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[26/34] tomee-site-generator git commit: Merge old content. Move tech content to main build.
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+Title: Tomcat EJB
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with EJB added and integrated and ready to go!
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+Title: Tomcat Installation
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-Overview"></a>
+# Overview
+Tomcat installation is very simple, and can be describes as "Unpack and
+Run".  These instructions were written using Tomcat 6.0.14 but any recent
+6.x version should work.  If you are comfortable with the CLI, these the
+following quick instructions will get you going ASAP; otherwise skip to the [OPENEJB:Download Tomcat](#download.html)
+ section.
+1. Download Tomcat zip or tar.gz
+1. Unpack archive
+1. Platform specific setup
+** \[OPENEJB:Unix\](openejb:unix\.html)
+ If zip was unpacked, *chmod u+x bin/*.sh*
+** \[OPENEJB:Windows\](openejb:windows\.html)
+ *set JAVA_HOME =C:\your\java\installation* 
+1. Run bin/ or bin/startup.bat
+1. Visit http://localhost:8080/
+1. Run bin/ or bin/shutdown.bat
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-{anchor:download}DownloadTomcat"></a>
+# {anchor:download} Download Tomcat
+Download Tomcat 6 zip file from [here](
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-UnpackTomcat"></a>
+# Unpack Tomcat
+Unpack the Tomcat zip file  which will create a new directory containing
+the complete Tomcat installation.
+{deck:id=unpack tomcat}
+C:\>jar -xvf
+  created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/
+  created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin/
+  created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/
+C:\>dir apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+ Volume in drive C has no label.
+ Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000
+ Directory of C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       .
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       ..
+09/20/2007  09:15 PM	<DIR>	       bin
+09/20/2007  09:15 PM	<DIR>	       conf
+09/20/2007  09:15 PM	<DIR>	       lib
+07/20/2007  04:20 AM		11,560 LICENSE
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       logs
+07/20/2007  04:20 AM		   556 NOTICE
+07/20/2007  04:20 AM		 6,656 RELEASE-NOTES
+07/20/2007  04:20 AM		 5,829 RUNNING.txt
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       temp
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       webapps
+09/20/2007  09:14 PM	<DIR>	       work
+	       4 File(s)	 24,601 bytes
+	       9 Dir(s)   5,085,085,696 bytes free
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ jar -xvf 
+      created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/
+      created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin/
+      created: apache-tomcat-6.0.14/conf/
+    ...snip...
+    $ ls apache-tomcat-6.0.14/  
+    LICENSE        RELEASE-NOTES  bin/	     lib/	    temp/	  
+    NOTICE	       RUNNING.txt    conf/	     logs/	    webapps/
+# \[OPENEJB:Windows\](openejb:windows\.html)
+ Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
+For Windows users, the Tomcat shell scripts must know the location of the
+Java installation, and this is done with environment variables.  The
+following command will set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:
+{deck:id=unpack tomcat}
+C:\>set JAVA_HOME =C:\your\java\installation
+    {deck}
+# \[OPENEJB:Unix\]
+ Make shell scripts executable
+    For Unix users, the shell scripts in the Tomcat installation are not
+executable by default, so in order to execute them, you must set mark them
+as executable.	If you unpacked the Tomcat tar.gz file, the scripts are
+already executable.  The following command will make all shell scripts
+    {deck:id=unpack tomcat}
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14$ chmod u+x bin/*.sh
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-StartTomcat"></a>
+# Start Tomcat
+Execute the following command to start the Tomcat server:
+{deck:id=Start Tomcat}
+C:\>cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14\bin
+Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\temp
+Using JRE_HOME:        C:\your\java\installation
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    $ cd apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ ./ 
+    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/temp
+    Using JRE_HOME:        /your/java/installation
+*NOTE:* Your output will be different from the example above due to
+differences in installation location.
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-VerifyTomcatisRunning"></a>
+# Verify Tomcat is Running
+Visit [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/)
+ and you should see the Tomcat welcome page.
+<a name="TomcatInstallation-StopTomcat"></a>
+# Stop Tomcat
+Shutdown Tomcat by executing the following command:
+{deck:id=Start Tomcat}
+Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\temp
+Using JRE_HOME:        C:\your\java\installation
+    {card:label=Unix}{noformat:nopanel=true}
+    apache-tomcat-6.0.14/bin$ ./ 
+    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14
+    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your/tomcat/installation/apache-tomcat-6.0.14/temp
+    Using JRE_HOME:        /your/java/installation
+*NOTE:* Your output will be different from the example above due to
+differences in installation locations.
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+Title: Tomcat Java EE
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.
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+Title: Tomcat JavaEE
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.
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+Title: Tomcat JAX-RS
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with JAX-RS added and integrated and ready to go!
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+Title: Tomcat JAX-WS
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with JAX-WS added and integrated and ready to go!
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+Title: Tomcat JMS
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with JMS added and integrated and ready to go!
+In a plain Servlet, Filter or Listener you can do fun things like injection of JMS Topics or Queues:
+    import javax.annotation.Resource;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+    import javax.jms.Topic;
+    import javax.jms.Queue;
+    import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
+    public class MyServet extends HttpServlet {
+        @Resource(name = "foo")
+        private Topic fooTopic;
+        @Resource(name = "bar")
+        private Queue barQueue;
+        @Resource
+        private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
+        @Override
+        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
+            //...
+            Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
+            connection.start();
+            // Create a Session
+            Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
+            // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
+            MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(fooTopic);
+            producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT);
+            // Create a message
+            TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello World!");
+            // Tell the producer to send the message
+            producer.send(message);
+            //...
+        }
+    }
+No need to add even a single library!  In the above scenario even the "foo" Topic and the "bar" Queue would be automatically created with no configuration necessary.
+[Download](downloads.html) TomEE and you're minutes away from a functioning JMS application on Tomcat.
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+Title: Tomcat JPA
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with JPA added and integrated and ready to go!
+In a plain Servlet, Filter or Listener you can do fun things like injection of JPA EntityManager or EntityManagerFactory:
+    import javax.annotation.Resource;
+    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
+    import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
+    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
+    import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
+    public class MyServet extends HttpServlet {
+        @Resource
+        private UserTransaction userTransaction;
+        @PersistenceContext
+        private EntityManager entityManager;
+        @Override
+        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
+            //...
+            userTransaction.begin();
+            try {
+                entityManager.persist(new Movie("Quentin Tarantino", "Reservoir Dogs", 1992));
+                entityManager.persist(new Movie("Joel Coen", "Fargo", 1996));
+                entityManager.persist(new Movie("Joel Coen", "The Big Lebowski", 1998));
+            } finally {
+                userTransaction.commit();
+            }
+            //...
+        }
+    }
+No need to add even a single library!  To make the above work all you need is a `WEB-INF/persistence.xml` file in your webapp like the following:
+    <persistence xmlns="" version="1.0">
+      <persistence-unit name="movie-unit">
+        <jta-data-source>movieDatabase</jta-data-source>
+        <non-jta-data-source>movieDatabaseUnmanaged</non-jta-data-source>
+        <properties>
+          <property name="openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" value="buildSchema(ForeignKeys=true)"/>
+        </properties>
+      </persistence-unit>
+    </persistence>
+DataSources will automatically be created if they haven't be configured explicitly.
+[Download](downloads.html) TomEE and you're minutes away from a functioning JPA application on Tomcat.
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+Title: Tomcat CDI
+Tomcat + Java EE = TomEE, the Java Enterprise Edition of Tomcat.  With TomEE you get Tomcat with JSF added and integrated and ready to go!
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+Title: Tomcat Object Factory
+*The TomcatEjbFactory as discussed in the [OnJava article "OpenEJB: EJB for Tomcat"](
+ is no longer required.*
+As of OpenEJB 3.0 references from Servlets to EJBs happen automatically
+with usage of the [@EJB annotation](openejbx30:injection-of-other-ejbs-example.html)
+ in the Servlet, Filter or Listener or with the <ejb-ref> or
+<ejb-local-ref> declared in the web.xml.
+See the [Tomcat Integration](openejbx30:tomcat.html)
+ page for the most up-to-date details on using OpenEJB inside Tomcat.
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+Title: Tomcat
+<a name="Tomcat-Introduction"></a>
+# Introduction
+The OpenEJB plugin for Tomcat makes all of the OpenEJB features available
+to Servlets, including:
+ * @Annotations
+   ** @Resource
+   ** @PersistenceUnit
+   ** @PersistenceContext
+   ** @EJB
+ * JPA - Java Persistence Architecture
+ * JMS - Java Messaging Service
+ * JTA - Transaction Processing
+   ** TransactionManager
+   ** Container Managed Transactions
+   ** XA Support
+ * JavaMail
+In addition, WAR files can contain EJB modules and JPA persistence units
+eliminating the annoying construction of .ear files.  Adding EJBs and JPA
+Persistence beans to your application is as simple as adding the
+@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven or @Entity to a class.  The packaging
+is refered to as [OPENEJB:Collapsed EAR](openejb:collapsed-ear.html)
+ style as the war file, ejb jar, and persistence unit files are merged into
+one archive and share the same classloader.
+ * OpenEJB 3.x
+ * Tomcat 6.x or 5.5
+ * Java 1.5 or 1.6
+<a name="Tomcat-{anchor:quickinstructions}InstallationfortheImpatient"></a>
+# Installation for the Impatient
+Assuming you have a [normal working Tomcat 6.x or 5.5 installation](tomcat-installation.html)
+1. Download [openejb.war](openejb:download.html)
+1. Copy openejb.war to $\{catalina.base\}/webapps/openejb.war (Note: the
+file *must* be named openejb.war)
+1. Start Tomcat if it is not already running
+1. (optional) Visit [http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer](http://localhost:8080/openejb/installer)
+ and click the 'install' button
+<a name="Tomcat-Examples,TutorialsandTests"></a>
+# Examples, Tutorials and Tests
+<a name="Tomcat-ejb-examples.war"></a>
+## ejb-examples.war
+See the webapps/ejb-examples/ directory in the [openejb-examples zip](openejb:download.html)
+<a name="Tomcat-{anchor:problems}Problems?"></a>
+<a name="Tomcat-HTTPStatus403"></a>
+## HTTP Status 403 
+Did you get a "HTTP Status 403" error page containing the description
+"Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden." when visiting [http://localhost:8080/openejb](http://localhost:8080/openejb)
+The openejb.war is protected by a Tomcat valve that restricts access to the
+application to the computer on which Tomcat is running.  If your browser is
+running on the same computer as Tomcat, try accessing OpenEJB using this
+link instead [](
+If you want to access the openejb.war from another computer, you will need
+to either remove the valve, or modify the IP list in the valve declaration.
+The easiest way to remove the valve it to simply delete the
+webapps/openejb/META-INF/context.xml file and the webapps/openejb.war file
+*while Tomcat is stopped*.  Warning that Tomcat keeps a copy of all
+context.xml files under conf/Catalina/localhost/<appname>.xml, so you may
+need to delete the conf/Catalina/localhost/openejb.xml file as well.  The
+openejb.war file must be removed because some versions of Tomcat will use
+the context.xml file packed in the openejb.war file regardless of what is
+in the unpacked directory.
+<a name="Tomcat-DuplicateDeploymentIdException:"></a>
+## DuplicateDeploymentIdException:
+If you try to deploy the same ejb in two different web applications, then
+you will get the following exception (in conf/openejb.log):
+    org.apache.openejb.DuplicateDeploymentIdException: Application cannot be
+deployed as it contains deployment-ids which are in use: 
+To fix the issue, do the following:
+1. Create a file named under the conf directory
+1. Add the following to the file and save
+    openejb.deploymentId.format={moduleId}/{ejbName}
+<a name="Tomcat-java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:PermGenspace"></a>
+## java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 
+By default, the JVM starts with a small PermGen. Tomcat does not increase
+this limit, so you may encounter this exception by the time Tomcat deploys
+and executes your application. If you get this exception, you should
+consider increasing the PermGen allocation for the Tomcat JVM. You can
+achieve this by adding "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m" to the CATALINA_OPTS
+environment variable before starting Tomcat.
+<a name="Tomcat-OtherIssues"></a>
+## Other Issues
+If you are having problems with the installation, please send a message to
+the OpenEJB users [mailing list](openejb:mailing-lists.html)
+ containing any error message(s) and the following information:
+* OpenEJB Version
+* Tomcat Version
+* Java Version (execute java -version)
+* Operating System Type and Version
+<a name="Tomcat-Limitations"></a>
+# Limitations
+ *JavaAgent* - OpenEJB uses OpenJPA to provide JPA and CMP persistence, and
+OpenJPA currently requires a JavaAgent to function properly.  This
+requirement is something that the OpenJPA project is working on removing. 
+Once removed, the OpenEJB plugin for Tomcat will no longer need to modify
+the startup shell scripts and you will not need to restart Tomcat after the
+OpenEJB installation.
+<a name="Tomcat-Misc"></a>
+# Misc
+This document is a starting point for using OpenEJB in Tomcat and will
+evolve based on user contributions. If you wish to contribute to this
+document, feel very welcome to click the 'Edit' link in the lower right and
+make changes and add new HOWTO's and other docs.  
+<a name="Tomcat-JSFInjectionSupport"></a>
+# JSF Injection Support
+Now you can inject EJB's into JSF managed beans. Currently we have tested
+with JSF 1.2 RI (Mojarra) and MyFaces v1.2.3 . We would definitely
+appreciate any feedback on other JSF implementations.
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+Title: Downloads
+* Release Date: October 6th, 2011
+# <small>Java EE6 Certified</small>
+## Apache TomEE Web Profile
+ * [apache-tomee-1.0.0-beta-1-webprofile.tar.gz]( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * []( ([asc]( [md5](
+# <small>NOT Java EE6 Certified</small>
+## Apache TomEE Plus
+ * [apache-tomee-1.0.0-beta-1-plus.tar.gz]( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * []( ([asc]( [md5](
+## Apache Tomcat Drop-in wars
+ * [openejb-tomcat-webapp-4.0.0-beta-1.war]( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * [openejb-tomcat-plus-webapp-4.0.0-beta-1.war]( ([asc]( [md5](
+## Apache OpenEJB Standalone Server
+ * [openejb-standalone-4.0.0-beta-1.tar.gz]( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * []( ([asc]( [md5](
+## Source and Examples
+ * []( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * [examples-4.0.0-beta-1-src.tar.gz]( ([asc]( [md5](
+ * []( ([asc]( [md5](
+## Previous Release
+ *    [](
+ *    [openejb-3.1.4.tar.gz](
+ *    [openejb-3.1.4-src.tar.gz](
+ *    [](
+## Old releases archive
+[OpenEJB releases archive](
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+Title: Apache TomEE 1.5.0 Release Notes
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-243</a> HSQLDB 2.2.8</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-431</a> Shrinkwrap Descriptor 2.0.0-alpha-3</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-378</a> Quartz 2.1.6</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-271</a> Tomcat 7.0.30</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-365</a> OpenWebBeans 1.1.6</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-426</a> ActiveMQ 5.6.0</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-428</a> MyFaces 2.1.9</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-215</a> CXF 2.6.2</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-214</a> Arquillian 1.0.1</li>
+    <li><a href="">TOMEE-458</a> BVal 0.5</li>
+    <li><a href="">OPENEJB-1894</a> karaf 2.2.9</li>
+<h2>New Features</h2>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-347</a> Allow switching datasource connection pool</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-331</a> Optimized scanning via exclusions.list in WEB-INF allows</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-266</a> Internal EJBs can be secured</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-264</a> Filter APIs we already provide if they are in a webapp</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-399</a> Expose Quartz through JMX</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-259</a> Mojarra integration</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-250</a> Element &lt;Service&gt; for declaring services generically in the tomee.xml</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-386</a> Support for META-INF/ file and overriding</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-387</a> Support for META-INF/ file and overriding</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-280</a> Deploy-time JPA Enhancement</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-187</a> New TomEE JAX-RS Distribution</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-377</a> Configuration of CXF Bus</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-421</a> JMX management of DataSources</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1228</a> ShrinkWrap Deployment Support</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1899</a> Mockito integration</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-235</a> ability to provide a custom server.xml using arquillian adapters</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-194</a> managing pathparam at class level</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-346</a> providing log4j in a webapp needs to set openejb.skip.log4j=false</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-191</a> can't use DataSourceRealm with a DataSource defined in tomee.xml</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-348</a> propagate all cxf endpoint properties to the SOAP endpoint</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-190</a> Duplicate Libraries in distribution</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-146</a> Trim unused code</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-241</a> close webappclasslaoder after undeployment</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-336</a> ability to skip dbcp pool for @DataSourceDefinition</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-130</a> Improve openejb webapp console to match current site look and feel</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-230</a> uses old lib folder</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-332</a> yank tomee version from arquillian adapter config and use LATEST</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-330</a> more relevant error message when using tomee < tomee+ and webservice injection are done</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-269</a> use a maven specific logger when running tomee:run from tomee maven plugin</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-328</a> Re organise Arquillian sub modules versionning</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-4</a> Example demonstrating Arquillian Adapter</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-262</a> since TOMEE-261 is done we can check the needed JtaPlatform for hibernate is in the webapp</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-260</a> Validate: REST Service has no non-public resources</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-398</a> Unified Executor configuration options (@Asynchronous, @Timeout)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-397</a> META-INF/resources.xml always needs qualified names</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-391</a> config for retry attemps on timer methods</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-257</a> replace deployment listener and webdeployementlistener by our brand new observer api</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-251</a> extract jpa provide integration in a jar to be able to use it from a war</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-252</a> engine name needs to be Catalina</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-253</a> updatechecker doesn't handle tomee version properly</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-382</a> configuration for asynch task pool</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-385</a> Complete application properties scoping</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-205</a> Create the skeleton of the new Tomee UI </li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-208</a> add servlets to httpcontext (arquillian adapters)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-204</a> Don't fail app deployment if a TLD class cannot be loaded</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-203</a> Ensure all tomee-* jars and archives use the TomEE version number</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-406</a> Support Duration syntax in all known time related properties</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-282</a> logging tomee is downloaded from arquillian adapter</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-402</a> ScriptLoginModule</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-281</a> ignore endorsed lib for java 7</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-184</a> using cxf (and not our repackaged version)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-183</a> Optimize Arquillian Adapter by avoiding intermediate jar creation</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-189</a> EAR and CDI is not well integrated</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-372</a> don't load webapp enrichment classes directly from system classloader even if available</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-374</a> Embedded TomEE use same defaults as Embedded OpenEJB</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-41</a> Overzealous class scanning</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-274</a> allowing the user to override the folder where retrieved tomee are cache in arquillian adapters (by default m2 repo is not used to avoid to corrupt it)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-277</a> better model to be able to filter cdi beans</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-276</a> allow to define the same interceptor/decorator/alternative in multiple beans.xml</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-270</a> don't stop deployment during deployment if a noclassdeffound if thrown on a field</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-273</a> solder @Requires doesn't work</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-171</a> TomEE automatically directs embedded (@DataSourceDefinition) h2 datasource to hsqldb</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-279</a> using tomcat default host instead of hardcoded "localhost"</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-278</a> AnnotatedType can be null so dont put it in a map</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-220</a> revisit runnable tomee-embedded cli</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-361</a> skip JSF startup even if our internal faces-config.xml is found (but no more)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-224</a> Create Servlet that loads the "JNDI" panel data</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-418</a> ability to use fast session generation for dev environment in arquillian adapters (remote) + tomee mvn plugin</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-225</a> Create Servlet that loads the "Saved Objects" panel data</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-368</a> better handling of myfaces container listener</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-369</a> be sure to not exclude too much in tempclassloader (in particular with myfaces)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-366</a> delete temp file in arquillian tomee adapter even if deployer lookup fail</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-367</a> create webapp classloader even for embedded deployment</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-427</a> Shortcurt to debug with tomee maven plugin</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-23</a> Ignore .DS_Store files when deploying in Tomcat</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-350</a> allow to customize TempClassLoader force skip/load with multiple packages</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-359</a> taking into account filtering even for fragments</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-213</a> close webappclassloader after undeployment and not in its middle</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-219</a> Make jaxrs services managed by cdi when possible</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-358</a> activating back MyFacesContainerInitializer and adding StartupServletContextListener by default</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-417</a> ability to provide jaxrs providers, interceptors... in the webapp</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-414</a> support to provide slf4j in the application</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-415</a> use by default openejb classloader to create quartz scheduler</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1900</a> @LocalBean package and friendly scoped methods</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1901</a> @LocalClient doesn't work with EJBContainer</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1853</a> expose basicdatasource writable config through jmx</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1791</a> managing a conf.d folder as under unix for services</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1843</a> support @before @after @beforeclass @afterclass in embedded arquillian adapter (classloader is not correct so "BeanManagerProvider" can't work)</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1795</a> support @Inject for synamic EJB (interface only)</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1845</a> look in web-inf/classes/meta-inf for persistence.xml for embedded arquillian adapter and check classloaderasset get a better root url</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1863</a> no need to create a thread we are waiting to create an entitymanagerfactory</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1864</a> remove openejb-javaagent from openejb-core test since it is not mandatory and buggy (due to openjpa-javaagen) with java 7</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1576</a> Example: CDI Decorators</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1860</a> openejb.descriptors.output logging and functional improvements</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1858</a> be more tolerant on the tx manager type for managedconnection factory</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1823</a> allow to undeploy resources linked to an app with the app undeployment</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1420</a> Classloading issue in OSGI</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1840</a> managing request/session scopes in standalone</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1734</a> Shell to query and invoke EJBs through commands interactively</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1117</a> ServiceManager does not work in OSGi environment</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1889</a> when an EJB implements too many interfaces it fails with the message "TODO"</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1887</a> &lt;ServiceProvider&gt; inheritance to reduce redundant config in service-jar.xml files</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1888</a> add a way to hide log messages which are not relevant for openejb/tomee</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1896</a> Slightly reduce memory footprint of EJBs</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1892</a> embedded logging format is not applied to OpenJPA</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1891</a> get duration time of the query when logging sql</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1890</a> make openejb embedded arquillian adapter working with shrinkwrap maven and libraries which are not on classpath</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1761</a> improve default JUL logging</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1763</a> Allow EjbModule to be returned as a part of in-class configuration in ApplicationComposer (@Module)</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1271</a> Add pofiles to allow JPA provider to be changed</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1867</a> ability to configure the default job scheduler</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1277</a> RemoteInitialContextFactory .close() method to logout</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1868</a> allow to set a ejbtimerservice by ejb</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1865</a> add lib folder to classpath in openejb standalone like in tomee</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1866</a> add openejb-jpa-integration to ear libs</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1871</a> don't use webbeanslogger</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1870</a> allow to provide server event listener in apps</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1875</a> New LoginModule based on ServiceProvider</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1874</a> remove openejb-jsf</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1872</a> refactor a bit the way we hide internal beans (Comp) since now we have the structure to do it</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1877</a> refactor datasourcefactory and jdbc package to split it in subpackages for consistency</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1878</a> ability to create an entitymanager at startup</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1881</a> Multipoint "broadcast" attribute</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1883</a> rewrite ScopeHelper to use ContextsService</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1780</a> Application relative EJB WebService addresses</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1850</a> groovy jpa test</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1851</a> groovy spock sample</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1849</a> adding groovy cdi sample</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1841</a> basic console colors</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1897</a> easy way to mock beans injections</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1772</a> maven plugin to be able to dump info tree and avoid to create it when starting the app</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1514</a> Example: @Schedule Methods</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1649</a> Arquillian Tests</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-695</a> Cause missing in AnnotationDB$CrossReferenceException </li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-704</a> use method filter in javassist proxies instead of "manual" filtering</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-702</a> Add serialization unit tests to openwebbeans-web to catch future regressions</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-701</a> Support ASM for Bean Proxies</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-12</a> org.apache.openejb.config.AnnotationDeployer throws InstantiationException on com.sun.jersey.api.core.ApplicationAdapter</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-193</a> soap webservices are now deployed by default in the webapp context but what if the webservice is not in a webapp?</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-199</a> tomcat deployer doesnt work well for cdi apps</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-197</a> When running TomEE embedded in Eclipse jsp files do not hot deploy</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-10</a> JNDI Browser in the openejb.war does not show @LocalBean views as EJBs</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-198</a> JAX-RS and JAX-WS does not work when together in a single application</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-345</a> make EjbTimerServiceImpl serializable</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-141</a> when using OpenEJBListener with dropinwar approach we should try to fnid the war of the webapp too...</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-249</a> NPE on DatatypeConverter</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-349</a> ability to use redeploy from tomcat</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-242</a> @ManagedBean for rest services</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-240</a> wrap tomcat realm in tomeerealm to manage request.login even in a single request</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-339</a> @Context Providers is not supported</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-237</a> New gui is broken in IE</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-434</a> when using DeployerEjb the JNDI tree is the DeployerEjb one and not the deployed app one</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-267</a> Default 'type' ignored in <JndiProvider> and related elements</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-395</a> TomEEDataSourceCreator.ContantHashCodeHandler  will change the Exception throwed by the original method</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-392</a> EJB properties overriding from, or</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-394</a> pojo webservice undeployment doesn't clean eveything -> it prevents redeployment</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-258</a> pojo webservices doesnt get injections</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-383</a> pojo @WebService deployment without sei fails (NPE)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-200</a> CDI injections in Pojo JAXRS webservices can lead to memory leak</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-380</a> tomeeshutdownport is not respected by tomee maven plugin</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-388</a> Use case "Faces Request Generates Non-Faces Response" locks conversation forever (-> BusyConversationException)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-207</a> postcontruct is called before injections in pojo rest services</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-389</a> quartz prevent tomee to shutdown properly</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-403</a> jaxrs subresource are not working</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-401</a> don't filter http method (PATCH was not valid in rest for instance)</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-185</a> JAXB context can't be created from package</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-362</a> service MBeans are not unregistered</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-360</a> NPE in BeanManagerImpl scope is null</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-222</a> LocalBean can't be serializable</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-221</a> IllegalArgumentException: Class 'java.lang.Object' is not annotated with Path</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-419</a> JAR/WAR module-name not used</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-422</a> JAXRS @Context for HttpServletResponse and ServletConfig</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-424</a> [JAXRS] Custom @Context not supported</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-211</a> tomee:start command (tomee maven plugin) stay up while tomee is up</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-409</a> JAXRS @Context for HttpServletRequest and ServletRequest</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-212</a> calling request.login() and ejbcontext.getCallerPrincipal() in the same request is not consistent</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-407</a> JavaMail javax.mail.Session resources do not work with authentication</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-218</a> RESOURCE_LOCAL entitymanager shouldn't be injected</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-217</a> log4j integration issue</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-216</a> Changes to InjectionTarget in ProcessInjectionTarget event ignored</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-410</a> web.xml validation rejects load-on-startup values having extraneous white spaces</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-411</a> Accept spaces in load-on-startup </li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-154</a> Deployment fails in ear when injections are done between ejbmodule and webmodule (classloading exception because the webapp classloader is known later)</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1848</a> Multipoint Automatic Reconnect fails in some situations</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1847</a> When deploying two ear files in openejb only the first one gets deployed correctly</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1844</a> annotatedtype are not usable from processAnnotatedType if not already processed</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1720</a> NPE at at org.apache.openejb.util.AnnotationFinder</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1862</a> boolean type re not well managed in org.apache.openejb.config.AnnotationDeployer.DiscoverAnnotatedBeans#process</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1855</a> LinkageError on Mac OS with "sun/security/pkcs11/SunPKCS11"</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1717</a> When openejb-osgi bundle is restarted, we get an exception (ServiceManager is already initialized)</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1727</a> couldn't start owb context</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-958</a> DOS line ends and category instead of logger</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1728</a> Karaf is blocked</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1382</a> Provide interceptor/thread based context for OWB rather than classloader based context</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1698</a> EntityBean conflict when a persistent property exists called "deleted"</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1603</a> InitialContext instantiation fails with ERROR - CDI Beans module deployment failed</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1551</a> ejb-jar.xml should be optional. </li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1837</a> WebBeansLogger uses java.util.logging directly and doesn't obey system property openejb.log.factory</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-967</a> NullPointerException during injection into a POJO webservice</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1397</a> After upgrade to 3.1.3 web services fail with exception</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1643</a> @Dispose not called</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1438</a> Wrong jar required for remote client in docs</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1893</a> @LocalBean references did not survive passivation</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1595</a> [BUILD FAILED]Compilation error occurs while building openejb trunk</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1126</a> SAAJ-related test cases no longer work with IBM's SDK</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1876</a> <ejb-jar id="foo"/> id ignored when ejb-jar contains no child elements</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1879</a> usage of OWBInjector shall be reworked</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1882</a> this can't be use in localbeans constructor</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1648</a> persistence.xml files in WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/ incorrect root url</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1884</a>  EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(); doesn't register the WebBeansContext correctly</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1886</a> statsinterceptor should be added before starting the timer if necessary</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-709</a> webbeans-tomcat6 must honour WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/beans.xml</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-694</a> Misleading exception message "Wrong termination object"</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-708</a> PrincipalBean doesnt get found</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-670</a> ProcessInjectionTarget event fired a bit late</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-707</a> tomcat-sample and tomcat7-sample are just broken.</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-703</a> getBeans cache key algorithm must be unique</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-650</a> ContextFactory#destroy*Context have to reset the proxy cache</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-559</a> Method-Injection for methods with more than one parameter fails with OWBInjector</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-699</a> Passivation leads to NPE</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-698</a> InjectableBeanManager not serializable</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-697</a> Non-Static Loggers leads to NonSerizializableException</li>
+<li><a href="">OWB-696</a> check for unproxyable API types should get moved to the validateBeans phase</li>
+<h2>Tasks & Sub-Tasks</h2>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-342</a> webservice with configured deployment url example</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-335</a> Create a new JIRA saying: checking and closing JIRAs</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-129</a> Tweak TCK setup for JAX-RS tests</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-371</a> add an arquillian test using hibernate</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-275</a> review OWB integration to see if some stuff should be pushed to OWB</li>
+<li><a href="">TOMEE-272</a> add notice for jaxrs tomee distribution</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1688</a> Build the Arquillian adapters as part of the main OpenEJB build</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1687</a> Consolidate tests and run against all Arquillian adapter</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1861</a> remove OWB JMSManager usage from OpenEJB</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1859</a> cucumber-jvm example</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1857</a> Example using cdi-query</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1895</a> Refactored @Asynchronous support</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1869</a> server event example</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1873</a> Upgrade to OpenWebBeans-1.1.5</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1885</a> Simplify EJB proxy code</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1614</a> Example: @Produces and @Disposes within a @RequestScoped context</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1406</a> Example: Lookup of EJBs</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1407</a> Example: Lookup of EJBs with descriptor</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1606</a> Example: CDI @Decorator and @Delegate</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-361</a> Example: Bean-Managed Transactions</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-352</a> Example: Stateful Bean with Callbacks</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-351</a> Example: Stateless Bean with Callbacks</li>
+<li><a href="">OPENEJB-1653</a> Arquillian: JSF Managed Bean Tests</li>
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+# Apache TomEE 1.5 Released!
+We are excited to announce the release of [Apache TomEE 1.5](  The volume of
+feedback on the 1.0.0 Final drove such an impressive number of fixes and features into TomEE that the release number
+has been updated to reflect [the changes](tomee-1.5.0-release-notes.html).
+The team is proud to announce certification of a new Apache TomEE stack that includes the Web Profile plus JAX-RS for
+RESTful Web Services. The new 'TomEE JAXRS' distribution shows TomEE's commitment to progressing its certification
+efforts beyond the Web Profile and is a great alternative to the TomEE Plus distribution.  See the
+[comparison]( for a view of all Apache TomEE distributions.
+Another great feature is the extended support for database connection pools.  In addition to the previously
+supported Apache Commons-DBCP, the 1.5 release adds transaction support to the native Apache Tomcat and BoneCP
+connection pools.  The two additional pools offer great alternatives to applications under heavy load.  JMX
+instrumentation and statistics have also been added generically to all pools and provide a great level of
+monitoring and management.
+Other major features include deploy-time enhancement for JPA Entities via Apache OpenJPA, support including JPA providers in webapps,
+ability to mock and inject mocks in unit tests and a powerful new [TomEE Maven Plugin](maven/index.html) which can
+provision servers, install libraries, deploy webapps and more.
+We’d like to thank everyone who gave feedback and contibuted to improve Apache TomEE on a daily basis!