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Posted to by micky <> on 2001/02/09 09:53:22 UTC

ServletPath Problem

I am running linux 6.2 tomcat 3.2.1.

I created a WAR file called dci.war and placed it in the webapps dir. When I
try to access the directory through the web I get a page not found error. I
can access the other default tomat directories. I can also call html pages
from the /dci directory.

I belive the problem is related to the JSP path.

When looking at the logs. I see JspEngine --> /examples/num/*.jsp
					   ServletPath: /example/num/*.jsp

The above works

When it does not work I see JspEngine --> /dci.jsp
				    ServletPath: /dci.jsp

I believe it should look like JspEngine --> /dci/dci.jsp
				    ServletPath: /dci/dci.jsp

My question is Where do I specify the Directory so that the JSP reads the
default. I thought all of this was taken care of when you use a war file in
webapps dir.

thanks in advance

| Micky Mimo                    |
| Systems Specialist            |
| (781) 457 - 1317              |
|         ===================\
|There was once a young man from Wight 		   |
|Who could travel faster than the speed of light.  |
|He went out one day 					   |
|In a relative way 					   |
|And returned home the previous night.		   |