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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/03/16 07:03:18 UTC

[Hadoop Wiki] Update of "BucketedTables" by AlexSmith

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The following page has been changed by AlexSmith:

The comment on the change is:
Initial edit.

New page:
This is a brief example on creating a populating bucketed tables.  Bucketed tables are fantastic in that they allow much more efficient sampling than do non-bucketed tables, and they may later allow for time saving operations such as mapside joins.  However, the bucketing specified at table creation is not enforced when the table is written to, and so it is possible for the table's metadata to advertise properties which are not upheld by the tables actual layout.  This should obviously be avoided.  Here's how to do it right.

First there’s table creation:
CREATE TABLE user_info_bucketed(userid BIGINT, firstname STRING, lastname STRING)
COMMENT 'A bucketed copy of user_info'

Then we populate this, making sure to use 256 reducers:
set mapred.reduce.tasks = 256;    
    FROM user_info u
    SELECT CAST(userid AS BIGINT) AS userid_bigint,
    WHERE d.ds='2009-02-25'
    CLUSTER BY userid_bigint
    ) c
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE user_info_bucketed
PARTITION (ds='2009-02-25')

Note that I’m clustering by the integer version of userid.  This might otherwise cluster by userid as a STRING (depending on the type of userid in user_info), which uses a totally different hash.  It's important for the hashing function to be of the correct data type, since otherwise we'll expect userids in bucket 1 to satisfy (big_hash(userid) mod 256 == 0), but instead we'll be getting (string_hash(userid) mod 256 == 0).  It's also good form to have all of your tables use the same type (eg, BIGINT instead of STRING) since that way your sampling from multiple tables will give you the same userids, letting join efficiently sample and join.