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Posted to by Rodent of Unusual Size <Ke...@Golux.Com> on 2000/06/21 22:56:25 UTC

Anyone interested in writing books?

I get messages fairly often from publishers looking for authors
to write books about Apache.  (Sometimes the Web server, sometimes
a broader/different Apache subject.)

I don't want to spam these lists with the details.  If you're at all
interested in writing books about the Apache stuff, and would
like me to give your name to these publishers when the messages
come in, let me know.  I'm not taking a cut or anything; the
more books about Apache the better, and the less noise on these
lists likewise.  I'm trying to help get [potential] authors
together with publishers.

I don't intend to send a message like this again, so I'll mention
that I have two requests for possible author names outstanding
at the moment.  Let me know.. if you want. :-)
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Apache-Server.Com/>
"Apache Server Unleashed"   <http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/>