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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/08/27 06:56:57 UTC

[GitHub] [incubator-mxnet] sxjscience opened a new issue #19026: [Bug] RTC Failed to compile

sxjscience opened a new issue #19026:

   @ptrendx Let me create an issue and track it in the issue.
   It is reproducible by running the script on GPU with GluonNLP.
   Code file obtained after setting `MXNET_RTC_VERBOSE =1`:
   struct __align__(2) __half {
     __host__ __device__ __half() { }
     unsigned short __x;
   /* Definitions of intrinsics */
   __device__ inline __half __float2half(const float f) {
     __half val;
    asm("{  cvt.rn.f16.f32 %0, %1;}\n" : "=h"(val.__x) : "f"(f));
     return val;
   __device__ inline float __half2float(const __half h) {
     float val;
    asm("{  cvt.f32.f16 %0, %1;}\n" : "=f"(val) : "h"(h.__x));
     return val;
   typedef __half half;
   template <typename DType>
   struct AccType {
     using type = DType;
     __device__ static inline type from(const DType& val) {
       return val;
     __device__ static inline DType to(type val) {
       return val;
   struct AccType<half> {
     using type = float;
     __device__ static inline type from(const half& val) {
       return __half2float(val);
     __device__ static inline half to(type val) {
       return __float2half(val);
   using float32 = float;
   using float64 = double;
   using float16 = half;
   using uint8 = unsigned char;
   using int8 = char;
   using int32 = int;
   using int64 = long long;
   static_assert(sizeof(float32) == 4, "Size of float32 is expected to be 4B");
   static_assert(sizeof(float64) == 8, "Size of float64 is expected to be 8B");
   static_assert(sizeof(float16) == 2, "Size of float16 is expected to be 2B");
   static_assert(sizeof(uint8) == 1, "Size of uint8 is expected to be 1B");
   static_assert(sizeof(int8) == 1, "Size of int8 is expected to be 1B");
   static_assert(sizeof(int32) == 4, "Size of int32 is expected to be 4B");
   static_assert(sizeof(int64) == 8, "Size of int64 is expected to be 8B");
   typedef int32 index_t;
   // bool and int8 need to be accumulated in index_t
   // but bool needs to be treated in the special way
   // for ops like bitwise_not
   struct bool_t {
     index_t value;
     __device__ inline bool_t(const index_t& v) : value(v) {}
     __device__ inline bool_t(const volatile index_t& v) : value(v) {}
     __device__ inline bool_t() : value(0) {}
     __device__ inline operator index_t() const volatile { return value; }
     __device__ inline bool_t& operator= (const index_t& v) {
       value = v;
       return *this;
     __device__ inline volatile bool_t& operator= (const index_t& v) volatile {
       value = v;
       return *this;
     __device__ inline bool_t& operator= (const volatile index_t& v) {
       value = v;
       return *this;
   struct AccType<bool> {
     using type = bool_t;
     __device__ static inline type from(const bool& val) {
       return val;
     __device__ static inline bool to(type val) {
       return val;
   struct AccType<int8> {
     using type = index_t;
     __device__ static inline type from(const int8& val) {
       return val;
     __device__ static inline int8 to(type val) {
       return val;
   struct AccType<uint8> {
     using type = index_t;
     __device__ static inline type from(const uint8& val) {
       return val;
     __device__ static inline uint8 to(type val) {
       return val;
   namespace type_util {
   struct false_type {
     static constexpr bool value = false;
   struct true_type {
     static constexpr bool value = true;
   // is_integral
   template <typename T> struct is_integral : false_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<uint8> : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<int8>  : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<int32> : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<int64> : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<bool>  : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_integral<bool_t>  : true_type {};
   // is_unsigned
   template <typename T> struct is_unsigned : false_type {};
   template <> struct is_unsigned<uint8> : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_unsigned<bool>  : true_type {};
   template <> struct is_unsigned<bool_t>  : true_type {};
   // is_same
   template <typename T, typename U>
   struct is_same : false_type {};
   template <typename T> struct is_same<T, T> : true_type {};
   // has_double
   template <typename... T> struct has_double : false_type {};
   template <typename A, typename... B>
   struct has_double<A, B...> {
       static constexpr bool value = is_same<A, double>::value ||
   // has_double_or_integral
   template <typename... T> struct has_double_or_integral : false_type {};
   template <typename A, typename... B>
   struct has_double_or_integral<A, B...> {
       static constexpr bool value = is_same<A, double>::value ||
                                     is_integral<A>::value ||
   template <bool b>
   struct enable_if {};
   template <>
   struct enable_if<true> {
     using type = void;
   template <typename T, typename U, class Enable = void>
   struct mixed_type;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<T, float64, typename enable_if<!is_same<float64, T>::value>::type> {
     using type = float64;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<float64, T> {
     using type = float64;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<T, float32, typename enable_if<!is_same<float64, T>::value &&
                                                    !is_same<float32, T>::value>::type> {
     using type = float32;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<float32, T, typename enable_if<!is_same<float64, T>::value>::type> {
     using type = float32;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<T, float16, typename enable_if<is_same<float16, T>::value ||
                                                    is_integral<T>::value>::type> {
     using type = float16;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<float16, T, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value>::type> {
     using type = float16;
   template <typename T, typename U>
   struct mixed_type<T, U, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              is_integral<U>::value &&
                                              !is_same<U, bool_t>::value &&
                                              sizeof(T) <= sizeof(U)>::type> {
     using type = U;
   template <typename T, typename U>
   struct mixed_type<U, T, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value &&
                                              is_integral<U>::value &&
                                              !is_same<U, bool_t>::value &&
                                              sizeof(T) < sizeof(U)>::type> {
     using type = U;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<T, bool_t, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value &&
                                                   sizeof(T) < sizeof(bool_t)>::type> {
     using type = index_t;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<bool_t, T, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value &&
                                                   sizeof(T) < sizeof(bool_t)>::type> {
     using type = index_t;
   template <typename T>
   struct mixed_type<T, bool_t, typename enable_if<is_integral<T>::value &&
                                                   sizeof(T) == sizeof(bool_t)>::type> {
     using type = T;
   }  // namespace type_util
   enum class OpReqType {
   constexpr int kRTCMaxThreadsPerBlock = 512;
   namespace util {
   constexpr int MAX_DIM = 5;
   template <int ndim>
   __device__ inline void unravel_dot(const index_t idx, const index_t (&shape)[MAX_DIM],
     const index_t (&stridej)[MAX_DIM], const index_t (&stridek)[MAX_DIM], index_t* j, index_t* k) {
     *j = 0;
     *k = 0;
     #pragma unroll
     for (index_t i = ndim-1, idx_t = idx; i >=0; --i) {
       const auto tmp = idx_t / shape[i];
       const auto coord = idx_t - tmp*shape[i];
       *j += coord*stridej[i];
       *k += coord*stridek[i];
       idx_t = tmp;
   template<int ndim>
   __device__ inline index_t unravel_dot(const index_t idx, const index_t (&shape)[MAX_DIM],
     const index_t (&stride)[MAX_DIM]) {
     index_t ret = 0;
     #pragma unroll
     for (index_t i = ndim-1, j = idx; i >=0; --i) {
       auto tmp = j / shape[i];
       ret += (j - tmp*shape[i])*stride[i];
       j = tmp;
     return ret;
   template<int ndim>
   __device__ inline index_t unravel_ravel(const index_t idx, const index_t (&shape1)[MAX_DIM],
                                           const index_t (&shape2)[MAX_DIM]) {
     index_t ret = 0;
     index_t total_shape = 1;
   #pragma unroll
     for (index_t i = ndim-1, j = idx; i >=0; --i) {
       if (i != ndim - 1) {
         total_shape *= shape2[i + 1];
       auto tmp = j / shape1[i];
       const index_t coord = j - tmp*shape1[i];
       ret += total_shape * (shape2[i] > coord) * coord;
       j = tmp;
     return ret;
   template<int ndim, int ndim2>
   __device__ inline index_t ravel(const index_t (&coord)[ndim], const index_t (&shape)[ndim2]) {
     index_t ret = 0;
   #pragma unroll
     for (int i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
       ret = ret * shape[i] + (shape[i] > coord[i]) * coord[i];
     return ret;
   template<int ndim, int ndim2>
   __device__ inline void unravel(const index_t idx,
                                  const index_t (&shape)[ndim2],
                                  index_t (&coord)[ndim]) {
   #pragma unroll
     for (index_t i = ndim-1, j = idx; i >=0; --i) {
       auto tmp = j / shape[i];
       coord[i] = j - tmp*shape[i];
       j = tmp;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool isinf(volatile const DType &val) {
     return false;
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isinf(volatile const float &val) {
     return ::isinf(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isinf(volatile const double &val) {
     return ::isinf(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isinf(volatile const long double &val) {
     return ::isinf(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isinf(volatile const float16 &val) {
     return ::isinf(__half2float(const_cast<const float16&>(val)));
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(volatile const DType &val) {
     return false;
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(volatile const float &val) {
     return ::isnan(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(volatile const double &val) {
     return ::isnan(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(volatile const long double &val) {
     return ::isnan(val);
   template <>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(volatile const float16 &val) {
     return ::isnan(__half2float(const_cast<const float16&>(val)));
   }  // namespace util
   constexpr double DBL_MAX = 1.7976931348623157081e+308;
   namespace op {
   namespace special_functions {
   template<typename DType>
   __device__ inline static DType trigamma(DType x);
   __device__ inline double trigamma<double>(double x) {
     double PI(3.14159265358979323846);
     double sign = +1;
     double result = 0;
     if (x < 0.5) {
       sign = -1;
       const double sin_pi_x = sin(PI * x);
       result -= (PI * PI) / (sin_pi_x * sin_pi_x);
       x = 1 - x;
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
       result += 1 / (x * x);
       x += 1;
     const double ixx = 1 / (x*x);
     result += (1 + 1 / (2*x) + ixx * (1./6 - ixx * (1./30 - ixx * (1./42)))) / x;
     return sign * result;
   __device__ inline float trigamma<float>(float x) {
     float PI(3.14159265358979323846);
     float sign = +1;
     float result = 0;
     if (x < 0.5f) {
       sign = -1;
       const float sin_pi_x = sinf(PI * x);
       result -= (PI * PI) / (sin_pi_x * sin_pi_x);
       x = 1 - x;
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
       result += 1 / (x * x);
       x += 1;
     const float ixx = 1 / (x*x);
     result += (1 + 1 / (2*x) + ixx * (1.f/6 - ixx * (1.f/30 - ixx * (1.f/42)))) / x;
     return sign * result;
   struct cephes {
      * Helper to evaluate a polynomial given an array of coefficients.
     template <typename DType>
     __device__ inline static DType polevl(DType x, const DType coef[], int N) {
       DType ans;
       DType const *p;
       int i;
       p = coef;
       ans = *p++;
       i = N;
       do {
         ans = ans * x  +  *p++;
       } while ( --i );
       return( ans );
      * Helper function for psi that handles double/float specific differences
      * in the algorithm.
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static DType psi_helper(DType s);
      *	Psi (digamma) function
      * SYNOPSIS:
      * float x, y, psif();
      * y = psif( x );
      *              d      -
      *   psi(x)  =  -- ln | (x)
      *              dx
      * is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function.
      * For integer x,
      *                   n-1
      *                    -
      * psi(n) = -EUL  +   >  1/k.
      *                    -
      *                   k=1
      * This formula is used for 0 < n <= 10.  If x is negative, it
      * is transformed to a positive argument by the reflection
      * formula  psi(1-x) = psi(x) + pi cot(pi x).
      * For general positive x, the argument is made greater than 10
      * using the recurrence  psi(x+1) = psi(x) + 1/x.
      * Then the following asymptotic expansion is applied:
      *                           inf.   B
      *                            -      2k
      * psi(x) = log(x) - 1/2x -   >   -------
      *                            -        2k
      *                           k=1   2k x
      * where the B2k are Bernoulli numbers.
      * ACCURACY:
      *    Absolute error,  relative when |psi| > 1 :
      * arithmetic   domain     # trials      peak         rms
      *    IEEE      -33,0        30000      8.2e-7      1.2e-7
      *    IEEE      0,33        100000      7.3e-7      7.7e-8
      *     message         condition      value returned
      * psi singularity    x integer <=0      MAXNUMF
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static DType psi(DType x) {
       DType p, q, nz, s, w, y;
       int i, n, negative;
       DType EUL(0.57721566490153286061);
       DType PI(3.14159265358979323846);
       negative = 0;
       nz = 0.0;
       if ( x <= 0.0 ) {
         negative = 1;
         q = x;
         p = ::floor(q);
         if ( p == q ) {
           return DBL_MAX;
         /* Remove the zeros of tan(PI x)
          * by subtracting the nearest integer from x
         nz = q - p;
         if ( nz != 0.5 ) {
           if ( nz > 0.5 ) {
             p += 1.0;
             nz = q - p;
           nz = PI/::tan(PI*nz);
         } else {
           nz = 0.0;
         x = 1.0 - x;
       /* check for positive integer up to 10 */
       if ( (x <= 10.0) && (x == ::floor(x)) ) {
         y = 0.0;
         n = x;
         for ( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
           w = i;
           y += 1.0/w;
         y -= EUL;
         goto done;
       s = x;
       w = 0.0;
       while ( s < 10.0 ) {
         w += 1.0/s;
         s += 1.0;
       y = psi_helper(s);
       y = logf(s)  -  (0.5/s)  -  y  -  w;
       if ( negative ) {
         y -= nz;
   __device__ inline double cephes::psi_helper<double>(double s) {
     double z;
     const double A[] = {
     if ( s < 1.0e17 ) {
       z = 1.0/(s * s);
       return z * cephes::polevl<double>(z, A, 6);
     } else {
       return 0.0;
   __device__ inline float cephes::psi_helper<float>(float s) {
     float z;
     const float A[] = {
     if ( s < 1.0e8 ) {
       z = 1.0/(s * s);
       return z * cephes::polevl<float>(z, A, 3);
     } else {
       return 0.0;
   }  // namespace special_functions
   }  // namespace op
   namespace vector {
   template <int size>
   struct VectorType {
       static_assert(size <= 32, "VectorType needs to have size of at most 32B");
   template <>
   struct VectorType<1> {
     using type = char;
   template <>
   struct VectorType<2> {
     using type = short;
   template <>
   struct VectorType<4> {
     using type = int;
   template <>
   struct VectorType<8> {
     using type = long long;
   template <>
   struct VectorType<16> {
     using type = ulonglong2;
   template <>
   struct VectorType<32> {
     using type = ulonglong4;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType add_elem(const DType& x, const DType& y) {
     return x + y;
   template <>
   __device__ inline half add_elem(const half& x, const half& y) {
     return __float2half(__half2float(x) + __half2float(y));
   /* \brief Helper class that enables storing multiple values of type DType
             as 1 value of type LType.
   template <typename DType, int n>
   class VectorizedStorage {
     using LType = typename VectorType<sizeof(DType) * n>::type;
     constexpr static int nvec = n;
     union vectorized_storage {
       LType aligned;
       DType separate[nvec];  // NOLINT(*)
       inline __device__ vectorized_storage() {}
       inline __device__ ~vectorized_storage() {}
     } scratch_;
     inline __device__ VectorizedStorage() {}
     inline __device__ VectorizedStorage (const VectorizedStorage<DType, n>& y2) {
         scratch_.aligned = y2.scratch_.aligned;
     inline __device__ VectorizedStorage (const LType &y2) {
         scratch_.aligned = y2;
     inline __device__ VectorizedStorage<DType, n>& operator+=(
         const VectorizedStorage<DType, n>& rhs) {
       #pragma unroll
       for (int i = 0; i < nvec; ++i) {
         scratch_.separate[i] = add_elem(scratch_.separate[i], rhs.scratch_.separate[i]);
       return *this;
     inline __device__ ~VectorizedStorage() {}
   // Returns const LType is DType is const
   template <typename DType, typename LType>
   struct select_const {
     using type = LType;
   template <typename DType, typename LType>
   struct select_const<const DType, LType> {
     using type = const LType;
   template <typename DType>
   struct remove_const {
     using type = DType;
   template <typename DType>
   struct remove_const<const DType> {
     using type = DType;
   /* \brief Helper class that enables accessing multiple values of type DType
             as 1 value of type LType. Additional aligned template argument
             allows performance optimizations if the pointer and the size of
             the allocation is aligned to sizeof(LType) / sizeof(DType) elements.
   template <typename DType, int nvec, bool aligned = false>
   class VectorizedAccessor {
     using StorageType = VectorizedStorage<typename remove_const<DType>::type,
     using LType = typename select_const<DType, typename StorageType::LType>::type;
     StorageType storage_;
     LType* aligned_ptr_;
     DType* unaligned_ptr_;
     int alignment_;
     index_t n_elems_;
     inline __device__ VectorizedAccessor(DType* const ptr, const index_t size) {
       unaligned_ptr_ = ptr;
       if (aligned) {
         alignment_ = 0;
         aligned_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<LType*>(ptr);
         n_elems_ = (size + nvec- 1) / nvec;
       } else {
         size_t ptr_as_number = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr);
         alignment_ = (ptr_as_number % sizeof(LType)) / sizeof(DType);
         aligned_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<LType*>(ptr - alignment_);
         n_elems_ = (size + alignment_ + nvec - 1) / nvec;
     /* \brief Alignment of the input pointer in elements. */
     inline __device__ int alignment() const {
       return alignment_;
     /* \brief Access to separate elements. */
     inline __device__ DType* separate() {
       return storage_.scratch_.separate;
     /* \brief Number of aligned elements that span the entire input tensor. */
     inline __device__ index_t num_aligned_elements() const {
       return n_elems_;
     /* \brief Load values from the input.
        \param id Aligned index of the element.
        \param N size of the tensor.
     inline __device__ void load(const index_t id, const index_t N) {
       if (aligned) {
         storage_.scratch_.aligned = aligned_ptr_[id];
       } else {
         if (id > 0 && id < n_elems_ - 1) {
           storage_.scratch_.aligned = aligned_ptr_[id];
         } else {
   #pragma unroll
           for (int j = 0; j < nvec; ++j) {
             DType* ptr = reinterpret_cast<DType*>(&(aligned_ptr_[id])) + j;
             if (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr) >= reinterpret_cast<size_t>(unaligned_ptr_) &&
                 reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr) < reinterpret_cast<size_t>(unaligned_ptr_ + N)) {
               storage_.scratch_.separate[j] = *ptr;
   /* \brief Class used for vectorized read-only access. */
   template <typename DType, int nvec, bool aligned = false>
   class VectorizedLoader : public VectorizedAccessor<const DType, nvec, aligned> {
     inline __device__ VectorizedLoader(const DType* ptr, const index_t N) :
       VectorizedAccessor<const DType, nvec, aligned>(ptr, N) {
   /* \brief Class used for vectorized writable access. */
   template <typename DType, int nvec, bool aligned = false>
   class VectorizedStorer : public VectorizedAccessor<DType, nvec, aligned> {
     inline __device__ VectorizedStorer(DType* ptr, const index_t N) :
       VectorizedAccessor<DType, nvec, aligned>(ptr, N) {
     /* \brief Store values to the output.
        \param id Aligned index of the element.
        \param N size of the tensor.
     inline __device__ void store(const index_t id, const index_t N) {
       if (aligned) {
         this->aligned_ptr_[id] = this->storage_.scratch_.aligned;
       } else {
         if (id > 0 && id < this->n_elems_ - 1) {
           this->aligned_ptr_[id] = this->storage_.scratch_.aligned;
         } else {
   #pragma unroll
           for (int j = 0; j < nvec; ++j) {
             DType* ptr = reinterpret_cast<DType*>(&(this->aligned_ptr_[id])) + j;
             if (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr) >= reinterpret_cast<size_t>(this->unaligned_ptr_) &&
                 reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr) < reinterpret_cast<size_t>(this->unaligned_ptr_ + N)) {
               *ptr = this->storage_.scratch_.separate[j];
   }  // namespace vector
   #define INT_MAX (2147483647)
   namespace op {
   template <typename DType>
   struct LoadType {
     using Type = DType;
   template <>
   struct LoadType<half> {
     using Type = float;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type load(const DType input) {
     return input;
   template <>
   __device__ inline float load(const half input) {
     return __half2float(input);
   template <typename DType1, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType1 store(const DType2 input, DType1* ref) {
     return input;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline half store(const DType input, half* ref) {
     return __float2half(input);
   template <int ndim>
   struct Shape {
      int x[ndim];
      size_t size;
      __device__ inline const int& operator [](const int i) const {
          return x[i];
      __device__ inline int& operator [](const int i) {
          return x[i];
      __device__ inline void set(const int def) {
          #pragma unroll
          for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
              x[i] = def;
   template <>
   struct Shape<0> {
      size_t size;
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> load_index(const DType * input, int i,
                                                                       const Shape<ndim> &shape) {
     using V = vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec>;
     if (i < shape.size) {
       const auto* vector_input = reinterpret_cast<const typename V::LType *>(input + i);
       return V(*vector_input);
     } else {
       return V({0});
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> global_load_index(const DType * input,
                       int i, const Shape<ndim> &shape) {
     using V = vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec>;
     if (i < shape.size) {
       const auto* vector_input = reinterpret_cast<const typename V::LType *>(input + i);
       return V(__ldg(vector_input));
     } else {
       return V({0});
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> load_slice(const DType * input,
                                                                       const Shape<ndim>& shape,
                                                                       Shape<ndim> begin,
                                                                       Shape<ndim> end,
                                                                       int offset) {
     int idx[nvec];
     Shape<ndim> ref_strides;
     Shape<ndim> strides;
     ref_strides[ndim-1] = 1;
     strides[ndim-1] = 1;
     #pragma unroll
     for (int dim = ndim-1; dim >=0; dim--) {
       if (begin[dim] < 0) begin[dim] = shape[dim] + begin[dim];
       if (end[dim] < 0) end[dim] = shape[dim] + end[dim];
       if (end[dim] == INT_MAX) end[dim] = shape[dim];
       if (dim > 0) {
         ref_strides[dim-1] = ref_strides[dim] * (end[dim] - begin[dim]);
         strides[dim-1] = strides[dim] * shape[dim];
     #pragma unroll
     for (int j = 0; j < nvec; j++) {
       idx[j] = 0;
       int ref_idx = offset + j;
       #pragma unroll
       for (int dim = 0; dim < ndim; dim++) {
          int stride = ref_strides[dim];
          if (shape[dim] > 1) {
            idx[j] += (ref_idx / stride + begin[dim]) * strides[dim];
          ref_idx = ref_idx % stride;
     vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> ret;
     #pragma unroll
     for (int j = 0; j < nvec; j++) {
         ret.scratch_.separate[j] = *(input + idx[j]);
     return ret;
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> fast_load_slice(const DType * input,
                                                                            const Shape<ndim>& shape,
                                                                            Shape<ndim> begin,
                                                                            Shape<ndim> end,
                                                                            int offset) {
     int idx = 0;
     Shape<ndim> ref_strides;
     Shape<ndim> strides;
     ref_strides[ndim-1] = 1;
     strides[ndim-1] = 1;
     #pragma unroll
     for (int dim = ndim-1; dim >=0; dim--) {
       if (begin[dim] < 0) begin[dim] = shape[dim] + begin[dim];
       if (end[dim] < 0) end[dim] = shape[dim] + end[dim];
       if (end[dim] == INT_MAX) end[dim] = shape[dim];
       if (dim > 0) {
         ref_strides[dim-1] = ref_strides[dim] * (end[dim] - begin[dim]);
         strides[dim-1] = strides[dim] * shape[dim];
     int ref_idx = offset;
     #pragma unroll
     for (int dim = 0; dim < ndim; dim++) {
        int stride = ref_strides[dim];
        if (shape[dim] > 1) {
          idx += (ref_idx / stride + begin[dim]) * strides[dim];
        ref_idx = ref_idx % stride;
     return global_load_index<nvec>(input, idx, shape);
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline void store_index(const vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> value, int i,
                           DType * output, const Shape<ndim>& shape) {
     if (i < (shape.size + nvec - 1) / nvec) {
       auto vector_output = reinterpret_cast<
                             typename vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec>::LType *>(output);
       vector_output[i] = value.scratch_.aligned;
   template <int nvec, typename DType, int ndim>
   __device__ inline void store_add_index(const vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> value, int i,
                               DType * output, const Shape<ndim>& shape) {
     if (i < (shape.size + nvec - 1) / nvec) {
       auto vector_output = reinterpret_cast<
                             typename vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec>::LType *>(output);
       vector::VectorizedStorage<DType, nvec> ret(vector_output[i]);
       ret += value;
       vector_output[i] = ret.scratch_.aligned;
   }  // namespace op
   namespace op {
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool isnan(const DType val) {
     return util::isnan(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool_t isinf(const DType val) {
     return util::isinf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool_t isposinf(const DType val) {
     return util::isinf(val) && (val > 0);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool_t isneginf(const DType val) {
     return util::isinf(val) && (val < 0);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool_t isfinite(const DType val) {
     return !op::isnan(val) && !op::isinf(val);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   add(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a + b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   sub(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a - b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rsub(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return b - a;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   mul(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a * b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   div(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a / b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rdiv(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return b / a;
   #define DEFINE_BINARY_MATH_FUNC(name, double_version, float_version) \
   template <typename DType, typename DType2> \
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type \
   name (const DType a, const DType2 b) { \
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType, DType2>::value) { \
       return double_version ((double)a, (double)b); \
     } else { \
       return float_version ((float)a, (float)b); \
     } \
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   power (const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType, DType2>::value) {
       return ::pow ((double)a, (double)b); \
     } else {
       return ::powf ((float)a, (float)b);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rpow(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return power(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   max(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (isnan(a)) return a;
     return a > b ? a : b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   fmax(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (isnan(b)) return a;
     return a > b ? a : b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   min(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (isnan(a)) return a;
     return a < b ? a : b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   fmin(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (isnan(b)) return a;
     return a < b ? a : b;
   DEFINE_BINARY_MATH_FUNC(hypot, ::hypot, ::hypotf)
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   mod(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (b == 0) {
       return 0;
     const double ad = static_cast<double>(a);
     const double bd = static_cast<double>(b);
     if (bd < 0) {
       if (ad < 0) {
         return -::fmod(-ad, -bd);
       } else {
         return ::fmod(ad, -bd) +
                (::fmod(ad, -bd) != 0 ? bd : 0);
     } else {
       if (ad < 0) {
         return -::fmod(-ad, bd) +
                 (::fmod(-ad, bd) != 0 ? bd : 0);
       } else {
         return ::fmod(ad, bd);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   fmod(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (b == 0) {
       return 0;
     return ::fmod(static_cast<double>(a), static_cast<double>(b));
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rmod(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return op::mod(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rfmod(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return op::fmod(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a == real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType not_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a != real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType greater(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a > real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType greater_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a >= real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType less(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a < real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType less_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a <= real_b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a == real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_not_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a != real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_greater(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a > real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_greater_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a >= real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_less(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a < real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_less_equal(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a <= real_b ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType logical_and(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a && b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType logical_or(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return a || b ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType logical_xor(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return ((a || b) && !(a && b)) ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType copysign(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return (a >= 0 && b >= 0) || (a < 0 && b < 0) ? a : -a;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType2 rcopysign(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return copysign(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   lcm(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value &&
         type_util::is_integral<DType2>::value) {
       DType A = a;
       DType2 B = b;
       // minus cases.
       if (a < 0) {
         A = -a;
       if (b < 0) {
         B = -b;
       // handle zero-valued cases.
       DType c;
       if (a == 0 || b == 0) {
         c = 0;
       } else {
         DType tmp;
         DType tmp_a = A;
         DType tmp_b = B;
         if (A < B) {
           tmp = A;
           A = B;
           B = tmp;
         while (A % B != 0) {
           A = A % B;
           tmp = A;
           A = B;
           B = tmp;
         c = tmp_a / B * tmp_b;
       return c;
     } else {
       return 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type bitwise_xor(const DType a,
                                                                          const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a ^ real_b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type bitwise_or(const DType a,
                                                                          const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a | real_b;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type bitwise_and(const DType a,
                                                                          const DType2 b) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     const mixed_type real_a = a;
     const mixed_type real_b = b;
     return real_a & real_b;
   DEFINE_BINARY_MATH_FUNC(arctan2, ::atan2, ::atan2f)
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rarctan2(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return arctan2(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   ldexp(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType, DType2>::value) {
       return a * ::pow(2.0, static_cast<double>(b));
     } else {
       return a * ::powf(2.0f, static_cast<float>(b));
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rldexp(const DType a, const DType2 b) {
     return ldexp(b, a);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool np_logical_and(const DType val, const DType2 val2) {
     return (val && val2) ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool np_logical_or(const DType val, const DType2 val2) {
     return (val || val2) ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline bool np_logical_xor(const DType val, const DType2 val2) {
     return ((val || val2) && !(val && val2)) ? true : false;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType left(const DType left_val, const DType2 right_val) {
     return left_val;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType2 right(const DType left_val, const DType2 right_val) {
     return right_val;
   }  // namespace op
   namespace op {
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType identity(const DType val) {
     return val;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType negation(const DType val) {
     return -val;
   template <typename OutType, typename DType>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<OutType>::Type cast(const DType val) {
     return static_cast<typename LoadType<OutType>::Type>(val);
   // activations
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType relu(const DType val) {
     return (isnan(val) || val > 0) ? val : 0;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType sigmoid(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return 1./(1 + ::exp(-val));
     } else {
       return 1.f/(1 + expf(-val));
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType softrelu(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return ::log(1 + ::exp(val));
     } else {
       return logf(1 + expf(val));
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType softsign(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val / (1 + fabs(val));
     } else {
       return val / (1 + fabsf(val));
   // exp and log
   #define DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(name, double_version, float_version) \
   template <typename DType> \
   __device__ inline DType name (const DType a) { \
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) { \
       return double_version ((double)a); \
     } else { \
       return float_version (a); \
     } \
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(exp, ::exp, ::expf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(expm1, ::expm1, ::expm1f)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(log, ::log, ::logf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(log10, ::log10, ::log10f)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(log2, ::log2, ::log2f)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(log1p, ::log1p, ::log1pf)
   // trigonometric
   constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType degrees(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return (val / pi) * 180;
     } else {
       return (val / static_cast<float>(pi)) * 180.f;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType radians(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return (val / 180.0) * pi;
     } else {
       return (val / 180.0f) * static_cast<float>(pi);
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(sin, ::sin, ::sinf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(cos, ::cos, ::cosf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(tan, ::tan, ::tanf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arcsin, ::asin, ::asinf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arccos, ::acos, ::acosf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arctan, ::atan, ::atanf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(sinh, ::sinh, ::sinhf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(cosh, ::cosh, ::coshf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(tanh, ::tanh, ::tanhf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arcsinh, ::asinh, ::asinhf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arccosh, ::acosh, ::acoshf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(arctanh, ::atanh, ::atanhf)
   // sqrt
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(sqrt, ::sqrt, ::sqrtf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(rsqrt, ::rsqrt, ::rsqrtf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(cbrt, ::cbrt, ::cbrtf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(rcbrt, ::rcbrt, ::rcbrtf)
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType square(const DType val) {
     return val * val;
   template <typename DType, typename... DTypes>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type zero(const DType val, const DTypes... args) {
     return 0;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type zero() {
     return 0;
   template <typename DType, typename... DTypes>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type one(const DType val, const DTypes... args) {
     return 1;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type one() {
     return 1;
   template <typename DType, typename... DTypes>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type negone(const DType val, const DTypes... args) {
     return -1;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline typename LoadType<DType>::Type negone() {
     return -1;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType round(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType>::value) {
       return ::round((double)val);
     } else if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val;
     } else {
       return ::roundf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType floor(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType>::value) {
       return ::floor((double)val);
     } else if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val;
     } else {
       return ::floorf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType ceil(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType>::value) {
       return ::ceil((double)val);
     } else if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val;
     } else {
       return ::ceilf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType rint(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType>::value) {
       return ::rint((double)val);
     } else if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val;
     } else {
       return ::rintf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType fix(const DType val) {
     const auto f = floor(val);
     const auto c = ceil(val);
     return (f > 0 ? f : -f) < (c > 0 ? c : -c) ? f : c;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType trunc(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double<DType>::value) {
       return ::trunc((double)val);
     } else if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return val;
     } else {
       return ::truncf(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType clip(const DType val, const float a_min, const float a_max) {
     return max(min(val, a_max), a_min);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType sign(const DType val) {
     if (val < 0) return -1;
     return val > 0 ? 1 : 0;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType reciprocal(const DType val) {
     return 1.0f / val;
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(abs, ::fabs, ::fabsf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(gamma, ::tgamma, ::tgammaf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(gammaln, ::lgamma, ::lgammaf)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(erf, ::erf, ::erff)
   DEFINE_UNARY_MATH_FUNC(erfinv, ::erfinv, ::erfinvf)
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType gelu(const DType val) {
     return 0.5f * val * (1.0f + op::erf(val / op::sqrt(2.0f)));
   template <typename DType1, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType1 smooth_l1(const DType1 val, const DType2 scalar) {
     const auto bsq = scalar * scalar;
     const auto ibsq = 1.0f / bsq;
     if (val > ibsq) {
       return val - 0.5f * ibsq;
     } else if (val < -ibsq) {
       return -val - 0.5f * ibsq;
     } else {
       return 0.5f * val * val * bsq;
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType digamma(const DType val) {
     if (type_util::has_double_or_integral<DType>::value) {
       return special_functions::cephes::psi<double>(val);
     } else {
       return special_functions::cephes::psi<float>(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType logical_not(const DType val) {
     return val != DType(0) ? DType(0) : DType(1);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline bool_t np_logical_not(const DType val) {
     return !static_cast<bool>(val);
   template <typename DType>
   __device__ inline DType bitwise_not(const DType a) {
     if (type_util::is_same<DType, bool_t>::value) {
       return !a;
     } else {
       return ~static_cast<int64>(a);
   }  // namespace op
   namespace op {
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_relu(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     if (isnan(val)) return val;
     return val > 0 ? grad : 0;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_sigmoid(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType out) {
     return grad * out * (1 - out);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_softrelu(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * sigmoid(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_softsign(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     const auto ap1 = 1 + op::abs(v);
     return grad / (ap1 * ap1);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_abs(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * op::sign(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_exp(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * op::exp(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_expm1(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return backward_exp(grad, val);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_log(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / val;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_log10(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / (val * op::log(static_cast<DTypeGrad>(10)));
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_log2(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / (val * op::log(static_cast<DTypeGrad>(2)));
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_log1p(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / (1 + val);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_sin(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * op::cos(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_cos(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return -grad * op::sin(v);
   // Uses output from tan
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_tan(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType out) {
     return grad * (out * out + 1);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arcsin(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad / op::sqrt(1 - v*v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arccos(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return -grad / op::sqrt(1 - v*v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arctan(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / (1 + val*val);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_degrees(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType /* val */) {
     return op::degrees(grad);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_radians(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType /* val */) {
     return op::radians(grad);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_sinh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * op::cosh(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_cosh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad * op::sinh(v);
   // Uses tanh output
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_tanh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType out) {
     return grad * (1 - out * out);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arcsinh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad / op::sqrt(v * v + 1);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arccosh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     return grad / op::sqrt(v * v - 1);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_arctanh(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return grad / (1 - val * val);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_sqrt(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType out) {
     return 0.5 * grad / out;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_rsqrt(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     const auto inv = 1 / v;
     return -0.5 * grad * op::sqrt(inv) * inv;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_cbrt(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType out) {
     return grad / (3.0f * out * out);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_rcbrt(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type v = val;
     const auto inv = 1 / v;
     return -1.f/3.f * grad * op::cbrt(inv) * inv;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_square(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return 2 * val * grad;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rdiv_grad(const DType val,
             const DType2 val2) {
     return -val2 / (val * val);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   div_grad(const DType val,
            const DType2 val2) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type temp = val2;
     return op::reciprocal(temp);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType div_rgrad(const DType val,
                                     const DType2 val2) {
     return -val / (val2 * val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType mod_grad(const DType val,
                                    const DType2 val2) {
     if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return 0;
     } else {
       return 1;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType mod_rgrad(const DType val,
                                     const DType2 val2) {
     if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return 0;
     } else {
       return -op::floor(val / val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType rmod_grad(const DType val,
                                     const DType2 val2) {
     if (type_util::is_integral<DType>::value) {
       return 0;
     } else {
       return -op::floor(val2 / val);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   power_grad(const DType val,
              const DType2 val2) {
     return op::power(val, val2 - 1.f) * val2;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   power_rgrad(const DType val,
               const DType2 val2) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type temp = val;
     return op::power(val, val2) * op::log(temp);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rpower_grad(const DType val,
               const DType2 val2) {
     const typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type temp = val2;
     return val * op::log(temp);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   hypot_grad_left(const DType val,
                   const DType2 val2) {
     return val / op::hypot(val, val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   hypot_grad_right(const DType val,
                    const DType2 val2) {
     return val2 / op::hypot(val, val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   copysign_grad(const DType val,
                 const DType2 val2) {
     return (val >= 0 && val2 >= 0) || (val < 0 && val2 < 0) ? 1 : -1;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   arctan2_grad(const DType val,
                const DType2 val2) {
     return val2 / (val * val + val2 * val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rarctan2_grad(const DType val,
                 const DType2 val2) {
     return val / (val * val + val2 * val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   arctan2_rgrad(const DType val,
                 const DType2 val2) {
     return -rarctan2_grad(val, val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   ldexp_grad(const DType val,
              const DType2 val2) {
     return op::power(static_cast<DType>(2), val2);
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type
   rldexp_grad(const DType val,
               const DType2 val2) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DType, DType2>::type;
     return val2 * op::power(static_cast<mixed_type>(2), val) * op::log(static_cast<mixed_type>(2));
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_clip(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val,
                 const float a_min, const float a_max) {
     if (val > a_max || val < a_min) {
       return 0;
     } else {
       return grad;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_reciprocal(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return -grad / (val * val);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_erf(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type;
     const mixed_type v = val;
     constexpr mixed_type my_pi = pi;
     return 2.0f / op::sqrt(my_pi) * op::exp(-(v*v)) * grad;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_erfinv(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type;
     constexpr mixed_type my_pi = pi;
     const mixed_type g = grad;
     const mixed_type v = val;
     return 0.5f * op::sqrt(my_pi) * op::exp(v * v) * g;
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_gamma(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type;
     const mixed_type v = val;
     if (type_util::is_same<DTypeGrad, double>::value) {
       return grad * op::gamma(v) * op::special_functions::cephes::psi<double>(v);
     } else {
       return grad * op::gamma(v) * op::special_functions::cephes::psi<float>(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_gammaln(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type;
     const mixed_type v = val;
     if (type_util::is_same<DTypeGrad, double>::value) {
       return grad * op::special_functions::cephes::psi<double>(v);
     } else {
       return grad * op::special_functions::cephes::psi<float>(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_digamma(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     using mixed_type = typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type;
     const mixed_type v = val;
     if (type_util::is_same<DTypeGrad, double>::value) {
       return grad * op::special_functions::trigamma<double>(v);
     } else {
       return grad * op::special_functions::trigamma<float>(v);
   template <typename DType, typename DTypeGrad>
   __device__ inline typename type_util::mixed_type<DTypeGrad, DType>::type
   backward_gelu(const DTypeGrad grad, const DType val) {
     return 0.5f * (grad + grad * op::erf(val / op::sqrt(2.0f)) +
                    val * backward_erf(grad, val / op::sqrt(2.0f)) / op::sqrt(2.0f));
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType smooth_l1_grad(const DType val, const DType2 scalar) {
     auto bsq = scalar * scalar;
     auto ibsq = 1.0f / bsq;
     if (val > ibsq) {
       return 1;
     } else if (val < -ibsq) {
       return -1;
     } else {
       return bsq * val;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType2 xelu_grad(const DType val,
                                      const DType2 val2) {
     return (val > 0) ? 1 : val2;
   template <typename DType, typename DType2>
   __device__ inline DType prelu_grad(const DType val,
                                      const DType2 val2) {
     return (val > 0) ? 0 : val;
   }  // namespace op
   namespace red {
   /*! \brief sum reducer */
   struct sum {
     /*! \brief do reduction into dst */
     template<typename DType, typename DType2>
     __device__ inline static void Reduce(volatile DType& dst,  volatile DType2 src) {
       dst = op::add(dst, src);
     /*! \brief do stable reduction into dst */
     template<typename DType, typename DType2>
     __device__ inline static void Reduce(volatile DType& dst,  volatile DType2 src,
                                          volatile DType& residual) {
       DType y = op::sub(src, residual);
       DType t = dst + y;
       if (util::isinf(t)) {
         residual = 0;
       } else {
         residual = (t - dst) - y;
       dst = t;
     /*! \brief combine the results of two reducers */
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void Merge(volatile DType& dst_val, volatile DType& src_val) {
       Reduce(dst_val, src_val);
     /*! \brief combine the results of two reducers */
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void Merge(volatile DType& dst_val, volatile DType& dst_residual,
                                         volatile DType& src_val, volatile DType& src_residual) {
       DType t1 = dst_val + src_val;
       if (util::isinf(t1)) {
         dst_val = t1;
         dst_residual = 0;
       } else {
         DType e = t1 - dst_val;
         DType t2 = ((src_val - e) + (dst_val - (t1 - e))) + dst_residual + src_residual;
         dst_val = t1 + t2;
         dst_residual = t2 - (dst_val - t1);
     /*! \brief finalize reduction result */
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void Finalize(volatile DType& dst) {}
     /*! \brief finalize reduction result */
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void Finalize(volatile DType& dst, volatile DType& none) {}
      *\brief set the initial value during reduction
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void SetInitValue(DType &initv) {
       initv = 0;
      *\brief set the initial value during reduction
     template<typename DType>
     __device__ inline static void SetInitValue(DType &initv, DType &residual) {
       residual = 0;
   }  // namespace red
   using DType_output1 = float;
   static const int ndim_output1 = 2;
   using DType_output0 = int;
   static const int ndim_output0 = 2;
   static const int ndim_input_0 = 2;
   using DType_input_0 = int;
   static const int nvec = 1;
   __global__ void FusedKernel_clip_Cast(size_t N,  const op::Shape<2> input_0_shape,  const op::Shape<2> output0_shape,  const op::Shape<2> output1_shape, DType_input_0* input_0, DType_output0* output0, DType_output1* output1) {
   const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
   for (int i = tid; i < N; i+= gridDim.x * blockDim.x) {
       int offset = i*nvec;
   const auto vec_input_0 = op::load_index<nvec>(input_0, offset, input_0_shape);
   vector::VectorizedStorage<DType_output0, nvec> vec_output0;
   vector::VectorizedStorage<DType_output1, nvec> vec_output1;
   for (int j = 0; j < nvec; j++ ) {
   const auto temp0 = op::load(vec_input_0.scratch_.separate[j]);
   const auto temp2 = op::clip(temp0, 0, inf);
   const auto temp4 = op::cast<float32>(temp2);
   vec_output0.scratch_.separate[j] = op::store(temp2, output0);
   vec_output1.scratch_.separate[j] = op::store(temp4, output1);
   op::store_index(vec_output0, i, output0, output0_shape);
   op::store_index(vec_output1, i, output1, output1_shape);

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[GitHub] [incubator-mxnet] ptrendx commented on issue #19026: [Bug] RTC Failed to compile

Posted by GitBox <>.
ptrendx commented on issue #19026:

   Ok, I believe `inf` is generated by the ffi for `np.clip` here:
   I will make PR with support for fusion of `clip` without `a_min` or `a_max` parameters tomorrow.

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[GitHub] [incubator-mxnet] sxjscience closed issue #19026: [Bug] RTC Failed to compile

Posted by GitBox <>.
sxjscience closed issue #19026:


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