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Posted to by Andres Danter <> on 2013/09/06 04:31:26 UTC

Question regarding hadoop_home

Hi devs,

I have been working on adding Accumulo to Ambari and during my poking I
noticed that hadoop_home is being set to "/usr" in the params.pp puppet
script under the hdp module.  This is of course on the agent side of
things.  I also noticed that there are two variables: 32 and 64, which are
set to the locations of the 32-bit libraries and 64-bit libraries,
respectively, as follows:

    32 => "${hadoop_home}/lib",
    64 => "${hadoop_home}/lib64"

I know that this is me being picky, but wouldn't it be less confusing to
set hadoop_home  to what it should be: "/usr/lib/hadoop" and replace
${hadoop_home} in the lines above with "/usr"?  I know this confused me
when I encountered it, so it might do the same to others that may need
hadoop_home to be set to something meaningful.

If I get the thumbs up (or +1) on this change, I'll create the ticket and
post the patch.

Thanks all,
