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[GitHub] [arrow] alamb commented on a change in pull request #7975: ARROW-9758: [Rust] [DataFusion] Allow physical planner to be replaced

alamb commented on a change in pull request #7975:

File path: rust/datafusion/src/execution/
@@ -1452,11 +1109,34 @@ mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn custom_physical_planner() -> Result<()> {

Review comment:

File path: rust/datafusion/src/execution/
@@ -373,363 +355,12 @@ impl ExecutionContext {
     pub fn create_physical_plan(
         logical_plan: &LogicalPlan,
-        batch_size: usize,
     ) -> Result<Arc<dyn ExecutionPlan>> {
-        match logical_plan {
-            LogicalPlan::TableScan {
-                table_name,
-                projection,
-                ..
-            } => match self
-                .state
-                .lock()
-                .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                .datasources
-                .lock()
-                .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                .get(table_name)
-            {
-                Some(provider) => {
-                    let partitions = provider.scan(projection, batch_size)?;
-                    if partitions.is_empty() {
-                        Err(ExecutionError::General(
-                            "Table provider returned no partitions".to_string(),
-                        ))
-                    } else {
-                        let schema = match projection {
-                            None => provider.schema().clone(),
-                            Some(p) => Arc::new(Schema::new(
-                                p.iter()
-                                    .map(|i| provider.schema().field(*i).clone())
-                                    .collect(),
-                            )),
-                        };
-                        let exec = DatasourceExec::new(schema, partitions.clone());
-                        Ok(Arc::new(exec))
-                    }
-                }
-                _ => Err(ExecutionError::General(format!(
-                    "No table named {}",
-                    table_name
-                ))),
-            },
-            LogicalPlan::InMemoryScan {
-                data,
-                projection,
-                projected_schema,
-                ..
-            } => Ok(Arc::new(MemoryExec::try_new(
-                data,
-                Arc::new(projected_schema.as_ref().to_owned()),
-                projection.to_owned(),
-            )?)),
-            LogicalPlan::CsvScan {
-                path,
-                schema,
-                has_header,
-                delimiter,
-                projection,
-                ..
-            } => Ok(Arc::new(CsvExec::try_new(
-                path,
-                CsvReadOptions::new()
-                    .schema(schema.as_ref())
-                    .delimiter_option(*delimiter)
-                    .has_header(*has_header),
-                projection.to_owned(),
-                batch_size,
-            )?)),
-            LogicalPlan::ParquetScan {
-                path, projection, ..
-            } => Ok(Arc::new(ParquetExec::try_new(
-                path,
-                projection.to_owned(),
-                batch_size,
-            )?)),
-            LogicalPlan::Projection { input, expr, .. } => {
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(input, batch_size)?;
-                let input_schema = input.as_ref().schema().clone();
-                let runtime_expr = expr
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|e| {
-                        tuple_err((
-                            self.create_physical_expr(e, &input_schema),
-                  ,
-                        ))
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
-                Ok(Arc::new(ProjectionExec::try_new(runtime_expr, input)?))
-            }
-            LogicalPlan::Aggregate {
-                input,
-                group_expr,
-                aggr_expr,
-                ..
-            } => {
-                // Initially need to perform the aggregate and then merge the partitions
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(input, batch_size)?;
-                let input_schema = input.as_ref().schema().clone();
-                let groups = group_expr
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|e| {
-                        tuple_err((
-                            self.create_physical_expr(e, &input_schema),
-                  ,
-                        ))
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
-                let aggregates = aggr_expr
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|e| {
-                        tuple_err((
-                            self.create_aggregate_expr(e, &input_schema),
-                  ,
-                        ))
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
-                let initial_aggr = HashAggregateExec::try_new(
-                    groups.clone(),
-                    aggregates.clone(),
-                    input,
-                )?;
-                let schema = initial_aggr.schema();
-                let partitions = initial_aggr.partitions()?;
-                if partitions.len() == 1 {
-                    return Ok(Arc::new(initial_aggr));
-                }
-                let merge = Arc::new(MergeExec::new(
-                    schema.clone(),
-                    partitions,
-                    self.state
-                        .lock()
-                        .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                        .config
-                        .concurrency,
-                ));
-                // construct the expressions for the final aggregation
-                let (final_group, final_aggr) = initial_aggr.make_final_expr(
-                    groups.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
-                    aggregates.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
-                );
-                // construct a second aggregation, keeping the final column name equal to the first aggregation
-                // and the expressions corresponding to the respective aggregate
-                Ok(Arc::new(HashAggregateExec::try_new(
-                    final_group
-                        .iter()
-                        .enumerate()
-                        .map(|(i, expr)| (expr.clone(), groups[i].1.clone()))
-                        .collect(),
-                    final_aggr
-                        .iter()
-                        .enumerate()
-                        .map(|(i, expr)| (expr.clone(), aggregates[i].1.clone()))
-                        .collect(),
-                    merge,
-                )?))
-            }
-            LogicalPlan::Selection { input, expr, .. } => {
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(input, batch_size)?;
-                let input_schema = input.as_ref().schema().clone();
-                let runtime_expr = self.create_physical_expr(expr, &input_schema)?;
-                Ok(Arc::new(SelectionExec::try_new(runtime_expr, input)?))
-            }
-            LogicalPlan::Sort { expr, input, .. } => {
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(input, batch_size)?;
-                let input_schema = input.as_ref().schema().clone();
-                let sort_expr = expr
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|e| match e {
-                        Expr::Sort {
-                            expr,
-                            asc,
-                            nulls_first,
-                        } => self.create_physical_sort_expr(
-                            expr,
-                            &input_schema,
-                            SortOptions {
-                                descending: !*asc,
-                                nulls_first: *nulls_first,
-                            },
-                        ),
-                        _ => Err(ExecutionError::ExecutionError(
-                            "Sort only accepts sort expressions".to_string(),
-                        )),
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
-                Ok(Arc::new(SortExec::try_new(
-                    sort_expr,
-                    input,
-                    self.state
-                        .lock()
-                        .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                        .config
-                        .concurrency,
-                )?))
-            }
-            LogicalPlan::Limit { input, n, .. } => {
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(input, batch_size)?;
-                let input_schema = input.as_ref().schema().clone();
-                Ok(Arc::new(GlobalLimitExec::new(
-                    input_schema.clone(),
-                    input.partitions()?,
-                    *n,
-                    self.state
-                        .lock()
-                        .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                        .config
-                        .concurrency,
-                )))
-            }
-            LogicalPlan::Explain {
-                verbose,
-                plan,
-                stringified_plans,
-                schema,
-            } => {
-                let input = self.create_physical_plan(plan, batch_size)?;
-                let mut stringified_plans = stringified_plans
-                    .iter()
-                    .filter(|s| s.should_display(*verbose))
-                    .map(|s| s.clone())
-                    .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-                // add in the physical plan if requested
-                if *verbose {
-                    stringified_plans.push(StringifiedPlan::new(
-                        PlanType::PhysicalPlan,
-                        format!("{:#?}", input),
-                    ));
-                }
-                let schema_ref = Arc::new((**schema).clone());
-                Ok(Arc::new(ExplainExec::new(schema_ref, stringified_plans)))
-            }
-            _ => Err(ExecutionError::General(
-                "Unsupported logical plan variant".to_string(),
-            )),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Create a physical expression from a logical expression
-    pub fn create_physical_expr(
-        &self,
-        e: &Expr,
-        input_schema: &Schema,
-    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>> {
-        match e {
-            Expr::Alias(expr, ..) => Ok(self.create_physical_expr(expr, input_schema)?),
-            Expr::Column(name) => {
-                // check that name exists
-                input_schema.field_with_name(&name)?;
-                Ok(Arc::new(Column::new(name)))
-            }
-            Expr::Literal(value) => Ok(Arc::new(Literal::new(value.clone()))),
-            Expr::BinaryExpr { left, op, right } => Ok(Arc::new(BinaryExpr::new(
-                self.create_physical_expr(left, input_schema)?,
-                op.clone(),
-                self.create_physical_expr(right, input_schema)?,
-            ))),
-            Expr::Cast { expr, data_type } => Ok(Arc::new(CastExpr::try_new(
-                self.create_physical_expr(expr, input_schema)?,
-                input_schema,
-                data_type.clone(),
-            )?)),
-            Expr::ScalarFunction {
-                name,
-                args,
-                return_type,
-            } => match &self
-                .state
-                .lock()
-                .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                .scalar_functions
-                .lock()
-                .expect("failed to lock mutex")
-                .get(name)
-            {
-                Some(f) => {
-                    let mut physical_args = vec![];
-                    for e in args {
-                        physical_args.push(self.create_physical_expr(e, input_schema)?);
-                    }
-                    Ok(Arc::new(ScalarFunctionExpr::new(
-                        name,
-                        Box::new(,
-                        physical_args,
-                        return_type,
-                    )))
-                }
-                _ => Err(ExecutionError::General(format!(
-                    "Invalid scalar function '{:?}'",
-                    name
-                ))),
-            },
-            other => Err(ExecutionError::NotImplemented(format!(
-                "Physical plan does not support logical expression {:?}",
-                other
-            ))),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Create an aggregate expression from a logical expression
-    pub fn create_aggregate_expr(
-        &self,
-        e: &Expr,
-        input_schema: &Schema,
-    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn AggregateExpr>> {
-        match e {
-            Expr::AggregateFunction { name, args, .. } => {
-                match name.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
-                    "sum" => Ok(Arc::new(Sum::new(
-                        self.create_physical_expr(&args[0], input_schema)?,
-                    ))),
-                    "avg" => Ok(Arc::new(Avg::new(
-                        self.create_physical_expr(&args[0], input_schema)?,
-                    ))),
-                    "max" => Ok(Arc::new(Max::new(
-                        self.create_physical_expr(&args[0], input_schema)?,
-                    ))),
-                    "min" => Ok(Arc::new(Min::new(
-                        self.create_physical_expr(&args[0], input_schema)?,
-                    ))),
-                    "count" => Ok(Arc::new(Count::new(
-                        self.create_physical_expr(&args[0], input_schema)?,
-                    ))),
-                    other => Err(ExecutionError::NotImplemented(format!(
-                        "Unsupported aggregate function '{}'",
-                        other
-                    ))),
-                }
-            }
-            other => Err(ExecutionError::General(format!(
-                "Invalid aggregate expression '{:?}'",
-                other
-            ))),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Create an aggregate expression from a logical expression
-    pub fn create_physical_sort_expr(
-        &self,
-        e: &Expr,
-        input_schema: &Schema,
-        options: SortOptions,
-    ) -> Result<PhysicalSortExpr> {
-        Ok(PhysicalSortExpr {
-            expr: self.create_physical_expr(e, input_schema)?,
-            options: options,
-        })
+        let planner: Arc<dyn PhysicalPlanner> = match self.config().physical_planner {
+            Some(planner) => planner,
+            None => Arc::new(PhysicalPlannerImpl::default()),

Review comment:
       Maybe as part of a future PR, this could be called `DefaultPhysicalPlanner` to hint more strongly that one can replace it with another. I'll throw up a PR proposing that change

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