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Posted to by Webperform Automailer <> on 2009/07/20 05:42:54 UTC

Weekly Report: Maven Central Repository (2009-07-12)

weekly report:  Maven Central Repository

for company:    ASF
period:         2009-07-12 00:00 - 2009-07-19 00:00
time zone:      America/Montreal

details of test

    test:       Maven Central Repository
    type:       loadtime
    interval:   60 minutes
    probes:     Interoute Amsterdam, Verio Sterling, PSINet London, Chinacom Shanghai, OVH Paris, TDC Aarhus, Verizon Brussels

characteristics of load time 

    minimum value:       0.079 seconds
    maximum value:      30.319 seconds
    arithmetic mean:     0.421 seconds
    trimmed mean:        0.341 seconds

error rate:

    samples without errors:   1155 ( 99.83%)
    samples with errors:         2 (  0.17%)
    service reachable:        1155 ( 99.83%)
    total sample count:       1157 (  100%)

load time distribution

      range (seconds)  |      samples
       from  |  till   |  count  | percentage
        0    |    0.5  |   1049  |   90.67%
        0.5  |    1    |    101  |    8.73%
        1    |    2    |      2  |    0.17%
        2    |    4    |      0  |    0%
        4    |    8    |      0  |    0%
        8    |   16    |      0  |    0%
       16    |   32    |      3  |    0.26%
       32    |         |      0  |    0%

error distribution

                   error                       |  count  | percentage
      3011 Timeout: Resolving                  |      2  |    100%

load time/error distribution (day)
                  |        load time in seconds        |    samples
        period    |  minimum  |  trimmed   |  maximum  |        |  with
                  |   value   |    mean    |   value   |  total | errors 
    00:00 - 01:59 |    0.120  |     0.345  |    0.725  |     94 |      0
    02:00 - 03:59 |    0.120  |     0.337  |   21.128  |     98 |      0
    04:00 - 05:59 |    0.079  |     0.343  |    1.457  |     98 |      0
    06:00 - 07:59 |    0.083  |     0.335  |    0.681  |     98 |      0
    08:00 - 09:59 |    0.122  |     0.343  |    0.674  |     98 |      0
    10:00 - 11:59 |    0.121  |     0.345  |    0.971  |     98 |      0
    12:00 - 13:59 |    0.121  |     0.342  |    0.672  |     98 |      0
    14:00 - 15:59 |    0.124  |     0.351  |   30.319  |     98 |      0
    16:00 - 17:59 |    0.122  |     0.351  |    0.671  |     98 |      1
    18:00 - 19:59 |    0.121  |     0.343  |    0.723  |     95 |      0
    20:00 - 21:59 |    0.121  |     0.332  |    1.220  |     92 |      0
    22:00 - 23:59 |    0.121  |     0.331  |    0.669  |     92 |      1

load time/error distribution (week)
                  |        load time in seconds        |    samples
       weekday    |  minimum  |  trimmed   |  maximum  |        |  with
                  |   value   |    mean    |   value   |  total | errors 
    Monday        |    0.121  |     0.346  |    0.678  |    166 |      0
    Tuesday       |    0.120  |     0.337  |    1.220  |    168 |      0
    Wednesday     |    0.121  |     0.326  |    0.725  |    163 |      1
    Thursday      |    0.121  |     0.328  |   30.319  |    166 |      1
    Friday        |    0.079  |     0.339  |    0.971  |    168 |      0
    Saturday      |    0.121  |     0.355  |    0.723  |    163 |      0
    Sunday        |    0.120  |     0.356  |   21.128  |    163 |      0

load time/error distribution (probes)
                  |        load time in seconds        |    samples
        probe     |  minimum  |  trimmed   |  maximum  |        |  with
                  |   value   |    mean    |   value   |  total | errors 
    Chinacom Shan |    0.414  |     0.583  |    1.220  |    149 |      0
    Interoute Ams |    0.386  |     0.392  |    0.452  |    168 |      0
    OVH Paris     |    0.334  |     0.355  |    0.446  |    168 |      1
    PSINet London |    0.203  |     0.315  |   30.319  |    168 |      1
    TDC Aarhus    |    0.281  |     0.360  |    0.447  |    168 |      0
    Verio Sterlin |    0.079  |     0.126  |   21.128  |    168 |      0
    Verizon Bruss |    0.251  |     0.334  |    1.457  |    168 |      0

error log

             date        |      probe    | error count x error code
    2009-07-15 WED 23:45 | OVH Paris     | 1x3011 
    2009-07-16 THU 16:52 | PSINet London | 1x3011 

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