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Posted to by John Smith <> on 2007/07/22 18:20:29 UTC

Automatically generated WSDL file of attachment sample fully interoperable?


I want/need ;) to develop a web service that accepts a file.

After I got a little familiar with Axis I searched for articles about passing files to web services.
I stumbled across the following IBM developerWorks article:

"Web services programming tips and tricks: SOAP attachments with JAX-RPC"

After that I checked out the EchoAttachment sample of the latest Axis release (1.4).
After deploying it I looked at the automatically generated WSDL file and was a little bit irritated...

The type of the parameter of the echo function is declared as DataHandler in the WSDL file. There is nothing to be found in the WSDL file about MIME like in the mentioned IBM article.
It looks to me like DataHandler will constrain the use of the web service to Java users because DataHandler is only known in the Java space - or am I missing something here?


Bernhard Pauler

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