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[78/83] [abbrv] incubator-corinthia git commit: removed zlib
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d4a1c..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
- * match.S -- optimized version of longest_match()
- * based on the similar work by Gilles Vollant, and Brian Raiter, written 1998
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the BSD License. Use by owners of Che Guevarra
- * parafernalia is prohibited, where possible, and highly discouraged
- * elsewhere.
- */
-#	define	match_init	_match_init
-#	define	longest_match	_longest_match
-#define	scanend		ebx
-#define	scanendw	bx
-#define	chainlenwmask	edx /* high word: current chain len low word: s->wmask */
-#define	curmatch	rsi
-#define	curmatchd	esi
-#define	windowbestlen	r8
-#define	scanalign	r9
-#define	scanalignd	r9d
-#define	window		r10
-#define	bestlen		r11
-#define	bestlend	r11d
-#define	scanstart	r12d
-#define	scanstartw	r12w
-#define scan		r13
-#define nicematch	r14d
-#define	limit		r15
-#define	limitd		r15d
-#define prev		rcx
- * The 258 is a "magic number, not a parameter -- changing it
- * breaks the hell loose
- */
-#define	MAX_MATCH	(258)
-#define	MIN_MATCH	(3)
-#define	MAX_MATCH_8	((MAX_MATCH + 7) & ~7)
-/* stack frame offsets */
-#define	LocalVarsSize	(112)
-#define _chainlenwmask	( 8-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define _windowbestlen	(16-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r14        (24-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rsi        (32-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rbx        (40-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r12        (56-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r13        (64-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r15        (80-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-.globl	match_init, longest_match
- * On AMD64 the first argument of a function (in our case -- the pointer to
- * deflate_state structure) is passed in %rdi, hence our offsets below are
- * all off of that.
- */
-/* you can check the structure offset by running
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "deflate.h"
-void print_depl()
-deflate_state ds;
-deflate_state *s=&ds;
-printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*));
-printf("#define dsWSize         (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWMask         (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWindow        (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrev          (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchLen      (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsStrStart      (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchStart    (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsLookahead     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevLen       (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMaxChainLen   (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsGoodMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsNiceMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s)));
-  to compile for XCode 3.2 on MacOSX x86_64
-  - run "gcc -g -c -DXCODE_MAC_X64_STRUCTURE amd64-match.S"
- */
-#define dsWSize		( 68)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask		( 76)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow	( 80)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev		( 96)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen	(144)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch	(148)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart	(156)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart	(160)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead	(164)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen	(168)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen	(172)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch	(188)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch	(192)(%rdi)
-#	define STRUCT_OFFSET	(0)
-#define dsWSize		( 56 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask		( 64 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow	( 72 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev		( 88 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen	(136 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch	(140 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart	(148 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart	(152 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead	(156 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen	(160 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen	(164 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch	(180 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch	(184 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-/* uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch) */
- * Retrieve the function arguments. %curmatch will hold cur_match
- * throughout the entire function (passed via rsi on amd64).
- * rdi will hold the pointer to the deflate_state (first arg on amd64)
- */
-		mov     %rsi, save_rsi
-		mov     %rbx, save_rbx
-		mov	%r12, save_r12
-		mov     %r13, save_r13
-		mov     %r14, save_r14
-		mov     %r15, save_r15
-/* uInt wmask = s->w_mask;						*/
-/* unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;				*/
-/* if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {				*/
-/*     chain_length >>= 2;						*/
-/* }									*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen, %eax
-		movl	dsGoodMatch, %ebx
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		movl	dsWMask, %eax
-		movl	dsMaxChainLen, %chainlenwmask
-		jl	LastMatchGood
-		shrl	$2, %chainlenwmask
-/* chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can	*/
-/* use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.	*/
-/* It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask	*/
-/* value, which it will always accompany.				*/
-		decl	%chainlenwmask
-		shll	$16, %chainlenwmask
-		orl	%eax, %chainlenwmask
-/* if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;	*/
-		movl	dsNiceMatch, %eax
-		movl	dsLookahead, %ebx
-		cmpl	%eax, %ebx
-		jl	LookaheadLess
-		movl	%eax, %ebx
-LookaheadLess:	movl	%ebx, %nicematch
-/* register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;			*/
-		mov	dsWindow, %window
-		movl	dsStrStart, %limitd
-		lea	(%limit, %window), %scan
-/* Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being		*/
-/* dword-aligned.							*/
-		mov	%scan, %scanalign
-		negl	%scanalignd
-		andl	$3, %scanalignd
-/* IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?			*/
-/*     s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;				*/
-		movl	dsWSize, %eax
-		subl	$MIN_LOOKAHEAD, %eax
-		xorl	%ecx, %ecx
-		subl	%eax, %limitd
-		cmovng	%ecx, %limitd
-/* int best_len = s->prev_length;					*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen, %bestlend
-/* Store the sum of s->window + best_len in %windowbestlen locally, and in memory.	*/
-		lea	(%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
-		mov	%windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
-/* register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;				*/
-/* register ush scan_end   = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-/* Posf *prev = s->prev;						*/
-		movzwl	(%scan), %scanstart
-		movzwl	-1(%scan, %bestlen), %scanend
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-/* Jump into the main loop.						*/
-		movl	%chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
-		jmp	LoopEntry
-.balign 16
-/* do {
- *     match = s->window + cur_match;
- *     if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
- *         *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
- *     [...]
- * } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
- *          && --chain_length != 0);
- *
- * Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
- * majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
- * be spent in the first ten instructions.
- */
-		andl	%chainlenwmask, %curmatchd
-		movzwl	(%prev, %curmatch, 2), %curmatchd
-		cmpl	%limitd, %curmatchd
-		jbe	LeaveNow
-		subl	$0x00010000, %chainlenwmask
-		js	LeaveNow
-LoopEntry:	cmpw	-1(%windowbestlen, %curmatch), %scanendw
-		jne	LookupLoop
-		cmpw	%scanstartw, (%window, %curmatch)
-		jne	LookupLoop
-/* Store the current value of chainlen.					*/
-		movl	%chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
-/* %scan is the string under scrutiny, and %prev to the string we	*/
-/* are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, %esi and %edi are	*/
-/* both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and %edx is	*/
-/* initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).				*/
-		mov	$(-MAX_MATCH_8), %rdx
-		lea	(%curmatch, %window), %windowbestlen
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%windowbestlen, %scanalign), %windowbestlen
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%scan, %scanalign), %prev
-/* the prefetching below makes very little difference... */
-		prefetcht1	(%windowbestlen, %rdx)
-		prefetcht1	(%prev, %rdx)
- * Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
- * adjust %rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
- *
- * It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
- * much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
- * straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
- * performance -- unrolling it, for example, makes no difference.
- */
-#undef USE_SSE	/* works, but is 6-7% slower, than non-SSE... */
-#ifdef USE_SSE
-		/* Preload the SSE registers */
-		movdqu	  (%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm1
-		movdqu	  (%prev, %rdx), %xmm2
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm2, %xmm1
-		movdqu	16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm3
-		movdqu	16(%prev, %rdx), %xmm4
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm4, %xmm3
-		movdqu	32(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm5
-		movdqu	32(%prev, %rdx), %xmm6
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm6, %xmm5
-		movdqu	48(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm7
-		movdqu	48(%prev, %rdx), %xmm8
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm8, %xmm7
-		/* Check the comparisions' results */
-		pmovmskb %xmm1, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		/* this is the only iteration of the loop with a possibility of having
-		   incremented rdx by 0x108 (each loop iteration add 16*4 = 0x40 
-		   and (0x40*4)+8=0x108 */
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		jz LenMaximum
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm3, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm5, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm7, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		jmp	LoopCmps
-LeaveLoopCmps:	add	%rax, %rdx
-		mov	(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		mov	8(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	8(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps8
-		mov	16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	16(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps16
-		add	$24, %rdx
-		jnz	LoopCmps
-		jmp	LenMaximum
-#	if 0
- * This three-liner is tantalizingly simple, but bsf is a slow instruction,
- * and the complicated alternative down below is quite a bit faster. Sad...
- */
-LeaveLoopCmps:	bsf	%rax, %rax /* find the first non-zero bit */
-		shrl	$3, %eax /* divide by 8 to get the byte */
-		add	%rax, %rdx
-#	else
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		add	$8, %rdx
-LeaveLoopCmps:	testl   $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax /* Check the first 4 bytes */
-		jnz     Check16
-		add     $4, %rdx
-		shr     $32, %rax
-Check16:        testw   $0xFFFF, %ax
-		jnz     LenLower
-		add	$2, %rdx
-		shrl	$16, %eax
-LenLower:	subb	$1, %al
-		adc	$0, %rdx
-#	endif
-/* Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,	*/
-/* then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.	*/
-		lea	(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		sub	%scan, %rax
-		cmpl	$MAX_MATCH, %eax
-		jge	LenMaximum
-/* If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we	*/
-/* have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.		*/
-		cmpl	%bestlend, %eax
-		jg	LongerMatch
-		mov	_windowbestlen, %windowbestlen
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-		movl	_chainlenwmask, %edx
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/*         s->match_start = cur_match;					*/
-/*         best_len = len;						*/
-/*         if (len >= nice_match) break;				*/
-/*         scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-		movl	%eax, %bestlend
-		movl	%curmatchd, dsMatchStart
-		cmpl	%nicematch, %eax
-		jge	LeaveNow
-		lea	(%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
-		mov	%windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
-		movzwl	-1(%scan, %rax), %scanend
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-		movl	_chainlenwmask, %chainlenwmask
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/* Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.		*/
-		movl	$MAX_MATCH, %bestlend
-		movl	%curmatchd, dsMatchStart
-/* if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;		*/
-/* return s->lookahead;							*/
-		movl	dsLookahead, %eax
-		cmpl	%eax, %bestlend
-		cmovngl	%bestlend, %eax
-/* Restore the registers and return from whence we came.			*/
-	mov	save_rsi, %rsi
-	mov	save_rbx, %rbx
-	mov	save_r12, %r12
-	mov	save_r13, %r13
-	mov	save_r14, %r14
-	mov	save_r15, %r15
-	ret
-match_init:	ret
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/README.686 b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/README.686
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bf3be..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/README.686
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-This is a patched version of zlib, modified to use
-Pentium-Pro-optimized assembly code in the deflation algorithm. The
-files changed/added by this patch are:
-The speedup that this patch provides varies, depending on whether the
-compiler used to build the original version of zlib falls afoul of the
-PPro's speed traps. My own tests show a speedup of around 10-20% at
-the default compression level, and 20-30% using -9, against a version
-compiled using gcc Your mileage may vary.
-Note that this code has been tailored for the PPro/PII in particular,
-and will not perform particuarly well on a Pentium.
-If you are using an assembler other than GNU as, you will have to
-translate match.S to use your assembler's syntax. (Have fun.)
-Brian Raiter
-April, 1998
-Added for zlib 1.1.3:
-The patches come from
-To compile zlib with this asm file, copy match.S to the zlib directory
-then do:
-CFLAGS="-O3 -DASMV" ./configure
-make OBJA=match.o
-I've been ignoring these assembly routines for years, believing that
-gcc's generated code had caught up with it sometime around gcc 2.95
-and the major rearchitecting of the Pentium 4. However, I recently
-learned that, despite what I believed, this code still has some life
-in it. On the Pentium 4 and AMD64 chips, it continues to run about 8%
-faster than the code produced by gcc 4.1.
-In acknowledgement of its continuing usefulness, I've altered the
-license to match that of the rest of zlib. Share and Enjoy!
-Brian Raiter
-April, 2007
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/match.S b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/match.S
deleted file mode 100644
index fa42109..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/asm686/match.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-/* match.S -- x86 assembly version of the zlib longest_match() function.
- * Optimized for the Intel 686 chips (PPro and later).
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1998, 2007 Brian Raiter <>
- *
- * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- * warranty.  In no event will the author be held liable for any damages
- * arising from the use of this software.
- *
- * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- *
- * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- *    appreciated but is not required.
- * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- *    misrepresented as being the original software.
- * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- */
-#define	match_init	_match_init
-#define	longest_match	_longest_match
-#define	MAX_MATCH	(258)
-#define	MIN_MATCH	(3)
-#define	MAX_MATCH_8	((MAX_MATCH + 7) & ~7)
-/* stack frame offsets */
-#define	chainlenwmask		0	/* high word: current chain len	*/
-					/* low word: s->wmask		*/
-#define	window			4	/* local copy of s->window	*/
-#define	windowbestlen		8	/* s->window + bestlen		*/
-#define	scanstart		16	/* first two bytes of string	*/
-#define	scanend			12	/* last two bytes of string	*/
-#define	scanalign		20	/* dword-misalignment of string	*/
-#define	nicematch		24	/* a good enough match size	*/
-#define	bestlen			28	/* size of best match so far	*/
-#define	scan			32	/* ptr to string wanting match	*/
-#define	LocalVarsSize		(36)
-/*	saved ebx		36 */
-/*	saved edi		40 */
-/*	saved esi		44 */
-/*	saved ebp		48 */
-/*	return address		52 */
-#define	deflatestate		56	/* the function arguments	*/
-#define	curmatch		60
-/* All the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields
- *  in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
- * (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)").
- * (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0").
- * if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8").
- */
-#define zlib1222add		(8)
-#define	dsWSize			(36+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsWMask			(44+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsWindow		(48+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsPrev			(56+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsMatchLen		(88+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsPrevMatch		(92+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsStrStart		(100+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsMatchStart		(104+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsLookahead		(108+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsPrevLen		(112+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsMaxChainLen		(116+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsGoodMatch		(132+zlib1222add)
-#define	dsNiceMatch		(136+zlib1222add)
-.file "match.S"
-.globl	match_init, longest_match
-/* uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch) */
-.cfi_sections	.debug_frame
-/* Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust %esp to	*/
-/* make room for our stack frame.					*/
-		pushl	%ebp
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
-		.cfi_offset ebp, -8
-		pushl	%edi
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 12
-		pushl	%esi
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
-		pushl	%ebx
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 20
-		subl	$LocalVarsSize, %esp
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset LocalVarsSize+20
-/* Retrieve the function arguments. %ecx will hold cur_match		*/
-/* throughout the entire function. %edx will hold the pointer to the	*/
-/* deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before		*/
-/* entering the main loop).						*/
-		movl	deflatestate(%esp), %edx
-		movl	curmatch(%esp), %ecx
-/* uInt wmask = s->w_mask;						*/
-/* unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;				*/
-/* if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {				*/
-/*     chain_length >>= 2;						*/
-/* }									*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen(%edx), %eax
-		movl	dsGoodMatch(%edx), %ebx
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		movl	dsWMask(%edx), %eax
-		movl	dsMaxChainLen(%edx), %ebx
-		jl	LastMatchGood
-		shrl	$2, %ebx
-/* chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can	*/
-/* use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.	*/
-/* It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask	*/
-/* value, which it will always accompany.				*/
-		decl	%ebx
-		shll	$16, %ebx
-		orl	%eax, %ebx
-		movl	%ebx, chainlenwmask(%esp)
-/* if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;	*/
-		movl	dsNiceMatch(%edx), %eax
-		movl	dsLookahead(%edx), %ebx
-		cmpl	%eax, %ebx
-		jl	LookaheadLess
-		movl	%eax, %ebx
-LookaheadLess:	movl	%ebx, nicematch(%esp)
-/* register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;			*/
-		movl	dsWindow(%edx), %esi
-		movl	%esi, window(%esp)
-		movl	dsStrStart(%edx), %ebp
-		lea	(%esi,%ebp), %edi
-		movl	%edi, scan(%esp)
-/* Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being		*/
-/* dword-aligned.							*/
-		movl	%edi, %eax
-		negl	%eax
-		andl	$3, %eax
-		movl	%eax, scanalign(%esp)
-/* IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?			*/
-/*     s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;				*/
-		movl	dsWSize(%edx), %eax
-		subl	$MIN_LOOKAHEAD, %eax
-		subl	%eax, %ebp
-		jg	LimitPositive
-		xorl	%ebp, %ebp
-/* int best_len = s->prev_length;					*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen(%edx), %eax
-		movl	%eax, bestlen(%esp)
-/* Store the sum of s->window + best_len in %esi locally, and in %esi.	*/
-		addl	%eax, %esi
-		movl	%esi, windowbestlen(%esp)
-/* register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;				*/
-/* register ush scan_end   = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-/* Posf *prev = s->prev;						*/
-		movzwl	(%edi), %ebx
-		movl	%ebx, scanstart(%esp)
-		movzwl	-1(%edi,%eax), %ebx
-		movl	%ebx, scanend(%esp)
-		movl	dsPrev(%edx), %edi
-/* Jump into the main loop.						*/
-		movl	chainlenwmask(%esp), %edx
-		jmp	LoopEntry
-.balign 16
-/* do {
- *     match = s->window + cur_match;
- *     if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
- *         *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
- *     [...]
- * } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
- *          && --chain_length != 0);
- *
- * Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
- * majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
- * be spent in the first ten instructions.
- *
- * Within this loop:
- * %ebx = scanend
- * %ecx = curmatch
- * %edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask)
- * %esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen)
- * %edi = prev
- * %ebp = limit
- */
-		andl	%edx, %ecx
-		movzwl	(%edi,%ecx,2), %ecx
-		cmpl	%ebp, %ecx
-		jbe	LeaveNow
-		subl	$0x00010000, %edx
-		js	LeaveNow
-LoopEntry:	movzwl	-1(%esi,%ecx), %eax
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		jnz	LookupLoop
-		movl	window(%esp), %eax
-		movzwl	(%eax,%ecx), %eax
-		cmpl	scanstart(%esp), %eax
-		jnz	LookupLoop
-/* Store the current value of chainlen.					*/
-		movl	%edx, chainlenwmask(%esp)
-/* Point %edi to the string under scrutiny, and %esi to the string we	*/
-/* are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, %esi and %edi are	*/
-/* both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and %edx is	*/
-/* initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).				*/
-		movl	window(%esp), %esi
-		movl	scan(%esp), %edi
-		addl	%ecx, %esi
-		movl	scanalign(%esp), %eax
-		movl	$(-MAX_MATCH_8), %edx
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%edi,%eax), %edi
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%esi,%eax), %esi
-/* Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
- * adjust %edx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
- *
- * We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the
- * strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before
- * starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3
- * bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the %edi
- * pointer. (%esi will still be misaligned three times out of four.)
- *
- * It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
- * much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
- * straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
- * performance.
- */
-		movl	(%esi,%edx), %eax
-		xorl	(%edi,%edx), %eax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		movl	4(%esi,%edx), %eax
-		xorl	4(%edi,%edx), %eax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps4
-		addl	$8, %edx
-		jnz	LoopCmps
-		jmp	LenMaximum
-LeaveLoopCmps4:	addl	$4, %edx
-LeaveLoopCmps:	testl	$0x0000FFFF, %eax
-		jnz	LenLower
-		addl	$2, %edx
-		shrl	$16, %eax
-LenLower:	subb	$1, %al
-		adcl	$0, %edx
-/* Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,	*/
-/* then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.	*/
-		lea	(%edi,%edx), %eax
-		movl	scan(%esp), %edi
-		subl	%edi, %eax
-		cmpl	$MAX_MATCH, %eax
-		jge	LenMaximum
-/* If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we	*/
-/* have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.		*/
-		movl	deflatestate(%esp), %edx
-		movl	bestlen(%esp), %ebx
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		jg	LongerMatch
-		movl	windowbestlen(%esp), %esi
-		movl	dsPrev(%edx), %edi
-		movl	scanend(%esp), %ebx
-		movl	chainlenwmask(%esp), %edx
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/*         s->match_start = cur_match;					*/
-/*         best_len = len;						*/
-/*         if (len >= nice_match) break;				*/
-/*         scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-LongerMatch:	movl	nicematch(%esp), %ebx
-		movl	%eax, bestlen(%esp)
-		movl	%ecx, dsMatchStart(%edx)
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		jge	LeaveNow
-		movl	window(%esp), %esi
-		addl	%eax, %esi
-		movl	%esi, windowbestlen(%esp)
-		movzwl	-1(%edi,%eax), %ebx
-		movl	dsPrev(%edx), %edi
-		movl	%ebx, scanend(%esp)
-		movl	chainlenwmask(%esp), %edx
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/* Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.		*/
-LenMaximum:	movl	deflatestate(%esp), %edx
-		movl	$MAX_MATCH, bestlen(%esp)
-		movl	%ecx, dsMatchStart(%edx)
-/* if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;		*/
-/* return s->lookahead;							*/
-		movl	deflatestate(%esp), %edx
-		movl	bestlen(%esp), %ebx
-		movl	dsLookahead(%edx), %eax
-		cmpl	%eax, %ebx
-		jg	LookaheadRet
-		movl	%ebx, %eax
-/* Restore the stack and return from whence we came.			*/
-		addl	$LocalVarsSize, %esp
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 20
-		popl	%ebx
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
-		popl	%esi
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 12
-		popl	%edi
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
-		popl	%ebp
-		.cfi_def_cfa_offset 4
-match_init:	ret
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/Makefile b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be80ba..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-blast: blast.c blast.h
-	cc -DTEST -o blast blast.c
-test: blast
-	blast < | cmp - test.txt
-	rm -f blast blast.o
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/README b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e3a60b3..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Read blast.h for purpose and usage.
-Mark Adler
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.c b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ef0fe..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-/* blast.c
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2012 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in blast.h
- * version 1.2, 24 Oct 2012
- *
- * blast.c decompresses data compressed by the PKWare Compression Library.
- * This function provides functionality similar to the explode() function of
- * the PKWare library, hence the name "blast".
- *
- * This decompressor is based on the excellent format description provided by
- * Ben Rudiak-Gould in comp.compression on August 13, 2001.  Interestingly, the
- * example Ben provided in the post is incorrect.  The distance 110001 should
- * instead be 111000.  When corrected, the example byte stream becomes:
- *
- *    00 04 82 24 25 8f 80 7f
- *
- * which decompresses to "AIAIAIAIAIAIA" (without the quotes).
- */
- * Change history:
- *
- * 1.0  12 Feb 2003     - First version
- * 1.1  16 Feb 2003     - Fixed distance check for > 4 GB uncompressed data
- * 1.2  24 Oct 2012     - Add note about using binary mode in stdio
- *                      - Fix comparisons of differently signed integers
- */
-#include <setjmp.h>             /* for setjmp(), longjmp(), and jmp_buf */
-#include "blast.h"              /* prototype for blast() */
-#define local static            /* for local function definitions */
-#define MAXBITS 13              /* maximum code length */
-#define MAXWIN 4096             /* maximum window size */
-/* input and output state */
-struct state {
-    /* input state */
-    blast_in infun;             /* input function provided by user */
-    void *inhow;                /* opaque information passed to infun() */
-    unsigned char *in;          /* next input location */
-    unsigned left;              /* available input at in */
-    int bitbuf;                 /* bit buffer */
-    int bitcnt;                 /* number of bits in bit buffer */
-    /* input limit error return state for bits() and decode() */
-    jmp_buf env;
-    /* output state */
-    blast_out outfun;           /* output function provided by user */
-    void *outhow;               /* opaque information passed to outfun() */
-    unsigned next;              /* index of next write location in out[] */
-    int first;                  /* true to check distances (for first 4K) */
-    unsigned char out[MAXWIN];  /* output buffer and sliding window */
- * Return need bits from the input stream.  This always leaves less than
- * eight bits in the buffer.  bits() works properly for need == 0.
- *
- * Format notes:
- *
- * - Bits are stored in bytes from the least significant bit to the most
- *   significant bit.  Therefore bits are dropped from the bottom of the bit
- *   buffer, using shift right, and new bytes are appended to the top of the
- *   bit buffer, using shift left.
- */
-local int bits(struct state *s, int need)
-    int val;            /* bit accumulator */
-    /* load at least need bits into val */
-    val = s->bitbuf;
-    while (s->bitcnt < need) {
-        if (s->left == 0) {
-            s->left = s->infun(s->inhow, &(s->in));
-            if (s->left == 0) longjmp(s->env, 1);       /* out of input */
-        }
-        val |= (int)(*(s->in)++) << s->bitcnt;          /* load eight bits */
-        s->left--;
-        s->bitcnt += 8;
-    }
-    /* drop need bits and update buffer, always zero to seven bits left */
-    s->bitbuf = val >> need;
-    s->bitcnt -= need;
-    /* return need bits, zeroing the bits above that */
-    return val & ((1 << need) - 1);
- * Huffman code decoding tables.  count[1..MAXBITS] is the number of symbols of
- * each length, which for a canonical code are stepped through in order.
- * symbol[] are the symbol values in canonical order, where the number of
- * entries is the sum of the counts in count[].  The decoding process can be
- * seen in the function decode() below.
- */
-struct huffman {
-    short *count;       /* number of symbols of each length */
-    short *symbol;      /* canonically ordered symbols */
- * Decode a code from the stream s using huffman table h.  Return the symbol or
- * a negative value if there is an error.  If all of the lengths are zero, i.e.
- * an empty code, or if the code is incomplete and an invalid code is received,
- * then -9 is returned after reading MAXBITS bits.
- *
- * Format notes:
- *
- * - The codes as stored in the compressed data are bit-reversed relative to
- *   a simple integer ordering of codes of the same lengths.  Hence below the
- *   bits are pulled from the compressed data one at a time and used to
- *   build the code value reversed from what is in the stream in order to
- *   permit simple integer comparisons for decoding.
- *
- * - The first code for the shortest length is all ones.  Subsequent codes of
- *   the same length are simply integer decrements of the previous code.  When
- *   moving up a length, a one bit is appended to the code.  For a complete
- *   code, the last code of the longest length will be all zeros.  To support
- *   this ordering, the bits pulled during decoding are inverted to apply the
- *   more "natural" ordering starting with all zeros and incrementing.
- */
-local int decode(struct state *s, struct huffman *h)
-    int len;            /* current number of bits in code */
-    int code;           /* len bits being decoded */
-    int first;          /* first code of length len */
-    int count;          /* number of codes of length len */
-    int index;          /* index of first code of length len in symbol table */
-    int bitbuf;         /* bits from stream */
-    int left;           /* bits left in next or left to process */
-    short *next;        /* next number of codes */
-    bitbuf = s->bitbuf;
-    left = s->bitcnt;
-    code = first = index = 0;
-    len = 1;
-    next = h->count + 1;
-    while (1) {
-        while (left--) {
-            code |= (bitbuf & 1) ^ 1;   /* invert code */
-            bitbuf >>= 1;
-            count = *next++;
-            if (code < first + count) { /* if length len, return symbol */
-                s->bitbuf = bitbuf;
-                s->bitcnt = (s->bitcnt - len) & 7;
-                return h->symbol[index + (code - first)];
-            }
-            index += count;             /* else update for next length */
-            first += count;
-            first <<= 1;
-            code <<= 1;
-            len++;
-        }
-        left = (MAXBITS+1) - len;
-        if (left == 0) break;
-        if (s->left == 0) {
-            s->left = s->infun(s->inhow, &(s->in));
-            if (s->left == 0) longjmp(s->env, 1);       /* out of input */
-        }
-        bitbuf = *(s->in)++;
-        s->left--;
-        if (left > 8) left = 8;
-    }
-    return -9;                          /* ran out of codes */
- * Given a list of repeated code lengths rep[0..n-1], where each byte is a
- * count (high four bits + 1) and a code length (low four bits), generate the
- * list of code lengths.  This compaction reduces the size of the object code.
- * Then given the list of code lengths length[0..n-1] representing a canonical
- * Huffman code for n symbols, construct the tables required to decode those
- * codes.  Those tables are the number of codes of each length, and the symbols
- * sorted by length, retaining their original order within each length.  The
- * return value is zero for a complete code set, negative for an over-
- * subscribed code set, and positive for an incomplete code set.  The tables
- * can be used if the return value is zero or positive, but they cannot be used
- * if the return value is negative.  If the return value is zero, it is not
- * possible for decode() using that table to return an error--any stream of
- * enough bits will resolve to a symbol.  If the return value is positive, then
- * it is possible for decode() using that table to return an error for received
- * codes past the end of the incomplete lengths.
- */
-local int construct(struct huffman *h, const unsigned char *rep, int n)
-    int symbol;         /* current symbol when stepping through length[] */
-    int len;            /* current length when stepping through h->count[] */
-    int left;           /* number of possible codes left of current length */
-    short offs[MAXBITS+1];      /* offsets in symbol table for each length */
-    short length[256];  /* code lengths */
-    /* convert compact repeat counts into symbol bit length list */
-    symbol = 0;
-    do {
-        len = *rep++;
-        left = (len >> 4) + 1;
-        len &= 15;
-        do {
-            length[symbol++] = len;
-        } while (--left);
-    } while (--n);
-    n = symbol;
-    /* count number of codes of each length */
-    for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++)
-        h->count[len] = 0;
-    for (symbol = 0; symbol < n; symbol++)
-        (h->count[length[symbol]])++;   /* assumes lengths are within bounds */
-    if (h->count[0] == n)               /* no codes! */
-        return 0;                       /* complete, but decode() will fail */
-    /* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */
-    left = 1;                           /* one possible code of zero length */
-    for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {
-        left <<= 1;                     /* one more bit, double codes left */
-        left -= h->count[len];          /* deduct count from possible codes */
-        if (left < 0) return left;      /* over-subscribed--return negative */
-    }                                   /* left > 0 means incomplete */
-    /* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */
-    offs[1] = 0;
-    for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++)
-        offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + h->count[len];
-    /*
-     * put symbols in table sorted by length, by symbol order within each
-     * length
-     */
-    for (symbol = 0; symbol < n; symbol++)
-        if (length[symbol] != 0)
-            h->symbol[offs[length[symbol]]++] = symbol;
-    /* return zero for complete set, positive for incomplete set */
-    return left;
- * Decode PKWare Compression Library stream.
- *
- * Format notes:
- *
- * - First byte is 0 if literals are uncoded or 1 if they are coded.  Second
- *   byte is 4, 5, or 6 for the number of extra bits in the distance code.
- *   This is the base-2 logarithm of the dictionary size minus six.
- *
- * - Compressed data is a combination of literals and length/distance pairs
- *   terminated by an end code.  Literals are either Huffman coded or
- *   uncoded bytes.  A length/distance pair is a coded length followed by a
- *   coded distance to represent a string that occurs earlier in the
- *   uncompressed data that occurs again at the current location.
- *
- * - A bit preceding a literal or length/distance pair indicates which comes
- *   next, 0 for literals, 1 for length/distance.
- *
- * - If literals are uncoded, then the next eight bits are the literal, in the
- *   normal bit order in th stream, i.e. no bit-reversal is needed. Similarly,
- *   no bit reversal is needed for either the length extra bits or the distance
- *   extra bits.
- *
- * - Literal bytes are simply written to the output.  A length/distance pair is
- *   an instruction to copy previously uncompressed bytes to the output.  The
- *   copy is from distance bytes back in the output stream, copying for length
- *   bytes.
- *
- * - Distances pointing before the beginning of the output data are not
- *   permitted.
- *
- * - Overlapped copies, where the length is greater than the distance, are
- *   allowed and common.  For example, a distance of one and a length of 518
- *   simply copies the last byte 518 times.  A distance of four and a length of
- *   twelve copies the last four bytes three times.  A simple forward copy
- *   ignoring whether the length is greater than the distance or not implements
- *   this correctly.
- */
-local int decomp(struct state *s)
-    int lit;            /* true if literals are coded */
-    int dict;           /* log2(dictionary size) - 6 */
-    int symbol;         /* decoded symbol, extra bits for distance */
-    int len;            /* length for copy */
-    unsigned dist;      /* distance for copy */
-    int copy;           /* copy counter */
-    unsigned char *from, *to;   /* copy pointers */
-    static int virgin = 1;                              /* build tables once */
-    static short litcnt[MAXBITS+1], litsym[256];        /* litcode memory */
-    static short lencnt[MAXBITS+1], lensym[16];         /* lencode memory */
-    static short distcnt[MAXBITS+1], distsym[64];       /* distcode memory */
-    static struct huffman litcode = {litcnt, litsym};   /* length code */
-    static struct huffman lencode = {lencnt, lensym};   /* length code */
-    static struct huffman distcode = {distcnt, distsym};/* distance code */
-        /* bit lengths of literal codes */
-    static const unsigned char litlen[] = {
-        11, 124, 8, 7, 28, 7, 188, 13, 76, 4, 10, 8, 12, 10, 12, 10, 8, 23, 8,
-        9, 7, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 55, 8, 23, 24, 12, 11, 7, 9, 11, 12, 6, 7, 22, 5,
-        7, 24, 6, 11, 9, 6, 7, 22, 7, 11, 38, 7, 9, 8, 25, 11, 8, 11, 9, 12,
-        8, 12, 5, 38, 5, 38, 5, 11, 7, 5, 6, 21, 6, 10, 53, 8, 7, 24, 10, 27,
-        44, 253, 253, 253, 252, 252, 252, 13, 12, 45, 12, 45, 12, 61, 12, 45,
-        44, 173};
-        /* bit lengths of length codes 0..15 */
-    static const unsigned char lenlen[] = {2, 35, 36, 53, 38, 23};
-        /* bit lengths of distance codes 0..63 */
-    static const unsigned char distlen[] = {2, 20, 53, 230, 247, 151, 248};
-    static const short base[16] = {     /* base for length codes */
-        3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 24, 40, 72, 136, 264};
-    static const char extra[16] = {     /* extra bits for length codes */
-        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
-    /* set up decoding tables (once--might not be thread-safe) */
-    if (virgin) {
-        construct(&litcode, litlen, sizeof(litlen));
-        construct(&lencode, lenlen, sizeof(lenlen));
-        construct(&distcode, distlen, sizeof(distlen));
-        virgin = 0;
-    }
-    /* read header */
-    lit = bits(s, 8);
-    if (lit > 1) return -1;
-    dict = bits(s, 8);
-    if (dict < 4 || dict > 6) return -2;
-    /* decode literals and length/distance pairs */
-    do {
-        if (bits(s, 1)) {
-            /* get length */
-            symbol = decode(s, &lencode);
-            len = base[symbol] + bits(s, extra[symbol]);
-            if (len == 519) break;              /* end code */
-            /* get distance */
-            symbol = len == 2 ? 2 : dict;
-            dist = decode(s, &distcode) << symbol;
-            dist += bits(s, symbol);
-            dist++;
-            if (s->first && dist > s->next)
-                return -3;              /* distance too far back */
-            /* copy length bytes from distance bytes back */
-            do {
-                to = s->out + s->next;
-                from = to - dist;
-                copy = MAXWIN;
-                if (s->next < dist) {
-                    from += copy;
-                    copy = dist;
-                }
-                copy -= s->next;
-                if (copy > len) copy = len;
-                len -= copy;
-                s->next += copy;
-                do {
-                    *to++ = *from++;
-                } while (--copy);
-                if (s->next == MAXWIN) {
-                    if (s->outfun(s->outhow, s->out, s->next)) return 1;
-                    s->next = 0;
-                    s->first = 0;
-                }
-            } while (len != 0);
-        }
-        else {
-            /* get literal and write it */
-            symbol = lit ? decode(s, &litcode) : bits(s, 8);
-            s->out[s->next++] = symbol;
-            if (s->next == MAXWIN) {
-                if (s->outfun(s->outhow, s->out, s->next)) return 1;
-                s->next = 0;
-                s->first = 0;
-            }
-        }
-    } while (1);
-    return 0;
-/* See comments in blast.h */
-int blast(blast_in infun, void *inhow, blast_out outfun, void *outhow)
-    struct state s;             /* input/output state */
-    int err;                    /* return value */
-    /* initialize input state */
-    s.infun = infun;
-    s.inhow = inhow;
-    s.left = 0;
-    s.bitbuf = 0;
-    s.bitcnt = 0;
-    /* initialize output state */
-    s.outfun = outfun;
-    s.outhow = outhow;
- = 0;
-    s.first = 1;
-    /* return if bits() or decode() tries to read past available input */
-    if (setjmp(s.env) != 0)             /* if came back here via longjmp(), */
-        err = 2;                        /*  then skip decomp(), return error */
-    else
-        err = decomp(&s);               /* decompress */
-    /* write any leftover output and update the error code if needed */
-    if (err != 1 && && s.outfun(s.outhow, s.out, && err == 0)
-        err = 1;
-    return err;
-#ifdef TEST
-/* Example of how to use blast() */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define CHUNK 16384
-local unsigned inf(void *how, unsigned char **buf)
-    static unsigned char hold[CHUNK];
-    *buf = hold;
-    return fread(hold, 1, CHUNK, (FILE *)how);
-local int outf(void *how, unsigned char *buf, unsigned len)
-    return fwrite(buf, 1, len, (FILE *)how) != len;
-/* Decompress a PKWare Compression Library stream from stdin to stdout */
-int main(void)
-    int ret, n;
-    /* decompress to stdout */
-    ret = blast(inf, stdin, outf, stdout);
-    if (ret != 0) fprintf(stderr, "blast error: %d\n", ret);
-    /* see if there are any leftover bytes */
-    n = 0;
-    while (getchar() != EOF) n++;
-    if (n) fprintf(stderr, "blast warning: %d unused bytes of input\n", n);
-    /* return blast() error code */
-    return ret;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.h b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 658cfd3..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/blast.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-/* blast.h -- interface for blast.c
-  Copyright (C) 2003, 2012 Mark Adler
-  version 1.2, 24 Oct 2012
-  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-  warranty.  In no event will the author be held liable for any damages
-  arising from the use of this software.
-  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-     appreciated but is not required.
-  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-     misrepresented as being the original software.
-  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-  Mark Adler
- */
- * blast() decompresses the PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL) compressed
- * format.  It provides the same functionality as the explode() function in
- * that library.  (Note: PKWare overused the "implode" verb, and the format
- * used by their library implode() function is completely different and
- * incompatible with the implode compression method supported by PKZIP.)
- *
- * The binary mode for stdio functions should be used to assure that the
- * compressed data is not corrupted when read or written.  For example:
- * fopen(..., "rb") and fopen(..., "wb").
- */
-typedef unsigned (*blast_in)(void *how, unsigned char **buf);
-typedef int (*blast_out)(void *how, unsigned char *buf, unsigned len);
-/* Definitions for input/output functions passed to blast().  See below for
- * what the provided functions need to do.
- */
-int blast(blast_in infun, void *inhow, blast_out outfun, void *outhow);
-/* Decompress input to output using the provided infun() and outfun() calls.
- * On success, the return value of blast() is zero.  If there is an error in
- * the source data, i.e. it is not in the proper format, then a negative value
- * is returned.  If there is not enough input available or there is not enough
- * output space, then a positive error is returned.
- *
- * The input function is invoked: len = infun(how, &buf), where buf is set by
- * infun() to point to the input buffer, and infun() returns the number of
- * available bytes there.  If infun() returns zero, then blast() returns with
- * an input error.  (blast() only asks for input if it needs it.)  inhow is for
- * use by the application to pass an input descriptor to infun(), if desired.
- *
- * The output function is invoked: err = outfun(how, buf, len), where the bytes
- * to be written are buf[0..len-1].  If err is not zero, then blast() returns
- * with an output error.  outfun() is always called with len <= 4096.  outhow
- * is for use by the application to pass an output descriptor to outfun(), if
- * desired.
- *
- * The return codes are:
- *
- *   2:  ran out of input before completing decompression
- *   1:  output error before completing decompression
- *   0:  successful decompression
- *  -1:  literal flag not zero or one
- *  -2:  dictionary size not in 4..6
- *  -3:  distance is too far back
- *
- * At the bottom of blast.c is an example program that uses blast() that can be
- * compiled to produce a command-line decompression filter by defining TEST.
- */
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/ b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/
deleted file mode 100644
index be10b2b..0000000
Binary files a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/test.txt b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bfdf1c5..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/blast/test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index a579974..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLib.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-{                                                       }
-{       Borland Delphi Supplemental Components          }
-{       ZLIB Data Compression Interface Unit            }
-{                                                       }
-{       Copyright (c) 1997,99 Borland Corporation       }
-{                                                       }
-{ Updated for zlib 1.2.x by Cosmin Truta <> }
-unit ZLib;
-uses SysUtils, Classes;
-  TAlloc = function (AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
-  TFree = procedure (AppData, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
-  // Internal structure.  Ignore.
-  TZStreamRec = packed record
-    next_in: PChar;       // next input byte
-    avail_in: Integer;    // number of bytes available at next_in
-    total_in: Longint;    // total nb of input bytes read so far
-    next_out: PChar;      // next output byte should be put here
-    avail_out: Integer;   // remaining free space at next_out
-    total_out: Longint;   // total nb of bytes output so far
-    msg: PChar;           // last error message, NULL if no error
-    internal: Pointer;    // not visible by applications
-    zalloc: TAlloc;       // used to allocate the internal state
-    zfree: TFree;         // used to free the internal state
-    AppData: Pointer;     // private data object passed to zalloc and zfree
-    data_type: Integer;   // best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
-    adler: Longint;       // adler32 value of the uncompressed data
-    reserved: Longint;    // reserved for future use
-  end;
-  // Abstract ancestor class
-  TCustomZlibStream = class(TStream)
-  private
-    FStrm: TStream;
-    FStrmPos: Integer;
-    FOnProgress: TNotifyEvent;
-    FZRec: TZStreamRec;
-    FBuffer: array [Word] of Char;
-  protected
-    procedure Progress(Sender: TObject); dynamic;
-    property OnProgress: TNotifyEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
-    constructor Create(Strm: TStream);
-  end;
-{ TCompressionStream compresses data on the fly as data is written to it, and
-  stores the compressed data to another stream.
-  TCompressionStream is write-only and strictly sequential. Reading from the
-  stream will raise an exception. Using Seek to move the stream pointer
-  will raise an exception.
-  Output data is cached internally, written to the output stream only when
-  the internal output buffer is full.  All pending output data is flushed
-  when the stream is destroyed.
-  The Position property returns the number of uncompressed bytes of
-  data that have been written to the stream so far.
-  CompressionRate returns the on-the-fly percentage by which the original
-  data has been compressed:  (1 - (CompressedBytes / UncompressedBytes)) * 100
-  If raw data size = 100 and compressed data size = 25, the CompressionRate
-  is 75%
-  The OnProgress event is called each time the output buffer is filled and
-  written to the output stream.  This is useful for updating a progress
-  indicator when you are writing a large chunk of data to the compression
-  stream in a single call.}
-  TCompressionLevel = (clNone, clFastest, clDefault, clMax);
-  TCompressionStream = class(TCustomZlibStream)
-  private
-    function GetCompressionRate: Single;
-  public
-    constructor Create(CompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel; Dest: TStream);
-    destructor Destroy; override;
-    function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
-    function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
-    function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
-    property CompressionRate: Single read GetCompressionRate;
-    property OnProgress;
-  end;
-{ TDecompressionStream decompresses data on the fly as data is read from it.
-  Compressed data comes from a separate source stream.  TDecompressionStream
-  is read-only and unidirectional; you can seek forward in the stream, but not
-  backwards.  The special case of setting the stream position to zero is
-  allowed.  Seeking forward decompresses data until the requested position in
-  the uncompressed data has been reached.  Seeking backwards, seeking relative
-  to the end of the stream, requesting the size of the stream, and writing to
-  the stream will raise an exception.
-  The Position property returns the number of bytes of uncompressed data that
-  have been read from the stream so far.
-  The OnProgress event is called each time the internal input buffer of
-  compressed data is exhausted and the next block is read from the input stream.
-  This is useful for updating a progress indicator when you are reading a
-  large chunk of data from the decompression stream in a single call.}
-  TDecompressionStream = class(TCustomZlibStream)
-  public
-    constructor Create(Source: TStream);
-    destructor Destroy; override;
-    function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
-    function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
-    function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
-    property OnProgress;
-  end;
-{ CompressBuf compresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
-   In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
-       InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
-  Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
-       OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf   }
-procedure CompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
-                      out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
-{ DecompressBuf decompresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
-   In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
-       InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
-       OutEstimate = zero, or est. size of the decompressed data
-  Out: OutBuf = ptr to newly allocated buffer containing decompressed data
-       OutBytes = number of bytes in OutBuf   }
-procedure DecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
- OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
-{ DecompressToUserBuf decompresses data, buffer to buffer, in one call.
-   In: InBuf = ptr to compressed data
-       InBytes = number of bytes in InBuf
-  Out: OutBuf = ptr to user-allocated buffer to contain decompressed data
-       BufSize = number of bytes in OutBuf   }
-procedure DecompressToUserBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
-  const OutBuf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer);
-  zlib_version = '1.2.8';
-  EZlibError = class(Exception);
-  ECompressionError = class(EZlibError);
-  EDecompressionError = class(EZlibError);
-uses ZLibConst;
-  Z_NO_FLUSH      = 0;
-  Z_SYNC_FLUSH    = 2;
-  Z_FULL_FLUSH    = 3;
-  Z_FINISH        = 4;
-  Z_OK            = 0;
-  Z_STREAM_END    = 1;
-  Z_NEED_DICT     = 2;
-  Z_ERRNO         = (-1);
-  Z_STREAM_ERROR  = (-2);
-  Z_DATA_ERROR    = (-3);
-  Z_MEM_ERROR     = (-4);
-  Z_BUF_ERROR     = (-5);
-  Z_VERSION_ERROR = (-6);
-  Z_NO_COMPRESSION       =   0;
-  Z_BEST_SPEED           =   1;
-  Z_BEST_COMPRESSION     =   9;
-  Z_FILTERED            = 1;
-  Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY        = 2;
-  Z_RLE                 = 3;
-  Z_BINARY   = 0;
-  Z_ASCII    = 1;
-  Z_UNKNOWN  = 2;
-  Z_DEFLATED = 8;
-{$L adler32.obj}
-{$L compress.obj}
-{$L crc32.obj}
-{$L deflate.obj}
-{$L infback.obj}
-{$L inffast.obj}
-{$L inflate.obj}
-{$L inftrees.obj}
-{$L trees.obj}
-{$L uncompr.obj}
-{$L zutil.obj}
-procedure adler32; external;
-procedure compressBound; external;
-procedure crc32; external;
-procedure deflateInit2_; external;
-procedure deflateParams; external;
-function _malloc(Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
-  Result := AllocMem(Size);
-procedure _free(Block: Pointer); cdecl;
-  FreeMem(Block);
-procedure _memset(P: Pointer; B: Byte; count: Integer); cdecl;
-  FillChar(P^, count, B);
-procedure _memcpy(dest, source: Pointer; count: Integer); cdecl;
-  Move(source^, dest^, count);
-// deflate compresses data
-function deflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; level: Integer; version: PChar;
-  recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
-function deflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
-function deflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
-// inflate decompresses data
-function inflateInit_(var strm: TZStreamRec; version: PChar;
-  recsize: Integer): Integer; external;
-function inflate(var strm: TZStreamRec; flush: Integer): Integer; external;
-function inflateEnd(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
-function inflateReset(var strm: TZStreamRec): Integer; external;
-function zlibAllocMem(AppData: Pointer; Items, Size: Integer): Pointer; cdecl;
-//  GetMem(Result, Items*Size);
-  Result := AllocMem(Items * Size);
-procedure zlibFreeMem(AppData, Block: Pointer); cdecl;
-  FreeMem(Block);
-{function zlibCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
-  Result := code;
-  if code < 0 then
-    raise EZlibError.Create('error');    //!!
-function CCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
-  Result := code;
-  if code < 0 then
-    raise ECompressionError.Create('error'); //!!
-function DCheck(code: Integer): Integer;
-  Result := code;
-  if code < 0 then
-    raise EDecompressionError.Create('error');  //!!
-procedure CompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
-                      out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
-  strm: TZStreamRec;
-  P: Pointer;
-  FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
-  strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
-  strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
-  OutBytes := ((InBytes + (InBytes div 10) + 12) + 255) and not 255;
-  GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
-  try
-    strm.next_in := InBuf;
-    strm.avail_in := InBytes;
-    strm.next_out := OutBuf;
-    strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
-    CCheck(deflateInit_(strm, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
-    try
-      while CCheck(deflate(strm, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
-      begin
-        P := OutBuf;
-        Inc(OutBytes, 256);
-        ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
-        strm.next_out := PChar(Integer(OutBuf) + (Integer(strm.next_out) - Integer(P)));
-        strm.avail_out := 256;
-      end;
-    finally
-      CCheck(deflateEnd(strm));
-    end;
-    ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out);
-    OutBytes := strm.total_out;
-  except
-    FreeMem(OutBuf);
-    raise
-  end;
-procedure DecompressBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
-  OutEstimate: Integer; out OutBuf: Pointer; out OutBytes: Integer);
-  strm: TZStreamRec;
-  P: Pointer;
-  BufInc: Integer;
-  FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
-  strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
-  strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
-  BufInc := (InBytes + 255) and not 255;
-  if OutEstimate = 0 then
-    OutBytes := BufInc
-  else
-    OutBytes := OutEstimate;
-  GetMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
-  try
-    strm.next_in := InBuf;
-    strm.avail_in := InBytes;
-    strm.next_out := OutBuf;
-    strm.avail_out := OutBytes;
-    DCheck(inflateInit_(strm, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
-    try
-      while DCheck(inflate(strm, Z_NO_FLUSH)) <> Z_STREAM_END do
-      begin
-        P := OutBuf;
-        Inc(OutBytes, BufInc);
-        ReallocMem(OutBuf, OutBytes);
-        strm.next_out := PChar(Integer(OutBuf) + (Integer(strm.next_out) - Integer(P)));
-        strm.avail_out := BufInc;
-      end;
-    finally
-      DCheck(inflateEnd(strm));
-    end;
-    ReallocMem(OutBuf, strm.total_out);
-    OutBytes := strm.total_out;
-  except
-    FreeMem(OutBuf);
-    raise
-  end;
-procedure DecompressToUserBuf(const InBuf: Pointer; InBytes: Integer;
-  const OutBuf: Pointer; BufSize: Integer);
-  strm: TZStreamRec;
-  FillChar(strm, sizeof(strm), 0);
-  strm.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
-  strm.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
-  strm.next_in := InBuf;
-  strm.avail_in := InBytes;
-  strm.next_out := OutBuf;
-  strm.avail_out := BufSize;
-  DCheck(inflateInit_(strm, zlib_version, sizeof(strm)));
-  try
-    if DCheck(inflate(strm, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END then
-      raise EZlibError.CreateRes(@sTargetBufferTooSmall);
-  finally
-    DCheck(inflateEnd(strm));
-  end;
-// TCustomZlibStream
-constructor TCustomZLibStream.Create(Strm: TStream);
-  inherited Create;
-  FStrm := Strm;
-  FStrmPos := Strm.Position;
-  FZRec.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
-  FZRec.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
-procedure TCustomZLibStream.Progress(Sender: TObject);
-  if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Sender);
-// TCompressionStream
-constructor TCompressionStream.Create(CompressionLevel: TCompressionLevel;
-  Dest: TStream);
-  Levels: array [TCompressionLevel] of ShortInt =
-  inherited Create(Dest);
-  FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
-  FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
-  CCheck(deflateInit_(FZRec, Levels[CompressionLevel], zlib_version, sizeof(FZRec)));
-destructor TCompressionStream.Destroy;
-  FZRec.next_in := nil;
-  FZRec.avail_in := 0;
-  try
-    if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
-    while (CCheck(deflate(FZRec, Z_FINISH)) <> Z_STREAM_END)
-      and (FZRec.avail_out = 0) do
-    begin
-      FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
-      FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
-      FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
-    end;
-    if FZRec.avail_out < sizeof(FBuffer) then
-      FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer) - FZRec.avail_out);
-  finally
-    deflateEnd(FZRec);
-  end;
-  inherited Destroy;
-function TCompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
-  raise ECompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
-function TCompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
-  FZRec.next_in := @Buffer;
-  FZRec.avail_in := Count;
-  if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
-  while (FZRec.avail_in > 0) do
-  begin
-    CCheck(deflate(FZRec, 0));
-    if FZRec.avail_out = 0 then
-    begin
-      FStrm.WriteBuffer(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
-      FZRec.next_out := FBuffer;
-      FZRec.avail_out := sizeof(FBuffer);
-      FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
-      Progress(Self);
-    end;
-  end;
-  Result := Count;
-function TCompressionStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
-  if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soFromCurrent) then
-    Result := FZRec.total_in
-  else
-    raise ECompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
-function TCompressionStream.GetCompressionRate: Single;
-  if FZRec.total_in = 0 then
-    Result := 0
-  else
-    Result := (1.0 - (FZRec.total_out / FZRec.total_in)) * 100.0;
-// TDecompressionStream
-constructor TDecompressionStream.Create(Source: TStream);
-  inherited Create(Source);
-  FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
-  FZRec.avail_in := 0;
-  DCheck(inflateInit_(FZRec, zlib_version, sizeof(FZRec)));
-destructor TDecompressionStream.Destroy;
-  FStrm.Seek(-FZRec.avail_in, 1);
-  inflateEnd(FZRec);
-  inherited Destroy;
-function TDecompressionStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
-  FZRec.next_out := @Buffer;
-  FZRec.avail_out := Count;
-  if FStrm.Position <> FStrmPos then FStrm.Position := FStrmPos;
-  while (FZRec.avail_out > 0) do
-  begin
-    if FZRec.avail_in = 0 then
-    begin
-      FZRec.avail_in := FStrm.Read(FBuffer, sizeof(FBuffer));
-      if FZRec.avail_in = 0 then
-      begin
-        Result := Count - FZRec.avail_out;
-        Exit;
-      end;
-      FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
-      FStrmPos := FStrm.Position;
-      Progress(Self);
-    end;
-    CCheck(inflate(FZRec, 0));
-  end;
-  Result := Count;
-function TDecompressionStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
-  raise EDecompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
-function TDecompressionStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
-  I: Integer;
-  Buf: array [0..4095] of Char;
-  if (Offset = 0) and (Origin = soFromBeginning) then
-  begin
-    DCheck(inflateReset(FZRec));
-    FZRec.next_in := FBuffer;
-    FZRec.avail_in := 0;
-    FStrm.Position := 0;
-    FStrmPos := 0;
-  end
-  else if ( (Offset >= 0) and (Origin = soFromCurrent)) or
-          ( ((Offset - FZRec.total_out) > 0) and (Origin = soFromBeginning)) then
-  begin
-    if Origin = soFromBeginning then Dec(Offset, FZRec.total_out);
-    if Offset > 0 then
-    begin
-      for I := 1 to Offset div sizeof(Buf) do
-        ReadBuffer(Buf, sizeof(Buf));
-      ReadBuffer(Buf, Offset mod sizeof(Buf));
-    end;
-  end
-  else
-    raise EDecompressionError.CreateRes(@sInvalidStreamOp);
-  Result := FZRec.total_out;
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLibConst.pas b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLibConst.pas
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index cdfe136..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/ZLibConst.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-unit ZLibConst;
-  sTargetBufferTooSmall = 'ZLib error: target buffer may be too small';
-  sInvalidStreamOp = 'Invalid stream operation';
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/readme.txt b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/readme.txt
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index 2dc9a8b..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains an update to the ZLib interface unit,
-distributed by Borland as a Delphi supplemental component.
-The original ZLib unit is Copyright (c) 1997,99 Borland Corp.,
-and is based on zlib version 1.0.4.  There are a series of bugs
-and security problems associated with that old zlib version, and
-we recommend the users to update their ZLib unit.
-Summary of modifications
-- Improved makefile, adapted to zlib version 1.2.1.
-- Some field types from TZStreamRec are changed from Integer to
-  Longint, for consistency with the zlib.h header, and for 64-bit
-  readiness.
-- The zlib_version constant is updated.
-- The new Z_RLE strategy has its corresponding symbolic constant.
-- The allocation and deallocation functions and function types
-  (TAlloc, TFree, zlibAllocMem and zlibFreeMem) are now cdecl,
-  and _malloc and _free are added as C RTL stubs.  As a result,
-  the original C sources of zlib can be compiled out of the box,
-  and linked to the ZLib unit.
-Suggestions for improvements
-Currently, the ZLib unit provides only a limited wrapper around
-the zlib library, and much of the original zlib functionality is
-missing.  Handling compressed file formats like ZIP/GZIP or PNG
-cannot be implemented without having this functionality.
-Applications that handle these formats are either using their own,
-duplicated code, or not using the ZLib unit at all.
-Here are a few suggestions:
-- Checksum class wrappers around adler32() and crc32(), similar
-  to the Java classes that implement the
-  interface.
-- The ability to read and write raw deflate streams, without the
-  zlib stream header and trailer.  Raw deflate streams are used
-  in the ZIP file format.
-- The ability to read and write gzip streams, used in the GZIP
-  file format, and normally produced by the gzip program.
-- The ability to select a different compression strategy, useful
-  to PNG and MNG image compression, and to multimedia compression
-  in general.  Besides the compression level
-    TCompressionLevel = (clNone, clFastest, clDefault, clMax);
-  which, in fact, could have used the 'z' prefix and avoided
-  TColor-like symbols
-    TCompressionLevel = (zcNone, zcFastest, zcDefault, zcMax);
-  there could be a compression strategy
-    TCompressionStrategy = (zsDefault, zsFiltered, zsHuffmanOnly, zsRle);
-- ZIP and GZIP stream handling via TStreams.
-Cosmin Truta <>
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/zlibd32.mak b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/zlibd32.mak
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index 9bb00b7..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/delphi/zlibd32.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for zlib
-# For use with Delphi and C++ Builder under Win32
-# Updated for zlib 1.2.x by Cosmin Truta
-# ------------ Borland C++ ------------
-# This project uses the Delphi (fastcall/register) calling convention:
-LOC = -DZEXPORT=__fastcall -DZEXPORTVA=__cdecl
-CC = bcc32
-LD = bcc32
-AR = tlib
-# do not use "-pr" in CFLAGS
-CFLAGS = -a -d -k- -O2 $(LOC)
-# variables
-ZLIB_LIB = zlib.lib
-OBJ1 = adler32.obj compress.obj crc32.obj deflate.obj gzclose.obj gzlib.obj gzread.obj
-OBJ2 = gzwrite.obj infback.obj inffast.obj inflate.obj inftrees.obj trees.obj uncompr.obj zutil.obj
-OBJP1 = +adler32.obj+compress.obj+crc32.obj+deflate.obj+gzclose.obj+gzlib.obj+gzread.obj
-OBJP2 = +gzwrite.obj+infback.obj+inffast.obj+inflate.obj+inftrees.obj+trees.obj+uncompr.obj+zutil.obj
-# targets
-all: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.exe minigzip.exe
-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-adler32.obj: adler32.c zlib.h zconf.h
-compress.obj: compress.c zlib.h zconf.h
-crc32.obj: crc32.c zlib.h zconf.h crc32.h
-deflate.obj: deflate.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
-gzclose.obj: gzclose.c zlib.h zconf.h gzguts.h
-gzlib.obj: gzlib.c zlib.h zconf.h gzguts.h
-gzread.obj: gzread.c zlib.h zconf.h gzguts.h
-gzwrite.obj: gzwrite.c zlib.h zconf.h gzguts.h
-infback.obj: infback.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
- inffast.h inffixed.h
-inffast.obj: inffast.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
- inffast.h
-inflate.obj: inflate.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
- inffast.h inffixed.h
-inftrees.obj: inftrees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
-trees.obj: trees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h deflate.h trees.h
-uncompr.obj: uncompr.c zlib.h zconf.h
-zutil.obj: zutil.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
-example.obj: test/example.c zlib.h zconf.h
-minigzip.obj: test/minigzip.c zlib.h zconf.h
-# For the sake of the old Borland make,
-# the command line is cut to fit in the MS-DOS 128 byte limit:
-$(ZLIB_LIB): $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2)
-	-del $(ZLIB_LIB)
-	$(AR) $(ZLIB_LIB) $(OBJP1)
-	$(AR) $(ZLIB_LIB) $(OBJP2)
-# testing
-test: example.exe minigzip.exe
-	example
-	echo hello world | minigzip | minigzip -d
-example.exe: example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-minigzip.exe: minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-# cleanup
-	-del *.obj
-	-del *.exe
-	-del *.lib
-	-del *.tds
-	-del zlib.bak
-	-del foo.gz
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/ b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69630c..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<project name="DotZLib" default="build" basedir="./DotZLib">
-	<description>A .Net wrapper library around ZLib1.dll</description>
-	<property name="nunit.location" value="c:/program files/NUnit V2.1/bin" />
-	<property name="build.root" value="bin" />
-	<property name="debug" value="true" />
-	<property name="nunit" value="true" />
-	<property name="build.folder" value="${build.root}/debug/" if="${debug}" />
-	<property name="build.folder" value="${build.root}/release/" unless="${debug}" />
-	<target name="clean" description="Remove all generated files">
-		<delete dir="${build.root}" failonerror="false" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="build" description="compiles the source code">
-		<mkdir dir="${build.folder}" />
-		<csc target="library" output="${build.folder}DotZLib.dll" debug="${debug}">
-			<references basedir="${nunit.location}">
-				<includes if="${nunit}" name="nunit.framework.dll" />
-			</references>
-			<sources>
-				<includes name="*.cs" />
-				<excludes name="UnitTests.cs" unless="${nunit}" />
-			</sources>
-			<arg value="/d:nunit" if="${nunit}" />
-		</csc>
-	</target>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm
deleted file mode 100644
index f214a44..0000000
Binary files a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib.chm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 724c534..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-// associated with an assembly.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DotZLib")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription(".Net bindings for ZLib compression dll 1.2.x")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Henrik Ravn")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2004 by Henrik Ravn")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-//      Major Version
-//      Minor Version
-//      Build Number
-//      Revision
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
-// by using the '*' as shown below:
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-// In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the
-// Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for more information on assembly signing.
-// Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing.
-// Notes:
-//   (*) If no key is specified, the assembly is not signed.
-//   (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service
-//       Provider (CSP) on your machine. KeyFile refers to a file which contains
-//       a key.
-//   (*) If the KeyFile and the KeyName values are both specified, the
-//       following processing occurs:
-//       (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP, that key is used.
-//       (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist, the key
-//           in the KeyFile is installed into the CSP and used.
-//   (*) In order to create a KeyFile, you can use the sn.exe (Strong Name) utility.
-//       When specifying the KeyFile, the location of the KeyFile should be
-//       relative to the project output directory which is
-//       %Project Directory%\obj\<configuration>. For example, if your KeyFile is
-//       located in the project directory, you would specify the AssemblyKeyFile
-//       attribute as [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\mykey.snk")]
-//   (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET Framework
-//       documentation for more information on this.
-[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
-[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]
diff --git a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs b/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs
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index b110dae..0000000
--- a/DocFormats/platform/3rdparty/zlib-1.2.8/contrib/dotzlib/DotZLib/ChecksumImpl.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-// � Copyright Henrik Ravn 2004
-// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-using System;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Text;
-namespace DotZLib
-    #region ChecksumGeneratorBase
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Implements the common functionality needed for all <see cref="ChecksumGenerator"/>s
-    /// </summary>
-    /// <example></example>
-    public abstract class ChecksumGeneratorBase : ChecksumGenerator
-    {
-        /// <summary>
-        /// The value of the current checksum
-        /// </summary>
-        protected uint _current;
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator base - the current checksum is
-        /// set to zero
-        /// </summary>
-        public ChecksumGeneratorBase()
-        {
-            _current = 0;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the checksum generator basewith a specified value
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="initialValue">The value to set the current checksum to</param>
-        public ChecksumGeneratorBase(uint initialValue)
-        {
-            _current = initialValue;
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Resets the current checksum to zero
-        /// </summary>
-        public void Reset() { _current = 0; }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Gets the current checksum value
-        /// </summary>
-        public uint Value { get { return _current; } }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The data to update the checksum with</param>
-        /// <param name="offset">Where in <c>data</c> to start updating</param>
-        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes from <c>data</c> to use</param>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of <c>data</c></exception>
-        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"><c>data</c> is a null reference</exception>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Offset or count is negative.</exception>
-        /// <remarks>All the other <c>Update</c> methods are implmeneted in terms of this one.
-        /// This is therefore the only method a derived class has to implement</remarks>
-        public abstract void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count);
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with an array of bytes.
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The data to update the checksum with</param>
-        public void Update(byte[] data)
-        {
-            Update(data, 0, data.Length);
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The string to update the checksum with</param>
-        /// <remarks>The characters in the string are converted by the UTF-8 encoding</remarks>
-        public void Update(string data)
-        {
-			Update(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
-        }
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with the data from a string, using a specific encoding
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The string to update the checksum with</param>
-        /// <param name="encoding">The encoding to use</param>
-        public void Update(string data, Encoding encoding)
-        {
-            Update(encoding.GetBytes(data));
-        }
-    }
-    #endregion
-    #region CRC32
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Implements a CRC32 checksum generator
-    /// </summary>
-    public sealed class CRC32Checksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase
-    {
-        #region DLL imports
-        [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
-        private static extern uint crc32(uint crc, int data, uint length);
-        #endregion
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator
-        /// </summary>
-        public CRC32Checksum() : base() {}
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the CRC32 checksum generator with a specified value
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="initialValue">The value to set the current checksum to</param>
-        public CRC32Checksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {}
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The data to update the checksum with</param>
-        /// <param name="offset">Where in <c>data</c> to start updating</param>
-        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes from <c>data</c> to use</param>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of <c>data</c></exception>
-        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"><c>data</c> is a null reference</exception>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Offset or count is negative.</exception>
-        public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count)
-        {
-            if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
-            if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException();
-            GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
-            try
-            {
-                _current = crc32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                hData.Free();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #endregion
-    #region Adler
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Implements a checksum generator that computes the Adler checksum on data
-    /// </summary>
-    public sealed class AdlerChecksum : ChecksumGeneratorBase
-    {
-        #region DLL imports
-        [DllImport("ZLIB1.dll", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
-        private static extern uint adler32(uint adler, int data, uint length);
-        #endregion
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator
-        /// </summary>
-        public AdlerChecksum() : base() {}
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Initializes a new instance of the Adler checksum generator with a specified value
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="initialValue">The value to set the current checksum to</param>
-        public AdlerChecksum(uint initialValue) : base(initialValue) {}
-        /// <summary>
-        /// Updates the current checksum with part of an array of bytes
-        /// </summary>
-        /// <param name="data">The data to update the checksum with</param>
-        /// <param name="offset">Where in <c>data</c> to start updating</param>
-        /// <param name="count">The number of bytes from <c>data</c> to use</param>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">The sum of offset and count is larger than the length of <c>data</c></exception>
-        /// <exception cref="NullReferenceException"><c>data</c> is a null reference</exception>
-        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Offset or count is negative.</exception>
-        public override void Update(byte[] data, int offset, int count)
-        {
-            if (offset < 0 || count < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
-            if ((offset+count) > data.Length) throw new ArgumentException();
-            GCHandle hData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
-            try
-            {
-                _current = adler32(_current, hData.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt32()+offset, (uint)count);
-            }
-            finally
-            {
-                hData.Free();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #endregion
\ No newline at end of file