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Posted to by acec acec <> on 2011/01/24 19:55:47 UTC

How to redirect to original URL?

I am using spring mvc, so I choose PassThruAuthenticationFilter.

1: when I input /admin/home.html from my browser, it will display my login page.
2: I input right username, password and submit the form, it will go to my login() function. After I called Subject.login(usernamePasswordToken), I want to redirect to /admin/home.html

But I do not know how can I get the original web address, such as "/admin/home.html" ?
public class LoginController {

	public LoginForm getLoginForm(){
		LoginForm loginForm = new LoginForm();
		return loginForm;

	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView loginForm(HttpServletRequest request){
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("login");
        return modelAndView;

	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ModelAndView login(HttpServletRequest request, @ModelAttribute LoginForm loginForm, Errors errors) {

        Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
       	UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(loginForm.getUsername(), loginForm.getPassword());

        try {
        } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
        	errors.reject("invalidLogin", "The username or password was not correct.");

        if (errors.hasErrors()) {
        	ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("login");
            return modelAndView;
        } else {
          //TODO: how to redirect to user inputing URL?????????

<bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean"
		<property name="filters">
				<entry key="authc">
					<bean class="org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.PassThruAuthenticationFilter"/>
 		<property name="filterChainDefinitions">
				/admin/** = authc, roles[admin]
				/user/** = authc, roles[user]
				/public/** = anon
				/** = authc