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Bug report for JMeter [2014/05/25]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor   NOR=Normal    ENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|11536|New|Enh|2002-08-07|Graph Results's throughput calculation includes id|
|17248|New|Enh|2003-02-20|Graph Improvements : Add number of concurrent Thre|
|17252|New|Enh|2003-02-20|HTML Link Parser seems not work properly.         |
|24480|New|Enh|2003-11-06|There is no good way to set checkbox based items u|
|25430|New|Enh|2003-12-11|Recording Controller to populate HTTP Authorisatio|
|27895|New|Enh|2004-03-24|badly formatted JDBC output (a regression w.r.t. 1|
|29603|Opn|Enh|2004-06-16|Custom component developers need own resource bund|
|29708|New|Enh|2004-06-21|startup delay by JMeterThread initialization      |
|31666|New|Enh|2004-10-12|writing sampleresults to databases                |
|33305|New|Enh|2005-01-31|Visual diff and merge functionality for JMeter scr|
|33878|New|Enh|2005-03-07|Function caching as option                        |
|34321|New|Enh|2005-04-06|password encryption for HTTP Authorization Manager|
|35593|New|Enh|2005-07-03|Commons chain sampler                             |
|35670|New|Enh|2005-07-09|Default parameters not displayed                  |
|35915|New|Enh|2005-07-28|MonitorResults does not write results n CSV format|
|36931|New|Enh|2005-10-05|Printable Version of the Users Manual             |
|39642|New|Enh|2006-05-23|Need a sampler forJMX mbean-servers.              |
|40181|New|Enh|2006-08-03|Add a new Session Bean protocol extension         |
|41110|New|Enh|2006-12-05|Jmeter does not record calculated values, such as |
|41210|Inf|Enh|2006-12-19|Latency time is not included in the summary report|
|41319|New|Nor|2007-01-08|Parameter value being URL decoded in URLRewritingM|
|41800|New|Enh|2007-03-09|Parser for parsing the CSV results using JMeter An|
|41921|New|Enh|2007-03-21|JDBC sampler : Add hashing of Data to avoid storin|
|42012|Opn|Enh|2007-04-01|Variable Listener filenames do not get processed i|
|42248|New|Enh|2007-04-25|Need undo-redo support                            |
|42837|New|Enh|2007-07-09|Provide link between .jmx and .jtl files          |
|42867|Inf|Enh|2007-07-12|Only default parameters of Java Request Samplers a|
|43284|New|Enh|2007-09-02|Centralise use of ".jmx" and ".jtl" etc           |
|43380|New|Enh|2007-09-13|override "download embedded ressources" for all ht|
|43381|Inf|Enh|2007-09-13|view results tree grouping results per threadgroup|
|43384|New|Enh|2007-09-13|using semaphores in jmeter (block critical regions|
|43450|Opn|Nor|2007-09-21|Listeners/Savers assume SampleResult count is alwa|
|43484|New|Nor|2007-09-26|Remote Statistical mode needs to collect min/max s|
|43549|New|Enh|2007-10-04|Enhancing FTP Request with chmod or other unix com|
|43730|New|Enh|2007-10-29|User-settable JVM DNS cache expiry                |
|44420|New|Enh|2008-02-14|AccessLog Sampler - process session ids?          |
|44802|New|Enh|2008-04-10| enhancement          |
|45168|New|Nor|2008-06-09|Listeners need to take idleTime into account      |
|45169|New|Nor|2008-06-09|SampleResult idleTime not always taken into accoun|
|45258|New|Enh|2008-06-23|Child sample handling by Assertions and Post-Proce|
|45267|New|Enh|2008-06-24|Feature request - loading property files from GUI |
|45268|New|Enh|2008-06-24|Add possibility to choose a set of defaults for sa|
|45589|New|Enh|2008-08-07|Automatic extraction of CSV Result from sumarry re|
|46237|New|Enh|2008-11-18|add skeleton-key http authentication to AccessLogS|
|46831|Opn|Enh|2009-03-10|if "Response data" consists text with "$" then usi|
|46932|Opn|Nor|2009-03-27|alias given in select statement is not used as col|
|46972|Inf|Enh|2009-04-05|TestNG integration with JMeter                    |
|47040|New|Enh|2009-04-16|OAuth Support                                     |
|47045|New|Enh|2009-04-17|JDBC Request .sql script file execution           |
|47302|New|Enh|2009-06-02|Ability to look at summaries without GUI (non-gui)|
|47587|New|Enh|2009-07-27|Proxy : Support semicolon separated parameters whe|
|47660|New|Enh|2009-08-07|HTTP Sampler : Enable sending large files using JD|
|48145|New|Enh|2009-11-05|Integrating DTrace with JMeter                    |
|48412|New|Enh|2009-12-18|Authorization Manager should offer way to use mult|
|48450|New|Enh|2009-12-28|Add support of Spring Webflow to JMeter           |
|48799|New|Enh|2010-02-22|[PATCH] Adding connect time and processing time to|
|49949|New|Enh|2010-09-17|Can't add fields to Multipart body headers        |
|49974|New|Enh|2010-09-22|Allow to pause and resume tests                   |
|50034|New|Enh|2010-10-01|Provide API for running JMeter                    |
|50053|New|Enh|2010-10-07|Mark Ignored Timers in red                        |
|50580|Inf|Enh|2011-01-13|New Config element: TabularDataSet                |
|51092|New|Enh|2011-04-20|Allow to store the content of the "View Results Tr|
|51128|New|Enh|2011-04-27|Feature request: JMeter lacks general pre-processo|
|51140|New|Enh|2011-05-02|Possibility to provide a specific error/failure me|
|51480|New|Nor|2011-07-06|ConstantThroughputTimer in shared mode all threads|
|51810|Opn|Enh|2011-09-14|Monitor Results should have an input field used to|
|51818|New|Enh|2011-09-15|Connection between displayed element in Results Tr|
|51822|Inf|Enh|2011-09-15|Selecting a node triggers too many gui (JMeterGUIC|
|51938|New|Min|2011-10-03|ClientJMeterEngine can leave server in busy state |
|51983|New|Enh|2011-10-06|Nested sampler approach needs review              |
|52031|New|Enh|2011-10-14|Allow BSF and JSR223 test elements to share interp|
|52061|New|Enh|2011-10-20|Allow access to Request Headers in Regex Extractor|
|52073|New|Enh|2011-10-23|Concurrent Download : Improve performances by avoi|
|52131|New|Enh|2011-11-03|Eliminate DefaultKeyStore and simplify code       |
|52199|New|Enh|2011-11-16|Http Mock Server & Http Callback Assertions       |
|52273|New|Enh|2011-12-01|Add FTPS Sampler (using FTP sampler GUI)          |
|52274|New|Enh|2011-12-01|Add SFTP Sampler (using FTP sampler GUI)          |
|52307|New|Enh|2011-12-09|Add sample numbering option to View Results Tree  |
|52358|New|Enh|2011-12-19|Does SampleResult config field have to be saved to|
|52419|New|Enh|2012-01-04|JMeter needs to be able to handle video streaming |
|52496|New|Nor|2012-01-22|Listeners don't show iteration counts when a If Co|
|52506|New|Enh|2012-01-23|Consider moving some property files to jars       |
|52596|New|Enh|2012-02-03|Feature Request - Allow Thread Groups to be organi|
|52618|New|Maj|2012-02-07|The first CSV Data Set config returns <EOF> for fi|
|52707|New|Enh|2012-02-19|Make Open File dialog use last opened file folder |
|52948|New|Enh|2012-03-20|Enhance FTP Sampler/Jmeter client to support for P|
|52959|New|Enh|2012-03-21|Option to toggle all other samples, thread groups,|
|52962|New|Enh|2012-03-21|Allow sorting by column for aggregate and summary |
|52984|New|Enh|2012-03-26|JMeter Synchronizing Timer couldn't sync with diff|
|52989|New|Enh|2012-03-27|JMeter client(OS enabled IPv4 & IPv6) couldn't con|
|53039|New|Enh|2012-04-05|SampleResult's "bytes" and "bodySize" are currentl|
|53159|New|Enh|2012-04-28|Enable parallel execution of Sampler for Same user|
|53170|New|Enh|2012-05-01|Add a FormFiller to process Forms with dynamic fie|
|53277|New|Nor|2012-05-22|HashTree can theoretically drop elements          |
|53317|New|Enh|2012-05-29|Add an option to pause rampup                     |
|53457|New|Enh|2012-06-22|Could use System.console() for password prompting |
|53501|Opn|Nor|2012-07-03|Synchronization timer blocks test end.            |
|53540|Opn|Nor|2012-07-12|HTTP Cache Manager - 304 not modified on the main |
|53628|New|Enh|2012-07-31|Feature Request  -Jmeter does not support Soap Req|
|53648|New|Enh|2012-08-02|Add ability to read cookies from access log in Acc|
|53668|New|Enh|2012-08-07|POST results in JSON format                       |
|53739|New|Enh|2012-08-19|Summariser: allow delta to be logged more often th|
|53748|Inf|Enh|2012-08-20|timer for the access log sampler                  |
|53764|New|Enh|2012-08-22|Website : Create a new style for website          |
|53795|New|Enh|2012-08-29|Simplify passing data from setUp thread group     |
|53804|New|Nor|2012-08-31|FileServer should fix hasHeader setting when creat|
|53813|New|Enh|2012-09-02|FileServer - should it allow multiple instances?  |
|53815|New|Enh|2012-09-02|FileServer synchronisation is rather crude        |
|53825|New|Enh|2012-09-03|StatCalculator#getDistribution & DistributionGraph|
|53833|New|Enh|2012-09-05|Enable using the same ConnectionFactory for Multip|
|53848|New|Enh|2012-09-10|HTTP embedded URLs - provide negative regex matchi|
|53857|New|Enh|2012-09-11|Save-button should be disabled (greyed out), if no|
|53878|New|Enh|2012-09-15|Thread Groups Defaults                            |
|53894|New|Enh|2012-09-19|Heartbeat function for jMeter running as slave in |
|53957|New|Enh|2012-10-03|When pasting lists from the clipboard, parse on ':|
|53973|Inf|Enh|2012-10-05|Enhance XPATH Extractor to support multiple field |
|53976|Opn|Enh|2012-10-06|Add a way to clear a Cookie on demand             |
|54005|Opn|Enh|2012-10-14|HTTP Mirror Server : Add special headers "X-" to c|
|54066|Inf|Enh|2012-10-29|New function __Replace() for replacing some patter|
|54100|New|Min|2012-11-05|Switching languages during test messes Start/Stop/|
|54153|New|Enh|2012-11-15|SampleSender should take into account SaveService |
|54156|New|Nor|2012-11-15|DurationAssertion does not seem to make difference|
|54176|Opn|Enh|2012-11-20|Regular expression markers `\Q` `\E` doesn't work |
|54205|New|Enh|2012-11-25|Add Java Serialization sampler                    |
|54333|New|Enh|2012-12-20|Ability to suppress generation of specific samples|
|54434|New|Enh|2013-01-16|Add possibility to save ByteMessage content in the|
|54442|New|Enh|2013-01-17|Support Websocket protocol                        |
|54449|New|Min|2013-01-18|HTTPS requests using HC4 hang for 4-5 seconds when|
|54478|New|Reg|2013-01-24|Wrong response time with mode=Statistical and num_|
|54481|Opn|Nor|2013-01-24|Assertion fails when Transaction Controller genera|
|54525|New|Enh|2013-02-05|Search and replace for new variables              |
|54586|Opn|Min|2013-02-19|View Results Tree : HTML view fails to display htm|
|54717|Inf|Enh|2013-03-18|BatchSampleSender/StatisticalSampleSender slows th|
|54778|New|Nor|2013-03-31|HTTP Sampler should not return 204 when resource i|
|54784|New|Enh|2013-04-02|can't use keyboard to Add elements with right-clic|
|54826|New|Nor|2013-04-10|StackOverflowError in RenderAsJSON#prettyJSON     |
|54884|Inf|Enh|2013-04-24|Add up/down system in Response Assertion to move p|
|54885|New|Enh|2013-04-24|Add a Status to listeners to allow disabling them |
|55099|New|Enh|2013-06-13|ResultSaver should create intermediate directories|
|55168|New|Min|2013-07-01|Documentation : Clarify Response Time or Elapsed T|
|55256|New|Enh|2013-07-12|Better url-param and body handling                |
|55258|New|Enh|2013-07-12|Drop "New" icon from toolbar                      |
|55260|New|Nor|2013-07-13|Launch script fails under cygwin - suggested (simp|
|55375|Opn|Nor|2013-08-07|StackOverflowError with ModuleController in Non-GU|
|55457|Inf|Enh|2013-08-20|Allow JMeter variables in JUnit Request sampler's |
|55510|New|Min|2013-08-31|In distributed testing : totalThreads always show |
|55522|New|Enh|2013-09-04|Usability and Security Request - GUI and Hash/Salt|
|55532|New|Enh|2013-09-06|Proxy recorder should create the sample before exe|
|55564|New|Enh|2013-09-17|"Clear All" for Aggregate Graph is not clearing th|
|55597|New|Enh|2013-09-26|View Results Tree should include a search feature |
|55634|New|Enh|2013-10-06|Parsing of embedded resources in HTML pages useles|
|55652|New|Nor|2013-10-13|JavaSampler silently resets classname if class can|
|55756|Opn|Enh|2013-11-07|HTTP Mirror Server : Add ability to set Headers   |
|55784|New|Enh|2013-11-15|Implement SPDY in Jmeter                          |
|55827|Inf|Nor|2013-11-28|Iteration over a view on a synchronized collection|
|55840|New|Enh|2013-12-03|Enhancement For XPathExtractor                    |
|55863|New|Enh|2013-12-09|Create Mac OSX app bundle                         |
|55913|New|Enh|2013-12-19|Create a test case to compare performances of html|
|55932|New|Enh|2013-12-25|Create a Graphite Listener                        |
|55980|Inf|Nor|2014-01-08|Unable to proceed with unsafe character warning in|
|56037|Inf|Maj|2014-01-20|In non-GUI mode test run gets incorrectly set to f|
|56048|Inf|Trv|2014-01-21|Open file popup box scrolling breaks up screen    |
|56057|Inf|Maj|2014-01-23|JMeter does not create ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA|
|56103|New|Nor|2014-02-03|Need ability to override "Retrieve All Embedded Re|
|56119|Inf|Nor|2014-02-07|File uploads fail every other attempt using timers|
|56141|New|Maj|2014-02-15|Application does not behave correctly when using H|
|56150|New|Nor|2014-02-18|On using scroll, the element list for thread group|
|56159|New|Nor|2014-02-19|Spurious notification that the test plan has chang|
|56160|New|Nor|2014-02-19|StackOverflowError when using WhileController with|
|56161|New|Nor|2014-02-19|Data is corrupted on PUT request when not using 10|
|56163|New|Enh|2014-02-19|HTTP Cache Manager only sends If-None-Match header|
|56174|New|Maj|2014-02-21|ERROR - jmeter.util.JMeterUtils: Unable to get loc|
|56197|New|Maj|2014-02-27|HTTP Request Component fails to Send File with the|
|56212|New|Nor|2014-03-03|Strange display bugs on scrolling                 |
|56280|Inf|Maj|2014-03-18|NPE on Kerberos login attempt using HTTPHC4 Implem|
|56292|Inf|Nor|2014-03-20|Add the check of the Java's version in startup fil|
|56303|New|Min|2014-03-22|Need to scroll right to stop recording while maxim|
|56357|Inf|Nor|2014-04-07|Certificates does not conform to algorithm constra|
|56358|Opn|Nor|2014-04-07|Cookie manager does not support cross port cookies|
|56359|New|Enh|2014-04-07|There should be a way to sample and stream respons|
|56367|New|Reg|2014-04-08|JMeter 2.11 on maven central triggers a not existi|
|56368|New|Enh|2014-04-08|No source package deployed on Maven central       |
|56376|New|Nor|2014-04-09|when using remote the 'http url re-writing modifie|
|56419|New|Nor|2014-04-17|Jmeter silently fails to save results             |
|56428|New|Nor|2014-04-18|MailReaderSampler - should it use mail.pop3s.* pro|
|56431|New|Enh|2014-04-18|Add ability for RegexExtractor to fail sampler res|
|56432|New|Enh|2014-04-19|MailReaderSampler - implement connection and socke|
|56433|New|Reg|2014-04-19|CSVSample.jmx broken                              |
|56462|New|Nor|2014-04-27|HTTPClient fail to follow relative redirects      |
|56507|New|Maj|2014-05-09|Multi/Nested-loops do not iterate as expected (rel|
|56510|New|Nor|2014-05-11|JMS Publisher: Enable proper usage of JMS properti|
|56535|New|Nor|2014-05-16|JDBC Sampler: Response wrong if DB-Field is of typ|
|56538|New|Nor|2014-05-17|Mail reader sampler: "Aggregate Report" returns ra|
|56539|New|Nor|2014-05-17|Mail reader sampler: IMAP sampler gets different d|
|56540|New|Enh|2014-05-17|Mail reader sampler/IMAP enhancement:  getting the|
|56552|New|Nor|2014-05-21|Add option to disable interpolation in JSR223     |
|56554|New|Enh|2014-05-22|Generate compilation cache key automatically      |
| Total  197 bugs                                                           |