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[2/3] git commit: updated refs/heads/4.5 to a52fd08
diff --git a/setup/db/db/schema-441to450.sql b/setup/db/db/schema-441to450.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 3739264..0000000
--- a/setup/db/db/schema-441to450.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
--- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
--- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
--- distributed with this work for additional information
--- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
--- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
--- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
--- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
--- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
--- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
--- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
--- specific language governing permissions and limitations
--- under the License.
--- Schema upgrade from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0
--- Disable foreign key checking
--- SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`storage_tag_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`storage_tag_view` AS
-    select
-        storage_pool_details.pool_id,
-    from
-        `cloud`.`storage_pool_details`
-    where
-        value='true';
-ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`volumes` ADD COLUMN `provisioning_type` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'thin' COMMENT 'pre allocation setting of the volume';
-ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`disk_offering` ADD COLUMN `provisioning_type` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'thin' COMMENT 'pre allocation setting of the volume';
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`disk_offering_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`disk_offering_view` AS
-    select
-        disk_offering.uuid,
-        disk_offering.display_text,
-        disk_offering.provisioning_type,
-        disk_offering.disk_size,
-        disk_offering.min_iops,
-        disk_offering.max_iops,
-        disk_offering.created,
-        disk_offering.tags,
-        disk_offering.customized,
-        disk_offering.customized_iops,
-        disk_offering.removed,
-        disk_offering.use_local_storage,
-        disk_offering.system_use,
-        disk_offering.hv_ss_reserve,
-        disk_offering.bytes_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.bytes_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.cache_mode,
-        disk_offering.sort_key,
-        disk_offering.type,
-        disk_offering.display_offering,
- domain_id,
-        domain.uuid domain_uuid,
- domain_name,
-        domain.path domain_path
-    from
-        `cloud`.`disk_offering`
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`domain` ON disk_offering.domain_id =
-    where
-        disk_offering.state='ACTIVE';
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cloud`.`external_nuage_vsp_devices`;
-CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`external_nuage_vsp_devices` (
-  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
-  `uuid` varchar(255) UNIQUE,
-  `physical_network_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the physical network in to which nuage vsp is added',
-  `provider_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the service provider name corresponding to this nuage vsp device',
-  `device_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the name of the nuage vsp device',
-  `host_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'host id corresponding to the external nuage vsp device',
-  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
-  CONSTRAINT `fk_external_nuage_vsp_devices__host_id` FOREIGN KEY (`host_id`) REFERENCES `host`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-  CONSTRAINT `fk_external_nuage_vsp_devices__physical_network_id` FOREIGN KEY (`physical_network_id`) REFERENCES `physical_network`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`service_offering_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`service_offering_view` AS
-    select
-        disk_offering.uuid,
-        disk_offering.display_text,
-        disk_offering.provisioning_type,
-        disk_offering.created,
-        disk_offering.tags,
-        disk_offering.removed,
-        disk_offering.use_local_storage,
-        disk_offering.system_use,
-        disk_offering.customized_iops,
-        disk_offering.min_iops,
-        disk_offering.max_iops,
-        disk_offering.hv_ss_reserve,
-        disk_offering.bytes_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.bytes_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.cache_mode,
-        service_offering.cpu,
-        service_offering.speed,
-        service_offering.ram_size,
-        service_offering.nw_rate,
-        service_offering.mc_rate,
-        service_offering.ha_enabled,
-        service_offering.limit_cpu_use,
-        service_offering.host_tag,
-        service_offering.default_use,
-        service_offering.vm_type,
-        service_offering.sort_key,
-        service_offering.is_volatile,
-        service_offering.deployment_planner,
- domain_id,
-        domain.uuid domain_uuid,
- domain_name,
-        domain.path domain_path
-    from
-        `cloud`.`service_offering`
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`disk_offering` ON =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`domain` ON disk_offering.domain_id =
-    where
-        disk_offering.state='Active';
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`volume_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`volume_view` AS
-    select
-        volumes.uuid,
-        volumes.device_id,
-        volumes.volume_type,
-        volumes.provisioning_type,
-        volumes.size,
-        volumes.min_iops,
-        volumes.max_iops,
-        volumes.created,
-        volumes.state,
-        volumes.attached,
-        volumes.removed,
-        volumes.pod_id,
-        volumes.display_volume,
-        volumes.format,
-        volumes.path,
-        volumes.chain_info,
- account_id,
-        account.uuid account_uuid,
-        account.account_name account_name,
-        account.type account_type,
- domain_id,
-        domain.uuid domain_uuid,
- domain_name,
-        domain.path domain_path,
- project_id,
-        projects.uuid project_uuid,
- project_name,
- data_center_id,
-        data_center.uuid data_center_uuid,
- data_center_name,
-        data_center.networktype data_center_type,
- vm_id,
-        vm_instance.uuid vm_uuid,
- vm_name,
-        vm_instance.state vm_state,
-        vm_instance.vm_type,
-        user_vm.display_name vm_display_name,
-        volume_store_ref.size volume_store_size,
-        volume_store_ref.download_pct,
-        volume_store_ref.download_state,
-        volume_store_ref.error_str,
-        volume_store_ref.created created_on_store,
- disk_offering_id,
-        disk_offering.uuid disk_offering_uuid,
- disk_offering_name,
-        disk_offering.display_text disk_offering_display_text,
-        disk_offering.use_local_storage,
-        disk_offering.system_use,
-        disk_offering.bytes_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.bytes_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_read_rate,
-        disk_offering.iops_write_rate,
-        disk_offering.cache_mode,
- pool_id,
-        storage_pool.uuid pool_uuid,
- pool_name,
-        cluster.hypervisor_type,
- template_id,
-        vm_template.uuid template_uuid,
-        vm_template.extractable,
-        vm_template.type template_type,
- template_name,
-        vm_template.display_text template_display_text,
- iso_id,
-        iso.uuid iso_uuid,
- iso_name,
-        iso.display_text iso_display_text,
- tag_id,
-        resource_tags.uuid tag_uuid,
-        resource_tags.key tag_key,
-        resource_tags.value tag_value,
-        resource_tags.domain_id tag_domain_id,
-        resource_tags.account_id tag_account_id,
-        resource_tags.resource_id tag_resource_id,
-        resource_tags.resource_uuid tag_resource_uuid,
-        resource_tags.resource_type tag_resource_type,
-        resource_tags.customer tag_customer,
- job_id,
-        async_job.uuid job_uuid,
-        async_job.job_status job_status,
-        async_job.account_id job_account_id
-    from
-        `cloud`.`volumes`
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`account` ON volumes.account_id =
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`domain` ON volumes.domain_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`projects` ON projects.project_account_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`data_center` ON volumes.data_center_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_instance` ON volumes.instance_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`user_vm` ON =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`volume_store_ref` ON = volume_store_ref.volume_id
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`disk_offering` ON volumes.disk_offering_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`storage_pool` ON volumes.pool_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`cluster` ON storage_pool.cluster_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_template` ON volumes.template_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_template` iso ON = volumes.iso_id
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`resource_tags` ON resource_tags.resource_id =
-            and resource_tags.resource_type = 'Volume'
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`async_job` ON async_job.instance_id =
-            and async_job.instance_type = 'Volume'
-            and async_job.job_status = 0;
-CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`external_brocade_vcs_devices` (
-  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
-  `uuid` varchar(255) UNIQUE,
-  `physical_network_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the physical network in to which brocade vcs switch is added',
-  `provider_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Service Provider name corresponding to this brocade vcs switch',
-  `device_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'name of the brocade vcs switch',
-  `host_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'host id coresponding to the external brocade vcs switch',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
-  CONSTRAINT `fk_external_brocade_vcs_devices__host_id` FOREIGN KEY (`host_id`) REFERENCES `host`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
-  CONSTRAINT `fk_external_brocade_vcs_devices__physical_network_id` FOREIGN KEY (`physical_network_id`) REFERENCES `physical_network`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
-CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`brocade_network_vlan_map` (
-  `id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id',
-  `network_id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of the network',
-  `vlan_id` int(10) COMMENT 'vlan id of the network',
-  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
-   CONSTRAINT `fk_brocade_network_vlan_map__network_id` FOREIGN KEY (`network_id`) REFERENCES `networks`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
-/* As part of the separation of Xen and XenServer, update the column for the network labels */
-ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`physical_network_traffic_types` CHANGE `xen_network_label` `xenserver_network_label` varchar(255) COMMENT 'The network name label of the physical device dedicated to this traffic on a XenServer host';
-ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`volumes` CHANGE COLUMN `iso_id` `iso_id` bigint(20) unsigned COMMENT 'The id of the iso from which the volume was created';
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`storage_pool_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`storage_pool_view` AS
-    select
-        storage_pool.uuid,
-        storage_pool.status,
-        storage_pool.path,
-        storage_pool.pool_type,
-        storage_pool.host_address,
-        storage_pool.created,
-        storage_pool.removed,
-        storage_pool.capacity_bytes,
-        storage_pool.capacity_iops,
-        storage_pool.scope,
-        storage_pool.hypervisor,
-        storage_pool.storage_provider_name,
- cluster_id,
-        cluster.uuid cluster_uuid,
- cluster_name,
-        cluster.cluster_type,
- data_center_id,
-        data_center.uuid data_center_uuid,
- data_center_name,
-        data_center.networktype data_center_type,
- pod_id,
-        host_pod_ref.uuid pod_uuid,
- pod_name,
- tag,
-        op_host_capacity.used_capacity disk_used_capacity,
-        op_host_capacity.reserved_capacity disk_reserved_capacity,
- job_id,
-        async_job.uuid job_uuid,
-        async_job.job_status job_status,
-        async_job.account_id job_account_id
-    from
-        `cloud`.`storage_pool`
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`cluster` ON storage_pool.cluster_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`data_center` ON storage_pool.data_center_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`host_pod_ref` ON storage_pool.pod_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`storage_pool_details` ON storage_pool_details.pool_id =
-            and storage_pool_details.value = 'true'
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`op_host_capacity` ON = op_host_capacity.host_id
-            and op_host_capacity.capacity_type in (3,9)
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`async_job` ON async_job.instance_id =
-            and async_job.instance_type = 'StoragePool'
-            and async_job.job_status = 0;
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`template_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`template_view` AS
-    select
-        vm_template.uuid,
-        vm_template.unique_name,
-        vm_template.public,
-        vm_template.featured,
-        vm_template.type,
-        vm_template.hvm,
-        vm_template.bits,
-        vm_template.url,
-        vm_template.format,
-        vm_template.created,
-        vm_template.checksum,
-        vm_template.display_text,
-        vm_template.enable_password,
-        vm_template.dynamically_scalable,
-        vm_template.state template_state,
-        vm_template.guest_os_id,
-        guest_os.uuid guest_os_uuid,
-        guest_os.display_name guest_os_name,
-        vm_template.bootable,
-        vm_template.prepopulate,
-        vm_template.cross_zones,
-        vm_template.hypervisor_type,
-        vm_template.extractable,
-        vm_template.template_tag,
-        vm_template.sort_key,
-        vm_template.removed,
-        vm_template.enable_sshkey,
- source_template_id,
-        source_template.uuid source_template_uuid,
- account_id,
-        account.uuid account_uuid,
-        account.account_name account_name,
-        account.type account_type,
- domain_id,
-        domain.uuid domain_uuid,
- domain_name,
-        domain.path domain_path,
- project_id,
-        projects.uuid project_uuid,
- project_name,
- data_center_id,
-        data_center.uuid data_center_uuid,
- data_center_name,
-        launch_permission.account_id lp_account_id,
-        template_store_ref.store_id,
-        image_store.scope as store_scope,
-        template_store_ref.state,
-        template_store_ref.download_state,
-        template_store_ref.download_pct,
-        template_store_ref.error_str,
-        template_store_ref.size,
-        template_store_ref.destroyed,
-        template_store_ref.created created_on_store,
- detail_name,
-        vm_template_details.value detail_value,
- tag_id,
-        resource_tags.uuid tag_uuid,
-        resource_tags.key tag_key,
-        resource_tags.value tag_value,
-        resource_tags.domain_id tag_domain_id,
-        resource_tags.account_id tag_account_id,
-        resource_tags.resource_id tag_resource_id,
-        resource_tags.resource_uuid tag_resource_uuid,
-        resource_tags.resource_type tag_resource_type,
-        resource_tags.customer tag_customer,
-        CONCAT(, '_', IFNULL(, 0)) as temp_zone_pair
-    from
-        `cloud`.`vm_template`
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`guest_os` ON = vm_template.guest_os_id
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`account` ON = vm_template.account_id
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`domain` ON = account.domain_id
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`projects` ON projects.project_account_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_template_details` ON vm_template_details.template_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_template` source_template ON = vm_template.source_template_id
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`template_store_ref` ON template_store_ref.template_id = and template_store_ref.store_role = 'Image' and template_store_ref.destroyed=0
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`image_store` ON image_store.removed is NULL AND template_store_ref.store_id is not NULL AND = template_store_ref.store_id
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`template_zone_ref` ON template_zone_ref.template_id = AND template_store_ref.store_id is NULL AND template_zone_ref.removed is null
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`data_center` ON (image_store.data_center_id = OR template_zone_ref.zone_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`launch_permission` ON launch_permission.template_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`resource_tags` ON resource_tags.resource_id =
-            and (resource_tags.resource_type = 'Template' or resource_tags.resource_type='ISO');
-UPDATE configuration SET value='KVM,XenServer,VMware,BareMetal,Ovm,LXC,Hyperv' WHERE name='hypervisor.list';
-UPDATE `cloud`.`configuration` SET description="If set to true, will set guest VM's name as it appears on the hypervisor, to its hostname. The flag is supported for VMware hypervisor only" WHERE name='vm.instancename.flag';
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`configuration`(category, instance, component, name, value, description, default_value) VALUES ('Advanced', 'DEFAULT', 'management-server', '', 'GPU', 'Tag hosts at the time of host disovery based on the host properties/capabilities ', 'GPU');
-DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `cloud`.`domain_router_view`;
-CREATE VIEW `cloud`.`domain_router_view` AS
-    select
- id,
- name,
- account_id,
-        account.uuid account_uuid,
-        account.account_name account_name,
-        account.type account_type,
- domain_id,
-        domain.uuid domain_uuid,
- domain_name,
-        domain.path domain_path,
- project_id,
-        projects.uuid project_uuid,
- project_name,
-        vm_instance.uuid uuid,
-        vm_instance.created created,
-        vm_instance.state state,
-        vm_instance.removed removed,
-        vm_instance.pod_id pod_id,
-        vm_instance.instance_name instance_name,
-        host_pod_ref.uuid pod_uuid,
- data_center_id,
-        data_center.uuid data_center_uuid,
- data_center_name,
-        data_center.networktype data_center_type,
-        data_center.dns1 dns1,
-        data_center.dns2 dns2,
-        data_center.ip6_dns1 ip6_dns1,
-        data_center.ip6_dns2 ip6_dns2,
- host_id,
-        host.uuid host_uuid,
- host_name,
-	host.hypervisor_type,
-        host.cluster_id cluster_id,
- template_id,
-        vm_template.uuid template_uuid,
- service_offering_id,
-        disk_offering.uuid service_offering_uuid,
- service_offering_name,
- nic_id,
-        nics.uuid nic_uuid,
-        nics.network_id network_id,
-        nics.ip4_address ip_address,
-        nics.ip6_address ip6_address,
-        nics.ip6_gateway ip6_gateway,
-        nics.ip6_cidr ip6_cidr,
-        nics.default_nic is_default_nic,
-        nics.gateway gateway,
-        nics.netmask netmask,
-        nics.mac_address mac_address,
-        nics.broadcast_uri broadcast_uri,
-        nics.isolation_uri isolation_uri,
- vpc_id,
-        vpc.uuid vpc_uuid,
-        networks.uuid network_uuid,
- network_name,
-        networks.network_domain network_domain,
-        networks.traffic_type traffic_type,
-        networks.guest_type guest_type,
- job_id,
-        async_job.uuid job_uuid,
-        async_job.job_status job_status,
-        async_job.account_id job_account_id,
-        domain_router.template_version template_version,
-        domain_router.scripts_version scripts_version,
-        domain_router.is_redundant_router is_redundant_router,
-        domain_router.redundant_state redundant_state,
-        domain_router.stop_pending stop_pending,
-        domain_router.role role
-    from
-        `cloud`.`domain_router`
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`vm_instance` ON =
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`account` ON vm_instance.account_id =
-            inner join
-        `cloud`.`domain` ON vm_instance.domain_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`host_pod_ref` ON vm_instance.pod_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`projects` ON projects.project_account_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`data_center` ON vm_instance.data_center_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`host` ON vm_instance.host_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vm_template` ON vm_instance.vm_template_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`service_offering` ON vm_instance.service_offering_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`disk_offering` ON vm_instance.service_offering_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`nics` ON = nics.instance_id and nics.removed is null
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`networks` ON nics.network_id =
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`vpc` ON domain_router.vpc_id = and vpc.removed is null
-            left join
-        `cloud`.`async_job` ON async_job.instance_id =
-            and async_job.instance_type = 'DomainRouter'
-            and async_job.job_status = 0;
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (231, UUID(), 1, 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (232, UUID(), 1, 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (233, UUID(), 3, 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (234, UUID(), 3, 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (235, UUID(), 3, 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (236, UUID(), 3, 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (237, UUID(), 4, 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (238, UUID(), 4, 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (239, UUID(), 4, 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (240, UUID(), 4, 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (241, UUID(), 10, 'Ubuntu 14.04', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (244, UUID(), 5, 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (245, UUID(), 4, 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (246, UUID(), 1, 'CentOS 7', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (247, UUID(), 3, 'Oracle Linux 7', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (248, UUID(), 1, 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os` (id, uuid, category_id, display_name, created) VALUES (249, UUID(), 1, 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', utc_timestamp());
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 4.5 (32-bit)', 1, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 4.6 (32-bit)', 2, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 4.7 (32-bit)', 3, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 4.8 (32-bit)', 4, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 5, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 6, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 7, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 8, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 9, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 10, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 11, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 12, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 13, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 14, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 111, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 112, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 141, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 142, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 161, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 162, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 173, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 174, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 175, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 176, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 231, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 232, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (32-bit)', 139, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 5 (64-bit)', 140, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 143, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 144, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 177, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 178, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 179, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 180, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 171, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 172, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 181, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 182, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 227, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 228, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (32-bit)', 248, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 249, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'CentOS 7', 246, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Debian Squeeze 6.0 (32-bit)', 132, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Debian Squeeze 6.0 (64-bit)', 133, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Debian Wheezy 7.0 (32-bit)', 183, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Debian Wheezy 7.0 (64-bit)', 184, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 16, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 17, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 18, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 19, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 20, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 21, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 22, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 23, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 24, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 25, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 134, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 135, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 145, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 146, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 207, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 208, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 209, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 210, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 211, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 212, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 233, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 234, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 147, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 148, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 213, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 214, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 215, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 216, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 217, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 218, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 219, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 220, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 235, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 236, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Oracle Linux 7', 247, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5 (32-bit)', 26, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6 (32-bit)', 27, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.7 (32-bit)', 28, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8 (32-bit)', 29, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 30, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 31, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 32, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 33, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 34, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 35, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 36, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 37, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 38, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 39, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 113, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 114, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 149, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 150, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 189, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 190, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 191, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 192, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 193, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 194, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)', 237, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)', 238, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 136, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 137, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 195, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 196, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 197, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 198, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 199, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 204, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 205, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 206, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)', 239, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)', 240, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7', 245, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (32-bit)', 41, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (64-bit)', 42, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (32-bit)', 43, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 (64-bit)', 44, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 (32-bit)', 151, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 (64-bit)', 45, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 (32-bit)', 153, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4 (64-bit)', 152, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (32-bit)', 46, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (64-bit)', 47, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (32-bit)', 155, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (64-bit)', 154, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (32-bit)', 186, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (64-bit)', 185, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 (32-bit)', 188, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 (32-bit)', 187, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64-bit)', 244, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows 7 (32-bit)', 48, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows 7 (64-bit)', 49, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows 8 (32-bit)', 165, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows 8 (64-bit)', 166, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)', 50, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)', 51, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)', 87, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)', 88, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)', 89, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)', 90, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)', 52, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)', 53, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)', 54, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)', 167, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)', 168, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)', 58, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 (32-bit)', 121, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 (64-bit)', 126, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 (32-bit) (experimental)', 156, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 (64-bit) (experimental)', 157, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04 (32-bit)', 163, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Precise Pangolin 12.04 (64-bit)', 164, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04', 241, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 169, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 170, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 98, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 99, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 60, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 103, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 200, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 201, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 59, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 100, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 202, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`guest_os_hypervisor` (uuid,hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, guest_os_name, guest_os_id, created, is_user_defined) VALUES (UUID(),'Xenserver', '6.5.0', 'Other install media', 203, utc_timestamp(), 0);
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `cloud`.`hypervisor_capabilities`(uuid, hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, max_guests_limit, security_group_enabled, max_data_volumes_limit, storage_motion_supported) VALUES (UUID(), 'XenServer', '6.5.0', 500, 1, 13, 1);
---Remove duplicates from guest_os_hypervisor table
-DELETE t1 FROM guest_os_hypervisor t1, guest_os_hypervisor t2 WHERE (t1.hypervisor_type = t2.hypervisor_type AND t1.hypervisor_version = t2.hypervisor_version AND t1.guest_os_id = t2.guest_os_id AND > AND t1.is_user_defined=0);
--- Set as removed built-in CentOS 5.3 template (if any) for XenServer, since CentOS 5.6 template already exists
-UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_template` SET removed=NOW() WHERE unique_name="centos53-x86_64" AND hypervisor_type="XenServer";
-ALTER TABLE `cloud_usage`.`usage_vpn_user` CHANGE `user_name` `user_name` VARCHAR(255);
---Increase key value size generated from RSA-8192 to be stored.
-ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`user_vm_details` MODIFY `value` VARCHAR(5120);
-UPDATE `cloud`.`host` SET resource = REPLACE(resource, '', '') WHERE hypervisor_type='XenServer' AND REMOVED IS NULL;
diff --git a/setup/db/db/schema-442to450-cleanup.sql b/setup/db/db/schema-442to450-cleanup.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33ad921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/db/db/schema-442to450-cleanup.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+-- or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+-- distributed with this work for additional information
+-- regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+-- with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+-- KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-- under the License.
+-- Schema cleanup from 4.4.2 to 4.5.0
+UPDATE `cloud`.`configuration`
+SET name = 'router.template.xenserver'
+Where name = 'router.template.xen';
+UPDATE `cloud`.`configuration`
+SET name = 'xenserver.nics.max',
+description = 'Maximum allowed nics for Vms created on XenServer'
+Where name = 'xen.nics.max';
+UPDATE `cloud`.`configuration`
+SET value = 'XenServer'
+Where value = 'Xen';
\ No newline at end of file