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Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/sql_language/queries.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/sql_language/queries.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/sql_language/queries.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -198,13 +198,13 @@
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="p">[</span><span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="k">table</span> <span class="n">reference</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="p">[[</span><span class="k">AS</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="k">table</span> <span class="k">alias</span> <span class="n">name</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="p">[,</span> <span class="p">...]]</span>
-<p>The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span></code> clause specifies one or more other tables given in a comma-separated table reference list.
+<p>The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span></tt> clause specifies one or more other tables given in a comma-separated table reference list.
 A table reference can be a relation name , or a subquery, a table join, or complex combinations of them.</p>
 <div class="section" id="table-and-table-aliases">
 <h3>Table and Table Aliases<a class="headerlink" href="#table-and-table-aliases" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
 <p>A temporary name can be given to tables and complex table references to be used
 for references to the derived table in the rest of the query. This is called a table alias.</p>
-<p>To create a a table alias, please use <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">AS</span></code>:</p>
+<p>To create a a table alias, please use <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">AS</span></tt>:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">table_reference</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="k">alias</span>
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ for references to the derived table in t
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">table_reference</span> <span class="k">alias</span>
-<p>The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">AS</span></code> keyword can be omitted, and <em>Alias</em> can be any identifier.</p>
+<p>The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">AS</span></tt> keyword can be omitted, and <em>Alias</em> can be any identifier.</p>
 <p>A typical application of table aliases is to give short names to long table references. For example:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="o">*</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">long_table_name_1234</span> <span class="n">s</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">another_long_table_name_5678</span> <span class="n">a</span> <span class="k">ON</span> <span class="n">s</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">a</span><span class="p">.</span><span class="n">num</span><span class="p">;</span>
@@ -229,25 +229,25 @@ for references to the derived table in t
 <p>Cross join, also called <em>Cartesian product</em>, results in every possible combination of rows from T1 and T2.</p>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span> <span class="pre">T1</span> <span class="pre">CROSS</span> <span class="pre">JOIN</span> <span class="pre">T2</span></code> is equivalent to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span> <span class="pre">T1,</span> <span class="pre">T2</span></code>.</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span> <span class="pre">T1</span> <span class="pre">CROSS</span> <span class="pre">JOIN</span> <span class="pre">T2</span></tt> is equivalent to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FROM</span> <span class="pre">T1,</span> <span class="pre">T2</span></tt>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="qualified-joins">
 <h5>Qualified joins<a class="headerlink" href="#qualified-joins" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h5>
 <p>Qualified joins implicitly or explicitly have join conditions. Inner/Outer/Natural Joins all are qualified joins.
-Except for natural join, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ON</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code> clause in each join is used to specify a join condition.
+Except for natural join, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ON</span></tt> or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt> clause in each join is used to specify a join condition.
 A join condition must include at least one boolean expression, and it can also include just filter conditions.</p>
 <p><strong>Inner Join</strong></p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="n">T1</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="k">INNER</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">T2</span> <span class="k">ON</span> <span class="n">boolean_expression</span>
 <span class="n">T1</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="k">INNER</span><span class="p">]</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">T2</span> <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">join</span> <span class="k">column</span> <span class="n">list</span><span class="p">)</span>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">INNER</span></code> keyword is the default, and so <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">INNER</span></code> can be omitted when you use inner join.</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">INNER</span></tt> keyword is the default, and so <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">INNER</span></tt> can be omitted when you use inner join.</p>
 <p><strong>Outer Join</strong></p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="n">T1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">LEFT</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">RIGHT</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">FULL</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">OUTER</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">T2</span> <span class="k">ON</span> <span class="n">boolean_expression</span>
 <span class="n">T1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">LEFT</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">RIGHT</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">FULL</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">OUTER</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">T2</span> <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">join</span> <span class="k">column</span> <span class="n">list</span><span class="p">)</span>
-<p>One of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LEFT</span></code>, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">RIGHT</span></code>, or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FULL</span></code> must be specified for outer joins.
+<p>One of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LEFT</span></tt>, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">RIGHT</span></tt>, or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">FULL</span></tt> must be specified for outer joins.
 Join conditions in outer join will have different behavior according to corresponding table references of join conditions.
 To know outer join behavior in more detail, please refer to
 <a class="reference external" href="">Advanced outer join constructs</a>.</p>
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@ To know outer join behavior in more deta
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="n">T1</span> <span class="k">NATURAL</span> <span class="k">JOIN</span> <span class="n">T2</span>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NATURAL</span></code> is a short form of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code>. It forms a <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code> list consisting of all common column names that appear in
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NATURAL</span></tt> is a short form of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt>. It forms a <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt> list consisting of all common column names that appear in
 both join tables. These common columns appear only once in the output table. If there are no common columns,
-<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NATURAL</span></code> behaves like <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CROSS</span> <span class="pre">JOIN</span></code>.</p>
+<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NATURAL</span></tt> behaves like <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CROSS</span> <span class="pre">JOIN</span></tt>.</p>
 <p>Subqueries allow users to specify a derived table. It requires enclosing a SQL statement in parentheses and an alias name.
 For example:</p>
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ For example:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">WHERE</span> <span class="n">search_condition</span>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">search_condition</span></code> can be any boolean expression.
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">search_condition</span></tt> can be any boolean expression.
 In order to know additional predicates, please refer to <a class="reference internal" href="predicates.html"><em>Predicates</em></a>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="groupby-and-having-clauses">
@@ -288,19 +288,19 @@ In order to know additional predicates,
     <span class="p">[</span><span class="k">HAVING</span> <span class="n">boolean_expression</span><span class="p">]</span>
-<p>The rows which passes <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WHERE</span></code> filter may be subject to grouping, specified by <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause.
-Grouping combines a set of rows having common values into one group, and then computes rows in the group with aggregation functions. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">HAVING</span></code> clause can be used with only <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause. It eliminates the unqualified result rows of grouping.</p>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">grouping_column_reference</span></code> can be a column reference, a complex expression including scalar functions and arithmetic operations.</p>
+<p>The rows which passes <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WHERE</span></tt> filter may be subject to grouping, specified by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause.
+Grouping combines a set of rows having common values into one group, and then computes rows in the group with aggregation functions. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">HAVING</span></tt> clause can be used with only <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause. It eliminates the unqualified result rows of grouping.</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">grouping_column_reference</span></tt> can be a column reference, a complex expression including scalar functions and arithmetic operations.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">SUM</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_quantity</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="n">quantity</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">lineitem</span> <span class="k">GROUP</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">;</span>
 <span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">substr</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_shipdate</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="k">year</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">SUM</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="n">total2</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">lineitem</span> <span class="k">GROUP</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">substr</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_shipdate</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">1</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="mi">4</span><span class="p">);</span>
-<p>If a SQL statement includes <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause, expressions in select list must be either grouping_column_reference or aggregation function. For example, the following example query is not allowed because <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">l_orderkey</span></code> does not occur in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause.</p>
+<p>If a SQL statement includes <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause, expressions in select list must be either grouping_column_reference or aggregation function. For example, the following example query is not allowed because <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">l_orderkey</span></tt> does not occur in <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">GROUP</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">l_partkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">SUM</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="n">total</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">lineitem</span> <span class="k">GROUP</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">l_partkey</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>Aggregation functions can be used with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DISTINCT</span></code> keywords. It forces an individual aggregate function to take only distinct values of the argument expression. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DISTINCT</span></code> keyword is used as follows:</p>
+<p>Aggregation functions can be used with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DISTINCT</span></tt> keywords. It forces an individual aggregate function to take only distinct values of the argument expression. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DISTINCT</span></tt> keyword is used as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">l_partkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">COUNT</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">distinct</span> <span class="n">l_quantity</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="k">SUM</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="k">distinct</span> <span class="n">l_extendedprice</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="n">total</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">lineitem</span> <span class="k">GROUP</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">l_partkey</span><span class="p">;</span>
@@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ Grouping combines a set of rows having c
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="p">...</span> <span class="k">ORDER</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">sort_expr</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="p">[(</span><span class="k">ASC</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">DESC</span><span class="p">)]</span> <span class="p">[</span><span class="k">NULL</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">FIRST</span><span class="o">|</span><span class="k">LAST</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="p">[,...]</span>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></code> can be a column reference, aliased column reference, or a complex expression.
-<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ASC</span></code> indicates an ascending order of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></code> values. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DESC</span></code> indicates a descending order of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></code> values.
-<code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ASC</span></code> is the default order.</p>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">FIRST</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">LAST</span></code> options can be used to determine whether nulls values appear
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></tt> can be a column reference, aliased column reference, or a complex expression.
+<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ASC</span></tt> indicates an ascending order of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></tt> values. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DESC</span></tt> indicates a descending order of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sort_expr</span></tt> values.
+<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ASC</span></tt> is the default order.</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">FIRST</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">LAST</span></tt> options can be used to determine whether nulls values appear
 before or after non-null values in the sort ordering. By default, null values are dealt as if larger than any non-null value;
-that is, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">FIRST</span></code> is the default for <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DESC</span></code> order, and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">LAST</span></code> otherwise.</p>
+that is, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">FIRST</span></tt> is the default for <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">DESC</span></tt> order, and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NULLS</span> <span class="pre">LAST</span></tt> otherwise.</p>
 <div class="section" id="window-functions">
 <h2>Window Functions<a class="headerlink" href="#window-functions" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@ the same partition as the current row.</
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">sum</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_discount</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">OVER</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">PARTITION</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">),</span> <span class="k">sum</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">l_quantity</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">OVER</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">PARTITION</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">LINEITEM</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>If <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">OVER()</span></code> clause is empty as following, it makes all table rows into one window frame.</p>
+<p>If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">OVER()</span></tt> clause is empty as following, it makes all table rows into one window frame.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">salary</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">sum</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">salary</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">OVER</span> <span class="p">()</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">empsalary</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>Also, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ORDER</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause can be used without <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">PARTITION</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause as follows:</p>
+<p>Also, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ORDER</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause can be used without <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">PARTITION</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="n">salary</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">sum</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">salary</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">OVER</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="k">ORDER</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="n">salary</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">empsalary</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>Also, all expressions and aggregation functions are allowed in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ORDER</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code> clause as follows:</p>
+<p>Also, all expressions and aggregation functions are allowed in <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ORDER</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt> clause as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">select</span>
   <span class="n">l_orderkey</span><span class="p">,</span>
   <span class="k">count</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="o">*</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">as</span> <span class="n">cnt</span><span class="p">,</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/csv.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/csv.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/csv.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@
   <div class="section" id="csv-textfile">
 <h1>CSV (TextFile)<a class="headerlink" href="#csv-textfile" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
 <p>A character-separated values (CSV) file represents a tabular data set consisting of rows and columns.
-Each row is a plan-text line. A line is usually broken by a character line feed <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></code> or carriage-return <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\r</span></code>.
-The line feed <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></code> is the default delimiter in Tajo. Each record consists of multiple fields, separated by
-some other character or string, most commonly a literal vertical bar <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></code>, comma <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">,</span></code> or tab <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\t</span></code>.
+Each row is a plan-text line. A line is usually broken by a character line feed <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></tt> or carriage-return <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\r</span></tt>.
+The line feed <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></tt> is the default delimiter in Tajo. Each record consists of multiple fields, separated by
+some other character or string, most commonly a literal vertical bar <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></tt>, comma <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">,</span></tt> or tab <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\t</span></tt>.
 The vertical bar is used as the default field delimiter in Tajo.</p>
 <div class="section" id="how-to-create-a-csv-table">
 <h2>How to Create a CSV Table ?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-create-a-csv-table" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>If you are not familiar with the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code> statement, please refer to the Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
-<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code> clause in your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code>
+<p>If you are not familiar with the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt> statement, please refer to the Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
+<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt> clause in your <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt>
 statement. The below is an example statement for creating a table using CSV files.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span>
  <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
@@ -205,18 +205,18 @@ statement. The below is an example state
 <div class="section" id="physical-properties">
 <h2>Physical Properties<a class="headerlink" href="#physical-properties" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
-The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></code> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
+The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></tt> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
 <p>Now, the CSV storage format provides the following physical properties.</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.delimiter</span></code>: delimiter character. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\u0001</span></code> is usually used, and the default field delimiter is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></code>.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.null</span></code>: NULL character. The default NULL character is an empty string <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></code>. Hive&#8217;s default NULL character is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'\\N'</span></code>.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></code>: Compression codec. You can enable compression feature and set specified compression algorithm. The compression algorithm used to compress files. The compression codec name should be the fully qualified class name inherited from <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. By default, compression is disabled.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">csvfile.serde</span></code> (deprecated): custom (De)serializer class. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> is the default (De)serializer class.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></code>: the time zone that the table uses for writting. When table rows are read or written, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`timestamp`</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`time`</span></code> column values are adjusted by this timezone if it is set. Time zone can be an abbreviation form like &#8216;PST&#8217; or &#8216;DST&#8217;. Also, it accepts an offset-based form like &#8216;UTC+9&#8217; or a location-based form like &#8216;Asia/Seoul&#8217;.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span></code>: the maximum number of permissible parsing errors. This value should be an integer value. By default, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span></code> is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></code>. According to the value, parsing errors will be handled in different ways.
-* If <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">&lt;</span> <span class="pre">0</span></code>, all parsing errors are ignored.
-* If <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">==</span> <span class="pre">0</span></code>, any parsing error is not allowed. If any error occurs, the query will be failed. (default)
-* If <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">&gt;</span> <span class="pre">0</span></code>, the given number of parsing errors in each task will be pemissible.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.delimiter</span></tt>: delimiter character. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></tt> or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\u0001</span></tt> is usually used, and the default field delimiter is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">|</span></tt>.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.null</span></tt>: NULL character. The default NULL character is an empty string <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></tt>. Hive&#8217;s default NULL character is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'\\N'</span></tt>.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></tt>: Compression codec. You can enable compression feature and set specified compression algorithm. The compression algorithm used to compress files. The compression codec name should be the fully qualified class name inherited from <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. By default, compression is disabled.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">csvfile.serde</span></tt> (deprecated): custom (De)serializer class. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt> is the default (De)serializer class.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></tt>: the time zone that the table uses for writting. When table rows are read or written, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`timestamp`</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`time`</span></tt> column values are adjusted by this timezone if it is set. Time zone can be an abbreviation form like &#8216;PST&#8217; or &#8216;DST&#8217;. Also, it accepts an offset-based form like &#8216;UTC+9&#8217; or a location-based form like &#8216;Asia/Seoul&#8217;.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span></tt>: the maximum number of permissible parsing errors. This value should be an integer value. By default, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span></tt> is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt>. According to the value, parsing errors will be handled in different ways.
+* If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">&lt;</span> <span class="pre">0</span></tt>, all parsing errors are ignored.
+* If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">==</span> <span class="pre">0</span></tt>, any parsing error is not allowed. If any error occurs, the query will be failed. (default)
+* If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.error-tolerance.max-num</span> <span class="pre">&gt;</span> <span class="pre">0</span></tt>, the given number of parsing errors in each task will be pemissible.</li>
 <p>The following example is to set a custom field delimiter, NULL character, and compression codec:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ The <code class="docutils literal"><span
 <div class="admonition warning">
 <p class="first admonition-title">Warning</p>
-<p class="last">Be careful when using <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></code> as the field delimiter because CSV uses <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></code> as the line delimiter.
+<p class="last">Be careful when using <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></tt> as the field delimiter because CSV uses <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\n</span></tt> as the line delimiter.
 At the moment, Tajo does not provide a way to specify the line delimiter.</p>
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ At the moment, Tajo does not provide a w
 <p>The CSV storage format not only provides reading and writing interfaces for CSV data but also allows users to process custom
 plan-text file formats with user-defined (De)serializer classes.
 For example, with custom (de)serializers, Tajo can process JSON file formats or any specialized plan-text file formats.</p>
-<p>In order to specify a custom (De)serializer, set a physical property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">csvfile.serde</span></code>.
+<p>In order to specify a custom (De)serializer, set a physical property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">csvfile.serde</span></tt>.
 The property value should be a fully qualified class name.</p>
 <p>For example:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
@@ -254,18 +254,18 @@ The property value should be a fully qua
 <div class="section" id="null-value-handling-issues">
 <h2>Null Value Handling Issues<a class="headerlink" href="#null-value-handling-issues" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>In default, NULL character in CSV files is an empty string <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></code>.
+<p>In default, NULL character in CSV files is an empty string <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></tt>.
 In other words, an empty field is basically recognized as a NULL value in Tajo.
-If a field domain is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TEXT</span></code>, an empty field is recognized as a string value <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></code> instead of NULL value.
-Besides, You can also use your own NULL character by specifying a physical property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.null</span></code>.</p>
+If a field domain is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TEXT</span></tt>, an empty field is recognized as a string value <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></tt> instead of NULL value.
+Besides, You can also use your own NULL character by specifying a physical property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">text.null</span></tt>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="compatibility-issues-with-apache-hive">
 <h2>Compatibility Issues with Apache Hive™<a class="headerlink" href="#compatibility-issues-with-apache-hive" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>CSV files generated in Tajo can be processed directly by Apache Hive™ without further processing.
 In this section, we explain some compatibility issue for users who use both Hive and Tajo.</p>
 <p>If you set a custom field delimiter, the CSV tables cannot be directly used in Hive.
-In order to specify the custom field delimiter in Hive, you need to use <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ROW</span> <span class="pre">FORMAT</span> <span class="pre">DELIMITED</span> <span class="pre">FIELDS</span> <span class="pre">TERMINATED</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></code>
-clause in a Hive&#8217;s <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code> statement as follows:</p>
+In order to specify the custom field delimiter in Hive, you need to use <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ROW</span> <span class="pre">FORMAT</span> <span class="pre">DELIMITED</span> <span class="pre">FIELDS</span> <span class="pre">TERMINATED</span> <span class="pre">BY</span></tt>
+clause in a Hive&#8217;s <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt> statement as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">)</span>
 <span class="k">ROW</span> <span class="n">FORMAT</span> <span class="n">DELIMITED</span> <span class="n">FIELDS</span> <span class="n">TERMINATED</span> <span class="k">BY</span> <span class="s1">&#39;|&#39;</span>
 <span class="n">STORED</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="nb">TEXT</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/parquet.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/parquet.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/parquet.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ regardless of the choice of data process
 For more details, please refer to <a class="reference external" href="">Parquet File Format</a>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="how-to-create-a-parquet-table">
 <h2>How to Create a Parquet Table?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-create-a-parquet-table" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>If you are not familiar with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code> statement, please refer to Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
-<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code> clause in your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code>
+<p>If you are not familiar with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt> statement, please refer to Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
+<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt> clause in your <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt>
 statement. Below is an example statement for creating a table using parquet files.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@ statement. Below is an example statement
 <div class="section" id="physical-properties">
 <h2>Physical Properties<a class="headerlink" href="#physical-properties" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
-The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></code> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
+The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></tt> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
 <p>Now, Parquet file provides the following physical properties.</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.block.size</span></code>: The block size is the size of a row group being buffered in memory. This limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve the I/O when reading but consume more memory when writing. Default size is 134217728 bytes (= 128 * 1024 * 1024).</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>: The page size is for compression. When reading, each page can be decompressed independently. A block is composed of pages. The page is the smallest unit that must be read fully to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression will deteriorate. Default size is 1048576 bytes (= 1 * 1024 * 1024).</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.compression</span></code>: The compression algorithm used to compress pages. It should be one of <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">uncompressed</span></code>, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">snappy</span></code>, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">gzip</span></code>, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">lzo</span></code>. Default is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">uncompressed</span></code>.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.enable.dictionary</span></code>: The boolean value is to enable/disable dictionary encoding. It should be one of either <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">true</span></code> or <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">false</span></code>. Default is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">true</span></code>.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.block.size</span></tt>: The block size is the size of a row group being buffered in memory. This limits the memory usage when writing. Larger values will improve the I/O when reading but consume more memory when writing. Default size is 134217728 bytes (= 128 * 1024 * 1024).</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt>: The page size is for compression. When reading, each page can be decompressed independently. A block is composed of pages. The page is the smallest unit that must be read fully to access a single record. If this value is too small, the compression will deteriorate. Default size is 1048576 bytes (= 1 * 1024 * 1024).</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.compression</span></tt>: The compression algorithm used to compress pages. It should be one of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">uncompressed</span></tt>, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">snappy</span></tt>, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">gzip</span></tt>, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">lzo</span></tt>. Default is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">uncompressed</span></tt>.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">parquet.enable.dictionary</span></tt>: The boolean value is to enable/disable dictionary encoding. It should be one of either <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">true</span></tt> or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">false</span></tt>. Default is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">true</span></tt>.</li>
 <div class="section" id="compatibility-issues-with-apache-hive">

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/rcfile.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/rcfile.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/rcfile.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
 which shares many similarities with SequenceFile.</p>
 <div class="section" id="how-to-create-a-rcfile-table">
 <h2>How to Create a RCFile Table?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-create-a-rcfile-table" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>If you are not familiar with the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code> statement, please refer to the Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
-<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></code> clause in your <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code>
+<p>If you are not familiar with the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt> statement, please refer to the Data Definition Language <a class="reference internal" href="../sql_language/ddl.html"><em>Data Definition Language</em></a>.</p>
+<p>In order to specify a certain file format for your table, you need to use the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span></tt> clause in your <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt>
 statement. Below is an example statement for creating a table using RCFile.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ statement. Below is an example statement
 <div class="section" id="physical-properties">
 <h2>Physical Properties<a class="headerlink" href="#physical-properties" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>Some table storage formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
-The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></code> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
+The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></tt> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those parameters.</p>
 <p>Now, the RCFile storage type provides the following physical properties.</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></code> : custom (De)serializer class. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> is the default (de)serializer class.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.null</span></code> : NULL character. It is only used when a table uses <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>. The default NULL character is an empty string <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></code>. Hive&#8217;s default NULL character is <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'\\N'</span></code>.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></code> : Compression codec. You can enable compression feature and set specified compression algorithm. The compression algorithm used to compress files. The compression codec name should be the fully qualified class name inherited from <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. By default, compression is disabled.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></tt> : custom (De)serializer class. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt> is the default (de)serializer class.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.null</span></tt> : NULL character. It is only used when a table uses <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt>. The default NULL character is an empty string <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">''</span></tt>. Hive&#8217;s default NULL character is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'\\N'</span></tt>.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></tt> : Compression codec. You can enable compression feature and set specified compression algorithm. The compression algorithm used to compress files. The compression codec name should be the fully qualified class name inherited from <a class="reference external" href=""></a>. By default, compression is disabled.</li>
 <p>The following is an example for creating a table using RCFile that uses compression.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
@@ -222,14 +222,14 @@ The <code class="docutils literal"><span
 <h2>RCFile (De)serializers<a class="headerlink" href="#rcfile-de-serializers" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>Tajo provides two built-in (De)serializer for RCFile:</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>: stores column values in a plain-text form.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>: stores column values in a binary file format.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt>: stores column values in a plain-text form.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt>: stores column values in a binary file format.</li>
 <p>The RCFile format can store some metadata in the RCFile header. Tajo writes the (de)serializer class name into
 the metadata header of each RCFile when the RCFile is created in Tajo.</p>
 <div class="admonition note">
 <p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
-<p class="last"><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code> is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.</p>
+<p class="last"><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt> is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.</p>
 <div class="section" id="compatibility-issues-with-apache-hive">
@@ -240,16 +240,16 @@ In other words, Tajo can process RCFiles
 by setting a physical property.</p>
 <p>In Hive, there are two SerDe, and they correspond to the following (de)serializer in Tajo.</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe</span></code>: corresponds to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TextSerializerDeserializer</span></code> in Tajo.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe</span></code>: corresponds to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></code> in Tajo.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe</span></tt>: corresponds to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TextSerializerDeserializer</span></tt> in Tajo.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe</span></tt>: corresponds to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></tt> in Tajo.</li>
 <p>The compatibility issue mostly occurs when a user creates an external table pointing to data of an existing table.
 The following section explains two cases: 1) the case where Tajo reads RCFile written by Hive, and
 2) the case where Hive reads RCFile written by Tajo.</p>
 <div class="section" id="when-tajo-reads-rcfile-generated-in-hive">
 <h3>When Tajo reads RCFile generated in Hive<a class="headerlink" href="#when-tajo-reads-rcfile-generated-in-hive" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
-<p>To create an external RCFile table generated with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ColumnarSerDe</span></code> in Hive,
-you should set the physical property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></code> in Tajo as follows:</p>
+<p>To create an external RCFile table generated with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">ColumnarSerDe</span></tt> in Hive,
+you should set the physical property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></tt> in Tajo as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">EXTERNAL</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
   <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ you should set the physical property <co
 <span class="k">LOCATION</span> <span class="s1">&#39;....&#39;</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>To create an external RCFile table generated with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe</span></code> in Hive,
-you should set the physical property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></code> in Tajo as follows:</p>
+<p>To create an external RCFile table generated with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LazyBinaryColumnarSerDe</span></tt> in Hive,
+you should set the physical property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></tt> in Tajo as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">EXTERNAL</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
   <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -272,14 +272,14 @@ you should set the physical property <co
 <div class="admonition note">
 <p class="first admonition-title">Note</p>
-<p class="last">As we mentioned above, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></code> is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.
-So, you can omit the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></code> only for <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></code>.</p>
+<p class="last">As we mentioned above, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></tt> is the default (de) serializer for RCFile.
+So, you can omit the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">rcfile.serde</span></tt> only for <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre"></span></tt>.</p>
 <div class="section" id="when-hive-reads-rcfile-generated-in-tajo">
 <h3>When Hive reads RCFile generated in Tajo<a class="headerlink" href="#when-hive-reads-rcfile-generated-in-tajo" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
-<p>To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TextSerializerDeserializer</span></code>,
-you should set the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SERDE</span></code> as follows:</p>
+<p>To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TextSerializerDeserializer</span></tt>,
+you should set the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SERDE</span></tt> as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
   <span class="n">name</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ you should set the <code class="docutils
 <span class="k">LOCATION</span> <span class="s1">&#39;&lt;hdfs_location&gt;&#39;</span><span class="p">;</span>
-<p>To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></code>,
-you should set the <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SERDE</span></code> as follows:</p>
+<p>To create an external RCFile table written by Tajo with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">BinarySerializerDeserializer</span></tt>,
+you should set the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SERDE</span></tt> as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
   <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
   <span class="n">name</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">,</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/sequencefile.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/sequencefile.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/sequencefile.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 <h2>Introduce<a class="headerlink" href="#introduce" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>SequenceFiles are flat files consisting of binary key/value pairs.
 SequenceFile is basic file format which provided by Hadoop, and Hive also provides it to create a table.</p>
-<p>The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span> <span class="pre">sequencefile</span></code> keywords let you create a SequecneFile. Here is an example statement to create a table using <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SequecneFile</span></code>:</p>
+<p>The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">USING</span> <span class="pre">sequencefile</span></tt> keywords let you create a SequecneFile. Here is an example statement to create a table using <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">SequecneFile</span></tt>:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">)</span>
 <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="n">sequencefile</span><span class="p">;</span>
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ SequenceFile is basic file format which
 <li>BinarySerializerDeserializer: This class can read and write data in binary file format.</li>
-<p>The default is the SerDe for plain text file in Tajo. The above example statement created the table using TextSerializerDeserializer.If you want to use BinarySerializerDeserializer, you can specify it by <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sequencefile.serde</span></code> keywords:</p>
+<p>The default is the SerDe for plain text file in Tajo. The above example statement created the table using TextSerializerDeserializer.If you want to use BinarySerializerDeserializer, you can specify it by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sequencefile.serde</span></tt> keywords:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">)</span>
 <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="n">sequencefile</span> <span class="k">with</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;sequencefile.serde&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;;</span><span class="p">)</span>
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ SequenceFile is basic file format which
 <li>BlockCompressWriter : Block-compressed files, both keys &amp; values are collected in &#8216;blocks&#8217; separately and compressed. The size of the &#8216;block&#8217; is configurable.</li>
-<p>The default is Uncompressed Writer in Tajo. If you want to use RecordCompressWriter, you can specify it by <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.type</span></code> keywords and  <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></code> keywords:</p>
+<p>The default is Uncompressed Writer in Tajo. If you want to use RecordCompressWriter, you can specify it by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.type</span></tt> keywords and  <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></tt> keywords:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">)</span>
 <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="n">sequencefile</span> <span class="k">with</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;compression.type&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;RECORD&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="s1">&#39;compression.codec&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;;</span><span class="p">)</span>
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ SequenceFile is basic file format which
 <span class="n">hive</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="n">string</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="n">STORED</span> <span class="k">AS</span> <span class="n">sequencefile</span><span class="p">;;</span>
-<p>And if you want to use BlockCompressWriter, you can specify it by <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.type</span></code> keywords and  <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></code> keywords:</p>
+<p>And if you want to use BlockCompressWriter, you can specify it by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.type</span></tt> keywords and  <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">compression.codec</span></tt> keywords:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">name</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">score</span> <span class="nb">float</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="k">type</span> <span class="nb">text</span><span class="p">)</span>
 <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="n">sequencefile</span> <span class="k">with</span> <span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;compression.type&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;BLOCK&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span><span class="s1">&#39;compression.codec&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;;</span><span class="p">)</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/table_overview.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/table_overview.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/table_management/table_overview.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
 <div class="section" id="table-properties">
 <h2>Table Properties<a class="headerlink" href="#table-properties" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
 <p>All table formats provide parameters for enabling or disabling features and adjusting physical parameters.
-The <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></code> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those properties.</p>
+The <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">WITH</span></tt> clause in the CREATE TABLE statement allows users to set those properties.</p>
 <p>The following example is to set a custom field delimiter, NULL character, and compression codec:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
  <span class="n">id</span> <span class="nb">int</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ The <code class="docutils literal"><span
 <div class="section" id="time-zone">
 <h3>Time zone<a class="headerlink" href="#time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
-<p>In Tajo, a table property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></code> allows users to specify a time zone that the table uses for reading or writing.</p>
+<p>In Tajo, a table property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></tt> allows users to specify a time zone that the table uses for reading or writing.</p>
 <p>You can specify a table time zone as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">EXTERNAL</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
  <span class="n">t_timestamp</span>  <span class="k">TIMESTAMP</span><span class="p">,</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/time_zone.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/time_zone.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/time_zone.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
   <div class="section" id="time-zone">
 <h1>Time Zone<a class="headerlink" href="#time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>Time zone affects some data types (e.g., <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Timestamp</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Time</span></code>) and operations (e.g., <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">to_char</span></code>). Tables can have different time zones. Internally, Tajo translates all table rows to UTC values and processes them. It becomes easier for Tajo to handle multiple different time zones.</p>
+<p>Time zone affects some data types (e.g., <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Timestamp</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Time</span></tt>) and operations (e.g., <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">to_char</span></tt>). Tables can have different time zones. Internally, Tajo translates all table rows to UTC values and processes them. It becomes easier for Tajo to handle multiple different time zones.</p>
 <p>In Tajo, there are some time zong settings.</p>
 <div class="section" id="server-cluster-time-zone">
 <h2>Server Cluster Time Zone<a class="headerlink" href="#server-cluster-time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@
 <div class="section" id="table-time-zone">
 <h2>Table Time Zone<a class="headerlink" href="#table-time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>In Tajo, a table property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></code> allows users to specify a time zone that the table uses for reading or writing.
-When each table row are read or written, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`timestamp`</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`time`</span></code> column values are adjusted by a given time zone if it is set.</p>
+<p>In Tajo, a table property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">timezone</span></tt> allows users to specify a time zone that the table uses for reading or writing.
+When each table row are read or written, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`timestamp`</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">`time`</span></tt> column values are adjusted by a given time zone if it is set.</p>
 <p>You can specify a table time zone as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">EXTERNAL</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
  <span class="n">t_timestamp</span>  <span class="k">TIMESTAMP</span><span class="p">,</span>
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ When each table row are read or written,
 <div class="section" id="client-time-zone">
 <h2>Client Time Zone<a class="headerlink" href="#client-time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>Each client has its own time zone setting. It translates retrieved timestamp and time values by time zone. In order to set client time zone, you should set the session variable <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TIMEZONE</span></code>. There are some ways to set this session variable.</p>
-<p>In <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></code>, you can use <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\set</span> <span class="pre">timezone</span></code> meta command as follows:</p>
+<p>Each client has its own time zone setting. It translates retrieved timestamp and time values by time zone. In order to set client time zone, you should set the session variable <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TIMEZONE</span></tt>. There are some ways to set this session variable.</p>
+<p>In <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></tt>, you can use <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\set</span> <span class="pre">timezone</span></tt> meta command as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sh"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; <span class="se">\s</span>et timezone GMT+9
-<p>The following ways use SQL statements. So, this way is available in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></code>, JDBC, and Tajo Java API.</p>
+<p>The following ways use SQL statements. So, this way is available in <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></tt>, JDBC, and Tajo Java API.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">SET</span> <span class="n">TIME</span> <span class="k">ZONE</span> <span class="s1">&#39;GMT+9&#39;</span><span class="p">;</span>
@@ -234,20 +234,20 @@ When each table row are read or written,
 <div class="section" id="examples-of-time-zone">
 <h2>Examples of Time Zone<a class="headerlink" href="#examples-of-time-zone" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p>For example, consider that there is a list of delimited text lines where each rows are written with <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Asia/Seoul</span></code> time zone (i.e., GMT + 9).</p>
+<p>For example, consider that there is a list of delimited text lines where each rows are written with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Asia/Seoul</span></tt> time zone (i.e., GMT + 9).</p>
 <div class="highlight-text"><div class="highlight"><pre>1980-4-1 01:50:30.010|1980-04-01
 80/4/1 1:50:30 AM|80/4/1
 1980 April 1 1:50:30|1980-04-01
-<p>In order to register the table, we should put a table property <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'timezone'='Asia/Seoul'</span></code> in <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></code> statement as follows:</p>
+<p>In order to register the table, we should put a table property <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">'timezone'='Asia/Seoul'</span></tt> in <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CREATE</span> <span class="pre">TABLE</span></tt> statement as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">CREATE</span> <span class="k">EXTERNAL</span> <span class="k">TABLE</span> <span class="n">table1</span> <span class="p">(</span>
  <span class="n">t_timestamp</span>  <span class="k">TIMESTAMP</span><span class="p">,</span>
  <span class="n">t_date</span>    <span class="nb">DATE</span>
 <span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">USING</span> <span class="nb">TEXT</span> <span class="k">WITH</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s1">&#39;text.delimiter&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;|&#39;</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s1">&#39;timezone&#39;</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="s1">&#39;ASIA/Seoul&#39;</span><span class="p">)</span> <span class="k">LOCATION</span> <span class="s1">&#39;/path-to-table/&#39;</span>
-<p>By default, <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></code> and <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TajoClient</span></code> API use UTC time zone. So, timestamp values in the result are adjusted by the time zone offset. But, date is not adjusted because date type does not consider time zone.</p>
+<p>By default, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">tsql</span></tt> and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TajoClient</span></tt> API use UTC time zone. So, timestamp values in the result are adjusted by the time zone offset. But, date is not adjusted because date type does not consider time zone.</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="k">default</span><span class="o">&gt;</span> <span class="k">SELECT</span> <span class="o">*</span> <span class="k">FROM</span> <span class="n">table1</span>
 <span class="n">t_timestamp</span><span class="p">,</span>            <span class="n">t_date</span>
 <span class="c1">----------------------------------</span>

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/admin_command.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/admin_command.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/admin_command.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ usage: admin [options]
 <div class="section" id="basic-usages">
 <h3>Basic usages<a class="headerlink" href="#basic-usages" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h3>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-list</span></code> option shows a list of all running queries as follows:</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-list</span></tt> option shows a list of all running queries as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; \admin -list
 QueryId              State               StartTime           Query
 -------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------------
 q_1411357607375_0006 QUERY_RUNNING       2014-09-23 07:19:40 select count(*) from lineitem
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-desc</span></code> option shows a detailed description of a specified running query as follows:</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-desc</span></tt> option shows a detailed description of a specified running query as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; \admin -desc q_1411357607375_0006
 Id: 1
 Query Id: q_1411357607375_0006
@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ Query Statement:
 select count(*) from lineitem
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-kill</span></code> option kills a specified running query as follows:</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-kill</span></tt> option kills a specified running query as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; \admin -kill q_1411357607375_0007
 q_1411357607375_0007 is killed successfully.
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-showmasters</span></code> option shows a list of all tajo masters as follows:</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-showmasters</span></tt> option shows a list of all tajo masters as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; \admin -showmasters

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/dfs_command.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/dfs_command.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/dfs_command.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   <div class="section" id="executing-hdfs-commands">
 <h1>Executing HDFS commands<a class="headerlink" href="#executing-hdfs-commands" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
-<p>You can run the hadoop dfs command (FsShell) within tsql. <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\dfs</span></code> command provides a shortcut to the hadoop dfs commands. If you want to use this command, just specify FsShell arguments and add the semicolon at the end as follows:</p>
+<p>You can run the hadoop dfs command (FsShell) within tsql. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">\dfs</span></tt> command provides a shortcut to the hadoop dfs commands. If you want to use this command, just specify FsShell arguments and add the semicolon at the end as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre>default&gt; \dfs -ls /
 Found 3 items
 drwxr-xr-x   - tajo supergroup          0 2014-08-14 04:04 /tajo

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/execute_file.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/execute_file.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/execute_file.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
 <h1>Executing Queries from Files<a class="headerlink" href="#executing-queries-from-files" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
 <div class="section" id="basic-usages">
 <h2>Basic usages<a class="headerlink" href="#basic-usages" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
-<p><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-f</span></code> command allows tsql to execute more than one SQL statements stored in a text file as follows:</p>
+<p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-f</span></tt> command allows tsql to execute more than one SQL statements stored in a text file as follows:</p>
 <div class="highlight-sql"><div class="highlight"><pre>$ cat aggregation.sql
 select count(*) from table1;
 select sum(score) from table1;

Modified: tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/intro.html
--- tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/intro.html (original)
+++ tajo/site/docs/devel/tsql/intro.html Thu Jan  8 17:49:23 2015
@@ -185,16 +185,16 @@
 <div class="highlight-bash"><div class="highlight"><pre>bin/tsql <span class="o">[</span>options<span class="o">]</span> <span class="o">[</span>database name<span class="o">]</span>
-<p>If a <em>database_name</em> is given, tsql connects to the database at startup time. Otherwise, tsql connects to <code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">default</span></code> database.</p>
+<p>If a <em>database_name</em> is given, tsql connects to the database at startup time. Otherwise, tsql connects to <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">default</span></tt> database.</p>
 <ul class="simple">
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-c</span> <span class="pre">&quot;quoted</span> <span class="pre">sql&quot;</span></code> : Execute quoted sql statements, and then the shell will exist.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-f</span> <span class="pre">filename</span> <span class="pre">(--file</span> <span class="pre">filename)</span></code> : Use the file named filename as the source of commands instead of interactive shell.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-h</span> <span class="pre">hostname</span> <span class="pre">(--host</span> <span class="pre">hostname)</span></code> : Specifies the host name of the machine on which the Tajo master is running.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-p</span> <span class="pre">port</span> <span class="pre">(--port</span> <span class="pre">port)</span></code> : Specifies the TCP port. If it is not set, the port will be 26002 by default.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-conf</span> <span class="pre">configuration</span> <span class="pre">(--conf</span> <span class="pre">configuration)</span></code> : Setting Tajo configuration value.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-param</span> <span class="pre">parameter</span> <span class="pre">(--param</span> <span class="pre">parameter)</span></code> : Use a parameter value in SQL file.</li>
-<li><code class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-B</span> <span class="pre">(--background)</span></code> : Execute as background process.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-c</span> <span class="pre">&quot;quoted</span> <span class="pre">sql&quot;</span></tt> : Execute quoted sql statements, and then the shell will exist.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-f</span> <span class="pre">filename</span> <span class="pre">(--file</span> <span class="pre">filename)</span></tt> : Use the file named filename as the source of commands instead of interactive shell.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-h</span> <span class="pre">hostname</span> <span class="pre">(--host</span> <span class="pre">hostname)</span></tt> : Specifies the host name of the machine on which the Tajo master is running.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-p</span> <span class="pre">port</span> <span class="pre">(--port</span> <span class="pre">port)</span></tt> : Specifies the TCP port. If it is not set, the port will be 26002 by default.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-conf</span> <span class="pre">configuration</span> <span class="pre">(--conf</span> <span class="pre">configuration)</span></tt> : Setting Tajo configuration value.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-param</span> <span class="pre">parameter</span> <span class="pre">(--param</span> <span class="pre">parameter)</span></tt> : Use a parameter value in SQL file.</li>
+<li><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-B</span> <span class="pre">(--background)</span></tt> : Execute as background process.</li>
 <div class="section" id="entering-tsql-shell">