li><li>Camel commands is now reusable outside Apache Karaf as a base by the&#160;<code>commands-core</code> module.</li><li>Camel commands using <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Jolokia</a> for remote communication by the&#160;<code>commands-jolokia</code> module.</li><li>More minor processors such as setHeader, removeHeader, removeHeaders and ditto for properties is now also enlisted in JMX under processors.</li><li>Optimized usage of type
  conversion during routing reducing the number of attempts needed.</li><li>Optimized CaseInsentiveMap used as message headers to use a single map instead of two and yield less memory overhead and performance</li><li>Asynchronous routing engine that are forced to block threads now exposes this using a <a shape="rect" href="asyncprocessorawaitmanager.html">manager</a> that offers runtime insight using JMX. And as well attempts to free blocked threads during graceful shutdown, to avoid any threads hanging in the JVM.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="swagger.html">Swagger</a> now supports any kind of runtime environment, as only JMX being enabled is required.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="xml-security-component.html">XML Security component</a> supports now&#160;&#160;XAdES-BES/EPES&#160;in the signer endpoint.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="hl7.html">HL7</a> MLLP codec now supports&#160;<a shape="rect" href="netty4.html">Netty4</a> based transport.</li><li>Inflight repository now allows to 
 browse the current inflight exchanges to obtain information where these exchanges are inflight and for how long. Expose this information in JMX and Camel commands as well.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="graceful-shutdown.html">Graceful Shutdown</a> now logs information about the inflight exchanges that are still present during shutdown and a timeout was hit.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="message-history.html">Message History</a> which dumps&#160;Exchange information not supports the&#160;<span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);"><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-set-the-max-chars-when-debug-logging-messages-in-camel.html">Exchange.LOG_DEBUG_BODY_MAX_CHARS</a> option to limit the max chars outputted in the logs.</span></li><li><code>DefaultClassLoader</code> now fallback and use the application context classloader that may have been set on&#160;<code>CamelContext</code> to better be able to load classes/resources from classpath in different runtime environments.<span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);"><b
 r clear="none"></span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="camel-jmx.html">Camel JMX</a> now includes current inflight exchanges at processor level, which means we can have a complete breakdown where exchanges are, and as well from the improved&#160;<code>InflightRegistry</code> which has APi and JMX api to browse the current inflight with details of the exchange and processing times etc.</li><li>Support for Jetty 9 using the new&#160;<code>camel-component-jetty9</code> module.</li><li>The&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> now stores endpoints in two caches; a static unbounded cache to keep endpoints for their lifetime, and a dynamic limited cache to keep only the recently used endpoints.&#160;</li><li><a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s used by routes are kept in the static cache of the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> as long as the lifetime of the routes.</li><li>Removing a route now also remove its static&#160;<a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s from
  the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> (if those endpoints are not shared and used by other routes). Mind that any dynamic endpoint created during routing from dynamic&#160;<a shape="rect" href="eip.html">EIP</a>s such as recipient list, routing slip, dynamic router etc, are not removed from the <code>EndpointRegistry</code>&#160;when the route is removed.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="dead-letter-channel.html">Dead Letter Channel</a> now logs a WARN if a new exception occurred while it was attempting to process the dead letter message. The new exception will by default be handled so the&#160;<a shape="rect" href="dead-letter-channel.html">Dead Letter Channel</a> always complete succesfull. The new option&#160;<span>deadLetterHandleNewException</span><span>&#160;can be set to&#160;<code>false</code> to turn this off.</span></li><li><span><a shape="rect" href="groovy.html">GroovyShell</a> creation process can now be <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="https://issues.apache.o
 rg/jira/browse/CAMEL-8259">customized</a> using <code>GroovyShellFactory</code> SPI interface.</span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html">Configuring endpoint uris in XML DSL</a> now allow to specify the uri attribute using multiple lines; this can make it more readable when having very long uris. Notice only the uri attributes support this.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="how-do-i-configure-endpoints.html">Configuring endpoint uris in XML DSL</a>&#160;now allow to specify endpoint options using &lt;property&gt; &#160;bean style in the &lt;endpoint&gt; configuration;&#160;&#160;this can make it more readable when having very long uris.&#160;</li><li>Using custom Jackson modules is easier with the Jackson&#160;<a shape="rect" href="json.html">JSON</a>&#160;data format.</li><li>Enabling and disabling features using <a shape="rect" href="json.html">Jackson</a> data format is easier from both Java and XML DSL.</li><li>Some HTTP producer now allows GET operatio
 ns with message body (though a bit unusual to do)</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Fixedissues">Fixed issues</h3><ul><li>Fixed processors was not enlisted in JMX when routes was transacted.</li><li>Fixed the NullPointerException when using CXF endpoint with enrich</li><li>Fixed the&#160;endpointProperty of&#160;restConfiguration doesn't work issue</li><li>Fixed the issue that&#160;CircuitBreakerLoadBalancer fails on async processors</li><li>Fixed&#160;MyBatis consumer <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">ignoring maxMessagesPerPoll</a> option</li><li>Fixed potential issue with&#160;pollEnrich not triggering error handler if an exception was thrown in the polling.</li><li>Fixed a memory leak if using&#160;<a shape="rect" href="dynamic-router.html">Dynamic Router</a> that loops many times, and uses&#160;any of&#160;<code>convertBodyTo</code> or&#160;<code>setBody</code> or&#160;<code>transform</code> in the loop, causing memo
 ry to stack up until the Exchange is done.</li><li>Fixed and improved how&#160;<a shape="rect" href="bean.html">Bean</a>&#160;component and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="simple.html">Simple</a>&#160;language invoking beans detect methods that are overridden, and able to filter and apply this as a single method, to be invoked. Avoids AmbiguousMethodCallException&#160;being thrown.</li><li>Fixed a thread leak if restarting routes using stop/start and the routes is a scheduled poll consumer, such as file/ftp&#160;components.</li><li>Using ?exchangePattern=InOnly or InOut in endpoint uris now take precedence as the pattern in use when sending to the endpoint, using to/recipient list.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mail.html">Mail</a>&#160;component no longer includes headers starting with&#160;<code>Camel</code> in their keys, as those are consider internal headers and should not be included in the sent emails.</li><li>Fixed readLock=fileLock on the file component</li><li>Fixed&#160;<a shap
 e="rect" href="stomp.html">Stomp</a>&#160;not detecting failure when sending, but was assuming a send always succeeded</li><li>Fixed&#160;<a shape="rect" href="mqtt.html">MQTT</a>&#160;sending to broker being more resilient and automatic ensure re-connection when connection failures</li><li>Fixed sending to FTP may cause the producer to hang in an endless reconnection attempt if the socket connection is dead. (Use soTimeout=10000 or some positive value to potential mitigate this in older releases).</li><li><a shape="rect" href="wire-tap.html">Wire Tap</a> and&#160;<a shape="rect" href="multicast.html">Multicast</a> (in parallel mode) EIPs now copies the message body if its <a shape="rect" href="stream-caching.html">Stream caching</a>&#160;based - this allows concurrent threads to work individually using their own copy of the stream, to have reliable access to the body.<br clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New">New <a shape="rect" href="enterprise-int
 egration-patterns.html">Enterprise Integration Patterns</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.1">New <a shape="rect" href="components.html">Components</a></h3><ul><li><a shape="rect" href="beanstalk.html">camel-beanstalk</a> - for working with Amazon Beanstalk jobs.</li><li>came-cassandraql -&#160;Cassandra CQL3 support</li><li><code>camel-chunk</code> - for templating with Chunk engine.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="docker.html">camel-docker</a> - to communicate with Docker.</li><li>camel-dozer - Now also as a component to convert messages using the Dozer type conversion framework</li><li>camel-github - for integrating with github</li><li>camel-google-calendar -&#160;provides access to&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Calendar</a>&#160;via the&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Calendar Web APIs</a>.</li><li>camel-g
 oogle-mail -&#160;provides access to&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Gmail</a>&#160;via the&#160;<a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Google Mail Web APIs</a>.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="hipchat.html">camel-hipchat</a> - to integrate with the Hipchat service</li><li>camel-pgevent -&#160;Component for sending/receiving notifications in PostgreSQL via the pgjdbc-ng driver</li><li>camel-jira - for integrating with JIRA issue tracker</li><li><a shape="rect" href="kura.html">camel-kura</a> - for deploying Camel OSGi routes into <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Eclipse Kura</a> M2M container.</li><li>camel-scr - for using Camel with <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">SCR</a>&#160;(OSGi declarative s
 ervices) on OSGi containers such as Apache Karaf</li><li><a shape="rect" href="spring-boot.html">camel-spring-boot</a> - for using Camel with Spring Boot</li><li>camel-test-spring40 - for testing with Spring 4.0.x. camel-test-spring is for Spring 4.1.x onwards.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="scheduler.html">scheduler</a> - for timer based scheduler using a scheduled thread pool and with more functionality.</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewDSL">New DSL</h3><ul><li>Added <strong>removeProperties</strong> to remove the properties from exchange.</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewAnnotations">New Annotations</h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-NewDataFormats">New <a shape="rect" href="data-format.html">Data Formats</a></h3><ul><li>camel-univocity-parsers</li></ul><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.2">New <a shape="rect" href="languages.html">Languages</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.3">New <a shape="rect" href="examples.html">Examples</a></h3><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-New.4">New
  <a shape="rect" href="tutorials.html">Tutorials</a></h3><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-KnownIssues">Known Issues</h2><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-DependencyUpgrades"><span>Dependency Upgrades</span></h2><ul><li>AWS-Java-SDK 1.8.3 to</li><li>Codahale Metrics 3.0 to 3.1</li><li>CXF 3.0.2 to 3.0.3</li><li>Hazelcast 3.3.2 to 3.4</li><li>JAXB 2.2.7 to 2.2.11</li><li>JRuby 1.7.16 to 1.7.18</li><li>Guava 17.0 to 18.0</li><li>Jsch 0.1.50 to 0.1.51</li><li>JsonPath 1.1.0 to 1.2.0</li><li>Spring 4.0.7.RELEASE to 4.1.4.RELEASE</li><li>Spring Security 3.1.7.RELEASE to 3.2.5.RELEASE</li><li>RX Java 0.20 to 1.0.5</li><li>... and many other upgrades</li></ul><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-Importantchangestoconsiderwhenupgrading">Important changes to consider when upgrading</h2><ul><li>Spring 4.1.x is now the default out of the box Spring version.</li><li><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Unit testing with Spring 4.0.x requires using camel-test-spring40, as camel-test-spring is for Spring 4.1 or bett
 er.</span></li><li><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0);">Remember to add&#160;<code class="java color1">@BootstrapWith</code><code class="java plain">(CamelTestContextBootstrapper.</code><code class="java keyword">class</code><code class="java plain">)</code>&#160;if upgrading from Spring 3.x or 4.0.x to Spring 4.1 onwards, and using the camel-test-spring module.</span></li><li><a shape="rect" href="xslt.html">XSLT</a>&#160;component now require configuring&#160;<code>transformerFactory</code> using&#160;<a shape="rect" href="uris.html">URIs</a> with the #syntax to refer to a bean. Just like any other component would do.</li><li>Slight refactor in&#160;<code>camel-metrics</code> component which may affect users who are using the java endpoint types instead of configuring using uris</li><li><code>camel-csv</code> upgraded to Commons CSV 1.x which has a different API than the old 0.x version. End users may need to adjust their code.</li><li><code>camel-sjms</code> has been refactored a bit
  to further harden this component.&#160;End users may need to adjust their code.</li><li>The <a shape="rect" href="simple.html">simple</a> function properties:locations:key has been renamed to properties-location:locations:key, as it would clash with the new functionality to specify a default value after the key name, eg properties:key:default</li><li>Removed the backlog tracer commands from the Karaf Camel commands as they are not suitable for a CLI environment</li><li>The need for runtime specific servlets in <a shape="rect" href="swagger.html">Swagger</a>&#160;has been removed, and instead just use the default servlet which is provided out of the box.&#160;</li><li><code>org.apache.camel.spi.InflightRepository</code> now includes additional methods for browsing in-flight exchanges.</li><li>Using ?exchangePattern=InOnly or InOut in endpoint uris now take precedence as the pattern in use when sending to the endpoint, using to/recipient list.</li><li><code>DefaultClassLoader</code> 
 now fallback and use the application context classloader that may have been set on&#160;<code>CamelContext</code> to better be able to load classes/resources from classpath in different runtime environments.</li><li><a shape="rect" href="mail.html">Mail</a>&#160;component no longer includes headers starting with&#160;<code>Camel</code> in their keys, as those are consider internal headers and should not be included in the sent emails.</li><li>Removing a route now also remove its static&#160;<a shape="rect" href="endpoint.html">Endpoint</a>'s from the&#160;<code>EndpointRegistry</code> (if those endpoints are not shared and used by other routes). Mind that any dynamic endpoint created during routing from dynamic&#160;<a shape="rect" href="eip.html">EIP</a>s such as recipient list, routing slip, dynamic router etc, are not removed from the <code>EndpointRegistry</code>&#160;when the route is removed.</li><li>All boolean isFoo methods on the model classes has been removed to ensure the
  model has consistent java bean getter/setter style with exactly one getter and one setter of the same type.</li><li>The exchange property language has been renamed from property to exchangeProperty&#160;<span>to avoid ambiguity, confusion and clash with properties as a general term. So use exchangeProperty instead of property.</span></li><li>The delay option in <a shape="rect" href="snmp.html">SNMP</a> has changed from using seconds to millis as time unit.</li><li>Routing starting from a&#160;<a shape="rect" href="bean.html">Bean</a>&#160;endpoint is not supported (which wasnt really intended anyway), instead start with a scheduler and use to bean instead.</li><li>Added&#160;<code>copy</code> method to&#160;<code>StreamCache</code> api for&#160;<a shape="rect" href="stream-caching.html">Stream caching</a></li><li>The&#160;<code>camel-jetty</code> component is now split into&#160;<code>camel-jetty8</code> and&#160;<code>camel-jetty9</code> to support both Jetty versions. But only on
 e is supported on the the classpath so pick only one of them.</li><li>Custom components using&#160;<code>@UriEndpoint</code> must now include a syntax attribute to document the uri syntax of the endpoint, when using the apt compiler plugin to generate documentation.<br clear="none"><br clear="none"></li></ul><h2 id="Camel2.15.0Release-GettingtheDistributions">Getting the Distributions</h2><h3 id="Camel2.15.0Release-BinaryDistributions">Binary Distributions</h3><div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Description</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Download Link</p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>PGP Signature file of download</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Windows Distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="
 apache-camel/2.15.0/"></a></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href=""></a></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">apache-camel-2.15.0.tar.gz</a></p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p><a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">apache-camel-2.15.0.tar.gz.asc</a></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>    <div class="aui-message hint shadowed information-macro">
                     <p class="title">The above URLs use redirection</p>
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