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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
-<document url="fitting.html">
-  <properties>
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Curve Fitting</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="13 Curve Fitting">
-      <subsection name="13.1 Overview" href="overview">
-        <p>
-          The fitting package deals with curve fitting for univariate real functions.
-          When a univariate real function y = f(x) does depend on some unknown parameters
-          p<sub>0</sub>, p<sub>1</sub> ... p<sub>n-1</sub>, curve fitting can be used to
-          find these parameters. It does this by <em>fitting</em> the curve so it remains
-          very close to a set of observed points (x<sub>0</sub>, y<sub>0</sub>),
-          (x<sub>1</sub>, y<sub>1</sub>) ... (x<sub>k-1</sub>, y<sub>k-1</sub>). This
-          fitting is done by finding the parameters values that minimizes the objective
-          function Σ(y<sub>i</sub> - f(x<sub>i</sub>))<sup>2</sup>. This is actually a
-          least-squares problem.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          For all provided curve fitters, the operating principle is the same.
-          Users must
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              create an instance of the fitter using the <code>create</code> factory method of the
-              appropriate class,
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              call the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/AbstractCurveFitter">fit</a>
-              with a <code>Collection</code> of <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/WeightedObservedPoint.html">
-                observed data points</a> as argument, which will return an array with the parameters that
-              best fit the given data points.
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-          The list of observed data points to be passed to <code>fit</code> can be built by incrementally
-          adding instances to an instance of <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/WeightedObservedPoints.html">WeightedObservedPoints</a>,
-          and then retrieve the list of <code>WeightedObservedPoint</code> by calling the <code>toList</code>
-          method on that container.
-          A weight can be associated with each observed point; it allows to take into account uncertainty
-          on some points when they come from noisy measurements for example. If no such information exist and
-          all points should be treated the same, it is safe to put 1.0 as the weight for all points (and this
-          is the default when no weight is passed to the <code>add</code>.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Some fitters require that initial values for the parameters are provided by the user,
-          through the <code>withStartPoint</code> method, before attempting to perform the fit.
-          When that's the case the fitter class usually defines a guessing procedure within a
-          <code>ParameterGuesser</code> inner class, that attempts to provide appropriate initial
-          values based on the user-supplied data.
-          When initial values are required but are not provided, the <code>fit</code> method will
-          internally call the guessing procedure.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="13.2 Implemented Functions" href="special">
-        <p>
-          Fitting of specific functions are provided through the following classes:
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/PolynomialCurveFitter.html">
-                PolynomialFitter</a> fits a
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/polynomials/PolynomialFunction.Parametric.html">
-                polynomial</a> function.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/HarmonicCurveFitter.html">
-                HarmonicFitter</a> fits a
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/function/HarmonicOscillator.Parametric.html">
-                harmonic</a> function.
-              An instance of the inner class <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/HarmonicCurveFitter.ParameterGuesser.html">
-                ParameterGuesser</a> can be used to retrieve initial values for the fitting procedure.
-            </li>
-            <li>
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/GaussianCurveFitter.html">
-                GaussianFitter</a> fits a
-              <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/function/Gaussian.Parametric.html">
-                Gaussian</a> function.
-              An instance of the inner class <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/GaussianCurveFitter.ParameterGuesser.html">
-                ParameterGuesser</a> can be used to retrieve initial values for the fitting procedure.
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The following example shows how to fit data with a polynomial function.
-        </p>
-        <source>// Collect data.
-final WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints();
-obs.add(-1.00, 2.021170021833143);
-obs.add(-0.99, 2.221135431136975);
-obs.add(-0.98, 2.09985277659314);
-obs.add(-0.97, 2.0211192647627025);
-// ... Lots of lines omitted ...
-obs.addt(0.99, -2.4345814727089854);
-// Instantiate a third-degree polynomial fitter.
-final PolynomialCurveFitter fitter = PolynomialCurveFitter.create(3);
-// Retrieve fitted parameters (coefficients of the polynomial function).
-final double[] coeff =;
-        </source>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="13.3 General Case" href="general">
-        <p>
-          The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/AbstractCurveFitter.html">
-            AbstractCurveFitter</a> class provides the basic functionality for implementing other
-          curve fitting classes.
-          Users must provide their own implementation of the curve template as a class that implements
-          the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/ParametricUnivariateFunction.html">
-            ParametricUnivariateFunction</a> interface.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-     </section>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-  -->
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
-<document url="fraction.html">
-  <properties>
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Fractions</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="9 Fractions">
-      <subsection name="9.1 Overview" href="overview">
-        <p>
-          The fraction packages provides a fraction number type as well as
-          fraction number formatting.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="9.2 Fraction Numbers" href="fraction">
-        <p>
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fraction/Fraction.html">
-          Fraction</a> and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fraction/BigFraction.html">
-          BigFraction</a> provide fraction number type that forms the basis for
-          the fraction functionality found in Commons-Math. The former one can be
-          used for fractions whose numerators and denominators are small enough
-          to fit in an int (taking care of intermediate values) while the second
-          class should be used when there is a risk the numerator and denominator
-          grow very large.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          A fraction number, can be built from two integer arguments representing numerator
-          and denominator or from a double which will be approximated:
-          <source>Fraction f = new Fraction(1, 3); // 1 / 3
-Fraction g = new Fraction(0.25); // 1 / 4</source>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Of special note with fraction construction, when a fraction is created it is always reduced to lowest terms.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The <code>Fraction</code> class provides many unary and binary
-          fraction operations.  These operations provide the means to add,
-          subtract, multiple and, divide fractions along with other functions similar to the real number functions found in
-          <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code>:
-          <source>Fraction lhs = new Fraction(1, 3);
-Fraction rhs = new Fraction(2, 5);
-Fraction answer = lhs.add(rhs);     // add two fractions
-        answer = lhs.subtract(rhs); // subtract two fractions
-        answer = lhs.abs();         // absolute value
-        answer = lhs.reciprocal();  // reciprocal of lhs</source>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Like fraction construction, for each of the fraction functions, the resulting fraction is reduced to lowest terms.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="9.3 Fraction Formatting and Parsing" href="formatting">
-        <p>
-          <code>Fraction</code> instances can be converted to and from strings
-          using the<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fraction/FractionFormat.html">
-          FractionFormat</a> class. <code>FractionFormat</code> is a
-          <code>java.text.Format</code> extension and, as such, is used like other
-          formatting objects (e.g. <code>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</code>):
-          <source>FractionFormat format = new FractionFormat(); // default format
-Fraction f = new Fraction(2, 4);
-String s = format.format(f); // s contains "1 / 2", note the reduced fraction</source>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          To customize the formatting output, one or two
-          <code>java.text.NumberFormat</code> instances can be used to construct
-          a <code>FractionFormat</code>.  These number formats control the
-          formatting of the numerator and denominator of the fraction:
-          <source>NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
-// create fraction format with custom number format
-// when one number format is used, both numerator and
-// denominator are formatted the same
-FractionFormat format = new FractionFormat(nf);
-Fraction f = new Fraction(2000, 3333);
-String s = format.format(c); // s contains "2.000 / 3.333"
-NumberFormat nf2 = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
-// create fraction format with custom number formats
-format = new FractionFormat(nf, nf2);
-s = format.format(f); // s contains "2.000 / 3,333"</source>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Formatting's inverse operation, parsing, can also be performed by
-          <code>FractionFormat</code>.  To parse a fraction from a string,
-          simply call the <code>parse</code> method:
-          <source>FractionFormat ff = new FractionFormat();
-Fraction f = ff.parse("-10 / 21");</source>
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-    </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/userguide/genetics.xml b/src/site/xdoc/userguide/genetics.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-  -->
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
-<document url="genetics.html">
-  <properties>
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Genetic Algorithms</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="16 Genetic Algorithms">
-      <subsection name="16.1 Overview" href="overview">
-        <p>
-          The genetics package provides a framework and implementations for 
-          genetic algorithms.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="16.2 GA Framework">
-      <p>
-      <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/GeneticAlgorithm.html">
-      GeneticAlgorithm</a> provides an execution framework for Genetic Algorithms (GA).  
-      <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/Population.html">
-      Populations,</a> consisting of <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/Chromosome.html">
-      Chromosomes</a> are evolved by the <code>GeneticAlgorithm</code> until a 
-      <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/StoppingCondition.html">
-      StoppingCondition</a> is reached. Evolution is determined by <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/SelectionPolicy.html">
-      SelectionPolicy</a>, <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/MutationPolicy.html">
-      MutationPolicy</a> and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/Fitness.html">
-      Fitness</a>.
-      </p>
-      <p>
-      The GA itself is implemented by the <code>evolve</code> method of the
-      <code>GeneticAlgorithm</code> class,
-      which looks like this:
-      <source>public Population evolve(Population initial, StoppingCondition condition) {
-    Population current = initial;
-    while (!condition.isSatisfied(current)) {
-        current = nextGeneration(current);
-    }
-    return current;
-          </source>
-          The <code>nextGeneration</code> method implements the following algorithm:
-          <ol>
-          <li>Get nextGeneration population to fill from <code>current</code>
-             generation, using its nextGeneration method</li>
-          <li>Loop until new generation is filled:</li>
-          <ul><li>Apply configured <code>SelectionPolicy</code> to select a pair of parents
-                 from <code>current</code></li>
-             <li>With probability = 
-                 <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/GeneticAlgorithm.html#getCrossoverRate()">
-                 getCrossoverRate()</a>, apply configured <code>CrossoverPolicy</code> to parents</li>
-             <li>With probability = 
-                 <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/GeneticAlgorithm.html#getMutationRate()">
-                 getMutationRate()</a>,
-                 apply configured <code>MutationPolicy</code> to each of the offspring</li>
-             <li>Add offspring individually to nextGeneration,
-                 space permitting</li>
-          </ul>
-          <li>Return nextGeneration</li>
-         </ol>  
-      </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="16.3 Implementation">
-      <p>
-      Here is an example GA execution:
-      <source>
-// initialize a new genetic algorithm
-GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(
-    new OnePointCrossover&lt;Integer&gt;(),
-    1,
-    new RandomKeyMutation(),
-    0.10,
-    new TournamentSelection(TOURNAMENT_ARITY)
-// initial population
-Population initial = getInitialPopulation();
-// stopping condition
-StoppingCondition stopCond = new FixedGenerationCount(NUM_GENERATIONS);
-// run the algorithm
-Population finalPopulation = ga.evolve(initial, stopCond);
-// best chromosome from the final population
-Chromosome bestFinal = finalPopulation.getFittestChromosome();
-        </source>
-        The arguments to the <code>GeneticAlgorithm</code> constructor above are: <br/>
-        <table>
-        <tr><th>Parameter</th><th>value in example</th><th>meaning</th></tr>
-        <tr><td>crossoverPolicy</td>
-        <td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/OnePointCrossover.html">OnePointCrossover</a></td>
-        <td>A random crossover point is selected and the first part from each parent is copied to the corresponding
-        child, and the second parts are copied crosswise.</td></tr>
-        <tr><td>crossoverRate</td>
-        <td>1</td>
-        <td>Always apply crossover</td></tr>
-        <tr><td>mutationPolicy</td>
-        <td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/RandomKeyMutation.html">RandomKeyMutation</a></td>
-        <td>Changes a randomly chosen element of the array representation to a random value uniformly distributed in [0,1].</td></tr>
-        <tr><td>mutationRate</td>
-        <td>.1</td>
-        <td>Apply mutation with probability 0.1 - that is, 10% of the time.</td></tr>
-        <tr><td>selectionPolicy</td>
-        <td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/TournamentSelection.html">TournamentSelection</a></td>
-        <td>Each of the two selected chromosomes is selected based on an n-ary tournament -- this is done by drawing
-        n random chromosomes without replacement from the population, and then selecting the fittest chromosome among them.</td></tr>
-        </table><br/>
-        The algorithm starts with an <code>initial</code> population of <code>Chromosomes.</code> and executes until 
-        the specified <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/StoppingCondition.html">StoppingCondition</a>
-        is reached.  In the example above, a
-        <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/genetics/FixedGenerationCount.html">FixedGenerationCount</a>
-        stopping condition is used, which means the algorithm proceeds through a fixed number of generations.
-      </p>
-      </subsection>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-<document url="geometry.html">
-  <properties>
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Geometry</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="11 Geometry">
-      <subsection name="11.1 Overview" href="overview">
-        <p>
-           The geometry package provides classes useful for many physical simulations
-           in Euclidean spaces, like vectors and rotations in 3D, as well as on the
-           sphere. It also provides a general implementation of Binary Space Partitioning
-           Trees (BSP trees).
-        </p>
-        <p>
-           All supported type of spaces (Euclidean 3D, Euclidean 2D, Euclidean 1D, 2-Sphere
-           and 1-Sphere) provide dedicated classes that represent complex regions of the
-           space as shown in the following table:
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          <table border="1" align="center">
-          <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"><td colspan="2"><font size="+1">Regions</font></td></tr>
-          <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"><font size="+1"><td>Space</td><td>Region</td></font></tr>
-          <tr><td>Euclidean 1D</td><td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/oned/IntervalsSet.html">IntervalsSet</a></td></tr>
-          <tr><td>Euclidean 2D</td><td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/twod/PolygonsSet.html">PolygonsSet</a></td></tr>
-          <tr><td>Euclidean 3D</td><td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/threed/PolyhedronsSet.html">PolyhedronsSet</a></td></tr>
-          <tr><td>1-Sphere</td><td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/spherical/oned/ArcsSet.html">ArcsSet</a></td></tr>
-          <tr><td>2-Sphere</td><td><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/spherical/twod/SphericalPolygonsSet.html">SphericalPolygonsSet</a></td></tr>
-          </table>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          All these regions share common features. Regions can be defined from several non-connected parts.
-          As an example, one PolygonsSet instance in Euclidean 2D (i.e. the plane) can represent a region composed
-          of several separated polygons separate from each other. They also support regions containing holes. As an example
-          a SphericalPolygonsSet on the 2-Sphere can represent a land mass on the Earth with an interior sea, where points
-          on this sea would not be considered to belong to the land mass. Of course more complex models can also be represented
-          and it is possible to define for example one region composed of several continents, with interior sea containing
-          separate islands, some of which having lakes, which may have smaller island ... In the infinite Euclidean spaces,
-          regions can have infinite parts. for example in 1D (i.e. along a line), one can define an interval starting at
-          abscissa 3 and extending up to infinity. This is also possible in 2D and 3D. For all spaces, regions without any
-          boundaries are also possible so one can define the whole space or the empty region.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The classical set operations are available in all cases: union, intersection, symmetric difference (exclusive or),
-          difference, complement. There are also region predicates (point inside/outside/on boundary, emptiness,
-          other region contained). Some geometric properties like size, or boundary size
-          can be computed, as well as barycenters on the Euclidean space. Another important feature available for all these
-          regions is the projection of a point to the closest region boundary (if there is a boundary). The projection provides
-          both the projected point and the signed distance between the point and its projection, with the convention distance
-          to boundary is considered negative if the point is inside the region, positive if the point is outside the region
-          and of course 0 if the point is already on the boundary. This feature can be used for example as the value of a
-          function in a root solver to determine when a moving point crosses the region boundary.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="11.2 Euclidean spaces" href="euclidean">
-        <p>
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/oned/Vector1D.html">
-          Vector1D</a>, <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/twod/Vector2D.html">
-          Vector2D</a> and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/threed/Vector3D.html">
-          Vector3D</a> provide simple vector types. One important feature is
-          that instances of these classes are guaranteed
-          to be immutable, this greatly simplifies modeling dynamical systems
-          with changing states: once a vector has been computed, a reference to it
-          is known to preserve its state as long as the reference itself is preserved.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Numerous constructors are available to create vectors. In addition to the
-          straightforward Cartesian coordinates constructor, a constructor using
-          azimuthal coordinates can build normalized vectors and linear constructors
-          from one, two, three or four base vectors are also available. Constants have
-          been defined for the most commons vectors (plus and minus canonical axes,
-          null vector, and special vectors with infinite or NaN coordinates).
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The generic vectorial space operations are available including dot product,
-          normalization, orthogonal vector finding and angular separation computation
-          which have a specific meaning in 3D. The 3D geometry specific cross product
-          is of course also implemented.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/oned/Vector1DFormat.html">
-          Vector1DFormat</a>, <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/twod/Vector2DFormat.html">
-          Vector2DFormat</a> and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/threed/Vector3DFormat.html">
-          Vector3DFormat</a> are specialized classes for formatting output or parsing
-          input with text representation of vectors.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/threed/Rotation.html">
-          Rotation</a> represents 3D rotations.
-          Rotation instances are also immutable objects, as Vector3D instances.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Rotations can be represented by several different mathematical
-          entities (matrices, axe and angle, Cardan or Euler angles,
-          quaternions). This class presents a higher level abstraction, more
-          user-oriented and hiding implementation details. Well, for the
-          curious, we use quaternions for the internal representation. The user
-          can build a rotation from any of these representations, and any of
-          these representations can be retrieved from a <code>Rotation</code>
-          instance (see the various constructors and getters). In addition, a
-          rotation can also be built implicitly from a set of vectors and their
-          image.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          This implies that this class can be used to convert from one
-          representation to another one. For example, converting a rotation
-          matrix into a set of Cardan angles can be done using the
-          following single line of code:
-        </p>
-        <source>double[] angles = new Rotation(matrix, 1.0e-10).getAngles(RotationOrder.XYZ, RotationConvention.FRAME_TRANSFORM);</source>
-        <p>
-          Focus is oriented on what a rotation <em>does</em> rather than on its
-          underlying representation. Once it has been built, and regardless of
-          its internal representation, a rotation is an <em>operator</em> which
-          basically transforms three dimensional vectors into other three
-          dimensional vectors. Depending on the application, the meaning of
-          these vectors may vary as well as the semantics of the rotation.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          For example in a spacecraft attitude simulation tool, users will
-          often consider the vectors are fixed (say the Earth direction for
-          example) and the rotation transforms the coordinates coordinates of
-          this vector in inertial frame into the coordinates of the same vector
-          in satellite frame. In this case, the rotation implicitly defines the
-          relation between the two frames (we have fixed vectors and moving frame).
-          Another example could be a telescope control application, where the
-          rotation would transform the sighting direction at rest into the desired
-          observing direction when the telescope is pointed towards an object of
-          interest. In this case the rotation transforms the direction at rest in
-          a topocentric frame into the sighting direction in the same topocentric
-          frame (we have moving vectors in fixed frame). In many case, both
-          approaches will be combined, in our telescope example, we will probably
-          also need to transform the observing direction in the topocentric frame
-          into the observing direction in inertial frame taking into account the
-          observatory location and the Earth rotation.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          In order to support naturally both views, the enumerate RotationConvention
-          has been introduced in version 3.6. This enumerate can take two values:
-          <code>VECTOR_OPERATOR</code> or <code>FRAME_TRANSFORM</code>. This
-          enumerate must be passed as an argument to the few methods that depend
-          on an interpretation of the semantics of the angle/axis. The value
-          <code>VECTOR_OPERATOR</code> corresponds to rotations that are
-          considered to move vectors within a fixed frame. The value
-          <code>FRAME_TRANSFORM</code> corresponds to rotations that are
-          considered to represent frame rotations, so fixed vectors coordinates
-          change as their reference frame changes.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          These examples show that a rotation means what the user wants it to
-          mean, so this class does not push the user towards one specific
-          definition and hence does not provide methods like
-          <code>projectVectorIntoDestinationFrame</code> or
-          <code>computeTransformedDirection</code>. It provides simpler and more
-          generic methods: <code>applyTo(Vector3D)</code> and
-          <code>applyInverseTo(Vector3D)</code>.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Since a rotation is basically a vectorial operator, several
-          rotations can be composed together and the composite operation
-          <code>r = r<sub>1</sub> o r<sub>2</sub></code> (which means that for each
-          vector <code>u</code>, <code>r(u) = r<sub>1</sub>(r<sub>2</sub>(u))</code>)
-          is also a rotation. Hence we can consider that in addition to vectors, a
-          rotation can be applied to other rotations as well (or to itself). With our
-          previous notations, we would say we can apply <code>r<sub>1</sub></code> to
-          <code>r<sub>2</sub></code> and the result we get is <code>r =
-          r<sub>1</sub> o r<sub>2</sub></code>. For this purpose, the class
-          provides the methods: <code>compose(Rotation, RotationConvention)</code> and
-          <code>composeInverse(Rotation, RotationConvention)</code>. There are also
-          shortcuts <code>applyTo(Rotation)</code> which is equivalent to
-          <code>compose(Rotation, RotationConvention.VECTOR_OPERATOR)</code> and
-          <code>applyInverseTo(Rotation)</code> which is equivalent to
-          <code>composeInverse(Rotation, RotationConvention.VECTOR_OPERATOR)</code>.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="11.3 n-Sphere" href="sphere">
-        <p>
-          The Apache Commons Math library provides a few classes dealing with geometry
-          on the 1-sphere (i.e. the one dimensional circle corresponding to the boundary of
-          a two-dimensional disc) and the 2-sphere (i.e. the two dimensional sphere surface
-          corresponding to the boundary of a three-dimensional ball). The main classes in
-          this package correspond to the region explained above, i.e.
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/spherical/oned/ArcsSet.html">ArcsSet</a>
-          and <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/spherical/twod/SphericalPolygonsSet.html">SphericalPolygonsSet</a>.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="11.4 Binary Space Partitioning" href="partitioning">
-        <p>
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/partitioning/BSPTree.html">
-          BSP trees</a> are an efficient way to represent space partitions and
-          to associate attributes with each cell. Each node in a BSP tree
-          represents a convex region which is partitioned in two convex
-          sub-regions at each side of a cut hyperplane. The root tree
-          contains the complete space.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The main use of such partitions is to use a boolean attribute to
-          define an inside/outside property, hence representing arbitrary
-          polytopes (line segments in 1D, polygons in 2D and polyhedrons in
-          3D) and to operate on them. This is how the regions explained above in the Euclidean
-          and Sphere spaces are implemented. The partitioning package provides the engine to do the
-          computation, but not the dimension-specific implementations. The
-          various interfaces in this package (hyperplane, sub-hyperplane, embedding,
-          and even region) are therefore not considered to be reusable public
-          interface, they are private interface. They may change and users are not expected to
-          rely directly on them. What users can rely on is the BSP tree class itself, and the
-          space-specific implementations of the interfaces (i.e. Plane in 3D as the implementation
-          of hyperplane, or S2Point on the 2-Sphere as the implementation of Point).
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Another example of BST tree use would be to represent Voronoi tesselations, the
-          attribute of each cell holding the defining point of the cell. This is not
-          available yet.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The application-defined attributes are shared among copied
-          instances and propagated to split parts. These attributes are not
-          used by the BSP-tree algorithms themselves, so the application can
-          use them for any purpose. Since the tree visiting method holds
-          internal and leaf nodes differently, it is possible to use
-          different classes for internal nodes attributes and leaf nodes
-          attributes. This should be used with care, though, because if the
-          tree is modified in any way after attributes have been set, some
-          internal nodes may become leaf nodes and some leaf nodes may become
-          internal nodes.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="11.5 Regions">
-        <p>
-          The regions in all Euclidean and spherical spaces are based on BSP-tree using a <code>Boolean</code>
-          attribute in the leaf cells representing the inside status of the corresponding cell
-          (true for inside cells, false for outside cells). They all need a <code>tolerance</code> setting that
-          is either provided at construction when the region is built from scratch or inherited from the input
-          regions when a region is build by set operations applied to other regions. This setting is used when
-          the region itself will be used later in another set operation or when points are tested against the
-          region to compute inside/outside/on boundary status. This tolerance is the <em>thickness</em>
-          of the hyperplane. Points closer than this value to a boundary hyperplane will be considered
-          <em>on boundary</em>. There are no default values anymore for this setting (there was one when
-          BSP-tree support was introduced, but it created more problems than it solved, so it has been intentionally
-          removed). Setting this tolerance really depends on the expected values for the various coordinates. If for
-          example the region is used to model a geological structure with a scale of a few thousand meters, the expected
-          coordinates order of magnitude will be about 10<sup>3</sup> and the tolerance could be set to 10<sup>-7</sup>
-          (i.e.  0.1 micrometer) or above. If very thin triangles or nearly parallel lines occur, it may be safer to use
-          a larger value like 10<sup>-3</sup> for example. Of course if the BSP-tree is used to model a crystal at
-          atomic level with coordinates of the order of magnitude about 10<sup>-9</sup> the tolerance should be
-          drastically reduced (perhaps down to 10<sup>-20</sup> or so).
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The recommended way to build regions is to start from basic shapes built from their boundary representation
-          and to use the set operations to combine these basic shapes into more complex shapes. The basic shapes
-          that can be constructed from boundary representations must have a closed boundary and be in one part
-          without holes. Regions in several non-connected parts or with holes must be built by building the parts
-          beforehand and combining them. All regions (<code>IntervalsSet</code>, <code>PolygonsSet</code>,
-          <code>PolyhedronsSet</code>, <code>ArcsSet</code>, <code>SphericalPolygonsSet</code>) provide a dedicated
-          constructor using only the mandatory tolerance distance without any other parameters that always create
-          the region covering the full space. The empty region case, can be built by building first the full space
-          region and applying the <code>RegionFactory.getComplement()</code> method to it to get the corresponding
-          empty region, it can also be built directly for a one-cell BSP-tree as explained below.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Another way to build regions is to create directly the underlying BSP-tree. All regions (<code>IntervalsSet</code>,
-          <code>PolygonsSet</code>, <code>PolyhedronsSet</code>, <code>ArcsSet</code>, <code>SphericalPolygonsSet</code>)
-          provide a dedicated constructor that accepts a BSP-tree and a tolerance. This way to build regions should be
-          reserved to dimple cases like the full space, the empty space of regions with only one or two cut hyperplances.
-          It is not recommended in the general case and is considered expert use. The leaf nodes of the BSP-tree
-          <em>must</em> have a <code>Boolean</code> attribute representing the inside status of the corresponding cell
-          (true for inside cells, false for outside cells). In order to avoid building too many small objects, it is
-          recommended to use the predefined constants <code>Boolean.TRUE</code> and <code>Boolean.FALSE</code>. Using
-          this method, one way to build directly an empty region without complementing the full region is as follows
-          (note the tolerance parameter which must be present even for the empty region):
-        </p>
-        <source>
-PolygonsSet empty = new PolygonsSet(new BSPTree&lt;Euclidean2D&gt;(false), tolerance);
-        </source>
-        <p>
-         In the Euclidean 3D case, the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/geometry/euclidean/threed/PolyhedronsSet.html">PolyhedronsSet</a>
-         class has another specific constructor to build regions from vertices and facets. The signature of this
-         constructor is:
-        </p>
-        <source>
-PolyhedronsSet(List&lt;Vector3D&gt; vertices, List&lt;int[]&gt; facets, double tolerance);
-        </source>
-        <p>
-          The vertices list contains all the vertices of the polyhedrons, the facets list defines the facets,
-          as an indirection in the vertices list. Each facet is a short integer array and each element in a
-          facet array is the index of one vertex in the list. So in our cube example, the vertices list would
-          contain 8 points corresponding to the cube vertices, the facets list would contain 6 facets (the sides
-          of the cube) and each facet would contain 4 integers corresponding to the indices of the 4 vertices
-          defining one side. Of course, each vertex would be referenced once in three different facets.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Beware that despite some basic consistency checks are performed in the constructor, not everything
-          is checked, so it remains under caller responsibility to ensure the vertices and facets are consistent
-          and properly define a polyhedrons set. One particular trick is that when defining a facet, the vertices
-          <em>must</em> be provided as walking the polygons boundary in <em>trigonometric</em> order (i.e.
-          counterclockwise) as seen from the *external* side of the facet. The reason for this is that the walking
-          order does define the orientation of the inside and outside parts, so walking the boundary on the wrong
-          order would reverse the facet and the polyhedrons would not be the one you intended to define. Coming
-          back to our cube example, a logical orientation of the facets would define the polyhedrons as the finite
-          volume within the cube to be the inside and the infinite space surrounding the cube as the outside, but
-          reversing all facets would also define a perfectly well behaved polyhedrons which would have the infinite
-          space surrounding the cube as its inside and the finite volume within the cube as its outside!
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          If one wants to further look at how it works, there is a test parser for PLY file formats in the unit tests
-          section of the library and some basic ply files for a simple geometric shape (the N pentomino) in the test
-          resources. This parser uses the constructor defined above as the PLY file format uses vertices and facets
-          to represent 3D shapes.
-        </p>
-       </subsection>
-     </section>
-  </body>
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 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="./xdoc.xsl"?>
 <document url="index.html">
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Table of Contents</title>
+    <title>The Commons Numbers User Guide - Table of Contents</title>
       <section name="Table of Contents" href="toc">
-        <ul>
-          <li><a href="overview.html">0. Overview</a>
-            <ul>
-              <li><a href="overview.html#a0.1_About_the_User_Guide">0.1 About the User Guide</a></li>
-              <li><a href="overview.html#a0.2_Whats_in_commons-math">0.2 What's in commons-math</a></li>
-              <li><a href="overview.html#a0.3_How_commons-math_is_organized">0.3 How commons-math is organized</a></li>
-              <li><a href="overview.html#a0.4_How_interface_contracts_are_specified_in_commons-math_javadoc">0.4 How interface contracts are specified in commons-math javadoc</a></li>
-              <li><a href="overview.html#a0.5_Dependencies">0.5 Dependencies</a></li>
-            </ul></li>
-           <li><a href="stat.html">1. Statistics</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.1_Overview">1.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.2_Descriptive_statistics">1.2 Descriptive statistics</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.3_Frequency_distributions">1.3 Frequency distributions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.4_Simple_regression">1.4 Simple regression</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.5_Multiple_linear_regression">1.5 Multiple Regression</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.6_Rank_transformations">1.6 Rank transformations</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.7_Covariance_and_correlation">1.7 Covariance and correlation</a></li>
-                <li><a href="stat.html#a1.8_Statistical_tests">1.8 Statistical Tests</a></li>
-                </ul></li>
-            <li><a href="random.html">2. Data Generation</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.1_Overview">2.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.2_Random_numbers">2.2 Random numbers</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.3_Random_Vectors">2.3 Random Vectors</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.4_Random_Strings">2.4 Random Strings</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.5_Random_permutations_combinations_sampling">2.5 Random permutations, combinations, sampling</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.6_Generating_data_like_an_input_file">2.6 Generating data 'like' an input file</a></li>
-                <li><a href="random.html#a2.7_PRNG_Pluggability">2.7 PRNG Pluggability</a></li>
-                </ul></li>
-            <li><a href="linear.html">3. Linear Algebra</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.1_Overview">3.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.2_Real_matrices">3.2 Real matrices</a></li>
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.3_Real_vectors">3.3 Real vectors</a></li>
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.4_Solving_linear_systems">3.4 Solving linear systems</a></li> 
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.5_Eigenvalueseigenvectors_and_singular_valuessingular_vectors">3.5 Eigenvalues/eigenvectors and singular values/singular vectors</a></li>
-                <li><a href="linear.html#a3.6_Non-real_fields_complex_fractions_...">3.6 Non-real fields (complex, fractions ...)</a></li>
-                </ul></li>             
-            <li><a href="analysis.html">4. Numerical Analysis</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.1_Overview">4.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.2_Error-handling">4.2 Error handling</a></li>                
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.3_Root-finding">4.3 Root-finding</a></li>                
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.4_Interpolation">4.4 Interpolation</a></li>
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.5_Integration">4.5 Integration</a></li>
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.6_Polynomials">4.6 Polynomials</a></li>
-                <li><a href="analysis.html#a4.7_Differentiation">4.7 Differentiation</a></li>
-                </ul></li>     
-            <li><a href="special.html">5. Special Functions</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="special.html#a5.1_Overview">5.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="special.html#a5.2_Erf_functions">5.2 Erf functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="special.html#a5.3_Gamma_functions">5.3 Gamma functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="special.html#a5.4_Beta_funtions">5.4 Beta funtions</a></li>
-                </ul></li>   
-        <li><a href="utilities.html">6. Utilities</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.1_Overview">6.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.2_Double_array_utilities">6.2 Double array utilities</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.3_intdouble_hash_map">6.3 int/double hash map</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.4_Continued_Fractions">6.4 Continued Fractions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.5_binomial_coefficients_factorials_Stirling_numbers_and_other_common_math_functions">6.5 Binomial coefficients, factorials, Stirling numbers and other common math functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.6_fast_math">6.6 Fast mathematical functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="utilities.html#a6.7_miscellaneous">6.7 Miscellaneous</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="complex.html">7. Complex Numbers</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="complex.html#a7.1_Overview">7.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="complex.html#a7.2_Complex_Numbers">7.2 Complex Numbers</a></li>
-                <li><a href="complex.html#a7.3_Complex_Transcendental_Functions">7.3 Complex Transcendental Functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="complex.html#a7.4_Complex_Formatting_and_Parsing">7.4 Complex Formatting and Parsing</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="distribution.html">8. Probability Distributions</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="distribution.html#a8.1_Overview">8.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="distribution.html#a8.2_Distribution_Framework">8.2 Distribution Framework</a></li>
-                <li><a href="distribution.html#a8.3_User_Defined_Distributions">8.3 User Defined Distributions</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="fraction.html">9. Fractions</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="fraction.html#a9.1_Overview">9.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="fraction.html#a9.2_Fraction_Numbers">9.2 Fraction Numbers</a></li>
-                <li><a href="fraction.html#a9.3_Fraction_Formatting_and_Parsing">9.3 Fraction Formatting and Parsing</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="transform.html">10. Transform methods</a></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="geometry.html">11. Geometry</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="geometry.html#a11.1_Overview">11.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="geometry.html#a11.2_Euclidean_spaces">11.2  Euclidean spaces</a></li>
-                <li><a href="geometry.html#a11.3_n-Sphere">11.3 n-Sphere</a></li>
-                <li><a href="geometry.html#a11.4_Binary_Space_Partitioning">11.4 Binary Space Partitioning</a></li>
-                <li><a href="geometry.html#a11.5_Regions">11.5 Regions</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="optimization.html">12. Optimization</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="optimization.html#a12.1_Overview">12.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="optimization.html#a12.2_Univariate_Functions">12.2 Univariate Functions</a></li>
-                <li><a href="optimization.html#a12.3_Linear_Programming">12.3 Linear Programming</a></li>
-                <li><a href="optimization.html#a12.4_Direct_Methods">12.4 Direct Methods</a></li>
-                <li><a href="optimization.html#a12.5_General_Case">12.5 General Case</a></li>
-                </ul></li>                                 
-        <li><a href="fitting.html">13. Curve Fitting</a>
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a13.1_Overview">13.1 Overview</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a13.2_Implemented_Functions">13.2 Implemented Functions</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a13.3_General_Case">13.3 General Case</a></li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="leastsquares.html">14. Least Squares</a>
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.1_Overview">14.1 Overview</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.2_LeastSquaresBuilder_and_LeastSquaresFactory">14.2 LeastSquaresBuilder and LeastSquaresFactory</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.3_Model_Function">14.3 Model Function</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.4_Parameters_Validation">14.4 Parameters Validation</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.5_Tuning">14.5 Tuning</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.6_Optimization_Engine">14.6 Optimization Engine</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.7_Solving">14.7 Solving</a></li>
-            <li><a href="fitting.html#a14.8_Example">14.8 Example</a></li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="ode.html">15. Ordinary Differential Equations Integration</a>
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="ode.html#a15.1_Overview">15.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="ode.html#a15.2_Continuous_Output">15.2 Continuous Output</a></li>
-                <li><a href="ode.html#a15.3_Discrete_Events_Handling">15.3 Discrete Events Handling</a></li>
-                <li><a href="ode.html#a15.4_Available_Integrators">15.4 Available Integrators</a></li>
-                <li><a href="ode.html#a15.5_Derivatives">15.5 Derivatives</a></li>
-                </ul></li>
-        <li><a href="genetics.html">16. Genetic Algorithms</a>   
-                <ul>
-                <li><a href="genetics.html#a16.1_Overview">16.1 Overview</a></li>
-                <li><a href="genetics.html#a16.2_GA_Framework">16.2 GA Framework</a></li>
-                <li><a href="genetics.html#a16.3_Implementation">16.3 Implementation and Examples</a></li>  
-        </ul></li>
-        <li><a href="filter.html">17. Filters</a>
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="filter.html#a17.1_Overview">17.1 Overview</a></li>
-            <li><a href="filter.html#a17.2_Kalman_Filter">17.2 Kalman Filter</a></li>
+          <ul>  
+              <li>
+                  <a href="core.html">1. Core</a>
+              </li>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="ml.html">18. Machine Learning</a>
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="ml.html#overview">18.1 Overview</a></li>
-            <li><a href="ml.html#clustering">18.2 Clustering algorithms and distance measures</a></li>
-            <li><a href="ml.html#implementation">18.3 Implementation</a></li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>        
-        <li><a href="exceptions.html">19. Exceptions</a>
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="exceptions.html#a19.1_Overview">19.1 Overview</a></li>
-            <li><a href="exceptions.html#a19.2_Unchecked_Exceptions">19.2 Unchecked Exceptions</a></li>
-            <li><a href="exceptions.html#a19.3_Hierarchies">19.3 Hierarchies</a></li>
-            <li><a href="exceptions.html#a19.4_Features">19.4 Features</a></li>
-          </ul>
-        </li>
-        </ul>
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-<document url="fitting.html">
-  <properties>
-    <title>The Commons Math User Guide - Least squares</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="14 Least squares">
-      <subsection name="14.1 Overview">
-        <p>
-          The least squares package fits a parametric model to a set of observed
-          values by minimizing a cost function with a specific form.
-          The fitting basically consists in finding the values
-          for some parameters p<sub>k</sub> such that a cost function
-          J = sum(w<sub>i</sub>(target<sub>i</sub> - model<sub>i</sub>)<sup>2</sup>) is
-          minimized. The various (target<sub>i</sub> - model<sub>i</sub>(p<sub>k</sub>))
-          terms are called residuals. They represent the deviation between a set of
-          target values target<sub>i</sub> and theoretical values computed from
-          models model<sub>i</sub> depending on free parameters p<sub>k</sub>.
-          The w<sub>i</sub> factors are weights. One classical use case is when the
-          target values are experimental observations or measurements.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Two engines devoted to least-squares problems are available. The first one is
-          based on the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/GaussNewtonOptimizer.html">
-          Gauss-Newton</a> method. The second one is the <a
-          href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.html">
-          Levenberg-Marquardt</a> method.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.2 LeastSquaresBuilder and LeastSquaresFactory">
-        <p>
-          In order to solve a least-squares fitting problem, the user must provide the following elements:
-          <ul>
-           <li>a mean to evaluate all the components of the model for a given set of parameters:
-               model<sub>i</sub> = f<sub>i</sub>(p<sub>1</sub>, p<sub>2</sub>, ... p<sub>k</sub>),
-               this is code</li>
-           <li>the target (or observed) components: target<sub>i</sub>, this is data</li>
-           <li>the start values for all p<sub>k</sub> parameters: s<sub>k</sub>, this is data</li>
-           <li>optionally a validator for the p<sub>k</sub> parameters, this is code</li>
-           <li>optionally the weight for sample point i: w<sub>i</sub>, this is data and defaults to 1.0 if not provided</li>
-           <li>a maximum number of iterations, this is data</li>
-           <li>a maximum number of evaluations, this is data</li>
-           <li>a convergence criterion, this is code</li>
-          </ul>
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The elements of the list above can be provided as an implementation of the
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresProblem.html">
-          LeastSquaresProblem</a> interface. However, this is cumbersome to do directly, so some helper
-          classes are available. The first helper is a mutable builder:
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresBuilder.html">
-          LeastSquaresBuilder</a>. The second helper is an utility factory:
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresFactory.html">
-          LeastSquaresFactory</a>.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The builder class is better suited when setting the various elements of the least squares
-          problem is done progressively in different places in the user code. In this case, the user
-          would create first an empty builder andconfigure it progressively by calling its methods
-          (<code>start</code>, <code>target</code>, <code>model</code>, ...). Once the configuration
-          is complete, calling the <code>build</code> method would create the least squares problem.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The factory utility is better suited when the various elements of the least squares
-          problem are all known at one place and the problem can be built in just one sweep, calling
-          to one of the static <code>LeastSquaresFactory.create</code> method.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.3 Model Function">
-        <p>
-          The model function is used by the least squares engine to evaluate the model components
-          model<sub>i</sub> given some test parameters p<sub>k</sub>. It is therefore a multivariate
-          function (it depends on the various p<sub>k</sub>) and it is vector-valued (it has several
-          components model<sub>i</sub>). There must be exactly one component model<sub>i</sub> for
-          each target (or observed) component target<sub>i</sub>, otherwise some residuals to be
-          squared and summed could not be computed. In order for the problem to be well defined, the
-          number of parameters p<sub>k</sub> must be less than the number of components model<sub>i</sub>.
-          Failing to ensure this may lead to the engine throwing an exception as the underlying linear
-          algebra operations may encounter singular matrices. It is not unusual to have a large number
-          of components (several thousands) and only a dozen parameters. There are no limitations on these
-          numbers, though.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          As the least squares engine needs to create Jacobians matrices for the model function, both
-          its value and its derivatives <em>with respect to the p<sub>k</sub> parameters</em> must
-          be available. There are two ways to provide this:
-          <ul>
-            <li>provide one
-            <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/MultivariateVectorFunction.html">MultivariateVectorFunction</a>
-            instance for computing the components values and one
-            <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/MultivariateMatrixFunction.html">MultivariateMatrixFunction</a>
-            instance for computing the components derivatives (i.e. the Jacobian matrix) with
-            respect to the parameters,</li>
-            <li>or provide one
-            <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/MultivariateJacobianFunction.html">MultivariateJacobianFunction</a>
-            instance for computing both the components values and their derivatives simultaneously.</li>
-          </ul>
-          The first alternative is best suited for models which are not computationally intensive
-          as it allows more modularized code with one method for each type of computation. The second
-          alternative is best suited for models which are computationally intensive and evaluating
-          both the values and derivatives in one sweep saves a lot of work.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The <code>point</code> parameter of the <code>value</code> methods in the
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/MultivariateVectorFunction.html">MultivariateVectorFunction</a>,
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/MultivariateMatrixFunction.html">MultivariateMatrixFunction</a>,
-          or <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/MultivariateJacobianFunction.html">MultivariateJacobianFunction</a>
-          interfaces will contain the parameters p<sub>k</sub>. The values will be the model components
-          model<sub>i</sub> and the derivatives will be the derivatives of the model components
-          with respect to the parameters dmodel<sub>i</sub>/dp<sub>k</sub>.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          There are no requirements on how to compute value and derivatives. The
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/analysis/differentiation/DerivativeStructure.html">
-          DerivativeStructure</a> class may be useful to compute analytically derivatives in
-          difficult cases, but this class is not mandated by the API which only expects the derivatives
-          as a Jacobian matrix containing primitive double entries.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          One non-obvious feature provided by both the builder and the factory is lazy evaluation. This feature
-          allows to defer calls to the model functions until they are really needed by the engine. This
-          can save some calls for engines that evaluate the value and the Jacobians in different loops
-          (this is the case for Levenberg-Marquardt). However, lazy evaluation is possible <em>only</em>
-          if the model functions are themselves separated, i.e. it can be used only with the first
-          alternative above. Setting up the <code>lazyEvaluation</code> flag to <code>true</code> in the builder
-          or factory and setting up the model function as one
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/MultivariateJacobianFunction.html">MultivariateJacobianFunction</a>
-          instance at the same time will trigger an illegal state exception telling that the model function
-          misses required functionality.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.4 Parameters Validation">
-       <p>
-         In some cases, the model function requires parameters to lie within a specific domain. For example
-         a parameter may be used in a square root and needs to be positive, or another parameter represents
-         the sine of an angle and should be within -1 and +1, or several parameters may need to remain in
-         the unit circle and the sum of their squares must be smaller than 1. The least square solvers available
-         in Apache Commons Math currently don't allow to set up constraints on the parameters. This is a
-         known missing feature. There are two ways to circumvent this.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-         Both ways are achieved by setting up a
-         <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/ParameterValidator.html">ParameterValidator</a>
-         instance. The input of the value and jacobian model functions will always be the output of
-         the parameter validator if one exists.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-         One way to constrain parameters is to use a continuous mapping between the parameters that the
-         least squares solver will handle and the real parameters of the mathematical model. Using mapping
-         functions like <code>logit</code> and <code>sigmoid</code>, one can map a finite range to the
-         infinite real line. Using mapping functions based on <code>log</code> and <code>exp</code>, one
-         can map a semi-infinite range to the infinite real line. It is possible to use such a mapping so
-         that the engine will always see unbounded parameters, whereas on the other side of the mapping the
-         mathematical model will always see parameters mapped correctly to the expected range. Care must be
-         taken with derivatives as one must remember that the parameters have been mapped. Care must also
-         be taken with convergence status. This may be tricky.
-       </p>
-       <p>
-         Another way to constrain parameters is to simply truncate the parameters back to the domain when
-         one search point escapes from it and not care about derivatives. This works <em>only</em> if the
-         solution is expected to be inside the domain and not at the boundary, as points out of the domain
-         will only be temporary test points with a cost function higher than the real solution and will soon
-         be dropped by the underlying engine. As a rule of thumb, these conditions are met only when the
-         domain boundaries correspond to unrealistic values that will never be achieved (null distances,
-         negative masses, ...) but they will not be met when the domain boundaries are more operational
-         limits (a maximum weight that can be handled by a device, a minimum temperature that can be
-         sustained by an instrument, ...).
-       </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.5 Tuning">
-        <p>
-          Among the elements to be provided to the least squares problem builder or factory
-          are some tuning parameters for the solver.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          The maximum number of iterations refers to the engine algorithm main loop, whereas the
-          maximum number of iterations refers to the number of calls to the model method. Some
-          algorithms (like Levenberg-Marquardt) have two embedded loops, with iteration number
-          being incremented at outer loop level, but a new evaluation being done at each inner
-          loop. In this case, the number of evaluations will be greater than the number of iterations.
-          Other algorithms (like Gauss-Newton) have only one level of loops. In this case, the
-          number of evaluations will equal to the number of iterations. In any case, the maximum
-          numbers are really only intended as safeguard to prevent infinite loops, so the exact
-          value of the limit is not important so it is common to select some almost arbitrary number
-          much larger than the expected number of evaluations and use it for both
-          <code>maxIterations</code> and <code>maxEvaluations</code>. As an example, if the least
-          squares solver usually finds a solution in 50 iterations, setting a maximum value to 1000
-          is probably safe and prevents infinite loops. If the least squares solver needs several
-          hundreds of evaluations, it would probably be safer to set the maximum value to 10000 or
-          even 1000000 to avoid failures in slightly more demanding cases. Very fine tuning of
-          these maximum numbers is often worthless, they are only intended as safeguards.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Convergence checking is delegated to a dedicated interface from the <code>optim</code>
-          package: <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/optim/ConvergenceChecker.html">
-          ConvergenceChecker</a>, parameterized with either the specific
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresProblem.Evaluation.html">Evaluation</a>
-          class used for least squares problems or the general
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/optim/PointVectorValuePair.html">PointVectorValuePair</a>.
-          Each time convergence is checked, both the previous
-          and the current evaluations of the least squares problem are provided, so the checker can
-          compare them and decide whereas convergence has been reached or not. The predefined convergence
-          checker implementations that can be useful for least squares fitting are:
-          <ul>
-            <li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/EvaluationRmsChecker.html">EvaluationRmsChecker</a>,
-            which uses only the normalized cost (square-root of the sum of squared of the residuals,
-            divided by the number of measurements),</li>
-            <li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/optim/SimpleVectorValueChecker.html">SimpleVectorValueChecker</a>,
-            which uses the model components themselves (<em>not</em> the residuals),</li>
-            <li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/optim/SimplePointChecker.html">SimplePointChecker&lt;PointVectorValuePair&gt;</a>,
-            which uses the parameters.</li>
-          </ul>
-          Of course, users can also provide their own implementation of the
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/optim/ConvergenceChecker.html">ConvergenceChecker</a>
-          interface.
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.6 Optimization Engine">
-        <p>
-          Once the least squares problem has been created, using either the builder or the factory,
-          it is passed to an optimization engine for solving. Two engines devoted to least-squares
-          problems are available. The first one is
-          based on the <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/GaussNewtonOptimizer.html">
-          Gauss-Newton</a> method. The second one is the <a
-          href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.html">
-          Levenberg-Marquardt</a> method. For both increased readability and in order to leverage
-          possible future changes in the configuration, it is recommended to use the fluent-style API to
-          build and configure the optimizers. This means creating a first temporary version of the optimizer
-          with a default parameterless constructor, and then to set up the various configuration parameters
-          using the available <code>withXxx</code> methods that all return a new optimizer instance. Only the
-          final fully configured instance is used. As an example, setting up a Levenberg-Marquardt with
-          all configuration set to default except the cost relative tolerance and parameter relative tolerance
-          would be done as follows:
-        </p>
-        <source>
-  LeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer().
-                                    withCostRelativeTolerance(1.0e-12).
-                                    withParameterRelativeTolerance(1.0e-12);
-        </source>
-        <p>
-        As another example, setting up a Gauss-Newton optimizer and forcing the decomposition to SVD (the
-        default is QR decomposition) would be done as follows:
-        </p>
-        <source>
-  LeastSquaresOptimizer optimizer = new GaussNewtonOptimizer().
-                                    withwithDecomposition(GaussNewtonOptimizer.Decomposition.QR);
-        </source>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.7 Solving">
-        <p>
-        Solving the least squares problem is done by calling the <code>optimize</code> method of the
-        optimizer and passing the least squares problem as the single parameter:
-        </p>
-        <source>
-  LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum optimum = optimizer.optimize(leastSquaresProblem);
-        </source>
-        <p>
-          The <a
-          href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum.html">
-          LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum</a> class is a specialized
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresProblem.Evaluation.html">Evaluation</a>
-          with additional methods te retrieve the number of evaluations and number of iterations performed.
-          The most important methods are inherited from the
-          <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/fitting/leastsquares/LeastSquaresProblem.Evaluation.html">Evaluation</a>
-          class and correspond to the point (i.e. the parameters), cost, Jacobian, RMS, covariance ...
-        </p>
-      </subsection>
-      <subsection name="14.8 Example">
-        <p>
-          The following simple example shows how to find the center of a circle of known radius to
-          to best fit observed 2D points. It is a simplified version of one of the JUnit test cases.
-          In the complete test case, both the circle center and its radius are fitted, here the
-          radius is fixed.
-        </p>
-        <source>
-  final double radius = 70.0;
-  final Vector2D[] observedPoints = new Vector2D[] {
-      new Vector2D( 30.0,  68.0),
-      new Vector2D( 50.0,  -6.0),
-      new Vector2D(110.0, -20.0),
-      new Vector2D( 35.0,  15.0),
-      new Vector2D( 45.0,  97.0)
-  };
-  // the model function components are the distances to current estimated center,
-  // they should be as close as possible to the specified radius
-  MultivariateJacobianFunction distancesToCurrentCenter = new MultivariateJacobianFunction() {
-      public Pair&lt;RealVector, RealMatrix&gt; value(final RealVector point) {
-          Vector2D center = new Vector2D(point.getEntry(0), point.getEntry(1));
-          RealVector value = new ArrayRealVector(observedPoints.length);
-          RealMatrix jacobian = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(observedPoints.length, 2);
-          for (int i = 0; i &lt; observedPoints.length; ++i) {
-              Vector2D o = observedPoints[i];
-              double modelI = Vector2D.distance(o, center);
-              value.setEntry(i, modelI);
-              // derivative with respect to p0 = x center
-              jacobian.setEntry(i, 0, (center.getX() - o.getX()) / modelI);
-              // derivative with respect to p1 = y center
-              jacobian.setEntry(i, 1, (center.getX() - o.getX()) / modelI);
-          }
-          return new Pair&lt;RealVector, RealMatrix&gt;(value, jacobian);
-      }
-  };
-  // the target is to have all points at the specified radius from the center
-  double[] prescribedDistances = new double[observedPoints.length];
-  Arrays.fill(prescribedDistances, radius);
-  // least squares problem to solve : modeled radius should be close to target radius
-  LeastSquaresProblem problem = new LeastSquaresBuilder().
-                                start(new double[] { 100.0, 50.0 }).
-                                model(distancesToCurrentCenter).
-                                target(prescribedDistances).
-                                lazyEvaluation(false).
-                                maxEvaluations(1000).
-                                maxIterations(1000).
-                                build();
-  LeastSquaresOptimizer.Optimum optimum = new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer().optimize(problem);
-  Vector2D fittedCenter = new Vector2D(optimum.getPoint().getEntry(0), optimum.getPoint().getEntry(1));
-  System.out.println("fitted center: " + fittedCenter.getX() + " " + fittedCenter.getY());
-  System.out.println("RMS: "           + optimum.getRMS());
-  System.out.println("evaluations: "   + optimum.getEvaluations());
-  System.out.println("iterations: "    + optimum.getIterations());
-        </source>
-      </subsection>
-     </section>
-  </body>