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svn commit: r178867 - in /xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts: ./

Author: jasons
Date: Sat May 28 05:17:17 2005
New Revision: 178867


    xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/   (with props)
      - copied unchanged from r177927, xerces/xerces-p/trunk/docs/

Added: xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/
--- xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ (added)
+++ xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ Sat May 28 05:17:17 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use blib;
+use XML::Xerces;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Linux::MemInfo;
+use Proc::ProcessTable;
+use IO::Handle;
+use vars qw(@LEAK);
+$OPTIONS{count} = 1000;
+$OPTIONS{iter} = 10;
+$OPTIONS{test} = 'dom';
+my $rc = GetOptions(\%OPTIONS,
+		    'file=s',
+		    'count=i',
+		    'iter=i',
+		    'test=s',
+		    'help',
+		    'validate',
+		    'leak',
+		    'schema',
+		    );
+my $USAGE = <<"EOU";
+usage: $0 [required flags] [optional flags]
+  required flags:
+    --file=file_name  : the XML file to parse
+    --test=name       : which test to run
+  test names:
+    dom               : use a DOM parser (default)
+    dom               : use a SAX parser
+    domcreate         : create a DOM tree
+    nodemap           : check DOMNamedNodeMap for leaks
+    nodelist          : check DOMNodeList for leaks
+    membuf            : check MemBufInputSource
+    domappend         : test DOMExceptions for leaks
+    domelement        : test DOMExceptions for leaks (part 2)
+    xmlexcept         : test XMLExceptions for leaks
+  optional parameters:
+    --count=num       : run num iterations default = $OPTIONS{count}
+    --iter=num        : # iterations to print results = $OPTIONS{iter}
+    --leak            : leak memory on purpose to test the script
+    --validate        : turn validation on
+    --schema          : parse a W3C XML Schema file (forces --validate)
+    --help            : print this message
+die "$rc\n$USAGE" unless $rc;
+die $USAGE if exists $OPTIONS{help};
+my $xml;
+unless ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'domcreate'
+	or $OPTIONS{test} eq 'membuf'
+	or $OPTIONS{test} eq 'domelement'
+	or $OPTIONS{test} eq 'domappend'
+	or $OPTIONS{test} eq 'xmlexcept'
+       ) {
+  die "Must specify --file\n$USAGE"
+    unless exists $OPTIONS{file};
+  open(IN,$OPTIONS{file})
+    or die "Couldn't open $OPTIONS{file} for reading";
+  # slurp in the file
+  {
+    local $/;
+    $xml = <IN>;
+  }
+my @tests = qw(dom
+	       sax
+	       sax2
+	       nodemap
+	       nodelist
+	       domcreate
+	       domappend
+	       membuf
+	       domelement
+	       xmlexcept
+	      );
+unless (grep {$OPTIONS{test} eq $_} @tests) {
+  die "Invalid test: $OPTIONS{test}, use one of: " . join(',', @tests) . "\n";
+my $logfile = '/tmp/xerces-memtest.log';
+  or die "Couldn't open $logfile for reading";
+  # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
+  #   when the module is loaded. no longer does this.
+  #
+  #
+$main::LEAK = 1
+  if exists $OPTIONS{leak};
+# we initialize the starting memory after running the first iteration
+my $starting_size;
+my $validate = 0;
+my $schema = 0;
+my $namespace = 0;
+if (exists $OPTIONS{validate}) {
+  if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'dom') {
+    $validate = $XML::Xerces::AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always;
+  } else {
+    $validate = 1;
+  }
+if (exists $OPTIONS{schema}) {
+  $validate = 1;
+  $schema = 1;
+  $namespace = 1;
+my $errorHandler = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new() ;
+# Just to make sure there is only one, $Parser is global but it's not used anywhere else:
+my $dom = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new() ;
+$dom->setErrorHandler($errorHandler) ;
+$dom->setValidationScheme ($validate);
+$dom->setDoNamespaces ($namespace);
+$dom->setDoSchema ($schema);
+$dom->setValidationSchemaFullChecking ($schema);
+$dom->setValidationConstraintFatal ($validate);
+package MyDocumentHandler;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XML::Xerces::PerlDocumentHandler);
+sub start_element {
+  my ($self,$name,$attrs) = @_;
+  my $count = $attrs->getLength();
+  if ($main::LEAK) {
+    push(@main::LEAK,$attrs);
+  }
+sub end_element {}
+sub characters {
+sub ignorable_whitespace {
+package main;
+my $sax = XML::Xerces::SAXParser->new() ;
+$sax->setErrorHandler($errorHandler) ;
+$sax->setValidationScheme ($validate);
+$sax->setDoNamespaces ($namespace);
+$sax->setDoSchema ($schema);
+$sax->setValidationSchemaFullChecking ($schema);
+$sax->setValidationConstraintFatal ($validate);
+my $handler = MyDocumentHandler->new();
+if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'nodelist' or $OPTIONS{test} eq 'nodemap') {
+  $dom->parse($OPTIONS{file});
+my ($domImpl,$dt);
+my $doc;
+if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'domelement') {
+  $domImpl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+  $doc = $domImpl->createDocument('myns', 'HISTORY', undef);
+my $DOCUMENT = <<XML;
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<HISTORY xmlns="myns" xmlns:myns="myns"	
+	xmlns:xsi="" 
+	xsi:schemaLocation="myns test.xsd">
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+	<RECORD ID="0" PRICE="1.1" VOL="10"/>
+for (my $count=1;$count<=$OPTIONS{count};$count++) {
+  # run the loop
+  if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'dom') {
+    test_dom($xml,$dom);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'sax') {
+    test_sax($sax);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'domcreate') {
+    test_dom_create();
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'domelement') {
+    test_dom_create_element();
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'domappend') {
+    test_dom_create_element();
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'membuf') {
+    test_membuf();
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'sax2') {
+    test_sax2($xml);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'xmlexcept') {
+    test_xmlexcept();
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'nodelist') {
+    test_domlist($xml,$dom);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'nodemap') {
+    test_dommap($xml,$dom);
+  } else {
+    die "Unknown test $OPTIONS{test}";
+  }
+  if ($count % $OPTIONS{iter} == 0) {
+    my ($proc) = get_proc($$);
+    my $size = $proc->size();
+    my $leak = $size - $starting_size;
+    my $iter_leak = $leak/$count;
+    my ($size_unit,$leak_unit,$iter_unit);
+    ($size,$size_unit) = get_val_unit($size);
+    ($leak,$leak_unit) = get_val_unit($leak);
+    ($iter_leak,$iter_unit) = get_val_unit($iter_leak);
+    printf STDOUT "%d: total mem: %d%s, leaked mem: %d%s, leak/iteration:%d%s",
+      $count,
+      $size,
+      $size_unit,
+      $leak,
+      $leak_unit,
+      $iter_leak,
+      $iter_unit,
+	;
+    printf STDOUT ", elements leaked = %d: \n", scalar @LEAK;
+  } elsif ($count == 5) {
+    my ($proc) = get_proc($$);
+    $starting_size = $proc->size();
+    printf STDOUT "starting mem: %dk\n", int($starting_size/1024);
+  }
+END {
+  # NOTICE: We must now explicitly call XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()
+  #   when the module is unloaded. no longer does this for us
+  #
+  #
+  XML::Xerces::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
+sub get_proc {
+  my $pid = shift;
+  return grep {$_->pid == $pid} @{Proc::ProcessTable->new->table};
+sub test_dom {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $parser = shift;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($OPTIONS{file});
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  if ($OPTIONS{leak}) {
+    my $doc = $parser->getDocument();
+    my $node_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
+    push(@LEAK,$node_list);
+  }
+  $parser->resetDocumentPool();
+sub test_sax2 {
+  my $parser = XML::Xerces::XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader() ;
+  $parser->setErrorHandler($errorHandler) ;
+#   my $contentHandler = new XML::Xerces::PerlContentHandler() ;
+#   $parser->setContentHandler($contentHandler) ;
+  eval {
+    $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces, $namespace);
+    $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchema, $schema);
+    $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking, $schema);
+    $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal, $validate);
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+  $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation, $validate);
+  $parser->setFeature($XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic, 0);
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($xml);
+    my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($is) ;
+  } ;
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+sub test_sax {
+  # my $parser = XML::Xerces::SAXParser->new();
+  my $parser = shift;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($OPTIONS{file});
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+sub test_xmlexcept {
+  my $uri = eval{XML::Xerces::XMLUri->new(undef,"")};
+  die "no error" unless $@;
+sub test_domlist {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $parser = shift;
+  my $doc = $parser->getDocument();
+  my $node_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('*');
+  if ($OPTIONS{leak}) {
+    push(@LEAK,$node_list);
+  }
+sub test_membuf {
+  my $is = eval {XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($DOCUMENT,"foo")};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  if ($OPTIONS{leak}) {
+    push(@LEAK,$is);
+  }
+sub test_dommap {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $parser = shift;
+  my $doc = $parser->getDocument();
+  my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement();
+  my $map = $root->getAttributes();
+  if ($OPTIONS{leak}) {
+    push(@LEAK,$map);
+  }
+sub test_dom_create {
+  my $domImpl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+  my $dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('x', '', '')};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  my $document = $domImpl->createDocument('myns', 'HISTORY', $dt);
+  # Default prefix
+  $document->getDocumentElement->setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:myns", 'myns');
+  for (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
+    my $record = $document->createElement('RECORD');
+    $document->getDocumentElement->appendChild($record);
+    $record->setAttribute('ID', '0');
+    $record->setAttribute('PRICE', '1.1');
+    $record->setAttribute('VOl', '10');
+  }
+  $document->release();
+sub test_dom_create_element {
+  # my $document = shift;
+  my $domImpl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+  # my $dt  = eval{$domImpl->createDocumentType('x', '', '')};
+  # XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  my $document = $domImpl->createDocument('myns', 'HISTORY', undef);
+  my $element = eval {$document->createElement('9')};
+  die "No exception raised"
+    unless $@;
+  $document->release();
+sub test_dom_append_child {
+  my $document = q[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	<person Role="manager">
+		<name>Mike Pogue</name>
+		<email></email>
+	</person>
+	<person Role="developer">
+		<name>Tom Watson</name>
+		<email></email>
+	</person>
+	<person Role="tech writer">
+		<name>Susan Hardenbrook</name>
+		<email></email>
+	</person>
+  my $DOM1 = new XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser;
+  my $ERROR_HANDLER = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new();
+  $DOM1->setErrorHandler($ERROR_HANDLER);
+  my $is = eval{XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($document)};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval{$DOM1->parse($is)};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  my $DOM2 = new XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser;
+  $DOM2->setErrorHandler($ERROR_HANDLER);
+  eval {$DOM2->parse($is)};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  my $doc1 = $DOM1->getDocument();
+  my $doc2 = $DOM2->getDocument();
+  my $root2 = $doc2->getDocumentElement();
+  # Trying to append to a DOMDocument node gives a hierarchy error
+  eval {
+    $doc1->appendChild($root2);
+  };
+  die "No exception raised"
+    unless $@;
+sub get_val_unit {
+  my $val = shift;
+  my $unit;
+  if ($val > 2 * 1024) {
+    $unit = 'k';
+    $val = int($val/1024);
+  } else {
+    $unit = 'b';
+  }
+  return ($val,$unit)

Propchange: xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/
    svn:executable = *

Added: xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/
--- xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ (added)
+++ xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ Sat May 28 05:17:17 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+use blib;
+use XML::Xerces;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Linux::MemInfo;
+use Proc::ProcessTable;
+use IO::Handle;
+$OPTIONS{count} = 1000;
+$OPTIONS{test} = 'dom';
+my $rc = GetOptions(\%OPTIONS,
+		    'file=s',
+		    'count=i',
+		    'test=s',
+		    'help',
+		    'validate',
+		    'schema',
+		    );
+my $USAGE = <<"EOU";
+usage: $0 [required flags] [optional flags]
+  required flags:
+    --file=file_name  : the XML file to parse
+    --test=name       : which test to run
+  test names:
+    dom               : use a DOM parser (default)
+    builder           : use a DOMBuilder
+    writer            : test a DOMWriter
+    sax2              : use a SAX2XMLReader
+    exception         : use a DOM parser to test exception handler leakage
+  optional parameters:
+    --count=num       : run num iterations default = $OPTIONS{count}
+    --validate        : turn validation on
+    --schema          : parse a W3C XML Schema file (forces --validate)
+    --help            : print this message
+die "$rc\n$USAGE" unless $rc;
+die $USAGE if exists $OPTIONS{help};
+die "Must specify --file\n$USAGE"
+  unless exists $OPTIONS{file};
+my @tests = qw(dom sax2 builder writer exception);
+unless (grep {$OPTIONS{test} eq $_} @tests) {
+  die "Invalid test: $OPTIONS{test}, use one of: " . join(',', @tests) . "\n";
+  or die "Couldn't open $OPTIONS{file} for reading";
+my $logfile = '/tmp/xerces-memtest.log';
+  or die "Couldn't open $logfile for reading";
+# slurp in the file
+my $xml;
+  local $/;
+  $xml = <IN>;
+# we initialize the starting memory after running the first iteration
+my $starting_size;
+my $validate = 0;
+my $schema = 0;
+my $namespace = 0;
+if (exists $OPTIONS{validate}) {
+  if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'dom') {
+    $validate = $XML::Xerces::AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always;
+  } else {
+    $validate = 1;
+  }
+if (exists $OPTIONS{schema}) {
+  $validate = 1;
+  $schema = 1;
+  $namespace = 1;
+my $errorHandler = XML::Xerces::PerlErrorHandler->new() ;
+my $impl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+# Just to make sure there is only one, $Parser is global but it's not used anywhere else:
+my $dom = XML::Xerces::XercesDOMParser->new() ;
+$dom->setErrorHandler($errorHandler) ;
+$dom->setValidationScheme ($validate);
+$dom->setDoNamespaces ($namespace);
+$dom->setDoSchema ($schema);
+$dom->setValidationSchemaFullChecking ($schema);
+$dom->setValidationConstraintFatal ($validate);
+my $builder = $impl->createDOMBuilder($XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS,'');
+my $writer = $impl->createDOMWriter();
+my $doc;
+if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'writer') {
+  if ($writer->canSetFeature('format-pretty-print',1)) {
+    $writer->setFeature('format-pretty-print',1);
+  }
+  eval {$dom->parse($OPTIONS{file})};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  $doc = $dom->getDocument();
+for (my $count=1;$count<=$OPTIONS{count};$count++) {
+  # run the loop
+  if ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'dom') {
+    test_dom($xml,$dom);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'exception') {
+    test_exception($xml,$dom);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'sax2') {
+    test_sax2($xml);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'builder') {
+    test_builder($xml,$impl);
+  } elsif ($OPTIONS{test} eq 'writer') {
+    test_writer($writer,$doc);
+  }
+  if ($count % 100 == 0) {
+    my ($proc) = get_proc($$);
+    my $size = $proc->size();
+    my $leak = $size - $starting_size;
+    my $iter_leak = $leak/$count;
+    my ($size_unit,$leak_unit,$iter_unit);
+    ($size,$size_unit) = get_val_unit($size);
+    ($leak,$leak_unit) = get_val_unit($leak);
+    ($iter_leak,$iter_unit) = get_val_unit($iter_leak);
+    printf STDERR "%d: total mem: %d%s, leaked mem: %d%s, leak/iteration:%d%s\n",
+      $count,
+      $size,
+      $size_unit,
+      $leak,
+      $leak_unit,
+      $iter_leak,
+      $iter_unit,
+	;
+  } elsif ($count == 1) {
+    my ($proc) = get_proc($$);
+    $starting_size = $proc->size();
+    printf STDERR "starting mem: %dk\n", int($starting_size/1024);
+  }
+sub get_proc {
+  my $pid = shift;
+  return grep {$_->pid == $pid} @{Proc::ProcessTable->new->table};
+sub test_sax2 {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  # Just to make sure there is only one, $Parser is global but it's not used anywhere else:
+  my $parser = XML::Xerces::XMLReaderFactory::createXMLReader() ;
+  $parser->setErrorHandler($errorHandler) ;
+#   my $contentHandler = new XML::Xerces::PerlContentHandler() ;
+#   $parser->setContentHandler($contentHandler) ;
+  eval {
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreNameSpaces", $namespace);
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchema", $schema);
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking", $schema);
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal", $validate);
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+  $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgSAX2CoreValidation", $validate);
+  $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesDynamic", 0);
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($xml);
+    my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($is) ;
+  } ;
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+sub test_builder {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $impl = shift;
+  my $parser = $impl->createDOMBuilder($XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationLS::MODE_SYNCHRONOUS,'');
+  eval {
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMNamespaces", $namespace) ;
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchema", $schema) ;
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesSchemaFullChecking", $schema) ;
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidation", $validate) ;
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesValidationErrorAsFatal", $validate) ;
+    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgXercesContinueAfterFatalError", not $validate) ;
+#    $parser->setFeature("$XML::Xerces::XMLUni::fgDOMValidateIfSchema", 1) ;
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($xml);
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parseURI($OPTIONS{file}) ;
+  } ;
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  $parser->resetDocumentPool();
+  $parser->release();
+sub test_dom {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $parser = shift;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($xml);
+    my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($is) ;
+  };
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  $parser->resetDocumentPool();
+sub test_exception {
+  my $xml = shift ;
+  my $parser = shift;
+  eval {
+    # my $is = XML::Xerces::MemBufInputSource->new($xml);
+    my $is = XML::Xerces::LocalFileInputSource->new($OPTIONS{file});
+    $parser->parse($is) ;
+  };
+  # if we run this test with a file that raises an exception
+  # and we leave this line commented out, we will check if exceptions
+  # are leaking or not
+  # XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  $parser->resetDocumentPool();
+sub test_writer {
+  my $writer = shift;
+  my $doc = shift;
+  my $impl = XML::Xerces::DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation('LS');
+  $writer = $impl->createDOMWriter();
+  return;
+  my $target = XML::Xerces::MemBufFormatTarget->new();
+  eval{$writer->writeNode($target, $doc)};
+  XML::Xerces::error($@) if $@;
+  my $xml = $target->getRawBuffer();
+sub get_val_unit {
+  my $val = shift;
+  my $unit;
+  if ($val > 2 * 1024) {
+    $unit = 'k';
+    $val = int($val/1024);
+  } else {
+    $unit = 'b';
+  }
+  return ($val,$unit)

Added: xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/
--- xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ (added)
+++ xerces/xerces-p/trunk/scripts/ Sat May 28 05:17:17 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# use blib;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Linux::MemInfo;
+use Proc::ProcessTable;
+use IO::Handle;
+$OPTIONS{count} = 1000;
+$OPTIONS{dom} = 1;
+my $rc = GetOptions(\%OPTIONS,
+		    'file=s',
+		    'program=s',
+		    'help',
+		    );
+my $USAGE = <<"EOU";
+usage: $0 [required flags]
+  required flags:
+    --file=file_name     : the XML file to parse
+    --program=prog_name  : the Xerces-C program to run
+  optional parameters:
+    --help            : print this message
+die "$rc\n$USAGE" unless $rc;
+die $USAGE if exists $OPTIONS{help};
+die "Must specify --program\n$USAGE"
+  unless exists $OPTIONS{program};
+my $logfile = '/tmp/xercesc-memtest.log';
+# open(LOG,">$logfile")
+#    or die "Couldn't open $logfile for reading";
+# get the initial results:
+my %info = get_mem_info();
+my $starting_mem = $info{mem_free};
+my $starting_size = 0;
+my $pid;
+if ($pid = fork) {
+  print STDERR "Parent: $$, child: $pid\n";
+  while (1) {
+    sleep(1);
+    if ($starting_size) {
+      my ($proc) = get_proc($pid);
+      my $size = $proc->size();
+      my $leak = $size - $starting_size;
+      my ($size_unit,$leak_unit);
+      ($size,$size_unit) = get_val_unit($size);
+      ($leak,$leak_unit) = get_val_unit($leak);
+      printf STDERR "total mem: %d%s, leaked mem: %d%s\n",
+	$size,
+	$size_unit,
+	$leak,
+	$leak_unit,
+	  ;
+    } else {
+      my ($proc) = get_proc($pid);
+      $starting_size = $proc->size();
+      printf STDERR "starting mem: %dk\n", int($starting_size/1024);
+    }
+  }
+} else {
+  print STDERR "execution loop: Parent: $$, child: $pid\n";
+  my @args = ($OPTIONS{program});
+  if (exists $OPTIONS{file}) {
+    push(@args, $OPTIONS{file});
+  }
+  # push(@args," > $logfile 2>&1");
+  exec(join(" ", @args))
+sub get_val_unit {
+  my $val = shift;
+  my $unit;
+  if ($val > 2 * 1024) {
+    $unit = 'k';
+    $val = int($val/1024);
+  } else {
+    $unit = 'b';
+  }
+  return ($val,$unit)
+sub get_proc {
+  my $pid = shift;
+  return grep {$_->pid == $pid} @{Proc::ProcessTable->new->table};

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