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Posted to by Ulrich Eckhardt <> on 2011/05/04 18:36:46 UTC

Re: changing ip-address of svn repository

On Wednesday 04 May 2011, wrote:
> while installing SVN and creating repository for review board,  we assigned
> same IP address for both. But we want to change the IP address of review
> board , after changing the IP address of review board the SVN repository
> can't upload any files . Could anyone solve this error issue.

I guess you just have to "svn switch --relocate ..." your working copies. If 
that doesn't help, you need to supply way more information. Things like "the 
SVN repository can't upload any files" for example don't make any sense at 
all, you probably mean something different. Also, you should take the habit of 
telling what you did, what you saw and what you expected to see, preferably 
without any interpretation but just the raw facts.

Good luck!



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