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Posted to by on 2012/10/29 12:51:48 UTC

[svnbench] Revision: 1403251 compiled Oct 29 2012, 11:24:07 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

1.7.0@1181106 vs. trunk@1402896
Started at Mon Oct 29 11:27:32 UTC 2012

*Disclaimer* - This tests only file://-URL access on a GNU/Linux VM.
This is intended to measure changes in performance of the local working
copy layer, *only*. These results are *not* generally true for everyone.

Averaged-total results across all runs:

Compare 1.7.0 to trunk@1402896
       N        avg         operation
     44/9    0.68|-50.074   TOTAL RUN
   2K/530    0.73| -0.006   add
    88/18    0.54| -0.465   checkout
   352/72    0.87| -1.331   commit
     44/9    1.08| +0.022   copy
     44/9    0.71| -0.098   delete
   220/45    0.13| -5.049   info
    88/18    0.64| -1.416   merge
   2K/516    0.77| -0.003   mkdir
   120/21    0.72| -0.003   propdel
   33K/6K    0.78| -0.002   proplist
   34K/6K    0.81| -0.002   propset
   2K/591    0.75| -0.003   ps
    88/18    0.92| -0.001   resolve
    88/18    0.74| -0.063   resolved
  616/126    0.69| -0.065   status
     44/9    0.68| -0.467   switch
  616/126    0.65| -0.297   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Above totals split into separate <dir-levels>x<dir-spread> runs:

Compare 1.7.0,5x5 to trunk@1402896,5x5
       N        avg         operation
     15/3    0.69|-131.388  TOTAL RUN
   2K/456    0.70| -0.007   add
     30/6    0.54| -1.226   checkout
   120/24    0.89| -2.826   commit
     15/3    1.61| +0.172   copy
     15/3    0.72| -0.241   delete
    75/15    0.13|-14.631   info
     30/6    0.66| -3.678   merge
   2K/470    0.73| -0.004   mkdir
   120/20    0.70| -0.004   propdel
   31K/6K    0.78| -0.002   proplist
   32K/6K    0.81| -0.002   propset
   2K/552    0.74| -0.003   ps
     30/6    0.89| -0.001   resolve
     30/6    0.71| -0.177   resolved
   210/42    0.69| -0.161   status
     15/3    0.71| -1.110   switch
   210/42    0.66| -0.723   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare 1.7.0,100x1 to trunk@1402896,100x1
       N        avg         operation
     15/3    0.75| -7.122   TOTAL RUN
   420/71    0.96| -0.001   add
     30/6    0.58| -0.080   checkout
   120/24    0.80| -0.408   commit
     15/3    0.80| -0.061   copy
     15/3    0.73| -0.030   delete
    75/15    0.51| -0.127   info
     30/6    0.66| -0.217   merge
   210/46    1.21| +0.003   mkdir
   1K/337    0.74| -0.003   proplist
   1K/273    0.75| -0.003   propset
   105/33    0.76| -0.003   ps
     30/6    0.92| -0.001   resolve
     30/6    1.12| +0.009   resolved
   210/42    0.75| -0.018   status
     15/3    0.55| -0.171   switch
   210/42    0.61| -0.109   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Compare 1.7.0,1x100 to trunk@1402896,1x100
       N        avg         operation
     14/3    0.80| -1.808   TOTAL RUN
     14/3    0.61| -0.017   add
     28/6    0.64| -0.028   checkout
   112/24    0.81| -0.137   commit
     14/3    0.83| -0.042   copy
     14/3    0.87| -0.003   delete
    70/15    0.89| -0.007   info
     28/6    0.55| -0.101   merge
  518/111    0.80| -0.002   proplist
  588/126    0.80| -0.002   propset
     28/6    0.81| -0.002   ps
     28/6    0.97| -0.000   resolve
     28/6    0.73| -0.005   resolved
   196/42    0.76| -0.004   status
     14/3    0.63| -0.027   switch
   196/42    0.91| -0.004   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

More detail:

Timings for 1.7.0,5x5
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  15  395.33  561.33  425.56  TOTAL RUN
  2K    0.01    2.29    0.02  add
  30    0.02    5.81    2.69  checkout
 120    1.53  160.96   26.80  commit
  15    0.19    0.49    0.28  copy
  15    0.74    1.24    0.86  delete
  75    8.63   43.37   16.74  info
  30    6.81   21.02   10.85  merge
  2K    0.01    0.66    0.01  mkdir
 120    0.01    0.09    0.01  propdel
 31K    0.01    0.69    0.01  proplist
 32K    0.01    1.10    0.01  propset
  2K    0.01    0.54    0.01  ps
  30    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  30    0.46    0.96    0.61  resolved
 210    0.20    1.08    0.52  status
  15    3.24    4.68    3.78  switch
 210    0.25    7.02    2.15  update
Timings for trunk@1402896,5x5
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3  293.34  295.46  294.17  TOTAL RUN
 456    0.01    1.24    0.02  add
   6    0.02    2.99    1.47  checkout
  24    2.08   82.65   23.97  commit
   3    0.25    0.84    0.45  copy
   3    0.58    0.65    0.62  delete
  15    1.63    3.58    2.11  info
   6    2.97   13.28    7.17  merge
 470    0.01    0.25    0.01  mkdir
  20    0.01    0.01    0.01  propdel
  6K    0.01    0.17    0.01  proplist
  6K    0.01    0.79    0.01  propset
 552    0.01    0.06    0.01  ps
   6    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
   6    0.28    0.81    0.43  resolved
  42    0.12    2.01    0.36  status
   3    2.55    2.78    2.67  switch
  42    0.21    5.43    1.42  update
Compare 1.7.0,5x5 to trunk@1402896,5x5
       N        min              max              avg         operation
     15/3    0.74|-101.991    0.53|-265.875    0.69|-131.388  TOTAL RUN
   2K/456    0.91| -0.001     0.54| -1.056     0.70| -0.007   add
     30/6    0.88| -0.002     0.51| -2.822     0.54| -1.226   checkout
   120/24    1.36| +0.551     0.51|-78.310     0.89| -2.826   commit
     15/3    1.37| +0.069     1.71| +0.348     1.61| +0.172   copy
     15/3    0.79| -0.157     0.52| -0.595     0.72| -0.241   delete
    75/15    0.19| -7.002     0.08|-39.791     0.13|-14.631   info
     30/6    0.44| -3.837     0.63| -7.736     0.66| -3.678   merge
   2K/470    0.94| -0.001     0.38| -0.411     0.73| -0.004   mkdir
   120/20    0.86| -0.001     0.11| -0.076     0.70| -0.004   propdel
   31K/6K    0.85| -0.001     0.25| -0.517     0.78| -0.002   proplist
   32K/6K    0.84| -0.002     0.72| -0.308     0.81| -0.002   propset
   2K/552    0.84| -0.002     0.11| -0.482     0.74| -0.003   ps
     30/6    0.95| -0.000     0.65| -0.005     0.89| -0.001   resolve
     30/6    0.60| -0.186     0.84| -0.154     0.71| -0.177   resolved
   210/42    0.61| -0.078     1.87| +0.933     0.69| -0.161   status
     15/3    0.79| -0.688     0.59| -1.896     0.71| -1.110   switch
   210/42    0.86| -0.035     0.77| -1.588     0.66| -0.723   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,5x5' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,5x5' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Timings for 1.7.0,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  15   24.71   43.91   28.22  TOTAL RUN
 420    0.01    0.21    0.02  add
  30    0.02    0.43    0.19  checkout
 120    0.31   10.98    2.00  commit
  15    0.16    1.29    0.30  copy
  15    0.10    0.13    0.11  delete
  75    0.17    0.48    0.26  info
  30    0.59    0.83    0.64  merge
 210    0.01    0.47    0.02  mkdir
  1K    0.01    0.06    0.01  proplist
  1K    0.01    0.04    0.01  propset
 105    0.01    0.02    0.01  ps
  30    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  30    0.05    0.10    0.07  resolved
 210    0.04    0.13    0.07  status
  15    0.37    0.41    0.39  switch
 210    0.05    1.02    0.28  update
Timings for trunk@1402896,100x1
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3   20.72   21.49   21.09  TOTAL RUN
  71    0.01    0.08    0.02  add
   6    0.02    0.21    0.11  checkout
  24    0.85    3.32    1.59  commit
   3    0.22    0.26    0.24  copy
   3    0.08    0.09    0.08  delete
  15    0.09    0.28    0.13  info
   6    0.29    0.70    0.42  merge
  46    0.01    0.03    0.02  mkdir
   1    0.01    0.01    0.01  propdel
 337    0.01    0.01    0.01  proplist
 273    0.01    0.01    0.01  propset
  33    0.01    0.01    0.01  ps
   6    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
   6    0.06    0.14    0.08  resolved
  42    0.03    0.14    0.06  status
   3    0.21    0.22    0.21  switch
  42    0.04    0.33    0.17  update
Compare 1.7.0,100x1 to trunk@1402896,100x1
       N        min              max              avg         operation
     15/3    0.84| -3.983     0.49|-22.418     0.75| -7.122   TOTAL RUN
   420/71    0.95| -0.000     0.37| -0.130     0.96| -0.001   add
     30/6    0.87| -0.003     0.49| -0.220     0.58| -0.080   checkout
   120/24    2.74| +0.541     0.30| -7.650     0.80| -0.408   commit
     15/3    1.32| +0.052     0.20| -1.031     0.80| -0.061   copy
     15/3    0.77| -0.023     0.68| -0.040     0.73| -0.030   delete
    75/15    0.56| -0.073     0.58| -0.204     0.51| -0.127   info
     30/6    0.50| -0.294     0.85| -0.127     0.66| -0.217   merge
   210/46    0.94| -0.001     0.07| -0.435     1.21| +0.003   mkdir
   1K/337    0.84| -0.001     0.18| -0.051     0.74| -0.003   proplist
   1K/273    0.85| -0.001     0.29| -0.030     0.75| -0.003   propset
   105/33    0.79| -0.002     0.67| -0.006     0.76| -0.003   ps
     30/6    0.97| -0.000     0.88| -0.001     0.92| -0.001   resolve
     30/6    1.05| +0.003     1.45| +0.044     1.12| +0.009   resolved
   210/42    0.68| -0.014     1.08| +0.011     0.75| -0.018   status
     15/3    0.56| -0.163     0.54| -0.186     0.55| -0.171   switch
   210/42    0.80| -0.010     0.32| -0.696     0.61| -0.109   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,100x1' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,100x1' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Timings for 1.7.0,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  14    7.69   17.23    8.97  TOTAL RUN
  14    0.04    0.05    0.04  add
  28    0.02    0.15    0.08  checkout
 112    0.18    5.67    0.72  commit
  14    0.18    0.66    0.25  copy
  14    0.02    0.03    0.02  delete
  70    0.05    0.10    0.06  info
  28    0.14    0.61    0.23  merge
 518    0.01    0.03    0.01  proplist
 588    0.01    0.05    0.01  propset
  28    0.01    0.01    0.01  ps
  28    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  28    0.02    0.02    0.02  resolved
 196    0.01    0.03    0.02  status
  14    0.07    0.08    0.07  switch
 196    0.02    0.14    0.05  update
Timings for trunk@1402896,1x100
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   3    6.88    7.34    7.16  TOTAL RUN
   3    0.03    0.03    0.03  add
   6    0.02    0.08    0.05  checkout
  24    0.22    1.82    0.59  commit
   3    0.18    0.24    0.21  copy
   3    0.02    0.02    0.02  delete
  15    0.04    0.08    0.05  info
   6    0.07    0.19    0.12  merge
 111    0.01    0.01    0.01  proplist
 126    0.01    0.01    0.01  propset
   6    0.01    0.01    0.01  ps
   6    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
   6    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolved
  42    0.01    0.02    0.01  status
   3    0.04    0.05    0.05  switch
  42    0.02    0.39    0.04  update
Compare 1.7.0,1x100 to trunk@1402896,1x100
       N        min              max              avg         operation
     14/3    0.90| -0.805     0.43| -9.890     0.80| -1.808   TOTAL RUN
     14/3    0.63| -0.015     0.58| -0.021     0.61| -0.017   add
     28/6    0.87| -0.003     0.55| -0.067     0.64| -0.028   checkout
   112/24    1.20| +0.036     0.32| -3.846     0.81| -0.137   commit
     14/3    1.03| +0.006     0.36| -0.419     0.83| -0.042   copy
     14/3    0.91| -0.002     0.72| -0.009     0.87| -0.003   delete
    70/15    0.95| -0.002     0.84| -0.016     0.89| -0.007   info
     28/6    0.50| -0.072     0.31| -0.420     0.55| -0.101   merge
  518/111    0.86| -0.001     0.30| -0.020     0.80| -0.002   proplist
  588/126    0.86| -0.001     0.22| -0.036     0.80| -0.002   propset
     28/6    0.85| -0.001     0.69| -0.004     0.81| -0.002   ps
     28/6    0.97| -0.000     0.89| -0.001     0.97| -0.000   resolve
     28/6    0.69| -0.005     0.66| -0.008     0.73| -0.005   resolved
   196/42    0.86| -0.002     0.65| -0.009     0.76| -0.004   status
     14/3    0.65| -0.024     0.59| -0.033     0.63| -0.027   switch
   196/42    0.94| -0.001     2.76| +0.249     0.91| -0.004   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896,1x100' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0,1x100' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Timings for 1.7.0
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
  44    7.69  561.33  157.55  TOTAL RUN
  2K    0.01    2.29    0.02  add
  88    0.02    5.81    1.01  checkout
 352    0.18  160.96   10.05  commit
  44    0.16    1.29    0.28  copy
  44    0.02    1.24    0.34  delete
 220    0.05   43.37    5.81  info
  88    0.14   21.02    3.99  merge
  2K    0.01    0.66    0.01  mkdir
 120    0.01    0.09    0.01  propdel
 33K    0.01    0.69    0.01  proplist
 34K    0.01    1.10    0.01  propset
  2K    0.01    0.54    0.01  ps
  88    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  88    0.02    0.96    0.24  resolved
 616    0.01    1.08    0.21  status
  44    0.07    4.68    1.44  switch
 616    0.02    7.02    0.84  update
Timings for trunk@1402896
   N    min     max     avg   operation  (unit is seconds)
   9    6.88  295.46  107.48  TOTAL RUN
 530    0.01    1.24    0.02  add
  18    0.02    2.99    0.54  checkout
  72    0.22   82.65    8.72  commit
   9    0.18    0.84    0.30  copy
   9    0.02    0.65    0.24  delete
  45    0.04    3.58    0.76  info
  18    0.07   13.28    2.57  merge
 516    0.01    0.25    0.01  mkdir
  21    0.01    0.01    0.01  propdel
  6K    0.01    0.17    0.01  proplist
  6K    0.01    0.79    0.01  propset
 591    0.01    0.06    0.01  ps
  18    0.01    0.01    0.01  resolve
  18    0.01    0.81    0.18  resolved
 126    0.01    2.01    0.14  status
   9    0.04    2.78    0.98  switch
 126    0.02    5.43    0.54  update
Compare 1.7.0 to trunk@1402896
       N        min              max              avg         operation
     44/9    0.90| -0.805     0.53|-265.875    0.68|-50.074   TOTAL RUN
   2K/530    0.91| -0.001     0.54| -1.056     0.73| -0.006   add
    88/18    0.87| -0.003     0.51| -2.822     0.54| -0.465   checkout
   352/72    1.20| +0.036     0.51|-78.310     0.87| -1.331   commit
     44/9    1.11| +0.018     0.65| -0.456     1.08| +0.022   copy
     44/9    0.91| -0.002     0.52| -0.595     0.71| -0.098   delete
   220/45    0.95| -0.002     0.08|-39.791     0.13| -5.049   info
    88/18    0.50| -0.072     0.63| -7.736     0.64| -1.416   merge
   2K/516    0.94| -0.001     0.38| -0.411     0.77| -0.003   mkdir
   120/21    0.86| -0.001     0.15| -0.073     0.72| -0.003   propdel
   33K/6K    0.85| -0.001     0.25| -0.517     0.78| -0.002   proplist
   34K/6K    0.84| -0.001     0.72| -0.308     0.81| -0.002   propset
   2K/591    0.84| -0.002     0.11| -0.482     0.75| -0.003   ps
    88/18    0.97| -0.000     0.71| -0.004     0.92| -0.001   resolve
    88/18    0.69| -0.005     0.84| -0.154     0.74| -0.063   resolved
  616/126    0.86| -0.002     1.87| +0.933     0.69| -0.065   status
     44/9    0.65| -0.024     0.59| -1.896     0.68| -0.467   switch
  616/126    0.94| -0.001     0.77| -1.588     0.65| -0.297   update
(legend: "1.23|+0.45" means: slower by factor 1.23 and by 0.45 seconds;
 factor < 1 and seconds < 0 means 'trunk@1402896' is faster.
 "2/3" means: '1.7.0' has 2 timings on record, the other has 3.)

Had started at Mon Oct 29 11:27:32 UTC 2012,
       done at Mon Oct 29 11:51:48 UTC 2012
real 1456.28
user 523.18
sys 216.46