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Posted to by "Marco A.G.Pinto" <> on 2013/12/31 01:19:00 UTC

en_GB V2.08 - 1-JAN-2014

Hello Andrea, Alexandro and all,

I have followed Alexandro's instructions and grabbed the English 
extension that has all English variations, and replaced the en_GB files 
with my forked version.

Andrea, could you replace the old OXT with this one?

I have shared it on my Dropbox public folder:

I noticed that my OXT became around 500 kB smaller than the old one. 
Maybe before it was not used maximum ZIP compression?

Also, may I be given committer rights so that in future updates I can do 
it myself without bothering everyone?

Also, can someone make the speller also available to LO users?


Kind regards,
       >Marco A.G.Pinto

Files I changed:
- changelog.txt ;Added the release date plus the number of new words 
since 2006 (en_GB)
- description.xml ; Changed "<version value="2013.07.31" />" to 
"<version value="2014.01.01" />"
- en_GB.aff
- en_GB.dic
- README_en_GB.txt


New words in V2.08:
653) Ilachinski (name of person)
654) journaling (fix: it had two ll)
655) journaled (fix: it had two ll)
656) weathergirl
657) greyscale
658) rollback
659) pushback
660) patball
661) blowout
662) debut (+ed +ing)
663) debutante
664) proaction
665) proactively (merged into proactive)
666) proactivity
667) MUFON's (added 's)
668) intension (+al +ally)
669) conjecturable (merged into conjecture)
670) hypercorrect
671) hypercorrection
672) reduplicative
673) redwing
674) underwing (+plural)
675) nymphal (merged into nymph)
676) nymphean
677) Persephone (name)
678) myriapod
679) pictography
680) hieroglyphical
681) hieroglyphically (merged into hieroglyphical)
682) interlanguage
683) correlativity
684) predicability
685) sulphadiazine
686) biopharmaceutical (+plural)
687) dealmaker
688) dealmaking
689) subclause
690) dischargeable (merged into chargeable)
691) disciplic
692) discipular
693) tachistoscope
694) tachistoscopic (merged into tachistoscope)
695) tachistoscopically (merged into tachistoscope)
696) Dropbox
697) headhunt (+er +ing)
698) VCRs (plural)
699) videocassette
700) stuntwoman
701) stuntwomen
702) Steadicam
703) filmstrip
704) shirtsleeved (merged into shirtsleeve)
705) warez (Oxford: informal)
706) cybersex
707) cybershop (+s +ing +ed)
708) cybersecurity
709) cyberphobia
710) cyberphobe
711) cyberphobic
712) cyberneticist
713) multivalve
714) doomy
715) doomier (merged into doomy)
716) doomily (merged into doomy)
717) doominess (merged into doomy)
718) doomiest (merged into doomy)
719) satanically (merged into satanic)
720) monolatry
721) monolater
722) monolatrist
723) monolatrous
724) picnicky (merged into picnic)
725) fastball
726) curveball
727) fetal
728) EPROM
729) Perl
730) shovelware
731) prosthetically (merged into prosthetic)
732) microsurgeon
733) microsurgical
734) bistoury (+plural)
735) vaselined
736) OpenPGP
737) alienability
738) survivorship
739) refrigeratory
740) desiccative (merged into desiccate)
741) replaced spongelike with sponge-like (Fix - Oxford)
742) oystering (merged into oyster)
743) cephalopod
744) milreis (currency)
745) cruzado (currency) (+plural)
746) kwanza (currency) (+plural)
747) dobra (currency)
748) bitcoin (+plural)
749) spreadsheeting (merged into spreadsheet)
750) DDoS
751) bloggable (merged into blog)
752) hectarage
753) megalitre
754) Svedberg
755) petaflop
756) iPhone
757) iPad
758) criminalistics
759) triable
760) sequestrable (merged into sequestrate)
761) sequestrator
762) sociolegal
763) orthomolecular
764) cryopreserve
765) cryopreservation (merged into cryopreserve)
766) allogeneic
766) thrombose (fixed thromboses + added ed)
767) immunotherapy
768) shadowgraph
769) radiograph
770) microphysics
771) microphysical
772) ionizable (merged into ionize)
773) intramolecular
774) intramolecularly (merged into intramolecular)
775) superspace
776) metamaterial (+plural)
777) isoelectronic
778) seventhly
779) UVA
780) radioscopic (merged into radioscopy)
781) antigravity
782) spacewalk (+er)
783) Geminis (plural - merged into Gemini)
784) Geminian
785) xenology
786) xenologist
787) cockfight (+s +ing)
788) neuroticism
789) megalomanic
790) anaclitic
791) megalomaniacal
792) megaflop (+plural)
793) kilocalorie
794) multigym
795) powerlifting
796) powerlifter
797) kettlebell
798) translunar
799) checkbox (+plural)
800) duplexity
801) preagricultural
802) admins (plural)
803) housefather
804) housemother
805) mainstreamed (merged into mainstream)
806) merged mainstreamer into mainstream
807) remediate
809) remediation (merged into remediate)
810) biopiracy
811) sublittoral
812) biogeography
813) biogeographic (merged into biogeography)
814) biogeographer
815) biogeographically
816) biogeographical
817) excretive (merged into excrete)
818) hyperparasite
819) hyperparasitic (merged into hyperparasite)
820) hyperparasitism
821) acellular
822) charcuterie (+plural)
823) chiffonade
824) piri-piri
825) crispbread
826) fricasseed (merged into fricassee)
827) tsukemono (+plural)
828) feijoada
829) tourtière
830) macaronies (fixed - plural)
831) fourchette
832) quadratus
833) quadrati
834) submandibular
835) rectus
836) recti
837) umbilically (merged into umbilical)
838) preflighting (merged into preflight)
839) gyropilot
840) mainsheet
841) helmsmanship
842) unnavigability
843) coachroof
844) waypoint (+plural)
845) ASUS


Re: en_GB V2.08 - 1-JAN-2014 (password changed successfully)

Posted by "Marco A.G.Pinto" <>.

I have managed to make the password change work!

Sorry for bothering!

Kind regards,
     >Marco A.G.Pinto

On 05/01/2014 00:19, Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
> Hello Andrea and L10N,
> On 04/01/2014 15:28, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> The file README_en_GB.txt is not OK: we need to keep its existing 
>> content. Just add your notes above or below the existing content, but 
>> do not remove attribution and references (so, to be safe, do not 
>> remove anything, just add!). So the current release is not OK, but 
>> the fix is easy.
> Andrea, I grabbed the en_GB dictionary from the Mozilla repository, 
> since the AOO one is obfuscated. So, my "blueprint" is Mozilla's.
> The text I am using in the README is exactly the same, and I just 
> replaced the:
> *Please let David Bartlett <> know of any *
> *errors that you find.*
> *The current release is R 1.18, 11/04/05*
> With the text you see after the "---" (my own text)
>>> I noticed that my OXT became around 500 kB smaller than the old one.
>>> Maybe before it was not used maximum ZIP compression?
>> Yes, extracted contents are identical. But with DeflateX the 
>> compressed size of the largest file, th_en_US_v2.dat, is 250K smaller 
>> in your OXT file, compared to my DeflateN version.
>> Now, this works for OpenOffice but it would be good to see if the ODF 
>> standard allows DeflateX as a compression method... Please read
>> (everything, including quoted messages) and let's try to understand 
>> it. I see that the only compression method allowed by the standard is 
>> "deflated" (since "stored" is not really a compression). Zipinfo 
>> returns "deflated" for both my and your OXT file, so I believe it's 
>> OK to use DeflateX, even if this remains a bit unclear.
> Andrea, while talking to JZA (Alexandro Colorado) last week or so, he 
> told me to test the extension myself since only a few files were 
> replaced. I tested it in my AOO 4.0.1 and all worked okay. All words I 
> added were no longer recognized as typos.
>>> Also, may I be given committer rights so that in future updates I 
>>> can do
>>> it myself without bothering everyone?
>> It's not "committer rights", it's ownership of the extension. As I 
>> already wrote, please register for the Extensions website 
>> , send us (or me) your username and 
>> I will have the extension reassigned, so that you will be able to 
>> make releases. Again, please always test your extension thoroughly 
>> and try to align it with the OpenOffice releases to minimize the 
>> confusion to users. But we can aim at making an update available in 
>> January, to test the new setup.
> Andrea, I created an account but I am having passwords issues:
> first I set the username to *marcoagpinto*, then, in the e-mail I 
> received it said: "*Marco A.G.Pinto*" and when I clicked in the link I 
> received it doesn't allow me to change the password, even if I did try 
> to reset it. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
> Thanks for your help!
> Kind regards,
>        >Marco A.G.Pinto
>          -----------------------
> -- 


Re: en_GB V2.08 - 1-JAN-2014

Posted by Andrea Pescetti <>.
Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
> Andrea, I grabbed the en_GB dictionary from the Mozilla repository,
> since the AOO one is obfuscated. So, my "blueprint" is Mozilla's.

Good to know, but this is not a detail, this is very important for 
users. This should definitely be mentioned more clearly in the 
changelog.txt file, since (for example) the 800 added words are in 
comparison to the previous version of the Mozilla dictionary, but you 
don't know how your dictionary compares to the "obfuscated" one.

> The text I am using in the README is exactly the same, and I just
> replaced the:
> *Please let David Bartlett <> know of any *
> *errors that you find.*

That e-mail address (like all * addresses) is no longer 
valid. So no major problems here since the name is properly credited in 
other places in the text.

I was referring to this text that was removed from README_en_GB.txt:
Original version of the en_GB dictionary: patch and morphological extension

The morphological extension based on Wordlist POS and AGID data
created by Kevin Atkinson and released on ttp://

Other fixes:

OOo Issue 48060 - add numbers with affixes by COMPOUNDRULE (1st, 111th, 
1990s etc.)
OOo Issue 29112, 55498 - add NOSUGGEST flags to taboo words
New REP items (better suggestions for accented words and a few mistakes)
OOo Issue 63541 - remove *dessicated

2008-12-18 nemeth AT OOo

So you removed it since it does not apply to the English dictionary you 
brought in but to the "obfuscated" one, right? But anyway I would keep 
this information around since the issue numbers are still very useful 
(for example, following the issues above I was now able to reconstruct 
the history of a bug that I fixed six months ago and that could have 
been fixed more easily!). They may be useful to you too, so I recommend 
that you keep them in the README file somewhere, specifying that they do 
not apply to the currently used dictionary but that you keep them there 
for reference.

> Andrea, while talking to JZA (Alexandro Colorado) last week or so, he
> told me to test the extension myself since only a few files were
> replaced.

You entirely replaced two dictionary files that are downloaded one 
million times a week. It's not enough that they work for you. I suggest 
this approach for the first release:

1) Fix changelog.txt and possibly README files.

2) In the meantime, I will take care that the extension is reassigned to 
you (this usually takes some days)

3) Create a new release for the en-GB dictionary and leave it 
"unpublished", so users won't be notified of the new release. Your 
release is thus not listed but available for download from a direct link 
(I'll help you here if this is the first dictionary you upload and you 
are confused).

4) Send a quick note to the dev mailing list saying that you replaced 
the en-GB dictionary and that you are going to publish the new release; 
give them one week to test; when I do so, I often provide also a .ODT 
file with a word I removed (your reference is the previous OpenOffice 
dictionary, not the Mozilla one), a word I added, a word that is 
unchanged and correct and a word that is unchanged and wrong (random 

5) If you don't receive any bad feedback, go on and flag your release as 
"published" and you are done! And at that time I will also update the 
OpenOffice source code to use your updated extension. And, after one 
week or so, users will start to receive notifications that a new version 
of the English dictionary is available.

> Andrea, I created an account but I am having passwords issues:
> first I set the username to *marcoagpinto*

I'll have the extension reassigned to user "marcoagpinto" then. This is 
an administrative request so it usually takes a couple days. When you 
see the extension in "Account - My Account" (top right), it means it has 
been removed from my account and assigned to yours.


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Re: en_GB V2.08 - 1-JAN-2014

Posted by "Marco A.G.Pinto" <>.
Hello Andrea and L10N,

On 04/01/2014 15:28, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> The file README_en_GB.txt is not OK: we need to keep its existing 
> content. Just add your notes above or below the existing content, but 
> do not remove attribution and references (so, to be safe, do not 
> remove anything, just add!). So the current release is not OK, but the 
> fix is easy.

Andrea, I grabbed the en_GB dictionary from the Mozilla repository, 
since the AOO one is obfuscated. So, my "blueprint" is Mozilla's.

The text I am using in the README is exactly the same, and I just 
replaced the:
*Please let David Bartlett <> know of any *
*errors that you find.*

*The current release is R 1.18, 11/04/05*

With the text you see after the "---" (my own text)

>> I noticed that my OXT became around 500 kB smaller than the old one.
>> Maybe before it was not used maximum ZIP compression?
> Yes, extracted contents are identical. But with DeflateX the 
> compressed size of the largest file, th_en_US_v2.dat, is 250K smaller 
> in your OXT file, compared to my DeflateN version.
> Now, this works for OpenOffice but it would be good to see if the ODF 
> standard allows DeflateX as a compression method... Please read
> (everything, including quoted messages) and let's try to understand 
> it. I see that the only compression method allowed by the standard is 
> "deflated" (since "stored" is not really a compression). Zipinfo 
> returns "deflated" for both my and your OXT file, so I believe it's OK 
> to use DeflateX, even if this remains a bit unclear.

Andrea, while talking to JZA (Alexandro Colorado) last week or so, he 
told me to test the extension myself since only a few files were 
replaced. I tested it in my AOO 4.0.1 and all worked okay. All words I 
added were no longer recognized as typos.

>> Also, may I be given committer rights so that in future updates I can do
>> it myself without bothering everyone?
> It's not "committer rights", it's ownership of the extension. As I 
> already wrote, please register for the Extensions website 
> , send us (or me) your username and 
> I will have the extension reassigned, so that you will be able to make 
> releases. Again, please always test your extension thoroughly and try 
> to align it with the OpenOffice releases to minimize the confusion to 
> users. But we can aim at making an update available in January, to 
> test the new setup.

Andrea, I created an account but I am having passwords issues:
first I set the username to *marcoagpinto*, then, in the e-mail I 
received it said: "*Marco A.G.Pinto*" and when I clicked in the link I 
received it doesn't allow me to change the password, even if I did try 
to reset it. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,
        >Marco A.G.Pinto


Re: en_GB V2.08 - 1-JAN-2014

Posted by Andrea Pescetti <>.
On 31/12/2013 Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
> Andrea, could you replace the old OXT with this one?

If I do so, a notification will go out to dozen of millions of 
OpenOffice users. So let's be sure about what we are doing. As I wrote, 
I generally update the dictionary just before a release, but we can make 
a try. Or you can. Read more below.

> I have shared it on my Dropbox public folder:

The file README_en_GB.txt is not OK: we need to keep its existing 
content. Just add your notes above or below the existing content, but do 
not remove attribution and references (so, to be safe, do not remove 
anything, just add!). So the current release is not OK, but the fix is easy.

> I noticed that my OXT became around 500 kB smaller than the old one.
> Maybe before it was not used maximum ZIP compression?

Yes, extracted contents are identical. But with DeflateX the compressed 
size of the largest file, th_en_US_v2.dat, is 250K smaller in your OXT 
file, compared to my DeflateN version.

Now, this works for OpenOffice but it would be good to see if the ODF 
standard allows DeflateX as a compression method... Please read
(everything, including quoted messages) and let's try to understand it. 
I see that the only compression method allowed by the standard is 
"deflated" (since "stored" is not really a compression). Zipinfo returns 
"deflated" for both my and your OXT file, so I believe it's OK to use 
DeflateX, even if this remains a bit unclear.

> Also, may I be given committer rights so that in future updates I can do
> it myself without bothering everyone?

It's not "committer rights", it's ownership of the extension. As I 
already wrote, please register for the Extensions website , send us (or me) your username and I 
will have the extension reassigned, so that you will be able to make 
releases. Again, please always test your extension thoroughly and try to 
align it with the OpenOffice releases to minimize the confusion to 
users. But we can aim at making an update available in January, to test 
the new setup.

> Also, can someone make the speller also available to LO users?

As I wrote, I only maintain the Italian dictionary in that case and I 
don't know how the English dictionary is maintained. So I can't be of 
help here.


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