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Posted to by Emmanuel Lecharny <> on 2018/03/17 06:53:24 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache MINA 2.0.17 released

The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce MINA 2.0.17 ! This
version is a bug fix release.

Apache MINA is a network application framework which helps users
develop high performance and high scalability network applications
easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over
various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.

The Apache MINA project website includes resources such as
introductory presentation slides, tutorials, and examples to help you
learn MINA as soon as possible.

Here is the list of fixed issues :

Bugs :

    [DIRMINA-844] - Http Proxy Authentication failed to complete (see
description for exact point of failure)
    [DIRMINA-1002] - Mina IoHandlerEvents missing inputClosed enum item.
    [DIRMINA-1051] - The MD5withRSA cipher is not anymore supported by
Java 8, and our tests certificates have been generated with it.
    [DIRMINA-1052] - Fix the mvn-site command
    [DIRMINA-1056] - IllegalArgumentException when setting max and
minReadBufferSize > 65536 (default)
    [DIRMINA-1057] - AbstractIoSession getScheduledWriteMessages always
    [DIRMINA-1059] - NioProcessor's selector is synchronized but
accessed outside
    [DIRMINA-1060] - Handle the spinning selectors in Socket/Datagram
Acceptor and Connector
    [DIRMINA-1072] - SslFilter does not account for SSLEngine runtime
    [DIRMINA-1073] - NioSocketSession#isSecured does not comply with
interface contract
    [DIRMINA-1076] - Leaking NioProcessors/NioSocketConnectors hanging
in call to dispose
    [DIRMINA-1077] - Threads hanging in dispose() on SSLHandshakeException

Improvement :

    [DIRMINA-1061] - When AbstractPollingIoProcessor read nothing, free
the temporary buffer should be better

Task :

    [DIRMINA-1058] - Add the missing Javadoc

We recommend all users to upgrade to this release. We consider this a
stable and production ready release. The Apache MINA PMC Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny