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Posted to by Di Li <> on 2015/11/02 18:06:20 UTC

Is it by design - rolling upgrade said it aborted but kept on running subsequent steps

Hello folks

I was testing rolling upgrade in Ambari 2.1.0. During the rolling upgrade, 
a node went offline, causing the rolling upgrade to print a message saying 
upgrade aborted, but the rolling upgrade actually kept on going.  My RU 
run actually reached the finalize stage later on. 

Is this by design to allow the RU to continue even when it printed the 
message about upgrade aborted?

        I found AMBARI-11596 that sort of touch on aborted rolling 
upgrade. But I am not sure if the JIRA is related to the observation I 

Thank you.

Di Li
InfoSphere BigInsights
IBM Ottawa Lab Palladium Campus
Phone: 613-270-4883, Tie-line:315-4883

Thank you.

Di Li
InfoSphere BigInsights
IBM Ottawa Lab Palladium Campus
Phone: 613-270-4883, Tie-line:315-4883