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Posted to by Dominic Clay <> on 2002/06/17 13:15:44 UTC

Stopping and Starting Tomcat as part of an Ant script


During the development process in a Tomcat Webapp.  I want to be able to
start and stop Tomcat from my Ant build.xml

I am developing on a Win2k machine.

I have written a build.xml target but it is failing.
This is the script I have written 
<target name="stopTomcat" >
       <java jar="C:\Apache\Tomcat4\bin\bootstrap.jar" fork="yes">
         <arg value="stop"/>
         <arg value="C:\Apache\Tomcat4\bin"/>
	   <!-- the following part makes no difference-->	
           <pathelement location="C:\\Apache\\Tomcat4\\bin"/>
           <pathelement location="${classpath}"/>

I have tried with or without the classpath section and no difference
The error is: '..\myprojects\common\lib does not exist'
This is absolutely true ;) , but why is it looking for this dir?

Can anybody suggest the way I should be doing this..?
