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[1/4] spark git commit: [SPARK-17997][SQL] Add an aggregation function for counting distinct values for multiple intervals

Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master a8d9ec8a6 -> 1d1a09be9
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervalsSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervalsSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c38c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervalsSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate
+import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{AttributeReference, BoundReference, CreateArray, Literal, SpecificInternalRow}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayData, DateTimeUtils}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+class ApproxCountDistinctForIntervalsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("fails analysis if parameters are invalid") {
+    val wrongColumnTypes = Seq(BinaryType, BooleanType, StringType, ArrayType(IntegerType),
+      MapType(IntegerType, IntegerType), StructType(Seq(StructField("s", IntegerType))))
+    wrongColumnTypes.foreach { dataType =>
+      val wrongColumn = new ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+        AttributeReference("a", dataType)(),
+        endpointsExpression = CreateArray(Seq(1, 10).map(Literal(_))))
+      assert(
+        wrongColumn.checkInputDataTypes() match {
+          case TypeCheckFailure(msg)
+            if msg.contains("requires (numeric or timestamp or date) type") => true
+          case _ => false
+        })
+    }
+    var wrongEndpoints = new ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+      AttributeReference("a", DoubleType)(),
+      endpointsExpression = Literal(0.5d))
+    assert(
+      wrongEndpoints.checkInputDataTypes() match {
+        case TypeCheckFailure(msg) if msg.contains("requires array type") => true
+        case _ => false
+      })
+    wrongEndpoints = new ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+      AttributeReference("a", DoubleType)(),
+      endpointsExpression = CreateArray(Seq(AttributeReference("b", DoubleType)())))
+    assert(wrongEndpoints.checkInputDataTypes() ==
+      TypeCheckFailure("The endpoints provided must be constant literals"))
+    wrongEndpoints = new ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+      AttributeReference("a", DoubleType)(),
+      endpointsExpression = CreateArray(Array(10L).map(Literal(_))))
+    assert(wrongEndpoints.checkInputDataTypes() ==
+      TypeCheckFailure("The number of endpoints must be >= 2 to construct intervals"))
+    wrongEndpoints = new ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+      AttributeReference("a", DoubleType)(),
+      endpointsExpression = CreateArray(Array("foobar").map(Literal(_))))
+    assert(wrongEndpoints.checkInputDataTypes() ==
+        TypeCheckFailure("Endpoints require (numeric or timestamp or date) type"))
+  }
+  /** Create an ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals instance and an input and output buffer. */
+  private def createEstimator[T](
+      endpoints: Array[T],
+      dt: DataType,
+      rsd: Double = 0.05): (ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals, InternalRow, InternalRow) = {
+    val input = new SpecificInternalRow(Seq(dt))
+    val aggFunc = ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+      BoundReference(0, dt, nullable = true), CreateArray(, rsd)
+    val buffer = createBuffer(aggFunc)
+    (aggFunc, input, buffer)
+  }
+  private def createBuffer(aggFunc: ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals): InternalRow = {
+    val buffer = new SpecificInternalRow(
+    aggFunc.initialize(buffer)
+    buffer
+  }
+  test("merging ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals instances") {
+    val (aggFunc, input, buffer1a) =
+      createEstimator(Array[Int](0, 10, 2000, 345678, 1000000), IntegerType)
+    val buffer1b = createBuffer(aggFunc)
+    val buffer2 = createBuffer(aggFunc)
+    // Add the lower half to `buffer1a`.
+    var i = 0
+    while (i < 500000) {
+      input.setInt(0, i)
+      aggFunc.update(buffer1a, input)
+      i += 1
+    }
+    // Add the upper half to `buffer1b`.
+    i = 500000
+    while (i < 1000000) {
+      input.setInt(0, i)
+      aggFunc.update(buffer1b, input)
+      i += 1
+    }
+    // Merge the lower and upper halves to `buffer1a`.
+    aggFunc.merge(buffer1a, buffer1b)
+    // Create the other buffer in reverse.
+    i = 999999
+    while (i >= 0) {
+      input.setInt(0, i)
+      aggFunc.update(buffer2, input)
+      i -= 1
+    }
+    // Check if the buffers are equal.
+    assert(buffer2 == buffer1a, "Buffers should be equal")
+  }
+  test("test findHllppIndex(value) for values in the range") {
+    def checkHllppIndex(
+        endpoints: Array[Double],
+        value: Double,
+        expectedIntervalIndex: Int): Unit = {
+      val aggFunc = ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+        BoundReference(0, DoubleType, nullable = true), CreateArray(
+      assert(aggFunc.findHllppIndex(value) == expectedIntervalIndex)
+    }
+    val endpoints = Array[Double](0, 3, 6, 10)
+    // value is found (value is an interval boundary)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 0, expectedIntervalIndex = 0)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 3, expectedIntervalIndex = 0)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 6, expectedIntervalIndex = 1)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 10, expectedIntervalIndex = 2)
+    // value is not found
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 2, expectedIntervalIndex = 0)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 4, expectedIntervalIndex = 1)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = endpoints, value = 8, expectedIntervalIndex = 2)
+    // value is the same as multiple boundaries
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = Array(7, 7, 7, 9), value = 7, expectedIntervalIndex = 0)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = Array(3, 5, 7, 7, 7), value = 7, expectedIntervalIndex = 1)
+    checkHllppIndex(endpoints = Array(1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9), value = 7, expectedIntervalIndex = 2)
+  }
+  test("basic operations: update, merge, eval...") {
+    val endpoints = Array[Double](0, 0.33, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)
+    val data: Seq[Double] = Seq(0, 0.6, 0.3, 1, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.33)
+    Seq(0.01, 0.05, 0.1).foreach { relativeSD =>
+      val (aggFunc, input, buffer) = createEstimator(endpoints, DoubleType, relativeSD)
+      data.grouped(4).foreach { group =>
+        val (partialAggFunc, partialInput, partialBuffer) =
+          createEstimator(endpoints, DoubleType, relativeSD)
+        group.foreach { x =>
+          partialInput.setDouble(0, x)
+          partialAggFunc.update(partialBuffer, partialInput)
+        }
+        aggFunc.merge(buffer, partialBuffer)
+      }
+      // before eval(), for intervals with the same endpoints, only the first interval counts the
+      // value
+      checkNDVs(
+        ndvs = aggFunc.hllppResults(buffer),
+        expectedNdvs = Array(3, 2, 0, 0, 1),
+        rsd = relativeSD)
+      // A value out of the whole range will not change the buffer
+      input.setDouble(0, 2.0)
+      aggFunc.update(buffer, input)
+      checkNDVs(
+        ndvs = aggFunc.hllppResults(buffer),
+        expectedNdvs = Array(3, 2, 0, 0, 1),
+        rsd = relativeSD)
+      // after eval(), set the others to 1
+      checkNDVs(
+        ndvs = aggFunc.eval(buffer).asInstanceOf[ArrayData].toLongArray(),
+        expectedNdvs = Array(3, 2, 1, 1, 1),
+        rsd = relativeSD)
+    }
+  }
+  test("test for different input types: numeric/date/timestamp") {
+    val intEndpoints = Array[Int](0, 33, 60, 60, 60, 100)
+    val intRecords: Seq[Int] = Seq(0, 60, 30, 100, 60, 50, 60, 33)
+    val inputs = Seq(
+      (intRecords, intEndpoints, IntegerType),
+      (,
+, DateType),
+      (,
+, TimestampType)
+    )
+    inputs.foreach { case (records, endpoints, dataType) =>
+      val (aggFunc, input, buffer) = createEstimator(endpoints, dataType)
+      records.foreach { r =>
+        // convert to internal type value
+        val value = r match {
+          case d: Date => DateTimeUtils.fromJavaDate(d)
+          case t: Timestamp => DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(t)
+          case _ => r
+        }
+        input.update(0, value)
+        aggFunc.update(buffer, input)
+      }
+      checkNDVs(
+        ndvs = aggFunc.eval(buffer).asInstanceOf[ArrayData].toLongArray(),
+        expectedNdvs = Array(3, 2, 1, 1, 1),
+        rsd = aggFunc.relativeSD)
+    }
+  }
+  private def checkNDVs(ndvs: Array[Long], expectedNdvs: Array[Long], rsd: Double): Unit = {
+    assert(ndvs.length == expectedNdvs.length)
+    for (i <- ndvs.indices) {
+      val ndv = ndvs(i)
+      val expectedNdv = expectedNdvs(i)
+      if (expectedNdv == 0) {
+        assert(ndv == 0)
+      } else if (expectedNdv > 0) {
+        assert(ndv > 0)
+        val error = math.abs((ndv / expectedNdv.toDouble) - 1.0d)
+        assert(error <= rsd * 3.0d, "Error should be within 3 std. errors.")
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite.scala
index cc53880..98fd04c 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite.scala
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
   def evaluateEstimate(hll: HyperLogLogPlusPlus, buffer: InternalRow, cardinality: Int): Unit = {
     val estimate = hll.eval(buffer).asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble
     val error = math.abs((estimate / cardinality.toDouble) - 1.0d)
-    assert(error < hll.trueRsd * 3.0d, "Error should be within 3 std. errors.")
+    assert(error < hll.hllppHelper.trueRsd * 3.0d, "Error should be within 3 std. errors.")
   test("test invalid parameter relativeSD") {
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
         val estimate = hll.eval(buffer).asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble
         val cardinality = c(n)
         val error = math.abs((estimate / cardinality.toDouble) - 1.0d)
-        assert(error < hll.trueRsd * 3.0d, "Error should be within 3 std. errors.")
+        assert(error < hll.hllppHelper.trueRsd * 3.0d, "Error should be within 3 std. errors.")

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[4/4] spark git commit: [SPARK-17997][SQL] Add an aggregation function for counting distinct values for multiple intervals

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[SPARK-17997][SQL] Add an aggregation function for counting distinct values for multiple intervals

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This work is a part of [SPARK-17074]( to compute equi-height histograms. Equi-height histogram is an array of bins. A bin consists of two endpoints which form an interval of values and the ndv in that interval.

This PR creates a new aggregate function, given an array of endpoints, counting distinct values (ndv) in intervals among those endpoints.

This PR also refactors `HyperLogLogPlusPlus` by extracting a helper class `HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper`, where the underlying HLLPP algorithm locates.

## How was this patch tested?

Add new test cases.

Author: Zhenhua Wang <>

Closes #15544 from wzhfy/countIntervals.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1d1a09be9fe07244d7d12442f6105f823b260755
Parents: a8d9ec8
Author: Zhenhua Wang <>
Authored: Thu Sep 21 21:43:02 2017 +0800
Committer: Wenchen Fan <>
Committed: Thu Sep 21 21:43:02 2017 +0800

 .../ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals.scala       | 242 ++++++++++++
 .../aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala         | 346 +----------------
 .../util/HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper.scala        | 373 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../ApproxCountDistinctForIntervalsSuite.scala  | 238 ++++++++++++
 .../aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlusSuite.scala    |   4 +-
 5 files changed, 869 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..096d1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate
+import java.util
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.{TypeCheckFailure, TypeCheckSuccess}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{AttributeReference, ExpectsInputTypes, Expression}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.{ArrayData, GenericArrayData, HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+ * This function counts the approximate number of distinct values (ndv) in
+ * intervals constructed from endpoints specified in `endpointsExpression`. The endpoints should be
+ * sorted into ascending order. E.g., given an array of endpoints
+ * (endpoint_1, endpoint_2, ... endpoint_N), returns the approximate ndv's for intervals
+ * [endpoint_1, endpoint_2], (endpoint_2, endpoint_3], ... (endpoint_N-1, endpoint_N].
+ * To count ndv's in these intervals, apply the HyperLogLogPlusPlus algorithm in each of them.
+ * @param child to estimate the ndv's of.
+ * @param endpointsExpression An array expression to construct the intervals. It must be foldable,
+ *                            and its elements should be sorted into ascending order.
+ *                            Duplicate endpoints are allowed, e.g. (1, 5, 5, 10), and ndv for
+ *                            interval (5, 5] would be 1.
+ * @param relativeSD The maximum estimation error allowed in the HyperLogLogPlusPlus algorithm.
+ */
+case class ApproxCountDistinctForIntervals(
+    child: Expression,
+    endpointsExpression: Expression,
+    relativeSD: Double = 0.05,
+    mutableAggBufferOffset: Int = 0,
+    inputAggBufferOffset: Int = 0)
+  extends ImperativeAggregate with ExpectsInputTypes {
+  def this(child: Expression, endpointsExpression: Expression) = {
+    this(
+      child = child,
+      endpointsExpression = endpointsExpression,
+      relativeSD = 0.05,
+      mutableAggBufferOffset = 0,
+      inputAggBufferOffset = 0)
+  }
+  def this(child: Expression, endpointsExpression: Expression, relativeSD: Expression) = {
+    this(
+      child = child,
+      endpointsExpression = endpointsExpression,
+      relativeSD = HyperLogLogPlusPlus.validateDoubleLiteral(relativeSD),
+      mutableAggBufferOffset = 0,
+      inputAggBufferOffset = 0)
+  }
+  override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = {
+    Seq(TypeCollection(NumericType, TimestampType, DateType), ArrayType)
+  }
+  // Mark as lazy so that endpointsExpression is not evaluated during tree transformation.
+  lazy val endpoints: Array[Double] =
+    (endpointsExpression.dataType, endpointsExpression.eval()) match {
+      case (ArrayType(elementType, _), arrayData: ArrayData) =>
+        arrayData.toObjectArray(elementType).map(_.toString.toDouble)
+    }
+  override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
+    val defaultCheck = super.checkInputDataTypes()
+    if (defaultCheck.isFailure) {
+      defaultCheck
+    } else if (!endpointsExpression.foldable) {
+      TypeCheckFailure("The endpoints provided must be constant literals")
+    } else {
+      endpointsExpression.dataType match {
+        case ArrayType(_: NumericType | DateType | TimestampType, _) =>
+          if (endpoints.length < 2) {
+            TypeCheckFailure("The number of endpoints must be >= 2 to construct intervals")
+          } else {
+            TypeCheckSuccess
+          }
+        case _ =>
+          TypeCheckFailure("Endpoints require (numeric or timestamp or date) type")
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // N endpoints construct N-1 intervals, creating a HLLPP for each interval
+  private lazy val hllppArray = {
+    val array = new Array[HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper](endpoints.length - 1)
+    for (i <- array.indices) {
+      array(i) = new HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper(relativeSD)
+    }
+    // `numWords` in each HLLPPHelper should be the same because it is determined by `relativeSD`
+    // which is shared among all HLLPPHelpers.
+    assert( == 1)
+    array
+  }
+  private lazy val numWordsPerHllpp = hllppArray.head.numWords
+  private lazy val totalNumWords = numWordsPerHllpp * hllppArray.length
+  /** Allocate enough words to store all registers. */
+  override lazy val aggBufferAttributes: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
+    Seq.tabulate(totalNumWords) { i =>
+      AttributeReference(s"MS[$i]", LongType)()
+    }
+  }
+  override def aggBufferSchema: StructType = StructType.fromAttributes(aggBufferAttributes)
+  // Note: although this simply copies aggBufferAttributes, this common code can not be placed
+  // in the superclass because that will lead to initialization ordering issues.
+  override lazy val inputAggBufferAttributes: Seq[AttributeReference] =
+  /** Fill all words with zeros. */
+  override def initialize(buffer: InternalRow): Unit = {
+    var word = 0
+    while (word < totalNumWords) {
+      buffer.setLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + word, 0)
+      word += 1
+    }
+  }
+  override def update(buffer: InternalRow, input: InternalRow): Unit = {
+    val value = child.eval(input)
+    // Ignore empty rows
+    if (value != null) {
+      // convert the value into a double value for searching in the double array
+      val doubleValue = child.dataType match {
+        case n: NumericType =>
+          n.numeric.toDouble(value.asInstanceOf[n.InternalType])
+        case _: DateType =>
+          value.asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble
+        case _: TimestampType =>
+          value.asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble
+      }
+      // endpoints are sorted into ascending order already
+      if (endpoints.head > doubleValue || endpoints.last < doubleValue) {
+        // ignore if the value is out of the whole range
+        return
+      }
+      val hllppIndex = findHllppIndex(doubleValue)
+      val offset = mutableAggBufferOffset + hllppIndex * numWordsPerHllpp
+      hllppArray(hllppIndex).update(buffer, offset, value, child.dataType)
+    }
+  }
+  // Find which interval (HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper) should receive the given value.
+  def findHllppIndex(value: Double): Int = {
+    var index = util.Arrays.binarySearch(endpoints, value)
+    if (index >= 0) {
+      // The value is found.
+      if (index == 0) {
+        0
+      } else {
+        // If the endpoints contains multiple elements with the specified value, there is no
+        // guarantee which one binarySearch will return. We remove this uncertainty by moving the
+        // index to the first position of these elements.
+        var first = index - 1
+        while (first >= 0 && endpoints(first) == value) {
+          first -= 1
+        }
+        index = first + 1
+        if (index == 0) {
+          // reach the first endpoint
+          0
+        } else {
+          // send values in (endpoints(index-1), endpoints(index)] to hllpps(index-1)
+          index - 1
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // The value is not found, binarySearch returns (-(<i>insertion point</i>) - 1).
+      // The <i>insertion point</i> is defined as the point at which the key would be inserted
+      // into the array: the index of the first element greater than the key.
+      val insertionPoint = - (index + 1)
+      if (insertionPoint == 0) 0 else insertionPoint - 1
+    }
+  }
+  override def merge(buffer1: InternalRow, buffer2: InternalRow): Unit = {
+    for (i <- hllppArray.indices) {
+      hllppArray(i).merge(
+        buffer1 = buffer1,
+        buffer2 = buffer2,
+        offset1 = mutableAggBufferOffset + i * numWordsPerHllpp,
+        offset2 = inputAggBufferOffset + i * numWordsPerHllpp)
+    }
+  }
+  override def eval(buffer: InternalRow): Any = {
+    val ndvArray = hllppResults(buffer)
+    // If the endpoints contains multiple elements with the same value,
+    // we set ndv=1 for intervals between these elements.
+    // E.g. given four endpoints (1, 2, 2, 4) and input sequence (0.5, 2),
+    // the ndv's for the three intervals should be (2, 1, 0)
+    for (i <- ndvArray.indices) {
+      if (endpoints(i) == endpoints(i + 1)) ndvArray(i) = 1
+    }
+    new GenericArrayData(ndvArray)
+  }
+  def hllppResults(buffer: InternalRow): Array[Long] = {
+    val ndvArray = new Array[Long](hllppArray.length)
+    for (i <- ndvArray.indices) {
+      ndvArray(i) = hllppArray(i).query(buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset + i * numWordsPerHllpp)
+    }
+    ndvArray
+  }
+  override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
+    copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset)
+  override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
+    copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset)
+  override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(child, endpointsExpression)
+  override def nullable: Boolean = false
+  override def dataType: DataType = ArrayType(LongType)
+  override def prettyName: String = "approx_count_distinct_for_intervals"

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[2/4] spark git commit: [SPARK-17997][SQL] Add an aggregation function for counting distinct values for multiple intervals

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diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bacd3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/util/HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
+import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
+import java.util
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.XxHash64Function
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+// A helper class for HyperLogLogPlusPlus.
+class HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper(relativeSD: Double) extends Serializable {
+  import HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper._
+  /**
+   * HLL++ uses 'p' bits for addressing. The more addressing bits we use, the more precise the
+   * algorithm will be, and the more memory it will require. The 'p' value is based on the relative
+   * error requested.
+   *
+   * HLL++ requires that we use at least 4 bits of addressing space (a minimum precision of 27%).
+   *
+   * This method rounds up to the nearest integer. This means that the error is always equal to or
+   * lower than the requested error. Use the <code>trueRsd</code> method to get the actual RSD
+   * value.
+   */
+  private[this] val p = Math.ceil(2.0d * Math.log(1.106d / relativeSD) / Math.log(2.0d)).toInt
+  require(p >= 4, "HLL++ requires at least 4 bits for addressing. " +
+    "Use a lower error, at most 39%.")
+  /**
+   * Shift used to extract the index of the register from the hashed value.
+   *
+   * This assumes the use of 64-bit hashcodes.
+   */
+  private[this] val idxShift = JLong.SIZE - p
+  /**
+   * Value to pad the 'w' value with before the number of leading zeros is determined.
+   */
+  private[this] val wPadding = 1L << (p - 1)
+  /**
+   * The number of registers used.
+   */
+  private[this] val m = 1 << p
+  /**
+   * The pre-calculated combination of: alpha * m * m
+   *
+   * 'alpha' corrects the raw cardinality estimate 'Z'. See the FlFuGaMe07 paper for its
+   * derivation.
+   */
+  private[this] val alphaM2 = p match {
+    case 4 => 0.673d * m * m
+    case 5 => 0.697d * m * m
+    case 6 => 0.709d * m * m
+    case _ => (0.7213d / (1.0d + 1.079d / m)) * m * m
+  }
+  /**
+   * The number of words used to store the registers. We use Longs for storage because this is the
+   * most compact way of storage; Spark aligns to 8-byte words or uses Long wrappers.
+   *
+   * We only store whole registers per word in order to prevent overly complex bitwise operations.
+   * In practice this means we only use 60 out of 64 bits.
+   */
+  val numWords = m / REGISTERS_PER_WORD + 1
+  /**
+   * Update the HLL++ buffer.
+   *
+   * Variable names in the HLL++ paper match variable names in the code.
+   */
+  def update(buffer: InternalRow, bufferOffset: Int, value: Any, dataType: DataType): Unit = {
+    // Create the hashed value 'x'.
+    val x = XxHash64Function.hash(value, dataType, 42L)
+    // Determine the index of the register we are going to use.
+    val idx = (x >>> idxShift).toInt
+    // Determine the number of leading zeros in the remaining bits 'w'.
+    val pw = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros((x << p) | wPadding) + 1L
+    // Get the word containing the register we are interested in.
+    val wordOffset = idx / REGISTERS_PER_WORD
+    val word = buffer.getLong(bufferOffset + wordOffset)
+    // Extract the M[J] register value from the word.
+    val shift = REGISTER_SIZE * (idx - (wordOffset * REGISTERS_PER_WORD))
+    val mask = REGISTER_WORD_MASK << shift
+    val Midx = (word & mask) >>> shift
+    // Assign the maximum number of leading zeros to the register.
+    if (pw > Midx) {
+      buffer.setLong(bufferOffset + wordOffset, (word & ~mask) | (pw << shift))
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Merge the HLL buffers by iterating through the registers in both buffers and select the
+   * maximum number of leading zeros for each register.
+   */
+  def merge(buffer1: InternalRow, buffer2: InternalRow, offset1: Int, offset2: Int): Unit = {
+    var idx = 0
+    var wordOffset = 0
+    while (wordOffset < numWords) {
+      val word1 = buffer1.getLong(offset1 + wordOffset)
+      val word2 = buffer2.getLong(offset2 + wordOffset)
+      var word = 0L
+      var i = 0
+      var mask = REGISTER_WORD_MASK
+      while (idx < m && i < REGISTERS_PER_WORD) {
+        word |= Math.max(word1 & mask, word2 & mask)
+        mask <<= REGISTER_SIZE
+        i += 1
+        idx += 1
+      }
+      buffer1.setLong(offset1 + wordOffset, word)
+      wordOffset += 1
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Estimate the bias using the raw estimates with their respective biases from the HLL++
+   * appendix. We currently use KNN interpolation to determine the bias (as suggested in the
+   * paper).
+   */
+  def estimateBias(e: Double): Double = {
+    val estimates = RAW_ESTIMATE_DATA(p - 4)
+    val numEstimates = estimates.length
+    // The estimates are sorted so we can use a binary search to find the index of the
+    // interpolation estimate closest to the current estimate.
+    val nearestEstimateIndex = util.Arrays.binarySearch(estimates, 0, numEstimates, e) match {
+      case ix if ix < 0 => -(ix + 1)
+      case ix => ix
+    }
+    // Use square of the difference between the current estimate and the estimate at the given
+    // index as distance metric.
+    def distance(i: Int): Double = {
+      val diff = e - estimates(i)
+      diff * diff
+    }
+    // Keep moving bounds as long as the (exclusive) high bound is closer to the estimate than
+    // the lower (inclusive) bound.
+    var low = math.max(nearestEstimateIndex - K + 1, 0)
+    var high = math.min(low + K, numEstimates)
+    while (high < numEstimates && distance(high) < distance(low)) {
+      low += 1
+      high += 1
+    }
+    // Calculate the sum of the biases in low-high interval.
+    val biases = BIAS_DATA(p - 4)
+    var i = low
+    var biasSum = 0.0
+    while (i < high) {
+      biasSum += biases(i)
+      i += 1
+    }
+    // Calculate the bias.
+    biasSum / (high - low)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Compute the HyperLogLog estimate.
+   *
+   * Variable names in the HLL++ paper match variable names in the code.
+   */
+  def query(buffer: InternalRow, bufferOffset: Int): Long = {
+    // Compute the inverse of indicator value 'z' and count the number of zeros 'V'.
+    var zInverse = 0.0d
+    var V = 0.0d
+    var idx = 0
+    var wordOffset = 0
+    while (wordOffset < numWords) {
+      val word = buffer.getLong(bufferOffset + wordOffset)
+      var i = 0
+      var shift = 0
+      while (idx < m && i < REGISTERS_PER_WORD) {
+        val Midx = (word >>> shift) & REGISTER_WORD_MASK
+        zInverse += 1.0 / (1 << Midx)
+        if (Midx == 0) {
+          V += 1.0d
+        }
+        shift += REGISTER_SIZE
+        i += 1
+        idx += 1
+      }
+      wordOffset += 1
+    }
+    // We integrate two steps from the paper:
+    // val Z = 1.0d / zInverse
+    // val E = alphaM2 * Z
+    val E = alphaM2 / zInverse
+    @inline
+    def EBiasCorrected = E match {
+      case e if p < 19 && e < 5.0d * m => e - estimateBias(e)
+      case e => e
+    }
+    // Estimate the cardinality.
+    val estimate = if (V > 0) {
+      // Use linear counting for small cardinality estimates.
+      val H = m * Math.log(m / V)
+      // HLL++ is defined only when p < 19, otherwise we need to fallback to HLL.
+      // The threshold `2.5 * m` is from the original HLL algorithm.
+      if ((p < 19 && H <= THRESHOLDS(p - 4)) || E <= 2.5 * m) {
+        H
+      } else {
+        EBiasCorrected
+      }
+    } else {
+      EBiasCorrected
+    }
+    // Round to the nearest long value.
+    Math.round(estimate)
+  }
+  /**
+   * The <code>rsd</code> of HLL++ is always equal to or better than the <code>rsd</code> requested.
+   * This method returns the <code>rsd</code> this instance actually guarantees.
+   *
+   * @return the actual <code>rsd</code>.
+   */
+  def trueRsd: Double = 1.04 / math.sqrt(m)
+// scalastyle:off
+ * Constants used in the implementation of the HyperLogLogPlusPlus aggregate function.
+ *
+ * See the Appendix to HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of the Art
+ * Cardinality (
+ * for more information.
+ */
+// scalastyle:on
+object HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper {
+  /**
+   * The size of a word used for storing registers: 64 Bits.
+   */
+  val WORD_SIZE = java.lang.Long.SIZE
+  /**
+   * The number of bits that is required per register.
+   *
+   * This number is determined by the maximum number of leading binary zeros a hashcode can
+   * produce. This is equal to the number of bits the hashcode returns. The current
+   * implementation uses a 64-bit hashcode, this means 6-bits are (at most) needed to store the
+   * number of leading zeros.
+   */
+  val REGISTER_SIZE = 6
+  /**
+   * Value used to mask a register stored in a word.
+   */
+  val REGISTER_WORD_MASK: Long = (1 << REGISTER_SIZE) - 1
+  /**
+   * The number of registers which can be stored in one word.
+   */
+  /**
+   * Number of points used for interpolating the bias value.
+   */
+  val K = 6
+  // Sacrificing style for readability here.
+  // scalastyle:off
+  /**
+   * Thresholds which decide if the linear counting or the regular algorithm is used.
+   */
+  val THRESHOLDS = Array[Double](10, 20, 40, 80, 220, 400, 900, 1800, 3100, 6500, 15500, 20000, 50000, 120000, 350000)
+  /**
+   * Lookup table used to find the (index of the) bias correction for a given precision (exact)
+   * and estimate (nearest).
+   */
+  val RAW_ESTIMATE_DATA = Array(
+    // precision 4
+    Array(11, 11.717, 12.207, 12.7896, 13.2882, 13.8204, 14.3772, 14.9342, 15.5202, 16.161, 16.7722, 17.4636, 18.0396, 18.6766, 19.3566, 20.0454, 20.7936, 21.4856, 22.2666, 22.9946, 23.766, 24.4692, 25.3638, 26.0764, 26.7864, 27.7602, 28.4814, 29.433, 30.2926, 31.0664, 31.9996, 32.7956, 33.5366, 34.5894, 35.5738, 36.2698, 37.3682, 38.0544, 39.2342, 40.0108, 40.7966, 41.9298, 42.8704, 43.6358, 44.5194, 45.773, 46.6772, 47.6174, 48.4888, 49.3304, 50.2506, 51.4996, 52.3824, 53.3078, 54.3984, 55.5838, 56.6618, 57.2174, 58.3514, 59.0802, 60.1482, 61.0376, 62.3598, 62.8078, 63.9744, 64.914, 65.781, 67.1806, 68.0594, 68.8446, 69.7928, 70.8248, 71.8324, 72.8598, 73.6246, 74.7014, 75.393, 76.6708, 77.2394),
+    // precision 5
+    Array(23, 23.1194, 23.8208, 24.2318, 24.77, 25.2436, 25.7774, 26.2848, 26.8224, 27.3742, 27.9336, 28.503, 29.0494, 29.6292, 30.2124, 30.798, 31.367, 31.9728, 32.5944, 33.217, 33.8438, 34.3696, 35.0956, 35.7044, 36.324, 37.0668, 37.6698, 38.3644, 39.049, 39.6918, 40.4146, 41.082, 41.687, 42.5398, 43.2462, 43.857, 44.6606, 45.4168, 46.1248, 46.9222, 47.6804, 48.447, 49.3454, 49.9594, 50.7636, 51.5776, 52.331, 53.19, 53.9676, 54.7564, 55.5314, 56.4442, 57.3708, 57.9774, 58.9624, 59.8796, 60.755, 61.472, 62.2076, 63.1024, 63.8908, 64.7338, 65.7728, 66.629, 67.413, 68.3266, 69.1524, 70.2642, 71.1806, 72.0566, 72.9192, 73.7598, 74.3516, 75.5802, 76.4386, 77.4916, 78.1524, 79.1892, 79.8414, 80.8798, 81.8376, 82.4698, 83.7656, 84.331, 85.5914, 86.6012, 87.7016, 88.5582, 89.3394, 90.3544, 91.4912, 92.308, 93.3552, 93.9746, 95.2052, 95.727, 97.1322, 98.3944, 98.7588, 100.242, 101.1914, 102.2538, 102.8776, 103.6292, 105.1932, 105.9152, 107.0868, 107.6728, 108.7144, 110.3114, 110.8716, 111.
 245, 112.7908, 113.7064, 114.636, 115.7464, 116.1788, 117.7464, 118.4896, 119.6166, 120.5082, 121.7798, 122.9028, 123.4426, 124.8854, 125.705, 126.4652, 128.3464, 128.3462, 130.0398, 131.0342, 131.0042, 132.4766, 133.511, 134.7252, 135.425, 136.5172, 138.0572, 138.6694, 139.3712, 140.8598, 141.4594, 142.554, 143.4006, 144.7374, 146.1634, 146.8994, 147.605, 147.9304, 149.1636, 150.2468, 151.5876, 152.2096, 153.7032, 154.7146, 155.807, 156.9228, 157.0372, 158.5852),
+    // precision 6
+    Array(46, 46.1902, 47.271, 47.8358, 48.8142, 49.2854, 50.317, 51.354, 51.8924, 52.9436, 53.4596, 54.5262, 55.6248, 56.1574, 57.2822, 57.837, 58.9636, 60.074, 60.7042, 61.7976, 62.4772, 63.6564, 64.7942, 65.5004, 66.686, 67.291, 68.5672, 69.8556, 70.4982, 71.8204, 72.4252, 73.7744, 75.0786, 75.8344, 77.0294, 77.8098, 79.0794, 80.5732, 81.1878, 82.5648, 83.2902, 84.6784, 85.3352, 86.8946, 88.3712, 89.0852, 90.499, 91.2686, 92.6844, 94.2234, 94.9732, 96.3356, 97.2286, 98.7262, 100.3284, 101.1048, 102.5962, 103.3562, 105.1272, 106.4184, 107.4974, 109.0822, 109.856, 111.48, 113.2834, 114.0208, 115.637, 116.5174, 118.0576, 119.7476, 120.427, 122.1326, 123.2372, 125.2788, 126.6776, 127.7926, 129.1952, 129.9564, 131.6454, 133.87, 134.5428, 136.2, 137.0294, 138.6278, 139.6782, 141.792, 143.3516, 144.2832, 146.0394, 147.0748, 148.4912, 150.849, 151.696, 153.5404, 154.073, 156.3714, 157.7216, 158.7328, 160.4208, 161.4184, 163.9424, 165.2772, 166.411, 168.1308, 168.769, 170.9258, 172.6828, 
 173.7502, 175.706, 176.3886, 179.0186, 180.4518, 181.927, 183.4172, 184.4114, 186.033, 188.5124, 189.5564, 191.6008, 192.4172, 193.8044, 194.997, 197.4548, 198.8948, 200.2346, 202.3086, 203.1548, 204.8842, 206.6508, 206.6772, 209.7254, 210.4752, 212.7228, 214.6614, 215.1676, 217.793, 218.0006, 219.9052, 221.66, 223.5588, 225.1636, 225.6882, 227.7126, 229.4502, 231.1978, 232.9756, 233.1654, 236.727, 238.1974, 237.7474, 241.1346, 242.3048, 244.1948, 245.3134, 246.879, 249.1204, 249.853, 252.6792, 253.857, 254.4486, 257.2362, 257.9534, 260.0286, 260.5632, 262.663, 264.723, 265.7566, 267.2566, 267.1624, 270.62, 272.8216, 273.2166, 275.2056, 276.2202, 278.3726, 280.3344, 281.9284, 283.9728, 284.1924, 286.4872, 287.587, 289.807, 291.1206, 292.769, 294.8708, 296.665, 297.1182, 299.4012, 300.6352, 302.1354, 304.1756, 306.1606, 307.3462, 308.5214, 309.4134, 310.8352, 313.9684, 315.837, 316.7796, 318.9858),
+    // precision 7
+    Array(92, 93.4934, 94.9758, 96.4574, 97.9718, 99.4954, 101.5302, 103.0756, 104.6374, 106.1782, 107.7888, 109.9522, 111.592, 113.2532, 114.9086, 116.5938, 118.9474, 120.6796, 122.4394, 124.2176, 125.9768, 128.4214, 130.2528, 132.0102, 133.8658, 135.7278, 138.3044, 140.1316, 142.093, 144.0032, 145.9092, 148.6306, 150.5294, 152.5756, 154.6508, 156.662, 159.552, 161.3724, 163.617, 165.5754, 167.7872, 169.8444, 172.7988, 174.8606, 177.2118, 179.3566, 181.4476, 184.5882, 186.6816, 189.0824, 191.0258, 193.6048, 196.4436, 198.7274, 200.957, 203.147, 205.4364, 208.7592, 211.3386, 213.781, 215.8028, 218.656, 221.6544, 223.996, 226.4718, 229.1544, 231.6098, 234.5956, 237.0616, 239.5758, 242.4878, 244.5244, 248.2146, 250.724, 252.8722, 255.5198, 258.0414, 261.941, 264.9048, 266.87, 269.4304, 272.028, 274.4708, 278.37, 281.0624, 283.4668, 286.5532, 289.4352, 293.2564, 295.2744, 298.2118, 300.7472, 304.1456, 307.2928, 309.7504, 312.5528, 315.979, 318.2102, 322.1834, 324.3494, 327.325, 330.661
 4, 332.903, 337.2544, 339.9042, 343.215, 345.2864, 348.0814, 352.6764, 355.301, 357.139, 360.658, 363.1732, 366.5902, 369.9538, 373.0828, 375.922, 378.9902, 382.7328, 386.4538, 388.1136, 391.2234, 394.0878, 396.708, 401.1556, 404.1852, 406.6372, 409.6822, 412.7796, 416.6078, 418.4916, 422.131, 424.5376, 428.1988, 432.211, 434.4502, 438.5282, 440.912, 444.0448, 447.7432, 450.8524, 453.7988, 456.7858, 458.8868, 463.9886, 466.5064, 468.9124, 472.6616, 475.4682, 478.582, 481.304, 485.2738, 488.6894, 490.329, 496.106, 497.6908, 501.1374, 504.5322, 506.8848, 510.3324, 513.4512, 516.179, 520.4412, 522.6066, 526.167, 528.7794, 533.379, 536.067, 538.46, 542.9116, 545.692, 547.9546, 552.493, 555.2722, 557.335, 562.449, 564.2014, 569.0738, 571.0974, 574.8564, 578.2996, 581.409, 583.9704, 585.8098, 589.6528, 594.5998, 595.958, 600.068, 603.3278, 608.2016, 609.9632, 612.864, 615.43, 620.7794, 621.272, 625.8644, 629.206, 633.219, 634.5154, 638.6102),
+    // precision 8
+    Array(184.2152, 187.2454, 190.2096, 193.6652, 196.6312, 199.6822, 203.249, 206.3296, 210.0038, 213.2074, 216.4612, 220.27, 223.5178, 227.4412, 230.8032, 234.1634, 238.1688, 241.6074, 245.6946, 249.2664, 252.8228, 257.0432, 260.6824, 264.9464, 268.6268, 272.2626, 276.8376, 280.4034, 284.8956, 288.8522, 292.7638, 297.3552, 301.3556, 305.7526, 309.9292, 313.8954, 318.8198, 322.7668, 327.298, 331.6688, 335.9466, 340.9746, 345.1672, 349.3474, 354.3028, 358.8912, 364.114, 368.4646, 372.9744, 378.4092, 382.6022, 387.843, 392.5684, 397.1652, 402.5426, 407.4152, 412.5388, 417.3592, 422.1366, 427.486, 432.3918, 437.5076, 442.509, 447.3834, 453.3498, 458.0668, 463.7346, 469.1228, 473.4528, 479.7, 484.644, 491.0518, 495.5774, 500.9068, 506.432, 512.1666, 517.434, 522.6644, 527.4894, 533.6312, 538.3804, 544.292, 550.5496, 556.0234, 562.8206, 566.6146, 572.4188, 579.117, 583.6762, 590.6576, 595.7864, 601.509, 607.5334, 612.9204, 619.772, 624.2924, 630.8654, 636.1836, 642.745, 649.1316, 655.03
 86, 660.0136, 666.6342, 671.6196, 678.1866, 684.4282, 689.3324, 695.4794, 702.5038, 708.129, 713.528, 720.3204, 726.463, 732.7928, 739.123, 744.7418, 751.2192, 756.5102, 762.6066, 769.0184, 775.2224, 781.4014, 787.7618, 794.1436, 798.6506, 805.6378, 811.766, 819.7514, 824.5776, 828.7322, 837.8048, 843.6302, 849.9336, 854.4798, 861.3388, 867.9894, 873.8196, 880.3136, 886.2308, 892.4588, 899.0816, 905.4076, 912.0064, 917.3878, 923.619, 929.998, 937.3482, 943.9506, 947.991, 955.1144, 962.203, 968.8222, 975.7324, 981.7826, 988.7666, 994.2648, 1000.3128, 1007.4082, 1013.7536, 1020.3376, 1026.7156, 1031.7478, 1037.4292, 1045.393, 1051.2278, 1058.3434, 1062.8726, 1071.884, 1076.806, 1082.9176, 1089.1678, 1095.5032, 1102.525, 1107.2264, 1115.315, 1120.93, 1127.252, 1134.1496, 1139.0408, 1147.5448, 1153.3296, 1158.1974, 1166.5262, 1174.3328, 1175.657, 1184.4222, 1190.9172, 1197.1292, 1204.4606, 1210.4578, 1218.8728, 1225.3336, 1226.6592, 1236.5768, 1241.363, 1249.4074, 1254.6566, 1260.8014, 
 1266.5454, 1274.5192),
+    // precision 9
+    Array(369, 374.8294, 381.2452, 387.6698, 394.1464, 400.2024, 406.8782, 413.6598, 420.462, 427.2826, 433.7102, 440.7416, 447.9366, 455.1046, 462.285, 469.0668, 476.306, 483.8448, 491.301, 498.9886, 506.2422, 513.8138, 521.7074, 529.7428, 537.8402, 545.1664, 553.3534, 561.594, 569.6886, 577.7876, 585.65, 594.228, 602.8036, 611.1666, 620.0818, 628.0824, 637.2574, 646.302, 655.1644, 664.0056, 672.3802, 681.7192, 690.5234, 700.2084, 708.831, 718.485, 728.1112, 737.4764, 746.76, 756.3368, 766.5538, 775.5058, 785.2646, 795.5902, 804.3818, 814.8998, 824.9532, 835.2062, 845.2798, 854.4728, 864.9582, 875.3292, 886.171, 896.781, 906.5716, 916.7048, 927.5322, 937.875, 949.3972, 958.3464, 969.7274, 980.2834, 992.1444, 1003.4264, 1013.0166, 1024.018, 1035.0438, 1046.34, 1057.6856, 1068.9836, 1079.0312, 1091.677, 1102.3188, 1113.4846, 1124.4424, 1135.739, 1147.1488, 1158.9202, 1169.406, 1181.5342, 1193.2834, 1203.8954, 1216.3286, 1226.2146, 1239.6684, 1251.9946, 1262.123, 1275.4338, 1285.7378,
  1296.076, 1308.9692, 1320.4964, 1333.0998, 1343.9864, 1357.7754, 1368.3208, 1380.4838, 1392.7388, 1406.0758, 1416.9098, 1428.9728, 1440.9228, 1453.9292, 1462.617, 1476.05, 1490.2996, 1500.6128, 1513.7392, 1524.5174, 1536.6322, 1548.2584, 1562.3766, 1572.423, 1587.1232, 1596.5164, 1610.5938, 1622.5972, 1633.1222, 1647.7674, 1658.5044, 1671.57, 1683.7044, 1695.4142, 1708.7102, 1720.6094, 1732.6522, 1747.841, 1756.4072, 1769.9786, 1782.3276, 1797.5216, 1808.3186, 1819.0694, 1834.354, 1844.575, 1856.2808, 1871.1288, 1880.7852, 1893.9622, 1906.3418, 1920.6548, 1932.9302, 1945.8584, 1955.473, 1968.8248, 1980.6446, 1995.9598, 2008.349, 2019.8556, 2033.0334, 2044.0206, 2059.3956, 2069.9174, 2082.6084, 2093.7036, 2106.6108, 2118.9124, 2132.301, 2144.7628, 2159.8422, 2171.0212, 2183.101, 2193.5112, 2208.052, 2221.3194, 2233.3282, 2247.295, 2257.7222, 2273.342, 2286.5638, 2299.6786, 2310.8114, 2322.3312, 2335.516, 2349.874, 2363.5968, 2373.865, 2387.1918, 2401.8328, 2414.8496, 2424.544, 2436.
 7592, 2447.1682, 2464.1958, 2474.3438, 2489.0006, 2497.4526, 2513.6586, 2527.19, 2540.7028, 2553.768),
+    // precision 10
+    Array(738.1256, 750.4234, 763.1064, 775.4732, 788.4636, 801.0644, 814.488, 827.9654, 841.0832, 854.7864, 868.1992, 882.2176, 896.5228, 910.1716, 924.7752, 938.899, 953.6126, 968.6492, 982.9474, 998.5214, 1013.1064, 1028.6364, 1044.2468, 1059.4588, 1075.3832, 1091.0584, 1106.8606, 1123.3868, 1139.5062, 1156.1862, 1172.463, 1189.339, 1206.1936, 1223.1292, 1240.1854, 1257.2908, 1275.3324, 1292.8518, 1310.5204, 1328.4854, 1345.9318, 1364.552, 1381.4658, 1400.4256, 1419.849, 1438.152, 1456.8956, 1474.8792, 1494.118, 1513.62, 1532.5132, 1551.9322, 1570.7726, 1590.6086, 1610.5332, 1630.5918, 1650.4294, 1669.7662, 1690.4106, 1710.7338, 1730.9012, 1750.4486, 1770.1556, 1791.6338, 1812.7312, 1833.6264, 1853.9526, 1874.8742, 1896.8326, 1918.1966, 1939.5594, 1961.07, 1983.037, 2003.1804, 2026.071, 2047.4884, 2070.0848, 2091.2944, 2114.333, 2135.9626, 2158.2902, 2181.0814, 2202.0334, 2224.4832, 2246.39, 2269.7202, 2292.1714, 2314.2358, 2338.9346, 2360.891, 2384.0264, 2408.3834, 2430.1544, 24
 54.8684, 2476.9896, 2501.4368, 2522.8702, 2548.0408, 2570.6738, 2593.5208, 2617.0158, 2640.2302, 2664.0962, 2687.4986, 2714.2588, 2735.3914, 2759.6244, 2781.8378, 2808.0072, 2830.6516, 2856.2454, 2877.2136, 2903.4546, 2926.785, 2951.2294, 2976.468, 3000.867, 3023.6508, 3049.91, 3073.5984, 3098.162, 3121.5564, 3146.2328, 3170.9484, 3195.5902, 3221.3346, 3242.7032, 3271.6112, 3296.5546, 3317.7376, 3345.072, 3369.9518, 3394.326, 3418.1818, 3444.6926, 3469.086, 3494.2754, 3517.8698, 3544.248, 3565.3768, 3588.7234, 3616.979, 3643.7504, 3668.6812, 3695.72, 3719.7392, 3742.6224, 3770.4456, 3795.6602, 3819.9058, 3844.002, 3869.517, 3895.6824, 3920.8622, 3947.1364, 3973.985, 3995.4772, 4021.62, 4046.628, 4074.65, 4096.2256, 4121.831, 4146.6406, 4173.276, 4195.0744, 4223.9696, 4251.3708, 4272.9966, 4300.8046, 4326.302, 4353.1248, 4374.312, 4403.0322, 4426.819, 4450.0598, 4478.5206, 4504.8116, 4528.8928, 4553.9584, 4578.8712, 4603.8384, 4632.3872, 4655.5128, 4675.821, 4704.6222, 4731.9862, 475
 5.4174, 4781.2628, 4804.332, 4832.3048, 4862.8752, 4883.4148, 4906.9544, 4935.3516, 4954.3532, 4984.0248, 5011.217, 5035.3258, 5057.3672, 5084.1828),
+    // precision 11
+    Array(1477, 1501.6014, 1526.5802, 1551.7942, 1577.3042, 1603.2062, 1629.8402, 1656.2292, 1682.9462, 1709.9926, 1737.3026, 1765.4252, 1793.0578, 1821.6092, 1849.626, 1878.5568, 1908.527, 1937.5154, 1967.1874, 1997.3878, 2027.37, 2058.1972, 2089.5728, 2120.1012, 2151.9668, 2183.292, 2216.0772, 2247.8578, 2280.6562, 2313.041, 2345.714, 2380.3112, 2414.1806, 2447.9854, 2481.656, 2516.346, 2551.5154, 2586.8378, 2621.7448, 2656.6722, 2693.5722, 2729.1462, 2765.4124, 2802.8728, 2838.898, 2876.408, 2913.4926, 2951.4938, 2989.6776, 3026.282, 3065.7704, 3104.1012, 3143.7388, 3181.6876, 3221.1872, 3261.5048, 3300.0214, 3339.806, 3381.409, 3421.4144, 3461.4294, 3502.2286, 3544.651, 3586.6156, 3627.337, 3670.083, 3711.1538, 3753.5094, 3797.01, 3838.6686, 3882.1678, 3922.8116, 3967.9978, 4009.9204, 4054.3286, 4097.5706, 4140.6014, 4185.544, 4229.5976, 4274.583, 4316.9438, 4361.672, 4406.2786, 4451.8628, 4496.1834, 4543.505, 4589.1816, 4632.5188, 4678.2294, 4724.8908, 4769.0194, 4817.052, 4861
 .4588, 4910.1596, 4956.4344, 5002.5238, 5048.13, 5093.6374, 5142.8162, 5187.7894, 5237.3984, 5285.6078, 5331.0858, 5379.1036, 5428.6258, 5474.6018, 5522.7618, 5571.5822, 5618.59, 5667.9992, 5714.88, 5763.454, 5808.6982, 5860.3644, 5910.2914, 5953.571, 6005.9232, 6055.1914, 6104.5882, 6154.5702, 6199.7036, 6251.1764, 6298.7596, 6350.0302, 6398.061, 6448.4694, 6495.933, 6548.0474, 6597.7166, 6646.9416, 6695.9208, 6742.6328, 6793.5276, 6842.1934, 6894.2372, 6945.3864, 6996.9228, 7044.2372, 7094.1374, 7142.2272, 7192.2942, 7238.8338, 7288.9006, 7344.0908, 7394.8544, 7443.5176, 7490.4148, 7542.9314, 7595.6738, 7641.9878, 7694.3688, 7743.0448, 7797.522, 7845.53, 7899.594, 7950.3132, 7996.455, 8050.9442, 8092.9114, 8153.1374, 8197.4472, 8252.8278, 8301.8728, 8348.6776, 8401.4698, 8453.551, 8504.6598, 8553.8944, 8604.1276, 8657.6514, 8710.3062, 8758.908, 8807.8706, 8862.1702, 8910.4668, 8960.77, 9007.2766, 9063.164, 9121.0534, 9164.1354, 9218.1594, 9267.767, 9319.0594, 9372.155, 9419.7126, 
 9474.3722, 9520.1338, 9572.368, 9622.7702, 9675.8448, 9726.5396, 9778.7378, 9827.6554, 9878.1922, 9928.7782, 9978.3984, 10026.578, 10076.5626, 10137.1618, 10177.5244, 10229.9176),
+    // precision 12
+    Array(2954, 3003.4782, 3053.3568, 3104.3666, 3155.324, 3206.9598, 3259.648, 3312.539, 3366.1474, 3420.2576, 3474.8376, 3530.6076, 3586.451, 3643.38, 3700.4104, 3757.5638, 3815.9676, 3875.193, 3934.838, 3994.8548, 4055.018, 4117.1742, 4178.4482, 4241.1294, 4304.4776, 4367.4044, 4431.8724, 4496.3732, 4561.4304, 4627.5326, 4693.949, 4761.5532, 4828.7256, 4897.6182, 4965.5186, 5034.4528, 5104.865, 5174.7164, 5244.6828, 5316.6708, 5387.8312, 5459.9036, 5532.476, 5604.8652, 5679.6718, 5753.757, 5830.2072, 5905.2828, 5980.0434, 6056.6264, 6134.3192, 6211.5746, 6290.0816, 6367.1176, 6447.9796, 6526.5576, 6606.1858, 6686.9144, 6766.1142, 6847.0818, 6927.9664, 7010.9096, 7091.0816, 7175.3962, 7260.3454, 7344.018, 7426.4214, 7511.3106, 7596.0686, 7679.8094, 7765.818, 7852.4248, 7936.834, 8022.363, 8109.5066, 8200.4554, 8288.5832, 8373.366, 8463.4808, 8549.7682, 8642.0522, 8728.3288, 8820.9528, 8907.727, 9001.0794, 9091.2522, 9179.988, 9269.852, 9362.6394, 9453.642, 9546.9024, 9640.6616, 97
 32.6622, 9824.3254, 9917.7484, 10007.9392, 10106.7508, 10196.2152, 10289.8114, 10383.5494, 10482.3064, 10576.8734, 10668.7872, 10764.7156, 10862.0196, 10952.793, 11049.9748, 11146.0702, 11241.4492, 11339.2772, 11434.2336, 11530.741, 11627.6136, 11726.311, 11821.5964, 11918.837, 12015.3724, 12113.0162, 12213.0424, 12306.9804, 12408.4518, 12504.8968, 12604.586, 12700.9332, 12798.705, 12898.5142, 12997.0488, 13094.788, 13198.475, 13292.7764, 13392.9698, 13486.8574, 13590.1616, 13686.5838, 13783.6264, 13887.2638, 13992.0978, 14081.0844, 14189.9956, 14280.0912, 14382.4956, 14486.4384, 14588.1082, 14686.2392, 14782.276, 14888.0284, 14985.1864, 15088.8596, 15187.0998, 15285.027, 15383.6694, 15495.8266, 15591.3736, 15694.2008, 15790.3246, 15898.4116, 15997.4522, 16095.5014, 16198.8514, 16291.7492, 16402.6424, 16499.1266, 16606.2436, 16697.7186, 16796.3946, 16902.3376, 17005.7672, 17100.814, 17206.8282, 17305.8262, 17416.0744, 17508.4092, 17617.0178, 17715.4554, 17816.758, 17920.1748, 18012.
 9236, 18119.7984, 18223.2248, 18324.2482, 18426.6276, 18525.0932, 18629.8976, 18733.2588, 18831.0466, 18940.1366, 19032.2696, 19131.729, 19243.4864, 19349.6932, 19442.866, 19547.9448, 19653.2798, 19754.4034, 19854.0692, 19965.1224, 20065.1774, 20158.2212, 20253.353, 20366.3264, 20463.22),
+    // precision 13
+    Array(5908.5052, 6007.2672, 6107.347, 6208.5794, 6311.2622, 6414.5514, 6519.3376, 6625.6952, 6732.5988, 6841.3552, 6950.5972, 7061.3082, 7173.5646, 7287.109, 7401.8216, 7516.4344, 7633.3802, 7751.2962, 7870.3784, 7990.292, 8110.79, 8233.4574, 8356.6036, 8482.2712, 8607.7708, 8735.099, 8863.1858, 8993.4746, 9123.8496, 9255.6794, 9388.5448, 9522.7516, 9657.3106, 9792.6094, 9930.5642, 10068.794, 10206.7256, 10347.81, 10490.3196, 10632.0778, 10775.9916, 10920.4662, 11066.124, 11213.073, 11358.0362, 11508.1006, 11659.1716, 11808.7514, 11959.4884, 12112.1314, 12265.037, 12420.3756, 12578.933, 12734.311, 12890.0006, 13047.2144, 13207.3096, 13368.5144, 13528.024, 13689.847, 13852.7528, 14018.3168, 14180.5372, 14346.9668, 14513.5074, 14677.867, 14846.2186, 15017.4186, 15184.9716, 15356.339, 15529.2972, 15697.3578, 15871.8686, 16042.187, 16216.4094, 16389.4188, 16565.9126, 16742.3272, 16919.0042, 17094.7592, 17273.965, 17451.8342, 17634.4254, 17810.5984, 17988.9242, 18171.051, 18354.7938,
  18539.466, 18721.0408, 18904.9972, 19081.867, 19271.9118, 19451.8694, 19637.9816, 19821.2922, 20013.1292, 20199.3858, 20387.8726, 20572.9514, 20770.7764, 20955.1714, 21144.751, 21329.9952, 21520.709, 21712.7016, 21906.3868, 22096.2626, 22286.0524, 22475.051, 22665.5098, 22862.8492, 23055.5294, 23249.6138, 23437.848, 23636.273, 23826.093, 24020.3296, 24213.3896, 24411.7392, 24602.9614, 24805.7952, 24998.1552, 25193.9588, 25389.0166, 25585.8392, 25780.6976, 25981.2728, 26175.977, 26376.5252, 26570.1964, 26773.387, 26962.9812, 27163.0586, 27368.164, 27565.0534, 27758.7428, 27961.1276, 28163.2324, 28362.3816, 28565.7668, 28758.644, 28956.9768, 29163.4722, 29354.7026, 29561.1186, 29767.9948, 29959.9986, 30164.0492, 30366.9818, 30562.5338, 30762.9928, 30976.1592, 31166.274, 31376.722, 31570.3734, 31770.809, 31974.8934, 32179.5286, 32387.5442, 32582.3504, 32794.076, 32989.9528, 33191.842, 33392.4684, 33595.659, 33801.8672, 34000.3414, 34200.0922, 34402.6792, 34610.0638, 34804.0084, 35011.
 13, 35218.669, 35418.6634, 35619.0792, 35830.6534, 36028.4966, 36229.7902, 36438.6422, 36630.7764, 36833.3102, 37048.6728, 37247.3916, 37453.5904, 37669.3614, 37854.5526, 38059.305, 38268.0936, 38470.2516, 38674.7064, 38876.167, 39068.3794, 39281.9144, 39492.8566, 39684.8628, 39898.4108, 40093.1836, 40297.6858, 40489.7086, 40717.2424),
+    // precision 14
+    Array(11817.475, 12015.0046, 12215.3792, 12417.7504, 12623.1814, 12830.0086, 13040.0072, 13252.503, 13466.178, 13683.2738, 13902.0344, 14123.9798, 14347.394, 14573.7784, 14802.6894, 15033.6824, 15266.9134, 15502.8624, 15741.4944, 15980.7956, 16223.8916, 16468.6316, 16715.733, 16965.5726, 17217.204, 17470.666, 17727.8516, 17986.7886, 18247.6902, 18510.9632, 18775.304, 19044.7486, 19314.4408, 19587.202, 19862.2576, 20135.924, 20417.0324, 20697.9788, 20979.6112, 21265.0274, 21550.723, 21841.6906, 22132.162, 22428.1406, 22722.127, 23020.5606, 23319.7394, 23620.4014, 23925.2728, 24226.9224, 24535.581, 24845.505, 25155.9618, 25470.3828, 25785.9702, 26103.7764, 26420.4132, 26742.0186, 27062.8852, 27388.415, 27714.6024, 28042.296, 28365.4494, 28701.1526, 29031.8008, 29364.2156, 29704.497, 30037.1458, 30380.111, 30723.8168, 31059.5114, 31404.9498, 31751.6752, 32095.2686, 32444.7792, 32794.767, 33145.204, 33498.4226, 33847.6502, 34209.006, 34560.849, 34919.4838, 35274.9778, 35635.1322, 35
 996.3266, 36359.1394, 36722.8266, 37082.8516, 37447.7354, 37815.9606, 38191.0692, 38559.4106, 38924.8112, 39294.6726, 39663.973, 40042.261, 40416.2036, 40779.2036, 41161.6436, 41540.9014, 41921.1998, 42294.7698, 42678.5264, 43061.3464, 43432.375, 43818.432, 44198.6598, 44583.0138, 44970.4794, 45353.924, 45729.858, 46118.2224, 46511.5724, 46900.7386, 47280.6964, 47668.1472, 48055.6796, 48446.9436, 48838.7146, 49217.7296, 49613.7796, 50010.7508, 50410.0208, 50793.7886, 51190.2456, 51583.1882, 51971.0796, 52376.5338, 52763.319, 53165.5534, 53556.5594, 53948.2702, 54346.352, 54748.7914, 55138.577, 55543.4824, 55941.1748, 56333.7746, 56745.1552, 57142.7944, 57545.2236, 57935.9956, 58348.5268, 58737.5474, 59158.5962, 59542.6896, 59958.8004, 60349.3788, 60755.0212, 61147.6144, 61548.194, 61946.0696, 62348.6042, 62763.603, 63162.781, 63560.635, 63974.3482, 64366.4908, 64771.5876, 65176.7346, 65597.3916, 65995.915, 66394.0384, 66822.9396, 67203.6336, 67612.2032, 68019.0078, 68420.0388, 68821
 .22, 69235.8388, 69640.0724, 70055.155, 70466.357, 70863.4266, 71276.2482, 71677.0306, 72080.2006, 72493.0214, 72893.5952, 73314.5856, 73714.9852, 74125.3022, 74521.2122, 74933.6814, 75341.5904, 75743.0244, 76166.0278, 76572.1322, 76973.1028, 77381.6284, 77800.6092, 78189.328, 78607.0962, 79012.2508, 79407.8358, 79825.725, 80238.701, 80646.891, 81035.6436, 81460.0448, 81876.3884),
+    // precision 15
+    Array(23635.0036, 24030.8034, 24431.4744, 24837.1524, 25246.7928, 25661.326, 26081.3532, 26505.2806, 26933.9892, 27367.7098, 27805.318, 28248.799, 28696.4382, 29148.8244, 29605.5138, 30066.8668, 30534.2344, 31006.32, 31480.778, 31962.2418, 32447.3324, 32938.0232, 33432.731, 33930.728, 34433.9896, 34944.1402, 35457.5588, 35974.5958, 36497.3296, 37021.9096, 37554.326, 38088.0826, 38628.8816, 39171.3192, 39723.2326, 40274.5554, 40832.3142, 41390.613, 41959.5908, 42532.5466, 43102.0344, 43683.5072, 44266.694, 44851.2822, 45440.7862, 46038.0586, 46640.3164, 47241.064, 47846.155, 48454.7396, 49076.9168, 49692.542, 50317.4778, 50939.65, 51572.5596, 52210.2906, 52843.7396, 53481.3996, 54127.236, 54770.406, 55422.6598, 56078.7958, 56736.7174, 57397.6784, 58064.5784, 58730.308, 59404.9784, 60077.0864, 60751.9158, 61444.1386, 62115.817, 62808.7742, 63501.4774, 64187.5454, 64883.6622, 65582.7468, 66274.5318, 66976.9276, 67688.7764, 68402.138, 69109.6274, 69822.9706, 70543.6108, 71265.5202, 
 71983.3848, 72708.4656, 73433.384, 74158.4664, 74896.4868, 75620.9564, 76362.1434, 77098.3204, 77835.7662, 78582.6114, 79323.9902, 80067.8658, 80814.9246, 81567.0136, 82310.8536, 83061.9952, 83821.4096, 84580.8608, 85335.547, 86092.5802, 86851.6506, 87612.311, 88381.2016, 89146.3296, 89907.8974, 90676.846, 91451.4152, 92224.5518, 92995.8686, 93763.5066, 94551.2796, 95315.1944, 96096.1806, 96881.0918, 97665.679, 98442.68, 99229.3002, 100011.0994, 100790.6386, 101580.1564, 102377.7484, 103152.1392, 103944.2712, 104730.216, 105528.6336, 106324.9398, 107117.6706, 107890.3988, 108695.2266, 109485.238, 110294.7876, 111075.0958, 111878.0496, 112695.2864, 113464.5486, 114270.0474, 115068.608, 115884.3626, 116673.2588, 117483.3716, 118275.097, 119085.4092, 119879.2808, 120687.5868, 121499.9944, 122284.916, 123095.9254, 123912.5038, 124709.0454, 125503.7182, 126323.259, 127138.9412, 127943.8294, 128755.646, 129556.5354, 130375.3298, 131161.4734, 131971.1962, 132787.5458, 133588.1056, 134431.3
 51, 135220.2906, 136023.398, 136846.6558, 137667.0004, 138463.663, 139283.7154, 140074.6146, 140901.3072, 141721.8548, 142543.2322, 143356.1096, 144173.7412, 144973.0948, 145794.3162, 146609.5714, 147420.003, 148237.9784, 149050.5696, 149854.761, 150663.1966, 151494.0754, 152313.1416, 153112.6902, 153935.7206, 154746.9262, 155559.547, 156401.9746, 157228.7036, 158008.7254, 158820.75, 159646.9184, 160470.4458, 161279.5348, 162093.3114, 162918.542, 163729.2842),
+    // precision 16
+    Array(47271, 48062.3584, 48862.7074, 49673.152, 50492.8416, 51322.9514, 52161.03, 53009.407, 53867.6348, 54734.206, 55610.5144, 56496.2096, 57390.795, 58297.268, 59210.6448, 60134.665, 61068.0248, 62010.4472, 62962.5204, 63923.5742, 64895.0194, 65876.4182, 66862.6136, 67862.6968, 68868.8908, 69882.8544, 70911.271, 71944.0924, 72990.0326, 74040.692, 75100.6336, 76174.7826, 77252.5998, 78340.2974, 79438.2572, 80545.4976, 81657.2796, 82784.6336, 83915.515, 85059.7362, 86205.9368, 87364.4424, 88530.3358, 89707.3744, 90885.9638, 92080.197, 93275.5738, 94479.391, 95695.918, 96919.2236, 98148.4602, 99382.3474, 100625.6974, 101878.0284, 103141.6278, 104409.4588, 105686.2882, 106967.5402, 108261.6032, 109548.1578, 110852.0728, 112162.231, 113479.0072, 114806.2626, 116137.9072, 117469.5048, 118813.5186, 120165.4876, 121516.2556, 122875.766, 124250.5444, 125621.2222, 127003.2352, 128387.848, 129775.2644, 131181.7776, 132577.3086, 133979.9458, 135394.1132, 136800.9078, 138233.217, 139668.53
 08, 141085.212, 142535.2122, 143969.0684, 145420.2872, 146878.1542, 148332.7572, 149800.3202, 151269.66, 152743.6104, 154213.0948, 155690.288, 157169.4246, 158672.1756, 160160.059, 161650.6854, 163145.7772, 164645.6726, 166159.1952, 167682.1578, 169177.3328, 170700.0118, 172228.8964, 173732.6664, 175265.5556, 176787.799, 178317.111, 179856.6914, 181400.865, 182943.4612, 184486.742, 186033.4698, 187583.7886, 189148.1868, 190688.4526, 192250.1926, 193810.9042, 195354.2972, 196938.7682, 198493.5898, 200079.2824, 201618.912, 203205.5492, 204765.5798, 206356.1124, 207929.3064, 209498.7196, 211086.229, 212675.1324, 214256.7892, 215826.2392, 217412.8474, 218995.6724, 220618.6038, 222207.1166, 223781.0364, 225387.4332, 227005.7928, 228590.4336, 230217.8738, 231805.1054, 233408.9, 234995.3432, 236601.4956, 238190.7904, 239817.2548, 241411.2832, 243002.4066, 244640.1884, 246255.3128, 247849.3508, 249479.9734, 251106.8822, 252705.027, 254332.9242, 255935.129, 257526.9014, 259154.772, 260777.62
 5, 262390.253, 264004.4906, 265643.59, 267255.4076, 268873.426, 270470.7252, 272106.4804, 273722.4456, 275337.794, 276945.7038, 278592.9154, 280204.3726, 281841.1606, 283489.171, 285130.1716, 286735.3362, 288364.7164, 289961.1814, 291595.5524, 293285.683, 294899.6668, 296499.3434, 298128.0462, 299761.8946, 301394.2424, 302997.6748, 304615.1478, 306269.7724, 307886.114, 309543.1028, 311153.2862, 312782.8546, 314421.2008, 316033.2438, 317692.9636, 319305.2648, 320948.7406, 322566.3364, 324228.4224, 325847.1542),
+    // precision 17
+    Array(94542, 96125.811, 97728.019, 99348.558, 100987.9705, 102646.7565, 104324.5125, 106021.7435, 107736.7865, 109469.272, 111223.9465, 112995.219, 114787.432, 116593.152, 118422.71, 120267.2345, 122134.6765, 124020.937, 125927.2705, 127851.255, 129788.9485, 131751.016, 133726.8225, 135722.592, 137736.789, 139770.568, 141821.518, 143891.343, 145982.1415, 148095.387, 150207.526, 152355.649, 154515.6415, 156696.05, 158887.7575, 161098.159, 163329.852, 165569.053, 167837.4005, 170121.6165, 172420.4595, 174732.6265, 177062.77, 179412.502, 181774.035, 184151.939, 186551.6895, 188965.691, 191402.8095, 193857.949, 196305.0775, 198774.6715, 201271.2585, 203764.78, 206299.3695, 208818.1365, 211373.115, 213946.7465, 216532.076, 219105.541, 221714.5375, 224337.5135, 226977.5125, 229613.0655, 232270.2685, 234952.2065, 237645.3555, 240331.1925, 243034.517, 245756.0725, 248517.6865, 251232.737, 254011.3955, 256785.995, 259556.44, 262368.335, 265156.911, 267965.266, 270785.583, 273616.0495, 27
 6487.4835, 279346.639, 282202.509, 285074.3885, 287942.2855, 290856.018, 293774.0345, 296678.5145, 299603.6355, 302552.6575, 305492.9785, 308466.8605, 311392.581, 314347.538, 317319.4295, 320285.9785, 323301.7325, 326298.3235, 329301.3105, 332301.987, 335309.791, 338370.762, 341382.923, 344431.1265, 347464.1545, 350507.28, 353619.2345, 356631.2005, 359685.203, 362776.7845, 365886.488, 368958.2255, 372060.6825, 375165.4335, 378237.935, 381328.311, 384430.5225, 387576.425, 390683.242, 393839.648, 396977.8425, 400101.9805, 403271.296, 406409.8425, 409529.5485, 412678.7, 415847.423, 419020.8035, 422157.081, 425337.749, 428479.6165, 431700.902, 434893.1915, 438049.582, 441210.5415, 444379.2545, 447577.356, 450741.931, 453959.548, 457137.0935, 460329.846, 463537.4815, 466732.3345, 469960.5615, 473164.681, 476347.6345, 479496.173, 482813.1645, 486025.6995, 489249.4885, 492460.1945, 495675.8805, 498908.0075, 502131.802, 505374.3855, 508550.9915, 511806.7305, 515026.776, 518217.0005, 521523.
 9855, 524705.9855, 527950.997, 531210.0265, 534472.497, 537750.7315, 540926.922, 544207.094, 547429.4345, 550666.3745, 553975.3475, 557150.7185, 560399.6165, 563662.697, 566916.7395, 570146.1215, 573447.425, 576689.6245, 579874.5745, 583202.337, 586503.0255, 589715.635, 592910.161, 596214.3885, 599488.035, 602740.92, 605983.0685, 609248.67, 612491.3605, 615787.912, 619107.5245, 622307.9555, 625577.333, 628840.4385, 632085.2155, 635317.6135, 638691.7195, 641887.467, 645139.9405, 648441.546, 651666.252, 654941.845),
+    // precision 18
+    Array(189084, 192250.913, 195456.774, 198696.946, 201977.762, 205294.444, 208651.754, 212042.099, 215472.269, 218941.91, 222443.912, 225996.845, 229568.199, 233193.568, 236844.457, 240543.233, 244279.475, 248044.27, 251854.588, 255693.2, 259583.619, 263494.621, 267445.385, 271454.061, 275468.769, 279549.456, 283646.446, 287788.198, 291966.099, 296181.164, 300431.469, 304718.618, 309024.004, 313393.508, 317760.803, 322209.731, 326675.061, 331160.627, 335654.47, 340241.442, 344841.833, 349467.132, 354130.629, 358819.432, 363574.626, 368296.587, 373118.482, 377914.93, 382782.301, 387680.669, 392601.981, 397544.323, 402529.115, 407546.018, 412593.658, 417638.657, 422762.865, 427886.169, 433017.167, 438213.273, 443441.254, 448692.421, 453937.533, 459239.049, 464529.569, 469910.083, 475274.03, 480684.473, 486070.26, 491515.237, 496995.651, 502476.617, 507973.609, 513497.19, 519083.233, 524726.509, 530305.505, 535945.728, 541584.404, 547274.055, 552967.236, 558667.862, 564360.216, 5701
 28.148, 575965.08, 581701.952, 587532.523, 593361.144, 599246.128, 605033.418, 610958.779, 616837.117, 622772.818, 628672.04, 634675.369, 640574.831, 646585.739, 652574.547, 658611.217, 664642.684, 670713.914, 676737.681, 682797.313, 688837.897, 694917.874, 701009.882, 707173.648, 713257.254, 719415.392, 725636.761, 731710.697, 737906.209, 744103.074, 750313.39, 756504.185, 762712.579, 768876.985, 775167.859, 781359, 787615.959, 793863.597, 800245.477, 806464.582, 812785.294, 819005.925, 825403.057, 831676.197, 837936.284, 844266.968, 850642.711, 856959.756, 863322.774, 869699.931, 876102.478, 882355.787, 888694.463, 895159.952, 901536.143, 907872.631, 914293.672, 920615.14, 927130.974, 933409.404, 939922.178, 946331.47, 952745.93, 959209.264, 965590.224, 972077.284, 978501.961, 984953.19, 991413.271, 997817.479, 1004222.658, 1010725.676, 1017177.138, 1023612.529, 1030098.236, 1036493.719, 1043112.207, 1049537.036, 1056008.096, 1062476.184, 1068942.337, 1075524.95, 1081932.864, 1088
 426.025, 1094776.005, 1101327.448, 1107901.673, 1114423.639, 1120884.602, 1127324.923, 1133794.24, 1140328.886, 1146849.376, 1153346.682, 1159836.502, 1166478.703, 1172953.304, 1179391.502, 1185950.982, 1192544.052, 1198913.41, 1205430.994, 1212015.525, 1218674.042, 1225121.683, 1231551.101, 1238126.379, 1244673.795, 1251260.649, 1257697.86, 1264320.983, 1270736.319, 1277274.694, 1283804.95, 1290211.514, 1296858.568, 1303455.691)
+  )
+  /**
+   * Bias corrections given a precision and the index of the raw estimate table.
+   */
+  val BIAS_DATA = Array(
+    // precision 4
+    Array(10, 9.717, 9.207, 8.7896, 8.2882, 7.8204, 7.3772, 6.9342, 6.5202, 6.161, 5.7722, 5.4636, 5.0396, 4.6766, 4.3566, 4.0454, 3.7936, 3.4856, 3.2666, 2.9946, 2.766, 2.4692, 2.3638, 2.0764, 1.7864, 1.7602, 1.4814, 1.433, 1.2926, 1.0664, 0.999600000000001, 0.7956, 0.5366, 0.589399999999998, 0.573799999999999, 0.269799999999996, 0.368200000000002, 0.0544000000000011, 0.234200000000001, 0.0108000000000033, -0.203400000000002, -0.0701999999999998, -0.129600000000003, -0.364199999999997, -0.480600000000003, -0.226999999999997, -0.322800000000001, -0.382599999999996, -0.511200000000002, -0.669600000000003, -0.749400000000001, -0.500399999999999, -0.617600000000003, -0.6922, -0.601599999999998, -0.416200000000003, -0.338200000000001, -0.782600000000002, -0.648600000000002, -0.919800000000002, -0.851799999999997, -0.962400000000002, -0.6402, -1.1922, -1.0256, -1.086, -1.21899999999999, -0.819400000000002, -0.940600000000003, -1.1554, -1.2072, -1.1752, -1.16759999999999, -1.1401999999999
 9, -1.3754, -1.29859999999999, -1.607, -1.3292, -1.7606),
+    // precision 5
+    Array(22, 21.1194, 20.8208, 20.2318, 19.77, 19.2436, 18.7774, 18.2848, 17.8224, 17.3742, 16.9336, 16.503, 16.0494, 15.6292, 15.2124, 14.798, 14.367, 13.9728, 13.5944, 13.217, 12.8438, 12.3696, 12.0956, 11.7044, 11.324, 11.0668, 10.6698, 10.3644, 10.049, 9.6918, 9.4146, 9.082, 8.687, 8.5398, 8.2462, 7.857, 7.6606, 7.4168, 7.1248, 6.9222, 6.6804, 6.447, 6.3454, 5.9594, 5.7636, 5.5776, 5.331, 5.19, 4.9676, 4.7564, 4.5314, 4.4442, 4.3708, 3.9774, 3.9624, 3.8796, 3.755, 3.472, 3.2076, 3.1024, 2.8908, 2.7338, 2.7728, 2.629, 2.413, 2.3266, 2.1524, 2.2642, 2.1806, 2.0566, 1.9192, 1.7598, 1.3516, 1.5802, 1.43859999999999, 1.49160000000001, 1.1524, 1.1892, 0.841399999999993, 0.879800000000003, 0.837599999999995, 0.469800000000006, 0.765600000000006, 0.331000000000003, 0.591399999999993, 0.601200000000006, 0.701599999999999, 0.558199999999999, 0.339399999999998, 0.354399999999998, 0.491200000000006, 0.308000000000007, 0.355199999999996, -0.0254000000000048, 0.205200000000005, -0.2729999999
 99996, 0.132199999999997, 0.394400000000005, -0.241200000000006, 0.242000000000004, 0.191400000000002, 0.253799999999998, -0.122399999999999, -0.370800000000003, 0.193200000000004, -0.0848000000000013, 0.0867999999999967, -0.327200000000005, -0.285600000000002, 0.311400000000006, -0.128399999999999, -0.754999999999995, -0.209199999999996, -0.293599999999998, -0.364000000000004, -0.253600000000006, -0.821200000000005, -0.253600000000006, -0.510400000000004, -0.383399999999995, -0.491799999999998, -0.220200000000006, -0.0972000000000008, -0.557400000000001, -0.114599999999996, -0.295000000000002, -0.534800000000004, 0.346399999999988, -0.65379999999999, 0.0398000000000138, 0.0341999999999985, -0.995800000000003, -0.523400000000009, -0.489000000000004, -0.274799999999999, -0.574999999999989, -0.482799999999997, 0.0571999999999946, -0.330600000000004, -0.628800000000012, -0.140199999999993, -0.540600000000012, -0.445999999999998, -0.599400000000003, -0.262599999999992, 0.163399999999996
 , -0.100599999999986, -0.39500000000001, -1.06960000000001, -0.836399999999998, -0.753199999999993, -0.412399999999991, -0.790400000000005, -0.29679999999999, -0.28540000000001, -0.193000000000012, -0.0772000000000048, -0.962799999999987, -0.414800000000014),
+    // precision 6
+    Array(45, 44.1902, 43.271, 42.8358, 41.8142, 41.2854, 40.317, 39.354, 38.8924, 37.9436, 37.4596, 36.5262, 35.6248, 35.1574, 34.2822, 33.837, 32.9636, 32.074, 31.7042, 30.7976, 30.4772, 29.6564, 28.7942, 28.5004, 27.686, 27.291, 26.5672, 25.8556, 25.4982, 24.8204, 24.4252, 23.7744, 23.0786, 22.8344, 22.0294, 21.8098, 21.0794, 20.5732, 20.1878, 19.5648, 19.2902, 18.6784, 18.3352, 17.8946, 17.3712, 17.0852, 16.499, 16.2686, 15.6844, 15.2234, 14.9732, 14.3356, 14.2286, 13.7262, 13.3284, 13.1048, 12.5962, 12.3562, 12.1272, 11.4184, 11.4974, 11.0822, 10.856, 10.48, 10.2834, 10.0208, 9.637, 9.51739999999999, 9.05759999999999, 8.74760000000001, 8.42700000000001, 8.1326, 8.2372, 8.2788, 7.6776, 7.79259999999999, 7.1952, 6.9564, 6.6454, 6.87, 6.5428, 6.19999999999999, 6.02940000000001, 5.62780000000001, 5.6782, 5.792, 5.35159999999999, 5.28319999999999, 5.0394, 5.07480000000001, 4.49119999999999, 4.84899999999999, 4.696, 4.54040000000001, 4.07300000000001, 4.37139999999999, 3.7216, 3.7328
 , 3.42080000000001, 3.41839999999999, 3.94239999999999, 3.27719999999999, 3.411, 3.13079999999999, 2.76900000000001, 2.92580000000001, 2.68279999999999, 2.75020000000001, 2.70599999999999, 2.3886, 3.01859999999999, 2.45179999999999, 2.92699999999999, 2.41720000000001, 2.41139999999999, 2.03299999999999, 2.51240000000001, 2.5564, 2.60079999999999, 2.41720000000001, 1.80439999999999, 1.99700000000001, 2.45480000000001, 1.8948, 2.2346, 2.30860000000001, 2.15479999999999, 1.88419999999999, 1.6508, 0.677199999999999, 1.72540000000001, 1.4752, 1.72280000000001, 1.66139999999999, 1.16759999999999, 1.79300000000001, 1.00059999999999, 0.905200000000008, 0.659999999999997, 1.55879999999999, 1.1636, 0.688199999999995, 0.712600000000009, 0.450199999999995, 1.1978, 0.975599999999986, 0.165400000000005, 1.727, 1.19739999999999, -0.252600000000001, 1.13460000000001, 1.3048, 1.19479999999999, 0.313400000000001, 0.878999999999991, 1.12039999999999, 0.853000000000009, 1.67920000000001, 0.856999999999
 999, 0.448599999999999, 1.2362, 0.953399999999988, 1.02859999999998, 0.563199999999995, 0.663000000000011, 0.723000000000013, 0.756599999999992, 0.256599999999992, -0.837600000000009, 0.620000000000005, 0.821599999999989, 0.216600000000028, 0.205600000000004, 0.220199999999977, 0.372599999999977, 0.334400000000016, 0.928400000000011, 0.972800000000007, 0.192400000000021, 0.487199999999973, -0.413000000000011, 0.807000000000016, 0.120600000000024, 0.769000000000005, 0.870799999999974, 0.66500000000002, 0.118200000000002, 0.401200000000017, 0.635199999999998, 0.135400000000004, 0.175599999999974, 1.16059999999999, 0.34620000000001, 0.521400000000028, -0.586599999999976, -1.16480000000001, 0.968399999999974, 0.836999999999989, 0.779600000000016, 0.985799999999983),
+    // precision 7
+    Array(91, 89.4934, 87.9758, 86.4574, 84.9718, 83.4954, 81.5302, 80.0756, 78.6374, 77.1782, 75.7888, 73.9522, 72.592, 71.2532, 69.9086, 68.5938, 66.9474, 65.6796, 64.4394, 63.2176, 61.9768, 60.4214, 59.2528, 58.0102, 56.8658, 55.7278, 54.3044, 53.1316, 52.093, 51.0032, 49.9092, 48.6306, 47.5294, 46.5756, 45.6508, 44.662, 43.552, 42.3724, 41.617, 40.5754, 39.7872, 38.8444, 37.7988, 36.8606, 36.2118, 35.3566, 34.4476, 33.5882, 32.6816, 32.0824, 31.0258, 30.6048, 29.4436, 28.7274, 27.957, 27.147, 26.4364, 25.7592, 25.3386, 24.781, 23.8028, 23.656, 22.6544, 21.996, 21.4718, 21.1544, 20.6098, 19.5956, 19.0616, 18.5758, 18.4878, 17.5244, 17.2146, 16.724, 15.8722, 15.5198, 15.0414, 14.941, 14.9048, 13.87, 13.4304, 13.028, 12.4708, 12.37, 12.0624, 11.4668, 11.5532, 11.4352, 11.2564, 10.2744, 10.2118, 9.74720000000002, 10.1456, 9.2928, 8.75040000000001, 8.55279999999999, 8.97899999999998, 8.21019999999999, 8.18340000000001, 7.3494, 7.32499999999999, 7.66140000000001, 6.90300000000002, 7.2
 5439999999998, 6.9042, 7.21499999999997, 6.28640000000001, 6.08139999999997, 6.6764, 6.30099999999999, 5.13900000000001, 5.65800000000002, 5.17320000000001, 4.59019999999998, 4.9538, 5.08280000000002, 4.92200000000003, 4.99020000000002, 4.7328, 5.4538, 4.11360000000002, 4.22340000000003, 4.08780000000002, 3.70800000000003, 4.15559999999999, 4.18520000000001, 3.63720000000001, 3.68220000000002, 3.77960000000002, 3.6078, 2.49160000000001, 3.13099999999997, 2.5376, 3.19880000000001, 3.21100000000001, 2.4502, 3.52820000000003, 2.91199999999998, 3.04480000000001, 2.7432, 2.85239999999999, 2.79880000000003, 2.78579999999999, 1.88679999999999, 2.98860000000002, 2.50639999999999, 1.91239999999999, 2.66160000000002, 2.46820000000002, 1.58199999999999, 1.30399999999997, 2.27379999999999, 2.68939999999998, 1.32900000000001, 3.10599999999999, 1.69080000000002, 2.13740000000001, 2.53219999999999, 1.88479999999998, 1.33240000000001, 1.45119999999997, 1.17899999999997, 2.44119999999998, 1.60659999
 999996, 2.16700000000003, 0.77940000000001, 2.37900000000002, 2.06700000000001, 1.46000000000004, 2.91160000000002, 1.69200000000001, 0.954600000000028, 2.49300000000005, 2.2722, 1.33500000000004, 2.44899999999996, 1.20140000000004, 3.07380000000001, 2.09739999999999, 2.85640000000001, 2.29960000000005, 2.40899999999999, 1.97040000000004, 0.809799999999996, 1.65279999999996, 2.59979999999996, 0.95799999999997, 2.06799999999998, 2.32780000000002, 4.20159999999998, 1.96320000000003, 1.86400000000003, 1.42999999999995, 3.77940000000001, 1.27200000000005, 1.86440000000005, 2.20600000000002, 3.21900000000005, 1.5154, 2.61019999999996),
+    // precision 8
+    Array(183.2152, 180.2454, 177.2096, 173.6652, 170.6312, 167.6822, 164.249, 161.3296, 158.0038, 155.2074, 152.4612, 149.27, 146.5178, 143.4412, 140.8032, 138.1634, 135.1688, 132.6074, 129.6946, 127.2664, 124.8228, 122.0432, 119.6824, 116.9464, 114.6268, 112.2626, 109.8376, 107.4034, 104.8956, 102.8522, 100.7638, 98.3552, 96.3556, 93.7526, 91.9292, 89.8954, 87.8198, 85.7668, 83.298, 81.6688, 79.9466, 77.9746, 76.1672, 74.3474, 72.3028, 70.8912, 69.114, 67.4646, 65.9744, 64.4092, 62.6022, 60.843, 59.5684, 58.1652, 56.5426, 55.4152, 53.5388, 52.3592, 51.1366, 49.486, 48.3918, 46.5076, 45.509, 44.3834, 43.3498, 42.0668, 40.7346, 40.1228, 38.4528, 37.7, 36.644, 36.0518, 34.5774, 33.9068, 32.432, 32.1666, 30.434, 29.6644, 28.4894, 27.6312, 26.3804, 26.292, 25.5496000000001, 25.0234, 24.8206, 22.6146, 22.4188, 22.117, 20.6762, 20.6576, 19.7864, 19.509, 18.5334, 17.9204, 17.772, 16.2924, 16.8654, 15.1836, 15.745, 15.1316, 15.0386, 14.0136, 13.6342, 12.6196, 12.1866, 12.4281999999999, 11.
 3324, 10.4794000000001, 11.5038, 10.129, 9.52800000000002, 10.3203999999999, 9.46299999999997, 9.79280000000006, 9.12300000000005, 8.74180000000001, 9.2192, 7.51020000000005, 7.60659999999996, 7.01840000000004, 7.22239999999999, 7.40139999999997, 6.76179999999999, 7.14359999999999, 5.65060000000005, 5.63779999999997, 5.76599999999996, 6.75139999999999, 5.57759999999996, 3.73220000000003, 5.8048, 5.63019999999995, 4.93359999999996, 3.47979999999995, 4.33879999999999, 3.98940000000005, 3.81960000000004, 3.31359999999995, 3.23080000000004, 3.4588, 3.08159999999998, 3.4076, 3.00639999999999, 2.38779999999997, 2.61900000000003, 1.99800000000005, 3.34820000000002, 2.95060000000001, 0.990999999999985, 2.11440000000005, 2.20299999999997, 2.82219999999995, 2.73239999999998, 2.7826, 3.76660000000004, 2.26480000000004, 2.31280000000004, 2.40819999999997, 2.75360000000001, 3.33759999999995, 2.71559999999999, 1.7478000000001, 1.42920000000004, 2.39300000000003, 2.22779999999989, 2.34339999999997
 , 0.87259999999992, 3.88400000000001, 1.80600000000004, 1.91759999999999, 1.16779999999994, 1.50320000000011, 2.52500000000009, 0.226400000000012, 2.31500000000005, 0.930000000000064, 1.25199999999995, 2.14959999999996, 0.0407999999999902, 2.5447999999999, 1.32960000000003, 0.197400000000016, 2.52620000000002, 3.33279999999991, -1.34300000000007, 0.422199999999975, 0.917200000000093, 1.12920000000008, 1.46060000000011, 1.45779999999991, 2.8728000000001, 3.33359999999993, -1.34079999999994, 1.57680000000005, 0.363000000000056, 1.40740000000005, 0.656600000000026, 0.801400000000058, -0.454600000000028, 1.51919999999996),
+    // precision 9
+    Array(368, 361.8294, 355.2452, 348.6698, 342.1464, 336.2024, 329.8782, 323.6598, 317.462, 311.2826, 305.7102, 299.7416, 293.9366, 288.1046, 282.285, 277.0668, 271.306, 265.8448, 260.301, 254.9886, 250.2422, 244.8138, 239.7074, 234.7428, 229.8402, 225.1664, 220.3534, 215.594, 210.6886, 205.7876, 201.65, 197.228, 192.8036, 188.1666, 184.0818, 180.0824, 176.2574, 172.302, 168.1644, 164.0056, 160.3802, 156.7192, 152.5234, 149.2084, 145.831, 142.485, 139.1112, 135.4764, 131.76, 129.3368, 126.5538, 122.5058, 119.2646, 116.5902, 113.3818, 110.8998, 107.9532, 105.2062, 102.2798, 99.4728, 96.9582, 94.3292, 92.171, 89.7809999999999, 87.5716, 84.7048, 82.5322, 79.875, 78.3972, 75.3464, 73.7274, 71.2834, 70.1444, 68.4263999999999, 66.0166, 64.018, 62.0437999999999, 60.3399999999999, 58.6856, 57.9836, 55.0311999999999, 54.6769999999999, 52.3188, 51.4846, 49.4423999999999, 47.739, 46.1487999999999, 44.9202, 43.4059999999999, 42.5342000000001, 41.2834, 38.8954000000001, 38.3286000000001, 36.21
 46, 36.6684, 35.9946, 33.123, 33.4338, 31.7378000000001, 29.076, 28.9692, 27.4964, 27.0998, 25.9864, 26.7754, 24.3208, 23.4838, 22.7388000000001, 24.0758000000001, 21.9097999999999, 20.9728, 19.9228000000001, 19.9292, 16.617, 17.05, 18.2996000000001, 15.6128000000001, 15.7392, 14.5174, 13.6322, 12.2583999999999, 13.3766000000001, 11.423, 13.1232, 9.51639999999998, 10.5938000000001, 9.59719999999993, 8.12220000000002, 9.76739999999995, 7.50440000000003, 7.56999999999994, 6.70440000000008, 6.41419999999994, 6.71019999999999, 5.60940000000005, 4.65219999999999, 6.84099999999989, 3.4072000000001, 3.97859999999991, 3.32760000000007, 5.52160000000003, 3.31860000000006, 2.06940000000009, 4.35400000000004, 1.57500000000005, 0.280799999999999, 2.12879999999996, -0.214799999999968, -0.0378000000000611, -0.658200000000079, 0.654800000000023, -0.0697999999999865, 0.858400000000074, -2.52700000000004, -2.1751999999999, -3.35539999999992, -1.04019999999991, -0.651000000000067, -2.14439999999991, 
 -1.96659999999997, -3.97939999999994, -0.604400000000169, -3.08260000000018, -3.39159999999993, -5.29640000000018, -5.38920000000007, -5.08759999999984, -4.69900000000007, -5.23720000000003, -3.15779999999995, -4.97879999999986, -4.89899999999989, -7.48880000000008, -5.94799999999987, -5.68060000000014, -6.67180000000008, -4.70499999999993, -7.27779999999984, -4.6579999999999, -4.4362000000001, -4.32139999999981, -5.18859999999995, -6.66879999999992, -6.48399999999992, -5.1260000000002, -4.4032000000002, -6.13500000000022, -5.80819999999994, -4.16719999999987, -4.15039999999999, -7.45600000000013, -7.24080000000004, -9.83179999999993, -5.80420000000004, -8.6561999999999, -6.99940000000015, -10.5473999999999, -7.34139999999979, -6.80999999999995, -6.29719999999998, -6.23199999999997),
+    // precision 10
+    Array(737.1256, 724.4234, 711.1064, 698.4732, 685.4636, 673.0644, 660.488, 647.9654, 636.0832, 623.7864, 612.1992, 600.2176, 588.5228, 577.1716, 565.7752, 554.899, 543.6126, 532.6492, 521.9474, 511.5214, 501.1064, 490.6364, 480.2468, 470.4588, 460.3832, 451.0584, 440.8606, 431.3868, 422.5062, 413.1862, 404.463, 395.339, 386.1936, 378.1292, 369.1854, 361.2908, 353.3324, 344.8518, 337.5204, 329.4854, 321.9318, 314.552, 306.4658, 299.4256, 292.849, 286.152, 278.8956, 271.8792, 265.118, 258.62, 252.5132, 245.9322, 239.7726, 233.6086, 227.5332, 222.5918, 216.4294, 210.7662, 205.4106, 199.7338, 194.9012, 188.4486, 183.1556, 178.6338, 173.7312, 169.6264, 163.9526, 159.8742, 155.8326, 151.1966, 147.5594, 143.07, 140.037, 134.1804, 131.071, 127.4884, 124.0848, 120.2944, 117.333, 112.9626, 110.2902, 107.0814, 103.0334, 99.4832000000001, 96.3899999999999, 93.7202000000002, 90.1714000000002, 87.2357999999999, 85.9346, 82.8910000000001, 80.0264000000002, 78.3834000000002, 75.1543999999999, 7
 3.8683999999998, 70.9895999999999, 69.4367999999999, 64.8701999999998, 65.0408000000002, 61.6738, 59.5207999999998, 57.0158000000001, 54.2302, 53.0962, 50.4985999999999, 52.2588000000001, 47.3914, 45.6244000000002, 42.8377999999998, 43.0072, 40.6516000000001, 40.2453999999998, 35.2136, 36.4546, 33.7849999999999, 33.2294000000002, 32.4679999999998, 30.8670000000002, 28.6507999999999, 28.9099999999999, 27.5983999999999, 26.1619999999998, 24.5563999999999, 23.2328000000002, 21.9484000000002, 21.5902000000001, 21.3346000000001, 17.7031999999999, 20.6111999999998, 19.5545999999999, 15.7375999999999, 17.0720000000001, 16.9517999999998, 15.326, 13.1817999999998, 14.6925999999999, 13.0859999999998, 13.2754, 10.8697999999999, 11.248, 7.3768, 4.72339999999986, 7.97899999999981, 8.7503999999999, 7.68119999999999, 9.7199999999998, 7.73919999999998, 5.6224000000002, 7.44560000000001, 6.6601999999998, 5.9058, 4.00199999999995, 4.51699999999983, 4.68240000000014, 3.86220000000003, 5.13639999999987
 , 5.98500000000013, 2.47719999999981, 2.61999999999989, 1.62800000000016, 4.65000000000009, 0.225599999999758, 0.831000000000131, -0.359400000000278, 1.27599999999984, -2.92559999999958, -0.0303999999996449, 2.37079999999969, -2.0033999999996, 0.804600000000391, 0.30199999999968, 1.1247999999996, -2.6880000000001, 0.0321999999996478, -1.18099999999959, -3.9402, -1.47940000000017, -0.188400000000001, -2.10720000000038, -2.04159999999956, -3.12880000000041, -4.16160000000036, -0.612799999999879, -3.48719999999958, -8.17900000000009, -5.37780000000021, -4.01379999999972, -5.58259999999973, -5.73719999999958, -7.66799999999967, -5.69520000000011, -1.1247999999996, -5.58520000000044, -8.04560000000038, -4.64840000000004, -11.6468000000004, -7.97519999999986, -5.78300000000036, -7.67420000000038, -10.6328000000003, -9.81720000000041),
+    // precision 11
+    Array(1476, 1449.6014, 1423.5802, 1397.7942, 1372.3042, 1347.2062, 1321.8402, 1297.2292, 1272.9462, 1248.9926, 1225.3026, 1201.4252, 1178.0578, 1155.6092, 1132.626, 1110.5568, 1088.527, 1066.5154, 1045.1874, 1024.3878, 1003.37, 982.1972, 962.5728, 942.1012, 922.9668, 903.292, 884.0772, 864.8578, 846.6562, 828.041, 809.714, 792.3112, 775.1806, 757.9854, 740.656, 724.346, 707.5154, 691.8378, 675.7448, 659.6722, 645.5722, 630.1462, 614.4124, 600.8728, 585.898, 572.408, 558.4926, 544.4938, 531.6776, 517.282, 505.7704, 493.1012, 480.7388, 467.6876, 456.1872, 445.5048, 433.0214, 420.806, 411.409, 400.4144, 389.4294, 379.2286, 369.651, 360.6156, 350.337, 342.083, 332.1538, 322.5094, 315.01, 305.6686, 298.1678, 287.8116, 280.9978, 271.9204, 265.3286, 257.5706, 249.6014, 242.544, 235.5976, 229.583, 220.9438, 214.672, 208.2786, 201.8628, 195.1834, 191.505, 186.1816, 178.5188, 172.2294, 167.8908, 161.0194, 158.052, 151.4588, 148.1596, 143.4344, 138.5238, 133.13, 127.6374, 124.8162, 118.789
 4, 117.3984, 114.6078, 109.0858, 105.1036, 103.6258, 98.6018000000004, 95.7618000000002, 93.5821999999998, 88.5900000000001, 86.9992000000002, 82.8800000000001, 80.4539999999997, 74.6981999999998, 74.3644000000004, 73.2914000000001, 65.5709999999999, 66.9232000000002, 65.1913999999997, 62.5882000000001, 61.5702000000001, 55.7035999999998, 56.1764000000003, 52.7596000000003, 53.0302000000001, 49.0609999999997, 48.4694, 44.933, 46.0474000000004, 44.7165999999997, 41.9416000000001, 39.9207999999999, 35.6328000000003, 35.5276000000003, 33.1934000000001, 33.2371999999996, 33.3864000000003, 33.9228000000003, 30.2371999999996, 29.1373999999996, 25.2272000000003, 24.2942000000003, 19.8338000000003, 18.9005999999999, 23.0907999999999, 21.8544000000002, 19.5176000000001, 15.4147999999996, 16.9314000000004, 18.6737999999996, 12.9877999999999, 14.3688000000002, 12.0447999999997, 15.5219999999999, 12.5299999999997, 14.5940000000001, 14.3131999999996, 9.45499999999993, 12.9441999999999, 3.9113999
 9999996, 13.1373999999996, 5.44720000000052, 9.82779999999912, 7.87279999999919, 3.67760000000089, 5.46980000000076, 5.55099999999948, 5.65979999999945, 3.89439999999922, 3.1275999999998, 5.65140000000065, 6.3062000000009, 3.90799999999945, 1.87060000000019, 5.17020000000048, 2.46680000000015, 0.770000000000437, -3.72340000000077, 1.16400000000067, 8.05340000000069, 0.135399999999208, 2.15940000000046, 0.766999999999825, 1.0594000000001, 3.15500000000065, -0.287399999999252, 2.37219999999979, -2.86620000000039, -1.63199999999961, -2.22979999999916, -0.15519999999924, -1.46039999999994, -0.262199999999211, -2.34460000000036, -2.8078000000005, -3.22179999999935, -5.60159999999996, -8.42200000000048, -9.43740000000071, 0.161799999999857, -10.4755999999998, -10.0823999999993),
+    // precision 12
+    Array(2953, 2900.4782, 2848.3568, 2796.3666, 2745.324, 2694.9598, 2644.648, 2595.539, 2546.1474, 2498.2576, 2450.8376, 2403.6076, 2357.451, 2311.38, 2266.4104, 2221.5638, 2176.9676, 2134.193, 2090.838, 2048.8548, 2007.018, 1966.1742, 1925.4482, 1885.1294, 1846.4776, 1807.4044, 1768.8724, 1731.3732, 1693.4304, 1657.5326, 1621.949, 1586.5532, 1551.7256, 1517.6182, 1483.5186, 1450.4528, 1417.865, 1385.7164, 1352.6828, 1322.6708, 1291.8312, 1260.9036, 1231.476, 1201.8652, 1173.6718, 1145.757, 1119.2072, 1092.2828, 1065.0434, 1038.6264, 1014.3192, 988.5746, 965.0816, 940.1176, 917.9796, 894.5576, 871.1858, 849.9144, 827.1142, 805.0818, 783.9664, 763.9096, 742.0816, 724.3962, 706.3454, 688.018, 667.4214, 650.3106, 633.0686, 613.8094, 597.818, 581.4248, 563.834, 547.363, 531.5066, 520.455400000001, 505.583199999999, 488.366, 476.480799999999, 459.7682, 450.0522, 434.328799999999, 423.952799999999, 408.727000000001, 399.079400000001, 387.252200000001, 373.987999999999, 360.852000000001,
  351.6394, 339.642, 330.902400000001, 322.661599999999, 311.662200000001, 301.3254, 291.7484, 279.939200000001, 276.7508, 263.215200000001, 254.811400000001, 245.5494, 242.306399999999, 234.8734, 223.787200000001, 217.7156, 212.0196, 200.793, 195.9748, 189.0702, 182.449199999999, 177.2772, 170.2336, 164.741, 158.613600000001, 155.311, 147.5964, 142.837, 137.3724, 132.0162, 130.0424, 121.9804, 120.451800000001, 114.8968, 111.585999999999, 105.933199999999, 101.705, 98.5141999999996, 95.0488000000005, 89.7880000000005, 91.4750000000004, 83.7764000000006, 80.9698000000008, 72.8574000000008, 73.1615999999995, 67.5838000000003, 62.6263999999992, 63.2638000000006, 66.0977999999996, 52.0843999999997, 58.9956000000002, 47.0912000000008, 46.4956000000002, 48.4383999999991, 47.1082000000006, 43.2392, 37.2759999999998, 40.0283999999992, 35.1864000000005, 35.8595999999998, 32.0998, 28.027, 23.6694000000007, 33.8266000000003, 26.3736000000008, 27.2008000000005, 21.3245999999999, 26.4115999999995
 , 23.4521999999997, 19.5013999999992, 19.8513999999996, 10.7492000000002, 18.6424000000006, 13.1265999999996, 18.2436000000016, 6.71860000000015, 3.39459999999963, 6.33759999999893, 7.76719999999841, 0.813999999998487, 3.82819999999992, 0.826199999999517, 8.07440000000133, -1.59080000000176, 5.01780000000144, 0.455399999998917, -0.24199999999837, 0.174800000000687, -9.07640000000174, -4.20160000000033, -3.77520000000004, -4.75179999999818, -5.3724000000002, -8.90680000000066, -6.10239999999976, -5.74120000000039, -9.95339999999851, -3.86339999999836, -13.7304000000004, -16.2710000000006, -7.51359999999841, -3.30679999999847, -13.1339999999982, -10.0551999999989, -6.72019999999975, -8.59660000000076, -10.9307999999983, -1.8775999999998, -4.82259999999951, -13.7788, -21.6470000000008, -10.6735999999983, -15.7799999999988),
+    // precision 13
+    Array(5907.5052, 5802.2672, 5697.347, 5593.5794, 5491.2622, 5390.5514, 5290.3376, 5191.6952, 5093.5988, 4997.3552, 4902.5972, 4808.3082, 4715.5646, 4624.109, 4533.8216, 4444.4344, 4356.3802, 4269.2962, 4183.3784, 4098.292, 4014.79, 3932.4574, 3850.6036, 3771.2712, 3691.7708, 3615.099, 3538.1858, 3463.4746, 3388.8496, 3315.6794, 3244.5448, 3173.7516, 3103.3106, 3033.6094, 2966.5642, 2900.794, 2833.7256, 2769.81, 2707.3196, 2644.0778, 2583.9916, 2523.4662, 2464.124, 2406.073, 2347.0362, 2292.1006, 2238.1716, 2182.7514, 2128.4884, 2077.1314, 2025.037, 1975.3756, 1928.933, 1879.311, 1831.0006, 1783.2144, 1738.3096, 1694.5144, 1649.024, 1606.847, 1564.7528, 1525.3168, 1482.5372, 1443.9668, 1406.5074, 1365.867, 1329.2186, 1295.4186, 1257.9716, 1225.339, 1193.2972, 1156.3578, 1125.8686, 1091.187, 1061.4094, 1029.4188, 1000.9126, 972.3272, 944.004199999999, 915.7592, 889.965, 862.834200000001, 840.4254, 812.598399999999, 785.924200000001, 763.050999999999, 741.793799999999, 721.466, 699
 .040799999999, 677.997200000002, 649.866999999998, 634.911800000002, 609.8694, 591.981599999999, 570.2922, 557.129199999999, 538.3858, 521.872599999999, 502.951400000002, 495.776399999999, 475.171399999999, 459.751, 439.995200000001, 426.708999999999, 413.7016, 402.3868, 387.262599999998, 372.0524, 357.050999999999, 342.5098, 334.849200000001, 322.529399999999, 311.613799999999, 295.848000000002, 289.273000000001, 274.093000000001, 263.329600000001, 251.389599999999, 245.7392, 231.9614, 229.7952, 217.155200000001, 208.9588, 199.016599999999, 190.839199999999, 180.6976, 176.272799999999, 166.976999999999, 162.5252, 151.196400000001, 149.386999999999, 133.981199999998, 130.0586, 130.164000000001, 122.053400000001, 110.7428, 108.1276, 106.232400000001, 100.381600000001, 98.7668000000012, 86.6440000000002, 79.9768000000004, 82.4722000000002, 68.7026000000005, 70.1186000000016, 71.9948000000004, 58.998599999999, 59.0492000000013, 56.9818000000014, 47.5338000000011, 42.9928, 51.1591999999
 982, 37.2740000000013, 42.7220000000016, 31.3734000000004, 26.8090000000011, 25.8934000000008, 26.5286000000015, 29.5442000000003, 19.3503999999994, 26.0760000000009, 17.9527999999991, 14.8419999999969, 10.4683999999979, 8.65899999999965, 9.86720000000059, 4.34139999999752, -0.907800000000861, -3.32080000000133, -0.936199999996461, -11.9916000000012, -8.87000000000262, -6.33099999999831, -11.3366000000024, -15.9207999999999, -9.34659999999712, -15.5034000000014, -19.2097999999969, -15.357799999998, -28.2235999999975, -30.6898000000001, -19.3271999999997, -25.6083999999973, -24.409599999999, -13.6385999999984, -33.4473999999973, -32.6949999999997, -28.9063999999998, -31.7483999999968, -32.2935999999972, -35.8329999999987, -47.620600000002, -39.0855999999985, -33.1434000000008, -46.1371999999974, -37.5892000000022, -46.8164000000033, -47.3142000000007, -60.2914000000019, -37.7575999999972),
+    // precision 14
+    Array(11816.475, 11605.0046, 11395.3792, 11188.7504, 10984.1814, 10782.0086, 10582.0072, 10384.503, 10189.178, 9996.2738, 9806.0344, 9617.9798, 9431.394, 9248.7784, 9067.6894, 8889.6824, 8712.9134, 8538.8624, 8368.4944, 8197.7956, 8031.8916, 7866.6316, 7703.733, 7544.5726, 7386.204, 7230.666, 7077.8516, 6926.7886, 6778.6902, 6631.9632, 6487.304, 6346.7486, 6206.4408, 6070.202, 5935.2576, 5799.924, 5671.0324, 5541.9788, 5414.6112, 5290.0274, 5166.723, 5047.6906, 4929.162, 4815.1406, 4699.127, 4588.5606, 4477.7394, 4369.4014, 4264.2728, 4155.9224, 4055.581, 3955.505, 3856.9618, 3761.3828, 3666.9702, 3575.7764, 3482.4132, 3395.0186, 3305.8852, 3221.415, 3138.6024, 3056.296, 2970.4494, 2896.1526, 2816.8008, 2740.2156, 2670.497, 2594.1458, 2527.111, 2460.8168, 2387.5114, 2322.9498, 2260.6752, 2194.2686, 2133.7792, 2074.767, 2015.204, 1959.4226, 1898.6502, 1850.006, 1792.849, 1741.4838, 1687.9778, 1638.1322, 1589.3266, 1543.1394, 1496.8266, 1447.8516, 1402.7354, 1361.9606, 1327.0692, 
 1285.4106, 1241.8112, 1201.6726, 1161.973, 1130.261, 1094.2036, 1048.2036, 1020.6436, 990.901400000002, 961.199800000002, 924.769800000002, 899.526400000002, 872.346400000002, 834.375, 810.432000000001, 780.659800000001, 756.013800000001, 733.479399999997, 707.923999999999, 673.858, 652.222399999999, 636.572399999997, 615.738599999997, 586.696400000001, 564.147199999999, 541.679600000003, 523.943599999999, 505.714599999999, 475.729599999999, 461.779600000002, 449.750800000002, 439.020799999998, 412.7886, 400.245600000002, 383.188199999997, 362.079599999997, 357.533799999997, 334.319000000003, 327.553399999997, 308.559399999998, 291.270199999999, 279.351999999999, 271.791400000002, 252.576999999997, 247.482400000001, 236.174800000001, 218.774599999997, 220.155200000001, 208.794399999999, 201.223599999998, 182.995600000002, 185.5268, 164.547400000003, 176.5962, 150.689599999998, 157.8004, 138.378799999999, 134.021200000003, 117.614399999999, 108.194000000003, 97.0696000000025, 89.6042
 000000016, 95.6030000000028, 84.7810000000027, 72.635000000002, 77.3482000000004, 59.4907999999996, 55.5875999999989, 50.7346000000034, 61.3916000000027, 50.9149999999936, 39.0384000000049, 58.9395999999979, 29.633600000001, 28.2032000000036, 26.0078000000067, 17.0387999999948, 9.22000000000116, 13.8387999999977, 8.07240000000456, 14.1549999999988, 15.3570000000036, 3.42660000000615, 6.24820000000182, -2.96940000000177, -8.79940000000352, -5.97860000000219, -14.4048000000039, -3.4143999999942, -13.0148000000045, -11.6977999999945, -25.7878000000055, -22.3185999999987, -24.409599999999, -31.9756000000052, -18.9722000000038, -22.8678000000073, -30.8972000000067, -32.3715999999986, -22.3907999999938, -43.6720000000059, -35.9038, -39.7492000000057, -54.1641999999993, -45.2749999999942, -42.2989999999991, -44.1089999999967, -64.3564000000042, -49.9551999999967, -42.6116000000038),
+    // precision 15
+    Array(23634.0036, 23210.8034, 22792.4744, 22379.1524, 21969.7928, 21565.326, 21165.3532, 20770.2806, 20379.9892, 19994.7098, 19613.318, 19236.799, 18865.4382, 18498.8244, 18136.5138, 17778.8668, 17426.2344, 17079.32, 16734.778, 16397.2418, 16063.3324, 15734.0232, 15409.731, 15088.728, 14772.9896, 14464.1402, 14157.5588, 13855.5958, 13559.3296, 13264.9096, 12978.326, 12692.0826, 12413.8816, 12137.3192, 11870.2326, 11602.5554, 11340.3142, 11079.613, 10829.5908, 10583.5466, 10334.0344, 10095.5072, 9859.694, 9625.2822, 9395.7862, 9174.0586, 8957.3164, 8738.064, 8524.155, 8313.7396, 8116.9168, 7913.542, 7718.4778, 7521.65, 7335.5596, 7154.2906, 6968.7396, 6786.3996, 6613.236, 6437.406, 6270.6598, 6107.7958, 5945.7174, 5787.6784, 5635.5784, 5482.308, 5337.9784, 5190.0864, 5045.9158, 4919.1386, 4771.817, 4645.7742, 4518.4774, 4385.5454, 4262.6622, 4142.74679999999, 4015.5318, 3897.9276, 3790.7764, 3685.13800000001, 3573.6274, 3467.9706, 3368.61079999999, 3271.5202, 3170.3848, 3076.4656
 , 2982.38400000001, 2888.4664, 2806.4868, 2711.9564, 2634.1434, 2551.3204, 2469.7662, 2396.61139999999, 2318.9902, 2243.8658, 2171.9246, 2105.01360000001, 2028.8536, 1960.9952, 1901.4096, 1841.86079999999, 1777.54700000001, 1714.5802, 1654.65059999999, 1596.311, 1546.2016, 1492.3296, 1433.8974, 1383.84600000001, 1339.4152, 1293.5518, 1245.8686, 1193.50659999999, 1162.27959999999, 1107.19439999999, 1069.18060000001, 1035.09179999999, 999.679000000004, 957.679999999993, 925.300199999998, 888.099400000006, 848.638600000006, 818.156400000007, 796.748399999997, 752.139200000005, 725.271200000003, 692.216, 671.633600000001, 647.939799999993, 621.670599999998, 575.398799999995, 561.226599999995, 532.237999999998, 521.787599999996, 483.095799999996, 467.049599999998, 465.286399999997, 415.548599999995, 401.047399999996, 380.607999999993, 377.362599999993, 347.258799999996, 338.371599999999, 310.096999999994, 301.409199999995, 276.280799999993, 265.586800000005, 258.994399999996, 223.9159999
 99997, 215.925399999993, 213.503800000006, 191.045400000003, 166.718200000003, 166.259000000005, 162.941200000001, 148.829400000002, 141.645999999993, 123.535399999993, 122.329800000007, 89.473399999988, 80.1962000000058, 77.5457999999926, 59.1056000000099, 83.3509999999951, 52.2906000000075, 36.3979999999865, 40.6558000000077, 42.0003999999899, 19.6630000000005, 19.7153999999864, -8.38539999999921, -0.692799999989802, 0.854800000000978, 3.23219999999856, -3.89040000000386, -5.25880000001052, -24.9052000000083, -22.6837999999989, -26.4286000000138, -34.997000000003, -37.0216000000073, -43.430400000012, -58.2390000000014, -68.8034000000043, -56.9245999999985, -57.8583999999973, -77.3097999999882, -73.2793999999994, -81.0738000000129, -87.4530000000086, -65.0254000000132, -57.296399999992, -96.2746000000043, -103.25, -96.081600000005, -91.5542000000132, -102.465200000006, -107.688599999994, -101.458000000013, -109.715800000005),
+    // precision 16
+    Array(47270, 46423.3584, 45585.7074, 44757.152, 43938.8416, 43130.9514, 42330.03, 41540.407, 40759.6348, 39988.206, 39226.5144, 38473.2096, 37729.795, 36997.268, 36272.6448, 35558.665, 34853.0248, 34157.4472, 33470.5204, 32793.5742, 32127.0194, 31469.4182, 30817.6136, 30178.6968, 29546.8908, 28922.8544, 28312.271, 27707.0924, 27114.0326, 26526.692, 25948.6336, 25383.7826, 24823.5998, 24272.2974, 23732.2572, 23201.4976, 22674.2796, 22163.6336, 21656.515, 21161.7362, 20669.9368, 20189.4424, 19717.3358, 19256.3744, 18795.9638, 18352.197, 17908.5738, 17474.391, 17052.918, 16637.2236, 16228.4602, 15823.3474, 15428.6974, 15043.0284, 14667.6278, 14297.4588, 13935.2882, 13578.5402, 13234.6032, 12882.1578, 12548.0728, 12219.231, 11898.0072, 11587.2626, 11279.9072, 10973.5048, 10678.5186, 10392.4876, 10105.2556, 9825.766, 9562.5444, 9294.2222, 9038.2352, 8784.848, 8533.2644, 8301.7776, 8058.30859999999, 7822.94579999999, 7599.11319999999, 7366.90779999999, 7161.217, 6957.53080000001, 6736
 .212, 6548.21220000001, 6343.06839999999, 6156.28719999999, 5975.15419999999, 5791.75719999999, 5621.32019999999, 5451.66, 5287.61040000001, 5118.09479999999, 4957.288, 4798.4246, 4662.17559999999, 4512.05900000001, 4364.68539999999, 4220.77720000001, 4082.67259999999, 3957.19519999999, 3842.15779999999, 3699.3328, 3583.01180000001, 3473.8964, 3338.66639999999, 3233.55559999999, 3117.799, 3008.111, 2909.69140000001, 2814.86499999999, 2719.46119999999, 2624.742, 2532.46979999999, 2444.7886, 2370.1868, 2272.45259999999, 2196.19260000001, 2117.90419999999, 2023.2972, 1969.76819999999, 1885.58979999999, 1833.2824, 1733.91200000001, 1682.54920000001, 1604.57980000001, 1556.11240000001, 1491.3064, 1421.71960000001, 1371.22899999999, 1322.1324, 1264.7892, 1196.23920000001, 1143.8474, 1088.67240000001, 1073.60380000001, 1023.11660000001, 959.036400000012, 927.433199999999, 906.792799999996, 853.433599999989, 841.873800000001, 791.1054, 756.899999999994, 704.343200000003, 672.495599999995, 6
 22.790399999998, 611.254799999995, 567.283200000005, 519.406599999988, 519.188400000014, 495.312800000014, 451.350799999986, 443.973399999988, 431.882199999993, 392.027000000002, 380.924200000009, 345.128999999986, 298.901400000002, 287.771999999997, 272.625, 247.253000000026, 222.490600000019, 223.590000000026, 196.407599999977, 176.425999999978, 134.725199999986, 132.4804, 110.445599999977, 86.7939999999944, 56.7038000000175, 64.915399999998, 38.3726000000024, 37.1606000000029, 46.170999999973, 49.1716000000015, 15.3362000000197, 6.71639999997569, -34.8185999999987, -39.4476000000141, 12.6830000000191, -12.3331999999937, -50.6565999999875, -59.9538000000175, -65.1054000000004, -70.7576000000117, -106.325200000021, -126.852200000023, -110.227599999984, -132.885999999999, -113.897200000007, -142.713800000027, -151.145399999979, -150.799200000009, -177.756200000003, -156.036399999983, -182.735199999996, -177.259399999981, -198.663600000029, -174.577600000019, -193.84580000001),
+    // precision 17
+    Array(94541, 92848.811, 91174.019, 89517.558, 87879.9705, 86262.7565, 84663.5125, 83083.7435, 81521.7865, 79977.272, 78455.9465, 76950.219, 75465.432, 73994.152, 72546.71, 71115.2345, 69705.6765, 68314.937, 66944.2705, 65591.255, 64252.9485, 62938.016, 61636.8225, 60355.592, 59092.789, 57850.568, 56624.518, 55417.343, 54231.1415, 53067.387, 51903.526, 50774.649, 49657.6415, 48561.05, 47475.7575, 46410.159, 45364.852, 44327.053, 43318.4005, 42325.6165, 41348.4595, 40383.6265, 39436.77, 38509.502, 37594.035, 36695.939, 35818.6895, 34955.691, 34115.8095, 33293.949, 32465.0775, 31657.6715, 30877.2585, 30093.78, 29351.3695, 28594.1365, 27872.115, 27168.7465, 26477.076, 25774.541, 25106.5375, 24452.5135, 23815.5125, 23174.0655, 22555.2685, 21960.2065, 21376.3555, 20785.1925, 20211.517, 19657.0725, 19141.6865, 18579.737, 18081.3955, 17578.995, 17073.44, 16608.335, 16119.911, 15651.266, 15194.583, 14749.0495, 14343.4835, 13925.639, 13504.509, 13099.3885, 12691.2855, 12328.018, 11969.034
 5, 11596.5145, 11245.6355, 10917.6575, 10580.9785, 10277.8605, 9926.58100000001, 9605.538, 9300.42950000003, 8989.97850000003, 8728.73249999998, 8448.3235, 8175.31050000002, 7898.98700000002, 7629.79100000003, 7413.76199999999, 7149.92300000001, 6921.12650000001, 6677.1545, 6443.28000000003, 6278.23450000002, 6014.20049999998, 5791.20299999998, 5605.78450000001, 5438.48800000001, 5234.2255, 5059.6825, 4887.43349999998, 4682.935, 4496.31099999999, 4322.52250000002, 4191.42499999999, 4021.24200000003, 3900.64799999999, 3762.84250000003, 3609.98050000001, 3502.29599999997, 3363.84250000003, 3206.54849999998, 3079.70000000001, 2971.42300000001, 2867.80349999998, 2727.08100000001, 2630.74900000001, 2496.6165, 2440.902, 2356.19150000002, 2235.58199999999, 2120.54149999999, 2012.25449999998, 1933.35600000003, 1820.93099999998, 1761.54800000001, 1663.09350000002, 1578.84600000002, 1509.48149999999, 1427.3345, 1379.56150000001, 1306.68099999998, 1212.63449999999, 1084.17300000001, 1124.16450
 000001, 1060.69949999999, 1007.48849999998, 941.194499999983, 879.880500000028, 836.007500000007, 782.802000000025, 748.385499999975, 647.991500000004, 626.730500000005, 570.776000000013, 484.000500000024, 513.98550000001, 418.985499999952, 386.996999999974, 370.026500000036, 355.496999999974, 356.731499999994, 255.92200000002, 259.094000000041, 205.434499999974, 165.374500000034, 197.347500000033, 95.718499999959, 67.6165000000037, 54.6970000000438, 31.7395000000251, -15.8784999999916, 8.42500000004657, -26.3754999999655, -118.425500000012, -66.6629999999423, -42.9745000000112, -107.364999999991, -189.839000000036, -162.611499999999, -164.964999999967, -189.079999999958, -223.931499999948, -235.329999999958, -269.639500000048, -249.087999999989, -206.475499999942, -283.04449999996, -290.667000000016, -304.561499999953, -336.784499999951, -380.386500000022, -283.280499999993, -364.533000000054, -389.059499999974, -364.454000000027, -415.748000000021, -417.155000000028),
+    // precision 18
+    Array(189083, 185696.913, 182348.774, 179035.946, 175762.762, 172526.444, 169329.754, 166166.099, 163043.269, 159958.91, 156907.912, 153906.845, 150924.199, 147996.568, 145093.457, 142239.233, 139421.475, 136632.27, 133889.588, 131174.2, 128511.619, 125868.621, 123265.385, 120721.061, 118181.769, 115709.456, 113252.446, 110840.198, 108465.099, 106126.164, 103823.469, 101556.618, 99308.004, 97124.508, 94937.803, 92833.731, 90745.061, 88677.627, 86617.47, 84650.442, 82697.833, 80769.132, 78879.629, 77014.432, 75215.626, 73384.587, 71652.482, 69895.93, 68209.301, 66553.669, 64921.981, 63310.323, 61742.115, 60205.018, 58698.658, 57190.657, 55760.865, 54331.169, 52908.167, 51550.273, 50225.254, 48922.421, 47614.533, 46362.049, 45098.569, 43926.083, 42736.03, 41593.473, 40425.26, 39316.237, 38243.651, 37170.617, 36114.609, 35084.19, 34117.233, 33206.509, 32231.505, 31318.728, 30403.404, 29540.0550000001, 28679.236, 27825.862, 26965.216, 26179.148, 25462.08, 24645.952, 23922.523, 23198
 .144, 22529.128, 21762.4179999999, 21134.779, 20459.117, 19840.818, 19187.04, 18636.3689999999, 17982.831, 17439.7389999999, 16874.547, 16358.2169999999, 15835.684, 15352.914, 14823.681, 14329.313, 13816.897, 13342.874, 12880.882, 12491.648, 12021.254, 11625.392, 11293.7610000001, 10813.697, 10456.209, 10099.074, 9755.39000000001, 9393.18500000006, 9047.57900000003, 8657.98499999999, 8395.85900000005, 8033, 7736.95900000003, 7430.59699999995, 7258.47699999996, 6924.58200000005, 6691.29399999999, 6357.92500000005, 6202.05700000003, 5921.19700000004, 5628.28399999999, 5404.96799999999, 5226.71100000001, 4990.75600000005, 4799.77399999998, 4622.93099999998, 4472.478, 4171.78700000001, 3957.46299999999, 3868.95200000005, 3691.14300000004, 3474.63100000005, 3341.67200000002, 3109.14000000001, 3071.97400000005, 2796.40399999998, 2756.17799999996, 2611.46999999997, 2471.93000000005, 2382.26399999997, 2209.22400000005, 2142.28399999999, 2013.96100000001, 1911.18999999994, 1818.27099999995, 
 1668.47900000005, 1519.65800000005, 1469.67599999998, 1367.13800000004, 1248.52899999998, 1181.23600000003, 1022.71900000004, 1088.20700000005, 959.03600000008, 876.095999999903, 791.183999999892, 703.337000000058, 731.949999999953, 586.86400000006, 526.024999999907, 323.004999999888, 320.448000000091, 340.672999999952, 309.638999999966, 216.601999999955, 102.922999999952, 19.2399999999907, -0.114000000059605, -32.6240000000689, -89.3179999999702, -153.497999999905, -64.2970000000205, -143.695999999996, -259.497999999905, -253.017999999924, -213.948000000091, -397.590000000084, -434.006000000052, -403.475000000093, -297.958000000101, -404.317000000039, -528.898999999976, -506.621000000043, -513.205000000075, -479.351000000024, -596.139999999898, -527.016999999993, -664.681000000099, -680.306000000099, -704.050000000047, -850.486000000034, -757.43200000003, -713.308999999892)
+  )
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[3/4] spark git commit: [SPARK-17997][SQL] Add an aggregation function for counting distinct values for multiple intervals

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diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala
index d5c9166..0b73788 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala
@@ -17,12 +17,10 @@
 package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate
-import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
-import java.util
 import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
 import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper
 import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
 // scalastyle:off
@@ -57,7 +55,6 @@ case class HyperLogLogPlusPlus(
     mutableAggBufferOffset: Int = 0,
     inputAggBufferOffset: Int = 0)
   extends ImperativeAggregate {
-  import HyperLogLogPlusPlus._
   def this(child: Expression) = {
     this(child = child, relativeSD = 0.05, mutableAggBufferOffset = 0, inputAggBufferOffset = 0)
@@ -79,61 +76,6 @@ case class HyperLogLogPlusPlus(
   override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): ImperativeAggregate =
     copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset)
-  /**
-   * HLL++ uses 'p' bits for addressing. The more addressing bits we use, the more precise the
-   * algorithm will be, and the more memory it will require. The 'p' value is based on the relative
-   * error requested.
-   *
-   * HLL++ requires that we use at least 4 bits of addressing space (a minimum precision of 27%).
-   *
-   * This method rounds up to the nearest integer. This means that the error is always equal to or
-   * lower than the requested error. Use the <code>trueRsd</code> method to get the actual RSD
-   * value.
-   */
-  private[this] val p = Math.ceil(2.0d * Math.log(1.106d / relativeSD) / Math.log(2.0d)).toInt
-  require(p >= 4, "HLL++ requires at least 4 bits for addressing. " +
-    "Use a lower error, at most 39%.")
-  /**
-   * Shift used to extract the index of the register from the hashed value.
-   *
-   * This assumes the use of 64-bit hashcodes.
-   */
-  private[this] val idxShift = JLong.SIZE - p
-  /**
-   * Value to pad the 'w' value with before the number of leading zeros is determined.
-   */
-  private[this] val wPadding = 1L << (p - 1)
-  /**
-   * The number of registers used.
-   */
-  private[this] val m = 1 << p
-  /**
-   * The pre-calculated combination of: alpha * m * m
-   *
-   * 'alpha' corrects the raw cardinality estimate 'Z'. See the FlFuGaMe07 paper for its
-   * derivation.
-   */
-  private[this] val alphaM2 = p match {
-    case 4 => 0.673d * m * m
-    case 5 => 0.697d * m * m
-    case 6 => 0.709d * m * m
-    case _ => (0.7213d / (1.0d + 1.079d / m)) * m * m
-  }
-  /**
-   * The number of words used to store the registers. We use Longs for storage because this is the
-   * most compact way of storage; Spark aligns to 8-byte words or uses Long wrappers.
-   *
-   * We only store whole registers per word in order to prevent overly complex bitwise operations.
-   * In practice this means we only use 60 out of 64 bits.
-   */
-  private[this] val numWords = m / REGISTERS_PER_WORD + 1
   override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(child)
   override def nullable: Boolean = false
@@ -142,9 +84,13 @@ case class HyperLogLogPlusPlus(
   override def aggBufferSchema: StructType = StructType.fromAttributes(aggBufferAttributes)
+  val hllppHelper = new HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper(relativeSD)
   /** Allocate enough words to store all registers. */
-  override val aggBufferAttributes: Seq[AttributeReference] = Seq.tabulate(numWords) { i =>
-    AttributeReference(s"MS[$i]", LongType)()
+  override val aggBufferAttributes: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
+    Seq.tabulate(hllppHelper.numWords) { i =>
+      AttributeReference(s"MS[$i]", LongType)()
+    }
   // Note: although this simply copies aggBufferAttributes, this common code can not be placed
@@ -155,7 +101,7 @@ case class HyperLogLogPlusPlus(
   /** Fill all words with zeros. */
   override def initialize(buffer: InternalRow): Unit = {
     var word = 0
-    while (word < numWords) {
+    while (word < hllppHelper.numWords) {
       buffer.setLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + word, 0)
       word += 1
@@ -163,299 +109,35 @@ case class HyperLogLogPlusPlus(
    * Update the HLL++ buffer.
-   *
-   * Variable names in the HLL++ paper match variable names in the code.
   override def update(buffer: InternalRow, input: InternalRow): Unit = {
     val v = child.eval(input)
     if (v != null) {
-      // Create the hashed value 'x'.
-      val x = XxHash64Function.hash(v, child.dataType, 42L)
-      // Determine the index of the register we are going to use.
-      val idx = (x >>> idxShift).toInt
-      // Determine the number of leading zeros in the remaining bits 'w'.
-      val pw = JLong.numberOfLeadingZeros((x << p) | wPadding) + 1L
-      // Get the word containing the register we are interested in.
-      val wordOffset = idx / REGISTERS_PER_WORD
-      val word = buffer.getLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + wordOffset)
-      // Extract the M[J] register value from the word.
-      val shift = REGISTER_SIZE * (idx - (wordOffset * REGISTERS_PER_WORD))
-      val mask = REGISTER_WORD_MASK << shift
-      val Midx = (word & mask) >>> shift
-      // Assign the maximum number of leading zeros to the register.
-      if (pw > Midx) {
-        buffer.setLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + wordOffset, (word & ~mask) | (pw << shift))
-      }
+      hllppHelper.update(buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset, v, child.dataType)
-   * Merge the HLL buffers by iterating through the registers in both buffers and select the
-   * maximum number of leading zeros for each register.
+   * Merge the HLL++ buffers.
   override def merge(buffer1: InternalRow, buffer2: InternalRow): Unit = {
-    var idx = 0
-    var wordOffset = 0
-    while (wordOffset < numWords) {
-      val word1 = buffer1.getLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + wordOffset)
-      val word2 = buffer2.getLong(inputAggBufferOffset + wordOffset)
-      var word = 0L
-      var i = 0
-      var mask = REGISTER_WORD_MASK
-      while (idx < m && i < REGISTERS_PER_WORD) {
-        word |= Math.max(word1 & mask, word2 & mask)
-        mask <<= REGISTER_SIZE
-        i += 1
-        idx += 1
-      }
-      buffer1.setLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + wordOffset, word)
-      wordOffset += 1
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Estimate the bias using the raw estimates with their respective biases from the HLL++
-   * appendix. We currently use KNN interpolation to determine the bias (as suggested in the
-   * paper).
-   */
-  def estimateBias(e: Double): Double = {
-    val estimates = RAW_ESTIMATE_DATA(p - 4)
-    val numEstimates = estimates.length
-    // The estimates are sorted so we can use a binary search to find the index of the
-    // interpolation estimate closest to the current estimate.
-    val nearestEstimateIndex = util.Arrays.binarySearch(estimates, 0, numEstimates, e) match {
-      case ix if ix < 0 => -(ix + 1)
-      case ix => ix
-    }
-    // Use square of the difference between the current estimate and the estimate at the given
-    // index as distance metric.
-    def distance(i: Int): Double = {
-      val diff = e - estimates(i)
-      diff * diff
-    }
-    // Keep moving bounds as long as the (exclusive) high bound is closer to the estimate than
-    // the lower (inclusive) bound.
-    var low = math.max(nearestEstimateIndex - K + 1, 0)
-    var high = math.min(low + K, numEstimates)
-    while (high < numEstimates && distance(high) < distance(low)) {
-      low += 1
-      high += 1
-    }
-    // Calculate the sum of the biases in low-high interval.
-    val biases = BIAS_DATA(p - 4)
-    var i = low
-    var biasSum = 0.0
-    while (i < high) {
-      biasSum += biases(i)
-      i += 1
-    }
-    // Calculate the bias.
-    biasSum / (high - low)
+    hllppHelper.merge(buffer1 = buffer1, buffer2 = buffer2,
+      offset1 = mutableAggBufferOffset, offset2 = inputAggBufferOffset)
    * Compute the HyperLogLog estimate.
-   *
-   * Variable names in the HLL++ paper match variable names in the code.
   override def eval(buffer: InternalRow): Any = {
-    // Compute the inverse of indicator value 'z' and count the number of zeros 'V'.
-    var zInverse = 0.0d
-    var V = 0.0d
-    var idx = 0
-    var wordOffset = 0
-    while (wordOffset < numWords) {
-      val word = buffer.getLong(mutableAggBufferOffset + wordOffset)
-      var i = 0
-      var shift = 0
-      while (idx < m && i < REGISTERS_PER_WORD) {
-        val Midx = (word >>> shift) & REGISTER_WORD_MASK
-        zInverse += 1.0 / (1 << Midx)
-        if (Midx == 0) {
-          V += 1.0d
-        }
-        shift += REGISTER_SIZE
-        i += 1
-        idx += 1
-      }
-      wordOffset += 1
-    }
-    // We integrate two steps from the paper:
-    // val Z = 1.0d / zInverse
-    // val E = alphaM2 * Z
-    val E = alphaM2 / zInverse
-    @inline
-    def EBiasCorrected = E match {
-      case e if p < 19 && e < 5.0d * m => e - estimateBias(e)
-      case e => e
-    }
-    // Estimate the cardinality.
-    val estimate = if (V > 0) {
-      // Use linear counting for small cardinality estimates.
-      val H = m * Math.log(m / V)
-      // HLL++ is defined only when p < 19, otherwise we need to fallback to HLL.
-      // The threshold `2.5 * m` is from the original HLL algorithm.
-      if ((p < 19 && H <= THRESHOLDS(p - 4)) || E <= 2.5 * m) {
-        H
-      } else {
-        EBiasCorrected
-      }
-    } else {
-      EBiasCorrected
-    }
-    // Round to the nearest long value.
-    Math.round(estimate)
+    hllppHelper.query(buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset)
-  /**
-   * The <code>rsd</code> of HLL++ is always equal to or better than the <code>rsd</code> requested.
-   * This method returns the <code>rsd</code> this instance actually guarantees.
-   *
-   * @return the actual <code>rsd</code>.
-   */
-  def trueRsd: Double = 1.04 / math.sqrt(m)
-// scalastyle:off
- * Constants used in the implementation of the HyperLogLogPlusPlus aggregate function.
- *
- * See the Appendix to HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of the Art
- * Cardinality (
- * for more information.
- */
-// scalastyle:on
 object HyperLogLogPlusPlus {
-  /**
-   * The size of a word used for storing registers: 64 Bits.
-   */
-  val WORD_SIZE = java.lang.Long.SIZE
-  /**
-   * The number of bits that is required per register.
-   *
-   * This number is determined by the maximum number of leading binary zeros a hashcode can
-   * produce. This is equal to the number of bits the hashcode returns. The current
-   * implementation uses a 64-bit hashcode, this means 6-bits are (at most) needed to store the
-   * number of leading zeros.
-   */
-  val REGISTER_SIZE = 6
-  /**
-   * Value used to mask a register stored in a word.
-   */
-  val REGISTER_WORD_MASK: Long = (1 << REGISTER_SIZE) - 1
-  /**
-   * The number of registers which can be stored in one word.
-   */
-  /**
-   * Number of points used for interpolating the bias value.
-   */
-  val K = 6
-  // Sacrificing style for readability here.
-  // scalastyle:off
-  /**
-   * Thresholds which decide if the linear counting or the regular algorithm is used.
-   */
-  val THRESHOLDS = Array[Double](10, 20, 40, 80, 220, 400, 900, 1800, 3100, 6500, 15500, 20000, 50000, 120000, 350000)
-  /**
-   * Lookup table used to find the (index of the) bias correction for a given precision (exact)
-   * and estimate (nearest).
-   */
-  val RAW_ESTIMATE_DATA = Array(
-    // precision 4
-    Array(11, 11.717, 12.207, 12.7896, 13.2882, 13.8204, 14.3772, 14.9342, 15.5202, 16.161, 16.7722, 17.4636, 18.0396, 18.6766, 19.3566, 20.0454, 20.7936, 21.4856, 22.2666, 22.9946, 23.766, 24.4692, 25.3638, 26.0764, 26.7864, 27.7602, 28.4814, 29.433, 30.2926, 31.0664, 31.9996, 32.7956, 33.5366, 34.5894, 35.5738, 36.2698, 37.3682, 38.0544, 39.2342, 40.0108, 40.7966, 41.9298, 42.8704, 43.6358, 44.5194, 45.773, 46.6772, 47.6174, 48.4888, 49.3304, 50.2506, 51.4996, 52.3824, 53.3078, 54.3984, 55.5838, 56.6618, 57.2174, 58.3514, 59.0802, 60.1482, 61.0376, 62.3598, 62.8078, 63.9744, 64.914, 65.781, 67.1806, 68.0594, 68.8446, 69.7928, 70.8248, 71.8324, 72.8598, 73.6246, 74.7014, 75.393, 76.6708, 77.2394),
-    // precision 5
-    Array(23, 23.1194, 23.8208, 24.2318, 24.77, 25.2436, 25.7774, 26.2848, 26.8224, 27.3742, 27.9336, 28.503, 29.0494, 29.6292, 30.2124, 30.798, 31.367, 31.9728, 32.5944, 33.217, 33.8438, 34.3696, 35.0956, 35.7044, 36.324, 37.0668, 37.6698, 38.3644, 39.049, 39.6918, 40.4146, 41.082, 41.687, 42.5398, 43.2462, 43.857, 44.6606, 45.4168, 46.1248, 46.9222, 47.6804, 48.447, 49.3454, 49.9594, 50.7636, 51.5776, 52.331, 53.19, 53.9676, 54.7564, 55.5314, 56.4442, 57.3708, 57.9774, 58.9624, 59.8796, 60.755, 61.472, 62.2076, 63.1024, 63.8908, 64.7338, 65.7728, 66.629, 67.413, 68.3266, 69.1524, 70.2642, 71.1806, 72.0566, 72.9192, 73.7598, 74.3516, 75.5802, 76.4386, 77.4916, 78.1524, 79.1892, 79.8414, 80.8798, 81.8376, 82.4698, 83.7656, 84.331, 85.5914, 86.6012, 87.7016, 88.5582, 89.3394, 90.3544, 91.4912, 92.308, 93.3552, 93.9746, 95.2052, 95.727, 97.1322, 98.3944, 98.7588, 100.242, 101.1914, 102.2538, 102.8776, 103.6292, 105.1932, 105.9152, 107.0868, 107.6728, 108.7144, 110.3114, 110.8716, 111.
 245, 112.7908, 113.7064, 114.636, 115.7464, 116.1788, 117.7464, 118.4896, 119.6166, 120.5082, 121.7798, 122.9028, 123.4426, 124.8854, 125.705, 126.4652, 128.3464, 128.3462, 130.0398, 131.0342, 131.0042, 132.4766, 133.511, 134.7252, 135.425, 136.5172, 138.0572, 138.6694, 139.3712, 140.8598, 141.4594, 142.554, 143.4006, 144.7374, 146.1634, 146.8994, 147.605, 147.9304, 149.1636, 150.2468, 151.5876, 152.2096, 153.7032, 154.7146, 155.807, 156.9228, 157.0372, 158.5852),
-    // precision 6
-    Array(46, 46.1902, 47.271, 47.8358, 48.8142, 49.2854, 50.317, 51.354, 51.8924, 52.9436, 53.4596, 54.5262, 55.6248, 56.1574, 57.2822, 57.837, 58.9636, 60.074, 60.7042, 61.7976, 62.4772, 63.6564, 64.7942, 65.5004, 66.686, 67.291, 68.5672, 69.8556, 70.4982, 71.8204, 72.4252, 73.7744, 75.0786, 75.8344, 77.0294, 77.8098, 79.0794, 80.5732, 81.1878, 82.5648, 83.2902, 84.6784, 85.3352, 86.8946, 88.3712, 89.0852, 90.499, 91.2686, 92.6844, 94.2234, 94.9732, 96.3356, 97.2286, 98.7262, 100.3284, 101.1048, 102.5962, 103.3562, 105.1272, 106.4184, 107.4974, 109.0822, 109.856, 111.48, 113.2834, 114.0208, 115.637, 116.5174, 118.0576, 119.7476, 120.427, 122.1326, 123.2372, 125.2788, 126.6776, 127.7926, 129.1952, 129.9564, 131.6454, 133.87, 134.5428, 136.2, 137.0294, 138.6278, 139.6782, 141.792, 143.3516, 144.2832, 146.0394, 147.0748, 148.4912, 150.849, 151.696, 153.5404, 154.073, 156.3714, 157.7216, 158.7328, 160.4208, 161.4184, 163.9424, 165.2772, 166.411, 168.1308, 168.769, 170.9258, 172.6828, 
 173.7502, 175.706, 176.3886, 179.0186, 180.4518, 181.927, 183.4172, 184.4114, 186.033, 188.5124, 189.5564, 191.6008, 192.4172, 193.8044, 194.997, 197.4548, 198.8948, 200.2346, 202.3086, 203.1548, 204.8842, 206.6508, 206.6772, 209.7254, 210.4752, 212.7228, 214.6614, 215.1676, 217.793, 218.0006, 219.9052, 221.66, 223.5588, 225.1636, 225.6882, 227.7126, 229.4502, 231.1978, 232.9756, 233.1654, 236.727, 238.1974, 237.7474, 241.1346, 242.3048, 244.1948, 245.3134, 246.879, 249.1204, 249.853, 252.6792, 253.857, 254.4486, 257.2362, 257.9534, 260.0286, 260.5632, 262.663, 264.723, 265.7566, 267.2566, 267.1624, 270.62, 272.8216, 273.2166, 275.2056, 276.2202, 278.3726, 280.3344, 281.9284, 283.9728, 284.1924, 286.4872, 287.587, 289.807, 291.1206, 292.769, 294.8708, 296.665, 297.1182, 299.4012, 300.6352, 302.1354, 304.1756, 306.1606, 307.3462, 308.5214, 309.4134, 310.8352, 313.9684, 315.837, 316.7796, 318.9858),
-    // precision 7
-    Array(92, 93.4934, 94.9758, 96.4574, 97.9718, 99.4954, 101.5302, 103.0756, 104.6374, 106.1782, 107.7888, 109.9522, 111.592, 113.2532, 114.9086, 116.5938, 118.9474, 120.6796, 122.4394, 124.2176, 125.9768, 128.4214, 130.2528, 132.0102, 133.8658, 135.7278, 138.3044, 140.1316, 142.093, 144.0032, 145.9092, 148.6306, 150.5294, 152.5756, 154.6508, 156.662, 159.552, 161.3724, 163.617, 165.5754, 167.7872, 169.8444, 172.7988, 174.8606, 177.2118, 179.3566, 181.4476, 184.5882, 186.6816, 189.0824, 191.0258, 193.6048, 196.4436, 198.7274, 200.957, 203.147, 205.4364, 208.7592, 211.3386, 213.781, 215.8028, 218.656, 221.6544, 223.996, 226.4718, 229.1544, 231.6098, 234.5956, 237.0616, 239.5758, 242.4878, 244.5244, 248.2146, 250.724, 252.8722, 255.5198, 258.0414, 261.941, 264.9048, 266.87, 269.4304, 272.028, 274.4708, 278.37, 281.0624, 283.4668, 286.5532, 289.4352, 293.2564, 295.2744, 298.2118, 300.7472, 304.1456, 307.2928, 309.7504, 312.5528, 315.979, 318.2102, 322.1834, 324.3494, 327.325, 330.661
 4, 332.903, 337.2544, 339.9042, 343.215, 345.2864, 348.0814, 352.6764, 355.301, 357.139, 360.658, 363.1732, 366.5902, 369.9538, 373.0828, 375.922, 378.9902, 382.7328, 386.4538, 388.1136, 391.2234, 394.0878, 396.708, 401.1556, 404.1852, 406.6372, 409.6822, 412.7796, 416.6078, 418.4916, 422.131, 424.5376, 428.1988, 432.211, 434.4502, 438.5282, 440.912, 444.0448, 447.7432, 450.8524, 453.7988, 456.7858, 458.8868, 463.9886, 466.5064, 468.9124, 472.6616, 475.4682, 478.582, 481.304, 485.2738, 488.6894, 490.329, 496.106, 497.6908, 501.1374, 504.5322, 506.8848, 510.3324, 513.4512, 516.179, 520.4412, 522.6066, 526.167, 528.7794, 533.379, 536.067, 538.46, 542.9116, 545.692, 547.9546, 552.493, 555.2722, 557.335, 562.449, 564.2014, 569.0738, 571.0974, 574.8564, 578.2996, 581.409, 583.9704, 585.8098, 589.6528, 594.5998, 595.958, 600.068, 603.3278, 608.2016, 609.9632, 612.864, 615.43, 620.7794, 621.272, 625.8644, 629.206, 633.219, 634.5154, 638.6102),
-    // precision 8
-    Array(184.2152, 187.2454, 190.2096, 193.6652, 196.6312, 199.6822, 203.249, 206.3296, 210.0038, 213.2074, 216.4612, 220.27, 223.5178, 227.4412, 230.8032, 234.1634, 238.1688, 241.6074, 245.6946, 249.2664, 252.8228, 257.0432, 260.6824, 264.9464, 268.6268, 272.2626, 276.8376, 280.4034, 284.8956, 288.8522, 292.7638, 297.3552, 301.3556, 305.7526, 309.9292, 313.8954, 318.8198, 322.7668, 327.298, 331.6688, 335.9466, 340.9746, 345.1672, 349.3474, 354.3028, 358.8912, 364.114, 368.4646, 372.9744, 378.4092, 382.6022, 387.843, 392.5684, 397.1652, 402.5426, 407.4152, 412.5388, 417.3592, 422.1366, 427.486, 432.3918, 437.5076, 442.509, 447.3834, 453.3498, 458.0668, 463.7346, 469.1228, 473.4528, 479.7, 484.644, 491.0518, 495.5774, 500.9068, 506.432, 512.1666, 517.434, 522.6644, 527.4894, 533.6312, 538.3804, 544.292, 550.5496, 556.0234, 562.8206, 566.6146, 572.4188, 579.117, 583.6762, 590.6576, 595.7864, 601.509, 607.5334, 612.9204, 619.772, 624.2924, 630.8654, 636.1836, 642.745, 649.1316, 655.03
 86, 660.0136, 666.6342, 671.6196, 678.1866, 684.4282, 689.3324, 695.4794, 702.5038, 708.129, 713.528, 720.3204, 726.463, 732.7928, 739.123, 744.7418, 751.2192, 756.5102, 762.6066, 769.0184, 775.2224, 781.4014, 787.7618, 794.1436, 798.6506, 805.6378, 811.766, 819.7514, 824.5776, 828.7322, 837.8048, 843.6302, 849.9336, 854.4798, 861.3388, 867.9894, 873.8196, 880.3136, 886.2308, 892.4588, 899.0816, 905.4076, 912.0064, 917.3878, 923.619, 929.998, 937.3482, 943.9506, 947.991, 955.1144, 962.203, 968.8222, 975.7324, 981.7826, 988.7666, 994.2648, 1000.3128, 1007.4082, 1013.7536, 1020.3376, 1026.7156, 1031.7478, 1037.4292, 1045.393, 1051.2278, 1058.3434, 1062.8726, 1071.884, 1076.806, 1082.9176, 1089.1678, 1095.5032, 1102.525, 1107.2264, 1115.315, 1120.93, 1127.252, 1134.1496, 1139.0408, 1147.5448, 1153.3296, 1158.1974, 1166.5262, 1174.3328, 1175.657, 1184.4222, 1190.9172, 1197.1292, 1204.4606, 1210.4578, 1218.8728, 1225.3336, 1226.6592, 1236.5768, 1241.363, 1249.4074, 1254.6566, 1260.8014, 
 1266.5454, 1274.5192),
-    // precision 9
-    Array(369, 374.8294, 381.2452, 387.6698, 394.1464, 400.2024, 406.8782, 413.6598, 420.462, 427.2826, 433.7102, 440.7416, 447.9366, 455.1046, 462.285, 469.0668, 476.306, 483.8448, 491.301, 498.9886, 506.2422, 513.8138, 521.7074, 529.7428, 537.8402, 545.1664, 553.3534, 561.594, 569.6886, 577.7876, 585.65, 594.228, 602.8036, 611.1666, 620.0818, 628.0824, 637.2574, 646.302, 655.1644, 664.0056, 672.3802, 681.7192, 690.5234, 700.2084, 708.831, 718.485, 728.1112, 737.4764, 746.76, 756.3368, 766.5538, 775.5058, 785.2646, 795.5902, 804.3818, 814.8998, 824.9532, 835.2062, 845.2798, 854.4728, 864.9582, 875.3292, 886.171, 896.781, 906.5716, 916.7048, 927.5322, 937.875, 949.3972, 958.3464, 969.7274, 980.2834, 992.1444, 1003.4264, 1013.0166, 1024.018, 1035.0438, 1046.34, 1057.6856, 1068.9836, 1079.0312, 1091.677, 1102.3188, 1113.4846, 1124.4424, 1135.739, 1147.1488, 1158.9202, 1169.406, 1181.5342, 1193.2834, 1203.8954, 1216.3286, 1226.2146, 1239.6684, 1251.9946, 1262.123, 1275.4338, 1285.7378,
  1296.076, 1308.9692, 1320.4964, 1333.0998, 1343.9864, 1357.7754, 1368.3208, 1380.4838, 1392.7388, 1406.0758, 1416.9098, 1428.9728, 1440.9228, 1453.9292, 1462.617, 1476.05, 1490.2996, 1500.6128, 1513.7392, 1524.5174, 1536.6322, 1548.2584, 1562.3766, 1572.423, 1587.1232, 1596.5164, 1610.5938, 1622.5972, 1633.1222, 1647.7674, 1658.5044, 1671.57, 1683.7044, 1695.4142, 1708.7102, 1720.6094, 1732.6522, 1747.841, 1756.4072, 1769.9786, 1782.3276, 1797.5216, 1808.3186, 1819.0694, 1834.354, 1844.575, 1856.2808, 1871.1288, 1880.7852, 1893.9622, 1906.3418, 1920.6548, 1932.9302, 1945.8584, 1955.473, 1968.8248, 1980.6446, 1995.9598, 2008.349, 2019.8556, 2033.0334, 2044.0206, 2059.3956, 2069.9174, 2082.6084, 2093.7036, 2106.6108, 2118.9124, 2132.301, 2144.7628, 2159.8422, 2171.0212, 2183.101, 2193.5112, 2208.052, 2221.3194, 2233.3282, 2247.295, 2257.7222, 2273.342, 2286.5638, 2299.6786, 2310.8114, 2322.3312, 2335.516, 2349.874, 2363.5968, 2373.865, 2387.1918, 2401.8328, 2414.8496, 2424.544, 2436.
 7592, 2447.1682, 2464.1958, 2474.3438, 2489.0006, 2497.4526, 2513.6586, 2527.19, 2540.7028, 2553.768),
-    // precision 10
-    Array(738.1256, 750.4234, 763.1064, 775.4732, 788.4636, 801.0644, 814.488, 827.9654, 841.0832, 854.7864, 868.1992, 882.2176, 896.5228, 910.1716, 924.7752, 938.899, 953.6126, 968.6492, 982.9474, 998.5214, 1013.1064, 1028.6364, 1044.2468, 1059.4588, 1075.3832, 1091.0584, 1106.8606, 1123.3868, 1139.5062, 1156.1862, 1172.463, 1189.339, 1206.1936, 1223.1292, 1240.1854, 1257.2908, 1275.3324, 1292.8518, 1310.5204, 1328.4854, 1345.9318, 1364.552, 1381.4658, 1400.4256, 1419.849, 1438.152, 1456.8956, 1474.8792, 1494.118, 1513.62, 1532.5132, 1551.9322, 1570.7726, 1590.6086, 1610.5332, 1630.5918, 1650.4294, 1669.7662, 1690.4106, 1710.7338, 1730.9012, 1750.4486, 1770.1556, 1791.6338, 1812.7312, 1833.6264, 1853.9526, 1874.8742, 1896.8326, 1918.1966, 1939.5594, 1961.07, 1983.037, 2003.1804, 2026.071, 2047.4884, 2070.0848, 2091.2944, 2114.333, 2135.9626, 2158.2902, 2181.0814, 2202.0334, 2224.4832, 2246.39, 2269.7202, 2292.1714, 2314.2358, 2338.9346, 2360.891, 2384.0264, 2408.3834, 2430.1544, 24
 54.8684, 2476.9896, 2501.4368, 2522.8702, 2548.0408, 2570.6738, 2593.5208, 2617.0158, 2640.2302, 2664.0962, 2687.4986, 2714.2588, 2735.3914, 2759.6244, 2781.8378, 2808.0072, 2830.6516, 2856.2454, 2877.2136, 2903.4546, 2926.785, 2951.2294, 2976.468, 3000.867, 3023.6508, 3049.91, 3073.5984, 3098.162, 3121.5564, 3146.2328, 3170.9484, 3195.5902, 3221.3346, 3242.7032, 3271.6112, 3296.5546, 3317.7376, 3345.072, 3369.9518, 3394.326, 3418.1818, 3444.6926, 3469.086, 3494.2754, 3517.8698, 3544.248, 3565.3768, 3588.7234, 3616.979, 3643.7504, 3668.6812, 3695.72, 3719.7392, 3742.6224, 3770.4456, 3795.6602, 3819.9058, 3844.002, 3869.517, 3895.6824, 3920.8622, 3947.1364, 3973.985, 3995.4772, 4021.62, 4046.628, 4074.65, 4096.2256, 4121.831, 4146.6406, 4173.276, 4195.0744, 4223.9696, 4251.3708, 4272.9966, 4300.8046, 4326.302, 4353.1248, 4374.312, 4403.0322, 4426.819, 4450.0598, 4478.5206, 4504.8116, 4528.8928, 4553.9584, 4578.8712, 4603.8384, 4632.3872, 4655.5128, 4675.821, 4704.6222, 4731.9862, 475
 5.4174, 4781.2628, 4804.332, 4832.3048, 4862.8752, 4883.4148, 4906.9544, 4935.3516, 4954.3532, 4984.0248, 5011.217, 5035.3258, 5057.3672, 5084.1828),
-    // precision 11
-    Array(1477, 1501.6014, 1526.5802, 1551.7942, 1577.3042, 1603.2062, 1629.8402, 1656.2292, 1682.9462, 1709.9926, 1737.3026, 1765.4252, 1793.0578, 1821.6092, 1849.626, 1878.5568, 1908.527, 1937.5154, 1967.1874, 1997.3878, 2027.37, 2058.1972, 2089.5728, 2120.1012, 2151.9668, 2183.292, 2216.0772, 2247.8578, 2280.6562, 2313.041, 2345.714, 2380.3112, 2414.1806, 2447.9854, 2481.656, 2516.346, 2551.5154, 2586.8378, 2621.7448, 2656.6722, 2693.5722, 2729.1462, 2765.4124, 2802.8728, 2838.898, 2876.408, 2913.4926, 2951.4938, 2989.6776, 3026.282, 3065.7704, 3104.1012, 3143.7388, 3181.6876, 3221.1872, 3261.5048, 3300.0214, 3339.806, 3381.409, 3421.4144, 3461.4294, 3502.2286, 3544.651, 3586.6156, 3627.337, 3670.083, 3711.1538, 3753.5094, 3797.01, 3838.6686, 3882.1678, 3922.8116, 3967.9978, 4009.9204, 4054.3286, 4097.5706, 4140.6014, 4185.544, 4229.5976, 4274.583, 4316.9438, 4361.672, 4406.2786, 4451.8628, 4496.1834, 4543.505, 4589.1816, 4632.5188, 4678.2294, 4724.8908, 4769.0194, 4817.052, 4861
 .4588, 4910.1596, 4956.4344, 5002.5238, 5048.13, 5093.6374, 5142.8162, 5187.7894, 5237.3984, 5285.6078, 5331.0858, 5379.1036, 5428.6258, 5474.6018, 5522.7618, 5571.5822, 5618.59, 5667.9992, 5714.88, 5763.454, 5808.6982, 5860.3644, 5910.2914, 5953.571, 6005.9232, 6055.1914, 6104.5882, 6154.5702, 6199.7036, 6251.1764, 6298.7596, 6350.0302, 6398.061, 6448.4694, 6495.933, 6548.0474, 6597.7166, 6646.9416, 6695.9208, 6742.6328, 6793.5276, 6842.1934, 6894.2372, 6945.3864, 6996.9228, 7044.2372, 7094.1374, 7142.2272, 7192.2942, 7238.8338, 7288.9006, 7344.0908, 7394.8544, 7443.5176, 7490.4148, 7542.9314, 7595.6738, 7641.9878, 7694.3688, 7743.0448, 7797.522, 7845.53, 7899.594, 7950.3132, 7996.455, 8050.9442, 8092.9114, 8153.1374, 8197.4472, 8252.8278, 8301.8728, 8348.6776, 8401.4698, 8453.551, 8504.6598, 8553.8944, 8604.1276, 8657.6514, 8710.3062, 8758.908, 8807.8706, 8862.1702, 8910.4668, 8960.77, 9007.2766, 9063.164, 9121.0534, 9164.1354, 9218.1594, 9267.767, 9319.0594, 9372.155, 9419.7126, 
 9474.3722, 9520.1338, 9572.368, 9622.7702, 9675.8448, 9726.5396, 9778.7378, 9827.6554, 9878.1922, 9928.7782, 9978.3984, 10026.578, 10076.5626, 10137.1618, 10177.5244, 10229.9176),
-    // precision 12
-    Array(2954, 3003.4782, 3053.3568, 3104.3666, 3155.324, 3206.9598, 3259.648, 3312.539, 3366.1474, 3420.2576, 3474.8376, 3530.6076, 3586.451, 3643.38, 3700.4104, 3757.5638, 3815.9676, 3875.193, 3934.838, 3994.8548, 4055.018, 4117.1742, 4178.4482, 4241.1294, 4304.4776, 4367.4044, 4431.8724, 4496.3732, 4561.4304, 4627.5326, 4693.949, 4761.5532, 4828.7256, 4897.6182, 4965.5186, 5034.4528, 5104.865, 5174.7164, 5244.6828, 5316.6708, 5387.8312, 5459.9036, 5532.476, 5604.8652, 5679.6718, 5753.757, 5830.2072, 5905.2828, 5980.0434, 6056.6264, 6134.3192, 6211.5746, 6290.0816, 6367.1176, 6447.9796, 6526.5576, 6606.1858, 6686.9144, 6766.1142, 6847.0818, 6927.9664, 7010.9096, 7091.0816, 7175.3962, 7260.3454, 7344.018, 7426.4214, 7511.3106, 7596.0686, 7679.8094, 7765.818, 7852.4248, 7936.834, 8022.363, 8109.5066, 8200.4554, 8288.5832, 8373.366, 8463.4808, 8549.7682, 8642.0522, 8728.3288, 8820.9528, 8907.727, 9001.0794, 9091.2522, 9179.988, 9269.852, 9362.6394, 9453.642, 9546.9024, 9640.6616, 97
 32.6622, 9824.3254, 9917.7484, 10007.9392, 10106.7508, 10196.2152, 10289.8114, 10383.5494, 10482.3064, 10576.8734, 10668.7872, 10764.7156, 10862.0196, 10952.793, 11049.9748, 11146.0702, 11241.4492, 11339.2772, 11434.2336, 11530.741, 11627.6136, 11726.311, 11821.5964, 11918.837, 12015.3724, 12113.0162, 12213.0424, 12306.9804, 12408.4518, 12504.8968, 12604.586, 12700.9332, 12798.705, 12898.5142, 12997.0488, 13094.788, 13198.475, 13292.7764, 13392.9698, 13486.8574, 13590.1616, 13686.5838, 13783.6264, 13887.2638, 13992.0978, 14081.0844, 14189.9956, 14280.0912, 14382.4956, 14486.4384, 14588.1082, 14686.2392, 14782.276, 14888.0284, 14985.1864, 15088.8596, 15187.0998, 15285.027, 15383.6694, 15495.8266, 15591.3736, 15694.2008, 15790.3246, 15898.4116, 15997.4522, 16095.5014, 16198.8514, 16291.7492, 16402.6424, 16499.1266, 16606.2436, 16697.7186, 16796.3946, 16902.3376, 17005.7672, 17100.814, 17206.8282, 17305.8262, 17416.0744, 17508.4092, 17617.0178, 17715.4554, 17816.758, 17920.1748, 18012.
 9236, 18119.7984, 18223.2248, 18324.2482, 18426.6276, 18525.0932, 18629.8976, 18733.2588, 18831.0466, 18940.1366, 19032.2696, 19131.729, 19243.4864, 19349.6932, 19442.866, 19547.9448, 19653.2798, 19754.4034, 19854.0692, 19965.1224, 20065.1774, 20158.2212, 20253.353, 20366.3264, 20463.22),
-    // precision 13
-    Array(5908.5052, 6007.2672, 6107.347, 6208.5794, 6311.2622, 6414.5514, 6519.3376, 6625.6952, 6732.5988, 6841.3552, 6950.5972, 7061.3082, 7173.5646, 7287.109, 7401.8216, 7516.4344, 7633.3802, 7751.2962, 7870.3784, 7990.292, 8110.79, 8233.4574, 8356.6036, 8482.2712, 8607.7708, 8735.099, 8863.1858, 8993.4746, 9123.8496, 9255.6794, 9388.5448, 9522.7516, 9657.3106, 9792.6094, 9930.5642, 10068.794, 10206.7256, 10347.81, 10490.3196, 10632.0778, 10775.9916, 10920.4662, 11066.124, 11213.073, 11358.0362, 11508.1006, 11659.1716, 11808.7514, 11959.4884, 12112.1314, 12265.037, 12420.3756, 12578.933, 12734.311, 12890.0006, 13047.2144, 13207.3096, 13368.5144, 13528.024, 13689.847, 13852.7528, 14018.3168, 14180.5372, 14346.9668, 14513.5074, 14677.867, 14846.2186, 15017.4186, 15184.9716, 15356.339, 15529.2972, 15697.3578, 15871.8686, 16042.187, 16216.4094, 16389.4188, 16565.9126, 16742.3272, 16919.0042, 17094.7592, 17273.965, 17451.8342, 17634.4254, 17810.5984, 17988.9242, 18171.051, 18354.7938,
  18539.466, 18721.0408, 18904.9972, 19081.867, 19271.9118, 19451.8694, 19637.9816, 19821.2922, 20013.1292, 20199.3858, 20387.8726, 20572.9514, 20770.7764, 20955.1714, 21144.751, 21329.9952, 21520.709, 21712.7016, 21906.3868, 22096.2626, 22286.0524, 22475.051, 22665.5098, 22862.8492, 23055.5294, 23249.6138, 23437.848, 23636.273, 23826.093, 24020.3296, 24213.3896, 24411.7392, 24602.9614, 24805.7952, 24998.1552, 25193.9588, 25389.0166, 25585.8392, 25780.6976, 25981.2728, 26175.977, 26376.5252, 26570.1964, 26773.387, 26962.9812, 27163.0586, 27368.164, 27565.0534, 27758.7428, 27961.1276, 28163.2324, 28362.3816, 28565.7668, 28758.644, 28956.9768, 29163.4722, 29354.7026, 29561.1186, 29767.9948, 29959.9986, 30164.0492, 30366.9818, 30562.5338, 30762.9928, 30976.1592, 31166.274, 31376.722, 31570.3734, 31770.809, 31974.8934, 32179.5286, 32387.5442, 32582.3504, 32794.076, 32989.9528, 33191.842, 33392.4684, 33595.659, 33801.8672, 34000.3414, 34200.0922, 34402.6792, 34610.0638, 34804.0084, 35011.
 13, 35218.669, 35418.6634, 35619.0792, 35830.6534, 36028.4966, 36229.7902, 36438.6422, 36630.7764, 36833.3102, 37048.6728, 37247.3916, 37453.5904, 37669.3614, 37854.5526, 38059.305, 38268.0936, 38470.2516, 38674.7064, 38876.167, 39068.3794, 39281.9144, 39492.8566, 39684.8628, 39898.4108, 40093.1836, 40297.6858, 40489.7086, 40717.2424),
-    // precision 14
-    Array(11817.475, 12015.0046, 12215.3792, 12417.7504, 12623.1814, 12830.0086, 13040.0072, 13252.503, 13466.178, 13683.2738, 13902.0344, 14123.9798, 14347.394, 14573.7784, 14802.6894, 15033.6824, 15266.9134, 15502.8624, 15741.4944, 15980.7956, 16223.8916, 16468.6316, 16715.733, 16965.5726, 17217.204, 17470.666, 17727.8516, 17986.7886, 18247.6902, 18510.9632, 18775.304, 19044.7486, 19314.4408, 19587.202, 19862.2576, 20135.924, 20417.0324, 20697.9788, 20979.6112, 21265.0274, 21550.723, 21841.6906, 22132.162, 22428.1406, 22722.127, 23020.5606, 23319.7394, 23620.4014, 23925.2728, 24226.9224, 24535.581, 24845.505, 25155.9618, 25470.3828, 25785.9702, 26103.7764, 26420.4132, 26742.0186, 27062.8852, 27388.415, 27714.6024, 28042.296, 28365.4494, 28701.1526, 29031.8008, 29364.2156, 29704.497, 30037.1458, 30380.111, 30723.8168, 31059.5114, 31404.9498, 31751.6752, 32095.2686, 32444.7792, 32794.767, 33145.204, 33498.4226, 33847.6502, 34209.006, 34560.849, 34919.4838, 35274.9778, 35635.1322, 35
 996.3266, 36359.1394, 36722.8266, 37082.8516, 37447.7354, 37815.9606, 38191.0692, 38559.4106, 38924.8112, 39294.6726, 39663.973, 40042.261, 40416.2036, 40779.2036, 41161.6436, 41540.9014, 41921.1998, 42294.7698, 42678.5264, 43061.3464, 43432.375, 43818.432, 44198.6598, 44583.0138, 44970.4794, 45353.924, 45729.858, 46118.2224, 46511.5724, 46900.7386, 47280.6964, 47668.1472, 48055.6796, 48446.9436, 48838.7146, 49217.7296, 49613.7796, 50010.7508, 50410.0208, 50793.7886, 51190.2456, 51583.1882, 51971.0796, 52376.5338, 52763.319, 53165.5534, 53556.5594, 53948.2702, 54346.352, 54748.7914, 55138.577, 55543.4824, 55941.1748, 56333.7746, 56745.1552, 57142.7944, 57545.2236, 57935.9956, 58348.5268, 58737.5474, 59158.5962, 59542.6896, 59958.8004, 60349.3788, 60755.0212, 61147.6144, 61548.194, 61946.0696, 62348.6042, 62763.603, 63162.781, 63560.635, 63974.3482, 64366.4908, 64771.5876, 65176.7346, 65597.3916, 65995.915, 66394.0384, 66822.9396, 67203.6336, 67612.2032, 68019.0078, 68420.0388, 68821
 .22, 69235.8388, 69640.0724, 70055.155, 70466.357, 70863.4266, 71276.2482, 71677.0306, 72080.2006, 72493.0214, 72893.5952, 73314.5856, 73714.9852, 74125.3022, 74521.2122, 74933.6814, 75341.5904, 75743.0244, 76166.0278, 76572.1322, 76973.1028, 77381.6284, 77800.6092, 78189.328, 78607.0962, 79012.2508, 79407.8358, 79825.725, 80238.701, 80646.891, 81035.6436, 81460.0448, 81876.3884),
-    // precision 15
-    Array(23635.0036, 24030.8034, 24431.4744, 24837.1524, 25246.7928, 25661.326, 26081.3532, 26505.2806, 26933.9892, 27367.7098, 27805.318, 28248.799, 28696.4382, 29148.8244, 29605.5138, 30066.8668, 30534.2344, 31006.32, 31480.778, 31962.2418, 32447.3324, 32938.0232, 33432.731, 33930.728, 34433.9896, 34944.1402, 35457.5588, 35974.5958, 36497.3296, 37021.9096, 37554.326, 38088.0826, 38628.8816, 39171.3192, 39723.2326, 40274.5554, 40832.3142, 41390.613, 41959.5908, 42532.5466, 43102.0344, 43683.5072, 44266.694, 44851.2822, 45440.7862, 46038.0586, 46640.3164, 47241.064, 47846.155, 48454.7396, 49076.9168, 49692.542, 50317.4778, 50939.65, 51572.5596, 52210.2906, 52843.7396, 53481.3996, 54127.236, 54770.406, 55422.6598, 56078.7958, 56736.7174, 57397.6784, 58064.5784, 58730.308, 59404.9784, 60077.0864, 60751.9158, 61444.1386, 62115.817, 62808.7742, 63501.4774, 64187.5454, 64883.6622, 65582.7468, 66274.5318, 66976.9276, 67688.7764, 68402.138, 69109.6274, 69822.9706, 70543.6108, 71265.5202, 
 71983.3848, 72708.4656, 73433.384, 74158.4664, 74896.4868, 75620.9564, 76362.1434, 77098.3204, 77835.7662, 78582.6114, 79323.9902, 80067.8658, 80814.9246, 81567.0136, 82310.8536, 83061.9952, 83821.4096, 84580.8608, 85335.547, 86092.5802, 86851.6506, 87612.311, 88381.2016, 89146.3296, 89907.8974, 90676.846, 91451.4152, 92224.5518, 92995.8686, 93763.5066, 94551.2796, 95315.1944, 96096.1806, 96881.0918, 97665.679, 98442.68, 99229.3002, 100011.0994, 100790.6386, 101580.1564, 102377.7484, 103152.1392, 103944.2712, 104730.216, 105528.6336, 106324.9398, 107117.6706, 107890.3988, 108695.2266, 109485.238, 110294.7876, 111075.0958, 111878.0496, 112695.2864, 113464.5486, 114270.0474, 115068.608, 115884.3626, 116673.2588, 117483.3716, 118275.097, 119085.4092, 119879.2808, 120687.5868, 121499.9944, 122284.916, 123095.9254, 123912.5038, 124709.0454, 125503.7182, 126323.259, 127138.9412, 127943.8294, 128755.646, 129556.5354, 130375.3298, 131161.4734, 131971.1962, 132787.5458, 133588.1056, 134431.3
 51, 135220.2906, 136023.398, 136846.6558, 137667.0004, 138463.663, 139283.7154, 140074.6146, 140901.3072, 141721.8548, 142543.2322, 143356.1096, 144173.7412, 144973.0948, 145794.3162, 146609.5714, 147420.003, 148237.9784, 149050.5696, 149854.761, 150663.1966, 151494.0754, 152313.1416, 153112.6902, 153935.7206, 154746.9262, 155559.547, 156401.9746, 157228.7036, 158008.7254, 158820.75, 159646.9184, 160470.4458, 161279.5348, 162093.3114, 162918.542, 163729.2842),
-    // precision 16
-    Array(47271, 48062.3584, 48862.7074, 49673.152, 50492.8416, 51322.9514, 52161.03, 53009.407, 53867.6348, 54734.206, 55610.5144, 56496.2096, 57390.795, 58297.268, 59210.6448, 60134.665, 61068.0248, 62010.4472, 62962.5204, 63923.5742, 64895.0194, 65876.4182, 66862.6136, 67862.6968, 68868.8908, 69882.8544, 70911.271, 71944.0924, 72990.0326, 74040.692, 75100.6336, 76174.7826, 77252.5998, 78340.2974, 79438.2572, 80545.4976, 81657.2796, 82784.6336, 83915.515, 85059.7362, 86205.9368, 87364.4424, 88530.3358, 89707.3744, 90885.9638, 92080.197, 93275.5738, 94479.391, 95695.918, 96919.2236, 98148.4602, 99382.3474, 100625.6974, 101878.0284, 103141.6278, 104409.4588, 105686.2882, 106967.5402, 108261.6032, 109548.1578, 110852.0728, 112162.231, 113479.0072, 114806.2626, 116137.9072, 117469.5048, 118813.5186, 120165.4876, 121516.2556, 122875.766, 124250.5444, 125621.2222, 127003.2352, 128387.848, 129775.2644, 131181.7776, 132577.3086, 133979.9458, 135394.1132, 136800.9078, 138233.217, 139668.53
 08, 141085.212, 142535.2122, 143969.0684, 145420.2872, 146878.1542, 148332.7572, 149800.3202, 151269.66, 152743.6104, 154213.0948, 155690.288, 157169.4246, 158672.1756, 160160.059, 161650.6854, 163145.7772, 164645.6726, 166159.1952, 167682.1578, 169177.3328, 170700.0118, 172228.8964, 173732.6664, 175265.5556, 176787.799, 178317.111, 179856.6914, 181400.865, 182943.4612, 184486.742, 186033.4698, 187583.7886, 189148.1868, 190688.4526, 192250.1926, 193810.9042, 195354.2972, 196938.7682, 198493.5898, 200079.2824, 201618.912, 203205.5492, 204765.5798, 206356.1124, 207929.3064, 209498.7196, 211086.229, 212675.1324, 214256.7892, 215826.2392, 217412.8474, 218995.6724, 220618.6038, 222207.1166, 223781.0364, 225387.4332, 227005.7928, 228590.4336, 230217.8738, 231805.1054, 233408.9, 234995.3432, 236601.4956, 238190.7904, 239817.2548, 241411.2832, 243002.4066, 244640.1884, 246255.3128, 247849.3508, 249479.9734, 251106.8822, 252705.027, 254332.9242, 255935.129, 257526.9014, 259154.772, 260777.62
 5, 262390.253, 264004.4906, 265643.59, 267255.4076, 268873.426, 270470.7252, 272106.4804, 273722.4456, 275337.794, 276945.7038, 278592.9154, 280204.3726, 281841.1606, 283489.171, 285130.1716, 286735.3362, 288364.7164, 289961.1814, 291595.5524, 293285.683, 294899.6668, 296499.3434, 298128.0462, 299761.8946, 301394.2424, 302997.6748, 304615.1478, 306269.7724, 307886.114, 309543.1028, 311153.2862, 312782.8546, 314421.2008, 316033.2438, 317692.9636, 319305.2648, 320948.7406, 322566.3364, 324228.4224, 325847.1542),
-    // precision 17
-    Array(94542, 96125.811, 97728.019, 99348.558, 100987.9705, 102646.7565, 104324.5125, 106021.7435, 107736.7865, 109469.272, 111223.9465, 112995.219, 114787.432, 116593.152, 118422.71, 120267.2345, 122134.6765, 124020.937, 125927.2705, 127851.255, 129788.9485, 131751.016, 133726.8225, 135722.592, 137736.789, 139770.568, 141821.518, 143891.343, 145982.1415, 148095.387, 150207.526, 152355.649, 154515.6415, 156696.05, 158887.7575, 161098.159, 163329.852, 165569.053, 167837.4005, 170121.6165, 172420.4595, 174732.6265, 177062.77, 179412.502, 181774.035, 184151.939, 186551.6895, 188965.691, 191402.8095, 193857.949, 196305.0775, 198774.6715, 201271.2585, 203764.78, 206299.3695, 208818.1365, 211373.115, 213946.7465, 216532.076, 219105.541, 221714.5375, 224337.5135, 226977.5125, 229613.0655, 232270.2685, 234952.2065, 237645.3555, 240331.1925, 243034.517, 245756.0725, 248517.6865, 251232.737, 254011.3955, 256785.995, 259556.44, 262368.335, 265156.911, 267965.266, 270785.583, 273616.0495, 27
 6487.4835, 279346.639, 282202.509, 285074.3885, 287942.2855, 290856.018, 293774.0345, 296678.5145, 299603.6355, 302552.6575, 305492.9785, 308466.8605, 311392.581, 314347.538, 317319.4295, 320285.9785, 323301.7325, 326298.3235, 329301.3105, 332301.987, 335309.791, 338370.762, 341382.923, 344431.1265, 347464.1545, 350507.28, 353619.2345, 356631.2005, 359685.203, 362776.7845, 365886.488, 368958.2255, 372060.6825, 375165.4335, 378237.935, 381328.311, 384430.5225, 387576.425, 390683.242, 393839.648, 396977.8425, 400101.9805, 403271.296, 406409.8425, 409529.5485, 412678.7, 415847.423, 419020.8035, 422157.081, 425337.749, 428479.6165, 431700.902, 434893.1915, 438049.582, 441210.5415, 444379.2545, 447577.356, 450741.931, 453959.548, 457137.0935, 460329.846, 463537.4815, 466732.3345, 469960.5615, 473164.681, 476347.6345, 479496.173, 482813.1645, 486025.6995, 489249.4885, 492460.1945, 495675.8805, 498908.0075, 502131.802, 505374.3855, 508550.9915, 511806.7305, 515026.776, 518217.0005, 521523.
 9855, 524705.9855, 527950.997, 531210.0265, 534472.497, 537750.7315, 540926.922, 544207.094, 547429.4345, 550666.3745, 553975.3475, 557150.7185, 560399.6165, 563662.697, 566916.7395, 570146.1215, 573447.425, 576689.6245, 579874.5745, 583202.337, 586503.0255, 589715.635, 592910.161, 596214.3885, 599488.035, 602740.92, 605983.0685, 609248.67, 612491.3605, 615787.912, 619107.5245, 622307.9555, 625577.333, 628840.4385, 632085.2155, 635317.6135, 638691.7195, 641887.467, 645139.9405, 648441.546, 651666.252, 654941.845),
-    // precision 18
-    Array(189084, 192250.913, 195456.774, 198696.946, 201977.762, 205294.444, 208651.754, 212042.099, 215472.269, 218941.91, 222443.912, 225996.845, 229568.199, 233193.568, 236844.457, 240543.233, 244279.475, 248044.27, 251854.588, 255693.2, 259583.619, 263494.621, 267445.385, 271454.061, 275468.769, 279549.456, 283646.446, 287788.198, 291966.099, 296181.164, 300431.469, 304718.618, 309024.004, 313393.508, 317760.803, 322209.731, 326675.061, 331160.627, 335654.47, 340241.442, 344841.833, 349467.132, 354130.629, 358819.432, 363574.626, 368296.587, 373118.482, 377914.93, 382782.301, 387680.669, 392601.981, 397544.323, 402529.115, 407546.018, 412593.658, 417638.657, 422762.865, 427886.169, 433017.167, 438213.273, 443441.254, 448692.421, 453937.533, 459239.049, 464529.569, 469910.083, 475274.03, 480684.473, 486070.26, 491515.237, 496995.651, 502476.617, 507973.609, 513497.19, 519083.233, 524726.509, 530305.505, 535945.728, 541584.404, 547274.055, 552967.236, 558667.862, 564360.216, 5701
 28.148, 575965.08, 581701.952, 587532.523, 593361.144, 599246.128, 605033.418, 610958.779, 616837.117, 622772.818, 628672.04, 634675.369, 640574.831, 646585.739, 652574.547, 658611.217, 664642.684, 670713.914, 676737.681, 682797.313, 688837.897, 694917.874, 701009.882, 707173.648, 713257.254, 719415.392, 725636.761, 731710.697, 737906.209, 744103.074, 750313.39, 756504.185, 762712.579, 768876.985, 775167.859, 781359, 787615.959, 793863.597, 800245.477, 806464.582, 812785.294, 819005.925, 825403.057, 831676.197, 837936.284, 844266.968, 850642.711, 856959.756, 863322.774, 869699.931, 876102.478, 882355.787, 888694.463, 895159.952, 901536.143, 907872.631, 914293.672, 920615.14, 927130.974, 933409.404, 939922.178, 946331.47, 952745.93, 959209.264, 965590.224, 972077.284, 978501.961, 984953.19, 991413.271, 997817.479, 1004222.658, 1010725.676, 1017177.138, 1023612.529, 1030098.236, 1036493.719, 1043112.207, 1049537.036, 1056008.096, 1062476.184, 1068942.337, 1075524.95, 1081932.864, 1088
 426.025, 1094776.005, 1101327.448, 1107901.673, 1114423.639, 1120884.602, 1127324.923, 1133794.24, 1140328.886, 1146849.376, 1153346.682, 1159836.502, 1166478.703, 1172953.304, 1179391.502, 1185950.982, 1192544.052, 1198913.41, 1205430.994, 1212015.525, 1218674.042, 1225121.683, 1231551.101, 1238126.379, 1244673.795, 1251260.649, 1257697.86, 1264320.983, 1270736.319, 1277274.694, 1283804.95, 1290211.514, 1296858.568, 1303455.691)
-  )
-  /**
-   * Bias corrections given a precision and the index of the raw estimate table.
-   */
-  val BIAS_DATA = Array(
-    // precision 4
-    Array(10, 9.717, 9.207, 8.7896, 8.2882, 7.8204, 7.3772, 6.9342, 6.5202, 6.161, 5.7722, 5.4636, 5.0396, 4.6766, 4.3566, 4.0454, 3.7936, 3.4856, 3.2666, 2.9946, 2.766, 2.4692, 2.3638, 2.0764, 1.7864, 1.7602, 1.4814, 1.433, 1.2926, 1.0664, 0.999600000000001, 0.7956, 0.5366, 0.589399999999998, 0.573799999999999, 0.269799999999996, 0.368200000000002, 0.0544000000000011, 0.234200000000001, 0.0108000000000033, -0.203400000000002, -0.0701999999999998, -0.129600000000003, -0.364199999999997, -0.480600000000003, -0.226999999999997, -0.322800000000001, -0.382599999999996, -0.511200000000002, -0.669600000000003, -0.749400000000001, -0.500399999999999, -0.617600000000003, -0.6922, -0.601599999999998, -0.416200000000003, -0.338200000000001, -0.782600000000002, -0.648600000000002, -0.919800000000002, -0.851799999999997, -0.962400000000002, -0.6402, -1.1922, -1.0256, -1.086, -1.21899999999999, -0.819400000000002, -0.940600000000003, -1.1554, -1.2072, -1.1752, -1.16759999999999, -1.1401999999999
 9, -1.3754, -1.29859999999999, -1.607, -1.3292, -1.7606),
-    // precision 5
-    Array(22, 21.1194, 20.8208, 20.2318, 19.77, 19.2436, 18.7774, 18.2848, 17.8224, 17.3742, 16.9336, 16.503, 16.0494, 15.6292, 15.2124, 14.798, 14.367, 13.9728, 13.5944, 13.217, 12.8438, 12.3696, 12.0956, 11.7044, 11.324, 11.0668, 10.6698, 10.3644, 10.049, 9.6918, 9.4146, 9.082, 8.687, 8.5398, 8.2462, 7.857, 7.6606, 7.4168, 7.1248, 6.9222, 6.6804, 6.447, 6.3454, 5.9594, 5.7636, 5.5776, 5.331, 5.19, 4.9676, 4.7564, 4.5314, 4.4442, 4.3708, 3.9774, 3.9624, 3.8796, 3.755, 3.472, 3.2076, 3.1024, 2.8908, 2.7338, 2.7728, 2.629, 2.413, 2.3266, 2.1524, 2.2642, 2.1806, 2.0566, 1.9192, 1.7598, 1.3516, 1.5802, 1.43859999999999, 1.49160000000001, 1.1524, 1.1892, 0.841399999999993, 0.879800000000003, 0.837599999999995, 0.469800000000006, 0.765600000000006, 0.331000000000003, 0.591399999999993, 0.601200000000006, 0.701599999999999, 0.558199999999999, 0.339399999999998, 0.354399999999998, 0.491200000000006, 0.308000000000007, 0.355199999999996, -0.0254000000000048, 0.205200000000005, -0.2729999999
 99996, 0.132199999999997, 0.394400000000005, -0.241200000000006, 0.242000000000004, 0.191400000000002, 0.253799999999998, -0.122399999999999, -0.370800000000003, 0.193200000000004, -0.0848000000000013, 0.0867999999999967, -0.327200000000005, -0.285600000000002, 0.311400000000006, -0.128399999999999, -0.754999999999995, -0.209199999999996, -0.293599999999998, -0.364000000000004, -0.253600000000006, -0.821200000000005, -0.253600000000006, -0.510400000000004, -0.383399999999995, -0.491799999999998, -0.220200000000006, -0.0972000000000008, -0.557400000000001, -0.114599999999996, -0.295000000000002, -0.534800000000004, 0.346399999999988, -0.65379999999999, 0.0398000000000138, 0.0341999999999985, -0.995800000000003, -0.523400000000009, -0.489000000000004, -0.274799999999999, -0.574999999999989, -0.482799999999997, 0.0571999999999946, -0.330600000000004, -0.628800000000012, -0.140199999999993, -0.540600000000012, -0.445999999999998, -0.599400000000003, -0.262599999999992, 0.163399999999996
 , -0.100599999999986, -0.39500000000001, -1.06960000000001, -0.836399999999998, -0.753199999999993, -0.412399999999991, -0.790400000000005, -0.29679999999999, -0.28540000000001, -0.193000000000012, -0.0772000000000048, -0.962799999999987, -0.414800000000014),
-    // precision 6
-    Array(45, 44.1902, 43.271, 42.8358, 41.8142, 41.2854, 40.317, 39.354, 38.8924, 37.9436, 37.4596, 36.5262, 35.6248, 35.1574, 34.2822, 33.837, 32.9636, 32.074, 31.7042, 30.7976, 30.4772, 29.6564, 28.7942, 28.5004, 27.686, 27.291, 26.5672, 25.8556, 25.4982, 24.8204, 24.4252, 23.7744, 23.0786, 22.8344, 22.0294, 21.8098, 21.0794, 20.5732, 20.1878, 19.5648, 19.2902, 18.6784, 18.3352, 17.8946, 17.3712, 17.0852, 16.499, 16.2686, 15.6844, 15.2234, 14.9732, 14.3356, 14.2286, 13.7262, 13.3284, 13.1048, 12.5962, 12.3562, 12.1272, 11.4184, 11.4974, 11.0822, 10.856, 10.48, 10.2834, 10.0208, 9.637, 9.51739999999999, 9.05759999999999, 8.74760000000001, 8.42700000000001, 8.1326, 8.2372, 8.2788, 7.6776, 7.79259999999999, 7.1952, 6.9564, 6.6454, 6.87, 6.5428, 6.19999999999999, 6.02940000000001, 5.62780000000001, 5.6782, 5.792, 5.35159999999999, 5.28319999999999, 5.0394, 5.07480000000001, 4.49119999999999, 4.84899999999999, 4.696, 4.54040000000001, 4.07300000000001, 4.37139999999999, 3.7216, 3.7328
 , 3.42080000000001, 3.41839999999999, 3.94239999999999, 3.27719999999999, 3.411, 3.13079999999999, 2.76900000000001, 2.92580000000001, 2.68279999999999, 2.75020000000001, 2.70599999999999, 2.3886, 3.01859999999999, 2.45179999999999, 2.92699999999999, 2.41720000000001, 2.41139999999999, 2.03299999999999, 2.51240000000001, 2.5564, 2.60079999999999, 2.41720000000001, 1.80439999999999, 1.99700000000001, 2.45480000000001, 1.8948, 2.2346, 2.30860000000001, 2.15479999999999, 1.88419999999999, 1.6508, 0.677199999999999, 1.72540000000001, 1.4752, 1.72280000000001, 1.66139999999999, 1.16759999999999, 1.79300000000001, 1.00059999999999, 0.905200000000008, 0.659999999999997, 1.55879999999999, 1.1636, 0.688199999999995, 0.712600000000009, 0.450199999999995, 1.1978, 0.975599999999986, 0.165400000000005, 1.727, 1.19739999999999, -0.252600000000001, 1.13460000000001, 1.3048, 1.19479999999999, 0.313400000000001, 0.878999999999991, 1.12039999999999, 0.853000000000009, 1.67920000000001, 0.856999999999
 999, 0.448599999999999, 1.2362, 0.953399999999988, 1.02859999999998, 0.563199999999995, 0.663000000000011, 0.723000000000013, 0.756599999999992, 0.256599999999992, -0.837600000000009, 0.620000000000005, 0.821599999999989, 0.216600000000028, 0.205600000000004, 0.220199999999977, 0.372599999999977, 0.334400000000016, 0.928400000000011, 0.972800000000007, 0.192400000000021, 0.487199999999973, -0.413000000000011, 0.807000000000016, 0.120600000000024, 0.769000000000005, 0.870799999999974, 0.66500000000002, 0.118200000000002, 0.401200000000017, 0.635199999999998, 0.135400000000004, 0.175599999999974, 1.16059999999999, 0.34620000000001, 0.521400000000028, -0.586599999999976, -1.16480000000001, 0.968399999999974, 0.836999999999989, 0.779600000000016, 0.985799999999983),
-    // precision 7
-    Array(91, 89.4934, 87.9758, 86.4574, 84.9718, 83.4954, 81.5302, 80.0756, 78.6374, 77.1782, 75.7888, 73.9522, 72.592, 71.2532, 69.9086, 68.5938, 66.9474, 65.6796, 64.4394, 63.2176, 61.9768, 60.4214, 59.2528, 58.0102, 56.8658, 55.7278, 54.3044, 53.1316, 52.093, 51.0032, 49.9092, 48.6306, 47.5294, 46.5756, 45.6508, 44.662, 43.552, 42.3724, 41.617, 40.5754, 39.7872, 38.8444, 37.7988, 36.8606, 36.2118, 35.3566, 34.4476, 33.5882, 32.6816, 32.0824, 31.0258, 30.6048, 29.4436, 28.7274, 27.957, 27.147, 26.4364, 25.7592, 25.3386, 24.781, 23.8028, 23.656, 22.6544, 21.996, 21.4718, 21.1544, 20.6098, 19.5956, 19.0616, 18.5758, 18.4878, 17.5244, 17.2146, 16.724, 15.8722, 15.5198, 15.0414, 14.941, 14.9048, 13.87, 13.4304, 13.028, 12.4708, 12.37, 12.0624, 11.4668, 11.5532, 11.4352, 11.2564, 10.2744, 10.2118, 9.74720000000002, 10.1456, 9.2928, 8.75040000000001, 8.55279999999999, 8.97899999999998, 8.21019999999999, 8.18340000000001, 7.3494, 7.32499999999999, 7.66140000000001, 6.90300000000002, 7.2
 5439999999998, 6.9042, 7.21499999999997, 6.28640000000001, 6.08139999999997, 6.6764, 6.30099999999999, 5.13900000000001, 5.65800000000002, 5.17320000000001, 4.59019999999998, 4.9538, 5.08280000000002, 4.92200000000003, 4.99020000000002, 4.7328, 5.4538, 4.11360000000002, 4.22340000000003, 4.08780000000002, 3.70800000000003, 4.15559999999999, 4.18520000000001, 3.63720000000001, 3.68220000000002, 3.77960000000002, 3.6078, 2.49160000000001, 3.13099999999997, 2.5376, 3.19880000000001, 3.21100000000001, 2.4502, 3.52820000000003, 2.91199999999998, 3.04480000000001, 2.7432, 2.85239999999999, 2.79880000000003, 2.78579999999999, 1.88679999999999, 2.98860000000002, 2.50639999999999, 1.91239999999999, 2.66160000000002, 2.46820000000002, 1.58199999999999, 1.30399999999997, 2.27379999999999, 2.68939999999998, 1.32900000000001, 3.10599999999999, 1.69080000000002, 2.13740000000001, 2.53219999999999, 1.88479999999998, 1.33240000000001, 1.45119999999997, 1.17899999999997, 2.44119999999998, 1.60659999
 999996, 2.16700000000003, 0.77940000000001, 2.37900000000002, 2.06700000000001, 1.46000000000004, 2.91160000000002, 1.69200000000001, 0.954600000000028, 2.49300000000005, 2.2722, 1.33500000000004, 2.44899999999996, 1.20140000000004, 3.07380000000001, 2.09739999999999, 2.85640000000001, 2.29960000000005, 2.40899999999999, 1.97040000000004, 0.809799999999996, 1.65279999999996, 2.59979999999996, 0.95799999999997, 2.06799999999998, 2.32780000000002, 4.20159999999998, 1.96320000000003, 1.86400000000003, 1.42999999999995, 3.77940000000001, 1.27200000000005, 1.86440000000005, 2.20600000000002, 3.21900000000005, 1.5154, 2.61019999999996),
-    // precision 8
-    Array(183.2152, 180.2454, 177.2096, 173.6652, 170.6312, 167.6822, 164.249, 161.3296, 158.0038, 155.2074, 152.4612, 149.27, 146.5178, 143.4412, 140.8032, 138.1634, 135.1688, 132.6074, 129.6946, 127.2664, 124.8228, 122.0432, 119.6824, 116.9464, 114.6268, 112.2626, 109.8376, 107.4034, 104.8956, 102.8522, 100.7638, 98.3552, 96.3556, 93.7526, 91.9292, 89.8954, 87.8198, 85.7668, 83.298, 81.6688, 79.9466, 77.9746, 76.1672, 74.3474, 72.3028, 70.8912, 69.114, 67.4646, 65.9744, 64.4092, 62.6022, 60.843, 59.5684, 58.1652, 56.5426, 55.4152, 53.5388, 52.3592, 51.1366, 49.486, 48.3918, 46.5076, 45.509, 44.3834, 43.3498, 42.0668, 40.7346, 40.1228, 38.4528, 37.7, 36.644, 36.0518, 34.5774, 33.9068, 32.432, 32.1666, 30.434, 29.6644, 28.4894, 27.6312, 26.3804, 26.292, 25.5496000000001, 25.0234, 24.8206, 22.6146, 22.4188, 22.117, 20.6762, 20.6576, 19.7864, 19.509, 18.5334, 17.9204, 17.772, 16.2924, 16.8654, 15.1836, 15.745, 15.1316, 15.0386, 14.0136, 13.6342, 12.6196, 12.1866, 12.4281999999999, 11.
 3324, 10.4794000000001, 11.5038, 10.129, 9.52800000000002, 10.3203999999999, 9.46299999999997, 9.79280000000006, 9.12300000000005, 8.74180000000001, 9.2192, 7.51020000000005, 7.60659999999996, 7.01840000000004, 7.22239999999999, 7.40139999999997, 6.76179999999999, 7.14359999999999, 5.65060000000005, 5.63779999999997, 5.76599999999996, 6.75139999999999, 5.57759999999996, 3.73220000000003, 5.8048, 5.63019999999995, 4.93359999999996, 3.47979999999995, 4.33879999999999, 3.98940000000005, 3.81960000000004, 3.31359999999995, 3.23080000000004, 3.4588, 3.08159999999998, 3.4076, 3.00639999999999, 2.38779999999997, 2.61900000000003, 1.99800000000005, 3.34820000000002, 2.95060000000001, 0.990999999999985, 2.11440000000005, 2.20299999999997, 2.82219999999995, 2.73239999999998, 2.7826, 3.76660000000004, 2.26480000000004, 2.31280000000004, 2.40819999999997, 2.75360000000001, 3.33759999999995, 2.71559999999999, 1.7478000000001, 1.42920000000004, 2.39300000000003, 2.22779999999989, 2.34339999999997
 , 0.87259999999992, 3.88400000000001, 1.80600000000004, 1.91759999999999, 1.16779999999994, 1.50320000000011, 2.52500000000009, 0.226400000000012, 2.31500000000005, 0.930000000000064, 1.25199999999995, 2.14959999999996, 0.0407999999999902, 2.5447999999999, 1.32960000000003, 0.197400000000016, 2.52620000000002, 3.33279999999991, -1.34300000000007, 0.422199999999975, 0.917200000000093, 1.12920000000008, 1.46060000000011, 1.45779999999991, 2.8728000000001, 3.33359999999993, -1.34079999999994, 1.57680000000005, 0.363000000000056, 1.40740000000005, 0.656600000000026, 0.801400000000058, -0.454600000000028, 1.51919999999996),
-    // precision 9
-    Array(368, 361.8294, 355.2452, 348.6698, 342.1464, 336.2024, 329.8782, 323.6598, 317.462, 311.2826, 305.7102, 299.7416, 293.9366, 288.1046, 282.285, 277.0668, 271.306, 265.8448, 260.301, 254.9886, 250.2422, 244.8138, 239.7074, 234.7428, 229.8402, 225.1664, 220.3534, 215.594, 210.6886, 205.7876, 201.65, 197.228, 192.8036, 188.1666, 184.0818, 180.0824, 176.2574, 172.302, 168.1644, 164.0056, 160.3802, 156.7192, 152.5234, 149.2084, 145.831, 142.485, 139.1112, 135.4764, 131.76, 129.3368, 126.5538, 122.5058, 119.2646, 116.5902, 113.3818, 110.8998, 107.9532, 105.2062, 102.2798, 99.4728, 96.9582, 94.3292, 92.171, 89.7809999999999, 87.5716, 84.7048, 82.5322, 79.875, 78.3972, 75.3464, 73.7274, 71.2834, 70.1444, 68.4263999999999, 66.0166, 64.018, 62.0437999999999, 60.3399999999999, 58.6856, 57.9836, 55.0311999999999, 54.6769999999999, 52.3188, 51.4846, 49.4423999999999, 47.739, 46.1487999999999, 44.9202, 43.4059999999999, 42.5342000000001, 41.2834, 38.8954000000001, 38.3286000000001, 36.21
 46, 36.6684, 35.9946, 33.123, 33.4338, 31.7378000000001, 29.076, 28.9692, 27.4964, 27.0998, 25.9864, 26.7754, 24.3208, 23.4838, 22.7388000000001, 24.0758000000001, 21.9097999999999, 20.9728, 19.9228000000001, 19.9292, 16.617, 17.05, 18.2996000000001, 15.6128000000001, 15.7392, 14.5174, 13.6322, 12.2583999999999, 13.3766000000001, 11.423, 13.1232, 9.51639999999998, 10.5938000000001, 9.59719999999993, 8.12220000000002, 9.76739999999995, 7.50440000000003, 7.56999999999994, 6.70440000000008, 6.41419999999994, 6.71019999999999, 5.60940000000005, 4.65219999999999, 6.84099999999989, 3.4072000000001, 3.97859999999991, 3.32760000000007, 5.52160000000003, 3.31860000000006, 2.06940000000009, 4.35400000000004, 1.57500000000005, 0.280799999999999, 2.12879999999996, -0.214799999999968, -0.0378000000000611, -0.658200000000079, 0.654800000000023, -0.0697999999999865, 0.858400000000074, -2.52700000000004, -2.1751999999999, -3.35539999999992, -1.04019999999991, -0.651000000000067, -2.14439999999991, 
 -1.96659999999997, -3.97939999999994, -0.604400000000169, -3.08260000000018, -3.39159999999993, -5.29640000000018, -5.38920000000007, -5.08759999999984, -4.69900000000007, -5.23720000000003, -3.15779999999995, -4.97879999999986, -4.89899999999989, -7.48880000000008, -5.94799999999987, -5.68060000000014, -6.67180000000008, -4.70499999999993, -7.27779999999984, -4.6579999999999, -4.4362000000001, -4.32139999999981, -5.18859999999995, -6.66879999999992, -6.48399999999992, -5.1260000000002, -4.4032000000002, -6.13500000000022, -5.80819999999994, -4.16719999999987, -4.15039999999999, -7.45600000000013, -7.24080000000004, -9.83179999999993, -5.80420000000004, -8.6561999999999, -6.99940000000015, -10.5473999999999, -7.34139999999979, -6.80999999999995, -6.29719999999998, -6.23199999999997),
-    // precision 10
-    Array(737.1256, 724.4234, 711.1064, 698.4732, 685.4636, 673.0644, 660.488, 647.9654, 636.0832, 623.7864, 612.1992, 600.2176, 588.5228, 577.1716, 565.7752, 554.899, 543.6126, 532.6492, 521.9474, 511.5214, 501.1064, 490.6364, 480.2468, 470.4588, 460.3832, 451.0584, 440.8606, 431.3868, 422.5062, 413.1862, 404.463, 395.339, 386.1936, 378.1292, 369.1854, 361.2908, 353.3324, 344.8518, 337.5204, 329.4854, 321.9318, 314.552, 306.4658, 299.4256, 292.849, 286.152, 278.8956, 271.8792, 265.118, 258.62, 252.5132, 245.9322, 239.7726, 233.6086, 227.5332, 222.5918, 216.4294, 210.7662, 205.4106, 199.7338, 194.9012, 188.4486, 183.1556, 178.6338, 173.7312, 169.6264, 163.9526, 159.8742, 155.8326, 151.1966, 147.5594, 143.07, 140.037, 134.1804, 131.071, 127.4884, 124.0848, 120.2944, 117.333, 112.9626, 110.2902, 107.0814, 103.0334, 99.4832000000001, 96.3899999999999, 93.7202000000002, 90.1714000000002, 87.2357999999999, 85.9346, 82.8910000000001, 80.0264000000002, 78.3834000000002, 75.1543999999999, 7
 3.8683999999998, 70.9895999999999, 69.4367999999999, 64.8701999999998, 65.0408000000002, 61.6738, 59.5207999999998, 57.0158000000001, 54.2302, 53.0962, 50.4985999999999, 52.2588000000001, 47.3914, 45.6244000000002, 42.8377999999998, 43.0072, 40.6516000000001, 40.2453999999998, 35.2136, 36.4546, 33.7849999999999, 33.2294000000002, 32.4679999999998, 30.8670000000002, 28.6507999999999, 28.9099999999999, 27.5983999999999, 26.1619999999998, 24.5563999999999, 23.2328000000002, 21.9484000000002, 21.5902000000001, 21.3346000000001, 17.7031999999999, 20.6111999999998, 19.5545999999999, 15.7375999999999, 17.0720000000001, 16.9517999999998, 15.326, 13.1817999999998, 14.6925999999999, 13.0859999999998, 13.2754, 10.8697999999999, 11.248, 7.3768, 4.72339999999986, 7.97899999999981, 8.7503999999999, 7.68119999999999, 9.7199999999998, 7.73919999999998, 5.6224000000002, 7.44560000000001, 6.6601999999998, 5.9058, 4.00199999999995, 4.51699999999983, 4.68240000000014, 3.86220000000003, 5.13639999999987
 , 5.98500000000013, 2.47719999999981, 2.61999999999989, 1.62800000000016, 4.65000000000009, 0.225599999999758, 0.831000000000131, -0.359400000000278, 1.27599999999984, -2.92559999999958, -0.0303999999996449, 2.37079999999969, -2.0033999999996, 0.804600000000391, 0.30199999999968, 1.1247999999996, -2.6880000000001, 0.0321999999996478, -1.18099999999959, -3.9402, -1.47940000000017, -0.188400000000001, -2.10720000000038, -2.04159999999956, -3.12880000000041, -4.16160000000036, -0.612799999999879, -3.48719999999958, -8.17900000000009, -5.37780000000021, -4.01379999999972, -5.58259999999973, -5.73719999999958, -7.66799999999967, -5.69520000000011, -1.1247999999996, -5.58520000000044, -8.04560000000038, -4.64840000000004, -11.6468000000004, -7.97519999999986, -5.78300000000036, -7.67420000000038, -10.6328000000003, -9.81720000000041),
-    // precision 11
-    Array(1476, 1449.6014, 1423.5802, 1397.7942, 1372.3042, 1347.2062, 1321.8402, 1297.2292, 1272.9462, 1248.9926, 1225.3026, 1201.4252, 1178.0578, 1155.6092, 1132.626, 1110.5568, 1088.527, 1066.5154, 1045.1874, 1024.3878, 1003.37, 982.1972, 962.5728, 942.1012, 922.9668, 903.292, 884.0772, 864.8578, 846.6562, 828.041, 809.714, 792.3112, 775.1806, 757.9854, 740.656, 724.346, 707.5154, 691.8378, 675.7448, 659.6722, 645.5722, 630.1462, 614.4124, 600.8728, 585.898, 572.408, 558.4926, 544.4938, 531.6776, 517.282, 505.7704, 493.1012, 480.7388, 467.6876, 456.1872, 445.5048, 433.0214, 420.806, 411.409, 400.4144, 389.4294, 379.2286, 369.651, 360.6156, 350.337, 342.083, 332.1538, 322.5094, 315.01, 305.6686, 298.1678, 287.8116, 280.9978, 271.9204, 265.3286, 257.5706, 249.6014, 242.544, 235.5976, 229.583, 220.9438, 214.672, 208.2786, 201.8628, 195.1834, 191.505, 186.1816, 178.5188, 172.2294, 167.8908, 161.0194, 158.052, 151.4588, 148.1596, 143.4344, 138.5238, 133.13, 127.6374, 124.8162, 118.789
 4, 117.3984, 114.6078, 109.0858, 105.1036, 103.6258, 98.6018000000004, 95.7618000000002, 93.5821999999998, 88.5900000000001, 86.9992000000002, 82.8800000000001, 80.4539999999997, 74.6981999999998, 74.3644000000004, 73.2914000000001, 65.5709999999999, 66.9232000000002, 65.1913999999997, 62.5882000000001, 61.5702000000001, 55.7035999999998, 56.1764000000003, 52.7596000000003, 53.0302000000001, 49.0609999999997, 48.4694, 44.933, 46.0474000000004, 44.7165999999997, 41.9416000000001, 39.9207999999999, 35.6328000000003, 35.5276000000003, 33.1934000000001, 33.2371999999996, 33.3864000000003, 33.9228000000003, 30.2371999999996, 29.1373999999996, 25.2272000000003, 24.2942000000003, 19.8338000000003, 18.9005999999999, 23.0907999999999, 21.8544000000002, 19.5176000000001, 15.4147999999996, 16.9314000000004, 18.6737999999996, 12.9877999999999, 14.3688000000002, 12.0447999999997, 15.5219999999999, 12.5299999999997, 14.5940000000001, 14.3131999999996, 9.45499999999993, 12.9441999999999, 3.9113999
 9999996, 13.1373999999996, 5.44720000000052, 9.82779999999912, 7.87279999999919, 3.67760000000089, 5.46980000000076, 5.55099999999948, 5.65979999999945, 3.89439999999922, 3.1275999999998, 5.65140000000065, 6.3062000000009, 3.90799999999945, 1.87060000000019, 5.17020000000048, 2.46680000000015, 0.770000000000437, -3.72340000000077, 1.16400000000067, 8.05340000000069, 0.135399999999208, 2.15940000000046, 0.766999999999825, 1.0594000000001, 3.15500000000065, -0.287399999999252, 2.37219999999979, -2.86620000000039, -1.63199999999961, -2.22979999999916, -0.15519999999924, -1.46039999999994, -0.262199999999211, -2.34460000000036, -2.8078000000005, -3.22179999999935, -5.60159999999996, -8.42200000000048, -9.43740000000071, 0.161799999999857, -10.4755999999998, -10.0823999999993),
-    // precision 12
-    Array(2953, 2900.4782, 2848.3568, 2796.3666, 2745.324, 2694.9598, 2644.648, 2595.539, 2546.1474, 2498.2576, 2450.8376, 2403.6076, 2357.451, 2311.38, 2266.4104, 2221.5638, 2176.9676, 2134.193, 2090.838, 2048.8548, 2007.018, 1966.1742, 1925.4482, 1885.1294, 1846.4776, 1807.4044, 1768.8724, 1731.3732, 1693.4304, 1657.5326, 1621.949, 1586.5532, 1551.7256, 1517.6182, 1483.5186, 1450.4528, 1417.865, 1385.7164, 1352.6828, 1322.6708, 1291.8312, 1260.9036, 1231.476, 1201.8652, 1173.6718, 1145.757, 1119.2072, 1092.2828, 1065.0434, 1038.6264, 1014.3192, 988.5746, 965.0816, 940.1176, 917.9796, 894.5576, 871.1858, 849.9144, 827.1142, 805.0818, 783.9664, 763.9096, 742.0816, 724.3962, 706.3454, 688.018, 667.4214, 650.3106, 633.0686, 613.8094, 597.818, 581.4248, 563.834, 547.363, 531.5066, 520.455400000001, 505.583199999999, 488.366, 476.480799999999, 459.7682, 450.0522, 434.328799999999, 423.952799999999, 408.727000000001, 399.079400000001, 387.252200000001, 373.987999999999, 360.852000000001,
  351.6394, 339.642, 330.902400000001, 322.661599999999, 311.662200000001, 301.3254, 291.7484, 279.939200000001, 276.7508, 263.215200000001, 254.811400000001, 245.5494, 242.306399999999, 234.8734, 223.787200000001, 217.7156, 212.0196, 200.793, 195.9748, 189.0702, 182.449199999999, 177.2772, 170.2336, 164.741, 158.613600000001, 155.311, 147.5964, 142.837, 137.3724, 132.0162, 130.0424, 121.9804, 120.451800000001, 114.8968, 111.585999999999, 105.933199999999, 101.705, 98.5141999999996, 95.0488000000005, 89.7880000000005, 91.4750000000004, 83.7764000000006, 80.9698000000008, 72.8574000000008, 73.1615999999995, 67.5838000000003, 62.6263999999992, 63.2638000000006, 66.0977999999996, 52.0843999999997, 58.9956000000002, 47.0912000000008, 46.4956000000002, 48.4383999999991, 47.1082000000006, 43.2392, 37.2759999999998, 40.0283999999992, 35.1864000000005, 35.8595999999998, 32.0998, 28.027, 23.6694000000007, 33.8266000000003, 26.3736000000008, 27.2008000000005, 21.3245999999999, 26.4115999999995
 , 23.4521999999997, 19.5013999999992, 19.8513999999996, 10.7492000000002, 18.6424000000006, 13.1265999999996, 18.2436000000016, 6.71860000000015, 3.39459999999963, 6.33759999999893, 7.76719999999841, 0.813999999998487, 3.82819999999992, 0.826199999999517, 8.07440000000133, -1.59080000000176, 5.01780000000144, 0.455399999998917, -0.24199999999837, 0.174800000000687, -9.07640000000174, -4.20160000000033, -3.77520000000004, -4.75179999999818, -5.3724000000002, -8.90680000000066, -6.10239999999976, -5.74120000000039, -9.95339999999851, -3.86339999999836, -13.7304000000004, -16.2710000000006, -7.51359999999841, -3.30679999999847, -13.1339999999982, -10.0551999999989, -6.72019999999975, -8.59660000000076, -10.9307999999983, -1.8775999999998, -4.82259999999951, -13.7788, -21.6470000000008, -10.6735999999983, -15.7799999999988),
-    // precision 13
-    Array(5907.5052, 5802.2672, 5697.347, 5593.5794, 5491.2622, 5390.5514, 5290.3376, 5191.6952, 5093.5988, 4997.3552, 4902.5972, 4808.3082, 4715.5646, 4624.109, 4533.8216, 4444.4344, 4356.3802, 4269.2962, 4183.3784, 4098.292, 4014.79, 3932.4574, 3850.6036, 3771.2712, 3691.7708, 3615.099, 3538.1858, 3463.4746, 3388.8496, 3315.6794, 3244.5448, 3173.7516, 3103.3106, 3033.6094, 2966.5642, 2900.794, 2833.7256, 2769.81, 2707.3196, 2644.0778, 2583.9916, 2523.4662, 2464.124, 2406.073, 2347.0362, 2292.1006, 2238.1716, 2182.7514, 2128.4884, 2077.1314, 2025.037, 1975.3756, 1928.933, 1879.311, 1831.0006, 1783.2144, 1738.3096, 1694.5144, 1649.024, 1606.847, 1564.7528, 1525.3168, 1482.5372, 1443.9668, 1406.5074, 1365.867, 1329.2186, 1295.4186, 1257.9716, 1225.339, 1193.2972, 1156.3578, 1125.8686, 1091.187, 1061.4094, 1029.4188, 1000.9126, 972.3272, 944.004199999999, 915.7592, 889.965, 862.834200000001, 840.4254, 812.598399999999, 785.924200000001, 763.050999999999, 741.793799999999, 721.466, 699
 .040799999999, 677.997200000002, 649.866999999998, 634.911800000002, 609.8694, 591.981599999999, 570.2922, 557.129199999999, 538.3858, 521.872599999999, 502.951400000002, 495.776399999999, 475.171399999999, 459.751, 439.995200000001, 426.708999999999, 413.7016, 402.3868, 387.262599999998, 372.0524, 357.050999999999, 342.5098, 334.849200000001, 322.529399999999, 311.613799999999, 295.848000000002, 289.273000000001, 274.093000000001, 263.329600000001, 251.389599999999, 245.7392, 231.9614, 229.7952, 217.155200000001, 208.9588, 199.016599999999, 190.839199999999, 180.6976, 176.272799999999, 166.976999999999, 162.5252, 151.196400000001, 149.386999999999, 133.981199999998, 130.0586, 130.164000000001, 122.053400000001, 110.7428, 108.1276, 106.232400000001, 100.381600000001, 98.7668000000012, 86.6440000000002, 79.9768000000004, 82.4722000000002, 68.7026000000005, 70.1186000000016, 71.9948000000004, 58.998599999999, 59.0492000000013, 56.9818000000014, 47.5338000000011, 42.9928, 51.1591999999
 982, 37.2740000000013, 42.7220000000016, 31.3734000000004, 26.8090000000011, 25.8934000000008, 26.5286000000015, 29.5442000000003, 19.3503999999994, 26.0760000000009, 17.9527999999991, 14.8419999999969, 10.4683999999979, 8.65899999999965, 9.86720000000059, 4.34139999999752, -0.907800000000861, -3.32080000000133, -0.936199999996461, -11.9916000000012, -8.87000000000262, -6.33099999999831, -11.3366000000024, -15.9207999999999, -9.34659999999712, -15.5034000000014, -19.2097999999969, -15.357799999998, -28.2235999999975, -30.6898000000001, -19.3271999999997, -25.6083999999973, -24.409599999999, -13.6385999999984, -33.4473999999973, -32.6949999999997, -28.9063999999998, -31.7483999999968, -32.2935999999972, -35.8329999999987, -47.620600000002, -39.0855999999985, -33.1434000000008, -46.1371999999974, -37.5892000000022, -46.8164000000033, -47.3142000000007, -60.2914000000019, -37.7575999999972),
-    // precision 14
-    Array(11816.475, 11605.0046, 11395.3792, 11188.7504, 10984.1814, 10782.0086, 10582.0072, 10384.503, 10189.178, 9996.2738, 9806.0344, 9617.9798, 9431.394, 9248.7784, 9067.6894, 8889.6824, 8712.9134, 8538.8624, 8368.4944, 8197.7956, 8031.8916, 7866.6316, 7703.733, 7544.5726, 7386.204, 7230.666, 7077.8516, 6926.7886, 6778.6902, 6631.9632, 6487.304, 6346.7486, 6206.4408, 6070.202, 5935.2576, 5799.924, 5671.0324, 5541.9788, 5414.6112, 5290.0274, 5166.723, 5047.6906, 4929.162, 4815.1406, 4699.127, 4588.5606, 4477.7394, 4369.4014, 4264.2728, 4155.9224, 4055.581, 3955.505, 3856.9618, 3761.3828, 3666.9702, 3575.7764, 3482.4132, 3395.0186, 3305.8852, 3221.415, 3138.6024, 3056.296, 2970.4494, 2896.1526, 2816.8008, 2740.2156, 2670.497, 2594.1458, 2527.111, 2460.8168, 2387.5114, 2322.9498, 2260.6752, 2194.2686, 2133.7792, 2074.767, 2015.204, 1959.4226, 1898.6502, 1850.006, 1792.849, 1741.4838, 1687.9778, 1638.1322, 1589.3266, 1543.1394, 1496.8266, 1447.8516, 1402.7354, 1361.9606, 1327.0692, 
 1285.4106, 1241.8112, 1201.6726, 1161.973, 1130.261, 1094.2036, 1048.2036, 1020.6436, 990.901400000002, 961.199800000002, 924.769800000002, 899.526400000002, 872.346400000002, 834.375, 810.432000000001, 780.659800000001, 756.013800000001, 733.479399999997, 707.923999999999, 673.858, 652.222399999999, 636.572399999997, 615.738599999997, 586.696400000001, 564.147199999999, 541.679600000003, 523.943599999999, 505.714599999999, 475.729599999999, 461.779600000002, 449.750800000002, 439.020799999998, 412.7886, 400.245600000002, 383.188199999997, 362.079599999997, 357.533799999997, 334.319000000003, 327.553399999997, 308.559399999998, 291.270199999999, 279.351999999999, 271.791400000002, 252.576999999997, 247.482400000001, 236.174800000001, 218.774599999997, 220.155200000001, 208.794399999999, 201.223599999998, 182.995600000002, 185.5268, 164.547400000003, 176.5962, 150.689599999998, 157.8004, 138.378799999999, 134.021200000003, 117.614399999999, 108.194000000003, 97.0696000000025, 89.6042
 000000016, 95.6030000000028, 84.7810000000027, 72.635000000002, 77.3482000000004, 59.4907999999996, 55.5875999999989, 50.7346000000034, 61.3916000000027, 50.9149999999936, 39.0384000000049, 58.9395999999979, 29.633600000001, 28.2032000000036, 26.0078000000067, 17.0387999999948, 9.22000000000116, 13.8387999999977, 8.07240000000456, 14.1549999999988, 15.3570000000036, 3.42660000000615, 6.24820000000182, -2.96940000000177, -8.79940000000352, -5.97860000000219, -14.4048000000039, -3.4143999999942, -13.0148000000045, -11.6977999999945, -25.7878000000055, -22.3185999999987, -24.409599999999, -31.9756000000052, -18.9722000000038, -22.8678000000073, -30.8972000000067, -32.3715999999986, -22.3907999999938, -43.6720000000059, -35.9038, -39.7492000000057, -54.1641999999993, -45.2749999999942, -42.2989999999991, -44.1089999999967, -64.3564000000042, -49.9551999999967, -42.6116000000038),
-    // precision 15
-    Array(23634.0036, 23210.8034, 22792.4744, 22379.1524, 21969.7928, 21565.326, 21165.3532, 20770.2806, 20379.9892, 19994.7098, 19613.318, 19236.799, 18865.4382, 18498.8244, 18136.5138, 17778.8668, 17426.2344, 17079.32, 16734.778, 16397.2418, 16063.3324, 15734.0232, 15409.731, 15088.728, 14772.9896, 14464.1402, 14157.5588, 13855.5958, 13559.3296, 13264.9096, 12978.326, 12692.0826, 12413.8816, 12137.3192, 11870.2326, 11602.5554, 11340.3142, 11079.613, 10829.5908, 10583.5466, 10334.0344, 10095.5072, 9859.694, 9625.2822, 9395.7862, 9174.0586, 8957.3164, 8738.064, 8524.155, 8313.7396, 8116.9168, 7913.542, 7718.4778, 7521.65, 7335.5596, 7154.2906, 6968.7396, 6786.3996, 6613.236, 6437.406, 6270.6598, 6107.7958, 5945.7174, 5787.6784, 5635.5784, 5482.308, 5337.9784, 5190.0864, 5045.9158, 4919.1386, 4771.817, 4645.7742, 4518.4774, 4385.5454, 4262.6622, 4142.74679999999, 4015.5318, 3897.9276, 3790.7764, 3685.13800000001, 3573.6274, 3467.9706, 3368.61079999999, 3271.5202, 3170.3848, 3076.4656
 , 2982.38400000001, 2888.4664, 2806.4868, 2711.9564, 2634.1434, 2551.3204, 2469.7662, 2396.61139999999, 2318.9902, 2243.8658, 2171.9246, 2105.01360000001, 2028.8536, 1960.9952, 1901.4096, 1841.86079999999, 1777.54700000001, 1714.5802, 1654.65059999999, 1596.311, 1546.2016, 1492.3296, 1433.8974, 1383.84600000001, 1339.4152, 1293.5518, 1245.8686, 1193.50659999999, 1162.27959999999, 1107.19439999999, 1069.18060000001, 1035.09179999999, 999.679000000004, 957.679999999993, 925.300199999998, 888.099400000006, 848.638600000006, 818.156400000007, 796.748399999997, 752.139200000005, 725.271200000003, 692.216, 671.633600000001, 647.939799999993, 621.670599999998, 575.398799999995, 561.226599999995, 532.237999999998, 521.787599999996, 483.095799999996, 467.049599999998, 465.286399999997, 415.548599999995, 401.047399999996, 380.607999999993, 377.362599999993, 347.258799999996, 338.371599999999, 310.096999999994, 301.409199999995, 276.280799999993, 265.586800000005, 258.994399999996, 223.9159999
 99997, 215.925399999993, 213.503800000006, 191.045400000003, 166.718200000003, 166.259000000005, 162.941200000001, 148.829400000002, 141.645999999993, 123.535399999993, 122.329800000007, 89.473399999988, 80.1962000000058, 77.5457999999926, 59.1056000000099, 83.3509999999951, 52.2906000000075, 36.3979999999865, 40.6558000000077, 42.0003999999899, 19.6630000000005, 19.7153999999864, -8.38539999999921, -0.692799999989802, 0.854800000000978, 3.23219999999856, -3.89040000000386, -5.25880000001052, -24.9052000000083, -22.6837999999989, -26.4286000000138, -34.997000000003, -37.0216000000073, -43.430400000012, -58.2390000000014, -68.8034000000043, -56.9245999999985, -57.8583999999973, -77.3097999999882, -73.2793999999994, -81.0738000000129, -87.4530000000086, -65.0254000000132, -57.296399999992, -96.2746000000043, -103.25, -96.081600000005, -91.5542000000132, -102.465200000006, -107.688599999994, -101.458000000013, -109.715800000005),
-    // precision 16
-    Array(47270, 46423.3584, 45585.7074, 44757.152, 43938.8416, 43130.9514, 42330.03, 41540.407, 40759.6348, 39988.206, 39226.5144, 38473.2096, 37729.795, 36997.268, 36272.6448, 35558.665, 34853.0248, 34157.4472, 33470.5204, 32793.5742, 32127.0194, 31469.4182, 30817.6136, 30178.6968, 29546.8908, 28922.8544, 28312.271, 27707.0924, 27114.0326, 26526.692, 25948.6336, 25383.7826, 24823.5998, 24272.2974, 23732.2572, 23201.4976, 22674.2796, 22163.6336, 21656.515, 21161.7362, 20669.9368, 20189.4424, 19717.3358, 19256.3744, 18795.9638, 18352.197, 17908.5738, 17474.391, 17052.918, 16637.2236, 16228.4602, 15823.3474, 15428.6974, 15043.0284, 14667.6278, 14297.4588, 13935.2882, 13578.5402, 13234.6032, 12882.1578, 12548.0728, 12219.231, 11898.0072, 11587.2626, 11279.9072, 10973.5048, 10678.5186, 10392.4876, 10105.2556, 9825.766, 9562.5444, 9294.2222, 9038.2352, 8784.848, 8533.2644, 8301.7776, 8058.30859999999, 7822.94579999999, 7599.11319999999, 7366.90779999999, 7161.217, 6957.53080000001, 6736
 .212, 6548.21220000001, 6343.06839999999, 6156.28719999999, 5975.15419999999, 5791.75719999999, 5621.32019999999, 5451.66, 5287.61040000001, 5118.09479999999, 4957.288, 4798.4246, 4662.17559999999, 4512.05900000001, 4364.68539999999, 4220.77720000001, 4082.67259999999, 3957.19519999999, 3842.15779999999, 3699.3328, 3583.01180000001, 3473.8964, 3338.66639999999, 3233.55559999999, 3117.799, 3008.111, 2909.69140000001, 2814.86499999999, 2719.46119999999, 2624.742, 2532.46979999999, 2444.7886, 2370.1868, 2272.45259999999, 2196.19260000001, 2117.90419999999, 2023.2972, 1969.76819999999, 1885.58979999999, 1833.2824, 1733.91200000001, 1682.54920000001, 1604.57980000001, 1556.11240000001, 1491.3064, 1421.71960000001, 1371.22899999999, 1322.1324, 1264.7892, 1196.23920000001, 1143.8474, 1088.67240000001, 1073.60380000001, 1023.11660000001, 959.036400000012, 927.433199999999, 906.792799999996, 853.433599999989, 841.873800000001, 791.1054, 756.899999999994, 704.343200000003, 672.495599999995, 6
 22.790399999998, 611.254799999995, 567.283200000005, 519.406599999988, 519.188400000014, 495.312800000014, 451.350799999986, 443.973399999988, 431.882199999993, 392.027000000002, 380.924200000009, 345.128999999986, 298.901400000002, 287.771999999997, 272.625, 247.253000000026, 222.490600000019, 223.590000000026, 196.407599999977, 176.425999999978, 134.725199999986, 132.4804, 110.445599999977, 86.7939999999944, 56.7038000000175, 64.915399999998, 38.3726000000024, 37.1606000000029, 46.170999999973, 49.1716000000015, 15.3362000000197, 6.71639999997569, -34.8185999999987, -39.4476000000141, 12.6830000000191, -12.3331999999937, -50.6565999999875, -59.9538000000175, -65.1054000000004, -70.7576000000117, -106.325200000021, -126.852200000023, -110.227599999984, -132.885999999999, -113.897200000007, -142.713800000027, -151.145399999979, -150.799200000009, -177.756200000003, -156.036399999983, -182.735199999996, -177.259399999981, -198.663600000029, -174.577600000019, -193.84580000001),
-    // precision 17
-    Array(94541, 92848.811, 91174.019, 89517.558, 87879.9705, 86262.7565, 84663.5125, 83083.7435, 81521.7865, 79977.272, 78455.9465, 76950.219, 75465.432, 73994.152, 72546.71, 71115.2345, 69705.6765, 68314.937, 66944.2705, 65591.255, 64252.9485, 62938.016, 61636.8225, 60355.592, 59092.789, 57850.568, 56624.518, 55417.343, 54231.1415, 53067.387, 51903.526, 50774.649, 49657.6415, 48561.05, 47475.7575, 46410.159, 45364.852, 44327.053, 43318.4005, 42325.6165, 41348.4595, 40383.6265, 39436.77, 38509.502, 37594.035, 36695.939, 35818.6895, 34955.691, 34115.8095, 33293.949, 32465.0775, 31657.6715, 30877.2585, 30093.78, 29351.3695, 28594.1365, 27872.115, 27168.7465, 26477.076, 25774.541, 25106.5375, 24452.5135, 23815.5125, 23174.0655, 22555.2685, 21960.2065, 21376.3555, 20785.1925, 20211.517, 19657.0725, 19141.6865, 18579.737, 18081.3955, 17578.995, 17073.44, 16608.335, 16119.911, 15651.266, 15194.583, 14749.0495, 14343.4835, 13925.639, 13504.509, 13099.3885, 12691.2855, 12328.018, 11969.034
 5, 11596.5145, 11245.6355, 10917.6575, 10580.9785, 10277.8605, 9926.58100000001, 9605.538, 9300.42950000003, 8989.97850000003, 8728.73249999998, 8448.3235, 8175.31050000002, 7898.98700000002, 7629.79100000003, 7413.76199999999, 7149.92300000001, 6921.12650000001, 6677.1545, 6443.28000000003, 6278.23450000002, 6014.20049999998, 5791.20299999998, 5605.78450000001, 5438.48800000001, 5234.2255, 5059.6825, 4887.43349999998, 4682.935, 4496.31099999999, 4322.52250000002, 4191.42499999999, 4021.24200000003, 3900.64799999999, 3762.84250000003, 3609.98050000001, 3502.29599999997, 3363.84250000003, 3206.54849999998, 3079.70000000001, 2971.42300000001, 2867.80349999998, 2727.08100000001, 2630.74900000001, 2496.6165, 2440.902, 2356.19150000002, 2235.58199999999, 2120.54149999999, 2012.25449999998, 1933.35600000003, 1820.93099999998, 1761.54800000001, 1663.09350000002, 1578.84600000002, 1509.48149999999, 1427.3345, 1379.56150000001, 1306.68099999998, 1212.63449999999, 1084.17300000001, 1124.16450
 000001, 1060.69949999999, 1007.48849999998, 941.194499999983, 879.880500000028, 836.007500000007, 782.802000000025, 748.385499999975, 647.991500000004, 626.730500000005, 570.776000000013, 484.000500000024, 513.98550000001, 418.985499999952, 386.996999999974, 370.026500000036, 355.496999999974, 356.731499999994, 255.92200000002, 259.094000000041, 205.434499999974, 165.374500000034, 197.347500000033, 95.718499999959, 67.6165000000037, 54.6970000000438, 31.7395000000251, -15.8784999999916, 8.42500000004657, -26.3754999999655, -118.425500000012, -66.6629999999423, -42.9745000000112, -107.364999999991, -189.839000000036, -162.611499999999, -164.964999999967, -189.079999999958, -223.931499999948, -235.329999999958, -269.639500000048, -249.087999999989, -206.475499999942, -283.04449999996, -290.667000000016, -304.561499999953, -336.784499999951, -380.386500000022, -283.280499999993, -364.533000000054, -389.059499999974, -364.454000000027, -415.748000000021, -417.155000000028),
-    // precision 18
-    Array(189083, 185696.913, 182348.774, 179035.946, 175762.762, 172526.444, 169329.754, 166166.099, 163043.269, 159958.91, 156907.912, 153906.845, 150924.199, 147996.568, 145093.457, 142239.233, 139421.475, 136632.27, 133889.588, 131174.2, 128511.619, 125868.621, 123265.385, 120721.061, 118181.769, 115709.456, 113252.446, 110840.198, 108465.099, 106126.164, 103823.469, 101556.618, 99308.004, 97124.508, 94937.803, 92833.731, 90745.061, 88677.627, 86617.47, 84650.442, 82697.833, 80769.132, 78879.629, 77014.432, 75215.626, 73384.587, 71652.482, 69895.93, 68209.301, 66553.669, 64921.981, 63310.323, 61742.115, 60205.018, 58698.658, 57190.657, 55760.865, 54331.169, 52908.167, 51550.273, 50225.254, 48922.421, 47614.533, 46362.049, 45098.569, 43926.083, 42736.03, 41593.473, 40425.26, 39316.237, 38243.651, 37170.617, 36114.609, 35084.19, 34117.233, 33206.509, 32231.505, 31318.728, 30403.404, 29540.0550000001, 28679.236, 27825.862, 26965.216, 26179.148, 25462.08, 24645.952, 23922.523, 23198
 .144, 22529.128, 21762.4179999999, 21134.779, 20459.117, 19840.818, 19187.04, 18636.3689999999, 17982.831, 17439.7389999999, 16874.547, 16358.2169999999, 15835.684, 15352.914, 14823.681, 14329.313, 13816.897, 13342.874, 12880.882, 12491.648, 12021.254, 11625.392, 11293.7610000001, 10813.697, 10456.209, 10099.074, 9755.39000000001, 9393.18500000006, 9047.57900000003, 8657.98499999999, 8395.85900000005, 8033, 7736.95900000003, 7430.59699999995, 7258.47699999996, 6924.58200000005, 6691.29399999999, 6357.92500000005, 6202.05700000003, 5921.19700000004, 5628.28399999999, 5404.96799999999, 5226.71100000001, 4990.75600000005, 4799.77399999998, 4622.93099999998, 4472.478, 4171.78700000001, 3957.46299999999, 3868.95200000005, 3691.14300000004, 3474.63100000005, 3341.67200000002, 3109.14000000001, 3071.97400000005, 2796.40399999998, 2756.17799999996, 2611.46999999997, 2471.93000000005, 2382.26399999997, 2209.22400000005, 2142.28399999999, 2013.96100000001, 1911.18999999994, 1818.27099999995, 
 1668.47900000005, 1519.65800000005, 1469.67599999998, 1367.13800000004, 1248.52899999998, 1181.23600000003, 1022.71900000004, 1088.20700000005, 959.03600000008, 876.095999999903, 791.183999999892, 703.337000000058, 731.949999999953, 586.86400000006, 526.024999999907, 323.004999999888, 320.448000000091, 340.672999999952, 309.638999999966, 216.601999999955, 102.922999999952, 19.2399999999907, -0.114000000059605, -32.6240000000689, -89.3179999999702, -153.497999999905, -64.2970000000205, -143.695999999996, -259.497999999905, -253.017999999924, -213.948000000091, -397.590000000084, -434.006000000052, -403.475000000093, -297.958000000101, -404.317000000039, -528.898999999976, -506.621000000043, -513.205000000075, -479.351000000024, -596.139999999898, -527.016999999993, -664.681000000099, -680.306000000099, -704.050000000047, -850.486000000034, -757.43200000003, -713.308999999892)
-  )
-  // scalastyle:on
-  private def validateDoubleLiteral(exp: Expression): Double = exp match {
+  def validateDoubleLiteral(exp: Expression): Double = exp match {
     case Literal(d: Double, DoubleType) => d
     case Literal(dec: Decimal, _) => dec.toDouble
     case _ =>
       throw new AnalysisException("The second argument should be a double literal.")

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