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[GitHub] mdespriee commented on a change in pull request #13038: [MXNET-918] Introduce Random module / Refact code generation

mdespriee commented on a change in pull request #13038: [MXNET-918] Introduce Random module / Refact code generation

 File path: scala-package/macros/src/main/scala/org/apache/mxnet/NDArrayMacro.scala
 @@ -30,207 +27,111 @@ private[mxnet] class AddNDArrayFunctions(isContrib: Boolean) extends StaticAnnot
 private[mxnet] class AddNDArrayAPIs(isContrib: Boolean) extends StaticAnnotation {
-  private[mxnet] def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro NDArrayMacro.typeSafeAPIDefs
+  private[mxnet] def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro TypedNDArrayAPIMacro.typeSafeAPIDefs
-private[mxnet] object NDArrayMacro {
-  case class NDArrayArg(argName: String, argType: String, isOptional : Boolean)
-  case class NDArrayFunction(name: String, listOfArgs: List[NDArrayArg])
-  // scalastyle:off havetype
-  def addDefs(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*) = {
-    impl(c)(annottees: _*)
-  }
-  def typeSafeAPIDefs(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*) = {
-    typeSafeAPIImpl(c)(annottees: _*)
-  }
-  // scalastyle:off havetype
-  private val ndarrayFunctions: List[NDArrayFunction] = initNDArrayModule()
+private[mxnet] object NDArrayMacro extends GeneratorBase {
-  private def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
+  def addDefs(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
     import c.universe._
     val isContrib: Boolean = c.prefix.tree match {
       case q"new AddNDArrayFunctions($b)" => c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(b))
-    val newNDArrayFunctions = {
-      if (isContrib) ndarrayFunctions.filter("_contrib_"))
-      else ndarrayFunctions.filterNot("_"))
-    }
-     val functionDefs = newNDArrayFunctions flatMap { NDArrayfunction =>
-        val funcName =
-        val termName = TermName(funcName)
-       Seq(
-            // scalastyle:off
-            // (yizhi) We are investigating a way to make these functions type-safe
-            // and waiting to see the new approach is stable enough.
-            // Thus these functions may be deprecated in the future.
-            // e.g def transpose(kwargs: Map[String, Any] = null)(args: Any*)
-            q"def $termName(kwargs: Map[String, Any] = null)(args: Any*) = {genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke($funcName, args, kwargs)}".asInstanceOf[DefDef],
-            // e.g def transpose(args: Any*)
-            q"def $termName(args: Any*) = {genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke($funcName, args, null)}".asInstanceOf[DefDef]
-            // scalastyle:on
-          )
-        }
-    structGeneration(c)(functionDefs, annottees : _*)
+    impl(c)(isContrib, annottees: _*)
-  private def typeSafeAPIImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*) : c.Expr[Any] = {
+  private def impl(c: blackbox.Context)
+                  (isContrib: Boolean, annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
     import c.universe._
-    val isContrib: Boolean = c.prefix.tree match {
-      case q"new AddNDArrayAPIs($b)" => c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(b))
-    }
-    // Defines Operators that should not generated
-    val notGenerated = Set("Custom")
-    val newNDArrayFunctions = {
-      if (isContrib) ndarrayFunctions.filter(
-        func =>"_contrib_") || !"_"))
-      else ndarrayFunctions.filterNot("_"))
-    }.filterNot(ele => notGenerated.contains(
-    val functionDefs = { ndarrayfunction =>
-      // Construct argument field
-      var argDef = ListBuffer[String]()
-      // Construct Implementation field
-      var impl = ListBuffer[String]()
-      impl += "val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Any]()"
-      impl += "val args = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[NDArray]"
-      ndarrayfunction.listOfArgs.foreach({ ndarrayarg =>
-        // var is a special word used to define variable in Scala,
-        // need to changed to something else in order to make it work
-        val currArgName = ndarrayarg.argName match {
-          case "var" => "vari"
-          case "type" => "typeOf"
-          case default => ndarrayarg.argName
-        }
-        if (ndarrayarg.isOptional) {
-          argDef += s"${currArgName} : Option[${ndarrayarg.argType}] = None"
-        }
-        else {
-          argDef += s"${currArgName} : ${ndarrayarg.argType}"
-        }
-        // NDArray arg implementation
-        val returnType = "org.apache.mxnet.NDArray"
-        // TODO: Currently we do not add place holder for NDArray
-        // Example: an NDArray operator like the following format
-        // NDArray(required), arg2: NDArray(Optional), arg3: NDArray(Optional)
-        // If we place, arg3 = arg3), do we need to add place holder for arg2?
-        // What it should be?
-        val base =
-          if (ndarrayarg.argType.equals(returnType)) {
-            s"args += $currArgName"
-          } else if (ndarrayarg.argType.equals(s"Array[$returnType]")){
-            s"args ++= $currArgName"
-          } else {
-            "map(\"" + ndarrayarg.argName + "\") = " + currArgName
-          }
-        impl.append(
-          if (ndarrayarg.isOptional) s"if (!$currArgName.isEmpty) $base.get"
-          else base
-        )
-      })
-      // add default out parameter
-      argDef += "out : Option[NDArray] = None"
-      impl += "if (!out.isEmpty) map(\"out\") = out.get"
-      // scalastyle:off
-      impl += "org.apache.mxnet.NDArray.genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke(\"" + + "\", args.toSeq, map.toMap)"
-      // scalastyle:on
-      // Combine and build the function string
-      val returnType = "org.apache.mxnet.NDArrayFuncReturn"
-      var finalStr = s"def ${}"
-      finalStr += s" (${argDef.mkString(",")}) : $returnType"
-      finalStr += s" = {${impl.mkString("\n")}}"
-      c.parse(finalStr).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+    val functions = functionsToGenerate(isSymbol = false, isContrib)
+    val functionDefs = functions.flatMap { NDArrayfunction =>
+      val funcName =
+      val termName = TermName(funcName)
+      Seq(
+        // e.g def transpose(kwargs: Map[String, Any] = null)(args: Any*)
+        q"""
+             def $termName(kwargs: Map[String, Any] = null)(args: Any*) = {
+               genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke($funcName, args, kwargs)
+             }
+          """.asInstanceOf[DefDef],
+        // e.g def transpose(args: Any*)
+        q"""
+             def $termName(args: Any*) = {
+               genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke($funcName, args, null)
+             }
+          """.asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+      )
-    structGeneration(c)(functionDefs, annottees : _*)
+    structGeneration(c)(functionDefs, annottees: _*)
-  private def structGeneration(c: blackbox.Context)
-                              (funcDef : List[c.universe.DefDef], annottees: c.Expr[Any]*)
-  : c.Expr[Any] = {
+private[mxnet] object TypedNDArrayAPIMacro extends GeneratorBase {
+  def typeSafeAPIDefs(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
     import c.universe._
-    val inputs =
-    // pattern match on the inputs
-    val modDefs = inputs map {
-      case ClassDef(mods, name, something, template) =>
-        val q = template match {
-          case Template(superMaybe, emptyValDef, defs) =>
-            Template(superMaybe, emptyValDef, defs ++ funcDef)
-          case ex =>
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid template: $ex")
-        }
-        ClassDef(mods, name, something, q)
-      case ModuleDef(mods, name, template) =>
-        val q = template match {
-          case Template(superMaybe, emptyValDef, defs) =>
-            Template(superMaybe, emptyValDef, defs ++ funcDef)
-          case ex =>
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid template: $ex")
-        }
-        ModuleDef(mods, name, q)
-      case ex =>
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid macro input: $ex")
+    val isContrib: Boolean = c.prefix.tree match {
+      case q"new AddNDArrayAPIs($b)" => c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(b))
-    // wrap the result up in an Expr, and return it
-    val result = c.Expr(Block(modDefs, Literal(Constant())))
-    result
+    val functions = typeSafeFunctionsToGenerate(isSymbol = false, isContrib)
+    val functionDefs = => buildTypedFunction(c)(f))
+    structGeneration(c)(functionDefs, annottees: _*)
+  protected def buildTypedFunction(c: blackbox.Context)
+                                  (function: Func): c.universe.DefDef = {
+    import c.universe._
+    val returnType = "org.apache.mxnet.NDArrayFuncReturn"
+    val ndarrayType = "org.apache.mxnet.NDArray"
+    // Construct argument field
+    val argDef = ListBuffer[String]()
+    argDef ++= typedFunctionCommonArgDef(function)
+    argDef += "out : Option[NDArray] = None"
-  // List and add all the atomic symbol functions to current module.
-  private def initNDArrayModule(): List[NDArrayFunction] = {
-    val opNames = ListBuffer.empty[String]
-    _LIB.mxListAllOpNames(opNames)
- => {
-      val opHandle = new RefLong
-      _LIB.nnGetOpHandle(opName, opHandle)
-      makeNDArrayFunction(opHandle.value, opName)
-    }).toList
-  }
+    // Construct Implementation field
+    var impl = ListBuffer[String]()
+    impl += "val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Any]()"
+    impl += s"val args = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[$ndarrayType]"
-  // Create an atomic symbol function by handle and function name.
-  private def makeNDArrayFunction(handle: NDArrayHandle, aliasName: String)
-  : NDArrayFunction = {
-    val name = new RefString
-    val desc = new RefString
-    val keyVarNumArgs = new RefString
-    val numArgs = new RefInt
-    val argNames = ListBuffer.empty[String]
-    val argTypes = ListBuffer.empty[String]
-    val argDescs = ListBuffer.empty[String]
-    _LIB.mxSymbolGetAtomicSymbolInfo(
-      handle, name, desc, numArgs, argNames, argTypes, argDescs, keyVarNumArgs)
-    val paramStr = OperatorBuildUtils.ctypes2docstring(argNames, argTypes, argDescs)
-    val extraDoc: String = if (keyVarNumArgs.value != null && keyVarNumArgs.value.length > 0) {
-      s"This function support variable length of positional input (${keyVarNumArgs.value})."
-    } else {
-      ""
-    }
-    val realName = if (aliasName == name.value) "" else s"(a.k.a., ${name.value})"
-    val docStr = s"$aliasName $realName\n${desc.value}\n\n$paramStr\n$extraDoc\n"
-    // scalastyle:off println
-    if (System.getenv("MXNET4J_PRINT_OP_DEF") != null
-      && System.getenv("MXNET4J_PRINT_OP_DEF").toLowerCase == "true") {
-      println("NDArray function definition:\n" + docStr)
-    }
-    // scalastyle:on println
-    val argList = argNames zip argTypes map { case (argName, argType) =>
-      val typeAndOption =
-        CToScalaUtils.argumentCleaner(argName, argType, "org.apache.mxnet.NDArray")
-      new NDArrayArg(argName, typeAndOption._1, typeAndOption._2)
+    // NDArray arg implementation
+    impl ++= { arg =>
+      if (arg.argType.equals(s"Array[$ndarrayType]")) {
+        s"args ++= ${arg.safeArgName}"
+      } else {
+        val base =
+          if (arg.argType.equals(ndarrayType)) {
+            // ndarrays go to args
+            s"args += ${arg.safeArgName}"
+          } else {
+            // other types go to kwargs
+            s"""map("${arg.argName}") = ${arg.safeArgName}"""
+          }
+        if (arg.isOptional) s"if (!${arg.safeArgName}.isEmpty) $base.get"
+        else base
+      }
-    new NDArrayFunction(aliasName, argList.toList)
+    impl +=
+      s"""if (!out.isEmpty) map("out") = out.get
+         |org.apache.mxnet.NDArray.genericNDArrayFunctionInvoke(
+         |  "${}", args.toSeq, map.toMap)
+       """.stripMargin
+    // Combine and build the function string
+    val finalStr =
+      s"""def ${}
+         |   (${argDef.mkString(",")}) : $returnType
+         | = {${impl.mkString("\n")}}
 Review comment:
   I suggest to discuss this in the next PR. Introducing the random module made refactor and split this further to ease the integration of module variants.

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