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Posted to by James Clinton <> on 2008/06/13 14:17:18 UTC

RE: modalDialog> + facelets

This only works in FF as far as I know.  Are you using IE?


RichFaces has a modal which works in both browsers, this sits well with Tomahawk too...



From: Angel Miralles Arevalo [] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:07 AM
Subject: <s:modalDialog> + facelets


Hey everybody, I'm trying to integrate tomahawk with facelets, following the steps:


1. Create "sandbox.taglib.xml"

2. Define it on "web.xml":


<!-- Tomahwak/Sandbox con facelets -->






3. Specify tags:










4. Use tag:


<jsp:root xmlns:jsp=""










    <s:modalDialog dialogId="FormUsuario" dialogVar="dojoDialogUsuario" 

                       dialogAttr="bgColor='white' bgOpacity='0.5' toggle='fade' toggleDuration='250'"

                       hiderIds="guardar" styleClass="">

    <h:form id="AutorizacionUsuarioForm">

        <h:panelGrid cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" columns="1" styleClass="porcen60">


                <t:outputText value="#{msg.autorizacion_usuario_usuario}"></t:outputText> 

                <t:inputText value="#{autorizacionUsuarioBean.strUsuario}" size="25"/>



                <t:commandButton id="guardar" forceId="true" value="#{msg.boton_guardar}" onclick="dojo.widget.byId('FormUsuario').hide();"/>







    <h:form id="AutorizacionForm">


            <t:commandLink onclick=";">

                    <h:graphicImage value="/img/detalles/candado.gif" styleClass="mano"/>










But I don´t get it working, always javascript problem: "dojoDialogUsuario" doesn't exists. Moreover when I display the view the modal dialog is on the screen, it isn't hide.

I use other sandbox components like <s:pprPanelGroup> and it works perfectly.


Any idea what's happening?


Thanks in advanced.




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