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[10/18] TAJO-520: Move tajo-core-storage to tajo-storage. (jinho)
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/ b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c362c..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,948 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.StoreType;
-import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.Type;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
-import org.apache.tajo.util.CommonTestingUtil;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Random;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class TestBSTIndex {
-  private TajoConf conf;
-  private Schema schema;
-  private TableMeta meta;
-  private static final int TUPLE_NUM = 10000;
-  private static final int LOAD_NUM = 100;
-  private static final String TEST_PATH = "target/test-data/TestIndex";
-  private Path testDir;
-  private FileSystem fs;
-  private StoreType storeType;
-  public TestBSTIndex(StoreType type) {
-    this.storeType = type;
-    conf = new TajoConf();
-    conf.setVar(TajoConf.ConfVars.ROOT_DIR, TEST_PATH);
-    schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("float", Type.FLOAT4));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("string", Type.TEXT));
-  }
-  @Parameterized.Parameters
-  public static Collection<Object[]> generateParameters() {
-    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
-        {StoreType.CSV},
-        {StoreType.RAW}
-    });
-  }
-  @Before
-  public void setUp() throws Exception {
-    testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH);
-    fs = testDir.getFileSystem(conf);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindValue() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindValue_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX,
-        keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(1));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(2));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    tuple = new VTuple(keySchema.getColumnNum());
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindValue_" + storeType + ".idx"), keySchema, comp);
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i++) {
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(tuple);
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("seek check [" + (i) + " ," + (tuple.get(1).asInt8()) + "]", (i) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("seek check [" + (i) + " ," + (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()) + "]", (i) == (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (tuple.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-    }
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testBuildIndexWithAppender() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testBuildIndexWithAppender_" + storeType);
-    FileAppender appender = (FileAppender) StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema,
-        tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testBuildIndexWithAppender_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    Tuple tuple;
-    long offset;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      offset = appender.getOffset();
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-      creater.write(tuple, offset);
-    }
-    appender.flush();
-    appender.close();
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    tuple = new VTuple(keySchema.getColumnNum());
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testBuildIndexWithAppender_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i++) {
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(tuple);
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i) + " ]", (i) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i) + " ]", (i) == (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (tuple.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-    }
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindOmittedValue() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = StorageUtil.concatPath(testDir, "testFindOmittedValue_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i += 2) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, status.getLen());
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindOmittedValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(1));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(2));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindOmittedValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    for (int i = 1; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i += 2) {
-      keyTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      keyTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(keyTuple);
-      assertEquals(-1, offsets);
-    }
-    reader.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindNextKeyValue() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValue_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple result;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i++) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      keyTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      keyTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(keyTuple, true);
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]",
-          (i + 1) == (result.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (result.get(1).asInt8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 2) + " ]", (i + 2) == (result.get(0).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 2) + " ]", (i + 2) == (result.get(1).asFloat8()));
-    }
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindNextKeyOmittedValue() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyOmittedValue_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i += 2) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyOmittedValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyOmittedValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple result;
-    for (int i = 1; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i += 2) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      keyTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      keyTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(keyTuple, true);
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (result.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]", (i + 1) == (result.get(1).asInt8()));
-    }
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindMinValue() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindMinValue" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 5; i < TUPLE_NUM + 5; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindMinValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(1));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(2));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    tuple = new VTuple(keySchema.getColumnNum());
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindMinValue_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(0));
-    tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(0));
-    offset = reader.find(tuple);
-    assertEquals(-1, offset);
-    offset = reader.find(tuple, true);
-    assertTrue(offset >= 0);
-    tuple =;
-    assertEquals(5, tuple.get(1).asInt4());
-    assertEquals(5l, tuple.get(2).asInt8());
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMinMax() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testMinMax_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 5; i < TUPLE_NUM; i += 2) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testMinMax_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testMinMax_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    Tuple min = reader.getFirstKey();
-    assertEquals(5, min.get(0).asInt4());
-    assertEquals(5l, min.get(0).asInt8());
-    Tuple max = reader.getLastKey();
-    assertEquals(TUPLE_NUM - 1, max.get(0).asInt4());
-    assertEquals(TUPLE_NUM - 1, max.get(0).asInt8());
-    reader.close();
-  }
-  private class ConcurrentAccessor implements Runnable {
-    final BSTIndexReader reader;
-    final Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
-    boolean failed = false;
-    ConcurrentAccessor(BSTIndexReader reader) {
-      this.reader = reader;
-    }
-    public boolean isFailed() {
-      return this.failed;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void run() {
-      Tuple findKey = new VTuple(2);
-      int keyVal;
-      for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
-        keyVal = rnd.nextInt(10000);
-        findKey.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(keyVal));
-        findKey.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(keyVal));
-        try {
-          assertTrue(reader.find(findKey) != -1);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-          e.printStackTrace();
-          this.failed = true;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testConcurrentAccess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testConcurrentAccess_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testConcurrentAccess_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testConcurrentAccess_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    Thread[] threads = new Thread[5];
-    ConcurrentAccessor[] accs = new ConcurrentAccessor[5];
-    for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
-      accs[i] = new ConcurrentAccessor(reader);
-      threads[i] = new Thread(accs[i]);
-      threads[i].start();
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
-      threads[i].join();
-      assertFalse(accs[i].isFailed());
-    }
-    reader.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindValueDescOrder() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindValueDescOrder_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = (TUPLE_NUM - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), false, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), false, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "testFindValueDescOrder_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(1));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(2));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    tuple = new VTuple(keySchema.getColumnNum());
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindValueDescOrder_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    for (int i = (TUPLE_NUM - 1); i > 0; i--) {
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(tuple);
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("seek check [" + (i) + " ," + (tuple.get(1).asInt8()) + "]", (i) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("seek check [" + (i) + " ," + (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()) + "]", (i) == (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 1) + " ]", (i - 1) == (tuple.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 1) + " ]", (i - 1) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-    }
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindNextKeyValueDescOrder() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValueDescOrder_" + storeType);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = (TUPLE_NUM - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), false, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), false, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir,
-        "testFindNextKeyValueDescOrder_" + storeType + ".idx"), BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = scanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    scanner.close();
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValueDescOrder_" + storeType + ".idx"),
-        keySchema, comp);
-    assertEquals(keySchema, reader.getKeySchema());
-    assertEquals(comp, reader.getComparator());
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getSeekableScanner(conf, meta, schema, tablet, schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple result;
-    for (int i = (TUPLE_NUM - 1); i > 0; i--) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      keyTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      keyTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(keyTuple, true);
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 1) + " ]",
-          (i - 1) == (result.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 1) + " ]", (i - 1) == (result.get(1).asInt8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 2) + " ]", (i - 2) == (result.get(0).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i - 2) + " ]", (i - 2) == (result.get(1).asFloat8()));
-    }
-    reader.close();
-    scanner.close();
-  }
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/ b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d5d90f..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/index/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.*;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.StoreType;
-import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.Type;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf.ConfVars;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
-import org.apache.tajo.util.CommonTestingUtil;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import static;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class TestSingleCSVFileBSTIndex {
-  private TajoConf conf;
-  private Schema schema;
-  private TableMeta meta;
-  private FileSystem fs;
-  private static final int TUPLE_NUM = 10000;
-  private static final int LOAD_NUM = 100;
-  private static final String TEST_PATH = "target/test-data/TestSingleCSVFileBSTIndex";
-  private Path testDir;
-  public TestSingleCSVFileBSTIndex() {
-    conf = new TajoConf();
-    conf.setVar(ConfVars.ROOT_DIR, TEST_PATH);
-    schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("float", Type.FLOAT4));
-    schema.addColumn(new Column("string", Type.TEXT));
-  }
-  @Before
-  public void setUp() throws Exception {
-    testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH);
-    fs = testDir.getFileSystem(conf);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindValueInSingleCSV() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV);
-    Path tablePath = StorageUtil.concatPath(testDir, "testFindValueInSingleCSV", "table.csv");
-    fs.mkdirs(tablePath.getParent());
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM; i++) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec[] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("double"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("double", Type.FLOAT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir,
-        "FindValueInCSV.idx"), BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner fileScanner = new CSVScanner(conf, schema, meta, tablet);
-    fileScanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = fileScanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null)
-        break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(1));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(2));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    fileScanner.close();
-    tuple = new VTuple(keySchema.getColumnNum());
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir,
-        "FindValueInCSV.idx"), keySchema, comp);
-    fileScanner = new CSVScanner(conf, schema, meta, tablet);
-    fileScanner.init();
-    for (int i = 0; i < TUPLE_NUM - 1; i++) {
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(tuple);
-      tuple =;
-      assertEquals(i,  (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-      assertEquals(i, (tuple.get(2).asFloat8()) , 0.01);
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      tuple =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]",
-          (i + 1) == (tuple.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]",
-          (i + 1) == (tuple.get(1).asInt8()));
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testFindNextKeyValueInSingleCSV() throws IOException {
-    meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(StoreType.CSV);
-    Path tablePath = StorageUtil.concatPath(testDir, "testFindNextKeyValueInSingleCSV",
-        "table1.csv");
-    fs.mkdirs(tablePath.getParent());
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple;
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < TUPLE_NUM; i ++ ) {
-      tuple = new VTuple(5);
-      tuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      tuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      tuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat8(i));
-      tuple.put(3, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i));
-      tuple.put(4, DatumFactory.createText("field_" + i));
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment tablet = new FileFragment("table1_1", status.getPath(), 0, fileLen);
-    SortSpec [] sortKeys = new SortSpec[2];
-    sortKeys[0] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("int"), true, false);
-    sortKeys[1] = new SortSpec(schema.getColumnByFQN("long"), true, false);
-    Schema keySchema = new Schema();
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("int", Type.INT4));
-    keySchema.addColumn(new Column("long", Type.INT8));
-    TupleComparator comp = new TupleComparator(keySchema, sortKeys);
-    BSTIndex bst = new BSTIndex(conf);
-    BSTIndexWriter creater = bst.getIndexWriter(new Path(testDir, "FindNextKeyValueInCSV.idx"),
-        BSTIndex.TWO_LEVEL_INDEX, keySchema, comp);
-    creater.setLoadNum(LOAD_NUM);
-    SeekableScanner fileScanner  = new CSVScanner(conf, schema, meta, tablet);
-    fileScanner.init();
-    Tuple keyTuple;
-    long offset;
-    while (true) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      offset = fileScanner.getNextOffset();
-      tuple =;
-      if (tuple == null) break;
-      keyTuple.put(0, tuple.get(0));
-      keyTuple.put(1, tuple.get(1));
-      creater.write(keyTuple, offset);
-    }
-    creater.flush();
-    creater.close();
-    fileScanner.close();    
-    BSTIndexReader reader = bst.getIndexReader(new Path(testDir, "FindNextKeyValueInCSV.idx"), keySchema, comp);
-    fileScanner  = new CSVScanner(conf, schema, meta, tablet);
-    fileScanner.init();
-    Tuple result;
-    for(int i = 0 ; i < TUPLE_NUM -1 ; i ++) {
-      keyTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      keyTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i));
-      keyTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i));
-      long offsets = reader.find(keyTuple, true);
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]" , (i + 1) == (result.get(0).asInt4()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 1) + " ]" , (i + 1) == (result.get(1).asInt8()));
-      offsets =;
-      if (offsets == -1) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      result =;
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 2) + " ]" , (i + 2) == (result.get(0).asInt8()));
-      assertTrue("[seek check " + (i + 2) + " ]" , (i + 2) == (result.get(1).asFloat8()));
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/ b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e95b8b..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogUtil;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.TableMeta;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.statistics.TableStats;
-import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
-import org.apache.tajo.util.CommonTestingUtil;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-public class TestCSVCompression {
-  private TajoConf conf;
-  private static String TEST_PATH = "target/test-data/v2/TestCSVCompression";
-  private CatalogProtos.StoreType storeType;
-  private Path testDir;
-  private FileSystem fs;
-  public TestCSVCompression(CatalogProtos.StoreType type) throws IOException {
-    this.storeType = type;
-    conf = new TajoConf();
-    conf.setBoolVar(TajoConf.ConfVars.STORAGE_MANAGER_VERSION_2, true);
-    testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH);
-    fs = testDir.getFileSystem(conf);
-  }
-  @Parameterized.Parameters
-  public static Collection<Object[]> generateParameters() {
-    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
-        {CatalogProtos.StoreType.CSV}
-    });
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testDeflateCodecCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    storageCompressionTest(storeType, DeflateCodec.class);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGzipCodecCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    storageCompressionTest(storeType, GzipCodec.class);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testSnappyCodecCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    if (SnappyCodec.isNativeCodeLoaded()) {
-      storageCompressionTest(storeType, SnappyCodec.class);
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testBzip2CodecCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    storageCompressionTest(storeType, BZip2Codec.class);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testLz4CodecCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    if(NativeCodeLoader.isNativeCodeLoaded() && Lz4Codec.isNativeCodeLoaded())
-      storageCompressionTest(storeType, Lz4Codec.class);
-  }
-  // TODO - See
-  //@Test
-  public void testSplitCompressionData() throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("id", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("age", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT8);
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(CatalogProtos.StoreType.CSV);
-    meta.putOption("compression.codec", BZip2Codec.class.getCanonicalName());
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "SplitCompression");
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.enableStats();
-    appender.init();
-    String extention = "";
-    if (appender instanceof CSVFile.CSVAppender) {
-      extention = ((CSVFile.CSVAppender) appender).getExtension();
-    }
-    int tupleNum = 100000;
-    VTuple vTuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tupleNum; i++) {
-      vTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      vTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 1));
-      vTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(25l));
-      appender.addTuple(vTuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    TableStats stat = appender.getStats();
-    assertEquals(tupleNum, stat.getNumRows().longValue());
-    tablePath = tablePath.suffix(extention);
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    long randomNum = (long) (Math.random() * fileLen) + 1;
-    FileFragment[] tablets = new FileFragment[2];
-    tablets[0] = new FileFragment("SplitCompression", tablePath, 0, randomNum);
-    tablets[1] = new FileFragment("SplitCompression", tablePath, randomNum, (fileLen - randomNum));
-    Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, tablets[0], schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    int tupleCnt = 0;
-    Tuple tuple;
-    while ((tuple = != null) {
-      tupleCnt++;
-    }
-    scanner.close();
-    scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, tablets[1], schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    while ((tuple = != null) {
-      tupleCnt++;
-    }
-    scanner.close();
-    assertEquals(tupleNum, tupleCnt);
-  }
-  private void storageCompressionTest(CatalogProtos.StoreType storeType, Class<? extends CompressionCodec> codec)
-      throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("id", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("age", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT8);
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    meta.putOption("compression.codec", codec.getCanonicalName());
-    String fileName = "Compression_" + codec.getSimpleName();
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, fileName);
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.enableStats();
-    appender.init();
-    String extension = "";
-    if (appender instanceof CSVFile.CSVAppender) {
-      extension = ((CSVFile.CSVAppender) appender).getExtension();
-    }
-    int tupleNum = 10000;
-    VTuple vTuple;
-    for (int i = 0; i < tupleNum; i++) {
-      vTuple = new VTuple(2);
-      vTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 1));
-      vTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(25l));
-      appender.addTuple(vTuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    TableStats stat = appender.getStats();
-    assertEquals(tupleNum, stat.getNumRows().longValue());
-    tablePath = tablePath.suffix(extension);
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    long fileLen = status.getLen();
-    FileFragment[] tablets = new FileFragment[1];
-    tablets[0] = new FileFragment(fileName, tablePath, 0, fileLen);
-    Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, tablets[0], schema);
-    scanner.init();
-    int tupleCnt = 0;
-    while ( != null) {
-      tupleCnt++;
-    }
-    scanner.close();
-    assertEquals(tupleCnt, tupleNum);
-  }
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/ b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
deleted file mode 100644
index c356548..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogUtil;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.TableMeta;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos;
-import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.Datum;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
-import org.apache.tajo.util.CommonTestingUtil;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import static org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf.ConfVars;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-public class TestCSVScanner {
-  private TajoConf conf;
-  private static String TEST_PATH = "target/test-data/v2/TestCSVScanner";
-  AbstractStorageManager sm = null;
-  private Path testDir;
-  private FileSystem fs;
-  @Before
-  public void setUp() throws Exception {
-    conf = new TajoConf();
-    conf.setBoolVar(ConfVars.STORAGE_MANAGER_VERSION_2, true);
-    testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH);
-    fs = testDir.getFileSystem(conf);
-    sm = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf, testDir);
-  }
-  @After
-  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-  }
-  @Test
-  public final void testGetScannerAndAppender() throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("id", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("age", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("name", TajoDataTypes.Type.TEXT);
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(CatalogProtos.StoreType.CSV);
-    Tuple[] tuples = new Tuple[4];
-    for(int i=0; i < tuples.length; i++) {
-      tuples[i] = new VTuple(3);
-      tuples[i].put(new Datum[] {
-          DatumFactory.createInt4(i),
-          DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 32),
-          DatumFactory.createText("name" + i)});
-    }
-    Path path = StorageUtil.concatPath(testDir, "testGetScannerAndAppender", "table.csv");
-    fs.mkdirs(path.getParent());
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, path);
-    appender.init();
-    for(Tuple t : tuples) {
-      appender.addTuple(t);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getFileScanner(meta, schema, path);
-    scanner.init();
-    int i=0;
-    Tuple tuple = null;
-    while( (tuple = != null) {
-      i++;
-    }
-    assertEquals(4,i);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public final void testPartitionFile() throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("key", TajoDataTypes.Type.TEXT);
-    schema.addColumn("age", TajoDataTypes.Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("name", TajoDataTypes.Type.TEXT);
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(CatalogProtos.StoreType.CSV);
-    Path path = StorageUtil.concatPath(testDir, "testPartitionFile", "table.csv");
-    fs.mkdirs(path.getParent());
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, path);
-    appender.init();
-    String keyValue = "";
-    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-      keyValue += "0123456789";
-    }
-    keyValue = "key_" + keyValue + "_";
-    String nameValue = "";
-    for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-      nameValue += "0123456789";
-    }
-    nameValue = "name_" + nameValue + "_";
-    int numTuples = 100000;
-    for(int i = 0; i < numTuples; i++) {
-      Tuple tuple = new VTuple(3);
-      tuple.put(new Datum[] {
-          DatumFactory.createText(keyValue + i),
-          DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 32),
-          DatumFactory.createText(nameValue + i)});
-      appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    long fileLength = fs.getLength(path);
-    long totalTupleCount = 0;
-    int scanCount = 0;
-    Tuple startTuple = null;
-    Tuple lastTuple = null;
-    while(true) {
-      long startOffset = (64 * 1024 * 1024) * scanCount;
-      long length = Math.min(64 * 1024 * 1024, fileLength - startOffset);
-      FileFragment fragment = new FileFragment("Test", path, startOffset, length, null);
-      Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, fragment, schema);
-      scanner.init();
-      Tuple tuple = null;
-      while( (tuple = != null) {
-        if(startTuple == null) {
-          startTuple = tuple;
-        }
-        lastTuple = tuple;
-        totalTupleCount++;
-      }
-      scanCount++;
-      if(length < 64 * 1024 * 1024) {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    assertEquals(numTuples, totalTupleCount);
-    assertEquals(keyValue + 0, startTuple.get(0).toString());
-    assertEquals(keyValue + (numTuples - 1), lastTuple.get(0).toString());
-  }
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/ b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3d3133..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/java/org/apache/tajo/storage/v2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.CatalogUtil;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Options;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.TableMeta;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.proto.CatalogProtos.StoreType;
-import org.apache.tajo.catalog.statistics.TableStats;
-import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.Type;
-import org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.Datum;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.DatumFactory;
-import org.apache.tajo.datum.NullDatum;
-import org.apache.tajo.util.CommonTestingUtil;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import static org.apache.tajo.conf.TajoConf.ConfVars;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-public class TestStorages {
-	private TajoConf conf;
-	private static String TEST_PATH = "target/test-data/v2/TestStorages";
-  private StoreType storeType;
-  private boolean splitable;
-  private boolean statsable;
-  private Path testDir;
-  private FileSystem fs;
-  public TestStorages(StoreType type, boolean splitable, boolean statsable) throws IOException {
-    this.storeType = type;
-    this.splitable = splitable;
-    this.statsable = statsable;
-    conf = new TajoConf();
-    conf.setBoolVar(ConfVars.STORAGE_MANAGER_VERSION_2, true);
-    if (storeType == StoreType.RCFILE) {
-      conf.setInt(RCFile.RECORD_INTERVAL_CONF_STR, 100);
-    }
-    testDir = CommonTestingUtil.getTestDir(TEST_PATH);
-    fs = testDir.getFileSystem(conf);
-  }
-  @Parameterized.Parameters
-  public static Collection<Object[]> generateParameters() {
-    return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
-        {StoreType.CSV, true, true},
-        {StoreType.RCFILE, true, true},
-        {StoreType.TREVNI, false, true},
-        {StoreType.RAW, false, false},
-    });
-  }
-	@Test
-  public void testSplitable() throws IOException {
-    if (splitable) {
-      Schema schema = new Schema();
-      schema.addColumn("id", Type.INT4);
-      schema.addColumn("age", Type.INT8);
-      TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-      Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "");
-      Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-      appender.enableStats();
-      appender.init();
-      int tupleNum = 10000;
-      VTuple vTuple;
-      for(int i = 0; i < tupleNum; i++) {
-        vTuple = new VTuple(2);
-        vTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 1));
-        vTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(25l));
-        appender.addTuple(vTuple);
-      }
-      appender.close();
-      TableStats stat = appender.getStats();
-      assertEquals(tupleNum, stat.getNumRows().longValue());
-      FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-      long fileLen = status.getLen();
-      long randomNum = (long) (Math.random() * fileLen) + 1;
-      FileFragment[] tablets = new FileFragment[2];
-      tablets[0] = new FileFragment("Splitable", tablePath, 0, randomNum);
-      tablets[1] = new FileFragment("Splitable", tablePath, randomNum, (fileLen - randomNum));
-      Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, tablets[0], schema);
-      scanner.init();
-      int tupleCnt = 0;
-      while ( != null) {
-        tupleCnt++;
-      }
-      scanner.close();
-      scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, tablets[1], schema);
-      scanner.init();
-      while ( != null) {
-        tupleCnt++;
-      }
-      scanner.close();
-      assertEquals(tupleNum, tupleCnt);
-    }
-	}
-  @Test
-  public void testProjection() throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("id", Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("age", Type.INT8);
-    schema.addColumn("score", Type.FLOAT4);
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "");
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    int tupleNum = 10000;
-    VTuple vTuple;
-    for(int i = 0; i < tupleNum; i++) {
-      vTuple = new VTuple(3);
-      vTuple.put(0, DatumFactory.createInt4(i + 1));
-      vTuple.put(1, DatumFactory.createInt8(i + 2));
-      vTuple.put(2, DatumFactory.createFloat4(i + 3));
-      appender.addTuple(vTuple);
-    }
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    FileFragment fragment = new FileFragment("testReadAndWrite", tablePath, 0, status.getLen());
-    Schema target = new Schema();
-    target.addColumn("age", Type.INT8);
-    target.addColumn("score", Type.FLOAT4);
-    Scanner scanner = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, fragment, target);
-    scanner.init();
-    int tupleCnt = 0;
-    Tuple tuple;
-    while ((tuple = != null) {
-      if (storeType == StoreType.RCFILE || storeType == StoreType.TREVNI || storeType == StoreType.CSV) {
-        assertTrue(tuple.get(0) == null || tuple.get(0) instanceof NullDatum);
-      }
-      assertEquals(DatumFactory.createInt8(tupleCnt + 2), tuple.getLong(1));
-      assertEquals(DatumFactory.createFloat4(tupleCnt + 3), tuple.getFloat(2));
-      tupleCnt++;
-    }
-    scanner.close();
-    assertEquals(tupleNum, tupleCnt);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testVariousTypes() throws IOException {
-    Schema schema = new Schema();
-    schema.addColumn("col1", Type.BOOLEAN);
-    schema.addColumn("col2", Type.BIT);
-    schema.addColumn("col3", Type.CHAR, 7);
-    schema.addColumn("col4", Type.INT2);
-    schema.addColumn("col5", Type.INT4);
-    schema.addColumn("col6", Type.INT8);
-    schema.addColumn("col7", Type.FLOAT4);
-    schema.addColumn("col8", Type.FLOAT8);
-    schema.addColumn("col9", Type.TEXT);
-    schema.addColumn("col10", Type.BLOB);
-    schema.addColumn("col11", Type.INET4);
-    schema.addColumn("col12", Type.NULL_TYPE);
-    Options options = new Options();
-    TableMeta meta = CatalogUtil.newTableMeta(storeType, options);
-    Path tablePath = new Path(testDir, "");
-    Appender appender = StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getAppender(meta, schema, tablePath);
-    appender.init();
-    Tuple tuple = new VTuple(12);
-    tuple.put(new Datum[] {
-        DatumFactory.createBool(true),
-        DatumFactory.createBit((byte) 0x99),
-        DatumFactory.createChar("hyunsik"),
-        DatumFactory.createInt2((short) 17),
-        DatumFactory.createInt4(59),
-        DatumFactory.createInt8(23l),
-        DatumFactory.createFloat4(77.9f),
-        DatumFactory.createFloat8(271.9f),
-        DatumFactory.createText("hyunsik"),
-        DatumFactory.createBlob("hyunsik".getBytes()),
-        DatumFactory.createInet4(""),
-        NullDatum.get()
-    });
-    appender.addTuple(tuple);
-    appender.flush();
-    appender.close();
-    FileStatus status = fs.getFileStatus(tablePath);
-    FileFragment fragment = new FileFragment("table", tablePath, 0, status.getLen());
-    Scanner scanner =  StorageManagerFactory.getStorageManager(conf).getScanner(meta, schema, fragment);
-    scanner.init();
-    Tuple retrieved;
-    while (( != null) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) {
-        assertEquals(tuple.get(i), retrieved.get(i));
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/resources/storage-default.xml b/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/resources/storage-default.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bf4453..0000000
--- a/tajo-core/tajo-core-storage/src/test/resources/storage-default.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-  -->
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>false</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>8388608</value>
-    <description></description>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>1</value>
-    <description></description>
-  </property>
-  <!--- Registered Scanner Handler -->
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>csv,raw,rcfile,row,trevni</value>
-  </property>
-  <!--- Fragment Class Configurations -->
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <!--- Scanner Handler -->
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$CSVScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RawFileScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RawFileScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RCFileScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RowFileScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RowFileScanner</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
-  <!--- Appender Handler -->
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>csv,raw,rcfile,row,trevni</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$CSVAppender</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RawFileAppender</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RCFileAppender</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value>$RowFileAppender</value>
-  </property>
-  <property>
-    <name></name>
-    <value></value>
-  </property>
diff --git a/tajo-dist/pom.xml b/tajo-dist/pom.xml
index 0712d01..534cf22 100644
--- a/tajo-dist/pom.xml
+++ b/tajo-dist/pom.xml
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.tajo</groupId>
+      <artifactId>tajo-storage</artifactId>
+      <scope>provided</scope>
+    </dependency>
@@ -105,6 +110,7 @@
                       run cp -r $ROOT/tajo-client/target/tajo-client-${project.version}/* .
                       run cp -r $ROOT/tajo-catalog/target/tajo-catalog-${project.version}/* .
                       run cp -r $ROOT/tajo-core/target/tajo-core-${project.version}/* .
+                      run cp -r $ROOT/tajo-storage/target/tajo-storage-${project.version}/* .
                       run cp -r ${project.basedir}/src/main/bin .
                       run cp -r ${project.basedir}/src/main/conf .
                       run rm -rf lib/tajo-*-${project.version}.jar
diff --git a/tajo-jdbc/pom.xml b/tajo-jdbc/pom.xml
index b1ee8e6..d691af7 100644
--- a/tajo-jdbc/pom.xml
+++ b/tajo-jdbc/pom.xml
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
-      <artifactId>tajo-core-storage</artifactId>
+      <artifactId>tajo-storage</artifactId>
diff --git a/tajo-project/pom.xml b/tajo-project/pom.xml
index ee000d8..59628a9 100644
--- a/tajo-project/pom.xml
+++ b/tajo-project/pom.xml
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@
-        <artifactId>tajo-core-storage</artifactId>
+        <artifactId>tajo-storage</artifactId>
diff --git a/tajo-storage/pom.xml b/tajo-storage/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5521ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tajo-storage/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  Copyright 2012 Database Lab., Korea Univ.
+  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+  -->
+<project xmlns=""
+         xmlns:xsi=""
+         xsi:schemaLocation="">
+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <parent>
+    <artifactId>tajo-project</artifactId>
+    <groupId>org.apache.tajo</groupId>
+    <version>0.8.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <relativePath>../tajo-project</relativePath>
+  </parent>
+  <artifactId>tajo-storage</artifactId>
+  <version>0.8.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <packaging>jar</packaging>
+  <name>Tajo Storage</name>
+  <description>Tajo Storage Package</description>
+  <properties>
+    <>UTF-8</>
+    <project.reporting.outputEncoding>UTF-8</project.reporting.outputEncoding>
+  </properties>
+  <repositories>
+    <repository>
+      <id></id>
+      <url>
+            </url>
+      <snapshots>
+        <enabled>false</enabled>
+      </snapshots>
+    </repository>
+  </repositories>
+  <build>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+        <configuration>
+          <source>1.6</source>
+          <target>1.6</target>
+          <encoding>${}</encoding>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>test-jar</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>create-protobuf-generated-sources-directory</id>
+            <phase>initialize</phase>
+            <configuration>
+              <target>
+                <mkdir dir="target/generated-sources/proto" />
+              </target>
+            </configuration>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>run</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.2</version>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>generate-sources</id>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <configuration>
+              <executable>protoc</executable>
+              <arguments>
+                <argument>-Isrc/main/proto/</argument>
+                <argument>--proto_path=../tajo-common/src/main/proto</argument>
+                <argument>--proto_path=../tajo-catalog/tajo-catalog-common/src/main/proto</argument>
+                <argument>--java_out=target/generated-sources/proto</argument>
+                <argument>src/main/proto/IndexProtos.proto</argument>
+              </arguments>
+            </configuration>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>exec</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
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+        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.5</version>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>add-source</id>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>add-source</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <sources>
+                <source>target/generated-sources/proto</source>
+              </sources>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-pmd-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.7.1</version>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </build>
+  <dependencies>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.tajo</groupId>
+      <artifactId>tajo-catalog-common</artifactId>
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId>org.apache.tajo</groupId>
+          <artifactId>tajo-rpc</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.avro</groupId>
+      <artifactId>trevni-core</artifactId>
+      <version>1.7.3</version>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.avro</groupId>
+      <artifactId>trevni-avro</artifactId>
+      <version>1.7.3</version>
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
+          <artifactId>hadoop-core</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+        <exclusion>
+          <artifactId>avro-mapred</artifactId>
+          <groupId>org.apache.avro</groupId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hadoop-common</artifactId>
+      <exclusions>
+        <exclusion>
+          <artifactId>zookeeper</artifactId>
+          <groupId>org.apache.zookeeper</groupId>
+        </exclusion>
+        <exclusion>
+          <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId>
+          <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
+        </exclusion>
+        <exclusion>
+          <artifactId>jersey-json</artifactId>
+          <groupId>com.sun.jersey</groupId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hadoop-hdfs</artifactId>
+      <exclusions>
+      <exclusion>
+        <groupId>commons-el</groupId>
+        <artifactId>commons-el</artifactId>
+      </exclusion>
+      <exclusion>
+        <groupId>tomcat</groupId>
+        <artifactId>jasper-runtime</artifactId>
+      </exclusion>
+      <exclusion>
+        <groupId>tomcat</groupId>
+        <artifactId>jasper-compiler</artifactId>
+      </exclusion>
+      <exclusion>
+        <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId>
+        <artifactId>jsp-2.1-jetty</artifactId>
+      </exclusion>
+        <exclusion>
+          <groupId>com.sun.jersey.jersey-test-framework</groupId>
+          <artifactId>jersey-test-framework-grizzly2</artifactId>
+        </exclusion>
+      </exclusions>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId></groupId>
+      <artifactId>protobuf-java</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>junit</groupId>
+      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
+      <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>commons-logging</groupId>
+      <artifactId>commons-logging-api</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId></groupId>
+      <artifactId>guava</artifactId>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId></groupId>
+      <artifactId>gson</artifactId>
+      <type>jar</type>
+      <scope>compile</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>commons-lang</groupId>
+      <artifactId>commons-lang</artifactId>
+      <version>2.6</version>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+  <profiles>
+    <profile>
+      <id>docs</id>
+      <activation>
+        <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
+      </activation>
+      <build>
+        <plugins>
+          <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
+            <executions>
+              <execution>
+                <!-- build javadoc jars per jar for publishing to maven -->
+                <id>module-javadocs</id>
+                <phase>package</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>jar</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <destDir>${}</destDir>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+            </executions>
+          </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+      </build>
+    </profile>
+    <profile>
+      <id>src</id>
+      <activation>
+        <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
+      </activation>
+      <build>
+        <plugins>
+          <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
+            <executions>
+              <execution>
+                <!-- builds source jars and attaches them to the project for publishing -->
+                <id>tajo-java-sources</id>
+                <phase>package</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>jar-no-fork</goal>
+                </goals>
+              </execution>
+            </executions>
+          </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+      </build>
+    </profile>
+    <profile>
+      <id>dist</id>
+      <activation>
+        <activeByDefault>false</activeByDefault>
+        <property>
+          <name>tar|rpm|deb</name>
+        </property>
+      </activation>
+      <build>
+        <plugins>
+          <plugin>
+            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+            <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
+            <executions>
+              <execution>
+                <id>dist</id>
+                <phase>package</phase>
+                <goals>
+                  <goal>run</goal>
+                </goals>
+                <configuration>
+                  <target>
+                    <echo file="${}/">
+                      run() {
+                      echo "\$ ${@}"
+                      "${@}"
+                      res=$?
+                      if [ $res != 0 ]; then
+                      echo
+                      echo "Failed!"
+                      echo
+                      exit $res
+                      fi
+                      }
+                      ROOT=`cd ${basedir}/..;pwd`
+                      echo
+                      echo "Current directory `pwd`"
+                      echo
+                      run rm -rf ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}
+                      run mkdir ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}
+                      run cd ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}
+                      run cp -r ${basedir}/target/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}*.jar .
+                      echo
+                      echo "Tajo Storage dist layout available at: ${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}"
+                      echo
+                    </echo>
+                    <exec executable="sh" dir="${}" failonerror="true">
+                      <arg line="./"/>
+                    </exec>
+                  </target>
+                </configuration>
+              </execution>
+            </executions>
+          </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+      </build>
+    </profile>
+  </profiles>
+  <reporting>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.4</version>
+        <configuration>
+          <dependencyLocationsEnabled>false</dependencyLocationsEnabled>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </reporting>