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[48/90] [abbrv] [partial] hadoop git commit: HADOOP-14671. Upgrade Apache Yetus to 0.8.0
diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.0/ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.0/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7470dc8..0000000
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.0/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Apache Hadoop Changelog
-## Release 0.14.0 - 2007-08-20
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-234]( | Hadoop Pipes for writing map/reduce jobs in C++ and python |  Major | . | Sanjay Dahiya | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1379]( | Integrate Findbugs into nightly build process |  Major | test | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
-| [HADOOP-1447]( | Support for textInputFormat in contrib/data\_join |  Minor | . | Senthil Subramanian | Senthil Subramanian |
-| [HADOOP-1469]( | Asynchronous table creation |  Minor | . | James Kennedy | stack |
-| [HADOOP-1377]( | Creation time and modification time for hadoop files and directories |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1515]( | MultiFileSplit, MultiFileInputFormat |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
-| [HADOOP-1508]( | ant Task for FsShell operations |  Minor | build, fs | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
-| [HADOOP-1570]( | Add a per-job configuration knob to control loading of native hadoop libraries |  Major | io | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1433]( | Add job priority |  Minor | . | Johan Oskarsson | Johan Oskarsson |
-| [HADOOP-1597]( | Distributed upgrade status reporting and post upgrade features. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1562]( | Report Java VM metrics |  Major | metrics | David Bowen | David Bowen |
-| [HADOOP-1134]( | Block level CRCs in HDFS |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1568]( | NameNode Schema for HttpFileSystem |  Major | fs | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
-| [HADOOP-1437]( | Eclipse plugin for developing and executing MapReduce programs on Hadoop |  Major | . | Eugene Hung | Christophe Taton |
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1343]( | Deprecate the Configuration.set(String,Object) method and make Configuration Iterable |  Major | conf | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1342]( | A configurable limit on the number of unique values should be set on the UniqueValueCount and ValueHistogram aggregators |  Major | . | Runping Qi | Runping Qi |
-| [HADOOP-1340]( | md5 file in filecache should inherit replication factor from the file it belongs to. |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-894]( | dfs client protocol should allow asking for parts of the block map |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1413]( | A new example to do tile placements using distributed dancing links |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-800]( | More improvements to DFS browsing WI |  Major | . | arkady borkovsky | Enis Soztutar |
-| [HADOOP-1408]( | fix warning about cast of Map\<String, Map\<String, JobInfo\>\> in jobhistory.jsp |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1376]( | RandomWriter should be tweaked to generate input data for terasort |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1429]( | RPC Server won't go quietly |  Minor | ipc | stack | stack |
-| [HADOOP-1450]( | checksums should be closer to data generation and consumption |  Major | fs | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
-| [HADOOP-1467]( | Remove redundant counters from WordCount example |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1438]( | Grammatical / wording / copy edits for Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and Design white paper |  Trivial | documentation | Luke Nezda |  |
-| [HADOOP-1457]( | Counters for monitoring task assignments |  Minor | . | Devaraj Das | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1417]( | Exclude some Findbugs detectors |  Minor | build | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
-| [HADOOP-1320]( | Rewrite 'random-writer' to use '-reducer NONE' |  Minor | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1484]( | Kill jobs from web interface |  Minor | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
-| [HADOOP-1003]( | Proposal to batch commits to edits log. |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1023]( | better links to mailing list archives |  Major | documentation | Daniel Naber | Tom White |
-| [HADOOP-1462]( | Better progress reporting from a Task |  Major | . | Vivek Ratan | Vivek Ratan |
-| [HADOOP-1440]( | JobClient should not sort input-splits |  Major | . | Milind Bhandarkar | Senthil Subramanian |
-| [HADOOP-1455]( | Allow any key-value pair on the command line of 'hadoop pipes' to be added to the JobConf |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1147]( | remove all @author tags from source |  Minor | . | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
-| [HADOOP-1283]( | Eliminate internal UTF8 to String and vice versa conversions in the name-node. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1518]( | Add session id to metric data |  Major | . | David Bowen | David Bowen |
-| [HADOOP-1292]( | dfs -copyToLocal should guarantee file is complete |  Major | . | eric baldeschwieler | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
-| [HADOOP-1028]( | Servers should log startup and shutdown messages |  Major | . | Nigel Daley | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
-| [HADOOP-1485]( | Metrics should be there for reporting shuffle failures/successes |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1286]( | Distributed cluster upgrade |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1580]( | provide better error message when subprocesses fail in hadoop streaming |  Minor | . | John Heidemann | John Heidemann |
-| [HADOOP-1473]( | Make jobids unique across jobtracker restarts |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1582]( | hdfsRead and hdfsPread should return 0 instead of -1 at end-of-file. |  Minor | . | Christian Kunz | Christian Kunz |
-| [HADOOP-1470]( | Rework FSInputChecker and FSOutputSummer to support checksum code sharing between ChecksumFileSystem and block level crc dfs |  Major | fs | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1585]( | GenericWritable should use generics |  Minor | io | Espen Amble Kolstad | Espen Amble Kolstad |
-| [HADOOP-1547]( | Provide examples for aggregate library |  Major | . | Tom White | Runping Qi |
-| [HADOOP-1620]( | FileSystem should have fewer abstract methods |  Major | . | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
-| [HADOOP-1478]( | The blockStream of DFSClient.FSInputStream should not be buffered |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1653]( | FSDirectory class code cleanup |  Trivial | . | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
-| [HADOOP-1066]( | front page is not user-friendly |  Minor | documentation | Marco Nicosia | Doug Cutting |
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1197]( | The misleading Configuration.set(String, Object) should be removed |  Minor | conf | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1344]( | getJobName not accessible from JobClient |  Minor | . | Michael Bieniosek |  |
-| [HADOOP-1355]( | Possible null pointer dereference in TaskLogAppender.append(LoggingEvent) |  Minor | . | Nigel Daley | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1357]( | Call to equals() comparing different types in CopyFiles.cleanup(Configuration, JobConf, String, String) |  Minor | util | Nigel Daley | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1335]( | C++ reducers under hadoop-pipes are not started when there are no key-value pairs to be reduced |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1359]( | Variable dereferenced then later checked for null |  Minor | . | Nigel Daley | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1364]( | Inconsistent synchronization of SequenceFile$Reader.noBufferedValues; locked 66% of time |  Minor | io | Nigel Daley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1390]( | Inconsistent Synchronization cleanup for {Configuration, TaskLog, MapTask, Server}.java |  Minor | conf, ipc | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1393]( | using Math.abs(Random.getInt()) does not guarantee a positive number |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1387]( | FindBugs -\> Performance |  Major | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1406]( | Metrics based on Map-Reduce Counters are not cleaned up |  Major | . | David Bowen | David Bowen |
-| [HADOOP-1394]( | FindBugs : Performance : in dfs |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1226]( | makeQualified should return an instance of a DfsPath when passed  a DfsPath |  Major | . | Koji Noguchi | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1443]( | TestFileCorruption fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |  Critical | . | Nigel Daley | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1461]( | Corner-case deadlock in TaskTracker |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1446]( | Metrics from the TaskTracker are updated only when map/reduce tasks start/end/fail |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1414]( | Findbugs - Bad Practice |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1392]( | FindBugs : Fix some correctness bugs reported in DFS, FS, etc. |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1412]( | FindBugs: Dodgy bugs in fs, filecache, io, and util packages |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1479]( | NPE in HStore#get if StoreFile only has keys \< than passed key |  Minor | . | stack | stack |
-| [HADOOP-1261]( | Restart of the same data-node should not generate edits log records. |  Minor | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1311]( | Bug in BytesWritable.set(byte[] newData, int offset, int length) |  Major | io | Srikanth Kakani | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1456]( | TestDecommission fails with assertion  Number of replicas for block1 expected:\<3\> but was:\<2\> |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1396]( | FileNotFound exception on DFS block |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1139]( | All block trasitions should be logged at log level INFO |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1269]( | DFS Scalability: namenode throughput impacted becuase of global FSNamesystem lock |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1472]( | Timed-out tasks are marked as 'KILLED' rather than as 'FAILED' which means the framework doesn't fail a TIP with 4 or more timed-out attempts |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1234]( | map tasks fail because they do not find application in file cache |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1482]( | SecondaryNameNode does not roll ports |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1300]( | deletion of excess replicas does not take into account 'rack-locality' |  Major | . | Koji Noguchi | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1459]( | FileSystem.getFileCacheHints returns IP addresses rather than hostnames, which breaks 'data-locality' in map-reduce |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1493]( | possible double setting of java.library.path introduced by HADOOP-838 |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
-| [HADOOP-1372]( | DFS Clients should start using the org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1193]( | Map/reduce job gets OutOfMemoryException when set map out to be compressed |  Blocker | . | Hairong Kuang | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1492]( | DataNode version mismatch during handshake() causes NullPointerException. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1442]( | Zero-byte input files are not included in InputSplit |  Major | . | Milind Bhandarkar | Senthil Subramanian |
-| [HADOOP-1444]( | Block allocation method does not check pendingCreates for duplicate block ids |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1207]( | hdfs -rm should NOT fail if one of the files to remove is missing |  Minor | . | arkady borkovsky | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
-| [HADOOP-1503]( | Fix for broken build by HADOOP-1498 |  Major | . | stack | stack |
-| [HADOOP-1475]( | local filecache disappears |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1504]( | terminate-hadoop-cluster may be overzealous |  Blocker | fs/s3 | Doug Cutting | Tom White |
-| [HADOOP-1453]( | exists() not necessary before |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1489]( | Input file get truncated for text files with \\r\\n |  Major | io | Bwolen Yang |  |
-| [HADOOP-1501]( | Block reports from all datanodes arrive at the namenode within a small band of time |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1517]( | Three methods in FSNamesystem should not be synchronized. |  Critical | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1512]( | TestTextInputFormat fails on Windows |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko |  |
-| [HADOOP-1514]( | Progress reporting not handled for the case where a reducer currently doesn't have anything to fetch |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | Vivek Ratan |
-| [HADOOP-1367]( | Inconsistent synchronization of NetworkTopology.distFrom; locked 50% of time |  Major | io | Nigel Daley | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1536]( | libhdfs tests failing |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1520]( | IndexOutOfBoundsException in FSEditLog.processIOError |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1542]( | Incorrect task/tip being scheduled (looks like speculative execution) |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1513]( | A likely race condition between the creation of a directory and checking for its existence in the DiskChecker class |  Critical | fs | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1546]( | The DFS WebUI shows an incorrect column for file Creatin Time |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-690]( | NPE in jobcontrol |  Major | . | Johan Oskarsson | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1556]( | 9 unit test failures: file.out.index already exists |  Major | . | Nigel Daley | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1554]( | Fix the JobHistory to display things like the number of nodes the job ran on, the number of killed/failed tasks |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1448]( | Setting the replication factor of a file too high causes namenode cpu overload |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1578]( | Data-nodes should send storage ID to the name-node during registration |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1584]( | Bug in readFields of GenericWritable |  Minor | io | Espen Amble Kolstad | Espen Amble Kolstad |
-| [HADOOP-911]( | Multithreading issue with libhdfs library |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Christian Kunz |
-| [HADOOP-1486]( | ReplicationMonitor thread goes away |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1590]( | Jobtracker web interface contains several absolute href links instead of relative ones |  Major | . | Thomas Friol |  |
-| [HADOOP-1596]( | TestSymLink is failing |  Blocker | . | Doug Cutting | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1535]( | Wrong comparator used to merge files in Reduce phase |  Major | . | Vivek Ratan | Vivek Ratan |
-| [HADOOP-1428]( | ChecksumFileSystem : some operations implicitly not supported. |  Major | fs | Raghu Angadi |  |
-| [HADOOP-1124]( | ChecksumFileSystem does not handle ChecksumError correctly |  Major | fs | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1576]( | web interface inconsistencies when using speculative execution |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1524]( | Task Logs userlogs don't show up for a while |  Major | . | Michael Bieniosek | Michael Bieniosek |
-| [HADOOP-1599]( | TestCopyFiles with IllegalArgumentException on Windows |  Blocker | fs | Nigel Daley | Senthil Subramanian |
-| [HADOOP-1613]( | The dfs webui (dfshealth) shows "Last Contact" as a negative number |  Minor | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1400]( | JobClient rpc times out getting job status |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1564]( | Write unit tests to detect CRC corruption |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1285]( | ChecksumFileSystem : Can't read when io.file.buffer.size \< bytePerChecksum |  Major | fs | Raghu Angadi |  |
-| [HADOOP-1625]( | "could not move files" exception in DataXceiver |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1624]( | Unknown op code exception in DataXceiver. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1084]( | updating a hdfs file, doesn't cause the distributed file cache to update itself |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1639]( | TestSymLink is failing fairly often and is blocking the regression |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Mahadev konar |
-| [HADOOP-1623]( | dfs -cp infinite loop creating sub-directories |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1603]( | Replication gets set to 1 sometimes when Namenode restarted. |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1635]( | Keypair Name Hardcoded |  Minor | contrib/cloud | Stu Hood |  |
-| [HADOOP-1634]( | EC2 launch-hadoop-cluster awk Problem |  Minor | contrib/cloud | Stu Hood |  |
-| [HADOOP-1638]( | Master node unable to bind to DNS hostname |  Minor | contrib/cloud | Stu Hood |  |
-| [HADOOP-1632]( | IllegalArgumentException in fsck |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1619]( | FSInputChecker attempts to seek past EOF |  Blocker | fs | Nigel Daley | Hairong Kuang |
-| [HADOOP-1640]( | TestDecommission fails on Windows |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1587]( | Tasks run by MiniMRCluster don't get sysprops from TestCases |  Blocker | test | Alejandro Abdelnur | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1551]( | libhdfs API is out of sync with Filesystem API |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Sameer Paranjpye |
-| [HADOOP-1647]( | DistributedFileSystem.getFileStatus() fails for path "/" |  Blocker | . | Enis Soztutar | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1657]( | NNBench benchmark hangs with trunk |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1666]( | The FsShell Object cannot be used for multiple fs commands. |  Minor | fs | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1553]( | Extensive logging of C++ application can slow down task by an order of magnitude |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1659]( | job id / job name mix-up |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1665]( | DFS Trash feature bugs |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | dhruba borthakur |
-| [HADOOP-1649]( | Performance regression with Block CRCs |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1680]( | Improvements to Block CRC upgrade messages |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-71]( | The SequenceFileRecordReader uses the default FileSystem rather than the supplied one |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1668]( | add INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES section to CHANGES.txt for Hadoop 0.14 |  Blocker | documentation | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
-| [HADOOP-1698]( | 7500+ reducers/partitions causes job to hang |  Blocker | . | Srikanth Kakani | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1716]( | TestPipes.testPipes fails |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1714]( | TestDFSUpgradeFromImage fails on Windows |  Blocker | test | Nigel Daley | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1663]( | streaming returning 0 when submitJob fails with Exception |  Major | . | Koji Noguchi | Koji Noguchi |
-| [HADOOP-1712]( | Unhandled exception in Block CRC upgrade on datanode. |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1717]( | TestDFSUpgradeFromImage fails on Solaris |  Blocker | test | Nigel Daley | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1681]( | Re organize StreamJob::submitAndMonitorJob() Exception handling |  Minor | . | Lohit Vijayarenu |  |
-### TESTS:
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1628]( | Block CRC Unit Tests: protocol tests |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1629]( | Block CRC Unit Tests: upgrade test |  Blocker | . | Nigel Daley | Raghu Angadi |
-### OTHER:
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1336]( | turn on speculative execution by defaul |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
-| [HADOOP-1449]( | Example for contrib/data\_join |  Minor | . | Senthil Subramanian | Senthil Subramanian |
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index 0000000..fe0412d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.14.1 - 2007-09-03
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1740]( | Certain Pipes tasks fail, after exiting the C++ application |  Blocker | . | Srikanth Kakani | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-1790]( | hadoop seems not to support multi-homed installations |  Blocker | . | Torsten Curdt | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1798]( | The counts of currently running maps and reduces isn't maintained correctly when task trackers fail |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.1/ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.1/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Apache Hadoop Changelog
-## Release 0.14.1 - 2007-09-03
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1740]( | Certain Pipes tasks fail, after exiting the C++ application |  Blocker | . | Srikanth Kakani | Devaraj Das |
-| [HADOOP-1790]( | hadoop seems not to support multi-homed installations |  Blocker | . | Torsten Curdt | Doug Cutting |
-| [HADOOP-1798]( | The counts of currently running maps and reduces isn't maintained correctly when task trackers fail |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dde8ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.14.2 - 2007-10-09
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1783]( | keyToPath in Jets3tFileSystemStore needs to return absolute path |  Major | fs/s3 | Ahad Rana | Tom White |
+| [HADOOP-1948]( | Spurious error message during block crc upgrade. |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1977]( | hadoop job -kill , -status causes NullPointerException |  Blocker | . | Lohit Vijayarenu | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1972]( | LzoCompressor.finished doesn't check whether the user actually wants to finish compressing |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1970]( | tasktracker hang in reduce. Deadlock between main and comm thread |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Vivek Ratan |
+| [HADOOP-1862]( | reduces are getting stuck trying to find map outputs |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1978]( | Name-node should remove during startup rather than renaming it to edits. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1955]( | Corrupted block replication retries for ever |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1961]( | -get, -copyToLocal fail when  single filename is passed |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1997]( | TestCheckpoint fails on Windows |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
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index 9dde8ff..0000000
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Apache Hadoop Changelog
-## Release 0.14.2 - 2007-10-09
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-1783]( | keyToPath in Jets3tFileSystemStore needs to return absolute path |  Major | fs/s3 | Ahad Rana | Tom White |
-| [HADOOP-1948]( | Spurious error message during block crc upgrade. |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1977]( | hadoop job -kill , -status causes NullPointerException |  Blocker | . | Lohit Vijayarenu | Enis Soztutar |
-| [HADOOP-1972]( | LzoCompressor.finished doesn't check whether the user actually wants to finish compressing |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1970]( | tasktracker hang in reduce. Deadlock between main and comm thread |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Vivek Ratan |
-| [HADOOP-1862]( | reduces are getting stuck trying to find map outputs |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-1978]( | Name-node should remove during startup rather than renaming it to edits. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
-| [HADOOP-1955]( | Corrupted block replication retries for ever |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1961]( | -get, -copyToLocal fail when  single filename is passed |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
-| [HADOOP-1997]( | TestCheckpoint fails on Windows |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.3/ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e2811
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.14.3 - 2007-10-19
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-2036]( | NPE in JvmMetrics.doThreadUpdates |  Blocker | metrics | Koji Noguchi | Nigel Daley |
+| [HADOOP-2053]( | OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space errors in hadoop 0.14 |  Blocker | . | Lohit Vijayarenu | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-2043]( | 0.14.2 release compiled with Java 1.6 instead of Java 1.5 |  Blocker | build | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-2072]( | RawLocalFileStatus is causing Path problems |  Major | fs | Dennis Kubes |  |
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index 77e2811..0000000
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.3/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Apache Hadoop Changelog
-## Release 0.14.3 - 2007-10-19
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-2036]( | NPE in JvmMetrics.doThreadUpdates |  Blocker | metrics | Koji Noguchi | Nigel Daley |
-| [HADOOP-2053]( | OutOfMemoryError : Java heap space errors in hadoop 0.14 |  Blocker | . | Lohit Vijayarenu | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-2043]( | 0.14.2 release compiled with Java 1.6 instead of Java 1.5 |  Blocker | build | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
-| [HADOOP-2072]( | RawLocalFileStatus is causing Path problems |  Major | fs | Dennis Kubes |  |
diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.4/ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.4/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a88d676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.4/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.14.4 - 2007-11-26
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-2001]( | Deadlock in jobtracker |  Blocker | . | Michael Bieniosek | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-2169]( | libhdfs makefile wrongly sets up DT\_SONAME field of |  Critical | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-2140]( | C and C++ files are missing Apache license header |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
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index a88d676..0000000
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.14.4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Apache Hadoop Changelog
-## Release 0.14.4 - 2007-11-26
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-2001]( | Deadlock in jobtracker |  Blocker | . | Michael Bieniosek | Arun C Murthy |
-| [HADOOP-2169]( | libhdfs makefile wrongly sets up DT\_SONAME field of |  Critical | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
-### OTHER:
-| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
-|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
-| [HADOOP-2140]( | C and C++ files are missing Apache license header |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
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+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/src/site/markdown/release/0.15.0/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.15.0 - 2007-10-19
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1727]( | Make more generic so that it can be included in |  Minor | io | Jim Kellerman | Jim Kellerman |
+| [HADOOP-1351]( | Want to kill a particular task or attempt |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1880]( | SleepJob |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1809]( | Add link to irc channel #hadoop |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1894]( | Add fancy graphs for mapred task statuses |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1914]( | HDFS should have a NamenodeProtocol to allow  secondary namenodes and rebalancing processes to communicate with a primary namenode |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1851]( | Map output compression codec cannot be set independently of job output compression codec |  Major | . | Riccardo Boscolo | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1963]( | Code contribution of Kosmos Filesystem implementation of Hadoop Filesystem interface |  Major | fs | Sriram Rao | Sriram Rao |
+| [HADOOP-1822]( | Allow SOCKS proxy configuration to remotely access the DFS and submit Jobs |  Minor | ipc | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
+| [HADOOP-789]( | DFS shell should return a list of nodes for a file saying that where the blocks for these files are located. |  Minor | . | Mahadev konar | Mahadev konar |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1667]( | organize CHANGES.txt messages into sections for future releases |  Major | documentation | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1610]( | Add metrics for failed tasks |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-1621]( | Make FileStatus a concrete class |  Major | fs | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1595]( | Add an option to setReplication method to wait for completion of replication |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HADOOP-1693]( | Remove LOG members from PendingReplicationBlocks and ReplicationTargetChooser. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1231]( | Add generics to Mapper and Reducer interfaces |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Tom White |
+| [HADOOP-1436]( | Redesign Tool and ToolBase API and releted functionality |  Major | util | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1703]( | Small cleanup of DistributedFileSystem and DFSClient |  Trivial | . | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
+| [HADOOP-1743]( | INode refactoring |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1731]( | contrib jar file names should include hadoop version number |  Major | . | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1756]( | Add toString() methods to some Writable types |  Major | io | Andrzej Bialecki | Andrzej Bialecki |
+| [HADOOP-1744]( | Small cleanup of DistributedFileSystem and DFSClient (next) |  Trivial | . | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
+| [HADOOP-1654]( | IOUtils class |  Major | io | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1759]( | File name should be represented by a byte array instead of a String |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1766]( | Merging Block and BlockInfo classes on name-node. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1158]( | JobTracker should collect statistics of failed map output fetches, and take decisions to reexecute map tasks and/or restart the (possibly faulty) Jetty server on the TaskTracker |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1777]( | Typo issue in the job details JSP page |  Trivial | . | Thomas Friol | Thomas Friol |
+| [HADOOP-1767]( | JobClient CLI cleanup and improvement |  Minor | . | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
+| [HADOOP-1750]( | We should log better if something goes wrong with the process fork |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1803]( | Generalize making contrib bin content executable in ant package target |  Minor | build | stack | stack |
+| [HADOOP-1779]( | Small INodeDirectory enhancement to get all existing INodes components on a path |  Trivial | . | Christophe Taton | Christophe Taton |
+| [HADOOP-1425]( | Rework the various programs in 'examples' to extend ToolBase |  Minor | . | Arun C Murthy | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1687]( | Name-node memory size estimates and optimization proposal. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1266]( | Remove DatanodeDescriptor dependency from NetworkTopology |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-785]( | Divide the server and client configurations |  Major | conf | Owen O'Malley | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1718]( | Test coverage target in build files using clover |  Major | build | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
+| [HADOOP-1774]( | Remove use of INode.parent in Block CRC upgrade |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1592]( | Print the diagnostic error messages for FAILED task-attempts to the user console via TaskCompletionEvents |  Major | . | Arun C Murthy | Amar Kamat |
+| [HADOOP-1878]( | Change priority feature in the job details JSP page misses spaces between each priority link |  Trivial | . | Thomas Friol | Thomas Friol |
+| [HADOOP-1762]( | Namenode does not need to store storageID and datanodeID persistently |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1500]( | typo's in dfs webui |  Trivial | . | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
+| [HADOOP-1921]( | Save the configuration of completed/failed jobs and make them available via the web-ui. |  Major | . | Arun C Murthy | Amar Kamat |
+| [HADOOP-1908]( | Restructure data node code so that block sending/receiving is seperated from data transfer header handling |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1933]( | Consider include/exclude files while listing datanodes. |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1926]( | Design/implement a set of compression benchmarks for the map-reduce framework |  Major | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1626]( | DFSAdmin. Help messages are missing for -finalizeUpgrade and -metasave. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Lohit Vijayarenu |
+| [HADOOP-1968]( | Wildcard input syntax (glob) should support {} |  Major | fs | eric baldeschwieler | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1906]( | JobConf should warn about the existance of obsolete mapred-default.xml. |  Major | conf | Owen O'Malley | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1971]( | Constructing a JobConf without a class leads to a very misleading error message. |  Minor | . | Ted Dunning | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1942]( | Increase the concurrency of transaction logging to edits log |  Blocker | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-2046]( | Documentation: improve mapred javadocs |  Blocker | documentation | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1881]( | Update documentation for hadoop's configuration post HADOOP-785 |  Major | documentation | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1636]( | constant should be user-configurable: MAX\_COMPLETE\_USER\_JOBS\_IN\_MEMORY |  Major | . | Michael Bieniosek | Michael Bieniosek |
+| [HADOOP-1463]( | dfs.datanode.du.reserved semantics being violated |  Blocker | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-999]( | DFS Client should create file when the user creates the file |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HADOOP-1565]( | DFSScalability: reduce memory usage of namenode |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1651]( | Some improvements in progress reporting |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-932]( | File locking interface and implementation should be remvoed. |  Minor | fs | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1692]( | DfsTask cache interferes with operation |  Minor | util | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1689]( | .sh scripts do not work on Solaris |  Minor | scripts | David Biesack | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1772]( | Hadoop does not run in Cygwin in Windows |  Critical | scripts | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HADOOP-1749]( | TestDFSUpgrade some times fails with an assert |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1601]( | GenericWritable should use ReflectionUtils.newInstance to avoid problems with classloaders |  Major | io | Owen O'Malley | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1748]( | Task Trackers fail to launch tasks when they have relative log directories configured |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1775]( | MapWritable and SortedMapWritable - Writable problems |  Major | io | Jim Kellerman | Jim Kellerman |
+| [HADOOP-1656]( | HDFS does not record the blocksize for a file |  Major | . | Sameer Paranjpye | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1739]( | ConnectException in TaskTracker Child |  Major | . | Srikanth Kakani | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1795]( | Task.moveTaskOutputs is escaping special characters in output filenames |  Critical | . | Frédéric Bertin | Frédéric Bertin |
+| [HADOOP-1812]( | TestIPC and TestRPC should use dynamically allocated ports |  Major | ipc | Doug Cutting | Doug Cutting |
+| [HADOOP-1810]( | Incorrect Value type in MRBench (SmallJobs) |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-1832]( | listTables() returns duplicate tables |  Major | . | Andrew Hitchcock | Jim Kellerman |
+| [HADOOP-1806]( | DfsTask no longer compiles |  Major | build | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1758]( | processing escapes in a jute record is quadratic |  Blocker | record | Dick King | Vivek Ratan |
+| [HADOOP-1569]( | distcp should use the Path -\> FileSystem interface like the rest of Hadoop |  Major | util | Owen O'Malley | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1817]( | MultiFileSplit does not write and read the total length |  Major | . | Thomas Friol | Thomas Friol |
+| [HADOOP-1838]( | Files created with an pre-0.15 gets blocksize as zero, causing performance degradation |  Blocker | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1018]( | Single lost heartbeat leads to a "Lost task tracker" |  Major | . | Andrzej Bialecki | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1818]( | MutliFileInputFormat returns "empty" MultiFileSplit when number of paths \< number of splits |  Major | . | Thomas Friol | Thomas Friol |
+| [HADOOP-1840]( | Task's diagnostic messages are lost sometimes |  Critical | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1846]( | DatanodeReport should distinguish live datanodes from dead datanodes |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1885]( | Race condition in MiniDFSCluster shutdown |  Major | test | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1708]( | make files visible in the namespace as soon as they are created |  Major | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1819]( | The JobTracker should ensure that it is running on the right host. |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1890]( | Revert a debug patch. |  Trivial | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1889]( | Fix path in EC2 scripts for building your own AMI |  Major | contrib/cloud | Tom White | Tom White |
+| [HADOOP-1892]( | In the Job UI, some links don't work |  Major | . | Devaraj Das | Amar Kamat |
+| [HADOOP-120]( | Reading an ArrayWriter does not work because valueClass does not get initialized |  Major | io | Dick King | Cameron Pope |
+| [HADOOP-1907]( | JobClient.runJob kills the job for failed tasks with no diagnostics |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Christian Kunz |
+| [HADOOP-1904]( | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException in BlocksMap |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1887]( | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with trunk |  Major | . | Raghu Angadi | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-89]( | files are not visible until they are closed |  Critical | . | Yoram Arnon | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1882]( | Remove extra '\*'s from FsShell.limitDecimal() |  Minor | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1573]( | Support for 0 reducers in PIPES |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1783]( | keyToPath in Jets3tFileSystemStore needs to return absolute path |  Major | fs/s3 | Ahad Rana | Tom White |
+| [HADOOP-1925]( | Hadoop Pipes doesn't compile on solaris |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1076]( | Periodic checkpointing cannot resume if the secondary name-node fails. |  Major | . | Konstantin Shvachko | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1932]( | Test dfs.TestFileCreation.testFileCreation failed on Windows |  Blocker | test | Mukund Madhugiri | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1940]( | TestDFSUpgradeFromImage doesn't shut down its MiniDFSCluster |  Major | test | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1930]( | Too many fetch-failures issue |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1910]( | Extra checks in DFS.create() are not necessary. |  Minor | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1897]( | about.html page is there but not linked. |  Major | . | Enis Soztutar | Enis Soztutar |
+| [HADOOP-1953]( | the job tracker should wait beteween calls to try and delete the system directory |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1935]( | NullPointerException in internalReleaseCreate |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1946]( | du should be not called on every heartbeat |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1948]( | Spurious error message during block crc upgrade. |  Blocker | . | Raghu Angadi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1934]( | the string on Mac OS contains spaces, which causes the c++ compilation to fail |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1959]( | Use of File.separator in StatusHttpServer prevents running Junit tests inside eclipse on Windows |  Minor | . | Jim Kellerman | Jim Kellerman |
+| [HADOOP-1978]( | Name-node should remove during startup rather than renaming it to edits. |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1695]( | Secondary Namenode halt when SocketTimeoutException at startup |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-1955]( | Corrupted block replication retries for ever |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1961]( | -get, -copyToLocal fail when  single filename is passed |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Raghu Angadi |
+| [HADOOP-1997]( | TestCheckpoint fails on Windows |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1983]( | jobs using pipes interface with tasks not using java output format have a good chance of not updating progress and timing out |  Major | . | Christian Kunz | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-1875]( | multiple dfs.client.buffer.dir directories are not treated as alternatives |  Blocker | fs | Christian Kunz | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-1992]( | Sort validation is taking considerably longer than before |  Blocker | . | Mukund Madhugiri | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1874]( | lost task trackers -- jobs hang |  Blocker | . | Christian Kunz | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-1944]( | Maps which ran on trackers declared 'lost' are being marked as FAILED rather than KILLED |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-2026]( | Namenode prints out too many log lines for "Number of transactions" |  Blocker | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-2022]( | Task times are not saved correctly (bug in hadoop-1874) |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | Amar Kamat |
+| [HADOOP-2031]( | Lost tasktracker not handled properly leading to tips wrongly being kept as completed, and hence not rescheduled |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | Devaraj Das |
+| [HADOOP-2018]( | Broken pipe SocketException in DataNode$DataXceiver |  Blocker | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-2023]( | TestLocalDirAllocator fails on Windows |  Blocker | fs | Mukund Madhugiri | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HADOOP-2016]( | Race condition in removing a KILLED task from tasktracker |  Blocker | . | Devaraj Das | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1771]( | streaming hang when IOException in MROutputThread. (NPE) |  Blocker | . | Koji Noguchi | Lohit Vijayarenu |
+| [HADOOP-2028]( | distcp fails if log dir not specified and destination not present |  Blocker | util | Chris Douglas | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-1788]( | Increase the buffer size of pipes from 1k to 128k |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Amareshwari Sriramadasu |
+| [HADOOP-2051]( | JobTracker's TaskCommitQueue is vulnerable to non-IOExceptions |  Blocker | . | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [HADOOP-1973]( | NPE at JobTracker startup.. |  Blocker | . | Gautam Kowshik | Amareshwari Sriramadasu |
+| [HADOOP-2044]( | Namenode encounters ClassCastException exceptions for INodeFileUnderConstruction |  Blocker | . | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [HADOOP-2033]( | In SequenceFile sync doesn't work unless the file is compressed (block or record) |  Blocker | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-2072]( | RawLocalFileStatus is causing Path problems |  Major | fs | Dennis Kubes |  |
+| [HADOOP-2070]( | Test org.apache.hadoop.mapred.pipes.TestPipes.unknown failed |  Blocker | . | Mukund Madhugiri | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-2080]( | ChecksumFileSystem checksum file size incorrect. |  Blocker | fs | Richard Lee | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-2048]( | DISTCP mapper should report progress more often |  Blocker | . | Runping Qi | Chris Douglas |
+| [HADOOP-2073]( | Datanode corruption if machine dies while writing VERSION file |  Blocker | . | Michael Bieniosek | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HADOOP-1825]( | script fails if HADOOP\_PID\_DIR doesn't exist |  Minor | scripts | Michael Bieniosek | Michael Bieniosek |
+| [HADOOP-2103]( | HADOOP-2046 caused some javadoc anomalies |  Major | documentation | Nigel Daley | Nigel Daley |
+| [HADOOP-2102]( | ToolBase doesn't keep configuration |  Blocker | util | Dennis Kubes | Dennis Kubes |
+| [HADOOP-795]( | hdfs -cp /a/b/c  /x/y    acts like   hdfs -cp /a/b/c/\*   /x/y |  Minor | . | arkady borkovsky | Mahadev konar |
+| [HADOOP-1316]( | "Go to parent directory" does not work on windows. |  Minor | . | Konstantin Shvachko | Mahadev konar |
+| [HADOOP-1792]( | df command doesn't exist under windows |  Major | fs | Benjamin Francisoud | Mahadev konar |
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-1879]( | Warnings With JDK1.6.0\_02 |  Minor | . | Nilay Vaish | Nilay Vaish |

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