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Posted to by Brian Burch <> on 2014/04/26 12:53:23 UTC

Intermittent failures in ReferenceManagerTest

I was delighted when Juan Pablo committed my fix for JSPWIKI-814 to 
VersioningFileProvider, TestEngine and VersioningFileProviderTest.

I have been running a personally-customised fork of an old trunk 
revision in production for a couple of months, and so I am looking 
forward to implementing 2.10.1 as soon as it is released.

I updated my development system as soon as the fix was committed to the 
trunk. I ran a clean/install on two machines, from a command prompt and 
also under netbeans.

The test goals intermittently ended with failures in a few test cases of 
ReferenceManagerTest. Netbeans was always OK, but I don't think that 
information is very relevant.

The failures, as far as I remember, were because references were not 
exactly as expected by the test cases. I can't produce a failure on 
demand, so at this time neither machine has a log file that documents of 
the errors!

I took a quick look at the setup and teardown methods because we had 
similar problems when I first started adding new test cases to 
VersioningFileProviderTest. There are some subtle differences and I 
suspect these are the root cause of the problems.

I will keep up to date with changes on the trunk, and watch out for more 
of these failures. There is no need to panic because I am confident 
ReferenceManager itself is OK - we just have an inter-test cleanup issue 
to be resolved.

I'll create a JIRA if I see any more failures and try to develop a fix.

