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Posted to by Vyacheslav Boyko <> on 2022/06/28 14:16:58 UTC

FluentProducerTemplate hides exceptions?


My case is very simple at the first sight.

I have a couple of chained routes. All of them are "direct".

Picture it like

.bean(this, "method1")

.bean(this, "method2");

And I send my data two different ways:

1) using producerTemplate.sendBody("direct://start", aPayload(), 
"header1", aHeader())
2) using"direct://start").withHeader("header", 

In both cases I throw an exception (my business-logic exception, e.g. 
MyException.class) from inside this.method1() or this.method2().

In my test I make the following check:

test() {

        // given
        Throwable exceptionClass = ... // passing to test in parameters 
- test specific argument
        Throwable check = null;

         try {
             doSendPayloadWithProducer(); // 1 - using producerTemplate, 
2 - using fluentProducerTemplate
         } catch (Exception e) {
             check = e;
             while (null != check.getCause()) {
                 check = check.getCause();
         } finally {

         Assertions.assertEquals(exceptionClass, check.getClass());


In case of using producerTemplate my exception is throwing out and I am 
able to catch it the described way.
In case of using fluentProducerTemplate my call does not bubble it 
outside the route (if I could say so). My catch clause does catches 
nothing in this case.

Why do I see such different behavior?

Vyacheslav Boyko