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Posted to by Prasanna Shetty <> on 2002/08/16 02:31:33 UTC

does not display failures

I am running some tests using JUnit capturing it in JUnitReport and reporting it. When the tests all succeed the generated report is fine but when a test fails the test just hangs or waits forever. I am including multiple <test> since I need to run these tests in a specific order. 

Is there a setting that I am missing or something so that failure info is included in the generated report.

I am including the target which is as follows:-

<target name="playbook-runtests" depends="copydata" >
	<junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" errorproperty="playbook-runtests.failed" failureproperty="playbook-runtests.failed" fork="yes" >
		<classpath >
		                <pathelement location="${lib.junit.dir}/junit.jar"/>
		                <pathelement location="${lib.cactus.dir}/cactus.jar"/>
          <formatter type="xml" />
	  	<test name="com.demandtec.validation.controls.ImportControlTest" todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}" />
	  	<test name="com.demandtec.validation.controls.ValidationControlTest" todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}"/>
	  	<test name="com.demandtec.dataflow.ProductExportImportTest" todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}"/>
	  	<test name="com.demandtec.validation.equivunit.EquivUnitsTest" todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}"/>
	<junitreport todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}">
		<fileset dir="${testresults.playbook.dir}">
		<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
		<report format="frames" todir="${testresults.playbook.dir}"/>
	<fail message="Tests failed. Check log and/or reports." if="playbook-runtests.failed"/>

Prasanna Shetty

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