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[32/48] git commit: [flex-utilities] [refs/heads/develop] - move locale editor under flex-installer
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/MainConfiguration.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/MainConfiguration.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index eeff7c8..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/MainConfiguration.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<sas:SASObjects xmlns:fx=""
-				xmlns:s="library://"
-				xmlns:mx="library://"
-				xmlns:sas=""
-				skipMetadata="true"
-				skipPostProcessors="true">
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.IStatusReporter;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ApplicationErrorStatusCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ApplicationInfoStatusCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.CreateLocaleRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.InitializeApplicationCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.LocaleFileLoadedCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.LocaleFileReadyCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.LocaleFileSaveRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.LocaleFileShowRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.NewLocaleItemRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.NewLocaleRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ReferenceLocaleRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.RemoveLocaleItemRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.RemoveLocaleRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.RequestAddMissingKeysCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.SaveConfigurationRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ShowHelpRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.command.ShowLogFileRequestCommand;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.controller.ApplicationController;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ApplicationStatusEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleDataEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleFileEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleFileLoadedEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleItemEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ShowHelpRequestEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ShowLogFileRequestEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.ApplicationModel;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.IApplicationModelAware;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.LocaleFileSelectorPM;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.MainViewPM;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.HelpView;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.LocaleFileSelectorView;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.LocaleView;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.MainView;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.NewLocaleView;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.itemrenderer.LocaleItemView;
-			import org.springextensions.actionscript.stage.DefaultAutowiringStageProcessor;
-			import org.springextensions.actionscript.stage.DefaultObjectDefinitionResolver;
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<sas:Interface id="applicationModelAware"
-					   clazz="{IApplicationModelAware}">
-			<sas:Property name="applicationModel"
-						  ref="applicationModel"/>
-		</sas:Interface>
-		<sas:Interface id="statusReporter"
-					   clazz="{IStatusReporter}">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{ApplicationStatusEvent.APPLICATION_ERROR_STATUS},{ApplicationStatusEvent.APPLICATION_INFO_STATUS}"/>
-		</sas:Interface>
-		<sas:Object id="objectSelector"
-					clazz="{StageObjectSelector}"
-					childContextAccess="none"/>
-		<sas:Object id="objectDefinitionResolver"
-					clazz="{DefaultObjectDefinitionResolver}">
-			<sas:Property name="lookupByType"
-						  value="false"
-						  type="boolean"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:StageObjectProcessor objectSelector="objectSelector"
-								  id="autowiringStageProcessor"
-								  clazz="{DefaultAutowiringStageProcessor}">
-		</sas:StageObjectProcessor>
-		<sas:Object id="localeFileSelectorPM"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileSelectorPM}"
-					isLazyInit="true">
-			<sas:Property name="applicationModel"
-						  ref="applicationModel"/>
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleFileLoadedEvent.LOCALE_FILE_LOADED}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="mainViewPM"
-					clazz="{MainViewPM}"
-					isLazyInit="true">
-			<sas:Property name="applicationModel"
-						  ref="applicationModel"/>
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleFileEvent.FILE_SAVE_REQUEST},{LocaleFileEvent.FILE_SHOW_REQUEST},{ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent.REFERENCE_LOCALE_REQUEST},{LocaleEvent.NEW_LOCALE_REQUEST},{ShowLogFileRequestEvent.SHOW_LOG_FILE_REQUEST},{ShowHelpRequestEvent.SHOW_HELP_REQUEST}"/>
-			<sas:EventHandlerMethod eventName="{LocaleEvent.LOCALE_CREATED}"
-									name="handleNewLocale"/>
-			<sas:EventHandlerMethod eventName="{LocaleEvent.LOCALE_REMOVED}"
-									name="handleRemovedLocale"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="applicationController"
-					clazz="{ApplicationController}"
-					initMethod="initialize"/>
-		<sas:Object id="applicationModel"
-					clazz="{ApplicationModel}"
-					isLazyInit="true"/>
-		<!-- BEGIN: View configurations -->
-		<sas:Object id="selectorView"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileSelectorView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:Property name="presentationModel"
-						  ref="localeFileSelectorPM"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="mainView"
-					clazz="{MainView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:Property name="presentationModel"
-						  ref="mainViewPM"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="localeItemView"
-					clazz="{LocaleItemView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:Property name="applicationModel"
-						  ref="applicationModel"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="localeView"
-					clazz="{LocaleView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleItemEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST},{LocaleDataEvent.REQUEST_ADD_MISSING_KEYS},{LocaleItemEvent.NEW_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST},{LocaleEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_REQUEST}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="newLocaleView"
-					clazz="{NewLocaleView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleEvent.CREATE_LOCALE_REQUEST}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="helpView"
-					clazz="{HelpView}"
-					scope="stage">
-			<sas:Property name="applicationModel"
-						  ref="applicationModel"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<!-- END: View configurations -->
-		<!-- BEGIN: Command configurations -->
-		<sas:Object id="localeFileLoadedCommand"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileLoadedCommand}"
-					scope="prototype">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleFileEvent.FILE_READY},{ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewEvent.SHOW_LOCALE_FILE_SELECTOR}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="applicationErrorStatusCommand"
-					clazz="{ApplicationErrorStatusCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="applicationInfoStatusCommand"
-					clazz="{ApplicationInfoStatusCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="localeFileReadyCommand"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileReadyCommand}"
-					scope="prototype">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent.REFERENCE_LOCALE_REQUEST}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="localeFileSaveRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileSaveRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="referenceLocaleRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{ReferenceLocaleRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="removeLocaleItemRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{RemoveLocaleItemRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="requestAddMissingKeysCommand"
-					clazz="{RequestAddMissingKeysCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="newLocaleRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{NewLocaleRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="createLocaleRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{CreateLocaleRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleEvent.LOCALE_CREATED}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="showLocaleFileSelectorViewCommand"
-					clazz="{ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="initializeApplicationCommand"
-					clazz="{InitializeApplicationCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="saveConfigurationRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{SaveConfigurationRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="newLocaleItemRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{NewLocaleItemRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="localeFileShowRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{LocaleFileShowRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="removeLocaleRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{RemoveLocaleRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype">
-			<sas:EventRouterConfiguration eventNames="{LocaleEvent.LOCALE_REMOVED}"/>
-		</sas:Object>
-		<sas:Object id="showLogFileRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{ShowLogFileRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<sas:Object id="showHelpRequestCommand"
-					clazz="{ShowHelpRequestCommand}"
-					scope="prototype"/>
-		<!-- END: Command configurations -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd33b43..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/context/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.context {
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView;
-	import org.as3commons.stageprocessing.IObjectSelector;
-	public class StageObjectSelector implements IObjectSelector {
-		public function StageObjectSelector() {
-			super();
-		}
-		public function approve(object:Object):Boolean {
-			var result:Boolean = (object is IInjectableView);
-			return result;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/controller/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/controller/
deleted file mode 100644
index f983b7a..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/controller/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.controller {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	import org.as3commons.async.command.ICommand;
-	import org.as3commons.async.operation.IOperation;
-	import org.as3commons.async.operation.event.OperationEvent;
-	import org.as3commons.eventbus.IEventBusAware;
-	import org.as3commons.eventbus.IEventBusListener;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	import org.springextensions.actionscript.context.IApplicationContext;
-	import org.springextensions.actionscript.context.IApplicationContextAware;
-	public class ApplicationController extends EventDispatcher implements IEventBusListener, IApplicationContextAware {
-		private static const COMMAND:String = "Command";
-		private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(ApplicationController);
-		public function ApplicationController() {
-			super();
-		}
-		private var _applicationContext:IApplicationContext;
-		public function get applicationContext():IApplicationContext {
-			return _applicationContext;
-		}
-		public function set applicationContext(value:IApplicationContext):void {
-			_applicationContext = value;
-		}
-		public function initialize():void {
-			if (_applicationContext is IEventBusAware) {
-				(_applicationContext as IEventBusAware).eventBus.addListener(this);
-"ApplicationController initialized...");
-			}
-		}
-		public function onEvent(event:Event):void {
-"Received event '{0}'", [event.type]);
-			var definitionName:String = event.type + COMMAND;
-			if (_applicationContext.canCreate(definitionName)) {
-"Command definition found called '{0}' for event '{1}'", [definitionName, event.type]);
-				var command:ICommand = _applicationContext.getObject(definitionName, [event]);
-				var operation:IOperation = command.execute();
-"Command '{0}' executed", [definitionName]);
-				if (!operation) {
-					_applicationContext.destroyObject(command);
-"Command '{0}' destroyed", [definitionName]);
-				} else {
-					operation.addCompleteListener(operationListener);
-					operation.addErrorListener(operationListener);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		private function operationListener(event:OperationEvent):void {
-			var operation:IOperation = event.operation;
-			operation.removeCompleteListener(operationListener);
-			operation.removeErrorListener(operationListener);
-			_applicationContext.destroyObject(operation.result);
-"Command destroyed after asynchronous operation");
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c221c3..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class ApplicationStatusEvent extends Event {
-		public static const APPLICATION_ERROR_STATUS:String = "applicationErrorStatus";
-		public static const APPLICATION_INFO_STATUS:String = "applicationInfoStatus";
-		private var _statusMessage:String;
-		private var _caption:String;
-		public function ApplicationStatusEvent(type:String, message:String, caption:String=null, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_statusMessage = message;
-			_caption = caption;
-		}
-		public function get caption():String {
-			return _caption;
-		}
-		public function get statusMessage():String {
-			return _statusMessage;
-		}
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new ApplicationStatusEvent(type, _statusMessage, _caption, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9aabf0..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class InitializeApplicationEvent extends Event {
-		public static const APP_INITIALIZE:String = "initializeApplication";
-		public function InitializeApplicationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cecdbc..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	public class LocaleDataEvent extends Event {
-		public static const REQUEST_ADD_MISSING_KEYS:String = "requestAddMissingKeys";
-		private var _localeData:LocaleDataVO;
-		public function LocaleDataEvent(type:String, data:LocaleDataVO, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_localeData = data;
-		}
-		public function get localeData():LocaleDataVO {
-			return _localeData;
-		}
-		public function set localeData(value:LocaleDataVO):void {
-			_localeData = value;
-		}
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new LocaleDataEvent(type, _localeData, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd3156e..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	public class LocaleEvent extends Event {
-		public static const CREATE_LOCALE_REQUEST:String = "createLocaleRequest";
-		public static const LOCALE_CREATED:String = "localeCreated";
-		public static const LOCALE_REMOVED:String = "localeRemoved";
-		public static const NEW_LOCALE_REQUEST:String = "newLocaleRequest";
-		public static const REMOVE_LOCALE_REQUEST:String = "removeLocaleRequest";
-		public function LocaleEvent(type:String, locale:String=null, data:LocaleDataVO=null, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=true) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_localeName = locale;
-			_localeData = data;
-		}
-		private var _localeData:LocaleDataVO;
-		private var _localeName:String;
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new LocaleEvent(type, _localeName, _localeData, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-		public function get localeData():LocaleDataVO {
-			return _localeData;
-		}
-		public function set localeData(value:LocaleDataVO):void {
-			_localeData = value;
-		}
-		public function get localeName():String {
-			return _localeName;
-		}
-		public function set localeName(value:String):void {
-			_localeName = value;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a02b7..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class LocaleFileEvent extends Event {
-		public static const FILE_READY:String = "localeFileReady";
-		public static const FILE_SAVE_REQUEST:String = "localeFileSaveRequest";
-		public static const FILE_SHOW_REQUEST:String = "localeFileShowRequest";
-		public function LocaleFileEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
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index a4860ba..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class LocaleFileLoadedEvent extends Event {
-		public static const LOCALE_FILE_LOADED:String = "localeFileLoaded";
-		private var _fileContent:String;
-		private var _filePath:String;
-		public function LocaleFileLoadedEvent(fileContent:String, filePath:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(LOCALE_FILE_LOADED, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_fileContent = fileContent;
-			_filePath = filePath;
-		}
-		public function get filePath():String {
-			return _filePath;
-		}
-		public function get fileContent():String {
-			return _fileContent;
-		}
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new LocaleFileLoadedEvent(_fileContent, _filePath, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b3e356..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	public class LocaleItemEvent extends Event {
-		public static const NEW_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST:String = "newLocaleItemRequest";
-		public static const REMOVE_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST:String = "removeLocaleItemRequest";
-		public function LocaleItemEvent(type:String, key:String, locale:LocaleDataVO=null, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_itemKey = key;
-			_localeData = locale;
-		}
-		private var _itemKey:String;
-		private var _localeData:LocaleDataVO;
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new LocaleItemEvent(type, _itemKey, _localeData, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-		public function get itemKey():String {
-			return _itemKey;
-		}
-		public function get localeData():LocaleDataVO {
-			return _localeData;
-		}
-		public function set localeData(value:LocaleDataVO):void {
-			_localeData = value;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eece80..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent extends Event {
-		public static const REFERENCE_LOCALE_REQUEST:String = "referenceLocaleRequest";
-		public function ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent(type:String, locale:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-			_localeName = locale;
-		}
-		private var _localeName:String;
-		override public function clone():Event {
-			return new ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent(type, _localeName, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-		public function get localeName():String {
-			return _localeName;
-		}
-		public function set localeName(value:String):void {
-			_localeName = value;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cc76f..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class SaveConfigurationEvent extends Event {
-		public static const SAVE_CONFIGURATION_REQUEST:String = "saveConfigurationRequest";
-		public function SaveConfigurationEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
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index 5e22780..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class ShowHelpRequestEvent extends Event {
-		public static const SHOW_HELP_REQUEST:String = "showHelpRequest";
-		public function ShowHelpRequestEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
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index ef00005..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewEvent extends Event {
-		public static const SHOW_LOCALE_FILE_SELECTOR:String = "showLocaleFileSelectorView";
-		public function ShowLocaleFileSelectorViewEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
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index e4883ec..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/event/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event {
-	import;
-	public class ShowLogFileRequestEvent extends Event {
-		public static const SHOW_LOG_FILE_REQUEST:String = "showLogFileRequest";
-		public function ShowLogFileRequestEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false) {
-			super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/ini/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/ini/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ecc539..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/ini/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.ini {
-	import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
-	import flash.filesystem.File;
-	import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
-	import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	public class IniReader {
-		/** Character code for the APPLE line break. */
-		public static const MAC_BREAK:String = String.fromCharCode(13);
-		/** Character used internally for line breaks. */
-		public static const NEWLINE_CHAR:String = "\n";
-		/** Character code for the WINDOWS line break. */
-		public static const WIN_BREAK:String = String.fromCharCode(13) + String.fromCharCode(10);
-		private static var logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(IniReader);
-		/**
-		 * Constructs a new MultilineString.
-		 */
-		public function IniReader() {
-			super();
-		}
-		/** Separation of all lines for the string. */
-		private var _lines:Array;
-		/** Original content without standardized line breaks. */
-		private var _original:String;
-		/**
-		 * Returns a specific line within the <code>MultilineString</code>.
-		 *
-		 * <p>It will return <code>undefined</code> if the line does not exist.</p>
-		 *
-		 * <p>The line does not contain the line break.</p>
-		 *
-		 * <p>The counting of lines startes with <code>0</code>.</p>
-		 *
-		 * @param line number of the line to get the content of
-		 * @return content of the line
-		 */
-		public function getLine(line:uint):String {
-			return _lines[line];
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the content as array that contains each line.
-		 *
-		 * @return content split into lines
-		 */
-		public function get lines():Array {
-			return _lines.concat();
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the amount of lines in the content.
-		 *
-		 * @return amount of lines within the content
-		 */
-		public function get numLines():uint {
-			return _lines.length;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * Returns the original used string (without line break standardisation).
-		 *
-		 * @return the original used string
-		 */
-		public function get originalString():String {
-			return _original;
-		}
-		public function readFromFile(iniFilePath:String):Object {
-			logger.debug("Reading local .ini file: " + iniFilePath);
-			var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(iniFilePath);
-			var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
-			var string:String;
-			try {
-, FileMode.READ);
-				stream.position = 0;
-				string = stream.readMultiByte(stream.bytesAvailable, "utf-8");
-			} finally {
-				stream.close();
-			}
-			_original = string;
-			_lines = string.split(WIN_BREAK).join(NEWLINE_CHAR).split(MAC_BREAK).join(NEWLINE_CHAR).split(NEWLINE_CHAR);
-			var properties:Object = {};
-			delete properties['prototype'];
-			for each (var line:String in _lines) {
-				if (line.substr(0, 2) != '//' && line.substr(0, 1) != '#') {
-					var parts:Array = line.split('=');
-					if (parts.length > 1) {
-						if (parts[0] in properties) {
-							throw new IllegalOperationError("Duplicate property name encountered: " + parts[0]);
-						}
-						properties[parts[0]] = parts[1];
-						logger.debug("Extracted property: " + parts[0] + ' = ' + parts[1]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return properties;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index e89b625..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
-	import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.dom.IASCompilationUnit;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	import spark.components.WindowedApplication;
-	public class ApplicationModel extends EventDispatcher {
-		public static const APP_INIT_STATE:String = "appInitState";
-		public static const APP_READY_STATE:String = "appReadyState";
-		private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(ApplicationModel);
-		public function ApplicationModel() {
-			super();
-"Application model created.");
-		}
-		private var _availableLocales:ArrayCollection;
-		private var _configurationProperties:Object;
-		private var _currentLocalFilePath:String;
-		private var _localeCompilationUnit:IASCompilationUnit;
-		private var _localeData:Vector.<LocaleDataVO>;
-		private var _referenceLocale:LocaleDataVO;
-		[Bindable(event="availableLocalesChanged")]
-		public function get availableLocales():ArrayCollection {
-			return _availableLocales;
-		}
-		public function set availableLocales(value:ArrayCollection):void {
-			if (_availableLocales !== value) {
-				_availableLocales = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("availableLocalesChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		public function get configurationProperties():Object {
-			return _configurationProperties;
-		}
-		public function set configurationProperties(value:Object):void {
-			_configurationProperties = value;
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="currentLocalFilePathChanged")]
-		public function get currentLocalFilePath():String {
-			return _currentLocalFilePath;
-		}
-		public function set currentLocalFilePath(value:String):void {
-			if (_currentLocalFilePath !== value) {
-				_currentLocalFilePath = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("currentLocalFilePathChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		public function get currentState():String {
-			return (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as WindowedApplication).currentState;
-		}
-		public function set currentState(value:String):void {
-			if (value != (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as WindowedApplication).currentState) {
-				(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as WindowedApplication).currentState = value;
-			}
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="localeCompilationUnitChanged")]
-		public function get localeCompilationUnit():IASCompilationUnit {
-			return _localeCompilationUnit;
-		}
-		public function set localeCompilationUnit(value:IASCompilationUnit):void {
-			if (_localeCompilationUnit !== value) {
-				_localeCompilationUnit = value;
-				currentState = (_localeCompilationUnit) ? APP_READY_STATE : APP_INIT_STATE;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("localeCompilationUnitChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="localeDataChanged")]
-		public function get localeData():Vector.<LocaleDataVO> {
-			return _localeData;
-		}
-		public function set localeData(value:Vector.<LocaleDataVO>):void {
-			if (_localeData !== value) {
-				_localeData = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("localeDataChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="referenceLocaleChanged")]
-		public function get referenceLocale():LocaleDataVO {
-			return _referenceLocale;
-		}
-		public function set referenceLocale(value:LocaleDataVO):void {
-			if (_referenceLocale !== value) {
-				_referenceLocale = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("referenceLocaleChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-	}
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index b32ed62..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model {
-	public interface IApplicationModelAware {
-		function get applicationModel():ApplicationModel;
-		function set applicationModel(value:ApplicationModel):void;
-	}
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index 5ed9a5b..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import;
-	import flash.filesystem.File;
-	import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
-	import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
-	import;
-	import mx.managers.CursorManager;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.IStatusReporter;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ApplicationStatusEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleFileLoadedEvent;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	public class LocaleFileSelectorPM extends EventDispatcher implements IStatusReporter {
-		private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(LocaleFileSelectorPM);
-		public function LocaleFileSelectorPM() {
-			super();
-		}
-		private var _applicationModel:ApplicationModel;
-		private var _localeASFile:File;
-		private var _selectedFile:String;
-		public function get applicationModel():ApplicationModel {
-			return _applicationModel;
-		}
-		public function set applicationModel(value:ApplicationModel):void {
-			_applicationModel = value;
-			if (_applicationModel) {
-				selectedFile = _applicationModel.configurationProperties['localefilepath'];
-			}
-		}
-		public function browseFile():void {
-			_localeASFile = new File();
-			_localeASFile.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancelBrowse);
-			_localeASFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelected);
-			_localeASFile.browse([new FileFilter('', '')]);
-		}
-		public function loadFile(filePath:String):void {
-			if (_localeASFile == null) {
-				_localeASFile = new File(filePath);
-			} else {
-				_localeASFile.nativePath = filePath;
-			}
-			var fileContent:String;
-			var errorMessage:String;
-			if (_localeASFile.exists) {
-				_applicationModel.configurationProperties['localefilepath'] = filePath;
-"Added .as file path '{0}' to application properties", [filePath]);
-				var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
-				CursorManager.setBusyCursor();
-				try {
-, FileMode.READ);
-					fileContent = fileStream.readUTFBytes(fileStream.bytesAvailable);
-				} catch (e:Error) {
-					logger.error("Error loading .as file '{0}': {1}", [filePath, e.message]);
-					dispatchEvent(new ApplicationStatusEvent(ApplicationStatusEvent.APPLICATION_ERROR_STATUS, e.message, "Error loading file"));
-				} finally {
-					CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
-					fileStream.close();
-				}
-"Successfully loaded .as file '{0}'", [filePath]);
-			} else {
-				errorMessage = "File " + filePath + " does not exist";
-				logger.error(errorMessage);
-				dispatchEvent(new ApplicationStatusEvent(ApplicationStatusEvent.APPLICATION_ERROR_STATUS, errorMessage, "File does not exist"));
-			}
-			_localeASFile = null;
-			if (fileContent) {
-				dispatchEvent(new LocaleFileLoadedEvent(fileContent, filePath));
-			}
-		}
-		public function get selectedFile():String {
-			return _selectedFile;
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="selectedFileChanged")]
-		public function set selectedFile(value:String):void {
-			if (value != _selectedFile) {
-				_selectedFile = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("selectedFileChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		protected function cancelBrowse(event:Event):void {
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancelBrowse);
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelected);
-			_localeASFile = null;
-		}
-		protected function fileSelected(event:Event):void {
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.CANCEL, cancelBrowse);
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelected);
-			selectedFile = _localeASFile.nativePath;
-		}
-		protected function loadComplete(event:Event):void {
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
-		}
-		protected function loadError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
-			_localeASFile.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
-			_localeASFile = null;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
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index e4937ec..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleFileEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ShowHelpRequestEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.ShowLogFileRequestEvent;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.LocaleView;
-	import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.MainView;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	public class MainViewPM extends EventDispatcher {
-		private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(MainViewPM);
-		public function MainViewPM() {
-			super();
-		}
-		private var _applicationModel:ApplicationModel;
-		private var _mainView:MainView;
-		public function addLocale():void {
-			dispatchEvent(new LocaleEvent(LocaleEvent.NEW_LOCALE_REQUEST));
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="applicationModelChanged")]
-		public function get applicationModel():ApplicationModel {
-			return _applicationModel;
-		}
-		public function set applicationModel(value:ApplicationModel):void {
-			if (value !== _applicationModel) {
-				_applicationModel = value;
-				if (_applicationModel.localeData == null) {
-					_applicationModel.addEventListener("localeDataChanged", handleLocaleDataChange);
-				} else {
-					createLocaleViews(_applicationModel.localeData);
-				}
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("applicationModelChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		public function handleNewLocale(event:LocaleEvent):void {
-			var view:LocaleView = createLocaleView(event.localeData);
-			_mainView.localesTab.selectedChild = view;
-"Handled {0} event for locale '{1}'", [event.type,]);
-		}
-		public function handleRemovedLocale(event:LocaleEvent):void {
-			var len:int = _mainView.localesTab.numChildren;
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < len; ++i) {
-				var view:LocaleView = _mainView.localesTab.getChildAt(i) as LocaleView;
-				if (view) {
-					if (view.localeData === event.localeData) {
-						_mainView.localesTab.removeChild(view);
-"Handled {0} event, removed tab for locale '{1}'", [event.type,]);
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		public function initialize(view:MainView):void {
-			_mainView = view;
-"MainViewPM initialized");
-		}
-		public function requestReferenceLocale(localeName:String):void {
-			dispatchEvent(new ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent(ReferenceLocaleRequestEvent.REFERENCE_LOCALE_REQUEST, localeName));
-		}
-		public function saveLocaleFile():void {
-			dispatchEvent(new LocaleFileEvent(LocaleFileEvent.FILE_SAVE_REQUEST));
-		}
-		public function showHelp():void {
-			dispatchEvent(new ShowHelpRequestEvent(ShowHelpRequestEvent.SHOW_HELP_REQUEST));
-		}
-		public function showLocaleFile():void {
-			dispatchEvent(new LocaleFileEvent(LocaleFileEvent.FILE_SHOW_REQUEST));
-		}
-		public function showLogFile():void {
-			dispatchEvent(new ShowLogFileRequestEvent(ShowLogFileRequestEvent.SHOW_LOG_FILE_REQUEST));
-		}
-		private function createLocaleView(localeData:LocaleDataVO):LocaleView {
-			var view:LocaleView = new LocaleView();
-			view.localeData = localeData;
-			view.percentHeight = 100;
-			view.percentWidth = 100;
-			_mainView.localesTab.addChild(view);
-"Created tab for locale '{0}'", []);
-			return view;
-		}
-		private function createLocaleViews(localeDataCollection:Vector.<LocaleDataVO>):void {
-			for each (var localeData:LocaleDataVO in localeDataCollection) {
-				createLocaleView(localeData);
-			}
-		}
-		private function handleLocaleDataChange(event:Event):void {
-			if (_applicationModel.localeData != null) {
-				_applicationModel.removeEventListener("localeDataChanged", handleLocaleDataChange);
-				createLocaleViews(_applicationModel.localeData);
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0911689..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.dom.IASExpression;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.dom.IASStatement;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.AS3FragmentParser;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASArrayAccessExpression;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASAssignmentExpression;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASExpressionStatement;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASMethod;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASStringLiteral;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.TokenBuilder;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.parser.antlr.LinkedListToken;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.parser.antlr.LinkedListTree;
-	import org.as3commons.collections.framework.IIterator;
-	import org.as3commons.collections.framework.IList;
-	import org.as3commons.lang.StringUtils;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-	import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-	public class LocaleDataVO extends EventDispatcher {
-		private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(LocaleDataVO);
-		public function LocaleDataVO(method:ASTASMethod, name:String) {
-			super();
-"Creating LocaleDataVO for locale '" + name + "'");
-			_method = method;
-			extractLocaleData(method);
-			_name = name;
-		}
-		private var _content:ArrayCollection;
-		private var _lookup:Object = {};
-		private var _method:ASTASMethod;
-		private var _missingKeys:ArrayCollection;
-		private var _name:String;
-		public function addKey(key:String):void {
-			if ((!StringUtils.hasText(key)) || (_lookup[key])) {
-				return;
-			}
-"Adding translation key: {0}", [key]);
-			var code:String = 'content[' + key + ']="";';
-"AS3 code snippet for translation key: {0}", [code]);
-			var newAST:LinkedListTree = AS3FragmentParser.parseExprStatement(code);
-			var statements:IList = _method.getStatements();
-			for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-				var tab:LinkedListToken = TokenBuilder.newTab();
-				newAST.addToken(0, tab);
-			}
-			newAST.addToken(0, TokenBuilder.newNewline());
-			var methodAST:LinkedListTree = _method.getAST();
-			methodAST = methodAST.getChild(methodAST.childCount - 1) as LinkedListTree;
-			methodAST.addChildAtWithTokens(methodAST.childCount - 1, newAST);
-			var newStatement:ASTASExpressionStatement = new ASTASExpressionStatement(newAST);
-			var item:LocaleItemDataVO = addItem(newStatement);
-			_content.addItem(item);
-		}
-		public function get content():ArrayCollection {
-			return _content;
-		}
-		public function getItemByKey(key:String):LocaleItemDataVO {
-			return _lookup[key];
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="missingKeysChanged")]
-		public function get missingKeys():ArrayCollection {
-			return _missingKeys;
-		}
-		public function set missingKeys(value:ArrayCollection):void {
-			if (_missingKeys !== value) {
-				_missingKeys = value;
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("missingKeysChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-		public function get name():String {
-			return _name;
-		}
-		public function removeItem(item:LocaleItemDataVO):void {
-			removeStatement(item.statement);
-			var idx:int = _content.getItemIndex(item);
-			if (idx > -1) {
-				_content.removeItemAt(idx);
-				delete _lookup[item.key];
-"Deleted translation key '{0}'", [item.key]);
-			}
-		}
-		public function removeStatement(statement:IASStatement):void {
-			var statements:IList = _method.getStatements();
-			statements.remove(statement);
-		}
-		private function addItem(expressionStatement:ASTASExpressionStatement):LocaleItemDataVO {
-			var asExpression:IASExpression = expressionStatement.getExpression();
-			var expression:ASTASAssignmentExpression = asExpression as ASTASAssignmentExpression;
-			if (expression != null) {
-				var leftExpression:ASTASArrayAccessExpression = expression.getLeftExpression() as ASTASArrayAccessExpression;
-				var rightExpression:ASTASStringLiteral = expression.getRightExpression() as ASTASStringLiteral;
-				if ((leftExpression != null) && (rightExpression != null)) {
-					var item:LocaleItemDataVO = new LocaleItemDataVO(leftExpression, rightExpression, expressionStatement);
-					_lookup[leftExpression.getSubscript().toString()] = item;
-					return item;
-				}
-			}
-			return null;
-		}
-		private function extractLocaleData(method:ASTASMethod):void {
-"Extracting translation keys from the AST");
-			var statements:IList = method.getStatements();
-			var iterator:IIterator = statements.iterator();
-			var result:Array = [];
-			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
-				var statement:IASStatement =;
-				if (statement is ASTASExpressionStatement) {
-					var item:LocaleItemDataVO = addItem(statement as ASTASExpressionStatement);
-					if (item) {
-						result[result.length] = item;
-"Extracted translation from code snippet '" + statement.toString() + "'");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			_content = new ArrayCollection(result);
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a88e0..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/model/locale/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale {
-	import;
-	import;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASArrayAccessExpression;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASExpressionStatement;
-	import org.as3commons.asblocks.impl.ASTASStringLiteral;
-	public class LocaleItemDataVO extends EventDispatcher {
-		public function LocaleItemDataVO(left:ASTASArrayAccessExpression, right:ASTASStringLiteral, statement:ASTASExpressionStatement=null) {
-			super();
-			_left = left;
-			_right = right;
-			_statement = statement;
-		}
-		private var _left:ASTASArrayAccessExpression;
-		private var _right:ASTASStringLiteral;
-		private var _statement:ASTASExpressionStatement;
-		public function get key():String {
-			return (_left) ? _left.getSubscript().toString() : "";
-		}
-		public function get statement():ASTASExpressionStatement {
-			return _statement;
-		}
-		public function set statement(value:ASTASExpressionStatement):void {
-			_statement = value;
-		}
-		public function get value():String {
-			return ((_right) && (_right.getAST())) ? _right.getValue() : "";
-		}
-		[Bindable(event="valueChanged")]
-		public function set value(val:String):void {
-			if ((val != value) && (_right)) {
-				_right.setValue(val);
-				dispatchEvent(new Event("valueChanged"));
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/HelpView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/HelpView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f23981..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/HelpView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
-			   xmlns:s="library://"
-			   xmlns:mx="library://"
-			   width="800"
-			   height="600"
-			   name="helpView"
-			   title="Introductory help text"
-			   implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-			   close="titlewindow1_closeHandler(event)"
-			   creationComplete="titlewindow1_creationCompleteHandler(event)">
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import;
-			import;
-			import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.ApplicationModel;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-			private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(HelpView);
-			private var _applicationModel:ApplicationModel;
-			public function get applicationModel():ApplicationModel {
-				return _applicationModel;
-			}
-			public function set applicationModel(value:ApplicationModel):void {
-				if (value !== _applicationModel) {
-					_applicationModel = value;
-					if (_applicationModel) {
-						var showHelp:String = _applicationModel.configurationProperties['showhelp'];
-						alwaysShowHelp.selected = (showHelp.toLowerCase() == "true");
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			protected function alwaysShowHelp_changeHandler(event:Event):void {
-				_applicationModel.configurationProperties['showhelp'] = (alwaysShowHelp.selected) ? "true" : false;
-			}
-			protected function titlewindow1_closeHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {
-				PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);
-			}
-			protected function titlewindow1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
-				var helpFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("helptext.txt");
-				if (helpFile.exists) {
-					try {
-						var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
-, FileMode.READ);
-						fileStream.position = 0;
-						helpText.text = fileStream.readMultiByte(fileStream.bytesAvailable, "utf-8");
-					} catch (e:Error) {
-						logger.error("Error encountered while reading log file '{0}': {0}", [helpFile, e.message]);
-					} finally {
-						fileStream.close();
-"Successfully loaded logfile: {0}", [helpFile.nativePath]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:TextArea width="100%"
-				height="100%"
-				id="helpText"
-				editable="false"
-				selectable="true">
-	</s:TextArea>
-	<s:CheckBox id="alwaysShowHelp"
-				change="alwaysShowHelp_changeHandler(event)"
-				label="Always show this screen at application startup"/>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/ b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/
deleted file mode 100644
index dfa1c1d..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-package org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view {
-	public interface IInjectableView {
-	}
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleFileSelectorView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleFileSelectorView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa3783..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleFileSelectorView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
-			   xmlns:s="library://"
-			   xmlns:mx="library://"
-			   width="400"
-			   height="80"
-			   name="selectorView"
-			   implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-			   title="Select the file you want to edit">
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.LocaleFileSelectorPM;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-			private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(LocaleFileSelectorView);
-			[Bindable]
-			public var presentationModel:LocaleFileSelectorPM;
-			protected function fileBrowser_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.browseFile();
-			}
-			protected function fileLoader_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.loadFile(localeFileLocation.text);
-"Removing LocaleFileSelectorView popup");
-				PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:HGroup width="380"
-			  height="100%"
-			  verticalAlign="middle"
-			  paddingLeft="15">
-		<s:TextInput id="localeFileLocation"
-					 width="100%"
-					 text="{presentationModel.selectedFile}"/>
-		<s:Button id="fileBrowser"
-				  label="Browse..."
-				  click="fileBrowser_clickHandler(event)"/>
-		<s:Button id="fileLoader"
-				  label="Load"
-				  click="fileLoader_clickHandler(event)"
-				  enabled="{localeFileLocation.text.length&gt;0}"/>
-	</s:HGroup>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 229473b..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/LocaleView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:NavigatorContent xmlns:fx=""
-					xmlns:s="library://"
-					xmlns:mx="library://"
-					label="{}"
-					implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-					name="localeView">
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
-			import mx.controls.Alert;
-			import;
-			import;
-			import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleDataEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleItemEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleDataVO;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleItemDataVO;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.itemrenderer.LocaleItemView;
-			import spark.collections.Sort;
-			import spark.collections.SortField;
-			import;
-			import;
-			import;
-			private var _localeData:LocaleDataVO;
-			private var _localeDataContent:ListCollectionView;
-			private var _nameSortField:SortField;
-			[Bindable(event="localeDataChanged")]
-			public function get localeData():LocaleDataVO {
-				return _localeData;
-			}
-			public function set localeData(value:LocaleDataVO):void {
-				if (_localeData !== value) {
-					_localeData = value;
-					if (_localeData) {
-						_localeDataContent = new ListCollectionView(_localeData.content);
-						_localeDataContent.sort = new Sort();
-						_localeDataContent.sort.compareFunction = sortKeys;
-						_localeDataContent.refresh();
-						if (localeItems) {
-							localeItems.dataProvider = _localeDataContent;
-						}
-					}
-					dispatchEvent(new Event("localeDataChanged"));
-				}
-			}
-			private function addLocaleKeyButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				var newKey:String = '"' + newLocaleKey.text + '"';
-				if (!localeData.getItemByKey(newKey)) {
-					dispatchEvent(new LocaleItemEvent(LocaleItemEvent.NEW_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST, newKey, localeData));
-					newLocaleKey.text = "";
-				} else {
-					var closeHandler:Function = function(closeEvent:CloseEvent):void {
-						newLocaleKey.selectAll();
-						newLocaleKey.setFocus();
-					}
-"The locale '" + + "' already contains a key named " + newKey + ".", "Attention", 4, null, closeHandler);
-				}
-			}
-			private function buttonAddMissing_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				dispatchEvent(new LocaleDataEvent(LocaleDataEvent.REQUEST_ADD_MISSING_KEYS, localeData));
-			}
-			private function datagroup1_rendererAddHandler(event:RendererExistenceEvent):void {
-				if (event.renderer) {
-					event.renderer.addEventListener(LocaleItemEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST, handleItemRemoveRequest);
-				}
-			}
-			private function datagroup1_rendererRemoveHandler(event:RendererExistenceEvent):void {
-				if (event.renderer) {
-					event.renderer.removeEventListener(LocaleItemEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST, handleItemRemoveRequest);
-				}
-			}
-			private function deleteLocaleButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				dispatchEvent(new LocaleEvent(LocaleEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_REQUEST, null, localeData));
-			}
-			private function handleItemRemoveRequest(event:LocaleItemEvent):void {
-				event.localeData = localeData;
-				dispatchEvent(event);
-			}
-			private function localeItems_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
-				localeItems.dataProvider = _localeDataContent;
-			}
-			private function newLocaleKey_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void {
-				newLocaleKey.text = newLocaleKey.text.toUpperCase();
-			}
-			private function sortEmptyTranslation(a:LocaleItemDataVO, b:LocaleItemDataVO, fields:Array=null):int {
-				if ((!a.value) && (b.value)) {
-					return -1;
-				} else if ((a.value) && (!b.value)) {
-					return 1;
-				} else if ((!a.value) && (!b.value)) {
-					return 0;
-				} else {
-					return sortKeys(a, b);
-				}
-			}
-			private function sortKeys(a:LocaleItemDataVO, b:LocaleItemDataVO, fields:Array=null):int {
-				return ObjectUtil.stringCompare(a.key, b.key);
-			}
-			private function sortingOptions_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void {
-				if (_localeDataContent) {
-					if (sortingOptions.selectedIndex == 0) {
-						_localeDataContent.sort.compareFunction = sortKeys;
-					} else {
-						_localeDataContent.sort.compareFunction = sortEmptyTranslation;
-					}
-					_localeDataContent.refresh();
-				}
-			}
-			//
-			{
-				LocaleItemView;
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle"
-			  height="30"
-			  paddingLeft="10"
-			  paddingRight="10"
-			  width="100%">
-		<s:Label text="This locale is missing {localeData.missingKeys.length} translations"
-				 visible="{localeData.missingKeys &amp;&amp; localeData.missingKeys.length &gt; 0}"
-				 includeInLayout="{localeData.missingKeys &amp;&amp; localeData.missingKeys.length &gt; 0}"
-				 color="0xff0000"
-				 toolTip="Compared to the reference locale this locale is missing translation keys, press the button next to this label to automatically add these keys."/>
-		<s:Button id="buttonAddMissing"
-				  label="Add missing keys"
-				  visible="{localeData.missingKeys &amp;&amp; localeData.missingKeys.length &gt; 0}"
-				  includeInLayout="{localeData.missingKeys &amp;&amp; localeData.missingKeys.length &gt; 0}"
-				  click="buttonAddMissing_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Adds all they missing translation keys as compared to the reference locale"/>
-		<s:Spacer width="50"
-				  includeInLayout="{localeData.missingKeys &amp;&amp; localeData.missingKeys.length &gt; 0}"/>
-		<s:TextInput id="newLocaleKey"
-					 width="250"
-					 change="newLocaleKey_changeHandler(event)"
-					 toolTip="Define a new translation key, the key will be automatically uppercased"/>
-		<s:Button id="addLocaleKeyButton"
-				  label="Add new key"
-				  enabled="{newLocaleKey.text.length &gt; 0}"
-				  click="addLocaleKeyButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Adds a new translation key, if you are editing the current reference locale you will be prompted to add the same key to all the other locales automatically as well."/>
-		<s:Spacer width="25"/>
-		<s:Label text="Sorting:"/>
-		<s:ComboBox id="sortingOptions"
-					selectedIndex="0"
-					change="sortingOptions_changeHandler(event)"
-					width="200">
-			<s:dataProvider>
-				<s:ArrayList>
-					<fx:String>Sort by keys</fx:String>
-					<fx:String>Sort empty translations on top</fx:String>
-				</s:ArrayList>
-			</s:dataProvider>
-		</s:ComboBox>
-		<s:Spacer width="100%"/>
-		<s:Button id="deleteLocaleButton"
-				  label="Remove locale"
-				  click="deleteLocaleButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Removes the entire locale from the AS3 output"/>
-		<s:Label text="Total number of translations for locale '{}': {localeData.content.length}"/>
-	</s:HGroup>
-	<s:Line width="100%">
-		<s:stroke>
-			<s:SolidColorStroke color="0x000000"
-								weight="1"
-								caps="none"/>
-		</s:stroke>
-	</s:Line>
-	<s:Scroller width="100%"
-				height="100%">
-		<s:DataGroup itemRenderer="{new ClassFactory(LocaleItemView)}"
-					 width="100%"
-					 id="localeItems"
-					 clipAndEnableScrolling="true"
-					 rendererAdd="datagroup1_rendererAddHandler(event)"
-					 rendererRemove="datagroup1_rendererRemoveHandler(event)"
-					 creationComplete="localeItems_creationCompleteHandler(event)">
-			<s:layout>
-				<s:VerticalLayout useVirtualLayout="true"/>
-			</s:layout>
-		</s:DataGroup>
-	</s:Scroller>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/MainView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/MainView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 81770c4..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/MainView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:Group xmlns:fx=""
-		 xmlns:s="library://"
-		 xmlns:mx="library://"
-		 implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-		 name="mainView">
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.MainViewPM;
-			import;
-			private var _presentationModel:MainViewPM;
-			[Bindable(event="presentationModelChanged")]
-			public function get presentationModel():MainViewPM {
-				return _presentationModel;
-			}
-			public function set presentationModel(value:MainViewPM):void {
-				if (_presentationModel !== value) {
-					_presentationModel = value;
-					if (_presentationModel) {
-						_presentationModel.initialize(this);
-					}
-					dispatchEvent(new Event("presentationModelChanged"));
-				}
-			}
-			protected function addLocaleButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.addLocale();
-			}
-			protected function helpButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.showHelp();
-			}
-			protected function referenceLocale_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.requestReferenceLocale(referenceLocale.selectedItem);
-			}
-			protected function saveButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.saveLocaleFile();
-			}
-			protected function showAS3Code_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.showLocaleFile();
-			}
-			protected function showLogFile_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				presentationModel.showLogFile();
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle"
-			  height="35"
-			  width="100%"
-			  paddingLeft="15"
-			  paddingRight="15">
-		<s:Label text="Reference locale:"/>
-		<s:ComboBox width="75"
-					id="referenceLocale"
-					dataProvider="{presentationModel.applicationModel.availableLocales}"
-					change="referenceLocale_changeHandler(event)"
-					selectedItem="en_US"
-					toolTip="The reference locale is used to define the reference set of translation keys to which all the other locales are compared"/>
-		<s:Button id="addLocaleButton"
-				  label="Add locale"
-				  click="addLocaleButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Show a dialog with which a new locale can be defined"/>
-		<s:Spacer width="100%"/>
-		<s:Button id="showAS3Code"
-				  label="View AS3 output"
-				  click="showAS3Code_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Shows a popup that displays the exact Actionscript output for all the locales. I.e. the contents of the file."/>
-		<s:Button id="saveButton"
-				  label="Save locale file"
-				  click="saveButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Saves the file to disk containing all the changes made using the current application"/>
-		<s:Button id="helpButton"
-				  label="Show help"
-				  click="helpButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Shows the introductory help screen"/>
-		<s:Spacer width="20"/>
-		<s:Button id="showLogFile"
-				  label="View logfile (debug)"
-				  click="showLogFile_clickHandler(event)"
-				  toolTip="Shows the contents of the logfile, mainly for debugging purposes"/>
-	</s:HGroup>
-	<mx:TabNavigator id="localesTab"
-					 width="100%"
-					 height="100%"/>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/NewLocaleView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/NewLocaleView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32e5fde..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/NewLocaleView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
-			   xmlns:s="library://"
-			   xmlns:mx="library://"
-			   width="400"
-			   height="80"
-			   implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-			   name="newLocaleView"
-			   title="Enter new locale name"
-			   close="titlewindow1_closeHandler(event)"
-			   defaultButton="{addNewLocaleButton}"
-			   creationComplete="titlewindow1_creationCompleteHandler(event)">
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import;
-			import;
-			import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleEvent;
-			import;
-			protected function addNewLocaleButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
-				var locale:String = localeNameLeft.text + '_' + localeNameRight.text;
-				var localeEvent:LocaleEvent = new LocaleEvent(LocaleEvent.CREATE_LOCALE_REQUEST, locale);
-				dispatchEvent(localeEvent);
-				if (!localeEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-					closeWindow();
-				} else {
-					localeNameLeft.selectAll();
-				}
-			}
-			protected function localeNameLeft_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void {
-				localeNameLeft.text = localeNameLeft.text.toLowerCase();
-				if (localeNameLeft.text.length == 2) {
-					localeNameRight.setFocus();
-				}
-			}
-			protected function localeNameRight_changeHandler(event:TextOperationEvent):void {
-				localeNameRight.text = localeNameRight.text.toUpperCase();
-				if (localeNameRight.text.length == 2) {
-					addNewLocaleButton.setFocus();
-				}
-			}
-			protected function titlewindow1_closeHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {
-				closeWindow();
-			}
-			protected function titlewindow1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
-				localeNameLeft.setFocus();
-			}
-			private function closeWindow():void {
-				PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:HGroup width="380"
-			  height="100%"
-			  verticalAlign="middle"
-			  paddingLeft="15">
-		<s:TextInput id="localeNameLeft"
-					 width="25"
-					 maxChars="2"
-					 change="localeNameLeft_changeHandler(event)"/>
-		<s:Label text="_"/>
-		<s:TextInput id="localeNameRight"
-					 width="25"
-					 maxChars="2"
-					 change="localeNameRight_changeHandler(event)"/>
-		<s:Button id="addNewLocaleButton"
-				  label="Add"
-				  click="addNewLocaleButton_clickHandler(event)"
-				  enabled="{((localeNameLeft.text.length + localeNameRight.text.length) == 4)}"/>
-	</s:HGroup>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/TextFileContentView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/TextFileContentView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3f954..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/TextFileContentView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
-			   xmlns:s="library://"
-			   xmlns:mx="library://"
-			   width="1200"
-			   height="800"
-			   title="Showing file: {filePath}"
-			   close="titlewindow1_closeHandler(event)">
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import;
-			import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.ILogger;
-			import org.as3commons.logging.api.getClassLogger;
-			private static const logger:ILogger = getClassLogger(TextFileContentView);
-			private var _fileContent:String;
-			private var _filePath:String;
-			[Bindable(event="fileContentChanged")]
-			public function get fileContent():String {
-				return _fileContent;
-			}
-			public function set fileContent(value:String):void {
-				if (_fileContent !== value) {
-					_fileContent = value;
-					dispatchEvent(new Event("fileContentChanged"));
-				}
-			}
-			[Bindable(event="filePathChanged")]
-			public function get filePath():String {
-				return _filePath;
-			}
-			public function set filePath(value:String):void {
-				if (_filePath !== value) {
-					_filePath = value;
-					dispatchEvent(new Event("filePathChanged"));
-				}
-			}
-			protected function titlewindow1_closeHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {
-"Removing TextFileContentView popup");
-				PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:VerticalLayout/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Declarations>
-		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
-	</fx:Declarations>
-	<s:TextArea width="100%"
-				height="100%"
-				text="{fileContent}"/>
diff --git a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/itemrenderer/LocaleItemView.mxml b/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/itemrenderer/LocaleItemView.mxml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c212a8..0000000
--- a/installerLocaleEditor/src/org/apache/flex/runtimelocale/view/itemrenderer/LocaleItemView.mxml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
-				xmlns:s="library://"
-				xmlns:mx="library://"
-				autoDrawBackground="true"
-				width="100%"
-				implements="org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.view.IInjectableView"
-				name="localeItemView">
-	<s:layout>
-		<s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="top"
-							gap="20"/>
-	</s:layout>
-	<fx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import mx.controls.Alert;
-			import;
-			import;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.event.LocaleItemEvent;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.ApplicationModel;
-			import org.apache.flex.runtimelocale.model.locale.LocaleItemDataVO;
-			private var _applicationModel:ApplicationModel;
-			private var _localeItem:LocaleItemDataVO;
-			[Bindable(event="applicationModelChanged")]
-			public function get applicationModel():ApplicationModel {
-				return _applicationModel;
-			}
-			public function set applicationModel(value:ApplicationModel):void {
-				if (_applicationModel !== value) {
-					if (_applicationModel) {
-						_applicationModel.removeEventListener("referenceLocaleChanged", handleReferenceLocaleChanged);
-					}
-					_applicationModel = value;
-					if (_applicationModel) {
-						_applicationModel.addEventListener("referenceLocaleChanged", handleReferenceLocaleChanged);
-					}
-					setRerenceLocale();
-					dispatchEvent(new Event("applicationModelChanged"));
-				}
-			}
-			override public function set data(value:Object):void {
- = value;
-				localeItem = value as LocaleItemDataVO;
-			}
-			public function get localeItem():LocaleItemDataVO {
-				return _localeItem;
-			}
-			public function set localeItem(value:LocaleItemDataVO):void {
-				if (_localeItem !== value) {
-					_localeItem = value;
-					if (_localeItem) {
-						keyLabel.text = _localeItem.key;
-						keyLabel.toolTip = _localeItem.key;
-						itemValue.text = _localeItem.value;
-						setRerenceLocale();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			protected function deleteKeyButton_clearHandler(event:Event):void {
-"Are you sure you want to remove " + localeItem.key + "?", "Please confirm", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, function(closeEvent:CloseEvent):void {
-					if (closeEvent.detail == Alert.YES) {
-						dispatchEvent(new LocaleItemEvent(LocaleItemEvent.REMOVE_LOCALE_ITEM_REQUEST, localeItem.key));
-					}
-				});
-			}
-			private function handleReferenceLocaleChanged(event:Event):void {
-				setRerenceLocale();
-			}
-			private function setRerenceLocale():void {
-				if ((applicationModel) && (applicationModel.referenceLocale) && (localeItem)) {
-					var item:LocaleItemDataVO = applicationModel.referenceLocale.getItemByKey(localeItem.key);
-					itemReference.text = (item) ? item.value : "";
-				}
-			}
-			private function textarea1_valueCommitHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
-				if ((localeItem) && (itemValue)) {
-					localeItem.value = itemValue.text;
-				}
-			}
-		]]>
-	</fx:Script>
-	<s:VGroup width="225">
-		<s:Button id="deleteKeyButton"
-				  width="30"
-				  height="30"
-				  label="X"
-				  toolTip="Remove this translation"
-				  click="deleteKeyButton_clearHandler(event)"/>
-		<s:Label id="keyLabel"
-				 fontWeight="bold"/>
-	</s:VGroup>
-	<s:TextArea id="itemValue"
-				width="400"
-				valueCommit="textarea1_valueCommitHandler(event)"/>
-	<s:TextArea id="itemReference"
-				width="400"
-				editable="false"
-				selectable="true"/>